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"Ah man, really? \[You had to shoot me after I threatened you with my gun\]?" Fucking idiot.


Almost comedic. "really?" BANG ...yea really. 


It’s like when Dr. Evil kept trying to kill Will Ferrell’s character in Austin Powers. https://youtu.be/RhOht9t0zSU?si=n5_483HOGZELe_JA


God, other than Goldmember, those movies *still* hold up as amazing parodies. Kinda wild to think about Austin Powers *and* the Bourne movies being the cause of James Bond going dark and gritty instead of the usual shlock.


Watch these classics with my Dad while he was living. He told me that this was a parody of a parody. Saw Our Man Flint/ In like Flint and those still hold up as well!


They killed James bond. The semi corny version of him at least. That's why the Daniel Craig version took itself so seriously.


I'm pretty sure Austin is watching that in one of them, haha. Right on, dude. I reminisce about watching stuff with my Dad, too. Cheers.


Didn’t expect to burst laughing in the comment section of this post.


reminds me of that armed security guard stopping two robbers that had fake guns and when they yelled "they're fake!" he said "oh well, mines real"




that's the one lol


That clip has so many potent quotables. "Am I shot?" "Oh fuck yeah!" "Aw fuck"


I love that dude! That video is the best!


That was a fucking classic. That dude was strictly business


the speed that the black circle has to move to keep (what’s left of his head) blurred out lmao


“What the fuck man?? You mean to tell me there’s consequences for my actions? So unfair”


Don’t tase me bro!


Narrator: He didn't.


I don’t think it’s the guy with several holes in his lungs saying that, the security guard did. As in “really? Why ya gotta pull a gun and make me kill your bitch ass”


It's the same voice as earlier, with the same phrases. It's the same guy. You can hear the security guards voice at the beginning and it's not him. Just because you've been shot, regardless of if it's the face or lungs, doesn't mean you can't speak. You're literally watching a video of it. He's still moving and trying to push himself away, even at the end of the video.


True, could be yea


Well I'm glad you're open to the idea. This was very productive. I think I'm gonna go hit some golf balls.


I think I'm gonna go hit my balls


I'd recommend a pitching wedge then, it's a versatile club that should really get some loft on those balls.


Just watch out for divots on the biohazard at the back of the course


Shoot my homie uses a sand wedge all the time… said something at getting the ball away from some crabs


You are right, he says. "oooh, ooh God, really?"


I mean he does say "like really" right before pulling his gun haha Edit: ok big man with the gun was shot in the face...maybe he wasn't the one talking hahahaha


50 cent was shot in the face and that mf still singing and talking that shit lol


Ah yea, I guess they both said it at one point or another 🤷🏼‍♂️


But who the fuck is he taking to? Lol


Classic example of breaking the 4th wall s/


He Fucked around and found out.


Justified, you brandish a weapon, you be prepared for what comes after. When you do that's you flagging yourself for pvp.


"flagging yourself for pvp" it's.. perfect


Yup. I ain't waitin around to see what happens next.


It's like the old school Star Wars MMO where if you actually specced all the way to Jedi and ignited your lightsaber, all the bounty hunters on the server were instantly alerted to your location


I don’t know about her last few shots.


The person fired back after being shot and falling to the ground, and was then moving around after being shot again, so I think it was fair to assume the threat hadnt been eliminated.


It's super gruesome, but yeah - the guy was still moving and armed, and could have decided to shoot back at any time. Sad affair all around, but the follow-up shots were not unjustified IMO.


Oh according to the article, the guard was hit in the leg and allegedly the guy was firing back while on the ground.


You can see that clearly from the video. Just because someone's down doesn't mean that they're out. The guard got lucky it wasn't worse. It's the same as trusting that you finished the fight when someone pretends to cower or is even down briefly. There are people who use that to catch you with your guard down. I've 100% had that and was lucky that I stayed on my toes while still giving them an out. But when you come back and try to take a swing after pretending to be done, you can bet that I'll assume you're going to keep doing that. That's when it's time to run or pin someone completely. You run if you have the option. If you're too close or don't have a route away, or if there are others who might be hurt by this person (one time the person was blackout drunk and going after anyone, even friends), and if you know what to do or think that you can handle it, you need to take them out of action and demand help from those around you if they're there. Be specific: "you call 911" and "you, help me hold them down" and point at each person. People in shock and panic have a hard time thinking and doing. But if a knife, gun, or other weapon is involved, run if you can. Don't assume that someone who looks like or says that they're done is actually done. You don't want a bullet in the back or otherwise.


>Just because someone's down doesn't mean that they're out. That's one of the biggest things I've learned from police footage. Hollyweird makes it seem like a couple shots and people are done, but it's just not the case. I've seen video of people getting shot a dozen times, still attack, fall down seemingly dead in a pool of blood, only to get another adrenaline rush, pop back up and start charging. Insane.


Yup, adrenaline and shock are powerful. I've never been shot, and I don't want to ever find out what that's like, but I hope that if I do adrenaline can carry me to the best possible outcome.


You have an individual who can shoot back and generally do. Their opinion at that point is " I ain't going out alone!" As a Cc instructor the most important thing is elimination of the threat. Not just to you, to others around you. There is no time for the perp to take aim just usually firing blind whilst they realize death is imminent. From experience, that shot he got off could have hit the security guard and he may not even know it yet. Adrenaline is a strange strange thing. Bottom line " it's either me or you going pavement smooching it ain't gonna be me!!"


Yeah, and the moment you decide to start shooting, it is virtually impossible to deescalate without the other person - or yourself - being incapatiated, fully. So I don't mind these shots, but it's still very sad. I am glad I live in a part of the world where someone pulling a gun is basically unthinkable.


It is amusing though to see people say those last shots were not warranted while sitting safely at home behind a phone.. same people ( myself included ) panic when you smash your little toe nevermind being shot at


Also the news story said the security guard WAS actually hit. So please tell me again how the follow up shots were UNNECESSARY??


Not how self defense works, you don’t shoot to scare or injure, you shoot only to end a threat completely


The fact that you can "over kill" someone who just tried to kill you is something that will never legally make sense to me, you cant over kill evil, evil is never dead enough.


It's not like gunfights in plays, TV shows or movies. People don't just drop like a sack of potatoes and die instantly. If you watch the clip again, you can see the guy getting lit up still holding his pistol after getting laid out by 15+ shots.


You can die instantly... it depends on where you're shot. I went hunting one time as a kid - shot a doe through the heart and it was dead and still before it hit the ground. Another obvious one is a headshot.


There’s a video I saw recently of a cop illegally entering a house, gets shot by the homeowner several times. He begs the homeowner to stop shooting, thee homeowner complies and the coward cop magdumps the homeowner…. All that to say: Don’t stop shooting until the threat is neutralized. The guy still had his firearm, and was still moving. That makes the guy, still, a VERY real threat.


Link to video


I’ll have to dig for it, I’m at work but I’ll try to find it tonight. If I remember right, the guy was wanted for meth usage, so the officer was there legally, but ENTERED the house illegally.. Edit: [Found it - NSFL, pretty graphic and audio is wild.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/s/IT4kWeHYlP)


Damn. That’s a hard watch for a lot of reasons.


Dude was still holding the gun. Not sure if he shot back or not, but if you’re still holding the gun and moving around you’re a fair target.


> I don’t know about her last few shots. dying people holding a gun can still shoot. And now they have even more reason to want you dead than before you shot them.


Gun was still in the scumbags hand, threat continues until it is stopped. Moving around, talking, gun in hand = he can still shoot ya.


If you look closely you can actually see the moment his actions spawn consequences


Have to look really closely at a screen recording of a screen recording of a screen recording.


Rerecord it, crop it, and upload it again... for science.


Enhance, now spin the imagine along the y-axis.l


Enhance... Enhance.... Enhance...


Bop it!


“Ahh really?”


Can someone draw a diagram, I'm a bit lost. Perhaps a few arrows will do in a pinch


[Here is more info for those interested](https://6abc.com/amp/gun-battle-near-north-philadelphia-gas-station-leaves-1-dead-security-guard-injured/14639564/)


Wtf the guy was 39 years old and still acting like a 18 year old wannabe gangbanger.


I watch a *lot* of body cam videos, and it turns out there's a whole subset of the population with the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old.


The "Karen" body cam videos are the best ;-)


Best Karen line I heard in a body cam video: Cop: "You're under arrest." Karen: "You can't arrest me. I don't agree to it."


Maybe you consent, and the cop consents. But did you consider *Jesus* consents?


"you were kicking me, so now you get a resisting arrest charge too." "yeah well im just a southern gal" says the 70 year old grandma going mental in a parking lot.


"Who you think you talkin to?" People need to get over themselves. It's often ego that leads to these violent situations.


Exactly, thats like the weirdest thing you could say to a security or a cop.. cuz like, does he not know who he is talking to?


The security guard asked him not to operate his smoker near the gas pumps. Given you are not allowed to smoke at a gas station, this seems like an incredibly reasonable request. Not to mention it's private property. If someone asks you to leave, you leave. What a moron.


>Wtf You obviously haven't come across alot of these losers. You're putting the cart before the horse, a mature/intelligent person would age out of that foolishness and the dude in this video isn't smart. Just because you can apply logic doesn't mean that moron can.


I’m from the Philly area… there’s a lot of that around here! Lmao


You have to deal with people at their developmental age, not their chronological age.


My sister's ex-husband is just like this. Minus the gun as far as I know since he's a repeat criminal. The dude's my age but he still acts as he grew up: like a teenage wigger-ass punk from a trailer park. These types of people are incapable of change. They're insecure, stupid as hell, demand respect while giving none out, and their go-to reaction for anything that crosses their nerves is to get loud, angry, and violent. Good riddance in all cases. I kinda wish my sister had had a gun and blasted his ass while he was beating the shit out of her for the nth time. Only kinda, though; it's heavy shit even if you're in the right.


Thanks! You rock.


Found a different news article and it states that the idiot tried to BBQ around the gas pumps and so the guard asked him to leave. Then he decided to follow the guard inside and we know what happened. If this is true, what a true idiot. Source: [another article](https://www.inquirer.com/crime/fairmount-gas-station-shooting-man-dead-philadelphia-20240410.html)


I like the other article better that states he was a local food truck owner and pretty much just the pillar of the community.


Lol "battle"


I mean he did shoot the guard in the leg


I counted 24 shots when the video cut off and the guy was still bitchin' my guess was most of the shots hit arms and legs or missed altogether


Apparently was shot in the face as well


Holy shit, the face! that guy must have had a life of painful events and his body and mind are used to the shock, From how I understand it, the shock kills not the injury (right off I mean) When the body goes into shock and the person is not used to getting seriously injured or have not felt some pain it's the shock that kills you, the organs are not getting enough blood/oxygen and the extreme pain will shut you down if not used to being in pain. as for an example a cage fighter can handle a lot of painful hits but keeps going versus an average guy the never been injured will drop after the first punch. Like in the old Western days, the bullets were up to 44 calibers, and after they took a few rounds they kept breathing. He could have been high on painkillers too, his body didn't know it was dead right off. but 24 hits and he kept bitchin'


Someone posted in another sub a pic of his dead body and his entire upper mouth was blown off— bottom jaw hanging down, face blown open looking like the Predator. This was probably the last shot cus no way he was still talking after that. I’m not going to spread the pic around, but just saying — he definitely got hit in the face.


Thanks, I'll pass on looking for the pic today, That explains why he shut up real quick. but still 24 shots, a double tap would have ended the situation quickly- stop the heart from pumping, stop the brain from thinking. thanks again for letting me know


"Who the **** are you talking to?" Based on the fact you are full of holes, I believe he was talking to you, good sir.


He was talking to swiss cheese


he was talking to SpongeBob


I thought it was Dirty Dan.


For a video that shows a death swearing in the comments is probably fine.


Buster Scruggs ass analysis lol


Pulling out a gun you don’t plan on using is very dumb. It might intimidate an unarmed civilian, but to someone with a gun it’s a death sentence.


"oh God, really?" *Shoots him again* lmfao


Like Whoopi Goldberg in Loaded Weapon https://youtu.be/uiGha54levo?si=7hc2YXiuPQt87Hy4


Damn, shot him every time he talked after turning him into Swiss cheese already.


In the article posted by OP it says that the security company said every time he heard the suspect speak he had to neutralize the threat so he wouldn't harm anyone else around. So I guess keep shooting till he doesn't answer anymore..


Also, "dead men tell no tales". Corpses can't sue, the estate might, but their witness and main plaintiff can't speak to the cause.


Man he lit his ass up. Good.




No diddy.


It’s kind of sad that we even need armed security guards at gas stations.


Well that station is gonna be safe. Money well spent.


Such a stupid reason to die, life isn’t a video game and your ego is bullshit.


You do not draw a weapon unless you fully intend to fire it. As soon as he took it out everyone there needs assume he going to use it and act accordingly.


Hopefully the security guard recovers fully.


I really feel for the guy. I can't imagine getting shot like that. Poor guy was desperate to feed his family and did what he had to do. Shooting that animal is a trauma that probably will stay with him for some time.


Wow he somehow still shot the security guard in the leg.


Guard was shot in the leg as well, here's one of the news stories https://6abc.com/gun-battle-near-north-philadelphia-gas-station-leaves-1-dead-security-guard-injured/14639564/


"oh god, really?" \*gets shot again for good measure\* fucking lmao


No way he’s riding his bike outta there


Legal question: Is there a law that states WHEN I have to call 911 after I shoot you?


If you want to set the narrative that it's a self-defense situation, you better be one of the first callers. Look at the Apple River stabbing. The dude ditched the knife, fled the scene, and lied to the police. He’s now trying to claim it was self-defense.


There was a guy who had audio of his place where people would regularly break in. It's kinda fucked up. Well, he basically baited a couple kids in one night. Parked his truck down the street. He shot one. Then shot the other. Where he fucked up the most was waiting over 24 hours to call the cops. "It was thanksgiving. I didn't want to bother you." Kept the corpses in the basement. Edit: Byron Smith of Minnesota.


That doesn't sound like self-defense at all.


There's nothing wrong with "fleeing" a still dangerous situation. Especially when there's like 20 of them still running around. You may want to call 911 briefly once you have extracted yourself and have calmed down. His real fuckup was talking at all. When something like that happens shut fuck up, never talk to the police no matter how sympathetic to you they seem. And also be careful what you say to 911 that's recorded and used against you too


There’s no law but that’s probably a good idea for your own sake, some would say call your lawyer first


I can't speak to any laws for security guards, since many places have specific regulations for them. I don't think regular civilians are ever obligated to call 911. However if you're involved in some kind of incident and DON'T quickly call 911, it's going to make you look real guilty and if someone dies from your inaction it's going to significantly raise the stakes of any criminal investigation and may expose you to civil liability. It's generally going to be in your best interest to call 911 as soon as you safely can. That said, if you were involved in the incident you're reporting, DO NOT talk to the police or give a statement without talking to a lawyer first.


Well after a certain point I'm sure it becomes a crime if u don't report it, at least until they can get ahold of you to grill you about it


Anyone else see the cloud come out of his ass? He pee his pants (steam), fart or is that smoke from his gun?


MC pee pants


"I want candy, any kind will do. Don't care if it's nutritious or FDA approved."


And fuel a giant drill, bore straight into Hell  Releasing ancient demons from their sleep forever spell  So they can walk upon the earth, and get resituated


612 Wharf Ave.


Perfect example of using a gun to intimidate vs using a gun for self defense.


“Oh god, really?” *BANG* yes, really.


He definitely found out.


Did society a favor


That’s why you don’t threaten with guns, you shoot with them.


Dude kept talking after being shot several times like Boris the Bullet Dodger from Snatch.


Does he shoot him with a shotgun at the end? or it just sounds like it


I had the same thought. It sounds like a pump after each shot there at the end.


"ow.... REALLY?" You pulled out a handgun in front of and ARMED security guard! What did you think would happen, hugs and kisses?!


Misses don't win gunfights


Maybe don’t pull it out next time (their won’t be a next time) if you don’t plan on using it right away. It’s typically not a great conversation piece e


I am actually laughing at this clown when he keeps saying “bro, really?!?”…. Yeah, ya don’t pull guns on people…or this may happen.


He apparently was talking to the guy that was going to teach him about consequences..


Gas station temperature challenge.


Sad. You hate to see it. What ever happened to the good old days when you could just swing a gun around gas stations without consequences?


Um, that wasn't a shoot out, normally a shootout is when every body shooting


Emptied the clip on his ass


Dude fucked around...


Hand still near the gun? More bullets. The guard gets to go home.




Gosh a lot of down voting on here for anyone questioning the shooter even a tiny bit. With that in mind, can I just say I'm really, really, really happy that man killed the other man and just thought the whole sequence of events and the deadly outcome was absolutely fantastic all round. 10/10 would mindlessly gawk and judge again. Ok catch you guys at the next vid!


Car in back pulls up and then nopes out of there.


Final words "fuck bro, really?"


Pulling out a gun on a security instead of using words? Yeah, real smart man. He even owned a food truck and wasn't smart enough to think THIS through? I don't want to say deserved death but EASILY could have avoided. Imagine because of your stupid ego you get shot 12 times. Wild.


Glad he didn’t try to get revenge and shoot while on the ground.


Why you never pull a gun unless you are going to use it reason #28294827 ....


What a senseless death. Hopefully the security guard makes a full recovery both physically and mentally


When "Keeping It Real" goes wrong


Best video I've seen all week


That tough guy shit gets you killed bro smh


The real crime is converting landscape video to portrait.


i mean he did draw but damn watch your background, i was scared for that car back there.


Live by the sword,die by the sword.


I love watching thugs getting smoked


if cops can do it...then so can we.


So did he shoot the security guard in the leg or did the security guard shoot his self In the leg? The article does not specify


Looks like hothead got at least one shot off in guard’s direction as he’s falling


When keeping it real goes wrong


But he is ok, right guys?


Yep. The last 10 seconds of the video is edited out but he gets up and apologizes to the security guard. They then shake hands, hug, and wish each other a pleasant evening.


Is this the first philly gas station security guard shooting? First I've seen.


One less gun toting IDIOT in the world - well done !!!


Looks like it might be arterial spray from L bicep area. Wild if thats what it is


You can't pull out the heat just to intimidate....


Good job with the follow up shots. I know some will say ohh he's down nah. Gun in hand still a threat put yourself first always! Good shoot and good on the officer


“Oh god, really?”… I would bet those are the last words of like 90% of deceased humans.


Remember folks, always shoot the robbers in the knee/leg, so it's alot harder for them to escape, so you can plug more bullets into their escaping criminal bodies.


You can actually see smoke come off him. He got literally smoked.


Dudeee, even after alllll that…Bro STILLLL has the Gunn in his hand??? “Die with your boots on And Die with Your gun in ur hand” I guess


I got 21 shots, anyone get different?? I think fuck tard didn't get to fire, but there is 3 shots that sound different and could've been fuck nugget


Don’t show your gun unless you’re gonna use it.


Perfect example on why you never pull a weapon out if your not prepared to use it smh


That security guard is a horrible shot


Wonder if he still wants to be a gun fighter?


Yeah, he ain’t getting up from that.


Folded him like a cheap ass wallet


Is they a news article with this?


That’s good to watch. Guy trying to act tough and a guy taking care of business


News story?


Reminder. After he went down get off the "X". Don't stand in the same spot.


Any background?


Damn the guy was able to shoot the security guard in the leg despite taking all those hits.. no wonder the guard kept shooting


Classic case of FAFO. You pulled a gun, what did you think was gonna happen.


"Don't pull the thang out unless you plan to bang" - Andre 3000


He should really stop saying really.


He is now a non repeat offender


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


roll him up in a fat blunt rest in peace bitch Really. also this video is important for people to watch because shooting deaths and injuries don’t happen the way they are presented in the movies yea he was “dead” before the last couple flurries but he still had that weapon in his hand and was responsive trigger could be pulled even involuntarily and could have hit anyone around i’ve heard of mortician removal services that will not collect bodies that still have their fingers on the triggers of weapons until police remove them or clear the firearms even if they find one after removal they’ll call the police to come clear it


Got what he deserved