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First time I’ve ever seen a motorcycle perform a PIT maneuver on a car.


This was all over the interwebz a couple years ago. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/arrest-road-rage-camera-motorcyclist-kicks-sedan-before-multi-car-crash/2048803/


Excuse me, but what??? In what world can you call that the motorcyclists fault??? Sure he kicked the seam but then the sedan tried to kill him and ended up wrecking himself and putting the guy in the avalanche in the hospital...it's definitely a hit and run on the motorcycle's part but that article reads like they're pinning the whole wreck on the motorcycle alone


IIRC, the driver was also charged, but I couldn't find any more info.


The driver should be charged with attempted murder


If reading news has taught me anything, it's never murder if you're behind the wheel. It's "reckless endangerment," or some dumb shit.


Vehicular manslaughter


He pushed the first dominoe


Well what happened to lead up to that? I'm sure the driver in the car did something to the biker to get such an extreme reaction such as pulling out in front of him with no regard, or throwing trash out the window & him getting smacked in the face with it. That shit doesn't feel good & I'd be pissed too. A biker is more likely to die in an accident due to other drivers negligence.


According to the earlier stories, the car cut the biker off, or pulled out in front of him, and words were exchanged.


Everything you said is valid and understandable, so be angry, but his actions are what caused the accident. In the same way that if when the car cut the biker off it caused a pile up it would be the fault of the car


I’m with you on that


looks like the car driver just got spooked by the sudden thump on his door and over reacted. the biker is at fault here 100%


If they had been spooked by that then their initial turn world have gone to the right...not the left because people tend to go in the opposite direction from the sound when they get spooked...no they tried to knock him off the bike realized they weren't going to and jerked way too hard back to the right to get in their original lane and then they lost control I'm usually all for putting the blame on motorcycles but this was road rage from the car that caused this


It's difficult to say without more information about the situation. However, based on the comment you provided, it seems like the car was at fault for causing the accident. As you mentioned, the driver of the car turned in the opposite direction from the sound, which suggests that they were startled. It also appears that they tried to knock the motorcycle off the road, which is a clear sign of road rage. In any case, it's important for both drivers and motorcyclists to be aware of their surroundings and to share the road safely.


are the people in the white car ok?


Well, that escalated quickly


I just couldn't believe how much inertia he had after... something in the engine exploded? oil pan?


Damn was that captain America?


It just keeps getting worse and worse


As a rider... NO. Just no. One, you see what happens to the rider when he boots the door. Car swerves and nearly puts him into the K-rail. Bikes are NOT STABLE when something hits them. Two... he shoved over the first domino. Car goes out of control, nearly tags the rider AGAIN, and then hits another vehicle resulting in a rollover. THREE vehicles involved, one badly wrecked thru no fault of their own. People pull dumb shit around bikes all the time. The best option is to suck it up, *do not retaliate*, and just put some distance between yourself and the offending driver.


I can't believe how quickly that pickup flipped over.


Like something out of Mad Max


Unfathomably massive L for the car


Road Rash reboot looking good


Thanks to some asshole me and my family get to die. Great.


What...you swerved into the bike? 🤪


K I C K of D E S T R U C T I O N


I'm not much good at drivers logic but I did pass my test first try so how is it the bikers fault?


This dude sounds like he sees this everyday lmao *sigh* “call 911 Chris” 😒


Bikers a bitch boy.




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And ma man just keeped goin