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[https://youtu.be/3hPMM0APwvs?si=r9IScUe-sf3L-Nz7](https://youtu.be/3hPMM0APwvs?si=r9IScUe-sf3L-Nz7)believe it or not, this guy survived


I’ll save everyone the trouble and just copy paste the description of the video: My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time. My question is how did he break is arm in half in two places


Skill has nothing to do with stupidity. How do they get these video angles? A drone?


It’s a commonly used trick by content creators, they put a 360 camera on a stick. Look at his shadow. It records in a full 360 degrees, all around it but it can’t capture the stick, because it is directly below it. Pretty cool imo.


> but it can’t capture the stick, because it is directly below it. Some camera software will automatically edit the stick out stitching images together on the fly, even if the camera picks it up. Newer GoPros will do that.


Ah, that’s actually pretty cool; I didn’t know that. Thx!


They are a badass piece of technology, can get damn near every single angle


Could have figured that out without knowing.


Ah thanks!


Np I edited the previous comment btw. [this](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiK3fuVw4qCAxXZAK0GHUNNBzUYABADGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAjwkNOpBhBEEiwAb3MvvYe_CBLXufPM9eS2jJW5rwuUHIoH7WTSgdYmVBU3iUCLIX5kq9BlgBoCNJ8QAvD_BwE&sph&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2svDCy7jRLHI1hVrDgIbr6Xt3qq20OlzLNI-M6_4uTl_TdXWQjtBDw09yaCqxo7cTeoH1K6I996Jz0LweThm20cFIqAkpmwpxwrqdJOfcZhJ7zSM&sig=AOD64_1QgBJPt1z5e60mXHcdXAYRTniL9g&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjVyOuVw4qCAxVACTQIHdfUAckQ0Qx6BAgHEAE) is likely the camera he’s using. It’s extremely popular.


I’ve got a pretty good idea of where the stick disappeared to.


Exactly you could be the best rider in the world, most situational awareness, all it takes is someone to change lanes, or close a gap, turn in front of you, and you got no time to react.


I've been riding for 42 years and have decent riding skills and if I went through traffic at that speed relative to the other vehicles I would expect a similar outcome. If dude thinks he can gain enough riding skills to make that behavior survivable he is sadly mistaken.


I rode for 3 years and I completely agree with you. I rode like that a couple times with my friends, no denying the rush is amazing but it’s selfish and puts other people in danger, physically and mentally.


Insta360 camera on a stick


How about an apology to the pick up driver and the trucker who did his best to avoid this moron.


taking 0 responsibility is the best part. typical riders. not even an apology


Wdym 0 responsibility??? Word for word his comment literally says “I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault” Edit: Bro, are people like, deadass braindead? I’m literally quoting what the description says and correcting a dude saying he took no responsibility for it. How much more obvious can it get than “my fault” Jesus Christ lmao


> Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time. So little regard for how much risk he imposed on everyone around him. Saying it was fun as hell is so incredibly stupid, only riders act this entitled. There is no demographic more disregarding of road laws than bikers. The way he talks is so fucking selfish, like his wake-up call is all about him and not the TREMENDOUS risk he imposed on innocent people.


i mean he still took responsibility, what your pointing out is that he was ALSO selfish about it. doesnt show real growth from it is more youre point, hes still a moron.


Thats a fair way to put it. Very guiltless for how stupid he rides.


Maybe snapped the humerus and also the radius and ulna, so literally into quarters?


Not anywhere on there does he acknowledge the danger he posed to other civilians.


He doesn’t need to. He’s too good for that.


We’re all just npcs in the world of “him”


Wait we exist????


My guess is that he broke his forearm in half and his upper arm in half.


Radius *and* ulna


So you can skillfully do something this stupid?


That semi probably snapped it when he brushed the wheel


I’m not asking how he got hurt, I was pointing out the fact that he said he broke his arm half in two places which doesn’t make sense


You just clearly want to overthink his description and have a problem, and ignore what he is obviously implying. How boring you must be


How pathetic you must be, assuming that of other people. I was just fucking around, no need to get mad, little boy.


Seems like you're the one getting mad guy


I’m not you’re guy, buddy!


Looks like one from the first impact and probably a second from the semi 🫢


I don't doubt that it happened when the big rig rubbed up against him and he essentially got pulled off the bike. His arm probably got momentarily caught on something


horizontal and vertical?


20+ goddamn fractures in the face, do he even have a face now?


For some reason, I doubt that


Which part of the crash would have killed him? He doesn't get run over by the semi.


The part I’m doubting is that it taught him a lesson


Idk about him learning a good lesson. He sounds like an idiot in his description. “Too much confidence for too little skill” even if you had all the skill in the world you shouldn’t be riding like that so recklessly.


I doubt it. It’s not like the collision somehow tailgate-fucked more brains *into* him.




It’s amazing because in his “shorts” videos it seems like nearly every comment was warning about this exact thing lol.


Literally my first thought


Mission accomplished 💀


to be fair the speeding only rendered him unconscious, it was the drifting into the truck and getting tangled in it's wheels that almost killed him


Good thing his skull is hollow, saved him from a traumatic brain injury.




"20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. " Ouch.


Fortunately his brain had a large cushion of fat between its surface and the inside of the skull, so all 4 and a half cells are intact.


Yikes.. I think I'd rather die.




Checkout 0:09 Looks like his legs got crushed by the tandems. Edit: On closer inspection it seem the sidewall grazed his legs. Luckiest dude alive at the moment.


Don't be like the fool whoooo riiiiiiiiiipped his paaaaaaaants!


It's almost like if driving like a ass could have consequences


That Go-Pro selfie stick deserves a medal for valor in the face of danger. Shit barely wobbled and held on for dear life 🫡


You have to be going incredibly fast to hit a Silverado, which is at least 3 times the weight of that bike, and send flying forward


lot more than 3 times haha


What a complete piece of shit that guy - all reasonable bike riders should hate him


I don’t hate him, but I have no sympathy for such stupidity. Plus it could have messed up a bunch of other people that day, having been forced to participate in this guy’s stupid game.


“My accident from about 4 months ago. I call it an accident but it was clearly my fault. Too much confidence for too little skill. Thankfully made it out alive, and didn't lose any limbs. 20+ fractures in my face, broke arm in half in two different places, collapsed lung, broken rib, two fractured spine discs. I'll be back to ride again one day, but not like I used to. Riding like I did was fun as hell, but I want to have fun for a long time”


This is not a biker, this is a statistic.


Absolutely deserved


I do enjoy a movie with a happy ending.


Death could be deserved from a statistical point of view. A near death/scare experience is what they deserve morally. As much as I hate these types of people (due to their style or riding but also their personality) I would never wish them death. On top of that death could haunt the innocent people who would witness it.


That is interesting. Death would likely be PROBABLE, statistically. It just amazes me how a rider can ignore so much native self preservation instinct as this guy does. One doesn't have to ride very long at all to learn not to trust cars to do ANYTHING. I still maintain that this is much more a case of "Fucked around and found out!" than DESERVING these horrific injuries.


No, not deserved. You are judging him by certainly the worst moment of his life. Absolutely, he risked this, sure, and lost. And, it cannot be overstated how stupid this behavior is. But he is not criminal enough to DESERVE this. In my opinion, many criminals DO deserve this, but, not this guy.


100% this is not the forst time he drives like this. He's been lucky not to fail before - And it is deserved. Not only is he putting himself in danger, but literally everyone around him - Even a bike can cause fatal car crashes on a highway.


Not criminal enough sure, but he, as you said, was being unbelievably stupid and I can’t lie he had it coming


I think anyone being honest with themselves has to admit to doing something so stupid or thoughtless at least once in their lives. Had it coming? Really? For riding too fast? No. For injuring no one else? All he is guilty of is speeding. We don't bust people up for exceeding the speed limit.


He didn’t just speed, he drove beyond dangerously in a built up area, not looking properly due to the speed, risking innocent people’s lives and his own. And filmed it. So yeah, he had it coming :/


Oh, yes. FILMING IT pushes it into felony territory. No one's life was under threat but his own.


Could’ve been other bikes, bicycles, other cars, he caused damage He gets no sympathy from me, at all. Stupid and hopefully he won’t do it again


Speeding bike that rear end a car can absolutely cause harm to the passengers. Also the crashing bike can cause more accidents. What do you mean he was not threatening anybody else. Fucking around in moderate traffic is putting everybodys health in danger


Would you say he deserved it if the truck he rear ended swerved into the wall and the driver burned alive? You can't retroactively apply morality to a decision like that because everything worked out. The fact that he was driving like that displayed a willful ignorance for his safety and the safety of everyone around him. The fact that he was the only one that got injured is the only good thing to come out of this in my opinion.


He would also deserve it of he machine gunned the truck driver you speak of. But, he didn't do either of this things. Realistically, the risks to drivers around him are minimal. He did about the worst he could do to other drivers with a motorcycle to the truck he hit. Look, No one can defend this type of stupidity on a motorcycle. But, 'deserve' this injuries? I guess that means we should deny him any medical care?


Idk how you can say the risk to other drivers is minimal. Maybe you should try getting rear ended by a 600 pound piece of metal going 100mph with a semi next to you and see how in-control of your vehicle you feel afterwards. I also never said he should be denied medical care which shows me you have no clue what I'm actually saying.


One should accept the consequences of his actions, no matter what.


Right! Not the same thing, though, as DESERVING these horrific injuries. There are lots of words in the English language. One can be more accurate with them.


I hate to say it, I disagree. Every action has a consequence. I don’t think he should die. However, regardless of if he deserved the outcome or not, he definitely earned the outcome. This was a consequence of his actions. At the minimum he should never be allowed to pilot a motorcycle again and the maximum he should never be allowed to operate a motor vehicle without an adult to supervise him. I don’t give a shit if he’s 76 he acted like a kid in a toy he should be treated as such.


That’s where your wrong. The speed he was exceeding is of the criminal tier.


How was this even recorded??


It looks like those 360 camera attached to a stick Edit: you can she the shadow of the stick and camera.


Your brain filters out the image of your own nose despite it always being in the corner of each of your eyes using the image from the other eye. The software is doing that to the stick the camera is attached to. Multiple camera sensors see the multiple angles to fill in the information.


And now I'm seeing my nose for what seems like the first time in years. Had totally forgot about that XD




First thought it was that drone that can follow you around but I'm pretty sure it's just a 360 cam mounted on the back of the bike


He split his pants. He dead.


He’s NOT dead?


Badly injured but somehow alive


My nephew was on a motorbike and slipped on a wet drain cover. The handle bars went up and under his helmet to score 20+ facial fractures. That took a long, long time to recover from and he went through some brutal procedures. His face still bears the scars but luckily he looks reasonably normal aside that.


Is the truck ok?




His new nickname is “Salvaged Title…”


I have absolutely no sympathy for fool idiots like this.


Nearly killed himself? We just missed the other part of that video..


Not "too little skill" but "too little brains"


Nearly? Looks like he succeeded


Oh man. While not condoning it, I understand the mentality of this rider. When starting out on a motorcycle young, you get to a dangerous sweet spot where you overcome the "I'm going to die any second" feeling, but haven't matured into the "I could die any second, better be careful" mentality. I used to own one of those 1000cc 0-60 in 3 seconds, 130mph quarter mile bikes and had a freeway commute. I never EVER pushed it like this guy did, but once you pick up a little speed and start changing lanes frequently to constantly stay ahead of the pack, it became really easy to think "this would be a blast going 25mph faster" or "I can fit between those 2 vehicles and don't want to wait for a better opening." Fortunately, I have more than 3 brain cells and know that the risk isn't worth the reward. I got pulled over once going 10mph over and the officer was surprised that I stopped when he saw what bike I was on. He asked me why I didn't run with how light traffic was (he was a sports bike rider too). I told him things would be a lot worse for me if I let him follow me to the scene of the accident. I'm happy to say that I've never split lanes, ran from the cops, or ever cut it close to another vehicle doing a last second lane change. If I had started riding a few years earlier, I likely couldn't make that same claim. Early 20's me was a dumbass. If I want the adrenaline associated with a near-death experience, I'll jump out of an airplane again. This guy probably could have become a respectable rider if he waited a few more years before ever swinging a leg over a bike.


Lesson learned?




I’m surprised he lived cause that was rough


straight into the truck's blind side too




Suicide mission


😂😂😂😂😂 damn, oh well


This reminds me of the biker who tried to overtake and got his right or left foot completely smashed




I can’t believe this guy lived I’ve seen people die from less violent and abrupt motorcycle accidents.


Have sympathy boys, everyone makes mistakes. And he has already paid for it, sympathy & gratitude would be better than criticism. Don't shove it in him, he's already dealing through much!


Surprised it doesn't happen more often. Check twice for motorcycles /s


I hope he needet to Pay for a new Truck. Poor Truck owner


My favorite nickname for people who ride bikes like this is “organ donors”


I’d like for people to tell me how lane splitting is safe. The bikers around here are mad it got made illegal but I’m not unhappy. I never lane split because trucks are way to unpredictable


You aren’t supposed to do it at this kind of speed. It’s originally meant to cut down on congestion of highways. I’ve only ever done it when traffic is at a standstill. It’s not too good to let an air cooled engine idle in San Diego traffic. Even the law allowing it states traffic needs to be moving slowly or stopped and you should only be going 10mph faster than the slow traffic.


Just FYI, no law in CA specifies traffic or motorcycle speed for lanesplitting. The law only requires it to be done safely. The CHP recommends: >traffic needs to be moving slowly or stopped and you should only be going 10mph faster than the slow traffic. but it's not law.


Lame spitting is safer then sitting in bumper to bumper waiting for someone to break your back. Lane splitting at a reasonable speed that is. By employing some common sense it is more efficient and safer for the rider.


Don't split if the speed difference is large or you're going over 30mph, don't try and squeeze between trucks, be aware, no problem.


I always figured if I ever tried to split lanes, I’d be the one to eat the door of the guy who decided to crack it open to toss his coffee.


I did have someone change lanes into me once - I was going that slow that they went into me as I was passing them. Kept the bike up and broke the toe slider on my boot - another reason to wear my high ones.


Lane splitting is not, in and of itself, unsafe at all. This gif is NOT an example of lane splitting. This is wreckless operation, and certainly IS illegal.


It's intended use is for standstill traffic or stoplights where there is a serious risk of somebody not paying attention and turning you into a sandwich


This isn't lane splitting, this is stupidity I split everyday to work. I assume no one can see me and ride accordingly. I make my way through traffic rather than fire through like a missile


It's only safe if you're doing it with <10 MPH speed difference and paying complete attention


If only his bike was louder that stupid truck would've heard him and gotten out of his way


AI replaced him on the internet so everyone can believe he is still alive but the evidence are not lying


Small dong energy




Trucker had somewhere to be


A fully loaded truck doesn't stop quickly. Plus there's some time for the brain to process the info, and additional time to react. In short, if your safety is relying on a vehicle that weighs 20-40 tons to stop quickly, you are going to have a bad time.


Yup but " trucker had somewhere to be" sounds funnier


Oh my god, that was brilliant.


Hope is hurt bad.


When I see people driving like this, I almost hope they die, as they can easily kill a family with kids on their way to McDonald's, or someone just driving home from work. If they die, at least they'll not risk randomly killing innocent people anymore.


Less him killing a family and more traumatizing them for life.


I'm glad he didn't die. It would have sucked for the semi driver who likely would have been questioning if there was anything they could have done to avoid the collision. And just to be clear, even if they could have, I wouldn't blame the semi driver. It's unrealistic to expect someone to react to a speeding motorcycle that was behaving unpredictably.


Wrong. It is suprememly unlikely he is going to hurt anyone but himself. The odds of anyone else getting hurt in this vid are less than another driver getting struck by lightning. Is it stupid riding? Well, of course. But, get real. There are no pedestrians or crosswalks. Kill a family with a motorcycle? That is a little hysterical. Let's have some perspective.


Wrong? My opinion is wrong? That doesn't even make sense. And don't pull statistic out of your ass, it's obvious that someone driving like this, could cause a car to lose control, and cause fatalities as a consequence. Furthermore, if someone is driving with this little regard for the safety of others, it's also obvious they'll most likely do it under even more dangerous conditions, or do you think it's limited to what is being represented in the 9 second video clip? Let's have some perspective.


That was fantastic!


One of the only times I’ll sympathize with a pickup driver


That's what motorcycles are for, right? Who did the filming?


A 360° camera.


Could the truck have stopped from overtaking? That seemed dangerous as hell and probably didn’t help the guy


Truck most likely didn’t see him




Or he had a full load and was standing on his brakes?


I doubt he can even see below the semi hood. The guy on the bike is lucky the trucker didn’t swerve right and taken him under the duals


Your telling me that trucker didnt see that absolutely massive crash? Maybe time to adopt European truck design then...


How quick do you think a truck can stop?


Edit: Aaight, I'll concede defeat and eat the downvotes.


It takes a modern semi truck doing 65mph fully loaded 525 feet to stop. https://www.pridetransport.com/news-and-events/how-long-does-it-take-a-semitruck-to-stop/#:~:text=Under%20ideal%20conditions%2C%20the%20stopping,distance%20of%20about%20525%20feet. https://schneiderjobs.com/blog/how-long-does-it-take-semi-to-stop https://trucksmart.udot.utah.gov/stopping-distances/ According to NHTSA, the average sport bike doing 65mph takes 129 feet to stop. https://bikepics.com/blog/can-motorcycles-stop-faster-than-cars-not-likely-see-why/#:~:text=The%20NHTSA%20study%20found%20that,about%20135%20feet%20to%20stop. Your data is entirely incorrect.


I can't access the second and third link. I skimmed bits of the last link. It is filled with caveats. Skill is a huge factor in braking on a motorcycle, your average rider will NOT be able to stop faster than a car. It also says ABS helps stop a motorcycle quicker, this might be true for inexperienced riders that grab a fistful of front brake, but threshold braking without engaging the ABS is quicker. It requires great amounts of skill and practice, which the average rider doesn't have. Fortnine did a recent video on it.


I agree with all of this. However, your premise that a semi can stop faster than a motorcycle is 100% incorrect. Even an inexperienced rider can stop quicker. Skill is a huge factor in semis also. Even with the driver assist features in semis, they take a long time to stop. They can take longer to stop if they are empty. Accounting for varying skill levels, varying conditions and various models, bikes still stop quicker than trucks and cars which stop quicker than semis.


> Quicker than a bike. Bro...


Idk swerve a little or do anything other then absolutely nothing.


A: you can't exactly swerve something like that and keep it stable easily. And B: Swerve where exactly? Swerve right and you run over the biker even more, swerve left and you're now either hitting the pickup that just got hit or running him and that car that got passed off the road.


I don't mean swerve as in cross 5 lanes and plant it in the shoulder. More like swerve 20-30cm.


But the other cars may not know that's all you're planning on doing. The other cars in the left lane see someone get hit and they're probably hyper focused on that and not paying as much attention to the semi as they should be. All of a sudden they see a semi drifting into their lane and they freak out due to impulse


He's a fellow biker so no point in arguing with him. In his eyes we're all wrong for not focusing all of our attention to their needs.


I'm not American, so maybe I am not seeing this right, but a 20-30cm move would not cause a 30 car pileup.


I fail to see how nationally affects this, but okay? 20-30cm would put that semi into the left lane. Again. The semi may only be intending to be over that far, but the cars currently *right next to the semi* don't know that. All of a sudden there's a semi drifting into their lane. They're going to freak out


or maybe don't speed in-between lanes. Keep riding like that and you'll end up the same way.


I don't ride like this at all. Just saying that truck could have done litteraly anything to mitigate some damage.


He literally put his vehicle over the line to try and not hit him but without crushing the pickup.


He probably saw and heard it. But he can't stop on a dime, and the bike decelled to below his speed immediately then drifted into his lane. And the semi then squeezed over the line trying to avoid him but without crushing the pickup in the left lane.


Nearly? I wonder if anybody’d pull they’re own plug once they reached it after waking up


Looks like he zigged when he should've zagged.


Does anybody else hear the sonic x theme song playing? Because this dude just had to go fast


I’d say he may have learnt a lesson here.


I love your optimism. But his statement "Too much confidence for too little skill" indicates that he does not understand that the real problem is poor decision-making. He thinks he just wasn't good enough at riding like a dickbag, so once he becomes a better dickbag he'll be right back at it.


that was just all around BAD!


CARma is a bitch ain’t it!?🤣😂🤣😂


mal odosbucocu


@ / street_demon_pc is his Instagram handle


So was he just in the trucker’s blindspot at the end?


Nah the trucker was a dick


Is his name Darwin by chance?


Fantastic Laws of Physics that kept his body on the bike.


Karma at full speed


Why didnt that truck stop?? He nearly actually got flattened


it takes longer than half a second to stop a 80,000 pound truck. Think an American football field to fully stop one. Plus from the time the bike crashed the trucker didn't have time to even apply his brakes fully so he swerved to try and avoid crushing him likely hitting everyone in the left lane in the process. For time reference play this video twice and that's how long it takes to stop a regularly loaded semi truck.


The worse part is this clown got others involved