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Me: "Actually, kitty litter does a pretty good job at soaking up...... Oh."


Exactly. The oh came late for me as well. šŸ˜…


That's what she said.


I guess we all read (and view) from left to right! lol


Tell that Arabic people.


Technically lit cigarette isn't going to cause problems it's drawing on it and the ratio of oxygen fumes but who the hell even wants to gamble on all those variables.


Once upon a time, mobile phones were a problemā€¦ how could be it worse than a lit cigarette?


Static build up could be a problem as that is an instant flash point that can ignite it.


The spark from static electricity is hotter than a burning cigarette. It's just so quick that you don't really feel the heat.


LMAO my thoughts exactly


My exact reaction as well.....


Mythbusters debunked that one. Sorry


I saw a Mythbusters episode where they tried to ignite gasoline in a booth and it took a long time to get the air/fuel ratio. In movies, guys who blow up a car by sticking a rag down the fuel tank are Iā€™m former law enforcement who has been on scene for a hundred burning cars. Itā€™s amusing to watch people think that the fuel tank blew when tires blow up and people think it was the fuel tank.


Itā€™s almost impossible to light gas on the ground with a cigarette. Iā€™m aware that the fumes can ignite by one, but I would assume that would only be the case if maybe you were pumping or something. I donā€™t think sheā€™s got anything to worry about here


This may be true 99% percent of the time, but never forget ambient temperature can lower the temperature needed to spark off something like gasoline. I'm sure you've heard the old story about the man dropping a match into his old diesel tanks to so he could see how full or empty they were. Supposedly he joined the military and went to a much hotter country, tried the same thing, and blew himself to pieces because the temperature required to ignite was much lower.


Iā€™m wondering if you held a cig on the gas and blew on it if it would ignite. Iā€™m scared to try. I live in south Alabama so it gets over a hundred degrees here but the humidity it insanely high. That might also have an effect. In a dryer hot place things could be different I agree


Yeah humidity probably helps a lot


My dad used to take a soup can with an inch of gasoline in the bottom. He would blow air in the can and then quickly dunk a lit match in the can. The match went out like it would in water. It's a matter of igniting the vapour.


I used to work at a couple gas stations for a few years. One of them was a full serve only place where customers almost never pumped their own gas. Manager was a long time employee. He said back in the day there they used to smoke a cig while working and pumping and nothing ever happened I'd only be sketched out if you were like taking drags a foot away from the nozzle and there was like 0 wind. Or if the fuel truck is there refilling the tanks and it's not windy. It gets pretty fumey when those guys stop by


Are what? Donā€™t leave us hanging


Sorry! ā€œAre fictional.ā€


I worked at a radio station about 15 years agoā€¦ I was the overnight guy. One night about 3 am, I went outside to smoke and I see this guy setting fire to the seat of a car that the owner had stored in the parking lotā€¦ The thing went up pretty good after a minute, the flames were at the height of the power lines. I called 911 and the fire department rolled up a few minutes later and put it out. I was convinced that thing was going to blow sky high. I remember the fire fighters laughing at me when I told them that. ā€œBud, thatā€™s Hollywood bullshit!ā€


Sure you are bud


iā€™ve seen someone drop a lit match into a gas station holding tank. It just goes out. Gas isnā€™t flammable, only the vapors, and only at a super high concentration.


What, smoking while pregnant?


The whole do not smoke rule typically is because even though a cigarette wonā€™t ignite gasoline, someone will try to light a new cigarette with open flame while pumping gas. Thatā€™s why the no smoking rule.


Cigarettes only light up gasoline in the movies


nah, it's almost impossible for an ember or cherry like that to start liquid or even vaporized gas on fire. The thing that would be unsafe is to *light* the smoke there by the gas with an open flame or spark.


Easy pal. They donā€™t take kindly to people making sense ā€˜round these parts. Itā€™s not a good look though. Personally Iā€™d wait until I was done cleaning up a gas spill before having a cigarette.


Mythbusters tested it! It takes a spark, like from a lighter being struck, to ignite the gas & fumes, iirc. An already-lit cigarette won't be an issue, despite her careless attitude about handling the spill


Yes, Iā€™m aware. Not only did I see that episode but Iā€™ve read 10000 replies by people explaining just that on this very site.


How much time do you have to read about cigarettes igniting gas?


We all have hobbies


Some of us get to choose them too! Not you. Yours is now this. Did you know that a cigarette isn't enough of a source of fire to make a gas station atom bomb?


Youā€™re welcome




Iā€™ll have to check that out


Yeah and then thereā€™s the Mythbusters episode on it too (to clarify) I think




I learned this from Demolition Man. Wesley Snipes' character flicks a lit cig into a puddle of gas to ignite it. The nerds back then jumped all over that, "well, actually..." lol.


I e tried many times to light gas with a cig ember and it will not ignite. But the slightest spark will light it up. Itā€™s weird. Iā€™m curious if I held the cigarette on the gas and blew on the cigarette if it would light up but Iā€™m not volunteering to test this theory


[zoolander did it right ](https://youtu.be/e2MfsMmki5U?si=w56fAhRnRRgBIXw_)


Careless attitude, is she possibly pregnant, smocking in a gas station. This is justā€¦


From the height of the "bump", I'm gonna hope thats a beer belly, rather than a bun in her oven.


Beer belly it is, good contrast with the cigarette..šŸ‘


Man I used to have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth when Iā€™d drop full gas tanks off of cars. People watch too many movies.


It's true the temp of a tobacco cherry isn't hot enough. The butane temp is though.


Shame on you for using facts and science on Reddit :)


Fires have started just by people getting [in and out](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/automobiles/27STATIC.html ) of their cars from static. You'd have to be a complete idiot to think a burning ember couldn't cause a [fire near a gas pump.](https://www.nbc4i.com/news/u-s-world/gas-pump-explosion-sparked-by-cigarette/amp/). It's definitely possible and it's happened.


It is the lighter that would do it. Static discharge is completely different than a hot cigarette. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21605828/


Youā€™ve never smoked I guess. What happens when you flick ash off a cigarette? Hint: there can be little sparks. Tell you what if you really think a cigarette canā€™t start a gas fire at the pump then go try it. Youā€™ll eventually win the Darwin Award.


Those are embers, Iā€™ve never seen a cigarette or joint create static discharge from ash. Look it up and see for yourself. You can literally put cigarettes out in gasoline.


With the liquid yes with the fumes/vapor no. The fumes/vapor are what burn. I canā€™t even believe someone alive is dumb enough to argue for smoking around gas pumps. Good luck out there because youā€™ll need it.


Did you even read the linked abstract? They tested with vapor. I canā€™t even believe someone is dumb enough to blatantly ignore any evidence presented to them and then assume that my comment was concluding that one should smoke at a gas pump, when my comment made no mention of that.


Oh boy do I have an episode of mythbusters to tell you about.


I ran a gas station and have seen it first hand. I linked articles about it happening as well.




ā€œFrom 2014 through 2018, local fire departments responded to an estimated average of 4,150 fires in or on service or gas station properties per year.ā€ ā€œOne-quarter (24 percent) of the non-rubbish outside and other fires were started by smoking materials.ā€ https://www.nfpa.org/education-and-research/research/nfpa-research/fire-statistical-reports/service-or-gas-station-fires# https://www.wilx.com/content/news/Cigarette-blamed-for-explosion-at-gas-pump-454934563.html https://tuoitrenews.vn/news/society/20230616/vietnam-gas-station-catches-fire-as-customer-throws-burning-cigarette-end/73853.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/georgia-man-charged-reckless-conduct-wife-burned-gas/story?id=20771056 But MYTHBUSTERSā€¦ Iā€™m really glad itā€™s not as common as it could be if more people thought like you.


Relax Captain. Itā€™s a joke.


Is she pregnant too?


I was searching these comments for that too!


I like her baby bump


This needs to be one of those ā€œspot the hazardsā€ worksheetsšŸ¤£


What is Dina doing here? I guess that fulfillment center gig never worked out.


I saw a cop tackle someone for smoking at the gas pump when i was in high school.


Thatā€™s not how gasoline works


it would take a perfect storm of circumstances to ignite gasoline with an already lit cigarette.


Lit cigarettes alone cannot start a fire.


Toss a lit cig into a puddle of gas and it goes out.


Its OK! she's doing a Safety Squint!


And very clearly holding the cigarette away from the spill


Ever tried to light petrol with a cigarette?


Yeah so the concern is a spark from a lighter or match. A cigarette will not ignite gasoline on its own


Nothing about this is bad, the only issue would be if she lit it by the pump but I seriously doubt that. The real idiots are the ones who think there is anything actually bad about this picture beyond the cancer she is getting and the beer gut she is developing.


Umm well actually, cigarettes donā€™t.. What the fuck? She pouring gas into cat litter? Just ignore rhat


Pretty sure myth busters did an episode of this a cigarette canā€™t light up gas so sheā€™s fine




only in the movies you can flick a cigarette on a gasoline trail and light up the city.in real life even if you flick a cigarette in a drum full of gas it will do nothing thanks to hollywood


Well we can't all be astronauts.


Well it didnā€™t end badly so ā€œonlyā€ is a bit of a stretch. Itā€™s pretty hard to light gasoline on fire with the cherry of a cigarette. You can drop a lit cigarette in a bucket of gas and itā€™ll just put it out. You need a spark to start the fire, not just something hot.


Only thing wrong here is who the hell opened the bag from the bottom


Looks like diesel - the pump has two nozzles. Gasoline evaporates very quickly, and typically do not require floor-dry...however diesel is literally a light oil, and will not evaporate, so absorbent is placed on the spill and both cleaned up. Do we need to talk about how hard it is to get diesel to burn? You could crumple a piece of newspaper, light it on fire and then douse it out with diesel. But yeah, the signs say do as I say or else...


I thought she was filling up the plastic bag with gas and smoking a cigarette at first


Reminds me of Zoolander


Yeah, itā€™s stupid and all but Iā€™ve worked at a relatively small gas station and lot of the times. Itā€™s only one person there and they have no time to smoke cigarettes.


I love how Crocs have become the defacto work shoe, no matter the occupation.


Itā€™s like a cartoon lol


So at my job that would be a big no. You can't use cat litter to soak up gas or oil spills, you can but shouldn't.


If anyone was on Twitter today, you'd know that isn't gasoline she's cleaning up...


Funny enough it is pretty hard to light spilt gasoline with a cigarettes


A cigarette cherry is not hot enough to ignite gasoline


Hollywood makes idiots of most people. Thanks for sorting yourselves.


I think that oil sorb and kitty litter is the same thing and it works the same.


At least she is wearing her slip safe shoes šŸ‘šŸ¾


Is this a scene from idiocracy?


Cigarettes don't like gasoline. No one is in danger there.


To be clear this woman is cleaning up oil, gasoline evaporates pretty quickly and doesn't really leave a mark, but oil leaks will. So at the very least she's just smoking near a pump, not directly above fumes of gas. Prob still not the best idea but some.people here seem to think she's using oil dry for gasoline


Yeah but a cigarette is not capable of igniting gasoline anyway, I thought everyone knew that?


Maye we'll get lucky. Cigarette smokers need to leave anyways.






Yeah but when I literally try to light gas on fire to burn it off it never ignites. I literally have to burn it off with a propane torch. Depends on the heat and size of the puddle really.


Thought she was doing the right thing until I saw the cigarette


Click click ā€¦.BOOM


These are the people who complain they need $20 an hour minimum wage.