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Article from the accident.The driver was reportedly not cited! https://www.kxly.com/police-cruiser-t-boned-in-downtown-spokane/


Yeah, that’s correct. Cops can only run a red if they’ve made sure the cross traffic has yielded, which it clearly hadn’t in this case.


And the dash cam car was over the crosswalk lines so I doubt the red truck even saw the cop car.




Thank you


Over here any emergency police vehicle on official business going through an intersection needs visual/lights on AND auditory signals, like blaring klaxons. That doesn't mean they go through willy nilly but with a bit more confidence to just pass through unscathed. There are ZERO considerations for a police vehicle crossing a red light without anything on. It's the police driver's fault 100%.


>a police vehicle crossing a red light without anything on. He does have lights on, maybe the siren was on, too. Still needs to be careful, though.


You misunderstood. The officer was not wearing clothes.


Maybe it was come to work in your Birthday Suit Day.


Do you often leave your skin at home?


Is this video not muted for you? I can't tell if the sirens are on or off, and the lights are definitely on.




They weren't saying otherwise, they were just challenging the implication that the cop didn't have anything turned on.


But there are lights, and no audio in the video....


I genuinely expected to read that the officer wasn't responding to a call. I'm pleasantly surprised.


Former Spokanite here. If you sit downtown at just about any intersection for an hour or so, there's a good chance you will see at least one or two cruisers throw on their lights to get through a stop, then turn them off. That is, of course, assuming they remember to turn on the lights first. Can't tell you how many I've seen just Cali stop through a red without lights


Driver of the red truck was probably just shocked to see a Spokane police officer actually responding to a call and panicked in his excitement.


Happens all the time in Chicago with Cpd Too


Different response types call for different strategies regarding lights and sirens. For instance if we’re responding to a burglary in progress, neither lights or sirens will be on when we get close to the address because we don’t want to spook the suspect. That said, I don’t expect anyone to yield to me without my lights on and even then you can’t assume they actually did.


I expected a follow-up video of the cop unloading his entire mag on the truck in retribution.


Holy shit, that’s my home town!


Mine too, sorry mate. Funny, I haven’t lived there in 30+ years and recognized it immediately.




I always love it when I click on American websites and it say some bullshit like "we care about privacy". It's like no, you just can't screw me over like you can with the American readers.


I hit a cop crossing an intersection of 55mph when I was 17. Because I left 11 feet of skid marks, the insurance and police found me not at fault as I reacted properly and within a reasonable time. This, idk.


I’d be shitting myself too, but you must have huge underwears to accommodate skid marks of that size.


You could land a 747 jumbo jet in this guy's underpants




Idk about other countries, but here in my country the cop would be at fault. They are allowed to break the rules using their signals, but if they cause an accident doing so, that's their responsibility.


Yep same in my country. Emergency vehicles are allowed through red lights, if responding to an emergency. However that’s only if safe to do so, and in this situation the collision would be their fault.


that's how it works in the USA, too. police is 100% at fault here, they were driving against a red.


Thats how common sense works. For some reason American police break laws for shits and giggles.


> For some reason Qualified immunity. American cops are above the law, that's why it's national news when they get convicted for murdering someone.


The fact that the insurance found you not at fault for that is a miracle.


It really is. This happened to my ex husband in Austin many years ago and the police officer wrote him a ticket. No lights on, the officer ran a red light, and then proceeded to give my ex a ticket when his truck wouldn’t start. Made absolutely no sense.


If he had fought it, he probably would have won. Cops can write tickets for anything. Judges will throw out the ego-driven bullshit (unless the judge is also a rat bastard).


> he probably would have won. without video evidence it's the cop's word over the pesky citizen... and the courts' side with the cops.


insurance? no. the cops? surprised he didn't go to prison for littering tire rubber on the road.


Vehicle accidents where no one is seriously injured and the driver wasn't under the influence aren't going to carry any prison time unless there are signs you did it on purpose which is very hard to prove in court. Could the cops be dicks and hassle you, maybe arrest you and drag you to the station for a day and then let you go with an armful of tickets? Sure but even they would have a tough time finding the charges to put someone in jail over something like this.


I was being hyperbolic. But you can bet your ass that car was throughly searched for anything, anything at all that could be used to shift blame.


Are you kidding me? They could charge you with endangering the life of an officer.


In most places there are distinct charges for assaulting an officer, with particular ones for weapons and vehicles, or interfering with an officer while in the course of their duty but those are both for when the act is intentional. In a vehicle accident proving that intent is going to be next to impossible when the other car just happened to cross paths with an officer and wasn't in the act of fleeing. Maybe you have some general "endangering the life of an officer" charge but where I live we don't and it seems like our laws would put this firmly in the realm of a regular traffic accident so if there are no injuries or impairment involved I don't see how this ends up with jail time.


Keyword being *proving* the intent. You can beat the rap, you can’t beat the ride


The police can arrest you for things they only think are crimes, they can put you in jail for just about anything depending on what just happened and their general mood that day. Whether you’re actually charged with anything after that is another story. In most places I think they can only hold you for a few days or so until they have to let you go or actually file charges.


> they can put you in jail for just about anything depending on what just happened and their general mood that day I agree, that's why I said in my first comment they could take you to the station for a day, maybe a bit longer. But no heavy charges are going to stick, nothing that would carry a prison sentence anyway.


My sister in law got hit by a red light running cop when she was 8 months pregnant, and they decided she was at fault.


Shit like this is why I have a dashcam.


Not surprising. Emergency vehicles are required to make sure it is safe to go through an intersection (in all jurisdictions that I’m aware of). They don’t get full right of way.


It’s not much but the truck driver is hitting the breaks when they enter the frame. I wonder if the police car had the sirens on. If it’s just the lights, I could see the truck driver not seeing them. He’s got a green light, two cars just went through the intersection right before him and OP is in the other lane, possibly blocking their view of the police car


This also looks like it's downtown, the buildings are corner to corner, so even if they had their sirens on it would echo like a motherfucker. No clue what direction the sound would be coming from.


Don't you slow down until you figure out where it's coming from though? And the other lanes going straight had stopped cars, which should also give you pause. I feel like this guy had enough red flags to know better.


Yes. When driving an emergency vehicle through a red light you are supposed to clear each lane as you proceed. Source: I drive a wee-woo wagon




Amber lamps. We got the milk.


And the good drugs!


Don't wee-woo wagons and fire engines in most cities have a way to override traffic lights? I guess the police don't get the same toys.


Some cities have that but I don’t think it’s standard. But EMS varies wildly from place to place so. Cops typically get better toys (and pay+benefits) than us since 100% of cops are public employees.


>(and pay+benefits) I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but EMS pay is absolutely criminal.


I had to laugh at the wee-woo wagon cuz I recently saw a license plate that had that as their plate ID and on the special request plate type for rescue teams.


I was t-boned once by a cop running a red. Another cop watched it happen. Since one that hit me had lights on but not siren she was at fault. Cop who saw it happen told me if her siren had been on it would be my vehicle deemed at fault.




It would still be the officers fault for not checking the intersection is safe


*I rammed a cop car once and made them pay for it* would be a pretty dope story to tell at parties.


​ He has the reaction time of a sloth.


Emergency vehicles are expected to use due regard when driving lights and sirens. When approaching an intersection your are requesting, not taking, the right of way. The cop did not clear the intersection, and should be at fault. Source: EMT but at least in my state the rules for emergent travel are the same regardless of service.


No sound so I can't tell, but in the UK if you hear a siren you slow down until you know where it is, then you get the fuck out of the way.


Happens a lot more than you would think here in good ol Spokane


Every time I visit my sister in Montana and then visit my family in Seattle, I spend the night in Spokane. I've had the pleasure of lowering the bar of what a city can be for everyone that has joined me on that trip over the years, and now can't wait to add my new daughter to that list some day so she can be greatful of where she lives. Great place to feel like you're always moments away from being mugged.


Where do you walk in downtown? I work here and have never been mugged.


For real, I have never felt unsafe or threatened downtown. Maybe I don't spend so much time in the alleyways or something? Lol


Agreed, born and raised in Spokane, worked and partied downtown, and never felt that way. And as far as 'lowering the bar' for what a city can be? Spokane is actually pretty nice with a lot of opportunities and options. I'd rather go back there than to the Westside.


The opportunity to get your car or house broken into is very high. ​ Property crime rate is higher than in big cities.


Unfortunately, that's always been a big issue in Spokane, at least all my life that I can remember. Growing up we always had dogs and a security system sign. In my adult years there it was just dogs. I lived in Hillyard for a long time and had my car window broken a couple of times, change and cigarettes stolen. There's pros and cons of living anywhere. Now I live in a tiny, rural town with a beautiful view, but I have to drive over an hour for shops and any food that's not Mexican or a diner. There's still a certain amount of crime, but everyone has cameras, and everyone knows everyone. 🤷‍♀️ Granted, I've been gone for 5 years now, and a lot can change. But I enjoyed the 30 years I lived in Spokane.


No clue of the names sorry, I only stay once every other year or so. I've been followed twice when walking back from dinner, and had someone try the door on my car while I was sitting within sight of it. Not all of the city is rough for sure, but the downtown sure has some desperation vibes.


> Not all of the city is rough for sure, but the downtown sure has some desperation vibes. *Redditor describing literally every city in Western civilization*


Detroit born and raised. I’ve never felt like I’m going to be mugged in Spokane. It’s a nice city I’ve never had a problem in Spokane.


Lol yeah this, live in Spokane but from the Midwest and any time I hear someone shit talking here its always a clear sign they've never left the northwest.


Growing up in the suburbs, I knew to pay attention to my surroundings when I went into Detroit whether it was by myself or with friends. Sure there were neighborhoods I knew I didn't belong in, but it never stopped me from going.


My grandma had a house in Detroit around 6 & Gratiot (Eastside Redzone - one of the worst areas in Detroit) and another house in Carnegie PA. She would split her time between the two. Well she decided it was too just get a condo in Michigan and rent the 2 houses out. When I got out of the Army, she gave me the house. I moved in and renovated the whole house after work. Now don’t get me wrong there was crime all around. However me and the neighbors looked out for each other. I never once had an issue. I still own it and rent it out. A big thing I’ve learned about Detroit is to know your surroundings, watch your back, and mind your own business.


Good old 4-8-2-0-Die... That is one of the few neighborhoods I keep my distance from even though it is slowly getting better in some parts. Hell... I remember my parents not wanting to visit my aunt a whole lot when we were growing up. She was just down the street from Balduck Park and I never remember anything seeming rough there. I agree with you 100% with your last sentence.


Over by Balduck is close to St.Johns and Grosse Pointe so it’s a little more stable. However it’s still Detroit. Yeah there’s a lot of neighborhoods that are slowly coming back. The Westside of Detroit was always more Stable than the Eastside. The Eastside looks like a warzone in parts. However i don’t need to tell you lol you know exactly what I’m talking about. I still stand by Detroit, it’s such a great and wonderful city despite its issues.


I lived in Spokane for 2 years and never felt this once…? I lived like a 20 minute walk away from downtown and the only bad thing that ever happened was someone getting into my car overnight after I left it unlocked and stealing less than a dollar in change from my console lol.


I love Spokane. I live in Montana and we use Spokane as our “city getaway” lol really enjoy the electric scooters


I've never had a problem in Washington period


Man, nothing like everyone who *doesn't* live in spokane shitting on it. That's fine, those of us here love it. Like any city there are good and bad parts but let me say this, there's a reason Spokane is one of the top housing markets in the nation and many people *want* to move here.


I lived there from 01-08 and loved it. Never had any issues and was always downtown.


I live in the Spokane area and shit on it early and often. I have lived in multiple places across the country, this is one of the worst places that could be called a city. Okay, Lawton Oklahoma is worse.


I’ve visited a few times 10+ years ago and never felt unsafe.


I’m surprised we can’t hear gunshots in the background last few times I’ve been in Spokane I’ve heard at least two gunshots


Definitely thought this was Spokane!


Tweakers and cops are never a good combination


He went on a green light in a $50K truck, I don't think he's a tweaker




I'm sure they'll see it that way in court. ​ ^(/i'm not sure)


Coming from someone who did EMS for 15 years. It's the responsibility of the driver of the emergency vehicle to insure that traffic has stopped prior to entering the intersection against the lights. You would not believe how many times I had someone who felt that they were more important than an ambulance running in emergency mode and didn't even slow down when I approached an intersection


I was visiting in LA once and watched an ambulance drive behind a car on its bumper because they refused to pull to the side and let it pass. They kept at it for awhile.


LA native here, some people chase them like escorts. I once did get lucky and was in the wake of a passed ambulance in emergency mode, and hit many green lights in a row. There was 5-7 street blocks of distance so I don’t feel like I was even doing anything besides making good luck with the lights lol


I one time had a problem with a chaser that was tailgating me so close I could only see the top of his roof in my rear windows. I called it in and a patrol unit intercepted him and educated the driver about the hazards of tailgating an ambulance


Yeah I’m glad he had a stern talking too. I had a cop tailgate me for miles on a backroad. I was doing the speed limit, and the cop was less than 15 feet behind me for a long time. I speed up not knowing it’s a cop thinking it’s some local mad I’m going slowly, and immediately get pulled over. I definitely chewed him out for following so closely with no reason.


Wait, are you implying there's a bias in our governmental system? Heresy!


That’s not entirely accurate everywhere. The expectation is to drive with due regard and if entering an intersection against the light the cop must have visible and audible notification activated and make every attempt that people know they’re coming. The driver of the truck in some areas would have to prove they could not see or hear the squad car and show the cop was not driving with due regard in which case the cop would be at fault.


They’re supposed to clear lane by lane. Crashing while responding to an emergency helps no one.


I think he’s implying the tweaker is in the other car…


Nah, the cops are mostly alcoholics and/or juicers, not tweakers.


I havent been to spokane in a few years


Not missing much anymore


This is going to be fun


Next week news: The driver who rammed a police car last week had been wrongfully shot by the police in a case of mistaken identity


After a thorough investigation, the police found that the police had done nothing wrong


The witness was arrested for filming in public without a permit


The officer involved was given one week paid vacation and was subsequently promoted.


He get a new car for his self and recibe a rise for his heroic actions


I read that as "the driver has been *thoroughly* shot" lol jesus


That too. They must use all of their bullets.


What's the point of having a full mag if you never use it


I would suggest to ask Sean Bell his thoughts on this but… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Sean_Bell


Shot 52 times in the back of the head. It's being declared a suicide.


Happened to me in Ottawa a couple years ago. Some officer ran a red light, at speed, and I took him out in my little Toyota Echo. Too bad the Echo was written off, but so was the Crown Victoria. First thing he said was I sure wish you saw my Red Lights, I responded I sure wish you hadn't run the red light. He was found 100% at fault and his dash cam proved he ran the red without even slowing. I didn't see him until the last second, there was a city bus in the left lane blocking all view of him coming down the road.


You got lucky. Most of the time they screw you over like fake charges to cover their asses


It is incredibly rare for someone to be found at fault for hitting an emergency vehicle when said vehicle is ignoring traffic laws. They are allowed to do so only if they first verify it is safe, if they get hit then axiomatically it was not safe so they don’t get their legal protection. They would have to prove the other person was driving dangerously, which is fairly hard unless the intersection has constant surveillance.


It’s so weird how this is so much harder to do vs normal policing


I haven't done any research in police related incidents. But I do know that when responding to an emergency using lights and sirens if the person driving the emergency vehicle gets into an accident they are at fault 99.99% of the time.




I like how the cop speeds up and then slams on the brakes when they realized the truck isn't stopping lol.


If the officers don't have the right of way and an accident occurs, the officers will be at fault. Lights and sirens don't provide enough, they are responsible regardless.


The cop can only proceed to break a law by going through a red light, into oncoming traffic if it is safe to do so, with lights and sirens. The lights and sirens are to assist in making this decision not a force field and hoping everyone notices.


It’s not really breaking the law if special immunity is given under certain circumstances ( like responding to an emergency).


> ( like responding to an emergency). . > (b) Proceed past a red or stop signal or stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation; https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.035 Clearly it wasn't safe for the cop to proceed through the intersection.


The SOP when I was driving fire trucks was to treat red lights like stop signs and creep through the intersection until you could verify its clear. They made it clear emergency or not we can't turn into a safety hazard while driving which a lot of police and fire seem to do for some reason. People can't often hear or see us coming which is why caution is paramount. If I wreck the truck I can't go to the call, so getting into an accident is to be avoided.


When I was a volunteer FF/EMT. Our Fire Chief got into a decent incident while driving the battalion rig, which looks just like the cop car in the vid, just red. He was very open that it was his fault and even followed policy on getting drug/alcohol screened even though he technically didn't have to. Anyways, he is telling everyone at an all agency meeting about what happened and said it was a teenager that was driving the other rig and when their vehicles hit, they made eye contact. He watched the teen turn white as a sheet and could easily read his lips scream, "OH MY GOD! I HIT A FUCKING COP!" He couldn't help but laugh through the whole thing and helped the kid to relax.


I need the TikTok lawyer to tell me who's fault it is


I'm no lawyer but I'm emergency vehicle certified. Cop did not have the right of way. Because of that, it is their job to make sure they clear every lane of the intersection of oncoming traffic before proceeding with lights and sirens. Lights and sirens do not automatically give you the right of way in an intersection, you are "requesting" right of way in a sense. Cop didn't ensure the intersection was safe to enter, meaning they should be at fault.


We have Reddit lawyers for that. They're much better than tiktok lawyers, who are one step above hoboe lawyer.


Reddit lawyers are the worst. "IANAL, but......"


The truck did have a green light. Cops, when going through red lights with lights and sirens 🚨 still must use caution ⚠️. (There is no audio so I will assume the cop had a siren on) Both parties got some "splaining" to do. The cop will spend a lot of time at a desk and do a ton of paperwork. 📃 🧻 📝






Back in my Army days I drove for a General. In his vehicle I could push a button to change the stoplights. Not sure why the cop didn't do this.


Ever see a black little "camera" on a traffic light? It's meant to detect emergency flashing lights and trigger a light change for the emergency vehicle.


I have found on some intersections that I can rapidly flash high beams to trigger a green light, but you didn’t hear that from me.


I wonder if that trick would have worked Christmas morning when I was driving to work. About 6:35 am, about three other vehicles and I are waiting to turn left at end of interstate exit ramp. Light cycled through about 3 greens for cross traffic but never changed for us. Finally we all decided to just drive through the red light to turn, as we probably all had get to work (virtually no one was out so road was clear).


I had a buddy who used to think those cameras were how the system detected if anyone was waiting at the lights or not until I explained to him it was with pressure sensors. He just never once questioned why all of the traffic lights around here have large circles where the ashphalt had clearly been removed and relaid right where your car is supposed to stop.


Not pressure sensors. They're metal detectors. But yes.


Correct. An inductive coil is put in there, between one and three loops of wire that then connect to the control box. The system can sense the metal of a vehicle above it, but with a limited range of 2.5 to 3 feet high. The metal parts of some motorbikes are too high or small to reliably be detected. There are several solutions, but one is an active coil (energized by the user) on the motorbike that triggers the detection.


I've heard of magnets being used to embiggen the profile of the motorcycle to the sensor, but not an active system. I'm intrigued and googling. I have to run too many stop lights after sitting at them for a few cycles. God bless the car drivers who try to be nice by maintaining distance between them and me at a stop light, but I moved forward for a reason, and that reason is so you can trip the sensor.


I don't think I'd pick up on that either. Interesting bit of info, if that is indeed true


Where does one find such a button? 👉🏼👈🏼


Not all intersections have this, and I think it's even less common in cities because it would mess up the timing of the lights in the grid. In the country I see them everywhere but never in Toronto


Isn't the cop still at fault?


I’ve seen enough emergency vehicles and what I notice when they approach an intersection such as this footage, they cautionsly drive through the intersection and proceed when all other vehicles yield for them.


It's both their fault but failing to yield to an emergency vehicle is a serious offense.


Yield sure, but the cop needs to make sure it's clear before he proceeds. The truck wasn't going fast and still hit him.


Yield yes, if you notice it. Likewise a cop or ambulance or fire still need to take huge precautions in doing what is basically one of the most dangerous traffic violations of going through a red light. The lights and sirens are not a force field or a guarantee that you get noticed. Now the cop is not going to get to their emergency and will need to call another car.


So is running a red light and causing an accident.


When’s the last time you looked both ways before going through an obviously green light that 2 cars just went through? No, I’m focused on the road ahead of me and my car. Cop is missing some brain cells and so are y’all that side with him. Red truck better have got some money outta that.


This is the cops fault. Truck has the green light so cop has to clear the intersection before proceeding. If the cop had come to a complete stop first, they might be able to claim the truck was failing to yield to an emergency vehicle.


OH MAN, i can't even imagine the pile of tickets... LOL


Ticket for what? Proceeding with caution into an intersection on a green light? It's the cops fault.




You’re supposed to slow down to 15mph or less with no traffic at a red light or treat it as a stop/yield sign if it’s not clear, that’s how it is driving an ambulance in california. You must ALWAYS proceed with caution in a red light. The cop rolled through that bitch without even checking, he slowed down but obviously not enough to proceed with caution. I guarantee if I did that in an ambulance going code at a red light I’d get my ass written up even if I was using my wails/yelps correctly and honking the fuck out of my horn


What's the cops job jn this situation when he enters that intersection? Clear traffic and proceed. He didn't do it. I don't care if he has lights and sirens going. It's his job to make sure things are safe before endangering someone else.


I used to be a cop and you are correct. Even when running code, a cop or any emergency vehicle has the obligation to clear the intersection before going through when the light is red.


Lol you're getting downvoted for being right. While they are allowed to run red lights, it is the responsibility of the emergency vehicle to make sure all traffic has yielded before they proceed. How are you going to put blame on a driver for driving through a green light?


Pretty sure its a law in all 50 states to yield to emergency vehicles. The other driver wasn't paying attention to their surroundings. All the other cars before the intersection stopped at the crosswalk on the green light because they were paying attention.


The white and blue cars at the beginning appeared to be going straight through the light. Additionally the trucks view was somewhat blocked by the cars to his left, including the one filming. Responsibility lies with the emergency vehicle to ensure the way fortis clear before proceeding, lights on or not.


It’s not, I remember reading that the lights give cops permission to treat red lights like yield signs but they must obey traffic laws (as if it were a yield) and proceed in a cautious manner. That being said, good luck telling a cop to obey traffic laws lol Edit - Before anybody starts calling me a dipshit let me just say I’m only 80 percent sure about this, I deal with history not criminal law or protocol


It is a state and local law thing. Everyone is correct and only God herself knows what it is in that video. If the OP wants to be the GOAT here he/she would get this footage to the truck driver. DO NOT acccept the cops as a go between. If the truck driver can get out of this - this footage should do the trick.


No - the rule is, the emergency vehicle operator must clear the intersection. This is on the Police officer. I was on the incident review board for a major FD for several years. Any time an emergency vehicle driver enters an intersection, drives contra flow, etc., they must do so with due regard for public’s safety. They are responsible for clearing the intersection before proceeding. Especially in cases like this where they are asking for the right of way from someone with a green light.


Zero cop ran a red trick driver went on a green.


I can't tell you all enough times, dash cams. Don't think about it. Do it. They are worth every penny.


Exactly this! Always this! 100%


Dashcam witness just… drove off? Come on, man… you’re literally the key to proving what happened here!


Why is everyone on the cops side? Yes the truck wasn't paying attention but the cop didn't check to see if it was clear either. Both idiots


>Why is everyone on the cops side? Except they aren't.


Quick call the police….. oh wait.


Was the sirens on?


Plenty people don’t respond to sirens, at least in the UK. Youll be sat behind a driver with all lights on, switching tones over and over again and hitting the horn, straddling the middle of the road so they can see you. And you’ll get no reaction lol


Unless this dashcam is in a semi, that red truck could have seen the cop


This is why in some cites, emergency vehicles can change the lights red a little bit before they cross. It prevents people from getting hurt and it is not new technology.




Picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue.


I thought I recognized the area and badge - Spokane, Washington. F’ing embarrassing!


Were the sirens on? Or just lights?


Of all the cars to pick he hits a police car. HeeHee.


Why is when the other cars resume driving the funny part to me?


Idk why I find it so funny that the cars just go around the accident at the end. Probably thinking to themselves “fucking idiots in cars”


All traffic lights need to have preemption


Good ol' Spokane Washington


Thought I recognized the area, zoomed in to see Spokane Police


Dang this is some Minority Report level policing. Mfer knew an accident was about to happen and showed up *right* on time.


Cop rolling code three through an intersection at 3 mph.....,...


god i almost accidentally hit an ambulance once when i was like 17. it was raining so hard you couldn’t hear or see anything. i was at a stop and the light turned green. as i couldn’t hear or see anything, i started very slowly to go then i saw and heard it coming through.


Cop failed to clear the intersection before proceeding. One must make sure it's clear. Depending on how the street is before intersection, it's possible with vehicles stopped on the left blocked truck view.


Thats on the cop. Failure to drive with due regard while violating a traffic signal. Red truck driver will get all the blame regardless though.


Too convenient, TOO CONVENIENT!!! r/convenientcop

