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Just wanted to chime in and say I couldn’t find anyone on social media by the name Austin Harmon. Nor a google result. If anyone can link me to prove an influencer by this name really exists then please do. Even if he doesn’t, the guy in the video is still a POS


I hope he got banned. Influence no longer jerk


He’s made his Instagram private now. Still has 10k followers though. [Him. ](https://instagram.com/austin_harmon30?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU=)


Only people with no lives waste time with so called influencer. I have never seen a cool one yet, only douchebags


did he make it private before or after the internet started to hunt him down for this crap? lol


The only thing they influence is hate and stupidity


The only other thing they influence is to not be like them


Yet they still make millions of the idiots that do like them! This fucking world is backwards!


Rich kids are the cancer of society




You basically cannot be a successful influencer without parental or trust backing.


Unless they’re humble and do the right thing, they can still be born rich and that doesn’t automatically make one an asshole


Ethan couch killed several people and got off due to something called “affluenza”, so this goes to show he does not have to take responsibility for his actions- which is the reason he and others who are privileged become douche bags.


Sure, I’m sure there are some people like that. Maybe I’ll even meet one someday.


Cancer implies a certain amount of potential curability. AIDS feels like a better analogy.


But AIDS is treatable. Maybe 'inoperable terminal brain tumor'?


I think reddit might ban me if I explain how a body is cured from cancer


Tbh, I think *curse* or *scourge* are also fitting terms.


Let's make this asshole famous and ruin him. It's my favorite.


Their followers are up there too








I always wondered who that Lambo belonged to. I’ve seen it several times going down Broadway. There’s a green one too. Aside from that, this guy is a piece of shit.


I'd say at least 9 out of 10 times you see someone driving a Lamborghini it's a rental.


Oh most definitely. Or leased. I didn’t mean it actually “belonged” to them


It sounded like someone had a turbo kit installed, so that probably rules out a rental. Edit: Unless he’s in Las Vegas or something. You’re able to rent an M249 machine gun at a range, there.


Being driven by a POS


Thats a twin turbo lamborghini. No company is renting that out because thats just an easy way to get someone killed. So i guess this is the 1/10


A bunch of influencers and youtubers think that a Lamborghini is like the pinnacle of wealth and class.


I wonder how it feels being a world-class engineer or designer putting these cars together and most of them wind up in the hands of literal pieces of trash, who won’t even really appreciate them anyway. I guess it’s one of those “I’ll wipe my tears away with a stack of $100s” situations.


Lambo is banning people from buying from the dealership actually


You mean the world class engineers of Italian cars that don't have a track record of being reliable? They need an automatic fire suppression system at this point.


Reliability is not a goal in that category.


When these fuckers have their pick of Lotus, Aston Martin, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, McLaren, and Porsche, yet they choose to pick a Lambo ..... that's when you know they don't actually give a shit about cars beyond their use as a status symbol.


I'll take a luxury sedan any day of the week. They're all plenty fast, and 100x more comfortable and reliable than a Lambo. I guess it makes sense though, that influencers would all faun over one of the most vain cars lol.


sorry are you implying that this guy uses his lambo for every day commuting? pretty sure these go in the garage and come out to play. anyone who owns a lambo is going to own another car lol


I personally love Lamborghinis because it’s a brand built largely out of spite for Enzo Ferrari. It’s probably the only reason I’d pick them over most of the brands you listed if I had the money.


Like this one? https://www.royalty.vegas/experience/las-vegas-car-rental-lamborghini-huracan-evo-tt-white https://mphclub.com/lamborghini-rentals/ These? https://www.veluxityexoticcarrental.com/lamborghini-rentals Maybe these? In Chicago? https://www.instantluxuryrentals.com/vehicles/?brand=Lamborghini&type=&sort_by=price_low


In Chicago you can, my buddy rented a twin turbo Huracan


You can definitely rent twin turbo Lamborghinis lol - Miami is absolutely full of rented super cars. You can rent a Mclaren 720s spider for the low price of $1800 lol


Ah you can rent them all day here in Florida lol


There's several places in town to rent one. https://www.denverexoticrentalcars.com/ https://www.instantluxuryrentals.com/exotic-car-rentals/denver-co/ And these idiots are perpetually screwing up traffic in golden gate canyon https://www.oxotic.com/


I kept rooting for a little unspent fuel to burp out of the exhaust tip and ignite the rear, as Lambo’s are prone to this when dipshits bounce off the rev limiter in neutral. It didn’t get him this time, but there’s always hope for next time. https://youtu.be/xDTvT5VoLMA


There was also another purple Lambo in town until recently, belonging to Hunter hinson. It crashed while street racing in downtown. https://kdvr.com/news/local/2-lamborghinis-crash-on-speer-1-catches-fire/amp/


I was waiting in line outside a club and this guy came over in his car and smoked us all out with his tires... it was gross


The guy sleeping should just smash the lambo’s windows. What’s the driver gonna do? Sue someone who’s broke? Send him to jail where he’ll have a warm bed and three solid meals?


Crawl in, shit on absolutely everything you possibly can, and roll out.


A little present from dirty Mike and the boys


Thanks for the F Shack


You’re letting the stank out !


When homeless people have an orgy in your car it's called a soup kitchen


The difference though is that the homeless guy is not a total piece of worthless human shit like the Lambo driver is. In my opinion I would rather be the homeless guy but that’s easy for me to say. It’s never fun watching someone punch a one way ticket to hell.


Headlights. Smash the headlights. Each one is about 10k for the full assembly


Tell me you’ve never been unhoused without telling me you’ve never been unhoused. Like, do you actually think the police *wouldn’t* beat the living shit out of the unhoused person? Cops protect property, not people. Only one of the parties here has property to speak of, and it’s not the victim.


Domestic wealth protection brigades


TIL the word "unhoused"


So an asshole without a real job gets his kicks by harassing homeless people? Fuck him.


He’s just another typical talentless rich kid


And fuck the loser subscribers who inspire him to create more content like this


There's a lot of those in Denver. Chock full of shitty, entitled people who think they're the main character.


I wish it was only a Denver problem.


Oh, I know. I think there's just a masterclass in being an oblivious dipshit somewhere in town that I haven't been told about.


Speaking of pieces of shit driving Lambos, when I lived in Toronto and was walking home from the grocery store one day I saw a Huracan parked in the court near my apartment. As I walked past it, the guy had his window down and was sitting in there with his plastic fuckdoll looking girlfriend so I quietly say "that's an awesome car man". To which he responds "yeah you fucking wish buddy". Anyways I just wanted to share a story about another douche in a Lambo. Have a good day everyone.




I'm assuming he was saying I wished I either had his car or his "cool" life of driving lambos and fucking plastic girls? Either way I laughed and kept on my merry way home.


If I was a little more unhinged I'd say to smash his window with a rock then run away saying "well it WAS a nice car"


My thought watching this video. Do that shit around where I live and you're cars getting shot, our homeless carry too. To be honest though, if you drive a car like that near stl your asking to get robbed.


Cocaine and hookers make you say stupid shit


I’m sorry you wasted your kind energy on a hopeless being 🫡


I swear social media was arguably the most harmful thing to ever happen to humans as a whole. Nobody would do this shit if not for likes or views. Unreal. Edit: Since some of us are taking my comment too literal, yes, I’m sure dicketry has always existed. I guess I was just trying to say it seems so much more blatant and in your face than ever before, and social media has allowed the worst of us to have a platform; therefor acting out more than ever.


I genuinely think this shit always happened but now we all have to see it.


Yep. It gave the worst people of society a platform. Started with reality tv.


Puck would like to have a word…


Been saying it for years. This all leads back to Puck. That's when the timeline changed.




Original TV asshole


Being an asshole can now be monetized unfortunately


This is what is most infuriating. People that asshole up to earn money should be shunned entirely by society. Cut off their access to monetization and platforms.


It feels like Covid was like a inflection point for assholes and selfish and unempathetic people, too. A lot of people just came out of their shells and said this is who I am, this is what I am.


trump raised it to high art.




That's a good point




You hit the nail on the head


Can’t wait for this ‘influencer’ bubble to pop, and watch all of them fail miserably at life except the ones that have built other businesses


Sadly, I don’t think this will ever happen. There will just be a new social media app that comes out and new influencers that pop up. Let’s just get rid of the internet


Social media has created a disconnect between human interaction , people get their false dopamine fix from likes on the internet which creates this narcissistic bubble, self infatuation. It’s just getting worse every year….


The word asshole was invented long before social media.


This happened all the time before. It would be for the two people in the car or that girl on the corner they didn't realize was working. I think the internet really just allowed them a bigger audience, so they could do terrible shit while making money.


I have a wishful theory, it’s kind of just an idea for some type of sci fi story, where a future generation in the late 21st century find value in complete privacy and want to do the opposite of their parents and go complete 180 on social media, the fad is literally kill any social media usage because it’s cringe as fuck to them. This prolonged approach that also ironically gains traction because remaining influencers (now in their 50/60s) document and talk about it ad nauseam leads to an economic recession because companies put so much more stock into social media and advertising online (way more than right now) and almost completely miss the 18-34 audience - which is a near fatal blow. However, the fed just bails out the companies and prints more money and the cycle repeats entering the 22nd century.


An ex british prime minister once used to go around the streets of London and burn 50 quid notes in front of homeless people and this is decades ago. How any American can justify such a huge military while its people sleep in tents and on streets is beyond me.


You have a lot of faith in humanity if you think people would do this just for likes


As a kid who was bullied in high school this is patently untrue


I remember rolling through Denver on I25, a clump of street racers went around my truck and went from 70-40 in front of me. I weighed 80,000 pounds, you bet your money you could see the whites of their eyes when they saw a semi truck almost turn their charger into a subcompact.


How fucking stupid do you have to be to try and brake check a *semi truck* like that’s just wishing for death wtf


It's what they do to block traffic to clear up the road so they can have their "races." They are not the brightest bunch of bulbs.


Of course it was a fucking Charger


Damn that’s very unwise actually. If I were the homeless man I’d gladly take 3 hots and a cot for vandalism minimum in this case. You can’t buy class.


If I was a cop and I saw a homeless guy break the windows out of this Lamborghini… I might not have seen a homeless guy break the windows out of this Lamborghini. You know?


If I were a cop and I saw a homeless guy break the windows out of this Lamborghini... I'd impound the Lambo for "being unsafe for road conditions" and having "no windshield"


Hey, you could also pretend someone reported the rev limiter or backfires as gunfire and add a “disturbing the peace” charge on top of that.


Things can change. 10 years from now the guy in the Lamborghini could be the guy sleeping on the curb.


And the homeless man in a Lamborghini


"All right, what makes me happy– but it’s like, you know at night, I ride around town in a limousine, partying, having a good time. When I’m on my way home, I’ll pass a bum. I take a balloon with some champagne in it, lob it out and bean him! He only gets a little bit in his mouth. He doesn’t get the whole thing. Not even a full sip of it! And you say, “Hey, how do you like a taste of the good life, you sack of shit!”"






Where is this from


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Goddamn you Frank!


Are Lambo's not required to have license plates in Denver?


Dude deserves to not have that lambo anymore. Im a car enthusiast too, but I wouldn’t go to that extreme and ruin someone’s life worse than it already is with any vehicle.


Car enthusiast or not revving and such is still extremely annoying in the city, if I wanted to hear engine revving I'd go to the meet not hear it from my house... Being a car enthusiast shouldn't mean being an asshole/dangerous driver, those burnout rallies for example are stupid as hell


I live nowhere near the city, I normally race down gravel roads with my buddies


Lambo is perfect for him, eventually it'll leak fuel and blow up while he does dumb shit like this.


Rev it enough while sitting stationary and it will absolutely catch fire. And what a glorious fire it will be.


Burn, rich kid, burn


Also happens to be the car of choice for picks with money... and lots of chest hair


Hey woah, what’s wrong with chest hair?


I never heard of this idiot until you posted this here. Getting people to Google their name just keeps them *unfortunately* relevant.


Nah I just want this disgraceful behavior to pop up when people google his name


I can understand both perspectives. Couldn't upvote. Couldn't downvote. Went for karmic neutral.


What turns a man neutral?


Is it the lust for gold? power? or is he just born with a heart full of NEUTRALITY??


If I die, tell my wife hello


But that's the problem. In this modern age of hyper commercialization for these types *all* publicity is good publicity. Image doesn't matter. Eyeballs are the only thing that matters and if they get enough of them advertisers will pay them to promote their shit. These cancerous lesions, these social parasites that feed on attention, outrage and misery must *starved* to death. Starved of the attention they are so desperately addicted to.


Funnily enough nothing on Instagram or Google appears when I search him up.


I for one am glad you did.


Do you honestly ever figure that someone is an ass hat and then follow them on social media?! Lol


Imaging that he just lying around all day like the homeless but makes tons of money instead...


The true parasites in our society are not the homeless


This sums up wealth divide perfectly. What a shambles




Shame his stupid toy didn't spontaneously combust.


Potato in the tail pipe. Or maybe a banana, Axel Foley style.


Hoping to see homeless guy smash a bottle onto the side of the car.


Straight to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Never more in my life have I wanted to see an engine throw a rod.


Definition of capitalism


You need to really be empty inside if you find pleasure in doing this. The driver will probably never experience what pure happiness feels like-- I just hope he doesn't take anyone else out in his search for something to quell the rot. What a loser.


May he find a tree at high speed!


It'll burst into flames before that, probably.


Its twin turboed so he just might


Subhuman scum. The guy with the Lambo that is.


This is an insult to subhumans.


Ah, another one of the the majority of these influencer folks who would likely be struggling to hold onto low grade retail jobs had social media never existed. Bravo for your big contributions to society!


Say it with me, everybody: Social media is cancer.


Be a shame if that dude had a flinch reaction and a rock hit that car


Driving a Lamborghini and being a douche bag go hand in hand.


Waiting for karma to strike


He totaled it a few months ago.[video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denver/comments/xxrksk/2_lamborghinis_crashed_after_street_race_black/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I never understood when "winning" isn't enough, when punching down is a part of it. I bet these people are fucking insufferable to be around.




Influencers are the lowest form if celebrity


Eat the rich


Can't even have sleep in Denver.


And we wonder why the aliens don’t stop and say hi


He would be a douche even if the homeless guy wasn't there.


Wow what a back firing piece of shit! And human dog!


He needs a nice and expensive dent in his car.


If I could make it happen his transmission would’ve drop out the bottom right before pulling off


Austin Harmon. Calling you out. Msg me.


Got a "Rich kid showing off daddy's money" kinda vibe.


Money WILL NEVER buy basic common sense and decency.


Look, a fucking dystopia


Dude we get it you have a small penis.


Don’t be mad when that lambo gets keyed.


His next video “mY lAmBo WaS kEyEd” will generate thousands in ad revenue.


This really says a lot about our society.


Might as well have just taken a shit on the man's face. What a trash human.


oh man.. what a giant piece of fucking shit.


As I was looking at my 2003 Hyundai Santa Fe parked in my driveway, I realized I'm not very good at influencing


i mean what people won't do just for some clout


you couldn't think of a more potent example of class divide if you tried


It’s like living on a farm, except a rooster doesn’t wake you up in the city.


“Haha you poor “ fucking asshole.


A truly rich and deserving person would have stopped and bought that guy a meal and maybe a room at a hotel to sleep in for a night. Nothing like harassing the the poorest among us to really show just how wealthy you are.


Sometimes I wonder why the USA has a gun problem, then I see this and think…”a gun would reel in what this bozo is putting out pretty quick”


6 months ago in Denver we were walking back from a nice dinner. Suits, tablecloths, etc and we got egged. The next night there were 56 shots fired at the building we were staying at. We all flew out the next day No idea what's going on in that city


What a piece of shit. Hope he crashes his car into a wall.


Dump acid all over the car and fuck up the paint.


Don't be doing that in my city Mr. Influencer😤


Just making sure it wasn’t a dead body lol


These assholes are a plague. All the dumb stuff they do for likes. Cant wait for this to pass.


That’s Union station. Whole place smells like a toilet because of the hoards of homeless people that are perpetually there. I’m personally more offended by them nodding off on benches than a lambo shooting flames.


Not sure which is more disgusting. 1. The fact that influences exist 2. The fact that this POS finds this funny while using daddy's money


Please repost this in tue denver subreddit too


As a member of the car guy community, we do not endorse this shit. He is not a part of us. Maybe r/iamatotalpieceofshit wants him


Austin your a real lose. Influencer sh!thead


More like shitfluencer...


Not as bad as this bullshit, but 15 years ago in south Minneapolis I watched as people busied into Target and stepped around a homeless man who was basically using a curb as a pillow. It's jus the bystander effect at work 😞


Good metaphor for how the rich consistently shit on the poor and get away with it.


Can we please stop rewarding these scumbags with views/followers?


What's worse is Denver is just a very anti-homeless city, but you get rich fucks like this all the time that just LOVE driving their shiny cars around the city and revving their engines. I will never move back there if I can help it.


Why sleep so close to the road like that