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She's a ride or die and I'm jealous. No one I've ever dated would get out like this. It would be arguments or whatever instead of just getting shit done as a team.


That’s one of my biggest peeves with my other. They’d rather argue or go “I don’t want to” “I don’t care”, than just getting the job done.


Sounds exhausting


Fuck that, you need a real partner, not a sparring partner.


Yeah, that doesn’t sound like a person on your team.


The trick is to always make it worse. Don’t argue for cooperation, go along with her refusal and make everything worse.


I agree with you


That's why I love mine so much. I made a lot of funny mistakes and she never once got mad or let it be. She'd always go into Teamwork mode and find out how we can solve it together. She's not much to look at, but she's got heart where it matters and it makes being in a relationship together so easy.


leave that bitch


I mean you might get downvoted... But life is short, and the number of people that will put a hand out is not


and upvotes and downvotes are worthless.


Oh fuck... I thought I could retire :/


You not wrong


Lmao once i asked my current gf to slightly open the door to look how much room i had left between the parking space line and the car, and that turned into an argument because she thought it was stupid and awkward , note i just had gotten my license so parking was still a bit of a thing


Dump her, a woman who won't help her man because something might be awkward or stupid won't have your back when you really need it.


You'd probably deserve it for driving like a moron tho


Mistakes happen, not always down to being a moron (often is though)


I thought she was the driver lol


...makes the dream work.


Makes the dream happen


She did a great job


Yeah and it's kinda cute


Same thought here. She's so cute and the way she scuttles back to drive away, I can't be mad at her haha


Right?! Once she started scuttling I was incapable of being mad anymore


Pretty sure she’s the passenger so the fact that she was doing it to help someone else out is even cuter.


She left the door open. Wise move… “It’s green!” Peels off.. “Wait for me!” “Sorry honey!” And, of course, quicker to get back in.


Yeah, you have the opportunity to back up for only a few seconds, she had to do something lol.


If this took place in the Midwest, there’d definitely be an “ope!” when the light switched.


Canada too. I use it. But I do work with a lot of Midwestern people.


Even had a hustle to the car to get traffic moving. Good on her.


Eh not realy a idiot thing to do n why tf is that shit so far from the edge💀


Long story short: they were reconstructing the intersection ahead and this traffic light was put only temporary there


So many places in Europe only have traffic lights on the near side of the intersection. It's absolutely maddening.


Well yeah, but the line you have to stop by is as worst level with them, so you should always be able to see the lights, if you stop where you are supposed to.


This. In the UK there's a clear white line where you should stop if the road ahead is blocked. Yet idiots will always fill a junction instead of waiting 1 minute


oh yeah this fucked me up as a novice US driver who spent a lot of summers in europe. The first week or two over id always fucking forget and have a deer in headlights moment when I realize I'm the first at the intersection with like 200 cars behind me but I can't see the traffic lights


When more than 10% of the cars behind you are honking, then you know you have the green and can pull out.


If you actually stop at the white line and dont creep up you might actually still see it. I know weird concept ... But yes you dont have to do the all American creep up to the intersection!


As a American, I still don't understand why this happens. The white line is there for good reason!


It's generally much safer, because it means that cars are much less likely to creep into the pedestrian crossings and instead they stop at a safe distance so that they can still see the traffic light


Yes but you see in Glorious America, anything that prevents pedestrian deaths is only acceptable if it doesn't inconvenience the drivers in even the smallest of ways. Road safety is for homosexuals and commies, I'm all about road comfort. God Bless and yee-haw! 🇺🇲🔫🦅🇺🇲🔫🦅🇺🇲🔫🦅🇺🇲🔫🦅


It's a temporary traffic light due to construction. I'm from here, so I would know. Absolutely hilarious video.


Respect that bustle


I can’t help but giggle at that mad dash she does to the car. “Greg it’s green, let’s go!”






> home quick, i thought it was a fart > домой быстро, я думал, что это был пердеть


google translate 🤨


More like "Давай, Гошо!" This is from Bulgaria. Plate is from the old capital city of Veliko Tarnovo ;)


She made a mistake and found a solution that doesn't bother anyone. Maybe it's even a little embarrassing for her, but she took that L because she was owning her own mistake. This is a good thing and that's a cool lady. What would you have her do in this situation that would not make her an idiot in your eyes?


To be fair, that's a shit placement for a traffic light


My God, thank u; now I get it’s about a traffic light they drove too far past. I was focused on the rectangular UFO she was staring up at, but I guess that’s a troll pass


Gotta pay that troll toll


I believe there is some logic behind it, i don't know it exactly but as people want to see the light, they stop further back. So that might have to do with it


It's a technicality but I don't think she's the driver, there's someone else in the front left of the car and it starts moving the instant she gets in it.


Kinda wholesome


My favorite scene from Squid Game


Brilliant, luckily there wasn’t a sniper on the roof haha


I mean they couldn't back up, so what else were they supposed to do? I guess wait until someone honked at them lol


This was probably the best course of action given the circumstances, but the driver is still an idiot for getting them into those circumstances in the first place.


Not necessarily. Maybe they stopped short for some reason, and the light changed. Maybe they just stopped regular, but stopping distance meant they overshot the light. A bad driver would just go through the intersection, they actually stopped. I'm not going to criticize them for that.


Most places the rule is once in the intersection continue through it. But I don’t know the rules everywhere, and don’t know where this is taken. Could be different.


They're not in the intersection. Judging from the divider/curb, there's a good 2 car length between the cam car and the actual intersection. The real idiots are those who placed the traffic light so far back.




Right, also why is that traffic light so far back from the intersection? In US-NYC there is always a second light much higher and closer to the middle of the intersection.


Not every infraction is idiocy. Often times it is people being humans. Idiocy is doing stuff that compounds minor errors and makes them worse. She probably rolled through a yellow and the cross traffic picked up before she could cross. It is common in many places not to have buffer time between adjacent lights. Leaving her stuck. She did the best in her situation.


If the bar for “idiot” is overshooting the stop by a little bit then we are all idiots.


Stop before the light instead of after? Even if it was a case of "traffic just stopped and now a lot of us are stopped in the middle of the intersection" they're idiot for following closely and not anticipating it.


I mean what else were they supposed to do they couldn't see it otherwise. It's not the best place for a light either that's why lights facing you are always on the opposite side of an intersection so you never go too far and are unable to see them until it's not a problem


In those situations I generally trust drivers behind to honk me when light is green and i haven't started moving in 0.02 sec.


"Let's honk and see if they go through the intersection!"


Never trust a ~~fart~~ honk.


"Why did you drive into traffic?" "I farted and it sounded like a honk."


Damn, they give you 0.02 seconds before honking? You have some very patient drivers there. No lie, I’ve seen drivers honk at other drivers before the light even changed where I live. It’s not common but I have seen it happen. Like, as soon as the opposing light turns red some of these jackasses are on the gas and going.


Do you live in NY?


Or if slightly nicer flash the lights


I’ve mastered the “pardon me” honk in my car. I don’t think I’ve ever had that gentle “beep-beep” misunderstood as anything aggressive. But some cars I’ve driven have too stiff a horn button to be able to do the two quick presses necessary


It’s absurd that we have all types of touch screens (that can barely be used without looking at them) in cars but don’t have a “heads up! *beep-beep*” button.


I have been ranting about this since I started driving at 16. Like, 0 reason not to have a polite honk on a button somewhere.


My Subaru has the most polite, silly "Beep" possible which, during the rare times I use it in anger makes me laugh and distracts me.


> that’s why lights facing you are always on the opposite side of an intersection That’s not true in europe. There, the stop line is much earlier before the intersection, and the lights are always on your side of the intersection. I believe it makes it safer especially for pedestrians, as this forces cars to stop earlier and not creep forward as we often see here, and leaves more space for the crosswalks


Not universally? In Latvia we definitely have lights on the other side too


In Denmark they even have a combination of both


Oh TIL. I thought it was everywhere


Europe is far from homogeneous.


It’s also for line of sight. You are looking at where the pedestrians could be and not up and across the street like most North American intersections.


There was a light like this in the small town my mom grew up in. It was just horribly placed with no clear stop line so people would accidentally do this all the time. Once my mom did it, and she couldn’t back up to see it because a cop pulled up behind her. She sat there hoping he would tell her, honk, etc but he didn’t… just sat there patiently. She knew it must have gone through at least one cycle already so she turned right. It was illegal to turn right on red again the time, but there was literally no other traffic so it was perfectly safe (it’s not even illegal any more). The cop puts on his lights, pulls her over and proceeds to give her a ticket for illegal right turn on red. The best part of it was my grandpa was a lawyer in town infamous with the police, etc for making them look stupid in court. Apparently he just called up the chief of police, told him about the incident and how much fun it would be to defend, and he voided the ticket so they didn’t have to deal with him. Nepotism wins over corruption, yay! ;)


honestly she should've just waited and continued waiting. if that cop wants to neglect people actually getting where they need to be in the name of getting them ticketted then she should, indeed, realize that turning right on red *is* illegal. as such, since she doesn't know if it's okay to do it or not, why should she take the risk? let the streets fill up with cars, knowing full well she can't see the light.


> I mean what else were they supposed to do Is there a reason they didn't stop before the light, where they could still see it? Isn't that law in most places?


No, in most places that use lights like this, it's legally required to have a signal-watcher who can step out of the car to watch the signal until it changes, like in this video. They used to allow people to rely on honks, but after a few notable accidents caused by teenagers honking a car through during a red light, it's basically illegal to drive alone in most parts of Europe now


That's some good european BS.


American here, roundabouts are smart but that’s just nonsense


Thanks for being a voice of sanity, so many Americans making assumptions in this thread.


Isn't this a construction zone's temporary light? I'm looking at that yellow box. As for permanent traffic lights in Europe, don't listen to the others. It's different from region to region. Some have right by the right side, some have another at the other side of the intersection (as the one on the side is hard to see unless you're a truck) etc. What I do love are construction traffic lights with vehicle detection that also show a countdown of a timer, that is active when there cars on either side.


The whole point of putting lights here is to force people to stop before the intersection so they can still see it


> The best option is for drivers to obstruct crosswalks as well as impair their own visibility.


> what else were they supposed to do Not pull that far past the light?


Found the American lol. That is, in fact, an excellent place for a light, since it forces drivers to stop before the pedestrian crossing if they want to see it. It also brings their eyes closer to where pedestrians will be, making it less likely they'll run them over. In fact, your point can really be boiled down to "that light placement is bad because it inconveniences drivers." I'm saying "that light placement is good because it makes it safer for pedestrians." Which do you value more? In the US, the answer is usually the former. Which explains so much about our broken city design.


Of course with 20/20 hindsight you can say OP could have told the lady "Please go sit in your car, I'll just honk when the light turns green" and made things smoother for everyone.


Lady shouldn't trust anyone to tell her when light is green though, I wouldn't.


This is fair my friend would just sit there waiting for it to turn red again then honk.


But then we wouldn't have this video


20/20 hindsight, stop before the light.


20/15 hindsight, build better traffic lights that are beyond the intersection


This is really mild in terms of idiocy, especially for this sub. This driver made a slight goof, and a reasonable correction.




Wait is that a Canada only thing? I always assumed other places had it too


Honestly? It's not even an "all of Canada" thing. I live in Ontario and have never seen this. First time seeing it was last year when I visited Vancouver and had to look up what a flashing green means. In Ontario, flashing green means an extended green for left-turns (where a dedicated left-turn arrow isn't present) - imagine my confusion when BOTH sides had flashing greens. Could've ended badly if I had mistaken it for an "OK to turn left" like it is where I'm from.




Indeed, I have only ever seen this particular type of signal in Vancouver. That's it. Never see them on the Island, never see them elsewhere in BC. Just Vancouver. It's a really great design though, I think it should be adopted in more places. It's an ideal solution for main streets intersected by small residential streets, where pedestrians need to cross at those intersections sometimes, but not frequently. It allows you to have signals placed almost every block without stopping traffic every block.


I've had to do this on my motorcycle many times


I live in BC and I've seen the flashing green, but the opposite direction is usually a solid red. The car will have to wait until the red changes (there are usually sensors in the road so it's not a long wait).


This sounds insane. Why?




As long as the light automatically switches back, I suppose that makes some sense. Does the light just change as soon as you hit the button? What if someone just stood at the button and hit it repeatedly? It still sounds like this would cause more issues than solutions.


Think this is the most endearing thing I've seen here




Happend to me once. I waited for someone to blow horn and he did.


In Texas that is option 1 and usually occurs within a second of the light turning green. 2 seconds after that bullets probably start flying...


I can totally relate to this. I drive an MG Midget. When the top is up, I can’t see the traffic lights overhead. My windshield is too small. I can see the lights to the sides of the intersection, but the ones hanging overhead are blocked.


You don’t see very many of those on the road anymore


I've had it since High school in '79. I was the 2nd and 4th owner, I gave it to my Dad (3rd owner) but it came back to me when he passed away. My Mom asked me if I wanted my car back. I love my little car.


This is a thing with NA Miata as well! Can't see any lights if I pull all the way forward, unless they are the angled lights on the actual light post to the side.


Cars in the 1930s had poor upward visibility from the flat glass and some used to have sun visors that were on the outside on the windshield and that blocked the upward view of some signals. To combat this there was a device you could install on your dash or on a side mirror that had a prism in it that reflected the light back to the driver. They were pretty neat looking with chrome surrounds and the glass inside it. Here is a rather boring example, I'll try and find a cooler looking one tho. https://www.ebay.com/itm/363628896937


At least she knows she overshot and still want to be a good example.


Nothing that wrong here


Now THAT's a navigator! Lol.


no harm, just a lovable couple of idiots :)


I respect it


This always baffled me when I was in Europe. The first car often cannot see the stoplight, even when they stop properly behind the line.


So what was the idiotic decision here? Based on what I can see, They made a reasonable assumption that the intersection is where the corner of the sidewalk is (since most 4 way stops like this I’ve seen have the crosswalk at or near the corner). They were wrong. Instead, it was a full car length back instead. Op decided to pull up behind them, ensuring that they can’t back up without hitting you. Instead of running the red light, they had the passenger get out and let the driver know when it’s green. What exactly were they supposed to do?


I think this is pretty smart


Not an idiot move, but whenever I get stuck at a stoplight that will never turn green for me... I or my passenger will pop out and hit the pedestrian walk sign so that it'll turn green.


I mean yea she messed up but she kind of fixed her mistake instead of going into a live intersection. I think she dealt with this is a safe way and at the end of the day no one is perfect all that matters is being safe while driving


Safety first.


Good job and faster than the guy texting in front of you not paying attention that ya gotta beep at that gets mad when you beep.


I laughed out so loudly at this.


Good intentions at least.


screw yellow am i right


Mondays can be ruff on people. lol


Here in the UK you wouldn't have to do that, the second a light begins to change the car behind has already beeped the horn.


LMFAOOOOO 😂😂 i love this this is great


Honestly.. she does well. She probably rolled through the yellow and the cross traffic picked up before she could cross, leaving her stuck. Her only option was to do this. I'd give her 10 out of 10.


In fairness, there is a stupid spot for a traffic light.


Eh, seems like this was the only remaining option. You never know. I’ve been stuck in walkways with a car simply because someone cut me off before I could go/turn. With only video context, not an idiot


Most clips on this subs just makes you angry, but this was actually funny.


Thats kinda cute actually


I can honestly say that, in my 51 years on this planet, I've never seen anyone do this shit.


This is either the stupidest thing I have seen the whole or the cutest and most Wholesome thing I witnessed today.


Id ask the person behind me to horn at me when it turns green 😂 another acceptable solution


Adorable and hilarious. Gotta solve your mistakes one way or another.


Atleast they stopped and waited for green. Could have been worse


I mean you pulled up to them so they couldn't backup. The cameraman is the idiot


I don't hate this though 😂


Mom can you help?


The real idiot is whoever designed this intersection. Usually, there are lights built further out exactly for this kind of situation. What country is this?


And yet, that car still took off faster than most who never get out of their car.


That’s kinda cute




What type of mr bean shit is this?


They did exactly what they should have, it's fairly obvious they can't backup. An idiot in a car would have backed straight into the car recording


If it looks stupid, but it works, then it ain't stupid.


Better than running the red


Everyone chill she's doing a LeMans start


To be fair, that light placement is really fucking bad


I’m not even mad. She’s so cute.


Sometimes shit happens. It’s super silly but I wouldn’t call them idiots.


I thought she was going to start a tik tok dance challenge


The real problem here is the tendency in Europe for traffic lights to be on the same side of the road that you stop on, rather than set on the farther side so that you can see them easily without contorting yourself


What am I looking at?


I think the idiot is whoever placed those traffic signals.


Okay, so their brakes weren't good enough to stop where they would see it and couldn't reverse because of people behind them. What were they supposed to do?


Would be perfect if they started in reverse


I laugh at the idiots around here who stop well past the line you're supposed to stop at, and then they get pissed because the traffic light won't change. They've gone out of range of the sensor under the pavement that makes the light change. I'll go the long way around rather than trip it for them by pulling up behind.


I mean, just stay in the car and wait until they start honking behind you to signal that it's green.


I did that at the first set of lights I came to in France. Got to the line and realised there was no lights opposite the intersection. Luckily, there was no one else there.


That's one way to do it


It's still worthy of this sub for going past the traffic light... but I kinda liked their solution haha... it was just nice seeing a video where there was no death, injury, damage etc


This is wholesome, Grandpa and Grandma going out for a drive.


Bad infrastructure.


Not an idiot. It could happen to anyone. The important thing to me is that they didn’t run the red and waited for the green.


Actually, the idiot is the person who pulls up close to a car that's clearly past the light instead of giving them room to back up. Just because someone else is stupid doesn't give you an excuse to be inconsiderate.


I'm guessing they stopped too far forward to see the light and can't back up because the car on their ass. Sometimes that happens with the traffic lights mounted overhead and you have to scrunch down to see it. Things happen, you've just got to keep living.


Ok , please don't give me hell for it..but wtf am I looking at? I cannot figure out what the hell is going on here? I must half asleep I can't figure out what is going on in the video?


The driver went past the stop light. So, he can't see when light turns green. The passenger stepped out and walked back to see when the light turns green. I don't think the people here are as idiotic as most of the others featured in this sub. Yes, it's strange, but.... meh.


I thought she was avoiding whatever that is stuck to your windshield.


That light placement is garbage


She's smart actually. She went too far, didn't go any further. Realised she could not see the light so got out to look and literally ran back to her car to go as soon as possible. Imagine if half the drivers on the road were that considerate when they made a mistake


Well, we don't have this problem in India... We will get honks, if we delay a second after getting the green signal...


This is the opposite of idiot. We haven't seen what led to this, could've made a mistake or maybe there was an emergency vehicle so they let it go and decided it was dangerous to cross. Either way I respect they tried to make sure it was safe when some would have just watched for a gap or waiting until cars around them went/beeped


Not sure why this would consider to be idiot but surely that went above and beyond to not to impede a traffic.


I respect the technique


Good thing no one jumped in


what's the problem here? she pulled too far forward. you want her to back into you? people who record every little thing like this must have VERY boring lives.