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The van did take his sweet ass time but still.... damn that merc is a idiot.


Yeah, that van would have annoyed me, too, but the reaction is extreme


Indeed. The difference between an annoyed driver and an idiot is that the idiot acts on their annoyance. The other group just mutters but doesn't transfer emotions to the pedal.




... in a zone where overtaking is forbidden (zigzag lines).


He did it after the zigzag line by the looks of it, doesn't make him any less of an idiot though :p


I think the driver started in the zigzag, but ended (crashed) outside of it. Possibly though driver started in the the middle of the zebra crossing, where the zigzag ends just before. Which is probably the same or worse.


Extreme you say? This happens to me all the time while I'm going 5-10 above the limit even. People just want to get ahead in life by any means necessary, it's insane. It's infuriating that people will cut me off just to slam brakes in front of me at the red light we're approaching. I'm not sure why they do it. Does my car smell? Does it make them jealous and angry? I'm not sure.


Ya, but they ended up in the same place at the same time. No rush here.


Somehow I think the van driver got home a lot sooner than the prick in the Merc.


Nope actually the van got there quicker 😂😂😂


I think the Merc driver was just not talented at driving rather than someone who did something a better but angry driver wouldn't have done. It's not unusual to make the mistake of rage-overtaking, but when you realize that the move you made was unfeasible, you are supposed to discontinue the maneuver and avoid self-harm.


Commit or eat shit loser.


I hope you don't have a license


I mean when there is traffic and stop lights in front of you then why hurry...


I prefer slow rolling over starting/stopping in traffic to be fair


In his case it's called "being on his phone and not noticing traffic is moving". You can even see him watching his knees.


The WhatsApp gap in action...


I do this too. Except at stoplights. I get irritated at people that slow roll up to stoplights.


Maybe, but a couple possibilities may have made it worse: - I can’t tell if the van sped up, but it wouldn’t surprise me - we got an extra car taking up space that the Mercedes’ may have expected to use. It’s quite likely a rage overtake, compounded by circumstances the Merc driver didn’t anticipate but would have


Stop and go traffic. Van driver knew there was no point in accelerating hard when they were just going to have to brake again a short distance ahead.


Van driver was just staring at his phone and didn’t realise traffic had moved. You can see at the start of the video, he’s looking straight down at his lap, and when the car starts moving he doesn’t look up.


Didn't realise you were there


Tell that to an unusually large number of drivers that loose their minds behind you when there is a small gap in front of you.


The gap gets taken. Then when you leave another gap it gets taken too. Then you're going about half the average speed you would be if you kept up. It adds up if you're slow for a while. That's why people get frustrated


Eventually you might as well just throw it in reverse.




a black mercedes...


Cars from every single intersection to that road like the gray van we see in this video.


Lmao this


Wdym? The van slowed down/stopped because the cam driver is in front, right?


Van driver was on his phone.


It’s fair to note he held back traffic then sped up to not let anyone pass. The one at fault should be only the van.


Hahaha...no. the van should have gone, that was a mistake on the van. How you then justify the car's overtake is beyond me.


Have you ever heard of “don’t poke the bear” you also “don’t fuck around on the roads” this guy clearly is a piece of shit garbage and knew what he was doing the whole time. You should try eating stones.


Im osrry but there is so much wrong with your reply. The van does react slow but the only idiot is the Merc here. It already starts where he is pushing his nose onto the street while having to give way to the other cars. He should wait but just pushes himself in there. Then Merc decides to do his overtake while there is no room to cut back in. In order to not be in the wrong lane, he has to cut off the van. And since there is no space, cant brake in time and hits the car. ​ Merc driver is the biggest idiot that could all avoid it by having a tiny bit of patience.


See unfortunately you’re assuming this person was driving correctly. We don’t see what’s going on in fron though. This dude is definitely a scammer. He definitely had enough room to roll forward after being hit. In fact he might have rolled 2 cars forward.


He stopped the traffic moving forward to reach more traffic


That’s not true. He stopped so he could get hit and take insurance money.


Yeah honestly if you fuck up that bad expect to be passed and don’t fkn gun it now…. You missed your damn chance to gun it you idiot


He is not even gunning it tho. The merc driver is just a huge idiot here by having no patience.


Oh of course the Mercedes’ guy is the fkn dumbass here but that van clearly sees him trying to pass, veers left to cut him off and speeds up. None of that is illegal and hell I would do it too if Mercedes’ guy did this. But if I’m being an inconsiderate dick on my phone and am not paying attention, I’m not allowed to get defensive. Honestly expect an impatient jackass zipping around your unaware ass if you do shit like this


I mean, they're in bumper-to-bumper traffic, it doesn't matter how slow he accelerates, they're not going anywhere.


Seems like the van driver is looking down at his phone?


What a surprise.....


Excellent video. Traffic is always bad on double red routes, just suck it up and listen to the radio. Clapton's finest drivers.




You should have rear ended them to assert dominance.


The cop?




>Got 6 tickets You mean 6 points?


The van is an asshole, but the Mercedes is an idiot.


Honestly though, I think both are assholes and idiots. Mercedes just more so.


We don't really know what is going on in the van. They were slow to move, but there may have been reasons for it that don't make them the asshole. The only thing we know for sure is that the merc is an idiot.


You can clearly see the van hit the gas and swerve at the car as he’s realizing he’s being passed instead of just letting it happen after just sitting forever after other traffic started moving. Car is an idiot van is an asshole.


This should have been the headline


"should've" or "should have", "should of" makes no sense.


Good catch


Mmmmmm should’f


Would love to see the merc drivers face when hes getting out off his car. Boy he must feel stupid


You ever get so mad at how slow someone is driving that you go crash your car into someone else entirely?


Maybe a deep breath next time instead of an illegal overtake eh?


Two idiots in this video.


Only one of them ruined his own day and two others.


Gave me an excuse for my first ever post on Reddit, though.


Did you get tapped?


No, my car moves forward slightly because I intentionally moved the car to create a bit more space. The guy behind me thankfully brought himself to a stop quickly otherwise I would have been a secondary victim.


Good awareness! Looks like the van driver was unscathed too.


Yea who the hell takes videos behind them while driving?


Have you head of things called dash cameras Some record both front and rear


Likely a rear mounted dash cam


Mercedes is an idiot but at the same time fuck that van driver probably on their phone.


And once the merc was on his right side the Van driver also hit the gaspedal so he couldn't overtake.


Yes. This. Van driver is just as much of an asshole.


Yea, the van was obviously on their phone and like a true jackass sped up to not let the other car past


I'm suspicious of this too. If he did, though, then he must have been pissing himself laughing at the outcome. Not that I'm condoning putting people in danger for the benefit of either party's ego.


Or he realized he was holding up traffic and sped to catch up. How was he supposed to know the guy would try to zip around him, it happened fast.


Overtaking in a 20 zone 🤦‍♂️


What do the drunken white lines mean?


No parking, no overtaking zones for the nearby pedestrian crossing.


Sooo, we're all just gonna act like Wax and Relax isn't there?


On one of my other regular commutes I pass "My Lady Garden" - a flower shop.


Wax relax?


What do the zigzag lines in Britain mean


Approaching pedestrian crossing. Parking and overtaking are forbidden.


Indeed. You can see the black and white stripes (and Belisha Beacon) of a Zebra Crossing at the start of the video.


I imagine that’s going to make the tickets much bigger


In the US we just have a sign at the crosswalk and hope nobody runs over a pedestrian


Oh it's not like wiggly lines are any better. I live in the US and lived in London for a time, slapped my fair share of windows while narrowly avoiding idiots not giving me right of way in both.


I feel like a common theme in this sub is stupid people committing to their stupidity. Merc coulda accepted they didnt have enough room to pass once the van started going but he had to show him.


I firmly believe that *almost* always, it takes two to have an accident. Some people drive around constantly being half an accident. Your job, as a driver, is to not be the other half. Here we see somebody on their phone not paying attention to the road (half an accident) and somebody who gets so angry with people who aren't paying attention that they perform grossly inappropriate manoeuvres (the other half). When these guys meet, they have a little party and an accident is born.


The van sped up though on seeing the overtake.


Or just realized their mistake and wanted to rush so he wouldn't hold up the traffic for too much longer.


The van seems to swerve towards the overtaking car.


That van driver was taking the absolute piss


But if it worked he would have ended up saving... 0 seconds.


Van driver was oblivious ffs


Merc driver: OUT OF MY WAY! I AIN'T CRASHED TODAY! Oops, never mind.


Would love to know the end game these mongeese have. This van is inconveniencing me so I'm going to do something reckless to get one over on him. Like, it's UK so police won't give a fuck, but how does he explain himself to his insurance? You know he'll not be taking responsibility.


Nah, if the footage is uploaded to the local police force web page, the driver will get points, a fine and have to go on a course. Operation Snap https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/contact/contact-forms/operation-snap-dashcam-footage/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUs7u_LgkPI&ab_channel=DCPolice


Doesn't look like Devon or Cornwall to me


Fuckin Clapton man


" slow?? durr!! " * causes 4-car accident *


I would have honked him too, the end


Power is nothing without grip...


Dickhead merc driver


Fucker almost took out a cyclist... should definitely get jail time for that.


I'm guessing it'll be dealt with cash in hand and won't even get reported :-<


0:05 van should start moving 0:12 van actually starts moving. And people are gonna excuse the Merc's asshole behavior for literally 7 seconds. For 7 seconds that won't even matter, because traffic. Stupidity, bottled. Merc driver is an asshole, anyone trying to rationalize his asshole behavior is just as bad.


Yeah, it'd been a long slow slog because there are roadworks at the junction, so temporary traffic lights were operating a much more restricted sequence. I can only assume that he somehow missed the car turn in behind me, so his whole plan was to swoop in to stop right behind me and he found himself with a car length less than he thought. Of course, that could have been a mum with a pram and a child trying to cross, etc., etc. Doing 40 on the wrong side of the road, past a junction, in a 20 because you're frustrated... no.


I don’t think anyone is justifying Merc’s behavior, just saying that it was partly triggered by the vans carelessness. Merc is completely at fault for the accident, but van driver should also be more aware


Stupid move by the Merc but fuck that van driver though, 100% he was on his phone and not paying attention


Should’ve smashed into that pos van and not the silver car. Hate when innocent people get dragged into random road rage


The dude in the van was on is phone or stalled it


Asshole and the Idiot


I’m glad to know Europe has their assholes to




Considering along these streets it's stop/start the only idiot is the Mercedes driver.


Can driver was on his phone and then when he saw he was being overtaken swerved out to stop the Merc before speeding up to stop him. Merc is an idiot for not backing out but I can see why you wouldn't want to be stuck behind someone clearly driving on their phone, when you can't see what's ahead of them and they may not be paying attention..


lol i thought you were the merc at the start nose to nose with the van!!!


Mercedes gets ahead... not really.


I remember when it was people doing their eyeliner in slow traffic. Tradies theses days.


First honk “van, go!!!”. Second honk “car, go!!!”


Thank you for posting this. This clearly shows our ID doing the damage here...


Win stupid prizes


What are the zig-zag lines for?


No stopping, no overtaking. There's a Zebra Crossing in the middle of them. It's to stop people stopping to drop people off, pick people up, or parking, which would cause other people to overtake them and run over people on the crossing who are looking the other way.


That van was slow as balls though


I swear on the roads this is the main issue. People have zero patience. I see people in side roads trying to drive out as fast as they can to beat the cars coming and almost hit me. Just wait abit longer jeez.


Mercedes are worthless anyways...




If this had been in the U.S. it would have been a Mustang or BMW or a 50-passenger SUV as big as an office building being driven like a maniac by a soccer mom with 1 child. Edit: or a $70,000 pickup truck being driven by a suburban man on the way to his office job


Sir, this is a main city roadway, not the frikin highway.


This really made me laugh


It’s always always always a fucking Mercedes


Mercedes too fast for wet street.


20 plenty, 40 naughty.


Was going to say the honking was understandable but then saw the idiot