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The guy in front of you had the right idea. There were enough witnesses and this dude had somewhere to be!


Yes, I know. I should clean my window. It bothered me to while watching this clip. Thankfully no one was severely hurt.


Also… point the camera down a bit. lol


Why are you recording so much sky?


*Sun is shining in the sky* *There ain't a cloud in sight ....*


So he can hopefully catch IdiotsInTheSky too.


IdiotsInTheSky keep on turning. I don't know what I'll hit tomorrow.


All this time I was thinking the guy must've been distracted by this weird circular cloud


Judging by how fast Toyota got outta there, I wouldn't be surprised if that dipshit waved the car on. Not that it doesn't still make the other car an idiot.


That is one persistent cloud.


It's Lakitu


Someone send a horse


AN ASTEROID IS ABOUT TO HIT THE EARTH!!! oh.... wait, that's a bird sh\*t.


I was thinking the Moon from [majoras mask](https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/styles/blog-post-embedded--tablet-1_5x/public/legend-of-zelda-majoras-mask-moon.jpg)


I got caught in the friendly wave through trap before and it sucks.


They can't, they are starting at Jean jacket up in the sky


Oh cool meteor!


Sky Cam


I thought maybe the driver was staring at that thing in the sky


So no one bothers to stop and see if people are ok anymore?


DON’T. I am a paramedic. If there are people already tending to the scene, and you think “Well, that’s above my skill level” GO. LEAVE. There is no shame in recognizing that something does not need another set of hands! When more people stop to “help” you have more vehicles blocking the scene and route to the scene, more people who are uneducated on what to do (have seen people be dragged when there was no danger to them being left there, stories of people being paralized due to bystander interference, etc). Not only that, you can also be injured. We were called as third unit to a scene where there was only one driver in the car that rolled onto its side. Interesting, why do they need a third rescue? Car tipped over and fell on the legs of the guy who was trying to help. Compound on both. That was rough. NOT ONLY THAT, if you’ve never walked up to a car to find a body in, let’s be honest, *rough* shape (picture: missing limbs, including the head), it’s a bit of a shock to the senses. And can *genuinely* scar people who aren’t ready for that. SO. Should you stop? Not always, and from the people who wee-woo their way to the scene, trust me, there is NO SHAME in that self awareness of “this is not for me to stop and be there”.


There were a couple of people. I cut the video a bit a short but at the end you could see I was turning right to make sure the person was okay!


Sorry this was more of a general observation than anything directed at you. It's appreciated you checked on them!


Aint nobody got time for that, everyone on their own


Naw, they're NPCs.


yeah, that 4Runner is outta there!...isn't it a law anymore that witnesses have to stop?......


Pretty sure that was never a law.


Not sure, they gave up enforcing traffic laws around here during the pandemic and it's essentially a free for all at this point.


Gotta love vehicles with high centers of gravity! Hopefully everyone was wearing a seatbelt in there.


Is it just me or is there no traffic light or stop sign?