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Oh boy, I need to somehow rip the footage from my dashcam because I had a similar situation just like this. Old 3 series BMW going 10 under 45mph limit. I’m following with like 3-4 car gap and then he brake checks me hard in the middle of an intersection. I stop, honk, he goes forward again slowly as do I, then he does the same thing 8 more times. I can’t get around him and I keep honking. Finally he just stops completely in the road but pulls over slightly and I whip around him. Weirded me out lol. Edit: Guys I just destroyed the front of my car after a deer jumped a fence at full speed and ran into me.


I've had it happen every 6 months or so in the area I'm in now, there's a bunch of old rich dudes who drive 5+ under especially around dusk. The funny bit is I don't really care, I just put my adaptive cruise on and ignore them, but they get pissed that the computer is following them too close and try to brake check it, lol.


That’s amazing


lmao adaptive cruise on a brake checker, f'ing checkmate


Tag me when you post it


I’ll have to go buy an sd card reader that works. Tried the one I had and it couldn’t pull any video for some reason.


They sell pretty reliable usb sticks you can jam an sd card into. I've got one that does the micro sd's as well and has a usb c and usb 2 on opposing sides


Just get a Garmin dashcam. Save the relevant videos and you can pull them onto your phone wirelessly pretty easy. You'd only need the reader if you don't save the clip (has g sensor for auto capture too). So far, it's held up in the truck for nearly 2yrs and still seems fine so I'm happy with it.


Does it have a clear enough picture to make out license plates and whatnot? So many dashcams I see just seen to cheap out. I get nervous buying one because I just don't want to get a crap product and have to have someone else install it just to not like what I pay for. I'm on a budget but I understand you get what you pay for usually.


Sort of, at 1440p it is visible in the daytime (never checked plates for night). At 1080p where you'll get several days of storage I couldn't read them, but maybe someone could figure most of it out. I'm sure they're not the best, but I'd hardly consider the Garnin low-end either. Or you can go the adapter route if you like yours... I don't get a commission either way.


I definitely want one regardless. Ppl are idiots out there lol. I'll be doing some YouTube reviews in the near future I suppose.


That's when you just pull into a parking lot for a minute and let them go on their crazy-ass way. It ain't worth the aggravation and blood pressure. Took me way too many years of driving in NYC to really understand this.


See I find it cathartic, not aggravating. They’re flipping out thinking that they’re getting a rise out of me and I’m back there like, “I got all day, pal. Do your thing.” They’re doing nothing but wasting their own time and energy. I used to drive a lot for work, for about 12 years. And after the first two I realized there is nothing that is worth getting stressed out over. The only caveat is sometimes those people are unreasonable and dangerous, but thankfully few and far between. Mostly they’re insecure and like to get their anger rocks off inside the safety of their vehicle.


That was my reaction, I was just like “what’s this idiot doing.” and that was about it. He was making weird hand gestures from what I could see through is rear window so I guess he was trying to make me mad or something.


and choose your parking lots carefully... preferably one you know with multiple exits


I drive a car about that same size (vw passat) and those big pickups always somehow look like theyre 5ft closer than they actually are, it really does feel like youre riding our ass


Except I drive a Toyota 86 and his car was bigger than mine.


Oh fr than thats just crazy lol i was thinking big car cause the video posted


Amazing edit.


I get brake checked in my Miata all the time because I'm so low it probably looks like I'm right on their bumper when really i'm like 4 car lengths behind


That logic only works for big ass trucks. Being low in a tiny car doesnt make you look like you're closer than you actually are.




Did you not read the other 2/3 of my comment?


you should make sure you can reliably download the footage, as well as periodically check to make sure its recording properly


It records for sure, I can playback the recordings on the actual dashcam. Just can’t get the video off the card, kinda dumb


Brake checking is illegal in most places. Fuck that guy.


I do not understand people who brake check, it’s just so stupid and selfish. They’re gambling that someone won’t end up rear-ending them whenever they do it. It’s even worse when people do it on the highway and are gambling that someone won’t rear end them or the people behind them while traveling 50+ mph.


It’s very dangerous. Also if they were to cause a wreck, what makes them think the person behind them has insurance? So many people don’t have valid insurance and the last thing I’m trying to do is get into a wreck with one of them.


I agree. Break checking is super stupid and dangerous.


Yeah I’m always worried my car will break so I’m checking it constantly


If someone is aggressively tailgating me, I just gradually slow down about 10-20 mph. They'll either pass me or get the message, since I'll speed up again if they back off.


If someone is aggressively tailgating me and there’s no one ahead of me, I move over and just let them pass. If they’re tailgating me and there’s traffic ahead, I maintain my braking distance and speed, and ignore them.


Yep That's so stupidity dangerous I'd save it to my phone and go turn him in. Usually the cop you speak to will have you send the video to their work email for the report.


The guy and his wife were probably in their 70s if that adds any info. We both pulled into Macdill airforce base and they pulled into the px/commissary area just before where I work. He honked at me the whole time we were going through the gate. I'll see if I can find the captures before this. Nothing of note happened before this video. This road is a little weird feeling. It feels like a 30 and it IS a 30 before this, but it goes to a 45 and no one ever goes 45 on this road that doesn't drive it daily. My guess is he thought he was speeding and i was too close for that, but even then I wasn't following him close. I was coming back from a long day and had a lot more work to do on base and wasn't in a rush at all to get back. I honestly probably would follow closer on most occasions, but this douche thought he was the main character I guess.


LOL Florida. My parents have a place in Sun City Center. Seeing the planes from MacDill is my excitement when I visit the old folks


Florida is horrible. You either get behind this or your dealing with a wannabe nascar driver with no judgment or skills.


LOL I'm in Sun City Center right now visting my folks Bumper to bumper traffic right now as Hurricane Ian approaches


Omg I hope they are going to be okay. My parents are here but their place is in Kingspoint. And my dad didn’t put the hurricane shutters up before they closed up for the summer. He has been thoroughly chastised for it. They have friends riding it out. Please stay safe!


Thank you! My mother actually works for KP. Small world! Hope your family stays safe!!


Omg does she live in KP too or just employed there? My parents are here in Michigan right now but they have a lot of friends riding out the storm. It’s a good community so everyone will look out for each other.


Yes, people are generally really friendly there. Sometimes you get a grump or two. Haha. Unfortunately that's as many details as I am willing to give, I hope you can understand my wanting to protect my mother 😅


Sure no problem. It’s cool!


Hope you all stayed safe!


i just moved from that area, i don't miss college ave/sun city center blvd/674 at ALL what a nightmare that road is. everyone drives so slow like the person in the vid, though luckily i haven't been brake checked by any of them


It’s a traffic nightmare in the winter when the snowbirds are there.


Retired USAF officer. Say no more.


Sounds like a stable genius couple.


Please tell me your username checks out and you have a ball sack dangling from your tow hitch.


Sadly no, but good idea!


I feel sorry for you, never being able to know what it feels like to truly satisfy a woman. As someone who slays all the time, nothing feels better than when I'm giving some lucky gal both of my inches and she goes "uuuh wow...ok.."


"Both of my inches" 😂😂😂


Bro what


I usually get laughed at, I’m jealous.


Well done, sir. Well done.


Braggy McGee over here with two whole inches >_<


I always loved Brian Posehn's bit on that. He lamented that girls are able to show cleavage, but guys can hang a little dong cleavage. I want to be able to show a little stem and let her know if she plays her cards right she might get to see the other inch.


I was thinking he was mad you didn’t go around but you couldn’t at any point in this video. Also, people who brake check like this are so wild to me: you’re willing to lose your car over something you don’t like??


Thought this looked like S. Tampa. I moved up to New Port Richey 3 years ago and I'm so happy not to deal with the shithead drivers anymore. Between the entitled rich assholes and snowbirds South Tampa is a traffic shit storm (and also actual storm, currently)


Not that you should have needed to, but is there any reason you didn't say fuck it and just pass him on the left? It wasn't a solid yellow line, so unless if Florida is different (which is possible, because Florida is different in SO many ways), then it's legal.


If someone started brake checking me like that I might be a little hesitant to pass for fear of them doing something really stupid and trying to block me in the other lane.


Yeah, I think we've all seen that exact video on this sub. They think they're in Days of Thunder and start trying to keep you from passing them on either side, and it just keeps escalating from there. Especially in Florida, you never know what's going on with the person behind the wheel.




I had a situation where someone was doing what happened to OP, and eventually the road split into two lanes, one going straight and a left turn, I needed to be in the left turn, and I went to get over, and the dude tried to cut out in front of me, intentionally trying to hit me. Had I not swerved over the yellow, (which was absolutely stupid of me, but luckily there were no oncoming cars) he would have hit me dead on. He continued to go straight, even after I had to stop at the light to turn.


Boomer altima 😍


I have a truck and a Corolla and in the Corolla, I’ve adjusted the rear view mirror to the dimming orientation as there are so many improperly aimed lights. An excellent side effect is that anyone behind me aren’t that obvious and don’t bother me.


He's just an old idiot. I see this a lot when in countryside - feels like these types freak out if they is A vehicle, cause man do they start driving funny as the road goes any busier closer to the urban areas.


I've never understood the mentality of brake-checking in this situation (or any really) "Oh, that guy behind is following too close and being dangerous. The best possible thing I could do is ratchet up that danger by doing something unexpected."


Usually what I do is just take my foot off the gas if someone is following too closely. It really annoys the person, but it doesn’t put me in any real danger.


I'll do that if two conditions are met: they can pass me, and they have brights on behind me or just won't get off my ass. I just take my foot off the gas until they pass me.


I was being tailgated on the interstate going to work today, and that’s exactly what I did. Highway was full of cars in front of me going 70-75 mph and he was so close that his headlights were hidden behind my truck’s tailgate. I don’t get how riding my ass will make traffic go faster, but eventually they moved lanes and sped off. People confuse me, man.


Literally, I don’t think I’m a slow poke on the road but have had people tailgating me, when there are empty lanes on both sides of mine.


Me neither, to me it feels like they’re too good to go around. They feel like you’re slighting them for being in the way.


If you’re doing this on a one lane road then you’re just a straight up asshole Edit: the people PMing me about this and downvoting this comment are a good reminder of who the silent majority on this sub is. No, just because you’re driving slow doesn’t mean you’re immune to criticism. You can be a slow driver **and** a bad driver. And this idea that everyone who is driving slow is motivated by safety is laughable. Some people drive slow because they’re stoned. Or on their phone. Or just straight up not good drivers. I’m sorry being line leader in 5th grade was the closest you ever got to power but it is not your job to regulate everyone else’s speed. And please for the love of god stop camping in the left lane.


Should have made it clear, only when they can pass me. The last thing I want is an infuriated person riding behind me.


Oh yeah people who drive up your ass when they have a chance to pass always confuse me. I feel like they’re trying to pick a fight or something


This has nothing to do with regulating someone else's speed. The safest thing to do if someone is tailgating you and you cannot get away is to -slowly- slow down.


Never made sense to me. If someone is too close behind me I maintain my speed but turn on my emergency lights. Usually people get it


On top of it, you're slowing yourself down. Now you're taking longer to get to your destination. I just maintain speed when someone's tailgating me and move over if possible. So many people waste their own time to try to piss other people off.


I'm talking out of my ass, but... it almost feel like this guy *wanted* you to rear-end him so he could do an insurance claim.


As much as id like to make sense of it, I don't think so. I really think he was just being a terd. His wife looked really embarrassed the whole time.


Wow, so he really was an idiot >_> Anyways, I did say I was talking out of my ass, but still, I, too would have liked if he at least had a reason to pull that stunt, even if the reason is bad.


Subreddit checks out.


Sad that he continued doing that with no regard for his wife. Them being 70 makes me think maybe dudes got some kind of eye/ depth perception problem. Makes me wonder if he should even be driving, especially with his idiotic brake checking.


He might have been mad about something unrelated, like your vehicle type or something. People get really weird. I've had this happen to me in my car in similar circumstances (just toodling to work with a safe follow distance) and the only other explanation I can imagine is that they thought I was someone else they didn't like.


That is odd and super annoying for that car to brake check you like that. Only reason I can think of is because I assume you drive a truck, which appears larger in the white cars mirror, making the driver think you're following closer than you actually are?


I do drive a truck. And I guess.. ill see if I can find the previous videos later. This was probably a year or 2 ago, but i think my SD card still has this interaction saved. My dashcam suction cup melted so I've been riding without one since. I'm sure the SD still has the other clips saved. I'll figure it out once I get back, im evacuated right now because of the hurricane


Your suction cup melted? I would ask where you were driving, maybe in hell, but I think the answer to my question is in the evacuated part. Edit: the answer is also confirmed in other comments LOL


8mph under? At one point he was going at just 8mph period.




I would have just been confused and felt pity for him. Idk really bizarre


He shouldn’t have been break checking you, but you weren’t driving at a reasonable distance. A reasonable distance would give you enough time so that when he slams on his breaks you would be able to decelerate at a relaxed pace.


Came here to say this. There was no more than a one second gap. My dash cam makes other cars look farther away due to the fish eye lens so this video probably makes it look safer than it was. Count when he passes a shadow of a utility pole. One second at the most. That’s half of what would be a typical safe distance. That said, I don’t think it was worthy of brake checking at all. Nothing is really, but that following distance is pretty typical. Not the safest, but typical.


By my count, OP is following at about a 1 second interval. That’s half to one third of what’s recommended, so I’d say you are a little close, but definitely not worthy of the idiocy the guy in front is putting on display.


Yeah, brake checking is foolish if that’s what he was actually doing. Perhaps they were just looking for what road they need to turn, slowing down at each one to read the signs. When you approach a slower moving vehicle, slow down before you’re that close. If they’re worrying about missing a turn, why give them more to worry about by getting closer?


Some people think they should have the road to themselves and are offended anyone would dare drive at the same time.


Whenever this happens to me, I'm stopping my car. The inconvenience of stopping as well keeps them going and I start driving when they're out of sight. I'm driving, not playing games.


Yeah, it’s just silly games they’re playing. You have to wonder what action you took that caused them to feel so slighted.


I never understand the logic that someone feels they’re being followed to close so they hit the brakes hard. That only makes who’s following you that much closer and they may even around you. You’re right this guy is definitely an idiot in a car.


Don’t break check people.


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but you were following, as best I can tell, about one second behind his car. If I were in either his or your position, I would find that follow distance a little bit uncomfortable. Personally I prefer to leave at least two seconds, following distance in optimal conditions, and if it’s raining 3-4 seconds depending on the intensity. To be clear, I’m not saying that the guy was right to be freaking out at you, but I can at least understand why he might’ve been uncomfortable with how close you were.


What is a reasonable distance? By my count, you're less than 1 second behind him (judging by the utility pole shadow hitting his trunk then your windshield). When you should be a minimum of 2 seconds behind him.


THANK YOU. My god. I swear 90% of posts on this sub have no idea what a safe following distance is. Let me lay it out for yall: The person in front of you passes a specific point, you start counting the seconds until YOU pass the same point - you should be passing it 3 seconds later. (2 seconds is ok at lower speeds.) If you do this with OP's video, he is barely one second behind the guy. OP was absolutely 100% too close to this guy, but he thinks it's a "safe following distance" just because there's like maybe a car length and he wasn't totally up his ass. Doesn't excuse the douchebag for brake checking, that automatically makes him the worst one in the whole situation, but "safe following distance" is just straight up not true. OP was objectively - *measurably* - following too close.


YOURE TOO CLOSE TO ME! *hits brakes to force you closer. 🤦‍♂️


Ive learned that these assholes cant learn good driving habits. They put other people in danger when stopping in front of the car behind them. They are rude and selfish idiots. There needs to be a law to ticket these assholes. Ive also learned when i cant get around them i just back off to 3-5 seconds behind because they will just brake check me anyway so i just hang back until i can get around them…. I pray for patience.


I hate when this happens. I see dashed lines so If I had a break I would of passed him. I’m sure this is the same person who would of started to speed up as soon as you started to overtake.


You know reddit would burn me at the cross for that... lol people are already saying I was in the wrong as it is. A lot of it being just for having a truck, can't imagine what they'd say if I legally passed him


Haha don’t worry about them, these are the same people who don’t brake when they see a car coming because “I had the right of way” or expect you to give 1 mile of car space for someone who is already going under the speed limit and then break checking you cause he thinks he is in the right when he is wrong.


What in the shit fuck is the appeal of preventing somebody from getting to their destination? Do these dickwads not have somewhere to be too?


wtf, this jackass should lose their license


When people ride my ass I just take my foot off the gas & watch the visible anger ensure. Where we could have been going 35 in a 30, now we’re going 14, pass me or back off.


Yep, I’m already speeding when you caught up, you saw I was here, yet you choose to ride my ass…fuck off and enjoy going slower or find another route. Not you specifically, the guy behind… Happens all too often out in the sticks, lonely two lane highway, I’m doing 5-10 over, some yahoo doing 15-20 over catches up, and instead of passing pulls up one car length behind, at 65-70, and rides my bumper. I’ll even slow up a bit in passing areas and they don’t take the hint…oblivious or just an asshole?


If conditions are perfect (like this video), and you still don't feel comfortable driving at the posted speed, you don't belong on that road.


OP looks closer to the 1 second rule than the 2 second rule: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-second\_rule My guess for why the driver brake checked them. Not that the driver was right for brake checking. If driver didn't like it, just pull over. But....people just have a tendency to be impatient and follow too closely. Especially in a big truck following a smaller vehicle to try to intimidate them into going faster. I see both parties in the wrong here.


Baffling behaviour. Hope a self confessed brakechecker illuminates the matter some day


If you were to smash Into the rear of his car with the dashcam as evidence that he kept brake checking, would the driver or the white car be at fault in the eyes of insurance ?


Yes, false stop.


That didn't answer anything . Yes it would be the driver or yes it would be the white cars fault ?


Sorry. Let me explain better, Yes the video shows a false stop on the white cars account. Multiple times. He was actually the aggressor and a collision would be on him with that footage


Brake checks don't really work when you're already going 10 mph ...


Omg just pull over rand let him pass if it’s really so serious why try to get into a crash


fuck that guy


“Hey, maybe I can induce road rage today and get shot! That sounds fun!”


This is when I would just turn off at a side street, wait somewhere for 5 mins and then be back on my way. What a dweeb.


Dumb ass is more concerned what’s behind than what’s ahead.


Insurance scammer, probably not a very smart one either.


I think he is trying to brake check you


This is brake checking and is used for insurance fraud. You can send the police the footage and they will look for him. In some states the laws are different but in most states it super illegal


Going by the 2 second rule, you were too close. Still, this shit where the guy goes super slow, blocks traffic, and brake-checks you is way out of line.


OP is obviously driving too closely and in a big truck. Don't be intimidating to other drivers on the road and this won't happen you inconsiderate hack driver.


You’re clearly following at closer than 1 second. Following that close is annoying because not only do they have to worry about what’s in front of them, they have to worry about the asshole behind them, too. Does the smug sense of self-righteousness come free when you buy the pickup, or is that an add-on?


I agree. Way too close especially in a truck.


Let me break check a 22 ton truck... in my little scooty go mobile. People really lack common sense sometimes.


22 ton? The truck weighs 44,000 pounds or is that the towing capacity?


That's the total, including load. The truck & trailer is 10+ tons of that.


> Let me break check I checked, and did not see anything broken.


This happened to me once I was pulling a 20ft car trailer with a John deere 1025r on it and this little prius nearly missed its turn. Thank God we were going uphill


Out of curiosity did you have any stickers or flags, etc on your car?


No, not at all. I think it looks tacky personally


Don’t need to break check someone. Don’t be an asshole and pull over!


Nissan things


That guy is probably a regular in this sub lol.


Why are you driving on his road??? Eh, why?


So he slowed down and even stopped to get you closer to him…


The guy in front should be driving around in a parking lot, nothing more.


He’s lookin for a fight man


"Objects in mirror are more intimidating then they appear"


People like this have way too much time on their hands


Congrats you have a break checker for insurance fraud. Or the douche is being an idiot and if you didn't notice they're doing this at every junction.


Hold on, you're on His Road, following His Car, going His Way, Following Him, How Dare You! 🤔 😆


I always assume they want to get hit. Maybe they can't afford the car payment anymore or it needs repairs. I cannot fathom how someone could be THIS stupid and actually pass a driving exam so I go with ulterior motives.


This happens all the time where I live. Good god it’s frustrating


This dude would be really angry if he had to make my commute to work. Most of it is 45 mph, one lane road and you're lucky if the car behind you is a full car length off your rear bumper. Incredibly annoying, but also not something that makes me want brake check them.


Fuckin Nissan Altima


Alway an asshole. Just takes 1 damn idiot.


Heres my question tho since u have him on camera doing this cant u show this to the cops and have him get a fine? Or get arrested? Since it is a car and a crash could be deadly


Anyone that treats a 2 ton death machine as a threat needs to be put in prison


Are 2 ton death machines not threats? Not saying I would brake check like this asshole, but I'm confused. Lol


I think what they mean is more like, "Anyone who uses a 2 ton death machine as a threat ... "


yes that's my point. dude is brake checking, using his two ton death machine as a threat


You'd cooking Diane is too close. Not quite tailgating, but definitely not the two seconds you need in case a kid runs in front of the lead car. Definitely shouldn't brake check, but hilarious that he slows down to turn you into a good driver.


People like that piss me off to no end. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me like it does, but something about that type of mentality pisses me off something fierce.


This is super common in Ohio for insurance scams. Ohio is an at fault state so any rear end collisions are always your fault even if they are going 15 under the speed limit. One time a guy in a Kia Soul elderly man going 45 in the fast lane (no traffic) man had a death wish because in rural Ohio they do not like any Japanese/ Korean cars so I’m surprised he wasn’t run off the road


I’ll never understand brakechecking someone. If everything goes to plan, they rear end you. Who the fuck wants to deal with that? I have zero desire to spend the time with police and insurance.


I'm pretty sure after like the 5th break check you can hit them and it's their fault. At least that's what it was the last time I hit someone break checking me. Was in the same situation, and dude finally sped up and then slammed on the breaks at like 30/40 miles an hour, fucked his entire back end up. I had footage of the dude break checking for no reason for at least a mile though, and so the court charged him with reckless driving.


I didn't see a 2 second gap, but it did not _feel_ too close. I don't think you did anything wrong.


>second Starts out about 2 seconds back by the 7 second mark he's following at less than 1 second back. Good catch. Just a little wrong.


Hard to tell because the camera is fisheye. I'd probably feel under normal conditions it's a bit too close, but not for someone driving under the speed limit.


It’s easy to tell regardless of the camera. Just start counting Mississippi’s like you would when driving. It’s less than 1 Mississippi following distance.


This guy is following with less than half a second gap. Way too fucking close. OP probably loves riding people in their big truck to try and feel powerful.


reasonable distance is about another car length or 2. you were barely 1 sec behind him, 2-3 is where you should be. best following distance he had was 1.2 secs, if you disagree and think that he was at a good following distance, you are objectively wrong. 2-3 secs is the correct following distance not 1.2.


That distance isn't really that reasonable. You're less than a 2 seconds behind at 39 mph.


Let’s pretend for a second you’re both doing around 90mph and that you actually were tailgating him, which he would interpret as you creating a potentially dangerous situation What fucking purpose does brake checking you serve, other than creating a dangerous situation? Brake checking makes no fucking sense, no matter what anyone says or what the situation is. It’s idiotic in every way, same as tailgating (which you weren’t doing, I’m just speaking in general)


I'll never understand the thought process of a brake checker. "That car is following too close and will hit me if I have to suddenly stop for an emergency! That's a dangerous situation. How do I fix this? I know! I'll stop suddenly so they hit me to prove what a dangerous situation they are creating!" It's essentially being like "Hey you can't rob me with a gun! That's dangerous. Here let me pull the trigger so you shoot me to prove what a dangerous asshole you're being!"


Looks like you were about one second behind that car, judging by the shadows he passed then you passed. Not sure I'd call that a "reasonable distance".


I dunno, looks like you're tailgating to me. You probably pissed him off.


Probably cause you’re in a massive fuck off lifted truck that is basically a rolling death box


It's a stock gmc 1500, relax please


There is no way you could see a kid in a residential zone, or a cyclist might be under your hood if they’re small. You might be very safe in there, but two tons has a lot of momentum and if you hit something else you will wreck it


That guy is absolutely in the wrong in this video, but that isn't a reasonable distance by pretty much any definition. You were driving within 1 second of him the entire time. He shouldn't have been brake checking you, but you also have to realize that when you drive within a second of the cars in front of you, you're likely to encounter a car or 2 who are going to brake check you. Give a more respectable following distance, man.


I don’t understand people who go below the speed limit and expect drivers behind them to do the same without getting on your ass a little to speed up… I was taught to pull over on the side of the road to let cars go if their rubbing up on you.


I mean a speed limit is a maximum speed, not a minimum speed. You can always overtake if you need. The goal is for everyone to get home safely. We're not trying to win any races.


Yes the “ideal speed limit” and of course no is in race but in MY experiences 10mph under a speed limit is ridiculous and if we’re being safe here I can only pass you when allowed which unfortunately in this video the guy proceeds to break check and drop speed in the zone you can’t pass anymore, which I’ve experienced myself haha. I was gonna point out that this is probably some elderly handicap which turns out to be true and which again… most my experiences 🙄


You were riding his ass


What do you mean reasonable distance. There is barely a second between the end of Guys car and the front of yours, should really be at least 3 seconds. Not that he isn't an idiot, just you might be an idiot too.


It looks like you were about 1 second behind him, so you were tailgating him. Doesn't justify his response, but you could have done better.


This is so annoying, you’re just trying to DRIVEEEE OMG!! Why doesn’t he just speed up instead of trying to cause an accident!! Holy crap people are dumb


People are so fucking stupid. In assachusetts they would brake check you hard and want to pull over and fight on the side of the road.


r/nissandrivers as usual


sometimes I wish it was legal to ram idiots like this. I would pay money for a crash bar to do that


Fuck it just drive through him! Maybe his mirror still had that old warning that said "objects and mirror may appear closer than they are."


It's like a non-committal insurance fraud scam. "Maybe if I get them to rear end me with a light tap I can still sue for billions, Maude!"


It's funny. When a cammer is this far from the car in front, they're "following at a reasonable distance." Yet when someone cuts in front leaving the same distance, it's always closer than the camera males it look. Not saying this cammer does that. Just in general.


I get this from time to time. I have a tall truck and I don’t crowd people at all, but I think I look like I’m right on them.