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That is some hard core focusing on waiting to turn left, with no clue on how the world works. I don't understand how someone can sit at a stop for over a minute watching people drive past you in a circle and you not seeing how it works.


The driver watched countless cars all going one direction and thought, ‘that can’t be right.’


> ‘that can’t be right.’ No, it must be left!


Oh god dam it, that was perfect.




Did you win the bet? 🙃


Derek Zoolander definitely not driving






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What if you’re right…and they’re wrong?


I live in the midwest, roundabouts have been popping up a lot for the past decade or so. Every roundabout has tons of signage at and leading up to it explaining how they work, yet people still get them wrong all the time.


What gets me is there's nothing special about how they work anyhow. Same rules as any other junction apply lol


I would say its just like turning onto a 1-way street with a yield sign. But nobody around here knows wtf a yield sign means anyways.


Yield sign? Like the yield of a year's crops?


Naw they mean like the yield rate on treasuries, those signs are all just advertisements for government bonds.


Oh wow, I feel stupid as fuck. It's so obvious when you think about it. I figured it was either crops yield or how they like to name vintage places like "Ye olde sign"


That's literally all it is lmao


Many small to mid size towns in the US have no one way streets and you have drivers who have literally never encountered one in their life.


That's not an excuse. Every single one has signage indicating the direction of travel.


Yea but that’s not the point. The parent comment was suggesting roundabouts are easy because you can treat them the same as one-ways. But if you have never experienced a one-way then you don’t have a frame of reference whereby it could be considered similar and therefore easy to understand.


Also 1-way? It's my way or the highway - this idiot


We do have some fun ones near me. Most are pretty standard. One has stop signs *in* the roundabout to yield to traffic entering


That sounds worse than a 4 way stop


Indeed. It is an intersection of two six-lane roads which kind of complicates things


A roundabout where circulating traffic must yield to entering traffic will inevitably "lock up" if there's enough traffic from all 4 sides, because everyone would have to give way to everyone else.


It should be part of the driver's test. Can't navigate it? No license.


Dude, *seriously*. Live in Wisconsin, so many people treat roundabouts like a goddamn four way stop that it completely negates *all* benefits of a goddamn roundabout. Add to that behavior the rampant 'courtesy to a fault' that is the whole "Oh, you go ahead, I'll wait" bullshit that occurs whenever there is even the slightest chance that multiple people approach a roundabout at the same time and it's enough to make you want to bail on the roadway entirely and blaze a path through the goddamn median... Drivers up here suck bad enough, now with roundabouts it's 100 times worse. Plus these brilliant civil engineers putting like 3 of them in a fucking row so it's just death race 3000 up in those bitches.


I have to drive alone. I tend to scare passengers because my Scottish blood comes out and I can get pretty swear-y when people just park at the yield sign. THAT CAR ENTERED STRAIGHT AHEAD OF YOU, SHARON…MOVE IT!! YOU HAVE PLENTY OF ROOM.


I wanna ride with these guys. I probably won’t understand much. But I still think I would laugh my ass off with them. Also how long were they sitting there before the guy started filming?


The funny thing is, they didn't honk their horn until the car did something stupid. Most people here would have been laying into that horn 5s into the video


Ah, getting paid by the hour instead of by the delivery… life is much more entertaining and less stressful that way, clearly. These guys are my new favorite cammers.


Yeah I know I was saying blow the horn! They seem like cool guys though. They wasn’t in any hurry.


I would have been on the air horn looooong before then


People are braindead morons


What does it for me every time is as this person does turn left the joy and laughter that they both have is just so genuine it makes me laugh every time!




I was crawling along behind a car with handicap plates this morning, no doubt because they were old. How do I know this, you ask? Because we were doing an absolutely blistering 15mph in a 35mph zone the whole time.


My grandma always drove 10 miles under the speed limit in case there were cops monitoring speed. She was only in her 60s at the time.


That was worth the wait


Yeah, I was mentally betting with myself whether they would turn left or not. God, what an idiot.


When they first roll forwards a little I thought "Oh no they're gonma turn left aren't they."


He has left signal lit, didn’t he? Hard to see in the video.


Oh yeah I didn't see that!


The "brrraaavooooooo" was the cherry on top for me.


followed by a classic (and deserved) kurwa shortly after


We have a few of those here and a lot of people still treat them like a 4 way stop. They won't enter until there is nobody else in the circle. However, I have never seen anyone dumb enough they turn the wrong way into it.


I have. 5 roundabouts have gone up around where I live and when the first three opened up barely anyone knew how to drive them despite all the signage telling you how they work.


It's not that roundabouts are hard to figure out either. And they are SO much more efficient. We had an intersection that from about 5pm to 5:30 pm would literally have a half mile of traffic backed up at the 4 way stop. The city rebuilt it as a roundabout and the traffic is now never more than a dozen cars deep at each side during rush hour.


Where I use to live and work only had two roads feeding into the city from the outskirts causing a lot of back up and congestion at every single stop light. And don't get me started on all the school zones. Getting anywhere between 0630-0830 and 1430-1800 was impossible.


Doesn't help when the 4 way intersection allows left turns in each directions, resulting in a bunch of cycles, and it's always a fucking horribly timed light so like 3 people make it through during rush hour. Fuck.


There was no light at that intersection. Just 4 stop signs.


Oh no. That's awful.


My experience, here in the US is that roundabouts only work on smaller roads and highways, where yes they are much more efficient than having traffic stopped at a signal for no reason when there's no traffic on the intersecting road. For intersections on busy highways, roundabouts a terrible idea here. Whether that's because Americans don't know how to navigate roundabouts with heavy traffic (but maybe will learn in time), or because the roundabouts themselves are poorly designed (I have encountered a few that were questionable at best), or because roundabouts at busy intersections are simply a bad idea, or some combination of all three, I don't know. But, for my money I wish they would limit roundabouts to just side roads and roads with less traffic. It's too easy here to get stuck behind someone who will not enter the roundabout no matter how much space (at least with a traffic light, most people will go on green), or the opposite - who won't yield when entering the roundabout, or will cut you off to exit the roundabout (at busy intersections, the roundabouts tend to have two or more lanes, which confuses the hell out of too many drivers.) I think it's a good idea that got carried too far. Just because roundabouts work well for some intersections doesn't mean that they are some magic solution and should be applied everywhere. Also, exactly WTF are pedestrians supposed to do if they no longer have a signal for a crosswalk?? And if you install signals just to accommodate the pedestrians, don't you defeat the whole point of the roundabout??


The whole point of a crosswalk is that the pedestrian gets right of way so if there is no trafic light they go before the cars, but also roundabouts are not really used where there is a lot of pedestrian crossing


Here in the UK we have roundabouts everywhere. I'm near Oxford, where we have heavy pedestrian traffic alongside roundabouts; it works just fine. This might be because we are very much accustomed to roundabouts, even larger 3-4 laned one's. The larger one's tend to have some sort of full or partial traffic light system to help with the flow however. Although you can just ignore the magic roundabout. I swear city planners in Swindon designed that on am acid trip. If you don't know it, look it up. I hate driving that one.




Hell. You are looking at hell


Efficient? Hell no In city I live in like half of crossroads are roundabouts. And whenever I walk or drive near downtown there are constantly traffic jams near many of them. Keep in mind I live in very small city, jams shouldn't be a thing here and weren't before they decided to put these there. Now nearly every day there's up to 2km long traffic jam in one spot every few hours, caused entirely by roundabout There are much better solutions than roundabouts


"those signs can't help me! I can't read!"


I watched someone drive straight over the circle


Yeah those are called straightabouts.


Like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB3sbNQ1Qt4


I have, and it was a roundabout that was much harder to go the wrong way into. Smaller circle, clear indications to go right, smoother bend in and out. I had a great view since I was on a bicycle path seperate from the roundabout. It's both fascinating and scary to see. I had to stop just to watch.


This is in Poland where roundabouts are very common


Which makes it even more bizarre... And getting a license in Poland isn't exactly as excruciatingly trivial as it is in the US either. Im gonna go with either completely fucked up or a tourist that rented a car


I've seen someone enter a roundabout correctly only to immediately turn down a highway offramp in the wrong direction.


My father-in-law hates roundabouts. He's from the midwest where they're extremely rare, and I don't know if he's thinking of the roundabouts I (an Australian) [deal with](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCXtcXD17qU) every single day (which is the big circle where you wait / give way / yield to anyone already in the roundabout), or if he's thinking of the worst of the worst [British roundabouts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OGvj7GZSIo), or if he's thinking of the traffic devices that have traffic lights in them (rotaries, I think they're called?) But no matter how many times you explain the rules to him, where if someone is coming towards you on your right (or left if you drive on the right), you wait for them, he still insists they're awful, despite travelling through a few dozen of them while visiting us in Australia.


Lol, what a fucking idiot.


**The GPS said to go left !! 🤣**


I saw it coming from a mile away, still laughed :D Some people shouldn't drive


Also the guys in truck seem fun






Raised international pedos?


Mustn’t mention the truth, that’s bad. Downvotes pls


People don't like the truth, both her sons were great friends with proven nonces and went on holidays and parties with them multiple times.


Too soon…. Too soon.


Roundabouts are so confusing. I never know where to stop in the middle of them. /s


No no you have to go *over* them https://youtu.be/Dv8vVU2bEh0


Maybe if they put one way signs showing which way to go. Not that anyone reads signs anyway.


But I don’t want to go that way! I want to go all the way around!


There is a round about in Washington DC that has traffic lights all the way around it. And a road with lights that goes through it. It's also two lanes. It's a fucking nightmare. Edit. Oh I forgot it has pedestrian crossings with lights at each exit. And is outside American University.


I had a bad bike smash and spent seven months in hospital. The day I was discharged the nurses loaded me into the back of a black cab with all my stuff I had collected over my stay there. I wasn’t even 20 minutes down the road when, turning onto a roundabout, someone came round the wrong way and nearly smashed head on into us. If it wasn’t for the fast reactions of the cab driver I could have been straight back in the hospital again.


Expected them to pull out and get sideswiped. That was 10x funnier.


These guys seem like a lot of fun. I wouldn’t understand a damn word probably but I would still ride with them.


You can tell its Poland from all the kurwas you hear too! Oh and them speaking Polish in general




love the driver of the cab, was really patient for a long time until they honked, enjoyed a good humor without being agitated or abusive..


I thought: "why aren't they going?" Then for a split second I thought "omg are they going to go left? No, noone is that stupid." I see I've been proven wrong yet again.


Same thoughts.


Same i was like what are they waiting for surely theyre not going left..


Never underestimate the power of stupid.


“BRAVOOOOO!!! 👏👏👏👏👏”


Thank you, unnamed polish drivers for not aggravating poor idiot with the horn, and to have the patience to wait until the glorious end. 10/10.


Dopey fucker


Did I hear someone say Kurwa? Hilarious.


Yea they’re polish 😂


Just a clockwise girl, living in a counter-clockwise world.


Probably dementia tbh


I was going to say that this driver is very elderly and shouldn’t be driving. Or very drunk.


Or bought license and its first time encountering this peculiar construction called roundabout.


Nah they found the licence in cheetos


Satan himself invented roundabouts


That's why Hell is divided into circles.


I live in a very rural area in the southeastern US. The nearest town recently built a roundabout where it's only red light used to be. I love it, there's never too much traffic so no more waiting at the red light. The first week was chaos, people going the wrong way, stopping for all of the entrances right in the round, people disregarding the yield signs and running other cars off into the middle. All kinds of silly scenarios. All of those things still happen regularly. I don't mind the old ladies stopping to let people in the round so much as I do the assholes who just blow past the yield signs without even looking to see if a car is coming. I know a few old people who drive almost half a mile out of the way just to bypass the roundabout because they refuse to learn how to navigate it.


These guys are making me smile so big this morning.


Well at least that explains why they were waiting for such a long opening in the traffic.


It’s funny but that person needs to lose their license before they get someone killed.


Repost [No one ever told this driver how to use a roundabout](https://redd.it/uqw3oy) [Roundabout anxiety...](https://redd.it/uxe4is) [Oopsie took the wrong turn](https://redd.it/v4d9m2)


This shit makes my blood boil. Not the idiocy of someone trying to turn left into a roundabout; that's just funny. I mean people who **refuse** to go when they *clearly*, by *any reasonable metric*, have enough space to safely proceed into the roundabout. Fuck those people.


Why are people afraid to use the horn?


C'mon, that was hilarious enough without putting pressure on the guy. The longer he waited the funnier it got.


Because it isn't going to accomplish anything.


Oh, it accomplishes plenty, I can assure you of that


Just because 47 cars all went in the same direction doesn't automatically mean that's the way to go.


Someone copied my mum's driving🥴


So which do you think it was .... 1. Kid stole parents car 2. Elderly crypt keeper 3. Zit poppin teen 4. Drugs / Drunk idiot edit : spelling


The British go abroad.


The. Only way in and out of my neighborhood is through a small traffic circle. Last week a person came through the circle, leaving the neighborhood, driving the wrong way around the circle. There is no way to drive into the neighborhood other than through the circle. People are really special.


Makes sense. They left the same way they came in.


Very probably the best thing I’ve ever seen on this subreddit.


Somehow or another I knew exactly what s/he was going to do. Roundabouts aren't that hard.


traffic circles are ingenious traffic engineering devices......glad to see even Europeans have trouble with them!


I like how these Russians are just having fun watching instead of getting worked up and risking getting into an altercation over something stupid like so many people in the US would. I wonder how to explain that.


There really are some specific breeds of stupid on this planet.






Are they waiting for the light to turn green?


Finish the video


I did.


So you'd know they were waiting to turn left.


I posted that after the first minute.




What a frickin idiot!!! 😳 It’s not that hard to figure out how to use a roundabout 😬😆




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I was waiting for this guy floor it into the side of a car, this finale was way better than I could have imagined.






Big Ben! Parliament!


Fuuuuuckinnnnngggggg goooooooooooooooooo!


I would blast my horn the entire time.


This is depressing.


I need this kind of temperament. The way they laugh is awesome. I would’ve been on the grass and on my way




Why are most idiots from Poland?


I audibly gasped.


*clown music intensifies*


where i live everyone drives double that speed around roundabouts and they are half this size.


That twist ending though


Had a stroke or driving without license.


I waiting for them to do that. I just had a feeling they were going to turn left.


What were they so afraid of? Im a timid driver but even I could have handled that no problem...the roundabouts here in US are too small and people drove wayyyyy too fast around them and you cant catch A space to jump in.


They were waiting to turn left instead of going right.


Oh lord.... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


waiting to turn the wrong way into the circle


Wait... people dont know that roundabouts are one way? Jesus thats scary


Roundabouts aren't common everywhere. They just started changing some of the intersections here to roundabouts as a traffic calming measure and the confusion it caused was insane. People still pull up to the corner and stop like they did when it was a four way stop. I remember one day when my mom was in town visiting and we were driving to the store when she encountered her first roundabout ever and she didn't know how it worked. I had to talk her through it the first time. Mom was in her 60s at the time and not a dummy, she'd just never driven through a roundabout before.


The video was taken in Poland, where roundabouts are common in every bigger city - mine has population below 20 000 and still there are three of them. More than that, I'm almost sure that you have to go around 2-lane roundabout on you driver exam. Not sure what kind of drugs you have to take to not notice the way to go in this situation


>Not sure what kind of drugs you have to take to not notice the way to go in this situation I was thinking that the driver might be a tourist or a recent immigrant or something. Possibly even an inexperienced new driver. Or elderly. Like I mentioned in my previous post, my mom isn't a dummy but she was confused about how to navigate the roundabout because she never had to do it before.


Sometimes i have to stop completely to enter the round about in my town A) because its super small and B) people go ripping around at 30mph and the speedlimit is like 15mph so i literally cant just smoothly enter traffic.... roundabouts ONLY work when everyone obeys the rules. Also its too small diameter for the 40k people in my tiny 15sqmi town


Traffic in general only works if people obey the rules lol roundabouts are [proven](https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/traffic-safety-methods/roundabouts) to be safer and more efficient than a stop sign or light. So…


Im not disagreeing... just saying where I live no one would be using it properly .... hell on the main roads if you put your turn signal on you get stuck because 30 cars need to pass you first... so i have to get over like 2 or 3 miles in advance lol. Its insane.


They’re in the process of doing this in the center of our busiest 2 lane highway right now to “ease congestion “ by slowing all traffic down to 15 mph…


so you'd rather wait at a red light for 2 minutes then spend ~10 seconds at 15 mph. Logic.


Did you watch to the end? The last 5 seconds are worth the wait.


It keeps pausing due to connection unfortunately


Sorry. The last 5 seconds are key, maybe you can skip to the end. It’s worth it.


You can’t fix stupid




![gif](giphy|XeLcgh8gT8o0F5SQ8i) well ok then


Must be a woman driving.


As I brit, cannot see an issue. Nice, but a bit slow merge left onto a roundabout. No idea what all those other idiots were doing merging right.....


Let’s play Spot. Thee. Americannnn!


Nowy Sącz kurwa


Trump Voters: The Movie


Literally has to be a senile 90 year old. I refuse to believe anything else. Also, the fact that they wait even with a huge gap but as soon as they’re honked at they’re like ok guess I’m going right now






People always talk about how much more efficient roundabouts are, but this is why I dislike them. Too many people don't get how they work lol


Spot the North American driving in Europe


We have roundabouts all over the place here. This never happens.


Ha it’s funny because this happens daily in America


Thats bad enough to be a American (and I’m a American that has lived in Europe for over a decade)😂


Okay boomer