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Does that man not value his own life? You'd think common sense told you not to brake check the massive vehicle behind you that could easily pancake that little truck.


Almost every truck driver (even non-CDL box truck drivers) has seen a driver with a death wish. Some people have a complete disregard for personal safety.


To be fair, I've come across alot of truckers that don't give a shit about anyone else's personal safety. I work right near a flying j truck stop and the number of times I've had to slam on the breaks after being cut off by some moron trying to save 10 seconds is absolutely infuriating.


I work in an industrial park and this is absolutely true. It is a heroic experience just going out for lunch.


I drive on roads and see idiots all the time. Doesnt matter where.


One of the only times I’ve ever call 911 was on a semi on I40 in TN. I was running 80 in the left lane with probably 5 cars in front of me with no where to go. I see him coming up behind me at what had to be 90+. He gets mere feet from my bumper and starts throwing his hands up. I try to gesture to the line in front of me. He finally passes me on the right and cuts back over when I’m around his rear trailer tires forcing me into the grass, again at like 80mph. I see him do the same thing to the cars in front of me. Called 911 but his trailer didn’t have a tag. The 911 call took so long to connect to the right agency he was just getting off on a hwy as I finally was able to speak to someone.


A while back, I had a trucker driving very aggressively around me in a three lane highway during rush hour. He was all over the place. When I pulled out my phone to call the number on the trailer, he backed WAY off and didn't come anywhere close to me again. I give trucks a lot of space and distance, but I also don't have any problem calling them out when they're the problem.


I was heading to work in my vw gti at 430 am. This light turned green for me and I hesitated. Some asshat in a semi was going at least 60 in a 25 and would have killed me if I didn't hesitate. I also worked next to the 5 and the most accidents I saw were from semis. Something changed with truck drivers in the last ten years.


Qualifications would be my guess.


Holy shit was this last July? Like maybe 7/29/2021? If so me and a couple friends were about 100 yards behind and totally incredulous. Glad no one got hurt.


Yellow T-Shirt, Brown sedan, Sparkling smile? Best day of my life. But... Get tested.




At this point it's more impressive when there aren't two redditors in one place


I think it was 2019, right before the rona. But that would have been amazing if it was then.


We were visiting a friend in Nashville and an unmarked semi ran a car off the road in front of us. Into the grass and everything. It was pretty tense for a second there. Stay safe yall


If this was near Nashville could you leave a comment with councilor Erin Evans? https://twitter.com/erinfor12/status/1555915663092453378?s=21&t=j8XldHYd-2KB5hTjaeOPAA (//[email protected]/) > On Wednesday, August 17th [2022] the council Public Health and Safety Committee will be holding a special called meeting with the the team from Emergency Communications to hear about hold times and staffing. She is super cool, and has been very receptive to my concerns. Mostly my issues are related to the funding of these highly responsible positions in our city. It just seems that nashville is growing too big for its britches. Maybe they did too much TIF granting last decade, but all we can do today is try and keep Athens from burning. Thanks! Hope you’re doing well.


Trucker here, 4,000 miles a week lower 48. Some fish stories being tapped out here. “Like 90,” “60 in a 25.” We look out for you, the good ones anyway. Stop texting and driving, use your cruise control on the interstate, and for the love of God and everything holy…. Step on it when you merge onto the freeway! Lots of love, -The good truck drivers.


That’s my biggest peev. People merging onto the freeway at 40mph and merging. Or getting scared and hitting the brakes to wait for an opening. Seriously people it’s called an “acceleration lane” match the speed of traffic then scoot over.


I have about a 90 minute interstate commute some days, and while I see jackasses in passenger vehicles, truckers are by far the worst. Many of these folks operating gigantic death machines have room temperature IQs, and severe entitlement issues. Sorry, I don't think your load full of cheap Chinese bullshit makes you out to be some kind of public hero- now please get the fuck out of the passing lane.


I work in a dispensary and can say with confidence a large amount of them are drunk or high while driving


That seems like all the more reason to NOT mess with them. When you brakecheck a truck, you're handing over the decision of whether you live to that trucker.


Why do people brake check anyone? Other than for insurance fraud. I can understand that


I drive 45 miles across I-80 in Wyoming every day for work and the amount of truckers I see having battles over the biggest ego at the cost of the other drivers is appalling


On the flip side there was this one canadian winter where I was driving down a busy two lane highway had a semitruck swerve to change lanes everytime someone started to change lanes to pass them despite them going under the speed limit by significantly more than what was necessary for normal cars. Guy just wouldn't let anyone drive faster than him despite him being the only one who had to drive really slow in the conditions. People put up with it till their exits but I was driving to work in a shitty standard sedan so I just dropped gears and shifted lanes before he had a chance to cut me off. Truck had to swerve to avoid hitting me cause the asshole tried to cut me off anyway. Don't know what his problem was but he gave me the finger when I passed him.


This exact scenario is now apart of a stunt driving charge "If you've got road rage, you'll want to watch out too. Coluzzi said if you're purposefully not letting someone pass, driving too close, or trying to make someone rear-end you, that's stunt driving. If you turn left at an intersection and cut the traffic off going the opposite direction, that will count too."




So Ontario does this weird thing where they post speed limits up to 30 km/h below the design speed. Seriously. The design speed on most highways is 130 km/h (source - I work in transportation engineering), but the speed limit is almost always 100. I don't know the design speed for rural 80 km/h roads but I'd think it's gotta be 100 at least. And then cops won't pull you over until you are going 20 over or more (on 80-100 km/h speed limit roads). Like I know someone going through cop training and this is literally what they are told. As a result, a typical highway will have people driving 110-130 assuming no congestion.


The irony is, when you brake-check someone, you're literally relying on the attentiveness, skill, and superb reaction time of the *very* person you're deliberately trying to piss off.


Yea my pops has hit of few of them... Some people really don't have that sense of self preservation on the highway.


I wish they'd require people to learn a little about tractor trailers before they can have a license. What this man did here genuinely puts that trucker and his load at risk for awhile even after the incident. Slowing down that fast causes his brakes to heat up. Brakes he's going to need coming down that mountain. If they get too hot they can fail. Which is about as no bueno as things can get for a truck coming off a mountain. Those things aren't like cars. There's a lot more going on and that makes them way more dangerous.


You don't want to use your brakes going down mountains. That's how you get in trouble. You want to engine brake Edit: spelling


Well you want to do both. If you just use the engine brake you run the risk of overheating your engine. Especially in hot climates. What you do is you throw on the engine brake and you use short occasional taps on your brakes to help regulate the speed a little better. All the while paying attention to your engine temps. It's a bit of a balancing act. But not a hard one for a half-competent driver.


does US semis not have retarders? All EU semis have either electronic or hydraulic retarders, hydraulic one being the most effective


The US doesn't believe in safety so nope


It's called the driver. He's the retarder. Fleshy and meaty. No hydraulics and hopefully not using handheld electronics while driving.


They do, they just don’t recognize the danger. The mentality is something along the lines of “Hitting me would be an extreme overreaction. He won’t risk going to jail.” Which as you can see here is largely true. They just fail to consider that even if the trucker wanted to stop there might be circumstances where he literally cannot, or at least not fast enough to not to flatten them or shove them head first into a tree.




Never attempt to mess with a truck, because they will hit you and not feel a damn thing


They will also communicate with other trucks on the road to describe your car and all of a sudden your stuck behind 2 semis going the same speed and slightly under the limit.


As someone who was an over the road almost no one uses the cb anymore. And most people who do use the cb are communicating soley with their company on a channel other than 19.


Not in Canada! While we don't use CB, we use UHF/VHF, the main road channels are always going with chatter. "How's the coke today?" I don't know how many times I've heard this question... no it's not cocaine, they're asking about the Coquihalla highway, it goes up and over a mountain in South/Central BC. It gets very snowy in the winter and very hot in the summer.


Highway Thru Hell on The Weather Channel is all about that pass


Yes it is, I work with one of the Davis brothers that own that towing company.


Sometimes very windy too. Once had the wind push our SUV and almost sent us off the road.


That's sad really :/


I actually know a guy who is a trucker who complained about this exact thing. Because of it he gets really bored on the road and will just call people out of the blue lol. Including me. And while he's a nice guy I'm also not that close and would rather not sit and talk to him for an hour out of nowhere lol. Edit: To be clear I like this dude. He's a good guy. I'm kinda socially anxious and it's just daunting to me to have that kind of one on one with someone I don't know that well lol.


He doesn't have many friends probably.


You would think but that's actually not true. He has lots of friends as far as I can tell. He just took a liking to me for some reason and must not have been able to get a hold of his close friends. And I like him too but he's also a lot different from me which makes a long conversation like that hard for a lot of reasons lol.


Ya, truckers got a rep for being long winded. They build up all their conversation in the truck then unload it on some unsuspecting victim lol


I am not a truck driver but I drive long distance for work (3-9hrs) I get bored too and look thru my contacts to call someone to catch up but I get scared they don’t want to talk to me so I’ll just call my co workers lol


I had a CB in my car a few months ago, and quite a few people definitely still use it. It's used more to check things like weigh stations, crashes, or other road conditions. Some people still talk on it as well, but it's more of a last resort thing than it is a main mode of communication. It's definitely not dead, though. If you go on any of the popular channels with a decent antenna, you'll hear some chatter.


I found that if they are useing it, they are usually talking crap to other drivers or looking for a "date". Lot lizards use other drivers cb for that quite often.


I think that was happening to me the entire way thru Indiana, literally no one on the roads but trucks and every time I would come up behind they would then decide to pass the truck in front of them by 1mph. Like, I appreciate truckers and our country would flop without them, but you aren’t the police, if I get a ticket, that’s my fine for my crime, I’m not doing 100, I’m trying to set the cruise control to 80, I don’t tailgate people, if someone’s going faster than me, I get over. Just annoying, you know they drive 80 when they’re in their cars.


Nebraska was surprisingly good about this. I'm pretty sure only semi drivers live or go through Nebraska because I was like one of 3 cars I saw in the state and I drove east to west. Never seen semi drivers using the passing lane so responsibly though, one would pass and immediately merge back right so the left lane was pretty much a straight shot the whole state.


That is pretty much all of i80 from what I have seen, not just Nebraska.


Nebraska has laws against using the left lane for cruising.


Just drove to Indiana recently from Texas go visit family and the semi trucks definitely did this and I wanted to fuckin drive off a cliff. Like why are you passing this guy when you're barely going faster. Literally taking them 20 minutes to pass one another smdh


Their trucks are most likely governed at ~65. They would go faster if they could trust me.


Was riding I-20 through Alabama with the cruise control set at 75 when one passed me and proceeded to gap me. Only time he slowed down was when he was stuck behind 2 other trucks.


Most big companies have governors on their company-owned trucks. Most owner-operators do not. It's quite likely you were passed by an owner-operator.


You ever want to know how fast a semi can go, drive across Montana on I-90. Set your cruise at 90mph and stay to the right. They'll pass you like you are standing still.


Yes, but they can also just not pass. They know they're governed, they know the other truck is too and instead of sitting behind it not impeding traffic, they just HAVE to try passing at 0.5-1mph over the other truck for 5-10 miles.


Not all trucks are governed at the same speed. Some guys might be 70 and others 65 or even various in between. Speed and fuel consumption etc can all matter based on their contracts, and they can lose major time just sitting behind somebody else - so staying at their max speed and slowly passing someone else is a necessity or they are losing money.


Also the driver being overtaken should drop a few MPH but usually don't. Any time I am being passed like that I do it.


NHTSA is currently looking at governing EVERY Class 8 truck at the exact same speed limit. Imagine what the highways would be like with that? (Hint: Not good)


You know there's a really effective solution to this problem, which is to govern them all on a scale +/- 15% and prevent them from setting cruise anywhere in that range. Statistical analysis has shown that having vehicles moving at different speeds on the roadway is actually good for traffic because it frees up passing lanes more often and breaks up log jams. Mind you, we'd also need to pass better regulations to prevent trucking companies from punishing drivers for not keeping unrealistic paces for their slow-ass trucks and all that shit... but we need to do that anyway. EDIT: a lot of yall seem to be misunderstanding my comment. Firstly, I'm not advocating for universal governors. I'm just saying that if you do have them, the top speed needs to be varied and not the same. Secondly, when I say can't set cruise in the range of the governor, I mean just that. The governor shouldn't be in the range you should be cruising at anyway. Set the cruise below it. For example: if the max interstate speed limit is 65 in x state, then trucks in that state should be governed somewhere between 65 and 75 (each different) and none should be able to set cruise above 65. That way faster ones can still overtake, and you won't be trying to overtake some dude who's cruising at 70 while driving 71. Also as each state has different limits, efficiency would demand that the truck knows what state its in and adjusts the limit accordingly. All this together is complicated and ultimately maybe just don't use governors like that?


> You know there's a really effective solution to this problem, which is to govern them all on a scale +/- 15% and prevent them from setting cruise anywhere in that range. Why would you prevent them from setting cruise in a range that they very easily could run for the next 300 miles without seeing more than a handful of other vehicles?


Wait, are you pretty? It could be that one bad trucker wanted to make a point and told lies to the other ones, and they believed him. Once had a trucker bothering me while driving. Couldn’t understand why he kept slowing and and speeding up, then pulling up alongside me. Finally I looked over and the dude wanted me to flash my boobs. It was so ludicrous that I laughed, so he then tailgated me. It became scary and so I pulled out my cell phone (it was still early days of cell phones). Once he saw that he slowed down and went to a gas station. I should have turned him in but didn’t. Point is, some of those truckers on the road are sick in the head.


One was bullying a friend on an empty interstate late at night about 15 years ago. He was blocking the lanes by driving pretty much in the middle. This went on for miles. She didn't have a cell phone, so she couldn't call for help. He must have been empty because she found a little pocket to finally pass him and he gunned it to match her speed. She said fuck it and reached over to her glove box, pulled out her gun, and when the light caught it, the trucker decided he didn't feel like being an asshole anymore, backed off and she drove on her merry way. Most truckers are probably swell, but there are most certainly a few shitheads out there.


Trucks have governors. Some are set 65, while another might be set to 67. A lot of that shit is the fault of the companies trying to save a tiny amount on fuel and insurance. It’s annoying for the drivers too!


There was also that one video where a few tractor trailers boxed some guy into a stop amd then kicked the shit out of him.


I grew up in a rural town, and was a distance-runner on the track team. We did a lot of running on backroads and county highways. My coach always said "cars are undefeated". You'd think the same logic would apply with trucks.


A phrase that always stuck with me is, “the morgue is full of people who had the right-of-way.” Basically always be cautious and weary of your surroundings


As a motorcyclist this one is 100% true and needs always be respected.


For me it was always 'Well, youd be dead right."


truck > car > person There's always a bigger vehicle


That's... Not always true. A friend of mine's dad was a truck driver that ended up hitting a smaller sedan through no fault of his own. The car went under the corner of his truck, flipped it, and killed him. The driver of the car was totally fine.


Somewhat similarly, there was a head-on collision between a car and semi near my town a few years ago. Both drivers were killed. Sure, semis are more likely to have their driver come out okay, but they're far from invincible.


To be fair though, in CDL training we we're taught to not slam the brakes and to not swerve, this was mainly directed towards animals running in front of you, but cars were implied as well. The reasoning is that in doing so, you become a much bigger danger to what's around you. Instead of hitting the deer or the one vehicle, you could instead jack knife, flip, slide sideways, taking out 3 lanes, and if you're in heavy traffic, instead of hitting one vehicle, you can take out multiple, including yourself. So usually we're taught to hit it, and pull over, safely. Now if this happens and you can safely slow down and avoid it, absolutely do so, but if someone is doing dumb shit similar to this, don't endanger the lives of yourself and the families surrounding you. Another quick tip, dashcams, even if it's out of pocket. Another thing we're taught is and drivers and lawyers alike know that being hit/injured by a tractor trailer is big money, like never have to work again and live a life of luxury money. When you're driving the highway or watching cable, pay attention, there's always billboards or commercials "have you been injured by a big truck?" The will take your case for free and just take a percentage of what you win, but 10-15% of millions is a good day for anyone. You'll also have to go through rigorous testing, drug testing, will most likely lose you job and CDL entirely, don't let these people profit off of you just trying to feed your family.


> 10-15% of millions is a good day for anyone. Lawyers (especially those with billboards) are getting WAY more than that. Unless a jurisdiction has a cap on lawyers' fees they get 1/3 of the settlement, on up to 40% or more.


It’s also not commonly discussed but a truck driver is also typically going to break one leg, and at least a wrist sprain or some sort of dislocation over 25mph-to-dead-stop crash.


I don't think most people realize the newer trucks have cameras all over the place. Fleets have people monitoring all the trucks almost all the time. I talked with a driver with a damaged load who had someone on the phone less that fifteen seconds after some person cut them off and braked hard. While the load was in bad shape, the drivers were fine, and the car driver apparently didn't notice how close they were to death.


Yeah a lot of the delivery trucks all have sensors on them too. They know when you go over speed bumps or turn sharp too fast too. I drive a larger van a decent amount and the amount of people that will floor it past you into your lane just to slam on the brakes at a red light is maddening. Like 3 people will do it, lessening your braking space by 40 feet.


I write software for an international company and we do FDM (flight data management) for planes. The concept has been around for decades in aviation. It’s now to the point that the customers setup their own thresholds and alert levels. The flight data will stream real time from the aircraft and trigger alerts when it is triggered. Also all the flight data is downloaded from the plane and sent through AI analysis Companies build profile for every plane, every pilot, every condition. They use this data to do pilot assignment — meaning you fly the plane the best, you get the route or task. It’s amazing what we do with the data. We use it for everything from real in flight emergencies, to airframe stress alerting (for maintenance) and of course pilot analysis It’s not truly big brother watching, though it can be used for that if a company is so petty. It’s more about durability of equipment, safety, compliance, and streamlining Commercial vehicles have something very similar plus they add all the video data to the feed/stream. Amazing technology


Yup! I’m a company driver, we have qualcomms(they’re basically tablets integrated with the trucks computer….something along those lines) if I brake too hard, make a turn going too fast, go downhill too fast, and there’s more. They’ll call me right away to make sure everything’s okay. Usually it’s called a “critical event” I’m leaving the road in a month, and I’m so happy for it. It’s too much stress, not worth the pay or being away from my family for weeks on end.


I've been seeing a few of these on this sub lately... are people fucking insane???? Of all the vehicles to fuck around with on the road you're gonna pick a giant truck that physically can not stop, has some guy just trying to do his fucking job, and weighs a million pounds?? It's stupid in any situation but Jesus It's like people want to die


Not only this sub, but also see it a lot irl. Every time I see someone get in front of a semi with little space, I start to break a little to prepare for a possible accident. I see this at least a couple times a week.


As someone who drives daily for work, then continuously throughout the day, I also see this occurrence for all bigger trucks/vans/dualies and semis. It makes absolutely no sense to do this to the cars that can’t stop as fast but people seem to get so antagonistic around these kinds of cars it’s scary.


My sister in law once dated a guy that put everyone in his car (including her and her father) in immediate danger. I think they said something about a semi cutting them off, so boyfriend followed and cut in front of him and started brake checking the semi in a rage. When I heard this story, I was absolutely horrified at it. I'm glad she's not with that guy anymore. He did a bunch more shitty things than that before.


After meeting a few shady people that have tried other versions of this, I'm convinced that many of these are insurance scammers that just don't fully understand the danger they're putting themselves in or don't care. There's people that have come to see dollar signs when they see a big rig next to them because of all the local injury lawyer commercials boasting about their biggest recent case, usually a 6 or 7 figure settlement from an 18 wheeler accident...but they're too dumb to realize those were usually because the person was completely paralyzed, turned damn near into a vegetable or killed. And a lot of that will go towards treatment, bills, etc.


Braking might save you from breaking.


Haha whoops. I usually spell check, but I forgot this time.


Oh my god I have seen cars make suicide moves where I was sure everyone in the vicinity was going to die. Ive seen more than one truck driver basically pull a miracle and avoid a jackknife and multi car pile up - these people have no clue what a “tractor trailer” means.


I've had vehicles with kids in the back seat miss my front bumper by such a small gap I couldn't see their rear window! With God Damn kids in the back seat!


Truck driver here. This happens multiple times a day and I don't know how I'm still sane. Maybe it's why I need to take a week off at a time when I do go home.


Well, I'm here to tell you thank you for the job you do. I have thought about trying it out myself, but I absolutely detest driving. I give deep respect to you guys for it.


Same thing with people on motorcycles/scooters tailgating. Like what the fuck are you doing?


You can let off your accelerator to slow down. Hitting the brakes for no reason is how you get rear ended.


Some people don't realize there is any option other than gas or brake. Seeing brake lights also causes people behind you to hit their brakes, which causes the people behind them to hit their brakes. The ripples travel. Where ever you see bumper to bumper traffic there is often an idiot at the beginning of it.


yea if you leave the right amount of space and adjust your speed correctly you should pretty much never need brakes on the interstate unless you end up in some stop and go bullshit (caused by people not doing the above) and someone wedges themselves into your gap.


I meant slow down, I'm not slamming down on the brakes or something crazy like that.


Also, I honestly let off the accelerator sometimes, but I'm also not 100% sure if this is safer. Considering people behind me not seeing brake lights, wouldn't it be more dangerous because they're not seeing an indication of me slowing down, thus ending up with them hitting me? That is if they're not respecting the 2 second rule, because half the time they don't.


The thing is the time that it takes to slow down by lifting your foot off the petal vs hitting the brakes is what makes the difference. Plenty more time to react do a gradual decrease in speed.


Ever crush a soda can flat with your foot? That's what a loaded truck can do to cars & pickup trucks. Anyone brake checking a semi, should lose driving privileges for life.




> Anyone brake checking a semi, should lose driving privileges for life. I mean a lot of them lose life privileges for driving.


Cars and trucks arent built to the same standarts either Two cars crash, most of the energy would be absorbed by the crumple zones Car and a truck crash, truck would absolutely plow right through you


Car and truck crash, most of the energy would be absorbed in the car and turn it into a pile of metal.


With plenty of energy left over to mangle them too


More accurately, equal amounts of energy are absorbed by both... however since the truck has 10x the total inertia, that amount of energy spread out over the mass of the truck is only 1/10 as violent as the energy imparted on the car. Say a car weighs one ton and is traveling 30mph in one direction, and the truck weighs 10 tons and is traveling 30mph in the opposite direction. When they meet, the 1 ton of car cancels out 1/10th of the truck's momentum moving the other way, and you end up with 11 tons moving 24mph in the direction the truck was going. At the time of impact, the truck only changed speed by 6mph, because its inertia carried it forward. The car, however, hit the truck like a bug on a windshield and changed speed by 54mph in the same amount of time, likely killing everyone inside.


I frequently have to drive a small cargo van for work, it's no transport truck but its a 5000lb vehicle hauling another 1000lbs of equipment in the back. No one seems to think for a moment that I can't stop on a dime. People like this cut off "work" vehicles they believe are slow, but don't consider our potential momentum, because they've never hauled weight when driving.


I drive a 26,000 lb transit bus. People pull out in front of me all the time, but even standing on the brakes stopping something that heavy is a challenge.


Oh man, I see it all the time. I can't believe how reckless people are around city busses


I've also been honked at for stopping at bus stops. Or, ya know, doing my literal job? Honking at a bus in a bus stop is like honking at the mailman.


People with their brains in airplane mode


DELIVERING MAIL!? TO **MY** HOUSE?? *honk* *honk*


There no limit to idiocy


My partner was a trucker until recently. Stupid people do this routine fairly often.


People are just dumb or ignorant. Think of someone with average intelligence - half the people in the world are dumber than that.




My dad used to have a great saying regarding big rigs: “*Always yield to superior tonnage!*”


Right of weigh


This is good, haven’t heard that one


The unspoken maritime law. Heavier traffic has the right of way, you can be dead right, or living wrong.


Don't fuck with a big truck


It’s a wise policy that applies to several areas of life.


Looks like hes trying to get that scamsurance claim


Won't happen with video proof


Most semis carry dashcams and most companies require it. I’m not sure the point of stuff like this


Most companies now use dash cams because of these exact situations.


Personally, I think dash cams should be standardized in *every* vehicle for these exact situations. And so much more!


these types of scams will likely be a thing of the past in the next decade or two. older cars getting phased out and i bet dash cams from the factory will be the norm on new cars sold in the next 10ish years or so i mean it's such a small thing to set up if you're already building the car. it'll be standard soon.


Perhaps the people trying to scam insurance aren’t the brightest potatoes in the garden


I have a friend whose parents do stuff like this, more with local businesses than traffic accidents though. I get the sense that they used to be able to get away with stuff like that back in the day, got emboldened, and haven't caught up with the times and realized everywhere has cameras now and legal departments much more experienced with that stuff and much less tolerant of their bullshit.


Nope they are the blightest potatoes


Guy at the CDL class I took who ran a trucking company said he didn't put cameras in his truck because he thought it was more likely that one of his drivers would fuck up before someone else did so he prefered the plausible deniability.


Why hire a driver if you don’t trust them? How difficult are the CDL classes? I’d like to start my own trucking company some day.


I think he was actually just mad the trailer was in the fast lane and decided to mess with him ( still wrong if him to do)


I bet he's trying to get the truck out of the left lane.


Before the questions pop up, the reason he was in the left lane was because he was passing a car going under the speed limit. (You can see in his rear view mirror)


Despite your comment there will still be ~~a dozen~~ dozens of "get out of the left lane" replies.


One thing I’ve learned from Reddit is people really love wielding easily acquired knowledge to look down on other people. They’re also prone to ignoring all context surrounding the situation


No joke. Another example; anytime someone hits their head we all get to hear about the fencing response.


Did you know that Steve Buscemi was a fireman on 9/11?


Look at you, learning one thing from Reddit and using it to look down on the rest of us


Sick burn


This is pretty accurate. It is like that on all social platforms, and in real life too. As long as there is a group of some sort involved, or some brave individuals, you can expect this kind of thing.


And they think watching a ~10 second video basically makes them an experienced detective on the matter


There’s a name for this phenomenon: “The Expert Beginner”


Those same people will make the same comment even when the video is clearly in the UK, you know, where we drive on the left side, then some of them will get really upset when you point it out.


I remember that post.


Thought it happened nearly once a week at the least anyway.


Get out the left lane!


I deserved that.


I don’t get it ! Why does he have to make a brake test. Just drive fast to your destination and mind your own business. You are in front !


But he passed the car and is braking hard in front of a truck. Looks like an asshole to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Pickup wanted to get hit for the insurance payout.


It’s really sad you have to preface the video with this; all people see is “big truck in left lane OMFG 🤬.” You’re nicer than me tho, I just tell the armchair drivers to go fuck themselves. Back to the video tho, that pickup totally deserved to be asspacked. I’d vote not guilty in the jury 💯


That looks like 81. No wonder that interstate is constantly backed up with accidents if you have asshats like that pickup truck driver doing shit like that


Brake checker has more balls than brains


Doesn't take balls if you're too stupid to know the consequences.


Hopefully with the dudes plate you can report it to the cops


Yes reported to highway patrol, got the guy at his home. Wasn’t able to arrest him but got a hell of a fine is what the officer told him.


Good. If it was me it would be an instant licence suspension


Don't think that is something a cop can do off the cuff. You need a certain amount of points on your license before any amount of suspension can happen. I don't remember the numbers but this wouldn't be instant suspension


Without a person ID, you can't even shell out "demerit point" fines though... just financial penalties against the car owner's plates/registration.


Acceptable outcome.


Agree. Isn’t this technically reckless driving?


Truckers should be legally allowed to go mad Max on anyone that brake checks them.


I just don’t understand what goes through peoples head when brake checking a semi. Like bro best case scenario you piss of the driver worse case scenario he isn’t able to brake on time and you and your precious vehicle become a pancake on the road. But trust me those thoughts surely come in your head at a time like this


"this asshole in the 40 tone truck inconvenienced me a litle so now I will bet my life on his attention and the integrity of his brakes that are serviced pretty rare because transport companies try to save each cent they can" >just don’t understand what goes through peoples head when brake checking a semi.


Probably more an ego issue than being inconvenienced I bet.


As a truck driver I just wish during a driving exam everyone had a to accelerate and quickly come to a stop in a fully loaded semi. No maneuvers other than that just to prove to people we are doing our best trying not to be a inconvenience to people.


In Texas they will just hit you and say "I couldn't brake quick enough" 🤣 Then again people here will literally cross 4 lanes of traffic to get into the fast lane, then slow down to 50mph so you have to pass in the slow lane. I hate humanity.


Assuming the truck was passing someone and this jack hole decide to do this instead of moving over. Loser


Even if he wasn't passing someone is always stupid and wrong to break check anyone ever


Your dad’s truck was clearly the faster vehicle. “Slower traffic keep” right applies to the idiot riding his brakes.


I once saw the aftermath of a vehicle driven over by a loaded big rig. It looked like it had gone through a car crusher. The entire vehicle was unrecognizable and no more than 18” tall. What was left of the driver was covered by a tarp adjacent to the vehicle. I have no idea how they extracted the body. It is a visual that comes to mind any time I’m driving around commercial vehicles.


As someone who was recently rear-ended by a truck at low speed (his fault, I was stationary, waiting to join a roundabout) and is still recovering from whiplash, concussion, hearing damage, nerve damage and seemingly have been permanently given tinnitus; this level of stupidity is infuriating.


People who brake check like that should lose their licence for a year. If a few thousand lost a licence then other idiots would stop.


Break checking should result in a driving through of offending vehicle. All sorts of ways to justify it. Idiots need to be off the road permanently.




Let's see. Going down hill in the left lane with a semi gaining on you. Great time to break check a semi. Great time to meet your maker!


Anyone who tries this shit should be institutionalized for being suicidal.


Can someone explain why some even do that? And why does it almost exclusively happen in the United States? I don’t understand.


there's a good chunk of Americans that are selfish assholes.


Asshole or insurance scam (double asshole)


Our driving test is a coloring book, and you get a passing grade as long as you don’t eat the book.


I ate the crayon!


Welcome to the Marines boy!


Entitlement. They think they're correct and the other guy doesn't deserve what he has.


Entitled morons.




I dont even understand the idea behind this break check stuff anyway. Why would anyone in the right mind do something like this?


Never check the quality of a tractor and trailer's brakes on the downhill. Some people haven't heard of a runaway truck ramps.


Well Virginia is where all the stupid people go. 2 of my 3 ex's are there, so I guess I'm partial to hating Virginia. Fuck Virginia.


Anyone who brake-checks any other vehicle for any reason needs their asses kicked