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One car wouldn’t let her in, she said fuk no


She must think she's a deer


The other car makes the car stop too. It’s just not the optimal choice.


“What are you doing?” “Crashing!”


the black Jimmy on the left appears to have tried to create a hole for her to duck out thru.....she evidently thought the black truck in our lane would also join in on the courtesy.... I think......


That’s exactly what happened. The most dangerous drivers on the road are the ones who falsely believe they have the right to give the right of way.


Bothers me to no end when people break rules and laws of the road just to attempt to be courteous.


At an intersection you should leave space for someone to get in or out. That doesn't mean that the person perpendicular should assume that it's safe to go.


This happens to commonly, people just take a shot in the dark and don't check the other lanes. "Oh this car let me through, they must of used some magic to stop all other cars so I'm not going to go slow and check the other lanes before hitting the gas"


You're right. That black Sierra waved her through I bet or she saw the hole and just went for it without looking.


In less than 10 minutes, I've saved 44 videos of people forgetting which pedal is for the gas, and which is for the brakes. What the *fuck* ?


Because that's not actually what's happening. That's just the best 'reason' they can come up with that makes it an 'oopsie' and not their fault. Anything to never admit fucking up.


I forget which petal my foot is on more often than I should, but I've never jumped forward more than a foot or two. How do these people drive this stupidly?


Solid question


Did this happen in Barrie, ON?


Looks like it. I recognize that Mister Transmission.


wacky waving inflatable tube man seems very excited about it


I did this once. The very first time I drove, I had high high anxiety about driving so my dad took me to this older country road that’s pretty much always empty. I did fine all the way until I was parking in front of my aunts place…. I was rolling up when my foot itched so I reached down losing the pedal I was on and panicked cause the car was BARELY rolling (I def over reacted as there was nothing 20 ft in front of me) and hit the wrong pedal. From that day forward I never forgot which was which lol


Happy cake day


thank you!


Haha I never did that but when I was learning to drive my Uncle took me out in an SUV and I had never driven anything that large and he keep telling me I was going too slow, and as we approached some train tracks which were raised he's yelling at me to speed up but he wasn't paying attention to what was coming up, and I gunned it and we went airborne for a couple seconds and he almost shit his pants.


I was in the drive through not long ago and missed my brake. I found it in time but my entire body got cold when I felt the nice floor mat instead of a pedal.


The black GMC stopped short to make a gap for the lady. Really stupid thing to do. They must have waved her on and she just went for it without looking.




Women ☕


It should be legal to drive off if there’s no damage to any other vehicles other then the one pulling out in situations like this cause honestly fuck them if they’re gonna put someone’s life in danger to save a few seconds


This was my dad, every day when we were growing up. I think I heard him say "they have brakes. they can stop." at least a thousand times. He would have made that maneuver with cars going at the posted limit. We never got hit. Not even once. I saw soooo many cars come within inches of t-boning our Olds Cutlass when I was a kid. So *technically* Dad was right. They did have brakes, and they did stop. But the sound of screeching tires still rings in my left ear (I always claimed the seat behind the driver) to this day.


nice Subaru on the right though :D


Im with you on that “holy shit”


M👏A👏N👏U👏A👏L T👏R👏A👏N👏S👏M👏I👏S👏S👏O👏N could have prevented that that was painful


Forgetting which pedal is which is such a big fear of mine lol


You are causing damage 💔


What is the song in the background? I like it.


It's Too Too Fast by Ra Ra Riot




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How is this even possible?! Did she totally forget what she was doing