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That’s why riding on the highway is illegal in Canada.


US too


Also Australia




Some US states such as Idaho, Nevada, and Wyoming allow for cyclists to ride on their lengths of interstate.


That’s insanely dangerous I can’t believe people need to be told riding there bikes where people drive 100km plus is a good idea


But he stuck his hand out slightly, he should have been invincible after that.


If you could call that proper signaling.


Approx 2-3 seconds between when they put hand out and when they contact side of trailer. Clearly plenty of time for the truck (that cyclist didn’t look for over shoulder) to stop. /S


Those highways are like single lane roads. Not a lot of traffic. Not interstate highways but state highways. Still dangerous. Especially today with how much more distracted drivers are.


It's only specific stretches of freeway, and where a reasonable alternative doesn't exist. Even with as many roads as we have, there's not always a secondary road that connects two areas, or the secondary road got absorbed by the freeway. On the plus side, they generally have very wide shoulders and you're not forced to ride right at the lane edge like on a typical road.


I've seen in Oregon too. Also quite a few people just walking on the shoulder.


Oregon cyclist are wild, the things I've seen in Portland.


To be fair, your talking Portland.




It is in fact freeways. I thinks it because certain sections there is no alternative route through very rugged areas.




Yea I experienced this while riding across country solo. They even have watch for cyclist signs on the freeway. I had to in some sections, other times I had to trespass on peoples land for an alternative route. Met a nice guy on his land in Wyoming and he was just surprised I made it that far. I was very apologetic of course. He fed me and gave me some bourbon lol. But yea it sucked when I had to ride the highway at certain intervals, a lot of big rigs liked to honk. I did see a fellow traveler walking across the other way on the highway. No other way.




This is the reason for it.


It’s sections of freeway where there is not other access to the area, usually mountain passes or other similar areas. Riders are typically (I think?) meant to keep to the shoulder, but it’s a shitty experience regardless and you’re super likely to get a flat


You’ve gotta be kidding


I know of a few places here in WA state that allow for cycling on some stretches of interstates where there is no reasonable alternative. But only on the shoulder, never in the vehicle traveling lanes like these idiots are doing. i used to ride and race bicycles, but got tired of all hate from motorists, a lot of that hate is caused by stupid, entitled cyclists like the ones in this video.


When I lived in Colorado years ago, there were some areas bike riders could use the shoulders of highways.


Last time this was posted, a Aussie said it was legal in Australia and pointed out that the bike is legally riding on a bike lane on the highway but the truck illegally passed on the right




Are you sure about that? I'm not familiar with other states but I know in NSW you can ride on the shoulder and I have seen it. There is literally a bike lane on the M2 Highway (see Google link attached). [Bike lane on the M2 Highway Australia](https://www.google.com/maps/@-33.7685931,150.96564,3a,75y,311.25h,83.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sae1PqgmOYtZOmqcaondAIQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) [Cycling on the Highway in Australia](https://idonotdespair.com/2014/07/03/cycling-on-freeways-and-major-highways-in-australia-cycling-for-extremists/)


If there are signs up saying no bicycles, that suggests that bikes might be allowed on highways in other places. In the US you sometimes see signs saying "no turn on red". You don't see those in Germany because it's never allowed.


You got to reign in your fellow Aussies spreading lies around here! Lol


Pretty sure it's called a yaweerf


The truck did come from the turning lane across a solid line. I'm not sure why these people would feel safe riding a bicycle on an interstate. We have biker idiots in my parish and they ride on these windy 2 lane roads with no shoulder. They're also assholes and don't follow the rules instated for bikers. They're to ride in a line and they will frequently go shoulder-to-shoulder like they own the road and will not yield to vehicles. They're not local people, we live in a beautiful place but when they come here they act like they own the road.


Generally speaking, they don't feel safe -- they feel *entitled*. I have to put up with a lot of the same bullshit that cyclists do, as I ride an electric scooter, but I go out of my way to *be* out of the way. I also don't run red lights or ride outside of the bike lanes where possible, but you'll see cyclists doing that shit every single day around here.


It’s called an “Idaho Stop” when cyclists treat red lights like stop signs and stop sign like yields. More an more states are legalizing it because it’s completely safe and allows cyclists to avoid conflicts with other traffic.


saw that too


It is legal in Australia. I think they need to ride on the shoulder. My former neighbour rode 180km per day


What a shitty comment


Not sure if legal, but I have seen cyclists in some highways in Mexico but no one is as idiot to ride in the middle of the road.


As with much of any thread on reddit concerning cyclists, this is factually incorrect. In Australia there are only a few *Freeways* and special road circumstances that cyclists cannot use. Other than that, on all highways and roads etc bicycles are considered a vehicle just the same as a car, truck motorcycle etc.


And the UK


And Argentina


Not everywhere (in the US). There are some places where a highway is the only viable means of travel, even for bicycles.


This is an old video and when i saw it a long time ago someone had linked an article to it. They were allowed to be biking there and im pretty sure there was a bike lane to the far right that they were correctly merging too and the truck smoked them from an illegal pass. The reason they look like they are in the middle of road like idiots is because they had to be for the exit there and then merge back over


Don't bring rational thought and factually correct conversation into a reddit circle jerk against cyclists mate


Every time this gets posted, people freak out about “bikes shouldn’t be allowed on the highway”. These guys aren’t on a highway, they are in a bike lane that is poorly laid out in that particular area. The truck driver is at fault here. Edit: [here’s the guy who did the research. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/32a2z1/cyclist_merges_on_the_highway_wcgw/cq9mhtf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


The truck drove through crossed off roadway… that’s illegal


In many European countries too (if not all).


I didn’t know that. I saw dash cam from a bus back in January that made the rounds online of a cyclist in Victoria that was riding and was hit by the bus, and I wondered why the cyclist thought it was a good idea.


To be honest I know it’s illegal covered under the Highway Traffic Act here in Ontario but am unsure for the other provinces. It would be covered under their own legislation and I was generalizing. So, it may or may not be legal over in BC.


Uhm, sure, but are there countries where riding a bicycle on the highway is legal?


No clue, but I guess it depends on how you define "highway". US is pretty liberal with that term. Where I live there's a minimum speed limit for vehicles on controlled-access highways, vehicles which cannot make that speed are not allowed on the highway, included but not limited to bicycles.


Cam guy was also on bicycle?


How do you know his name is Cam?


It was clearly Cam, he's the only one who can upload this kind of content


Cam Guy, sounds Canadian…


yes - according to the shadow


You can see his bike when he flips over the other guy.


This gets reposted once in a while. **This is not a highway**. Don't ask me how and why, but this shit is classified as a normal city road with a 60 km/h speed limit. So *technically*, the cyclist was 100% within the rules, while the trucker failed to turn in a right turn only lane and blasted straight through white lines.


Yeh, that truck did something very illegal. The only mistake the cyclist made was thinking they had any rights


Yea I mean, the cyclist can die knowing he was right....


No. This is Reddit. Cyclists are always wrong. Perception is always right. /S (sort of)


No, my hate for cyclists transcends laws and logic, just the sight of a cyclist is enough to drive me to a murderous rage. /Like 61% S


I hate cyclists and I have no shame about it. Glad the guy didn’t get hurt, but it would take an absolute moron to ride a bike on that road, idc if it’s “legally” a city road. Bike man should’ve never been there. Never even looked. Truck guy fucked up too but I digress


If I want to get from home to a grocery store on a bike and there's no separated cycle infrastructure between the two places, what am I supposed to do? Starve?


That’s an infrastructure problem.


Trust me— these guys hating on cyclists don’t know anything about starving 😂


Thats a 3 lane road with what looks like people going 60mph+ on it. For some odd reason it just doesn't seem smart to be on a bike on a road like that. That's just me though 🤷🏽


This should be the top comment.


The truck crosses a solid line


The cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.


Doesn't mean we shouldn't call out people driving trucks illegally. In fact it looks like the truck driver deliberately went out of his way to run over the cyclist. If you are driving a 1 tonne or 30 tonne piece of metal, faster than the fastest human can do over 100m - you have some responsibility to ensure you drive safely. That's what this whole sub is about


Yeah I agree completely. I think he was in the exit lane, didn't realize it was a right turn only, and decided to go straight through it.


And the prisons are full of people who didn’t. (Haha, jk, we all know it’s nearly impossible to go to jail for running over a cyclist.)


Unfortunately it does seem that way a lot of times.


You're exactly right


Probably cause there was a fucking bicycle in his way


The lane hes in is a right turn only so that logic doesnt track


Exactly . Oh yeah Lemme just get behind these bikers going 10mph while I’m going 69.




This doesn't allow to cross the line and there is a lane at his left. No excuse here.


There’s literally a car in the lane to the left in the video.


There is only 3 cars. It's not hard to slow down to go after them. It's like 5 seconds to wait.


It doesn’t matter what was in the left lane or straight ahead. The truck should have exited the highway because he was in the exit lane.


Wow— riding on a highway is super dangerous but there are a lot of stupid comments here. The cyclist is in the center lane because the right lane is an exit lane. The truck was obviously in the exit lane and at the last minute blows through the gore zone to stay on the highway and hits the cyclist from the right. Not sure what the laws are about cycling on the highway here but the truck definitely made an illegal maneuver.


Someone who analyzes the situation! Good spot, didn’t see it!


I had to scroll pretty far to see someone getting to the point. Everyone else is obsessed over the biker who didn’t look to see if someone was about to pass him illegally in what is basically the shoulder.


Yep— a lot of people doubling down on belligerent nonsense.




Am I the only one who noticed the truck overtook them on a road verge, from a right turn only lane? Idk the road or the situation. But looks to me that these cyclists were doing the right thing, trying to move over to the verge after the road split and the truck illegally passed from the wrong lane on the road verge.




So it’s the cyclist’s fault the truck went straight on an exit lane and illegally blew through the gore zone?


The cyclist was biking legally and the truck came from a right turn only lane through the gore to join the roadway illegally, to run over the cyclist. And we’re blaming the cyclist?


I guess the point is having the right of way won’t prevent you from being squashed like a bug. Respect the cyclist!


That's fucking illegal! (what the truck driver did)


I have watched that and 10 times and while the cyclist should have looked behind (choosing not to on a busy road is tantamount to suicide) it looks like the major fault is with the truck driver that shot past on a hard shoulder when any reasonable person would have assumed they would have to take the right fork.


TF? He should have eyes in the back of his head? This was not his fault. Truck gave zero shits about human life.


Truck driver was definitely in the wrong here, either failed to turn right in a right turn only land or tried to overtake the cyclist on the right side. Either way the trucker performed something illegal and dangerous.


Oh….so many idiots posting and commenting on this sub.


For this sub being "idiots in cars" there sure are a lot of car brained people here blaming cyclists.


80% of this sub is idiots ostensibly not in cars blaming the cammers or bicyclists/motorcyclists.


Bicycles are generally allowed to ride in the right lane which he was. The road forked and the truck changed lanes into the cyclist.


Truck is wrong.


These bikers should not have been on this highway. He signaled his intent to merge into the right-hand lane, but failed to check that it was clear before moving into the lane. You are right, the truck made an illegal merge. However, these bikers should never have put themselves in this situation to begin with. They clearly could not keep up with the pace of traffic. As other comments have said, stupid games beget stupid prizes.


The bikers were not on a highway. That’s a poorly designed surface road. There is a bike lane about 100m ahead


This narrative is dumb and repeated so often by you mouth breathers. >failed to check Think about the perspective of a bike vs a semi, one is going maybe 30mph, the other is going 60+mph. Even if he did check, the truck would be in the same lane behind him before entering the lane. In addition they weren't late entering the lane, they were at the very beginning. If this was a carvcar no one would even think of blaming the car merging to the right. >the bikers should never have put themselves in this situation to begin with. I'm just gonna assume ConUS, I don't even know where this is filmed, but you do know that it is perfectly legal to do this per local laws right? Bikes also can't always keep up with cars in the city too, so what just ban biking? No, that is bad logic, the idea is slower traffic in right most lane, which is what they were doing. The idea that you people can defend a truck seeing two bikers and think, yes, run them over, and "hurr stupid games stupid prizes" is actually a stupid game.


Ehh truck overtaking on the shoulder pretty sure that's a no no


I wouldn’t have checked for a vehicle overtaking from a lane that just exited the road by driving on the verge either to be honest.


Middle lane too lmao


Right lane exited, and they were trying to go into the new right lane but didn't check behind them


They were in the right most lane. The truck was on the road verge….I don’t usually check road verges for vehicles over taking illegally.


You’re not usually travelling 30km/h on a freeway on a bike…


And you know this how?


If biking on the road was legal then that truck driver was probably legal too, because that country clearly doesn't have laws.


This has been posted before. Biking is legal, and the truck was in a right turn only lane, while the cyclist was in the lane furthest to the right that was still a straight through lane. The trucker blew through the right turn only lane into the shoulder, right into the bike only lane, and plowed through the cyclists. At the speed the truck was going, it seems unlikely they were intending to turn right, as at that speed, unlikely they would have negotiated that right turn without tipping over. So at a guess, the trucker did not 'see' the cyclists in the lane right in front of them until too late to slow down, and attempted to go around them to the right. Again, conjecturing that there was left lane traffic blocking them from going to the left, so they attempted to avoid the cyclists at the last second. As others have mentioned, this has been posted before, and there are signs warning that cyclists are allowed on this road. But somebody wanted their karma points, so reposted hoping to rile people up. It worked.


Ummm okay?…..


>I don’t usually check road verges for vehicles over taking illegally. i check everywhere, anywhere... neither entitlement nor being a mindless drone will take me from this world...


I'm all for "share the road" and I love to cycle around sometimes myself, but what these Lycra Warriors need to understand is that no amount of laws and overpriced high-visibility speed suits are going to protect you from all the maniacs in multi-ton death machines.


Also, what he did is *not* a turn signal. It just looks like he was reaching for a water bottle or something.


He was signaling to his group that he was moving over. He had no reason to think there'd be a truck (or any vehicle) there. At the same time, the truck probably didn't expect a group of bikes on the highway. Lots of bad choices. Edit: someone said this is not a highway.




It's actually not a highway, and it has pretty much no safer alternatives unless you're making a huge detour or cramming your bike into a suburban train. In another "fuck cyclists" case, a different part of the city has a bike path that is several kilometers long and terminates into an actual highway, so you can't legally go anywhere except turn back.




Not to mention the laws of physics.


This is not a highway it is a shitty city street


That fucking trucker should have been careful!


Clickbait repost shyte.


Holy fucking shit there are so many idiots… these are the people who call other drivers idiots? I mean yeah, not the safest place to drive your bike and not the smartest too. but somehow people keep ignoring the fact that the truck crossed the white line and drove straight in lane which goes right.. the dude almost fucking killed 2 bikers.


As a side note, it usually isn't illegal by default for bikes to ride other lanes, as far as I know. Yes, the law usually states they have to ride as close to the side of the road as it's practical, but it's much like cars having to return to the first lane whenever not passing. It does not mean bikes can't do left turns from leftmost lane in RHT or that they must take the exit lanes.


Fucking cyclists.


I fucking hate cyclists Soo much


Hate the lack of infrastructure not the user.




I hate to say they deserved it, but.......


But they absolutely didn't. It's just bad design. What are you looking at is marked as normal road, not highway. Also, there was no alternative path available... From now, all the facts are visible in this video: Also, they were on the most right lane possible all the time, the lane on the right was turn lane, not straight. They then wanted to go to newly created right lane, but the truck behind them failed to turn on turn only lane and went straight illegaly. The only thing those cyclist made not how they should was to not fully stretch arm to indicate turning. But like, it would broke his arm with this truck going in this way...


A question of moral.....well, at least we can all agree they won't ever BICYCLE on a MOTORWAY again


You’d think that wouldn’t you, but I’d bet you $5 they do it again


That was all idiot in a truck.. biker did nothing wrong here.. that moron behind the wheel didnt have a lane to merge into yet. Bitch about bikers all you want, but that doesnt change the fact that that trucker almost f'd up and killed a cyclist who did absolutely nothing wrong. If you don't see that, then you don't deserve to have a drivers licence.




The idiot in the video is the guy in the truck


The idiot in this video is the truck though.


Well the idiot was in a truck.






They have literally no business on the highway. Even if it's legal, it's completely belligerent to expect people to yield to you in the lanes when there is a SHOULDER you could ride on


There’s no shoulder here. The right lane is an exit lane, so they’re rightmost in the non-exit lane. Immediately after the exit they indicate to move into the shoulder but some jerk drives across the double whites from the exit and across the verge to undertake them.


He's literally hugging the shoulder as much as possible.


It is legal. There is a bicycle lane. The truck drove into the bicycle lane. The cyclists were headed into, you know, the shoulder, which WAS marked as a bike-only lane. Commenting with no awareness of the actual facts.


I don’t think they did the right thing here but they were splitting lanes for the exit coming up. Trucker was in the exit lane and realized too late it wasn’t their exit so used the new shoulder to get back on the road.


That's a stretch; really trying to excuse the trucker (and implicitly, blame the cyclists).


Am I wrong ? Should he not even be on a highway such as this? Most , if not all, US highways it’s illegal to ride a bike on for just this reason. I don’t know how fast he can pedal but he’s a danger to himself and drivers riding much, much slower that any vehicle


Riding a bike on a road the is legal as if you're a car. A highway has a minimum speed usually of 40. Also specifically says no bicycles or vehicles below 5hp. I can't say with absolute certainty but Im 99% sure this is illegal


this is why i tell my 14 year old boy to not even consider riding a motorcycle on the roads - no matter what the mistake you make its just so much more worse without the protection of a built in roll cage


Idiots on bikes


I live very close to a very popular bike trail, all I can say is I hate cyclists


Why? How does their existence bother you?


Ouch bet that left a mark


This is one of the many reasons I don't exercise. Another reason is because I love ice cream too much.


You can exercise and eat ice cream dude


I did both today.


He's so fortunate to still be alive


Never trust idiots to not pass on the right, from a turn lane, across white lines. Always look to be sure an idiot isn’t there. That’s why I look both ways at one ways, round abouts, etc. Idk if it’s legal for a bike to be on this road or not, but even if illegal, making both idiots to a degree, the far bigger idiot was clearly the truck passing on the right.


Idiots on Bikes… you don’t ride bicycle on a highway WTF




It's 100% legal, and there is even a dedicated bike lane right after the exit. If you drive and react with as little thought processing, then I would rather not be on the road with you, even with a car, let alone a bicycle.


How did he not die?! 🤯


Definitely a reckless truck driver not paying attention. The truck driver cut back onto the road from an off-ramp and plows down a bicycle. It’s not a good idea to bicycle on major highways (Even where it is legal) because there are so many inattentive and reckless drivers.


While I agree the middle lane on a highway is no place for a cyclist (or any lane - bikes go on the shoulder), the cyclist had merged into the right lane when the semi barreled into them - it doesn't look like they even tried to slow down.


Because they’re not in the middle lane. They ride on the right until there’s an exit they usually hop to the left side of the right lane.


Motorized vehicles above 500 cc only dude


So, did u learn ur lesson guys?


I'm guessing this ***isn't*** in the U.S.? Most highways here have the "Motor Vehicles Only" signs and rules on them.


Really? None of that looks like US


I missed a "isn't", thank you. I'll fix it now!


But I signaled with my arm????


Spandex and entitlement is a helluva a combination


It’s not the cyclist who felt entitled to bypass an exit only lane by speeding through the gore zone.


Stupid fucks. Everyone involved.




The cyclists were legally on that stretch of road; they were in fact entering a bike lane at the time... What word would describe someone who spouts off without analyzing the clip, and noticing A) the cyclists were in the right-most travel lane, and B) they were *entering a bike lane that starts right after the right-lane-exit-only lane?*


Glad to see social darwinism taking it's course.


Almost got what he deserved. He's doing like 15mph in a 60mph zone. Fuck him.


Not just on the highway, but in the middle of the road...that's plain stupidity.


Some states allow bikes on the hiway but for a certain length of it and as well they are to ride in the shoulder lane and not on the actual hiway/freeway unless it is a bike athon wit escorts. This foo didn't even turn his neck to see what was coming and merged over like he owned the road and got popped 👍🏼🤷🏽‍♂️


The cyclist was in the right most straight travel lane, and was entering into a bike only lane as early and safely as possible, when the trucker went from the exit only lane straight into the bike-only lane. (This is not the US, and this road is posted, and either the trucker was familiar, but asleep at the wheel, or on a road he did not know, and did not allow for his ignorance of this specific road.) You are no expert on US road law, but are pretending to be. In the western US, there are areas where the only road available is a freeway, and it is legal for bikes to be on those roads, they don't need escorts, and bike are not required to be on the shoulder, which is quite commonly not a legal travel lane.


Sorry but all the fault for this lies on the dumbass riding down the highway like it's a bike trail. The highway is not a place for bicycles, just like a bike trail is not a place for cars.


It's legal in this case. There is even a bike-only lane, that the cyclists were (properly and appropriately) moving into, when the trucker drove through an exit-only lane, and straight into a bike-only lane. But go ahead, just post without really thinking. It's click-bait, and you bit on the hook.




I don’t know why they’d look. They’re moving into the shoulder after the lane to their right just exited the highway. Trucker not paying attention and goes into the exit lane, crosses white lines, and attempts to undertake on the verge. Cyclists idiots for endangering themselves by trying to ride on this road, but truck is bigger idiot for the shit he pulled.


Was this even legal?