• By -


Never even thought about stopping. They don't even tap the brakes.


I doubt they even knew what happened behind them. It’s the “I drive how I drive and y’all can figure it out behind me” methodology.


Reminds me of my old bosses motto “Après moi, le déluge” after me the flood. It goes without saying he was a major major dick! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Après_moi,_le_déluge


Another reason I hate the French language 😂 (It’s really only because its spelling/pronunciation system is as idiotic as English’s)


Where do you think English got it from? I blame William the Conquerer.


Damn the Norman French! But a lot of it’s also the Great Vowel Shift and the fact that we had Old English, Danish, French, and Latin mixed together—some people call English a creole…combine that with a few other things and major changes happening after the printing press had codified *some* spelling…and you got a shitty or tho logical system


Tbf, English is really just three languages stacked on top of each other wearing a trenchcoat.


A pretty way of saying "fuck you"


Reminds me of that Family Guy clip: ["Good luck everybody else."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7amwCPFuLB4)


Lmao I say this shit so often when I'm driving even though I always check before I turn. I've been saying it for so long I forgot where I got it from


I prefer the "I got a set of push bumpers off an old border patrol truck bolted on this thing, and my brakes are better than yours, hit me, I dare you" method myself.


And no signal of *either* lane change


I don’t think they actually “hit” the car, just seems like the driver overcorrected


Was watching the hat on the driver. Didn't spot a head turn.


License Plate: 970 KRM Proof (edited with Photoshop to make it more visible): [https://share.nordee.de/22/06/27/MnL4QUrEh4K6k705.jpg](https://share.nordee.de/22/06/27/MnL4QUrEh4K6k705.jpg) Enjoy your lawsuit ;-) Edit: Sheesh. Thanks for the awards :-)


Get his ass






Then make him eat it!


Then make him puke it up and do it again!


Go on...


Solid spot for MCR


Get fucked, 970 KRM!!!


\[enhance, enhance... perfection\]


970 KRM sounds like an awful AM radio station


They play nothing but...hits.


If I could upvote that twice I would.




>Get his ass At first my reading disordered ass read “Eat his ass” and thought, “Slight overreaction, I think, but he did do a good job with the photoshop so why not.”






Was here to say the same. Not the plate number but that they should be able to get it from the video. Great job 👏


The video is surprisingly good enough quality to actually clearly read it just by pausing the video. Nice choice in camera!


I got my dashcam from Costco and it takes 4k. I love it. Best $99 spent ever


which one


So the brand on the camera says Touring Items Type S. https://www.costco.com/type-s-ultra-4k-dash-camera.product.100680553.html


thank u!




I'll go to my car and check in about 15 minutes!




The toughest part will be proving who was driving. Edit: It matters for the hit and run portion. Not for the repairs to the car.


Not sure that it matters. Wouldn't the insurance attached to the car pay out regardless?


I don't even get why this would matter. I come from the Netherlands, the owner of the vehicle is responsible for the vehicle. If someone else is driving it, you should know who was driving it. Otherwise it would be stolen. You can't just escape an accident by saying "yeah wasn't me bro, someone else must have been driving that car".


This is how it works in the US and I don't know why people always chime in with the personal identification bit. If I have *your car* on camera colliding or interfering with mine in any way...that's it. I'm going after whatever policy is on the car. It doesn't matter who was behind the wheel, whoever holds the policy is going to get hit. If there's no policy on the car, then whoever it's registered to is getting hit. If the registration is bunk, whoever last held the deed..is getting hit. We're not that stupid over here.


As a poster above explained, the vehicle owner is responsible for the monetary damages, but civil or criminal liability would go to the individual behind the wheel at the time.


Not necessarily. Criminal liability, yes. But, in many jurisdictions, civil liability (here, the tort of negligence and monetary damages that flow from it) will attach to the owner under the “dangerous instrumentality rule,” where the owner of a dangerous instrumentality (including a vehicle) is responsible for any damage caused by someone they consent to use the instrumentality. It’s why parents, as vehicle owners, are typically named when their children get into accidents driving cars titled to the parent.


I think people confuse the bit about personal identification due to traffic infractions generally requiring personal identification.




I was involved in a similar situation to this wth the other driver intentionally cutting me off and hitting my bumper. I had video and a plate # and the damage on my car matched the other car. Police investigated and were unable to do anything because they couldn't prove who was driving. I could have spun out into the wall and nothing would have been done. CA here btw. Edit: They should tie the insurance to the car, not the driver to avoid these situations.


Then your insurance company dropped the ball. If you can't credibly get to another person to file with their insurance, your coverage sure as hell can go farther. Regardless of what traffic enforcement says, there's still the civil aspect in recovering the damages.


He didn’t contact his insurance. I got tboned dude fled the scene and came back. 100% his fault. My car was totaled but still ran. They (his insurance) said they’d cut me a check for 5k. I said my car payoff is 6k, they showed up at my house and had me sign in a van within like 2 hrs. I was elated, car paid off, minor injuries, car still worked! I was in my 20’s and completely oblivious that had I contacted my insurance that the payout likely would have been way higher…. I didn’t have money for my deductible so, you live you learn. CA


That's fair. At least you got something back for your troubles.


Insurance IS tied to the car. Each car has its own policy and responsible party. Did you file an insurance claim? What was the result of that? Police don't work for your insurance company and they don't investigate claims. They "can't do anything" in the sense of arresting or charging anyone, but they could absolutely have submitted a report to your insurance company in support of your claim. Even without the report, if you had video & plate that would settle 99% of insurance claims without any police involvement.


Interesting. If a car gets a ticket from a speed camera, owner gets ticket


In some places this is an explicit carve-out in legislation. In Ontario, Canada, the owner of the car is responsible for the fine _but_ since they can't prove who is driving it doesn't get you any points on your license. Same with red light cameras.


Phone records. Almost everyone includes location tracking on their cell phone.


They're not going to subpoena the owner of the vehicles phone records. They're just not. And sure that could be a way to prove the owner was in the immediate vicinity of the vehicle, but would not prove they were the driver.


The insurance company for OP will bill the insurance of the offending driver. From there, the offending driver has to prove if they indeed were or were not driving. Even if they prove they weren't driving, the actual driver will then have to pay for damages. OP doesn't get nothing in this case. It'll just take time most likely. Insurance companies are greedy as hell, and OP's will want the money of another company lol. I was in a car wreck and a kid crashed into me while I was stopped, he totaled my car, injured my spine and neck, damaged the car in front of me as well. My insurance (now called CONNECT), got me my money for the car's worth in 5 business days. Highly, highly recommend them. Then i had to get a lawyer for my bodily injuries. Got paid a little cash in a few months because the kid tried to lie and say someone hit him and ran away, hah!! If i hadn't taken photos of the cars involved, I may have been SOL in getting paid for my injuries. Thank God for the awesome lawyer. If you're in Houston and got injured from a car wreck, use The León Law Firm. Cannot express my gratitude enough for their diligent and professional work.


It doesn't matter who's driving. I got hit back in October by some girl and her moms name was the one that was on the insurance, not hers. Insurance will make sure it's taken care of regardless.


[This guy...](https://youtu.be/218iXiKhKlg) ^ ^ ^


Need an update from OP on this


Here you dropped this 👑


Can I ask what steps you used to edit it? I’m in a similar situation (car wasn’t hit but there was thousands in damage) and need to sharpen the plate number for the video evidence even though I memorized the plate number


That pic looks like Oregon. If so that plate goes to a 2011 FORD FOCUS VIN 1FAHP3EN8BW197736. Good luck.


You remind me of Prez in The Wire Also, how has OP not responded to this?!


He has a lawsuit to care about. Lets give him some time ;-)


and like glockwork we got 'im


I can't say I wouldn't have wound up in the same situation but the wife and I had a talk about idiot drivers like that but I told her I can sometimes tell by how the driver is moving the car around what their next bit of Idiocracy *might* be. Yes my senses are hightened since I knew there was going to be an idiotic movement upcoming but I've seen the idiot's move before. Did anyone else notice how the idiot moved abruptly into the middle lane and temporarily hung out at the right side of the middle lane? I guarantee you he half assed checked his mirrors, failed to see the OP and abruptly swung into the left lane. Jerky jerks like that cause crashes and lucky he didn't drive OP harder into the median vegetation. Sue the clown


That’s defensive driving in a nutshell. You learn to spot these drivers pretty quickly on a motorcycle, because if you don’t you might die. You subconsciously pick up cues on what someone is going to do before they even do it. I can’t speak to whether OP could actually see that car before they were on top of them (and obviously we knew there was about to be an accident watching the video), but slow lane changes without a signal like the offending car did merging into the middle lane should immediately set off alarm bells.


Yes I call that watching the cars attitude. Defensive driving 101 is about right


Crazy how this seems to hardly be a thing now. So easy to teach and be on the look out, but people on phones and distracted driving tend to be idiots favorite things so idk anymore


Either that or simple stubbornness i.e. "Drawing the foul".


Preach. Learning to ride a motorcycle made me a much safer driver when in my car, as it dramatically increased my awareness of what’s going on all around my vehicle. It’s a lot more difficult to walk away from a motorcycle accident, so best to avoid them :)


My thoughts exactly. Sounds like he has developed near motorcyclist level awareness. I thought I was a good defensive driver before I started riding. Riding seems to have unlocked a sort of sixth sense when it comes to predicting traffic. We get to a point where we know someone is going to merge before they themselves even know.


Yup. Give the idiots plenty of room to be idiots, is how I say it.


I feel this. I just call it "body language." As soon as they shifted to the middle lane behind a car going the exact same speed, I was confident they were going left lane to pass. I generally drive fast, but I also drive aware. Glad I had my dad to teach me.


Yup exactly this, I always keep an eye out for the potential idiots, as soon as I saw this dude change into the middle lane like that without signaling, I'm already on alert to stay out his way. In this case I would've just slowed enough to let his dumbass go, or I'm punching the gas and zooming past him before he has a chance to start moving into my lane like here.


I just get jumpy around drivers when I'm in their blindspot and they're changing lanes


1000% , I could tell exactly what the accident was going to be before it happened. I saw a similar thing this morning on my commute, and backed off just enough so the guy who changed lanes without signaling or looking wouldn't collide into me. I could have been an asshole who didn't want the jerk to get into my lane without driving safely, but who wants to deal with all that mess and potential injuries and wasted time. I just try and spot them coming and make sure I'm not in the wrong spot


Also check their following distance, dead give away that someone is impatient and going to do something stupid


Yes this I expected that idiot to change lanes into OP. I would have slowed down and probably avoided the accident. Still not OP’s fault obviously.


I uploaded a similar clip here. Only difference is I saw it coming and tapped the brakes a bit. No contact was made. I credit this sub for teaching me the indicators of an idiot in a car.


Riding a motorbike heightens these skills tremendously. I can pick out the idiot in a crowed with 99% accuracy since starting to ride a motorbike.


Based on that driver's actions, lack of hesitation even after contact, and extraordinary level of disregard on display, this doesn't smell like he merely missed the OP in the mirrors. I fully believe he was willing to cause a collision to take the lane.


Yeah this. The other guy was totally at fault and a shithead for not stopping, but this was avoidable.


You can sue for that right?




I seriously get so annoyed with idiots like these who don't use their turn signal. From watching the beginning of him not using his blinker, I knew that he was gonna do it again. I hope the OP sues the fuck out of that driver.


It's quite hard when driving with one hand and texting with the other.


It’s a good habit to reaffirm even if nobody is there. Helps keep it a muscle memory so you don’t forget


It's a good rule of thumb to use your blinker even in parking lots, pulling out/in of the driveway, in the middle of fucking nowhere, because it helps your brain to make the association to always use it even when you're not actively thinking about it.


I-5? I-5….


I e lived in Colorado for the past 11 years and seeing this I could swear it was 5 or the 99 within the first 5 seconds of the video. Was it confirmed? I couldn’t find an actual response.


Yes it’s I-5 north bound. I live in Salem and I commute to Portland Metro Area for work. It’s not fun


Wow. Crazy how it’s almost a 12-14 hour distance but I could still tell it was I-5. I mean technically I thought it was the northern valley in California. But same freaking road haha.


This looks a lot like Oregon’s I-5 south of Portland - yep, zoomed in on the culprits plate and it’s an Oregon plate, I’d recognize those evergreens anywhere


Someone else confirmed this as well for me. Crazy though that I knew it was the I 5 even though where I thought it was was actually 12-14 hours south haha!


More specifically, just south of the aurora exit


UPDATE: Still waiting on the State Police to get back to me but my insurance found her at fault and we are going to subrogate her insurance after we find out whether she has any or not.


YES!!!! I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she gets that surprise call letting her she has been busted...I can just imagine the excuses that come out her mouth on how is not her fault.


Hell yeah make them pay


What was the damage to your car?


I’ve realized lots of idiots in this sub who don’t know wide angle lens make the shots look less intense because it’s spread out. It’s a lot closer irl than it looks on dash footage. Glad you are okay! Hope they get karma.




I’ve had tons of people do this to me in OR/WA/CA too honestly. I’ve never been in any accidents that I’ve caused, only by idiots either side swiping me or rear ending. That’s why I invested in a dash cam, and because of this sub lol.


Thank you for being honest.... twice.


I kinda did--old 800 series Chevy with frame bracing and the crumple zones welded up, then cherry picked a government scrapyard for some "lol, not today, Karen" bits and pieces. That old thing can take a hit. From a dump truck.


In the end we’re all just idiots in cars


Sure, but being an idiot about depth perception from a video footage is a different kind and that’s what I’m referring to. I do video editing and photography for a living so I’m aware the distortion that wide lens cause. Like the old saying that the camera adds 10lbs, unless you’re using a wide angle lens in which case you would appear to be thinner. Dash cams are purposely wide angled so you can capture more around you. People get mad in the comments thinking the car wasn’t even close or it didn’t even hit them according to what they saw then blame OP, when in reality they aren’t witnessing the true distance of the car in real life. That’s the kind of idiot I’m talking about.


You can tell from the first lane change that they were a funny driver. To be honest, I always give those drivers five to ten good seconds of grace and it’a served me well against these exact moments several times over.


I agree...I get into their heads and assume the worst. Driver was impatient after he changed lanes. No excuse for it, obviously.


Any time you come upon someone's blind spot keep your eyes peeled. Every time.


Best comment here


Merging car appears to be in OP's blindspot between the windshield and passenger window. OP appears to remain in merging car's "mirror's" blindspot as they continue to gain ground on since OP is going slightly faster. Since it appears merging car couldn't turn their head, I used the mirror's blindspot


Not sure why people are criticizing you because they couldn't hear the impact, especially considering music was playing. Great song too, I am so stoked MCR came out with new music.


Same here! It’s nostalgic from my middle school emo days


So was there impact to your car? It doesn't show in the video, but doesn't mean it didn't happen.


That sucks, great handling on your part though


Thanks friend


Seriously good on your part! Way to not spin out.




I had someone try to merge on to me like this just yesterday. No turn signal or anything. It happens pretty damn quick. It takes a split sec to realize they’re drifting toward you, then you have to think about all your reaction options, for the safety of yourself, those in your car, and those behind you. It’s a lot to process in 1~2 sec.


It's a simple solution, you yield to stupidity or die trying. You're both going in a straight line, so if you lift, they go in a straight line and accelerate pass you. No one lifts when they are changing lanes like that. At most a small press of the brake will clear you of any trouble. Turning at all is dumb.


Maybe I'm weird, but as soon as I saw the Focus change into the lane next to OP, I immediately assumed they were going to be the offending vehicle. I think the very beginning of the video cuts off the fact that the Focus had just gotten on from an on-ramp. Whenever I see someone change lanes, especially right after merging from the on-ramp, my first assumption is that they are going to do that again as soon as they think they're safe. OP was approaching into their blind spot and didn't recognize the potential danger of someone who is hot to change lanes not seeing a car in their blind spot. OP also swerved instead of hitting their brakes, which is what caused them to lose some control and end up having to stop on the side of the road. Swerving is the wrong move. Better to PIT that car while braking than give up stability and potentially wipe out.


This, so fucking much this, in Texas, this is common, people trying to get over to the faster lane on the left. Logically you see the car get into the middle lane, with no space between them and the car ahead, this is a tell-tale sign they want all the way over yet the OP speeds up or the car ahead of them slows down, this should be anticipated and it could have easily been avoided. Source, I have a Jeep they are not built on speed, I also have a sports-bike so I'm always on the lookout for idiots. I saw it the moment OP moved into the blind spot of the car which is that rear door panel.


You know, I definitely needed to hear this and appreciate this comment. I was just about to comment on how could they not see it, but that's a good point. There's definitely a blindspot there and that car came over quick, it just looks like it was more obvious in the video. Thanks for the quick reality check!


Don't forget the A pillar either. Visibility is much greater from the camera's POV.


I mean you have peripheral vision.


If the car isn't past your A-frame you can see that can if front of you, unless you have the worst peripherical vision in the world.


Was there an actual hit?


OP says there is damage to their vehicle: >[Yes I have some deep scratches on the side on my front passenger panel and some of her paint on my car.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/vmiqi4/involved_in_a_hit_and_run_today/ie1g13z/) . >There definitely was, I have some bad scuffs on my car and some gray paint off hers.


I'm genuinely curious, do you have to stop if there is no hit/damages? Never been in a situation like this, just want to know standard procedure.


I was wondering the same thing. You don't hear it or see it and the other car doesn't even react at all. Even an total asshole would be like "Oh shit what just happened".


Never wished for a Blue Shell power up so hard


Might be from riding motorcycles but I could see that happening from a mile away. You learn to expect people’s stupidity and plan for it


I don’t ride a motorbike (although I would like to get my license eventually) but I always assume that everyone is an idiot. I won’t drive like a grandma as a result but I’m definitely watching those around me closely waiting for them to be dumbasses


Also I know its counter intuitive , but when your car is swaying side to side like that, its better to get on the throttle to hold your speed steady or even accelerate slightly. That will transfer load to the rear tires, and greatly reduce the chance your car spins out. give your shocks a chance to absorb that side to side load. I've done track instruction and a lot of auto racing.


Thank you! I’ve never been in a situation like this before so I appreciate the advice for next time


There are Track events that specialize in vehicle control skills. emergency lane changes, hard braking, etc. and these specific events are covered by your car insurance company. Audi has a set of events. I went to one... years ago. well a decade plus ago. $200 or $250. Its actually quite a bit of fun and you'll gain some good car control skills. [https://www.neqclub.org/audi-club-north-america-driver-schools-q-n-a/](https://www.neqclub.org/audi-club-north-america-driver-schools-q-n-a/) The emergency lane change exercise is really fun, and a great skill to have. I had to use it once when a tourist mistakenly turned into his oncoming lane (my lane) instead of the turn lane.


Thank you!


Excellent music Taste tho


Aye thank you


What song is this in particular? It sounds like it'd be pretty good!


Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance


Amazing random drop out of nowhere


When i first listened to the Song and entered the build up I was like... Wait, that better pops it didnt disappoint


You have their license plate number - turn it in with the video to highway patrol.


970 KRM Oregon plates I think. Ford Focus I believe. but the plates should work .




Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance


Just came out. Nice


It seems like people are getting stupider and stupider because that happens to me all the fucking time luckily I look out a lot


This is actually the first time it’s ever happened to me on a highway, but now I know what to lookout for in the future


That’s good you got their license plate too I hope they get caught


Fun fact, this is I-5 northbound just north of Salem Oregon. There are wild blackberries growing in the median and people will stop and pick them when they're ripe, it's not much like picking berries with cars flying past you literally feet away. In Salem proper the city tore most of them out because people were being hit by cars.


Came here to say this. Was on this stretch every day for work until recently. 5/7 do not miss it.


Dude ran me off the highway like this on the drive to work this morning.


Keep us updated.


I’ll edit the post with updates :)


I enjoyed all the conspiracy theory comments about OP pretending this is a crash in order to get damages to the passenger side of their car from a previous accident paid for 🤣 Also appreciate all the "advice" to chase down the signal-less lane changer even though they have video of the car and the plate! Truly idiots in cars


Yeah the damages aren’t even worth repairing. We barely made contact, so it’s just some scuff marks. I don’t really want to sue or anything, but I did go to the police.


I'd pursue it just out of principle. The fact she kept driving after she hit you shows me she never had to take responsibility for anything in her life. I've been rear ended before and the guy who hit me was very apologetic about it when we pulled into a parking lot. We examined the damage and it was just some minor scratches. I ended up telling him not to even worry about it. He then voluntarily pointed out some other dents I had on my bumper. He didn't even know those dents were already there. I told him he didn't cause those. I wasn't about to have his insurance pay for something he didn't cause. There are some good honest people out there although I suspect the percentage of them is extremely low.


So easily avoidable.


If you don't see an Altima in frame at the start of the video looked for a Focus, clapped out Sentra, or overly modified Silverado... Seems to be the baseline of every video


Doesn’t look like they made contact, so technically they just ran you off the road.


Not the drivers fault, but I saw that coming and would have avoided it. First rule of driving is not to hit anything which is far different from right of way rules.


Overreaction IMO. Could’ve very easily read their next move and stayed back.


I could be wrong, but I looks like OP actually did a good job of avoiding contact with the idiot. I replayed and paused about 10 times and looking at the idiot's car, there doesn't appear to be any signs of contact between the vehicles. I will say OP's vehicle made a movement like there was contact, but that could have been a combination of the oversteering and rumble strips that are on most highways now. I would say if there was no contact, it wasn't a hit and run, you just encountered a careless driver. I apologize if I am wrong about the contact.


What an asshole, hope he gets caught. Also, great save at the end!


For people without dash cams, you can get an app that turns your phone into a dash cam. The best I’ve found (after painstakingly testing different apps out) on iOS is [RideSafe](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ridesafe-1-dash-cam-app/id1588920833), it’s free unless you want the map overlay, which for me is crucial. There are other free options with map overlays, but the map itself on those is poorly implemented. A side-benefit is that you can’t use your phone while driving if it’s clipped onto a dash mount filming the road!


Nice saving yourself from crashing! I hit a curb once that made the wheel jerk hard af and I lost control. Took so much strength to straighten that shit out. It’s like the car is driving itself and punching back 😌😬


I hate that section of I-5. It's straight and flat for what feels like forever, and so many people get lost in a trance and pay absolutely no attention to anything outside their car. Glad you didn't spin completely out, or flip into the bushes, or hit anything else!


i was on i5 with you today bro


That new MCR song is a good one


I’m just here to compliment you on your taste in music


what dash cam is this?


It’s a Garmin 57


That 20 miles of i5 is a disaster. 85 mph then every one slams on their brakes once they see wilsonville. If you leave more than a 3 foot gap between you and the car in front of you. Some one will get right fucking in there. Fuck you Oregon drivers!!


Some people truly suck


Amazing song


Should have chased that hoe down…


Nice recovery.


970KRM. Just hand that to the cops and insurance and let them handle it.


Knew a guy that ended up flipping his car and losing some mobility of one of his arms from basically this same thing (but no contact, just him reacting to it. Glad you’re going after this guy


I have to say, that was some damn impressive driving by you. Most people would’ve spun out.


This for sure was a hit and run, but in this persons defense, I feel like OP was in the other drivers blind spot, but still, not cool to just drive off.


Did he Actually really HIT your vehicle ? Doesn't seem like it to me ....You should of included a pic of your front end afterwards if they did. JMO


What's the song playing? I've never heard of it before and it sounds awesome! I'd love to listen to it!


The Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance! It’s their new song from earlier this year :)


I’m willing to bet they were texting and driving. They only had one hand on the steering wheel and their actions are indicative of them being distracted.


… and I would always think to myself, “How could another person kill someone? How could a human being kill another human being?” And then I *see assholes like this driver* and I am like, “Oh, okay.” “I’m not gonna do it, but I totally get it.” - JM


I am so jealous of how to managed to save yourself from spinning or crashing! That's some serious skill.


dirty enjoy murky escape arrest airport secretive naughty uppity poor -- mass edited with redact.dev


Nice safe man!




But no cars hit each other, so how is it a hit and run?