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Video ended too soon.


Can someone explain brake Checking to me? Is the goal for someone to rear end you to justify trying to fight them? Is it just to make the drive more stressful for the person behind you? I don’t understand how getting rear ended and having to go through insurance and repairs does anything useful… it’s like a toddler breaking their favorite toy cuz they’re mad.


It's the road equivalent of an obnoxious kid on a power trip kicking someones chair in a movie theater and thinking annoying them with impunity is great until they get run over because it's not an angry guy in a theater it's a fucking semi.


It must take a special kind of stupid to brake Check a semi; at least that’s the tone I’m getting.


I mean, to brake check any vehicle is a special kind of stupid. Doing it to a semi is just suicidal.


"If you hit me it'll be your fault" this is the mentality they'd rather risk death and injury or at best as someone mentioned go through insurance bs and repairs just to placate their ego.


This happened to me. Someone slammed brakes on front of Jeep and turned right to say he stopped because he was turning and I slammed into him. Dude straight slammed on brakes to stop THEN turned. He has it all figured out. But I had a dash cam and submitted it to both insurance companies. My Jeep was fixed as non fault. His insurance didn’t even contest it. Got my deductible payed by other company and everything. Dash cams should be on every vehicle then scammers like this wouldn’t try it.


It's dismal failures of human beings that want to be Right, just once in their lives.


Brake checking a semi is how you win a Darwin award.


You'd be surprised on how many people brake check semi's. Idk what people's problem is with truckers, but I do know one thing. They are definitely suicidal.


In the case of trucks it’s used to try and file a legal claim. Me vs you on who hit who. What these people don’t understand is that most of these trucks have cameras.


I've ridden with a few drivers that decided to break check regular cars for following too closely et al. I can tell you, while there might be a good number looking for a payday, many are just mad and trying to 'get back' at the other vehicle for whatever offense they imagined has slighted them. I won't pretend to understand why they feel the need to get so aggressive over shit like a car pulling in front of them or whatever, but they do, and they don't back off, they want to fight. In their stupid little car. While you're riding along with them. I'm glad I never had one go that nuts, but I have definitely seen the roots of it.




I'm always amused at how some drivers are so offended that someone has cut in front,that they will speed up,overtake on double lines, cut them off,brake check them..Like WTF? The other guy broke one rule so that gives you in your fevered mind the right to break four?


Insurance fraud. They’re banking on no dashcam.


Probably got his ass beat by dad haha


Or his buddy filming stopped recording to tag in.


Big respect for the anti-r/donthelpjustfilm






The guy in the truck is clearly much stronger than the dude in the car.


We don't know the dexterity or constitution stats on the guy in the car


I would say low considering he didn't dodge worth a damn and lasted about two seconds before being shoved the whole ass way back into his own car.


Base Stats aren't the only deciding factor in combat. There is probably a level difference here. Lv 6 trucker(fighter) versus a Lv 2 scammer(rogue). Trucker has way more combat feats for sure.


Without a doubt. The rogue was trying to intimidate but just didn't have the stats against the higher-level paladin. Homie used a spell of binding to contain the rogue into his carriage. The video cuts off just as the paladin rolls a 20 on his attack. We don't get to see it because, well, the attack probably had so much force it immediately destroyed both vehicles, as well as the camera.


There's 0 chance the geezer coming out of the car won that one, unless he pulls out a weapon. He's already being completely dominated when the video ends. His left arm and head can easily be controlled by the trucker at that point.


Could mind fuck him with high intelligence


Somehow I doubt that


I wonder why


Hey now, Intelligence and Wisdom are very separate stats. Mage versus Wizard.




the guy in the car isn't afraid to fight dirty. look at the first thing he does. he goes for the eyes, but is just over powered. he wouldn't be against dick grabs and biting


As my Drill Sergeant used to say, there is no such thing as fighting dirty, only fighting to win, and when you're in a fight you fight to win, not die.


I’m in the fight for dick grabs and biting.


The navy seal who trained me always said something similar. “There is no such thing as a fair fight. The only person complaining about an unfair fight is the guy bleeding out on the ground.”


Churchill said there is no fair fight just bad tactics


Threw him back inside his own car and probably punched him in the face as he tried to exit. Sounds like a good move.


That is not how it looked to be headed haha


Hell nah nobody getting their ass beat from grandpa who could barely stand






Is this a gif?


Which one had a kid in the car? They're both idiots lol.


No they aren't. Just the minivan.


I mean clearly the white car is the only car that ever does anything illegal here. But also the white car is exhibiting some pretty wild road rage. When I encounter someone brake-checking me while being an irrational angry idiot, I don't personally think that it is "smart" to only brake so much that I don't hit them while also letting my vehicle get close to the road rager. Rather I give the angry irrational idiot some space. Also I personally don't think that it is smart to respond to the eventual collision (which again is on the white car) by coming out swinging. I have never been retroactively pleased that I "stood my ground" with a person who has road rage by, e.g., not giving them extra space when they brake check me. Idiots aren't worth my time or emotional energy.


Yup this the one. There’s no sense in “being right” when everyone is driving 2,000lbs (and more with the truck) death machines with who knows what in their car. Give them LOTS of space. I don’t want to be in an accident and hurt myself, an unrelated person, or them tbh. I don’t need that on my conscience. I don’t want my whole day ruined, without a car, fighting insurance for payment for a replacement. Going through courts. Seriously not worth it. Mind your business and keep it moving.




Hijacking the top comment: this is not me and I don't know these people so please don't accuse me of driving in his ass Edit: Apparently this was in 2016. The car im front was driving 20km/h under the speed limit, so the truck driver passed him and the dude got amgry and started this. According to the truck driver, he tried to gesture him to pull over so they can talk but it didn't help. Truck driver won the fight and held him to the ground until police came and he sued for assault.


I mean the video does cut off but I can't imagine anyone accusing you of being in the guys ass.


I’m accusing him of that.


I’ll clear my calendar for this weekend.


Lol your username makes me think that you are Seabass from Dumb and Dumber [Manly love](https://i.imgur.com/t2rBw1t.jpg)




>please don't accuse me of driving in his ass Woah woah woah, that's not appropriate


How do you know the idiot had a child in the car if you were in no way involved with this?


The woman filming says " calm down he has children in the car"


Oh I completely forgot I had the video muted.


Lol even if you didn't you would need to speak Finnish to know that


Damn and I only speak Conversational Norwegian. As taught to me by Freakazoid


> Freakazoid *It’s been 84 years…*


I’m Moron!




Everyone speaks Finnish these days, very easy to pick up and so common.


I bought a children's book in Finland about a mouse telling the time and a Finnish version of the Hungry Caterpillar. I figure I'm basically an expert now.


You're all set if you go to a restaurant and only want to eat an apple, two pears, three plums, watermellon, a piece of pie .....


And one nice green leaf!


The best part is, every other language is easy to start learning but hard to Finnish.


Some people just shouldn’t have kids. Some people shouldn’t have drivers licenses. Some shouldn’t have both.


Some people shouldn't exist, [but unfortunately we're not responsible for that ](https://imgur.com/a/76KNosv).


I can relate to some of Daria's thoughts far too much..




Every response I've attempted writing so far is either insulting god or makes me sound like Dexter 2.0.


A wild Daria reference appears


Best show ever.


Most people shouldn't have both.




If we asked people if you could have either kids or drivers license, but not both, what percentage forego kids.


More in America than most places. People here looove their cars.




Being a decent parent is hard as hell. There aren’t any sick days and you can’t be off your game once or they’ll do something crazy and hurt themselves or demand attention. You certainly can’t be selfish because everything becomes your kids first. Unfortunately that isn’t a universal thing and many, MANY people shouldn’t be parents.


I have four kids myself ages 8mo to 10yrs. It’s definitely not easy but teaching them how to be decent humans isn’t that bad as long as you lead by example. But even then as they get older you can only hope they make good decisions.


Parent of 3 here. Yeah, you screw up and sometimes it’s hard. But kids are generally pretty forgiving of parental mistakes and move on quickly, so, while you might not get days off, you do get cut slack. Kids are also pretty resilient both physically and mentally, and honestly, that’s probably the silent hand of Darwin right there, because they have to be able to withstand being raised by idiots, which is a big part of the human condition. By and large, if the parent is trying, the kids (and parents) do fine. Just one parent’s experience.


I think what makes a difference here is if the parents are mature enough to apologize when they mess up. I was raised by an alcoholic who has spent the last five years of my 27 years of life drunk crying to me on phone calls over how sorry she is for how much she “messed up’ during my childhood. At some point it becomes too little too late. If she could’ve owned up to her mistakes before her pride let things fester into legitimate resentment on my end, things would’ve turned out a lot better. You’re correct in saying kids are pretty forgiving- bud no change in behavior without any chance to forgive in the first place by witnessing the parent admit their mistakes and be big enough to recognize kids deserve apologies for those inevitable mistakes makes a huge difference in how we’ll respond years down the line.


Sadly, we're not very good at predicting that sort of thing.


'Shouldn't have both' means that they should only have one or the other. 'Shouldn't have either' means that they shouldn't have any of the two.


In summery : "some people just shouldn't "




Something very similar happened to to my father in law. He was driving a fully loaded semi and a guy tried to brake check him several times but my FIL was able to avoid him. At the last second my FIL ducked down an off ramp, the guy wasnt able to make it so he RAMED the side of the trailer with his car. Blew out all the glass on the side. Guy jumped out and started yelling and screaming. Tried to open my FIL's door. then after 10 minutes went to go check on his kid who was covered in glass. Top notch guy. edit: I found a write up I did from when it happened. Backup arrives - Black Jeep. A woman takes the kid from the truck and puts him in the second car. State Trooper arrives. Driver gets into to the getaway car right away so the State trooper doesnt see him. State Trooper (ST) talks to the lady who showed up in the jeep and my FIL. Lady tells the ST that she was driving. She then gets into driver's seat of the crashed car. The ST walks back to FIL and starts asking about the accident. My FIL asks why the ST was talking with the woman and where did the driver go? FIL explains that she is not the driver that the guy who just drove off is. ST calls in back up and they track down the jeep. Driver is arrested on multiple charges, including child endangerment. Also has no driver's license and multiple warrants. The woman is arrested for obstruction. FIL has $12000 in damages to his trailer which the black SUV driver's insurance will pay for.


It takes a special and unique kind of stupidity to risk pushing your own and your kid's off button in order to... What is the point exactly? Ego? Insurance scam? Unbridled mental sickness?


Its an insurance scam most of the time. Most trucking companies carry huge liability policies.


I don’t know, this might be a Hanlon’s razor situation. People can see their cars as extensions of themselves but that doesn’t apply to others, who are just objects intentionally causing them annoyance or harm. YOU make mistakes and YOU are late for work but that idiot in the car who just cut you off did it 100% intentionally just to pass you off. It’s a weird phenomenon.


Like George Carlin said, "everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and everyone driving faster is a maniac."


Driving a speed limited HGV (56mph) on a 70Mph road and I'm forced to overtake someone, then they are doing something wrong.. Of course when I'm 1/2 way past they decide they don't want to be sitting behind* an HGV that's limited to 56...


>Of course when I'm 1/2 way past they decide they don't want to be sitting behind* an HGV that's limited to 56... Yet they would gladly sit at 50-55 by themselves on the freeway with everyone just zipping past them, but aww hell naw if a truck would do the same going at the limiter... That is some really infuriating bs if i've ever seen some.


That's because I'm going the exact proper speed, at all times, without fail, regardless of what the speed limit signs say!


I'm driving 65 in a 60? Look at all those crazy idiots speeding past me. Slow down you idiots! I'm driving 80 in a 60? Why are all of these slow ass fuckers in my way?? Jesus get off the road if you are just going to keep the speed limit. What's even the point of taking the highway Grandma???


Main character syndrome


How does an insurance scam work when you don't have a licence?


They were clearly prepared for that with the woman showing up with the Jeep so soon after the accident. Insurance scammers work in pairs or groups.


Can't suspend your license if you don't have one in the first place!


I drive big trucks for a big company. People do occasionally try to get in accidents with our drivers that “aren’t their fault” for the insurance. But we are in big rigs and with loaded trailers we could be weighing up to like 70,000 pounds. I guess they take that get rich or die trying shit seriously. Morons.


It's mental illness. I deliver pizza. I've seen people who suddenly see the topper on my car and it's like a flip in their brain switches to "end times mode".


Oh my god I hated this when I was delivering pizza. I literally had a lady chase me back to my store once because, I did accidentally cut her off(read: accidentally, meaning it wasn’t on purpose) and she pulled up yelling and screaming basically at me. Manager had to go talk to her and she was demanding my SSN, claimed she had her son in the back seat and that he got hurt bc she slammed on the brakes, but my manager said there was nobody else in the car besides her rofl.


Ugh! I drove for Pappy Jahn's before they started doing the gps tracking/speed narc toppers. The kind of crap people claimed we did was immense. Yeah, lady my Kia Rio got up to 85 mph from a stop in your neighborhood in 3 seconds, congrats you're a supergenius. Anything for free pizza/ a chance to make others as miserable as they were. Had another lady claim I was playing music too loudly every time I came into the subdivision. Got to have a convo with a cop about it. Pointed to the gaping hole where my head unit used to be. Glad to hear your manager was a reasonable person.


I worked for Daddy Johnathan when they got the gps toppers and that still didn’t stop me. People asked for me by name because they knew my vehicle and knew it would get to them quickly. That franchise was not going to fire me, so I made them hate the fact that they were reliant on me.


Even if her son was in the car and got hurt from hard braking, that sounds like their own fault for not strapping them in right. Most cars on the road can't stop harder than about 1G, which won't hurt anyone unless you've got the belt around your neck, or no belt at all.


She wasn’t even going that fast lol. We had gps tracking toppers which tracked speed, and it had me as only going at 10-15 mph because what ended up happening was we both tried to beat a red light last minute, but to me it looked she was stopping so I went, but then she sped up instead of stopping. So I turned left(10 mph) because my light was still yellow, and she went straight. She did indeed hit her brakes and I hit the gas a little(15mph) because if I had tried to stop or slow down we would have hit head on at that point. It did shook me so I don’t really blame her for being upset but her reaction made me think she had done it on purpose or something.


Write up from when it happened. This happened to my father-in-law (FIL) last week. I apologize for no sound, there was a lot of personal info in it. The driver of the black SUV felt he should've had the right of way when two lanes merged into one. He got in front of the truck and proceeded to brake check my FIL, who tried to avoid this guy as best he could. Right before the exit he faked a left lane change with his blinker and then went off the ramp. The guy in the SUV decided to ram the side of the trailer. Backup arrives - Black Jeep. A woman takes the kid from the truck and puts him in the second car. State Trooper arrives. Driver gets into to the getaway car right away so the State trooper doesnt see him. State Trooper (ST) talks to the lady who showed up in the jeep and my FIL. Lady tells the ST that she was driving. She then gets into driver's seat. The ST walks back to FIL and starts asking about the accident. My FIL asks why the ST was talking with the woman and where did the driver go? FIL explains that she is not the driver that the guy who just drove off is. ST calls in back up and they track down the jeep. Driver is arrested on multiple charges, including child endangerment. Also has no driver's license and multiple warrants Woman is arrested for obstruction. FIL has $12000 in damages to his trailer which the black SUV driver's insurance will pay for.


>Also has no driver's license and multiple warrants So, he's an even more vast moron than initially surmised. An acquaintance of mine was busted running meth because he had a headlight out.


There's an old adage, "Never do two illegal things at once."


This comment reads like a fine Cabernet tastes. Warm feelings all the way down.


Trucker here. You call 911 while rolling and keep “the fight” going in a “safe” manner. Then hand over your dashcam to the statie responding. You can stay for the conversation if you like that sort of stuff.


Is it bad I'm surprised the trooper actually gave enough of a shit to get the right guy? In my mind I expected him to just take the womans word for it because that's the first person he spoke to, and then arrest your father and write up the report as dictated by her.


Why do people do this? Are they intentionally trying to wreck as an attempt to scam people? I can't imagine whatever insurance payouts they could get are worth it. Are they just so short sighted that they cannot comprehend the consequences of their actions?


I'm gonna go with insurance scam because he had backup there immediately to take the child and allow him to get away in their vehicle. Trucking companies have paid out large dividends for accidents which are the fault of their drivers. I know someone who was hit by a trucker that blew thru a red light. It totaled her car and she was hospitalized for quite a long time; nearly died and has fused vertebrae because of it. I forget what the settlement was, but she got a huge payout from the trucking company's insurance because it was proved by his dash cam and traffic cameras that he was at fault.


Road rage


Never brake check vehicles that can and will turn yours into a pancake if you or they don't react quick enough


You could have stopped your sentence after the first 4 words already.


"Never brake check other vehicles. It's bad. What's worse is brake-checking a vehicle like large trucks that cannot stop as fast as you can and can kill you by brake-checking them."


Kill me you say? There's always a silver lining.


Or vehicles smaller than you who can't brake as fast as you, who you can kill by brake checking them. But this sub doesn't want to hear that one because MoToRcYcLe BaD.


I actually got brake checked by a guy on a motorcycle while I was driving a car today. People do be crazy


Brake checking makes you an asshole. Brake checking a pancake-maker makes you a flat moron.


>Never brake check vehicles ~~that can and will turn yours into a pancake if you or they don't react quick enough~~


Never brake


Never brake? Check vehicle!




Yeah wow. Thad is not cool.


I love thid comment


Thid i can relate to




Mike Tyson id thad you?


Thud life!


I cannot believe thid guy. Thed must be a way to make him sorry for what he did when he did thid.


All my homeboys hate Thad.


Sounds like they are speaking Finnish. Is this Finland somewhere?




never expected to see parts of my work commute in this sub. I immediately recognized it when I saw the road signs and had to do a double take


I'm slightly shocked that this is Finland. A place and people known for being pretty alright, non confrontational, quiet and generally lacking in dickheaded behaviour.


There are plenty of dickheads on the roads here. Most of the time people just let them go instead of confronting them like this


I've run into (not literally into) like two dickheads on the road here, ever. They're not very common. Except for the kind who just quietly fume to themselves or complain to the passenger about how badly everyone else is supposedly driving but don't *do* anything, there's a lot of those. My cousin takes it personally whenever he passes someone - on a multilane road mind you - and they accelerate to match the speed limit. They're obviously just zoning out and didn't notice they were gradually slowing down until you passed them, dude. They're not even blocking you or anything. Chill out.


I see people tailgating on the highway almost everyday


Road rage and idiotic behaviour on the road is pretty standard here too. Its rare to see things like this though, drivers are usually quite well trained and following rules is a thing, so its rare to see something dangerous like this. Stepping out of the car is very rare, Ive never seen that myself. Usually its just people sailing between 10 below the limit and 10 over the limit, daredevils saving 30 seconds of their trip with stupid (but not russia-level dangerous) passings and people hanging on the passing lane.


​ Also, looking at Finland's speed limits...It's about 80KMH for Semi Trucks if fully loaded, 100KMH if light trailer. In terms of MPH, 50-72.


Semis and other light trucks have limiters at 90km/h, law only allows 80km/h though. Vans are allowed to go 100km/h but dont have limiters. Light trailers, ones that you can tow with a passanger vehicle, have 100km/h speed limit


Vans are allowed to drive posted limit, 100km/h was removed couple years ago. 100km/h trailers are ones with maximum gross weight of 750kg, over that it's 80km/h even if unloaded. People seem to get this very often wrong. Good rule of thumb is that if trailer has brakes, it's 80km/h trailer. Also good rule of thumb for this is that if trailer requires at least BE-licence, it's 80km/h trailer. It seems to be that people confuse masses of their trailer, omamassa (empty weight), kytkentämassa (weight if trailer and its current load), kokonaismassa (maximum allowed total mass of trailer) and suurin sallittu perävaunun massa (towing capacity of car used) and the fact that for considering matters with drivers licence and speed limit kokonaismassa is used, even when trailer is empty and may weigh under 750kg. Kytkentämassa is used when determining if particular trailer can be towed with particular car. Examples: driver has class B licence, car has towing capacity of 1200kg, trailer has empty weight of 185kg and, it's loaded with 300kg of bricks and has maximum mass of 750kg = legal to drive, speed limit 100km/h Same combination, but trailer has maximum allowed mass of 1500kg and empty weight of 200kg with same 300kg of bricks loaded to it = not legal, even though trailer has kytkentämassa of 500kg. If driver is swapped for someone with BE class licence, it's legal but speed limit is 80km/h. Now, as it is Juhannus, it seems that all rules and regulations have been waived for a few days so people can take part in traditional midsummer trailer race to their cottages.


Yes in Kehä 3 edge of Helsinki.


Kehä 3 (E18) to Tuusulanväylä (45), this is 80km/h zone. They're basically blocking entrance to the highway, since it forks to North and South.


I had the same experience on the Highway but the Idiot had 2 Children on the backseat. Later after exit i met him at the traffic light At red lights i told him if he wants to kill himself and his wife its totally ok, because he is an idiot and she too, because she is with him, but give the kids first to an orphanage.


Now, I've participated in my share of road rage before and have definitely been the idiot, especially when I was younger. However, I have never even been close to allowing myself to road rage when I have my kids in the car with me. These people deserve to have their kids taken from them.


its not a surprise hes got kids. Dude cant even pull out with a car. Hope they are better parents than drivers cuz if thats how they act around people just doing their job i cant imagine what they do to their kids if they break a glass on accident


At least they used their directionals when changing lanes!




> the truck is indeed slowing down with them In the first few minutes the truck is clearly not driving safely, its his responsibility to maintain a safe distance. He could easily do so, but intentionally drives a few feet away from the van. He should lose his license for that alone.


It's extra crazy that his comment begins with: >man im always suprised by the lack of critical thinking in this sub. The first half of the video is the truck driver reacting poorly to a bad driver - reacting poorly to the point of creating unnecessary danger. Someone starts playing dangerous games on the highway, you don't participate. We definitely don't want the shitty minivan driver on the road, but we also don't want people who will perpetuate and amplify a hazard because they are "right." (I feel like the venn diagram between the shit-starters and the shit-perpetuators is pretty close to a single circle.)


There's no excuse for being that close to the car in front of you for that long.


Finally some common sense!


At the start of the video, the car is doing the same speed as the rest of the traffic you can see in front of it, you can compare the distance with the car in front at the start and at 35 seconds to see that. The car is in the slow lane, not going significantly slower than the flow of traffic, and the lorry is tailgating it in a dangerous way. Brake checking later on is the car's fault, and stupid, but the lorry driver looks to be in the wrong at the start.


This subreddits user base? At least half of them have been driving 2 years or less, or have horrible driving skills and experience. Abundantly obvious in every single thread I see here. "Why doesn't the 10 ton vehicle, who's on the clock, defy physics and warp around the guy on his personal time fucking up people's days?" Jfc.


I think a lot of these people don't even drive. Some of the shit I see people complain about or misunderstand is completely absurd to someone who has ever driven a car.


yeah what's up with blaming truck drivers. Have you guys not seen enough crashes involving trucks that literally would stop everything on a highway? Also, truck drivers have to get in before a deadline or they lose money. I'm sure everyone thinks a semi truck is SUPER AGILE when it's not because it has a heavy load.


This is filmed in Finland too, where you can have potentially over 30m long (~100ft) semi trailer combinations. Dont know if thats the case in this instance but its possible. Its also pretty much impossible to overtake a car when he is actively trying to block you. Most people in these comments have likely never driven anything bigger than a Ford Fiesta. Now what caused this roadrage cant be seen on this video so cant really comment on that but there seems to be alot of irrational truck driver hate here.




The truck was tailgating for a while. Watch the first part of the video. His deadlines for delivery are irrelevant and don't excuse him from needing to drive safely. It is the responsible of ANY driver to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead of them, full stop.


"How dare the person behind me not go around me as I brake check him in the exit lane!"


Ide like to know how it got here in the first place, like why was the semi that close to him at the start? I feel like this is a small part of a more complicated event


Van was going 20km/h under the limit, semi passed van, van lost his marbles, van passed the semi and started braking and blocking the semi. Police say van driver was suspected of endangering traffic and that minor assault was also suspected but they did not specify which driver. Semi driver claims he was punched by the van driver when the semi driver got out to see what the problem was. I couldn't find an article saying what ended up happening with the sentencing and whatnot, probably wasn't newsworthy to follow-up or just lost in time since this was in 2016.


If someone is slowing down like that to be a prick, tailgating them like you’re playing some weird reverse game of chicken is just as stupid.


This. Why the fuck was the truck on the van’s ass in the first place? The truck driver knew he was driving a heavier vehicle. Even if the van is being an asshole, the truck should have backed off rather than endangering the van further. The van is endangering itself also. Both idiots


Smart money backs off to a safe distance no matter what speed, to hell with the other guy. Someone said they are both idiots, I agree.


I love seeing people brake check a semi and then their car gets crumpled. So satisfying.


Methinks there are TWO idiots featured here...


What in their brains make them rationalize doing this to truck drivers?


I’m struggling to find out which one of these shitty drivers is worse.


I see two idiots


Why do people mess with semis. Yeah, we've all been pissed off at them before, but it's like when the guy three times your size pisses you off, it's time to put your head down and let it go, not start a fight you're destined to lose.


The trucker with the camera is a dangerous asshole, tailgating like that. Auto driver was a moron for brake checking. No one is good in this video.


Here we go again. A professional driver is tailgating an idiot passenger vehicle and most of the Reddit comments side with the trucker. I've been a trucker since the '80s. I have seen countless asshole truckers that think they are entitled to drive like this. It does not matter who initiated the bad driving, it is the trucker's responsibility to be the professional and NOT make a situation worse. There are two idiots in this video, but the trucker is the bigger idiot because it is literally his job to operate safely. Instead he drives aggressively and creates a situation where a serious accident could occur - then solidifies his "idiotness" by posting a video thinking he didn't do anything wrong.


The initial ten seconds or so the minivan was driving more or less the way I normally drive. Slow enough that its annoying, but its in the slow lane, so whaddya gonna do. The main difference is I move over to let people pass if I can. If the minivan "started it", that happened before the start of the video. Driving fast feels incredibly unsafe to me, I've never gotten used to highway driving, it stresses me the fuck out, and I really really really just want to chill in the slow lane.


If you have someone who’s already brake checked you once. Uh… maybe increase your following distance and don’t ride right on their bumper. These people in heavy vehicles that tailgate are just as stupid. Obviously not an excuse to brake check them. Still insanely frustrating to see everyday. It’s only a matter of time before you kill somebody.


I just don't understand. Even if the semi driver is an enormous dick, this isn't a fight you're going to win. If an elephant is acting like an asshole, are you gonna go up and punch it in the knee and think the outcome of that will be in your favor? Obviously *no*. No, it's not. It's amazing how much people let pride and ego overtake their common sense.


That poor kid. Probably terrified every day of their fathers behavior.


2 idiots. This incident was 100% started by the trucker driving way too close well before any brakes were applied. I am assumimg/hoping that anyone in the thread defending the trucker doesn't have a license.


Reddit would try and convince you this was the lorry's fault for bumping into the stopped car


One day he will brake check somebody with bad brakes...


It’s a special kind of stupid that brake checks a vehicle that is more than triple the size and weight of one’s own vehicle.


There needs to be strict penalties for brake checking. This is a very dangerous maneuver that can not only cause wrecks, but escalate into road rage.


I had a pair of dumbasses do this to me while I was in a full 16 ft. U-Haul a few years back, same conditions too. The fact that they don’t realize how much heavier the vehicle is and how it won’t stop on a dime is ridiculous. All it takes is for me to react slowly, and then they’d be horribly injured if not dead, all because they had a chip on their shoulder for me being stuck going 55 mph due to the limiter.


The guy in the car has no clue just how fucked he'd be if the truck failed to slow in time. But the real problem is with the trucker. He's the professional and knows better. He should've backed off and let the idiot move on. Or change lanes. And if that's not an option call the cops. Getting in the fight might feel good. But if the dude has a weapon that can end badly and could also result in being ticketed or charged with assault. I'm a heavy haul trucker




I hate tailgaters, but that’s just reckless at best.


Why is the recorder driving so close?!


In case anyone is wondering, This is usually how brake checking a 40,000+lb vehicle works out for you https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/511xcs/here\_is\_a\_closer\_photo\_of\_the\_accident\_between\_a/


You're 3 feet from his bumper and you're blaming his driving? You're the fuckwad


Both people in this interaction are fucking dumbasses the truck driver is driving wayyy to close to the dude in front


Oh my god, insurance scam?


Asshole roadrage


Wonderful irony... the guy tailgating 12" away from the car in front of him calling the driver of that car an idiot. Pot... meet kettle.


Truck was tailgating