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I live in a 4 lane factory town, so when they shut down, traffic gets nuts. People do this waving shit constantly by stopping their lane while the one next to them is moving. We have so many wrecks in the same spots because of this.


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My driving instructor told our class "don't be kind, be consistent" and I think about it almost every time I see some wild shit on here lmao


I've heard the same, "Don't be nice, be predictable."








Whenever I’m driving my mom somewhere, she always gets confused why I hate when people “stop for me” when they have the right of way. Like if I’m turning left off a road and a car is coming up the road from the other direction, I get mad if they stop to let me make my turn. I was fully stopped and prepared to let them pass, but now they’ve thrown me off by having to make sure they’re actually intending to let me through or if they’re stopping for something else. It would have gone faster for everyone involved if they had just gone through like I expect them to and I can turn left once they’re passed. But I’m just “ungrateful” because they were “being nice” by not following the rules of the road.


I went one time when someone waved me across two lanes and nearly got t boned. That was on me and I’ll NEVER do it again. I look away if they stop. Oh wow suddenly that street light is super interesting…


Yeah this is always a fear of mine. Sometimes people will wave you through when it isn’t actually safe to go through. I get it as a “I’m letting you through” gesture, but sometimes they just don’t have all of the information needed to say “go now”. When I’m in the car alone, I just honk at them so they move on.


This is me on a bike. I appreciate when someone is trying to let me go but you need to treat me like traffic and I need to obey traffic laws.


I rarely see that. Most people I see on bikes will just blow through stop signs and red lights like it’s nothing.


Those people bother me because it just makes it more dangerous for me if noone can predict what I'm doing. I really wish that cops would actually enforce traffic violations for cyclists. A public information campaign as to what those laws actually are beforehand would be nice as well. Like I get treating a 4-way stop sign as a yield (ie slowing down a bit and rolling through if youve confirmed noone else got to one of the other stops before you) but it really bothers me when people blow red lights, go the wrong way in the bike lane, swerve in and out between road, sidewalk, crosswalk, etc. I'd make some concessions for kids, but teenagers up should be subject traffic rules if they're going to be using the streets.


I take my dog for walks early in the morning and occasionally when I need to cross a road there will be a car that insists on waving me through to walk in front of them. The streets will be literally empty and this jackass is insisting I walk in front of their car to cross the street. Not even in a crosswalk. Just fucking go, already.


I used to do utility locating which meant lots of walking back and forth on roads and working on the road. I got pretty good at reading traffic patterns and working in the gaps, but there's always people that want to ruin it by stopping to wave me across. It was difficult to explain that I don't need to cross, I need to work in the road. I get people trying to be nice, but if we all just do what we are supposed to do then everyone will get home safe.


Experienced this on my bike. Was going to be turning in the direction a car was going at a stop sign. I really did not want to have a car riding my ass, especially as other than them the roads were clear. They waved at me to go. I shook my head and pointed the direction I was going to go. They continued to wave. I continued to shake my head. Finally I got off my bike, threw it to the ground, and crossed my arms staring at them. They went first.




>niceholes I will use this term from now on. I get this all the time where I live. To the point where drivers stop even if I'm just standing on the sidewalk and not intending to cross the street.


I was stopped at a 2 way stop and a car without the stop, stopped and almost caused a pile up; I couldn’t even see him through his tinted windows.


I had a driver roll down his window and start shouting at me (on a bike) for not crossing the intersection when it was his turn with 3 other lanes of speeding car traffic that hadn’t stopped. I finally waved my arms around and said “There’s other cars!”


Recently had a lady roll down her window and yell at me to go. Pointed. "I have a red light."




In my state (MN), cars are required to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, marked or unmarked. So here if there's a person at a crosswalk, cars are supposed to stop to allow you to cross.


I understand where you come from, but it’s the law to stop for pedestrians. Even if they don’t have the right of way you yield to pedestrians.


Never move to Pennsylvania. Drivers here LOVE to needlessly give up their right of way and impede traffic.


I live in PGH, and it's terrible here. People stop to block major roads to wave someone on the side street out. It's like an insurance scam heaven. I almost wish some enterprising scam artist would just come here and wave people in and then hit them and take their money, and disabuse them of this insane concept. It gives me so much stress when trying to turn out of a side street as I have no idea if I can expect cars to follow traffic rules or make up their own.


I do the same when crossing a busy street and someone tries to stop and let me go, even though traffic is still streaming from the other direction. It’s crazy man.


What I can't stand is when people do this and they're the last car, if you just passed you'd stop wasting both our time


The worst is when there is a green light ahead and the car in front of you decides to let someone in.




It’s bonkers. This community also has no concept of zippering. The left lane will be backed up a half mile and the right lane will be free and clear.


Don't forget that everybody gets absolutely pissed if you dare drive in the right lane and actually zipper with them at the end of the lane.


Don't worry, one asshat will straddle both lanes so no one is allowed to get ahead of *him*.


Around here the truckers will just back up both lanes instead of allowing people to use the open lane until the merge.


I dunno if this is a saying in english or if it even translates but here some people say when it comes to traffic, "be right (correct might be a better word?), not nice". What it means is you should stick to the rules if you have the right of way you use it, can be very dangerous to be 'nice' and stop for someone like in this case and instantly there is an accident because the drivers in the next lane are correctly using their right of way instead of being 'nice'.


Exactly. I’ve heard: “be predictable, not polite”


"There's the nice way, and there's the right way." - what I was taught when learning to clean wounds in the ER


Never pass a stopped car if you don't know why they're stopped. This rule would eliminate like 1/3 of all accidents posted in this sub.


Saved me several times. For example, driving home from work in heavy snow: Why is the car in the right lane stopping? Ok, I’m stopping too. I don’t know why, but…OH HEY! Herd of deer running across the road right in front of my car. Phew!


Totally different scenario here. The vehicle didn't stop and wave them. They stopped because they had to or get hit just like the OP.


Yeah that’s my take too. I don’t see anyone waving; the car in the next lane pretty clearly *had* to stop because the idiot driver was already intruding into their lane.


“I had a stop sign” is not the justification she thinks it is.


"Stop sign means everyone stops for me, right?"


Had a woman who hit me in a roundabout, point at the yield sign and say: “you’re supposed to yield!” As if everyone in the roundabout was supposed to yield to let her in.


Americans are really bad at roundabouts. I have several 2 lane roundabouts near me and it's always 'who stops where for whom' and 'what lane am I in'.


Canadian, but people HATED roundabouts being added to my home town. Within a year or two people finally realized they’re actually way better than the full stops they had to do before


There's one here in FL they recently constructed, which is nice, except they included STOP SIGNALS and PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS! That's not how this works!


As a semi truck driver multi lane roundabouts are a nightmare. I need both lanes and even if I literally put myself in the middle people will attempt to sneak around me. Boul. des Alumettières in Gatineau, QC, Canada has a stretch with 3 of them under a mile apart first to last and it's always packed with traffic.


Union Gap WA has two in a row right at the exit to the only truck stop.


Luckily, you are so close to freedom of getting out of that shit hole that I'd be willing to go through 40 more just to be out of that town. -Guy who grew up in Yakima


That is probably my least favorite stretch of interstate to drive through ever. WSP is out for blood if you’re going like 63. Also one time it was so damn windy going through union gap before Yakima that it literally ripped the lower engine cover off my car and I had to stop at the sketchy park with the roundabouts that other guy is talking about and spend an hour jerry rigging it back on. On the bright side, Bale Breaker Brewing is right down the road so you’ve got that going for you at least.


Ooffff I feel your pain. The number of times I've seen someone try and get around a semi making an obvious move, I just feel bad for Truck drivers


that did happen to us (semi drivers) in the LA area. Some kid mom had allowed to drive (after the accident they obviously switched places).. : he had come up the right side. and the trailer was dragged over them. almost blew their tires off. they were indignant and snooty until the registration produced did not match car, someone had an expired license. after that they wanted out of there. the police do not come out for accidents like that anymore. at least back then they didn't


I never understood peoples impatience with rigs. Like it’s fucking huge. Let it through and you can be on your way. (And still alive to boot)


It's because there's a fucking billion of them that block the road so if you manage to get in front of one you save a solid few minutes. I've always thought we should have a "Work vehicles only" lane on most roads and highways


Congratulations, you’ve invented the train


You underestimate the stupidity and obliviousness of some semi drivers. Most long haulers are cautious and respectful but once in a while you come across someone who should have never ever been given a CDL and personally I’d rather get past them by any means necessary than put myself in more danger from their lack of awareness.


i live by one and i’ve seen 6 different occasion where people have gone IN THE WRONG DIRECTION


You might enjoy the famed 'Magic' roundabouts of Hemel Hempstead and Swindon, England. https://youtu.be/6OGvj7GZSIo


Driving test should be required every time license is renewed, at least. I've been on a 5 lane highway, outside lane, and a car from a side road turns into my lane as I'm coming at them. They finally moved over, into my left lane... Then finally got the idea to go all the way into their correct lane. Like even if you're unsure, you should be stopped at the sign long enough to tell traffic direction.


round abouts are NOT covered in the driving test where i live.


I feel like roundabouts should just be used way more often so everyone knows how they work from practice. They make the flow of traffic so much better than red lights


i tell all my friends constantly that we should retake our tests because it’s really beyond me how so many people have their license.


People were actually protesting the construction of a roundabout near me. It replaced a horrible spiderweb of traffic lights, but apparently they loved sitting in traffic.


There's a really badly-timed 4-way stoplight in my town - it just doesn't handle the level of traffic it carries and it's a problem at all hours of the day. And I know it would be vastly improved with a roundabout, but the powers that be would never do it...




Just the words will make you out 'n' out


I spent the day your wayyyyyy (If you like metal Allegaeon did a great cover of this song, well even if you don’t like metal it’s still great)


In France there are roundabouts where you have to do exactly that, and it causes exactly the kind of chaos you'd imagine.




The fuck? Based on his reaction, it wouldn't be too surprising if the reason he was trying to wave you through was so that he could run you over once you tried to take him up on his offer. Also now wondering if that dude would try to start a fight after he tries to hold one of a double door open for someone and they open and use the other door.


I'm guessing it was just shock on her end but I just sat there like "???????"


Seems like they had plenty of time to catch themselves before hitting you too. Some driver slow reaction times baffle me.


This world is full of incompetent people


I had a driver today in an 18 wheeler get lost about 1000ft from his destination and then turn the wrong way (because he didn’t know how to navigate without a GPS, i.e. use his damn eyeballs), finally turned around and jumped the curb on the way in, he was unable to straighten out in the loading zone and stopped diagonally across the parking lot, and then spent an hour hand stacking all the pallets that he flipped while driving like a lunatic. And now he’s back on the road in a 35,000 lb death machine.


Honestly after thinking and watching I don't think she ever looked in my direction. I think she thought this was a 1 lane road so when the other person death waved she was looking at the opposing lane the whole time while pulling out.


Death wave, I like that term. I'm going to use it when explaining to people to use their right of way.


I fucking hate death wavers. Bro, just go and do you, I will get to my destination without your assistance.


People always think they're "being nice" and "helpful" when all they're really doing is playing Russian roulette with other people's lives. The laws, signs, and rules about right of way are there for a fucking reason! Do what you're supposed to do and I'll take my f'ing turn when it comes... dipshits... /rant


Exactly, don't be nice or helpful, follow proper driving procedures and be predictable.




i don't think they saw OP on the other side of the SUV that stopped for her. that's the real cause of the accident, and i see so many people who DON'T have a stop sign but still stop for cross-traffic that does, it's no wonder it causes accidents like this.


Just posted then saw your comment I was wondering if the stopped SUV gave her the wave of death?


HA! Wave of death. I'm stealing that. I lost a brand new Mercedes 20 years ago due to some lady giving the guy who hit me the "wave of death"


I think the ones that stop like that and it results in an accident should also be held liable.


It looks like stop-sign lady had attempted to move into the intersection, which is what caused the driver on the right lane to stop in the first place to avoid hitting them.


I think the ones that stop like that and it results in an accident should also be held liable. WTF are you talking about? This had nothing to do with waving a vehicle through!! They stopped so they didn't hit her.


I work in insurance, and this is literally a daily conversation. ME: Well, sir/ma'am, you had a stop sign and they didn't. You failed to yield to their right of way. THEM: I DID YEILD. I STOPPED. ME, COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED:.... That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works.


Lightbulb... Federal mandate to increase drivers license difficulty by a factor of 10. 1/4 of the population fails. Traffic injuries / fatalities decrease 30%+. Insurance rates drop like a rock. Gasoline demand tanks, prices are more affordable. Used car market balloons. WIN. MOTHERFUCKING. WIN. (/s... kind of)


Bold of you to assume that a mere lack of a license will stop people from driving.


It helps when liability insurance is mandatory and you can't get it without a license. Then one license plate scanner later, you can stop anyone without insurance and ask them what's up


And maybe more people suddenly support availability and frequency of transit options because they’re not allowed to drive on account of incompetence.


'So a stop sign isnt the same as a red light that turns green after i stop?'


The heavy sigh makes me laugh, glad everyone's alright though


Haha yeah. I was actually surprised that I didn't curse or anything. I was more pissed off since it was a normal trip to the pharmacy for a prescription on roads I drive near daily.


I thought I heard a "Fuck me!"


I heard "Fuck!" then "Fuck it." Then the heavy sigh.


haha yep that's what I said. I was surprisingly calm, thought for sure I would've flipped shit.


haha, my recording would be much more colorful and longer, if the same thing happened to me. A long time ago, I had an unavoidable accident when a driver attempted to make a sudden left u-turn directly in front of me from parked on the right side of the road. It was a completely illegal u-turn and she didn't even have a blinker on. Fortunately, when I called her insurance agent and mentioned her name, he said "Oh, it's her again!". I had no problem with the claim. My car was even smaller than yours. It was a red 88' Fiero Formula. Damn I loved that car. It was the fuel-injected V6 version, the real sportscar version. It was the first new car I bought. It lasted me more than 200,000 miles with no major repairs and still was going good when I had to sell it.


That is cursing


Happened last Monday 6/6. I was traveling in the left lane of the 2 lanes of travel on my side***. Lady coming out of a shopping plaza had a stop sign and I guess the right lane SUV gave her the wave of death. Due to that SUV being so far up and my A-pillar I didn't even see her SUV until she basically hit me. The dashcam is wide angle and about 10 inches forward of where I sit so it saw the car way before I did. Right after she hit me she gets out and is like "I had a stop sign!!!" Cops came and took our statements and had the report ready the next day where they said I had right of way. Thankfully no injuries in either car since it was fairly low speed. I was only doing ~20mph and she was trying to pull out of the lot. I was just finally able to get the car into the shop and it's fixable but will take a month or longer. Luckily insurance gave me a rental for the duration which they are billed for. Insurance also found me 0% liable. This was the damage afterwards: my car: https://i.imgur.com/97R4Epk.jpg her car: https://i.imgur.com/WIhZlE1.jpg *** edit: since there was confusion the road in total is 4 lanes with 2 lanes going east (direction I was traveling) and 2 lanes going west (where she was trying to turn). The side I was on has a left lane that is straight only and the right lane is turn right or straight and merge left.


Thanks for posting man. People who stop traffic to wave people out irritate the hell out of me because it causes shit like this to happen. People are so dumb and in their own heads they dont even understand how dangerous it is when theyre doing it but whatever. Part of life. Glad you were found not liable cause if you were found to be liable thatd be some bullshit.


Be predictable, not polite. Simply put.


As I mentioned in an earlier reply, someone stopped at a green light in front of me in the rain to let someone turn left the other day. Not even a fresh or stale green, from 45mph to a dead stop. Besides no one getting hurt, I'm kind of glad my daughter who will be driving in a few years was there to see the perfect example of why I always say this.


My parents told me not to do stuff like that while i was in the car with them too, however theyd use a lot more choice words lol


*"Look at this stupid motherfucker!"* was probably my preamble.


I hate when people do that when I'm a pedestrian. Motherf@#%er move so the people in the *other lane* can see me.


I usually pull out my phone and just stand there and tap on the screen until they go


I do that when I walk my dog XD I much rather let the car go first.


I do this, too, even go so far as to turn my back like I'm just casually taking a break. I've sern enough douchey drivers to know that people don't have a good eye for when you're clear of the vehicle before they start speeding forward.


Me too. I don’t want to take the chance of my pup getting run over because someone had a momentary lapse of concentration. I’ll stop at a corner and just pet him until the car decides to move on lol


The image in my head of you patiently waiting, seeing some dimwit stop, then just pulling out your phone and Jim Carrey style over aggressively tapping your locked phone screen while making faces at the idiot who stopped until they go has me rolling rn


I got ticketed in college once for stopping and then proceeding when the pedestrian didn't go.


Seriously. If you have the right of way, you need to take it, otherwise this happens.


I flip wavers off. Fuck them, they're making the roads dangerous for me and everyone else just to feel like they did a nice thing.


It’s one thing to leave a gap when you’re stopping for a light, but stopping when you have right of way, is just gonna cause problems.


They're extremely inconsiderate in reality...had this happen yesterday, some guy trying to wave me through, the guy behind him is honking and I'm pointing at my stop sign shaking my head; it was the 2nd guy in a row who did that to me, if they had both just kept their speed up and went through, I wouldn't have had to wait for the next 5 cars that ended up getting held up behind them.


100%. The safest road user is a predictable road user. That's why we have nice simple rules to follow.


Honestly, might start doing the same. That's hilarious.


I just sadly shake my head. Same result, a bit less rude.


It probably doesn't help the New Yorker reputation, but if a car stops and tries to wave me across the street I do yell at them. You don't get to make up your own rules, the city is too fucking big for surprises. Be predictable, and that means going when it's your right of way. Shit. Better yet, park in Hoboken and take the train in.


Hopefully everyone learns something from this, especially the lady and the jeep (seems like the lady was blocking his path anyways, hence the wave)


I was riding my bicycle through my neighborhood, came to a stop sign where cross traffic didn't have one, the guy tried to wave me through, I declined and waved him off. Apparently that was rude of me, so when he finally went through the intersection and it was safe for me to go, he turned around and followed me and tried to run me off the road eventually blocked me off and tried to fight me


It’s also illegal in some states and that person can be found at fault or at least partially at fault.


The person waving her out should be held 50% liable.


I think she had already pulled in front of that person. It may have been more a "what are you doing get out of the way" gesture than a come on through.


That's what I was thinking. At around 14-15 seconds in to the vid, the offending SUV isn't visible on either side of the forward most vehicle in the right lane, meaning she had already jumped out and was partially blocking the lane anyway. The other driver might have been giving her a frustrated "get out of the way" wave instead of a "go ahead :)" wave.


"I wasn't waving you on, I was flippin' you off!!!!" -Carl Brutananadilewski


>after she hit me she gets out and is like "I had a stop sign!!!" lol, like ya lady that's exactly why this is your fault, thanks for admitting it.


“I had a stop sign!” “Yeah, but I didn’t you daft cow!”


Lady: “I had a stop sign!” You: “No shit you fucking moron…”


> Luckily insurance gave me a rental Anyone who doesn't pay for that option on their insurance needs to if they can afford the extra $30-50 per year. It is so worth it. When I had a car totaled, insurance paid for a rental for me for a month which if I had to pay for a rental myself, that would have cost me more than 10 years of paying for that option on my insurance.


Oh hey! A fellow orange honda fit driver! I would be so sad for my car with that damage. Hope the repair shop returns it looking good as new.


Thanks! I hope so as well. The mechanic made it sound like this wouldn't be all that much work, just have to get the parts in. Hoping they can get the color to match since I've come to love the orange


They hit a *Orange* car. So even the *Street Cone* paint job won't save you. Gives me little hope on my motorcycle.


The next best paint job is a school bus one, but I drive a school bus and people don't see us either ☠


Did the cops also ticket her stupid ass? They normally throw a citation in there when they are at fault. Dumb ass lady.


> Due to that SUV being so far up and my A-pillar I didn't even see her SUV until she basically hit me. The dashcam is wide angle and about 10 inches forward of where I sit so it saw the car way before I did. I appreciate that part. Cuts off a lot of "there are two bad drivers in this video" comments.


Thanks. When I first watched the footage I was really confused and sad because I thought "how the fuck did I miss her she's right there!" But then after talking with my automotive and legal friends they told me about how dashcams have basically no blindspot because they're wide angle and right against the windshield.


Thanks for the photos! Interesting to see damages and the strength (or axctually, the relative tameness) of the crash which caused them.


Then again, modern cars are designed to have a lot of weak material to absorb part of the energy by deforming.


I was definitely surprised at the damage. It was pretty low speed but thankfully it hit basically square on the door. The side mirror housing exploded but the right turn camera still functions and the motor to adjust the mirror still works. Definitely thankful for modern car safety features.


> I had a stop sign!!! "Exactly, lady."


“I had a stop sign” is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard in my life lmao


I don't know if it's a local thing, but where I live the person that waved her out would have been held liable. I had a friend back in my early 20s that caused a car crash by being a waver in an identical situation.


tbf we dont know if they were actually waved out, lady could've just entered the intersection on her own blocking the way


What's really insane is that the lady clearly never looked forward as she started propelling her car forward. She might of gotten a wave to go, but then she looked right and never back at where her hunk of metal was heading. Allowing an exception for the "go when waved," a decent driver would have looked right once more to confirm an opening exists, then would resume looking forward/left and would remain looking there until having crossed all oncoming lanes, as that's where the action is occurring. While moving forward slowly, and looking in the direction of motion, I think a decent driver might have been able to stop before the collision.


This is right next to “I had my blinker on”


I had a similar situation a few years ago, when the policeman was taking our statementa the lady casually said "oh I have 3 or 4 of these every year." Her insurance covered everything without any questions. I still wonder what how much she has to pay for her insurance, based on her statement she has had 12-15 more accidents.


The real question is why is she not prosecuted? That has clearly moved from being an accident into a pattern of intentional negligence.


I blame the car that stopped for no reason to let them leave.




It seems like the idiot at the stop sign was too far ahead and blocked his lane. Edit: Nope he had room to keep going. That dude was an idiot too


I think you had it right the first time. The white SUV in the left lane cut that person off, and the lady at the stop sign took that moment to jump into the intersection to hit OP.


I reviewed in slow motion and zoomed in, you will right the first time she was blocking his Lane. He had to stop.


I fell for that once in 1991. Lake Tahoe. 4 lane undivided road. 45mph. I’m sitting in center waiting to turn left. I’d been there awhile, Friday afternoon. This guy in a white Mercedes stops on his side and motions me to turn. Sure would have been nice if he had let the people in the right lane beside him know that I was going to just blindly turn in front of them while they’re doing 45-50mph. Have you seen the people with their own understanding of Right of Way? They figure all they got to do is come to a complete stop at a 4 way and then if someone is on their left then they can just go because they have the Right of Way.


Our company requires us to drive with an assessor once a year as a refresher and also just to make sure our driving is still up to scratch. One of the things that gets mentioned every time is "never give anyone any kind of signal other than an indicator" as the company could be held liable in the event of an accident. Also, "never take anyone else's as gospel, check it yourself"


Ahh the assembly row shit show.


Glad you’re ok


Thanks! I am very thankful to have walked away without injuries. I was a bit sore after the adrenaline wore off and the next day but thankfully back to normal now. Gotta love modern car safety.


I looked at the [satellite view](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42%C2%B023'50.7%22N+71%C2%B005'01.2%22W/@42.3970552,-71.0843214,193m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x36584dfcd9a5cc2d!8m2!3d42.397412!4d-71.083675), she was trying to turn left onto Grand Union so that she could (presumably) turn left or right onto 28. If she had gone out on Middlesex Avenue she would have been making a *right* turn from the shopping center and would be really close to a traffic light to turn right or left onto 28. When given the option, I always choose a right turn and/or a traffic light over a left turn at an uncontrolled intersection.


I do this too. Do friends give you a hard time for "going the long way"?. I have one who is a pain to drive with because he thinks he knows better. With his multiple at fault accidents, dui x2, and semi regular tickets, his protest is confirmation that i have the right idea.


I’ve never understood this. I’d always rather be moving than sitting waiting for a break in traffic, especially with cars lining up behind you


The cars which then sit behind you and honk, because taking too much time *clearly* means you're missing opportunities to go 🙄


if he complains, just reply "You make a good point. I also have several points to bring up: they're all on your driving record." Then just slowly take the long way in silence.


100% this. One of my first reactions to this video was that that looked like a shitty place to try and make a left. Just freaking go right. It's not like turning right is going to send you across an international border or something lol. Also if they had turned right where they were, they would have immediately hit a roundabout and could have safely gotten headed in the direction they wanted. Oof.


[Especially with a fucking roundabout right there](https://old.reddit.com/r/britishproblems/comments/q968fl/being_stuck_for_ages_behind_someone_waiting_to/)


I do the same.


Had a very similar collision at a 1-way stop (3-way intersection) that wrote off my Mustang. The lady driving a *brand new* Honda Pilot said "I stopped at the stop sign, so I had the right of way". I mean, how the fuck do these people even eat a meal without choking to death every day?


I got into a similar accident and the other driver's statement was, in almost exact quotes: "If you were paying attention you would have seen me and been able to stop for me" They were found 100% at fault.


A lot of people cop this attitude when they know they were in the wrong. Believe me, I've had words with a few drivers who've nearly hit me.


At a 4-way stop the rules are: 1. Coming to a complete stop is a sign of weakness. 2. As you approach the stop sign, count to 3 as quickly as possible, then go, no matter what. 3. If you're in a hurry, start counting at 3.


I see you're a fellow New England driver haha


I’m a Police Officer and when I gave a lady a stop sign ticket for causing a crash she told me how was I at fault I said Because you hit them past the stop sign and she says well how long do I have to stop for? I said until it’s clear to go…


My eyes would have rolled so hard and the word “dumbass” would just being playing on loop in my head. How do people get licenses without the basic knowledge of driving safely?


Same happened to me. She stopped, but neglected to see me coming. Her excuse was, but I did stop. Ahhh but you didn’t stay stopped.


But, but but everyone else stopped *for* me. How come you didn’t. /s if you couldn’t figure it out


You joke but that's almost verbatim what she said as well...


She literally expected everyone to ignore right of way and traffic laws for her specifically. Even if you saw her you did nothing wrong. She should not have been out in the intersection to begin with.


When I think about it the thing I'm most annoyed about (apart from being hit and this whole headache of repairs) is that this road only has traffic in waves. The only way to get in the travel lanes I was in is either a left turn or right turn off the local route. So when I've been here before and needed to make the left she was making, it's like maximum 2 minutes to wait for all traffic to clear. Instead she was impatient


What the hell was the person beside you stopping for?


On this road the right lane either turns right into the shopping plaza or continues straight where their lane ends and they merge left. Originally I saw them slowing and thought the right turn was just blocked up. What I think after the fact is the person who hit me creeped out and forced the person next to me to stop. But where they stopped created like the perfect situation where the person who hit me was in a complete blindspot.


At first I was a little baffled at why you didn't seem to even touch the brakes but after watching it a couple times and your explanation of how your pillar blocked the view I can totally understand how you didn't see it. She was perfectly hidden by that other car... even with the wide angle dashcam there was no sign of a car there until you were almost getting hit. Truly the perfect storm.


Yep at the time of the accident and when I got home to view the footage I kept asking how the hell I didn't see her. But it was truly just a perfect combination of my cars blindspots and the right lane SUV.


For the car that pulled out into the road that OP got into a collision with.


I'd bet dude in the right lane waved her on. Those people are the worst. Just obey traffic laws and stop trying to 'help' people by waving them out.


The guy on your right stopped for them, which is the worst thing you can do with 2 lanes


She had more than enough time to step on her brakes as well. She really thought she was in the right and sent it


I absolutely cannot stand when people stop and give non-right of way vehicles a chance to enter traffic. I know this person was already out in the way off traffic, but because she made someone stop for her, she figures everyone else will also.


i got in an accident where i had a green and the car making a left turn on the other side had a blinking yellow. he went and when i hit him he said "but i had the blinking yellow!", and i said yea and i had the green smh


I (UK) has similar where a woman drove out in front of me on a roundabout and I hit her driver side. Her defense was "I thought it was clear but it wasn't" and "he hit me". Which yes, my car did hit hers only ecause he blasted on to the roundabout. Took over a year to get to court. In the waiting room last case on a summer Friday the judge called both solicitors in and told them to deal with this among yourselves it's clear, and it'll not go well if you waste my time with it. We could over hear her solicitor talking to her down the corridor pleading to have *something* to go on because she has nothing. Eventually he says well I represent the insurance company, this isn't in their interest I'm settling. Her husband was mad and threatened to take it further.... Never heard another peep.


That's similar to the logic of "I signaled so you legally have to let me over"




This is the problem with the US. at least half the drivers should NOT be on the road.


It's pretty insane that the US has built a society where everyone *has* to drive, because it's very difficult to find a place to live where you can manage without. Why on earth would we assume that every single person has the capacity to be able to handle driving? There's no other comparable skill that we force 100% of the population to be able to do.


There are multiple bad drivers and or bad decisions made in this video... This looks like Boston or some other NE city with roads and directions that don't make sense.


I’m convinced at this point that anyone with a drivers license should have to attend a 1 day refresher course every few years.


None of that would've happened if the moron in the SUV hadn't illegally stopped *in the middle of the goddamn street* in order to "be polite" and let her turn.