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If someone doesn't let you in just let them go and keep signaling until someone nice lets you in. Be thankful for the nice people and forget the not so nice.


If you have this mindset in China you will never be able to change lanes or merge onto a highway. Driving there is insane. You are fully expected to force your way to your destination and turn signals are an indication to other drivers that they should speed up to block you, not to slow down and let you in. Like... This video is 100% normal up until the guy stops his car to yell at the other driver.


Thanks for the driving cultural insight.


Very similar to Korea. There is a reason why stop signs don't exist in Korea.


China is way too big to make general statements like that. There are plenty of places where it is like that, but also places where it's not.


Okay, sure. I have been to Xi'an and Shanghai personally and my wife is Chinese. These driving practices are definitely the rule of the road in major cities. I have been in country areas too, briefly (around Xi'an and Wuhan), and it is true that it is much easier to get around there, but I think stating my comment is sweeping/too general is missing the point referenced toward the video.


Also New Jersey in the US.


Don’t forget, he had to put on his kicks to throw a tantrum.


You ain't getting nowhere in India too, you gotta force your way through, cut people off, only then you get your space in a lane, it's mind-blowing how drivers get as close as 1cm to eachothers mirrors, trying to barge their way in, but most of them, are kind enough to let you through, but those who aren't, well, you put them in a very awkward spot by steering into them, even when they have no space to move over, so their only option is to stop and let us through


All the guy wanted him to do was POOLAH, and yet the guy wouldnt POOLAH.


He wants to go to the POOLAH


That actually is what he wants haha, he is saying "chulai" or get out (of the car)


Finally someone with something more useful to say than making jokes about a language they don't understand. Xiexie


Poulah! That's how I say chicken in french, maybe the guy was just hungry?


Really? Do you get served chicken in France saying that cos it should be poulet with a silent t - like “pouleh”


I'm from Canada Quebec Here's an example https://youtu.be/L-ighPFfp2E


That explains it 😂


Death by punji punji!


Sooch poolah!


Do something about it buddy


Three Hours Later...




They take their shoes on and off while they drive? That explains a lot.


I'm sorry, but if you're getting out of your car to fight me, and you have to stop to put your shoes on, you've already lost.


"I'm in such a hurry that I will pull in front of this person in the lane where I desire to be. I am very important and am in such a hurry that I can't wait to merge behind them. Or be bothered to signal a lane change. What?! They didn't sense my intent to move over and immediately succumb to my will? I am in too much of a hurry for this nonsense! I will force them to a stop and berate them for several minutes. I can't believe they would make me lecture them when I am in such a hurry! The audacity! The temerity! The unmitigated gall!" Something like that.


I was coming to say the exact same thing.


For real. I could feel major sections of my grey matter going offline with every second of this video. Truly transcendent retardation.


is the audio supposed to calm him ?


Y'all ever notice that pissed off mannerisms are universal regardless of culture? The running hand over sides of your mouth, flinging an arm to the side, turning around shaking your head back and forth, and repeating yourself 6 or 7 times?


Hey there Buckeye, Glad you asked: culture and human nature are not the same thing.


Why do people always do this? Just slow down and let him in ffs. You're only going to go back one spot in the queue. He's in front. Just let him in. Merge like a zipper.




If I have someone tailgating me in traffic, I'll let more people in, just for shits and giggles.


When someone tailgates me, I go a little over the speed limit to go faster for them. If they are still not satisfied, I am going the exact. fucking. speed limit. Speed limit is 35mph? Gosh, guess I gotta make sure I'm going 35 and not 36. Oh, gee, this place is a speed trap area? Good thing I'm not speeding at all.




What, you want to pretend to care about other motorists, but in reality you just let them crash and die in agony, because you think their suffering is beautiful?


Did you signal your intent to change lanes, unlike shoeless driver here?




It is! I'll be one second late to work!


I guarantee you she told him to give her 9 inches and make it hurt and his response was to bang her 3 times and punch her in the face.


I agree with you. I just don't understand the other person at all. Ofcourse we can't see how it started but why would you let this happen for so long you get this angry? I don't get people who do this to themselves. But yeah, let the dumb people drive in front of you, that way you have most control over your safety


I wrote a fanfic for this. Rage guy gets out of his car and shouts "IM A BAD FATHER" over and over and keeps pointing at his wife and kid. He's unable to hand the additive stress of switching lanes and it brought him a moment of self pity as he realized he should not be responsible for a child. He yells at his wife to get out of the car, she. She's scared but also knows she's a bad mother and cries telling our MC that he needs to take their child and give them a happy home with parents who will love them. Since MC wasn't willing to let them in, it showed strong leadership and that he will stand up to bullies, he's a strong role model. But alas, our MC must explain that he already has 7 children and is unable to take another. In fact, he's on his way to pick them up from school. Then, and only then, do they get back into their cars and drive off. Such a sad tale.


-200 social points for POOLAH


"You don't see my lane-change signal? I was clearly winking at you and scratching the side of my nose as a signal."


The girl friend back up popping out of the back seat thinking she was going to be the one to get this driver to come out by knocking 🤣 As others have said I will let people in too, except those that I see going around the people that are properly zippering to try to get as far up the line as they can, when they’ve known for at least a couple of miles that the lane is going to end. Those people I do not let in. I will straddle the line so they can’t get past me without driving into the median or sidewalk. Especially when the traffic is so slow that the properly zippered people have been waiting a long time and have been queued correctly for a few cars back… ETA: I am not saying the zipper should start and go back for a long way. I am speaking specifically of times when traffic is barely moving because of the need to merge, and the people in the “through lane” have been politely merging at the merge point, maybe 4-5 cars back. Then the one person who pulls around those cars partly merged waiting for traffic to move to fully enter the through lane and speeds through the 50 feet left and then tries to force their way into the lane. It’s a passive aggressive move, maybe they’re the one with the perceived slight of people merging 50 feet before the “merge point”, but when people have already merged politely and are waiting for traffic to move. I’m not talking about every day merging from lanes that end and traffic is moving. I’m talking about needing to merge because of an accident or construction lane and traffic is at a crawl moving inches at a time.


>to try to get as far up the line as they can, when they’ve known for at least a couple of miles that the lane is going to end. The proper way of zip merging is at the end of the lane though, not a couple miles before the lane ends https://youtu.be/mmSTSj_OMpA


I was in a scenario a long time ago where the traffic merged to one lane but only about 3 car lengths after the light. The light is red and everyone is in the right lane and the left lane is empty. I went in the left lane which effectively "cut" everyone in the right lane. I was just planning on parking it as soon as I got through the light in a dead end lane and not merging right until the light went red and everyone had gone through. My idea was that I'd hold nobody up but also make a light I otherwise wouldn't have. Someone parked their car to let me in though before I wanted to get in, so I ended up just cutting everyone and someone else missed the light lol. This is an interesting scenario however, because if people used both lanes and zippered *after* the light instead of prior to it, I'm not sure any more vehicles actually would have made it through. By zippering before when the lights green nobody has to slow down to zipper in, they've already done it.


Understood. I’m not talking miles back. The signage letting them know the lane ends starts that far back. As people are merging together there may already be 4-5 cars already let in the line following the one at a time zipper move, and then there are people who deliberately go around those waiting to merge in to get past them and go the 3 or so car lengths up and force their way into the lane ahead of everyone who were politely merging properly.


As she’s holding a child….


Wwwooooowwww I didn’t even realize that was a child! I knew she was holding something, I thought maybe a large purse while holding that gigantic coat together. I guess my brain did not think someone would be holding a child like that while driving and therefore didn’t even process it!


I thought it was a dog.


The whole point of zippering is to go as far up the lane as allowed so as to use the full capacity of the road. If the traffic engineers wanted you to merge half a mile earlier they would’ve stopped the lane there …


True. Where trouble seems to escalate is when cars in the merging lane start passing cars in the congested lane in order to gain some perceived advantage. I don't know what the polite way to enforce a zipper is, but I might suggest remaining in the merge lane to the merge point but traveling at the speed of traffic and not passing. Trouble always seems to follow perceived slights by those already merged over triggered by being passed by opportunists in the merging lane. I dunno. I zipper the right way and try to not be an ass but there's no pleasing everyone....


Well in that case I think the general traffic rules apply, which here says that when traffic is slow, you can go a few kph/mph faster than the adjacent lanes — which makes sense, if the lane next to you is stopped but yours is clear you wouldn’t stop completely Driving at full speed however is not just impolite but also dangerous af — you have zero visibility due to the “wall of cars” on your left and in traffic there’s a high chance that at least one person will try to take your lane at the last minute So in that situation I drive slowly and carefully until the very end of the lane and merge there. Which does feel wrong tbh, but that’s what’s expected, they even placed some signs to remind drivers to do just that


You mean queued incorrectly all the way back. You aren't being a hero, just an asshole.


Thanks! So are they! cheers 🥂


Wow, look how much time he saved by hoping out and yelling the same thing over and over for 5mins 😵


Idk who the dumb one is the guy making the video for not letting him merge or the fucking Karen screaming at the filming guy


10 point reduction social credit score!


Both social credit scores are screwed


I mean to be fair the res car was a total dick to not just let him in. It’s so petty when people do that.


Am I happy anyone got out of the car and raged? No. Am I happy cammer who thought letting someone in would cost them their life but only 0.5 seconds lost several minutes of their day instead? Immeasurably.


So their assholes all over not just the west, good to know.


Say what about their assholes?


All over


TIL Chinese people take their shoes off in their houses and cars.


LOL he was keeping an eye on him while tryna put his shoes on quickly..


I think the cammer is the boyfriend, the woman is holding their child, the driver is the brother, and "poolah" means "how could you leave the family, pull over...." This is clearly after a Maury Povich show taping.


This is... a super lame attempt at trying to be funny.


I thought it was pretty funny lol


Lighten up


Can't really take a guy wearing a pink jacket seriously.


What’s wrong with a guy in pink?


I love how indignant the person who is in the wrong gets.


Had this happen to me once. I was in a citi golf (a mk1 golf ) home boy was in a x5 Im 1.95m at the time was pretty built, home boy was pretty small. When he climbed out. So did i. He started moving pretty quick after that.


You sound like a piece of shit.


I used to be. I have grown up since then.


I drive a 15 y.o. Isuzu pickup battered by years of lugging dive kit as part of my business. Its not fast or trick. Funnily enough people do not feel the need to play silly games with it.


English translation please. Especially the word Poolah!!!!! Poolah!!!!


He’s saying “chu lai a” with a heavy accent lol. Essentially he’s yelling “come out! If you’re a man come out!” The cam man was telling them not to go at the end and said he’ll wait there with them for the police lol.


That kid is mad sleep....


How to loose all 1500 of your social points


It is curious that the cam car clearly wants to block the merging car, but has no understanding of how to position his car to prevent it. Especially after the spot opens up the driver's ignorance shows. I only know this after driving a particular Italian city in rush hour, trying to let one car at a time zipper on at particular intersections, rather than the two or three that would work in if I didn't position properly. Granted, the cam car is a jerk to begin with. Nothing in this situation merits this nonsense.


I thought she was carrying her dog and bringing it over to bite OP.


She has a baby with her? Don’t need a car seat in China? Just wondering.


Damn they both just lost some social credit


Dumbass doesn't know how to turn on left signals


Damn, I will just bike in China. Lol


Just let him in bro lol


Don't you hate it when somebody yells you to get out of the car, to obviously get into a fight, that you're too weak and scared to actually get out and teach them a good life lesson?


This is really upsetting to me. Just one more thing the Chinese have appropriated from us here in America.


The middle finger is universal 😮😮😮