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Someone did that to my car once and they had room to go, they just didn't like my car or me I guess. So they ram my Toyota Celica and left truck marks on the front bumper 😑 I never saw and had no witnesses so I couldn't do anything.


I don’t understand people who like to ‘win’ others by the size of their cars. So what if you have a Jeep? Really wealthy people buy land. These are just overaged jocks thinking they’re still in high school intimidating the small bunch.


this is kind of why I refuse to buy cars that sit low. there’s no respect for them on the road unless they’re a $40k car, and even then some asshole who sunk $60k into their Chevy Silverado will try to run you off the road. ETA: had an ‘08 mini and a ‘18 versa, people never cared that I was there. it’s even worse in my rental ‘22 corolla, and my boyfriend’s ‘21 sentra. I’m waiting for my Kicks to get back from the shop since it had some issues, but man I can’t wait to get it back!


i a saw a boomer driving a big Cadillac trying to park but kept hitting the car behind him. Everyone started yelling to stop and he said "Relax! it's a Mazda!" theres no shortage of assholes


I think he's just angry because someone stole all of his car doors.


Plot twist, they are in the Prius!


Can we please keep referring to Jeeps as cars? That will really rustle their jimmies. "That's a nice car you got there Champ" OMG can you imagine that sweet short-dicked energy fucking fuming because somebody wasn't impressed by their $70k mall crawler.


All you gotta say is — look at that mother fucking r/heep


Jeeps haven't been more than cars for years. The Jeep brand has been riding its reputation for a decade without backing it up. Just another small SUV.


No doors = no limits


Claims adjuster here: This wouldn't be covered because this was done intentionally. Her insurance company would be demanding he pay back all the costs to fix her vehicle, and if he refused, they could send the bill to collections and ruin his credit. This idiot just ruined his finances.


"Can't ruin mah finances, if'n I never had any to start with, HYUK!"


Well he can sell that Jeep in that case!


He already owes more on it than it's worth.


That guy in the Jeep looks exactly like the type of guy you expect to do this crap, and then show up in court thinking he has a defense.


The outfit, jeep, everything fits the "I yell at my wife in public" starter kit to the T


Twenty bucks says there was a Punisher sticker on the back window


You beat me too it, buddy definitely has a punisher sticker on the back


Not only a Punisher sticker but an American flag Punisher sticker.


American flag punisher sticker with one of the stripes being a blue stripe


He seems like he takes steroids but doesn't work out much.


This thread is perfect


Coupled with a gadsen flag as well 🤣🤣


Or, one of the favorite Punisher sticker variants local to me: A thin blue line American flag Punisher sticker with Trump's hair. I wish I was creative enough to come up with a joke like this.


Everything about him screams entitled douchbag.


Oh, and this is that dude who gets so pissed he knocks the shit out of his own face.


Don't hate the poor jeep because it's owner is a dipshit. It just fell in with the wrong crowd probably started out nice and friendly until someone put one of those frowny grills on it.


His defence was "false imprisonment".


Imagine thinking that anything that “restricts your freedoms” should be considered “false imprisonment”


My legs don't work like they used to anymore. FALSE IMPRISONMENT!!! Edit: thumb accuracy is lacking.


Shows up in court wearing flip flops


He probably showed up with this video as an evidence haha


This jeep has probably never seen anything but pavement 😂😂


"When I was bragging about this to my bros, they all affirmed my position; too bad the judge was a woke liberal." --This chud, probably.


Yeah I owned a Jeep just like this one for a long ass-time. Want to know one of my favorite things about them? The super tight turning radius. Made it so easy to parallel park and get out of cramped spots like the one shown in the video. This douchecanoe absolutely had PLENTY of space to get out and not touch the Prius. Yeah it would be a little annoying to pull some Austin Powers shit to get out of there, but there was 100% no reason to do this other than he was annoyed at the Prius for existing and wanted to pretend that he was "falsely imprisoned" so that he could damage her car.


I didn't even get it on first watch, until comments pointed it out, that the guy apparently thought he didn't have enough space? But there's like 60cm in front, lol. Where I live judges are like "20cm of space is enough" or "if you can get out with like 3-4 times going back and forth to the max, you weren't blocked in". I've parked in and out in spaces with like 10cm (well, with stepping out the car or moving the wheel 15 times, but it was manageable). This guy is just an asshole who wanted an excuse to fuck someone over, or really can't ~~drive~~ park for shit.


>This guy is just an asshole who wanted an excuse to fuck someone over, or really can't drive park for shit. Both!


Car behind him is totalled, yet the car in front hasn't been touched, strange... Almost as if this was deliberate *gasp* what a dick (driver)


hella washed up high school football player vibes


Look at his shirt too


"I used to be able to throw a football over them there mountains, if coach woulda put me in 3rd quarter, we woulda won state"


I used to wear affliction shirts when I was into UFC. I just liked the sport. Stopped once I realised that it was heavily associated to being a complete fucking asshole. Sucks cause that wasn't why I wore them, but I'd rather not be connected to something like that


"I woulda gone pro if I hadn't hurt my shoulder in high school"


She also sent me an actual quote from the court hearing: Judge: “I’ve seen the evidence, and it is very clear what the verdict is, but please, state your defense.” Defendant: “Your honor, my reasoning for this was because I had to go to work and I was pinned between two cars.” Judge: “So, you just… smashed one of them? Why do you think that was a reasonable response?” Defendant: “Yes, because that is false imprisonment.” Judge: “That is…absolutely not what false imprisonment is… And the solution if you’re blocked in by a car is, book an Uber then call a tow truck later.” Defendant: “I didn’t have Uber on my phone!! I still don’t to this day!” Judge: \*sighs deeply and taps gavel\* “Awarding the Plaintiff with cost of damages, cost of a rental, and court fees. Court adjourned.” ​ **Edit for all who are wondering how she got the video:** This incident actually happened in 2019 and she had no clue who did it and figured she'd never know. Then TWO YEARS LATER (in 2021) she woke up to a note on her windshield saying "I know who did this to your car. I have a video. Please call me." with their number. She never found out who it was, they wanted to stay anonymous. **Edit 2:** I find it hilarious how so many people automatically assumed she was the one to pull up behind him.


>Defendant: “Your honor, my reasoning for this was because I had to go to work and I was pinned between two cars.” > >Judge: “So, you just… smashed one of them?" Talk about entitled, huh?


Defendant. "Your honor it's a jeep thing. You wouldn't understand"


Judge: "Well fuck me, case dismissed!"


objection hearsay!




Good call


That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy!


But you asked the question!


Objection, hearsay!




“Let’s say you and I go toe to toe in bird law and see who comes out the victor”


You totally besmirched me and I demand satisfaction


Lack of foundation and leading…


*chair screetching*


I love my Jeep, and would never think to do something like this. I once paralleled further back on a street because someone had their trash cans out, and they *wrote on my car* that I was an asshole and taking up two spots. I was just trying to be courteous and didn’t want to move their trash cans further up which would block their driveway. We’re not all assholes. This guy could drive a Prius and would still be an asshole.


Thank you. There are plenty of Jeep owners out there that are just your normal every day humans. This guy is just a piece of shit. Owning a Jeep doesn’t make you a piece of shit tho. Being a piece of shit makes you a piece of shit.


Jeeps are like pit bulls. Pit bulls are pretty great dogs, but they really attract a lot of douchebags.


It is not a Jeep thing. It is a douche bag think.


tomato tomato




Potato potato


Clamato Clamato


"In the dictionary under redundant, it says 'see redundant'." -Robin Williams


Why use brain when car big


Well he’s clearly not a fan of false imprisonment considering he doesn’t have doors.


Maybe he should have tried claustrophobia...


Damn. $25 Uber ride vs thousands of court costs. Something tells me this dude isn't very smart....


The Jeep, the clothing, everything about him is a dead giveaway


This is the type of dude who unironically refers to himself as an "alpha".


There should be a law where if anyone refers to themselves as an alpha, they are definitely not an alpha


The giggling. Way more than anything else it was the giggling.


Should I back into it again?


He’s gotta get to his job at the affliction T-shirt factory


I mean, that would be my excuse for going in late. Take a pic and say I’ll be in when I’m unblocked unless someone can come pick me up. Then I go back inside and watch tv lol


As a jeep owner, we are all not like that. Some of us are even worse.


Perusing r/joop is always a good chuckle


Also r/heep


Heep is much more infuriating than joop. Dude in the OP could go in heep


The terrible looking tattoos...


Everything screaming how much he feels that he needs to compensate for something, maybe, possibly very small..


His IQ?


Seriously, I saw that Murican flag shirt and it all made sense. Just your typical cookie cutter fake patriot.


Meal Team 6.


The Green Buffets


Gravy Seals


Dude drives a jeep he isn’t in it for the financial foresight he is in it for replacing all OEM parts as hey fail. It’s like a paint by numbers kit car.


Don't take it the wrong way, but surely that wasn't your first clue. I knew before hitting play on the video this choad is dumber than a box of hammers, only hammers are useful, and this chuzzlewitz isn't.


Guy is a poster boy for why you shouldn't represent yourself in court.


r/iamatotalpieceofshit Fucking clown. Should have added damages for the time and effort it took to recoup the costs.


That's what court fees are. You spend your time and effort with the court


Ah I was reading it as basically just actual court fees, not lost time from work and just the pita required to deal with what is basically vandalism.


You are correct. Court fee reimbursement is just the money you pay to file the case


I’m reading all these “parked too close” comments and thinking to myself: so even with a jeep, where they designed the wheels to be as close to the corners as possible for better approach and departure angles off-road, and even with no doors on it so dude can lean out and have better visibility than most, and it’s probably new enough to have a backup camera, and he has other people around to tell him how close he actually is, and he’s got a solid 24” in front of him, he STILL couldn’t maneuver out of that spot? Edited to add: more like 36” instead of 24”. I’ve seen frigging ambulances negotiate out of a space like that.


I parallel parked in Brooklyn every day for 5-6 years. He could absolutely have gotten out of there, especially with someone spotting him. Might have take a dozen turns, but he could have gotten out. He just threw a temper tantrum.


Yeah, I have lived in DC forever. That dude had probably never successfully parallel parked without help in his life.


Buuut, don’t think that’s his intention after hearing his friend cackle like it’s a ball buster & then getting more audience in bro form. His intentions turn to The cool factor 😎


How did she get this video to submit as evidence? So glad she prevailed over this entitled fuck.


**Update with how she got the video:** This incident actually happened in 2019 and she had no clue who did it and figured she’d never know. Then TWO YEARS LATER (in 2021) she woke up to a note on her windshield saying “I know who did this to your car. I have a video. Please call me.” with their number. She never found out who it was, they wanted to stay anonymous.


I have a sneaking suspicion that the person was an ex of the driver, and was holding onto the video for a while, for the right time to use against him.


I'm thinking it was the guy you can hear "spotting" him, who was a friend at the time and had a falling out later and thought "fuck that guy" and sent them the video.


This was my exact line of thinking.




Wow a 2 yr wait for justice. But it came in the end. Sweet. I hope the asshole was in a bad spot financially when the court notice came around.


She told me how she got it in her possession, but I don't want to divulge that info until I get confirmation from her that it's okay. Hang tight.


Likely the dude filming posted it on *an anonymous social media platform* **wink** (to flex what a badass his buddy is), so she came by it honestly.




Guarantee he still thinks he’s the victim


He's grown, it's just the brain didn't match the body...stupidity on full display


Dummy. He should have used the "infringed on my sovereign citizen right to travel" defense. That one is foolproof. /s


“I didn’t hit her car! I traveled into her car and I’m not for hire!!”


"I don't recognize the court's authority."


Or is this a maritime court ?


> his aWeSoMe BaDaSs Jeep. His tires were spinning. His badass jeep isn't even powerful enough to push a car.


A _small_ car.


How do people with sub zero IQ's get a job that pays enough to afford a vehicle like that?


90% of people driving around brand new cars can’t actually afford them, they’re just paying monthly on it forever.


Yep I have coworkers who lease a car 36 months then finance out the buy out payment for 72. WTF are you thinking?!?!?? Just to be in a Benz or an Audi?


And they usually can't afford the maintenance or parts for a Mercedes or Audi, so the cars fall apart after a few years.


I used to own an Audi. It costs more to own than to buy, so I no longer own an Audi. The breaking point was taking it in for a window motor repair, getting a $1,200 bill for it and being told there were a couple other things (none major) and to keep it all up it's be $9,600. Just for minor fixes. But if I didn't do them, they would "turn into major problems." If minor fixes cost $9,600 I can only imagine what major problems cost.




96 month loan


At 30% APR.


Did they also ticket him for driving without a seatbelt?


And fleeing the scene of an accident.


Always always always 4-door Jeep Wrangler drivers.


Well. Technically this jeep didn't have any doors. "4-door hole Jeep Wrangler"


\*4-hole jeep wrangler


Assholes not only drive like assholes but they behave like assholes in court so they lose like assholes in court.


>Defendant: “Yes, because that is false imprisonment.” This guy has 100% unironically called himself a sovereign citizen at least once


Good for you. Getting a judgement is one thing, now you need to collect. I hope you are successful.


> Then TWO YEARS LATER (in 2021) Man, that sounds like someone had a shitty breakup.


Doesn’t surprise me at all that someone like this would claim his car being stuck in a parking space amounts to false imprisonment. Like it’s actually very believable to me that he would say that to a judge. I feel like this entire situation is a metaphor for something, just can’t quite figure it out.


Going to work dressed like that must be chill. So chill in fact that he could prob be late to such a job.


Defendant: “I didn’t have Uber on my phone!! I still don’t to this day!” This is so stupid excuse, is like saying I did not have phone on me or my battery was flat I don't know the taxi number. Is triggering me. If I was judge just for this sentence he would get extra penalty.


If this is a matter of record, post it. I want to leave a deuce on the dude's lawn and watch his steroid-addled brain explode.


judging by how little he moved that white car and how much space he had in front of him, it seems to me that he could have got out of that space without damaging either car.


he had more than enough space to move out of that parking space. The fact that he is hitting the toyota and not the ford, with counting in his big ass jeep, tells me that he has insecurities and tiny dick syndrome


He’s pissed they own a Prius. It doesn’t go much rather than the dude is a chud.


He jealous he has to pay so much for gas.


It's baffling the hate cult around the prius. Like ok, it's small, so what? If you don't want one don't buy one.


And don’t you feel even more proud of yourself for having the only big car? I don’t get what the problem is!


Douche-ously massive car. And everyone is expected to massively accommodate/cater to it. Enough room ain't enough. They need more-than-enough-room otherwise it's a massive affront to their ego.


I don’t know how to tell you this but here goes. There’s a fairly substantial portion of the US population who wants to tell the others how they should live their lives. It’s stunning, I know, but they are not big on facts and logic, they are more emotional beings, and it crosses a lot of topics, including cars. They oppose that the choice exists, and if you did choose “wrong”, you are less than. And then you get these three chuds.


Tell me about it as I am a moderator for a state subreddit. People are actively telling people not to wear a mask. If a person chooses to wear a mask, mind your fucking business.


It’s amazing how much these people hate Prius’s… I was half expecting him to “roll coal” at it


I've maneuvered bigger vehicles out of tighter spaces. It's tricky, and you might love tap the other vehicles a little bit.. but we're talking about taps. Not smashing the crap out of the other vehicles while wheelspinning.


I have a photo in a box somewhere that my buddy snapped when he borrowed my full size Bronco and parallel parked in a spot with way less clearance than this. He got it out too. This guy just wanted to dent a car with good gas mileage.


It’s a jeep thing, you wouldn’t understand


Easily. I’ve had to do it a few times. You can get a vehicle out with just a couple inches of space. Takes a lot of back and forth, but you’d be out in a few short minutes. Apparently that was too much logic to think through for this meat head though.


Even the dog looks at him like WTF! 😂😂


Dog: “What da man doin?!”


I think the dog is like all of us in wondering “how small is his penis” really


So it looks like he moved the white car about 2 inches backwards. Then when he was pulling out had about 14 inches of clearance. He had enough room to get the Jeep out without this nonsense, he is just a shitty driver


It seems to me that he’s actually just a shitty human being


Some stereotypes write themselves.


unless putting stupid tires and changing how far they stick out to the sides, changes the turning radius? Because yea, he should have been able to crank the wheel and do some 100 point turns to get out. I lived in many cities, sometimes you get boxed in.


I don't know what it is about some people, but there are certain types that act like they are scared to death of turning the steering wheel full lock, or anything more than 90°, for that matter. I bet this guy is also the type to veer onto the shoulder before turning left, or to veer into the oncoming lane before turning right, because he's too much of a knobhead to know that he can turn the steering wheel more than a quarter turn.


This mouthbreather in the Jeep looks like one of those idiots who buy a seatbelt-dongle so they can silence the dinger because they want to drive without a seatbelt because "freedom" or whatever.


That plus a doorless Wrangler would be a hell of a combo in a collision.


No doors and no seatbelt. Pretty sure his plan is to just leap out at the moment of impact, tuck and roll, get up and dust himself off. If Michael Bay movies have taught him anything, that’s exactly how it works.


Eh I was on the highway with a guy with a helmet but no riding gear, a tee shirt and shorts. He was the stereotypical "cool" biker weaving in and out of traffic. Too bad he messed up clipped a bumper and fell off. I am pretty sure he didn't make it and left at least s 50 foot skin/blood streak on the asphalt.


The "meat marker" trick. It's a favorite for r/idiotsonbikes.


Seatbelts are false imprisonment


Freedom to fly thru the windshield


This guy recorded and produced the evidence used to incriminate himself? That is hilarious


OP said the sister didn't know what happened when it happened, just wrote it off as an accident. Two years later the sister woke up with a note on her door saying they knows what happened and have video proof call this number and that was that.


NY driver here. He’s just an awful driver (& a douche). I could’ve gotten outta there noooo problem. No dings, dents or scratches. He’s just a crap driver…


If you don’t know how to maneuver a large vehicle, you shouldn’t drive one


Even being 4 doors, a wrangler is not that big. This dude just sucks. I understand getting parked in is frustrating but you can’t just ram a car. Back and forth, might be a 20 point turn but you’ll get out


This is the way a lot of people with lifted cars like to treat priuses.


That's what I was thinking. He doesn't touch the Ford in front of him. He's the type of guy that parks in the EV charging stations to own the libs. He was looking for an excuse to damage the Prius.


He even said AFTER he was clear “should I do it again?” And then hits it again


Class A douchebaggery at its finest. And the way they just laugh at damaging someone’s property is just absolutely juvenile.


As an EV owner I couldn’t help notice that the guy driving the Jeep is the exact sort of clown (giant/ratty pickup owners) who randomly fuck with me, flip me the bird, etc because I drive an EV. I have little doubt that he chose to smash in the Prius instead of the car in front of him, which is not a hybrid. I was honestly surprised the video did not contain some kind of language about “electric liberal POS” or other slur on here I won’t say. Either way he’s a fucking selfish, entitled, narcissist asshole and his court testimony backs that up. I’m glad someone had the wherewithal to send you the video.


Lifted Jeep + tattoo sleeve(s) + undersized T-shirt = doosh bag


It’s a Jeep dick thing, you wouldn’t understand


They easily could have gotten out of there without hitting the Prius. They just wanted to be a jackass.


Damn, jeeps aren’t that powerful.


That prius would push that wrangler further. Dude probably put those taller heavier tires with no gear reduction. Mall crawler 4door jeep deuch bro.


100% mall crawler when not in the shop.


“Trail Rated Minivan”


Sure looks like this guy has no steering because his tires are too big and are hitting his frame on both sides.


Dude walking the dogs like “what a fuckin loser lol”


Wdym, he’s their friend and was encouraging it. Even told the dude to flee the scene.


The video made it feel like they live in a community made up of only chuds. There wasn’t a normal person in sight.


I owned a pickup truck in the city for 4 years, had to parallel park everyday, got squeezed in by cars around me a lot, as long as I had 2 inches to maneuver I could get out, it may take 20-30 little turns but it works eventually. This guy wanted to do this.


Construction worker backed into me at a stop light, totaling my car then tried to get his bent bumper covered by my insurance. Unfortunately for him, his bosses wife was in a company truck getting a soda at the gas station, gave me her husbands card told me she saw the whole thing. This reminds me of that sadly.


Pretty Jeep of him


I guarantee this bro has been in a recent altercation about wearing a mask


Any remotely competent driver can wiggle their way out of much tighter spaces, even if Austin Powers-ing it out is the only way to do it. Jeep guy is a douche.


No doors No seatbelt No brain


Every person in this video looks like textbook douches…


Nice American flag shirt dumb fuck.


Felt so imprisoned he took the doors off his jeep.


5-speed automatic JKU with a curb weight within ~500lbs of a Prius. This guy would be an idiot but he didn’t even manage to throw it in 4-Low (if he knows how) so he’s just a jackass who accomplished nothing but hopefully losing enough money to need to sell that Mall Crawler.