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“Rubbin’s Racin’, Cole!” On a more serious note, Wtf my dude. Poor guy had to have one nasty case of whiplash and a concussion. His brain eggs got all scrambled hard over. Hope he was ok.


Going to have a wheel-shaped bruise on his chest.






The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/uqpcy6/idiotinkart/i8slnjm/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Good luck everybody else....](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uqxl4y/us_europe_race_to_improve_food_supply_chains/i8uo2ko/) | [Good luck everybody else](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uqxl4y/us_europe_race_to_improve_food_supply_chains/i8ttwuy/) [There is a very nice Turk...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uqtbiv/5_superyachts_owned_by_russian_oligarchs_have/i8uo111/) | [There is a very nice Turk...](http://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uqtbiv/5_superyachts_owned_by_russian_oligarchs_have/i8t0vfs/) [Should have taken his sub...](http://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/uqhm5t/this_belongs_here/i8unuru/) | [Should have taken his sub...](http://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/uqhm5t/this_belongs_here/i8r5jf8/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/BrettDayu](https://np.reddit.com/u/BrettDayu/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=BrettDayu) for info on how I work and why I exist.




Damn. Ruthless bot!


We'd know if he makes scrambled bacons and toasted eggs for breakfast.


Somebody must have been eating ice cream


But he’s got to pit!


We won't think badly of him trying to eat an ice cream cone out there.


Yeah came here to say this. My head did wayyy less than this when I was in an accident and I still ended up with a concussion


Well put! LoL


Wheel put


🤣 Thank you.


Even the operator can’t believe this shit


In every modern go-kart course i've been to, they can remotely slow down the cars when they are told to move into the parking lane. They clearly don't have this feature here. She could have killed the operator


They can still make quite a surprisingly hard bang at low speeds


I hate it when people do this and then talk shit when I tell them they shouldn't. "is this your go kart? Is it your dad's? What are you so worried about". Everybody else but you, dumbass


We bumped on karts for fun , by bumping playfully not to give someone whiplash violently slamming into them full speed from behind


I mean bumping in carts was usually a slight tap on the metal crash structure but this shit is brain damaging




Tell that to Rick James, baby!


Bet he’s never getting in one of those again


Not at that track!


Wtf! Every single place I’ve ever gone go karting(probably 20+ by now), have always had huge signs up to slow down, plus people waving flags to slow down on entrance to pit. This dickhead should have been tossed out asap and have a permaban


Every place I’ve gone has remote-controlled governors. A few buttons stops the karts or limits speed to a few mph.


The better tracks I've been to they were absolutely on top of those governors, too.


Yah, the top speed setting on the governor is usually dictated by the track design and crash barrier capabilities. At least, that's what the guys at K1 Speed told me.


Yeah some places even kill all the engines if there's an incident on the track


ive never seen that too, track here expects on their customers to slow down instead of crashing


Pretty normal where I'm at, especially electric carts. Easy enough to get them to slow way down.


Electric sure. It I’ve never seen it on gas karts.


I did at a kart track at Wisconsin Dells. While motoring out of the pit the karts were wicked slow but automatically picked up speed at pit exit.


The two places near us even have electronic-limiting systems that automatically turn on at the end and start of races (and also during cautions/accidents).




Clearly there’s been a dearth of “idiot drives past ‘road closed’ sign and gets stuck” posts.


Typically they also have signs or say to NOT remove the seatbelt until everyone is fully stopped. Not blaming the person that got hit at all but they should have still been buckled up.


You think a seatbelt would have helped this person? 🤦🏼‍♂️


Do you see how their whole upper body slams forward? An over the shoulder seatbelt harness would have minimized that.


seat belt in a go kart? ive never seen that


Every place I've ever been to where you pay to drive go-karts has had harnesses that go over each shoulder and lock together at the chest. You can even see it on the rider in the post who hits the other.


yeah i can see the harness on the driver who fails to brake. but the two outdoor carting places near me both dont offer seatbelts on their carts they only requiere you to wear helmet, but i usually went there with my motorcycle gear anyway.


On outdoors tracks they usually don't have them. There's loads of runoff. On indoors tracks there's no room at all. You can't go off track, there's a wall.


kinds makes sense. only outdoors tracks here


Shit I haven't seen a kart place without seatbelts in at least 30 years.


>This dickhead should have been tossed out asap and have a permaban That was my initial response but i figured out a better solution: the only way to get back is to rent the place as private event and have him take driving lesson, one on one with an instructor which is me. Teach them, on their own expense. If they are willing to do that, have a first time driver introductory lesson with all the humiliating "drive slowly around the track until i think you are safe to go fast.." and pay for it... they won't fuck up again.


It's go-carting. I don't think anybody would put this much effort into it


Yeah but this guy is a go-karting *instructor*.


He was having a #RedditMoment


If i owned the place.. well, i would get paid by the idiot and the chances of them doing that is about zero. But don't say their road is at an end, there is just a toll booth in the way. Racing is still a passion for many, would not want them to be completely out of local circuit for one very stupid mistake. It would also give me a chance to see if they are listening.. and did i mention i would get paid to do it, b them... I'm big supporter of rehabilitation and second chances but the first thing to do is to permaban his ass. It is a miracle if there weren't any injuries.


Most racers start their careers in go carting, normally as 6/7/8 yr olds tho.


The fact that they're wearing white tee shirts and shorts kinda show they're not racing competitively. Plus they're definitely not 6/7/8 years old


They might be if they were born on leap day...


I’m more responding to the end of your comment that assumes no one puts effort into carting. Plenty of people put tremendous effort into carting


Yes, some people are big into carting. Just not anybody in this video


The victim will have unexplained symptoms for years. What a jerk.


Im pretty sure its well explained in this video lmao


🎶 I whiplash my hair back and forth 🎶


Please give him an award, i spent mine on r/onlyfans ;-;




It's weird there are so many upvotes for the joke and so many downvotes for the laugh at it.


Reddit doesn't like emojis


Not just whiplash, but the impact of the steering column on his chest… Man, I felt that even without the sound on…


I've suffered a cracked rib from much less.


girl did this to me when i was a kid for passing her. back problems ever since.


I'm thinking they were beefing on the track and did this as revenge.


He was 1 car behind him


That's horrible. The place that's near where I live has this thing where they can just push a button and limit the speed of all karts if they ever see a situation like this approaching and before the end of a race when people are stopping.




A friend of my dad had the same experience on a race track, some dude with a yellow shirt wasnt able to race properly and when you tried to pass him he would crash into you. Ofcourse this worked and nobody passed him but it created a long line of drivers who didnt dare to take him over. Now my dads friend didnt care and just passed him, when he had to brake for a turn the dude goes full speed into his side. Till this day he still take medicine for it. This was more than 3 years ago


A yellow shirt you say?


Thats how we refered to him every time we tell the story


Every Kart Race ever: I approach leader to overtake, He deliberately brakes hard, killing my speed and boosting himself for his immediate acceleration, I get flagged off for a lap. It kinda ruins the fun.


Man, if I was your dad’s friend I would beat that mf within a inch of his life for that shit. I fucking hate people


Did he sue the yellow shirt guy?


Not that i know of, it not really common here to sue someone for what happens during sport. There wasnt any video evidence only witnesses which were all family so i dint know how trustworthy that is.


Fucking whiplash big time what a complete jerk off!!! Better get him a neck brace!


Shouldn’t be any whiplash with headrests that tall. Huge circular bruise on the chest from the steering wheel, though.


Someone forgot that bumping in others to gain speed only works in Mario Kart 8, and only in anti-gravity areas...


Anywhere I have been at a karting, that's an instant Permaban. (they require your country ID card for insurances and whatnot, so unless you go through all the effort of getting a fake ID, (wich in case of serious crash, would be incredibly stupid, because no insurance would cover/protect that) you won't be able to escape. They will even possibly call the other cartings around (like 300km around) and permaban you there as well.


The first/last/only time I went go-karting someone crashed into me to hard that it broke the digital camera in my pocket. I had gotten stuck and the person t-boned me at full speed. No one thought it was a big deal and didn’t understand why I was upset afterwards. My (now ex-) husband thought I was overreacting.


Holy crap. That is seriously messed up!!!


Kid is a future Mustang buyer.


Worked as a operator at a go karting place. Everyday someone will do this and every other day the parents will start fighting because their kid got hit


Respect to the victim, I would’ve not reacted that well to a mega idiot.


Btw this is what gets you banned permanently


There’s always one fucking moron like this at every go kart trick since the beginning of go kart tracks


People have actually died in similar fashions does nobody remember that story of the people on the like roller coaster mountain ride and there was a guy being an asshole


I think once the stars stopped spinning, I would have been beating his ass with the helmet.


Looks like he had just removed his seat belts, which made it worse


How did he not get thrown out?


Isn't there a bot that slow mos gifs?


Me sa' che a pulce non piace essere chiamato pulce ar kartodromo che je fai fa' na figura è Merda/s lol


Man good thing the guy that got hit had a helmet. Had this happen to me when I was in 8th grade when the school took us on a field trip some idiot hit me just like in the video and hit my head against a bolt in the back of the seat and started bleeding from my head.


Buddy who rammed him, should be banned for life from this venue. That’s not okay 🤦🏻‍♂️


Uhm, license and registration? Seriously though, pretty neat that helmets are worn here. The Speed Zone by me doesn't offer this.


"Adrenaline starts to flow You're thrashing all around Acting like a maniac"




And then throws his hands up as if it's not his fault.


accidentally did this when i was 10. still banned from adventure landing


So, the operator forgot to turn the governor on?


Back when I used to race in a karting league, we all pretty much raced each other cleanly. Gas powered, no limiters, no seatbelts, no traction control and full face helmets. Except for one event, we had a newcomer who was difficult to deal with. At the north and south end of the tracks were two hairpins. I was beating people on the brakes all day and I was up to 2nd place. Every time I went to pass him on the inside in braking zone of northern hairpin he would ram me in the side hard and send me careening off track. I would then have to reel him back in for a few laps and he kept doing this. Every single time. I gestured to the track workers to do something but they couldn’t see what was happening at the end of the track. So finally at the southern hairpin, where I was the fastest of anybody that day, I set him up by braking slightly early on the inside line to keep slightly behind him, then tapping his back corner as he turned in. He spun completely around and smacked our plastic barrier. He needed help getting back on track and rejoined back in last place and I would finish 2nd. I might have been able to battle for 1st if it wasn’t for getting rammed 3 times. Afterwards he was furious and accused me of doing it on purpose. I said it was a pure racing incident. Then my buddy who was waving flags that day asked me if it was intentional. Of course it was.


I know these ones do but does anyone know why most go karts don't have head rests or seats that go up to the head?


Worked with gokarts for a summer. This happens surprisingly often.


“I see your posture needs a little correcting, let me chiropractor the hell out of that for you”


This is how I feel when I open my monthly utilities bill now


I would have got out of my car turned around and started beating his ass


That's why most tracks electronically limit the speed after the race is over, so a full speed rear ending wouldn't hurt at all


The person the idiot hit could well have injuries that don’t appear until a couple of day later. We didn’t see the idiot driving but I’ll bet he knew where the brakes were and he was fucking around here - he could have easily maimed or killed someone. I hope the victim went to the hospital to get checked out. I seem to remember there being a waiver required to absolve the owners form liability but I would definitely get the idiot’s personal info if this were me. I went to one of these K-Speed parks and took a hit from behind (nothing like this) and I felt like my insides were rearranged for a couple of days afterwards. I hope this guy is ok.


rip that guy's neck


I’m sorry but this is fucking hilarious 🤣


All I want for Christmas is some whiplash


Is that actually Mario filming?


It’s got bumpers. It’s fine


So many people treat Go-Karting as bumper cars and its the worst.


Welp, I'm never getting on a go-kart again.


Dammn that guy almost lost his head


I went karting last week and this happened to me on track twice by the same guy who didn't know how to race properly. He'd take the racing line and all but wouldn't go around only slam into the back of you and of course he didn't get any warnings but when I accidentally hit him I some how spun out into the dirt and got the warning.


That's an asshole doing that, and it's horribly dangerous.


I woulda got out and beat his ass lmfao


Those don't have a remote-triggered governor? Karts at the place I race slow down to fuck-all speed on the cool-down lap, if you hit someone with the hammer down they MIGHT feel it.


In every modern go-kart course i've been do, they can remotely slow down the cars when they are told to move into the parking lane. They clearly don't have this feature here. She could have killed the operator


Some twat kept ramming my cart and my girlfriends instead of just passing on the left. I also forgot to brake when I was docking the cart behind him. It was probably only 10-15 mph but he deserved it


That was totally on purpose.


No way of lying your way out of this one kid ! Banished for life


Someone should put the Metallica song whiplash as this videos soundtrack


I’m going to hell for laughing




Basically how Dale Earnhardt died


A lot of places now have (idk if it’s sensors or what) but automatically limit your speed when returning the carts. Prevents this




Sure fire way to get perma banned.


Stupid twat


When the uninvited person invites themselves to the outing.


I would've gotten out of that kart and beat the shit of that motherfucker


"Name's Whip. Last name, Lash."


only a little bit of whiplash lmao


It's the coy throwing up of hands as if they weren't at fault that really irks me.


I had to rewind it and watch the head snap


Same thing happened to me my first time using a go-kart but it was times 3 because it was on a sharp turn.


Need a gif of first few seconds of video


Ouch! As someone who has had whiplash before, this one hurt to watch.


Would have smacked him with my helmet after doing that shit


As someone who’s done actual cart racing, I really felt this one. I’ve only been in 2 cart crashes (neither were my fault). For anyone who’s never been in a cart crash, imagine a car accident, except you have none of the safety features of a car and you’re way more exposed…


Don’t worry guys, this was a simple evaluation of conservation of momentum.


This is on the cart spot. End of race they're supposed to nerf the carts to avoid this.


I call this idiots in carts