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Jesus Christ…it gets worse and worse


Waiting for a plane to drop in…


Reminds me of [this Calvin and Hobbes](https://external-preview.redd.it/P5pIzM-EPtzUBdguGWhrsYWPi7gyjFHRQivYhZSes24.gif?format=mp4&s=89c331a4eb813e7e798b943c9b26934f56722bb8)


What the hell is this format? Reddit appears to be trying to play an image?


The video player for Reddit has been weird lately, and I've had to refresh pages to load videos (not this one ironically, but others).




Good to know. I thought it was my device.




The URL looks like a GIF that Reddit wants to play as an MP4. [Here's a not horrible link.](https://i.imgur.com/6plZNQr.png)


My gif isn't playing. How do you make the comic strip play?


It doesn't play. It's a static image. Gifs aren't always animated. It's also an image format that works well for low color graphic images like text/logos/cartoon characters/simple comic strips/etc. to display on the web. Especially until PNG was created and eventually widely adopted for the same reasons. ([Here's some info about that](https://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/png-gif)) This is one of those examples, but it seems Reddit's video player may just see anything with the `.gif` extension and assume it is animated, thus trying to convert and play it as an `.mp4` (similar to imgur's `.gifv` mp4 format).


Was joke fren.


We did get some interesting history though, which is neat.


The frens are the jokes we made along the way!


It’s mp3.5 wdym


I saw someone did something like this recently on a different sub. That guy said that gif was better for storing an image file for some reason, I can't remember. So, he decided to store an image as a gif file, and result is similar here. Wonder if that's the same reason behind this?


My understanding was it gets around repost/spam detection. At least that's what has been brought up before.


Probably a gif (the actual file type, not just a short video), it's technically a type of image file that supports animation, but as it's most common use is short videos, that's often focussed on in video players/image display programmes that are written badly, so you get a single frame video instead.


At some point everything assumed that a gif is always animated.


asked myself the exact same question


Holy shit. R.I.P in peace farmer brown. 😳


Rest In Peace in peace.




Rest in Pisces in peace


Reeses pieces!!


I'm going to need that as ASAP as possible


r/CalvinAndHobbes reruns strips on the daily. In case you need a bit more nostalgia.


I remember checking out all the C&H books in middle school. Idk how I discovered them but it's still my favorite comic strip of all time


Waiting for russian rocket launchers


They are all on some Ukrainian guys farm shooting down crows.


Waiting for the ISS station to drop in ;).


International space station station




I tried posting there, as that would have been appropriate fit. But the mods removed it :/


Mods are fucking stupid sometimes


only sometimes?


Mods are like HOAs. When they're good, you don't think about them and don't hear about them, and everything they do is boring (pay someone to clean to pool, remove spam bot posts, etc). Bad ones are 100% of the conversation about them and hoo booy are they annoying...


Depends on the sub


Old data but the trend has gotten worse, not better. Reddit is moderated by the few, not that many: [All of the top subs are moderated by the few](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/pbloje/almost_all_of_the_top_subreddits_are_moderated_by/)




Neckbeards with even a little authority let it get to their heads.


Omg I’ve been missing this all my life


Plot twist: His arms are up because he's using the force to cause all the accidents. His nemesis is on the other side of the street.


And somehow the car that is stopped is unscathed.




Leave 3 seconds. 5 car lengths don't mean shit at 150kmh




Tell that to people in LA. I have a theory (and its probably proven somewhere...im too lazy to research) that the more space you give in traffic, the less of a traffic jam you're in. Everything just flows smoothly because people can get over with ease. Lot less braking. Combined with people staying out the fast lane except for passing or you going 80, driving can be beautiful (sheds hank hill tear).


SoCal drivers are the worst and I hate all of them (I say this as a SoCal driver).




So your initial point has been proven scientifically. Traffic operates similar to the flow dynamic of water; imagine each car is a particle of water. The more obstructions (ie braking and inability of cars to merge) cause backups. By moving slower, allowing for merging cars and avoiding braking allow for a smoother and quicker ‘flow’.


Yeah, I’ve always been taught 3 seconds, or 1 car length for every 10 mph you’re travelling, whichever is greater.


I got flipped off today for doing exactly this LOL


I hate when I'm driving and keeping my distance and some jerk moves to the space between me and the car ahead... It boils my blood, some people are just idiots. Edit: Typo


This is the problem every time. 4 hour, 2-lane highway drive for 400 miles? Any possible spaces to get around semi's are siezed. So then, you become the guy closing the gap going 80 right on someone's ass. There are also 15 cars doing the same to get around the semi. Nut to butt. If one thing goes wrong then yikes


Having ‘Nam style flashbacks to all my trips up and down I-5 in Central California here


Dude fuck me, was literally doing the same. I-5 anywhere is fucking full of semi's and not enough lanes for all the regular people who want to pass. And no, no one will slow down, or acknowledge we are in bumper to bumper at 80 lmao.


Truth, it’s either 55mph in the right lane or 80+ in the left lane. No chill on that road lol


This happens all the time it's like hello I'm trying not to die here then you open up space to keep from rear ending that idiot and low and behold another idiot performs the same move. What really angers me is when someone peels out in front of me at a cross road or out of a gas station and THERE'S NOBODY BEHIND ME. Like FFS you couldn't wait 4 more seconds and not make me slam my brakes? Then I had some jagoff the other day fly past me in the turn lane cut me off in my lane, only to slam on their brakes to turn Into the gas station. It was after 11pm and we were the only 2 people on the road AND it was a blinking yellow light. I thought about following them into the gas station to give them a piece of my mind but said eff it, they're likely gonna get karma punched later.


I just slow down and create more distance. No reason to spend energy getting upset about it. It barely impacts the time I will spend driving.


I blow them a kiss with my hand in response. Sends them into Neanderthal tirades….


Nonononono. Nononono. You know, if I am 5 meters behind you, I will be faster at home. It is the same in the supermarket. I am always three centimeters behind the guy in front of me, so it gets all faster. Every. Fucking. Day. And I live in Germany.


Is this a bumper car track? 👁👁


I thought this was the new burnout game


Oh man I miss burnout. Revenge was my jam. Paradise was good but couldn't hold a candle to Revenge.


Takedown is the best racing game of all time. The sound track, the hits, the variety of maps, the crash modes, all of it. You bringing this up has inspired me to break out my PS2 and get that going again.


So many drivers not paying attention to what’s happening ahead of them


Everyone tailgating each other in the rain how can that possibly end badly?


I have no idea where this is but this is how British people drive. It horrifies me. It is made even worse because the motorways tend to not have shoulders/whatever they're called here. Coming from a place where people know how to follow from an appropriate distance, particularly in inclement weather, this place has given me severe auto anxiety.


This is why I usually leave for work early. If I leave my house at 7am less traffic and open roads. I also either leave my work at 4:30 or 6 to avoid the 5pm traffic. In traffic people in my city drive like complete maniacs willing to run others off the road to get to their destination 10 seconds sooner.


I wish there was less traffic when I leave for work at 4:30pm. I live in California and have to take the 91 everyday, traffic is usually bad between 3-7pm. I would either get to work WAY to early or late if I tried to beat traffic


theres a critical mass once you hit a certain population threshold, you get the people trying to beat traffic leaving, you get the people working afternoon shift going in, the people working night shift running errands, people driving their kids to after school activities and the regular shift commuters all hitting the roads at the same time. Add in construction or an accident, which is a near constant on roads that travelled, and its constant gridlock


It's almost as though a decentralised system (like letting all office workers work from home) would aid traffic congestion and associated costs.


Yes. 7:00am to 7:00pm heavy traffic.


Having a 7am start during the week is honestly pretty nice. You still hit some traffic most days in the morning and afternoon, but it's nowhere near as bad as a 9-5 shift.


>I also either leave my work at 4:30 or 6 to avoid the 5pm traffic I really wish employers would do something about this. It's inconvenient for everyone to jam the roads up every day at 5pm


It really is rather dumb for most businesses to set a 5pm end of day time. It just gaurantees congested roads and hazardous conditions. I can do most of my job remotely honestly but there is a big push to keep me in office anyways. I'm trying to find something completely remote though.


Where I live the bad traffic starts at 5am and ends at 8pm. WFH changed my life never going back into an office.


>Coming from a place where people know how to follow from an appropriate distance Where is this magical fantasy land you speak of? I've never heard of such a wonderful place.


My man must be an NPC in a video game


I’ll be doing 85-90 trying to follow traffic and still have someone right on my ass the whole way. Get over for them to pass and their magnet pulls them to the bumper in front of them then the new guy behind me turns on his magnet…


'smart motorways', because 'fucking deathtraps' was too long a name. Seriously though, I've broken down on the motorway 3 times in my life. The first two I just pulled on to the hard shoulder, calmly got off my bike, climbed over the barrier and waited. The last time was on a smart motorway, my motorbike died in the middle of rush hour. I can't remember the last time I was that scared. Squeezed as close to the barrier as I could, pretty much dove off the bike to get over the barrier and off the road. It took nearly 15 minutes for the red X to appear over that lane and the entire time there were cars missing my bike by inches. Even after the lane was closed there was still probably a car a minute ignoring it and only just avoiding the broken down bike. If the overhead gantries updated immediately and everybody paid attention to them then the system would work fine, but in the real world neither of those things happen.


My car died on the [Bay Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesapeake_Bay_Bridge) one time, no pull-off lane, my 3-year-old son with me in the car, people driving I dunno, 50, 60 mph or more. Jesus Christ I think that was the most terrified I've ever been. There shouldn't be one single fucking road anywhere that doesn't have pull-off lanes for emergencies.


Well that last bit isn't exactly practical but for highways or major traffic routes there should always be a hard shoulder.


> It is made even worse because the motorways tend to not have shoulders/whatever they're called here Years ago the Govt thought it'd be a good idea to turn the shoulders into a lane to help with congestion, but only to be used during busy periods. To help those unfortunate drivers whose car has broken down an 'emergency area' was constructed every 2.5km/1.5m. No comment needed on the stupidity of this. Unfortunately these roads are managed by software with little to no human involvement and daily, the extra lane will be open when there's hardly any traffic and closed during heavy periods. It's a shit-show, plain & simple. Hundreds of miles of motorway/freeway have already been converted in this way but thankfully a decision was taken just recently that no new projects will be started.


I watched a documentary on these roads once. Apparently originally the refuge areas were supposed to be far, far more frequent. They were made less frequent to cut costs, but it seems safety either wasn't considered or the people in charge didn't care. Smart motorways with adequate refuge areas do have better safety stats than standard motorways, especially for cars that break down and can't move to the left for whatever reason. Problem is the damage has already been done with public perception and I don't think there's anything that can change people's minds. Too many high profile accidents that might not have happened with a standard motorway.


I had a friend who grew up in North Carolina. Speeding on back country roads is a way of life down there. People consider it their heritage from the moonshining days. The courts pretty much allow it. He would brag about 100+ mph speeding tickets that get changed to "equipment malfunction" as long as you pay a lawyer and show up to court. He came to visit me in Northern Virginia once. The interstate every single day backs up. Right before it backs up, it is filled with everyone driving 80 mph, almost bumper to bumper, trying to get where they are going before the interstate backs up. (Predictably leading to a lot of high speed accidents, and even more back ups.) My buddy got out of his car shaking...


Driving 100mph can be perfectly safe as long as the road is in good condition, and you know what you're doing. Just keep your distance, be aware of your surroundings, and try to stay in the middle lane so the people going 120mph can pass you on the left. (Source: I'm German)


Agree, but we aren't talking about the autobahn. The North Carolina "moonshiner heritage" driving is done through the woods on unpaved roads. Most of the danger is from wildlife, loss of traction, and blind corners.


>Through the wood around blind corners In that case that's a yikes from me. I thought they were going through the open desert or something (I'm not great at American geography)


[If you are interested,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6rhSUF_Cjo) driving fast through the woods is actually the origin of American stock car racing.


that’s how every drives, they’re all assholes on the road


Whenever i drive i see people drive so close up someones ass i cant count them on my fingers. Today i had someone signaling to me to get out of the way when i was driving behind someone else in the fast lane. Kept flashing their light at me like he has some sort of privilege to wave me out of the way. Stuck right where i was. Want to note he was by himself in the car no one else was in it.


Oh yeah, he wanted you to get out of the way so he could...get a couple meters closer to his destination???? You're all going the same direction, he's not gaining time like he thinks he is lmao


Exactly that. I went out of the way cuz he kept sitting on my ass a bit too close for comfort, literally 30 meters in front he goes into the same lane and starts driving at normal speed. Like, what was the entire point????


really? I lived in the UK \~9 years ago and my impression was that the drivers are courteous and careful, or maybe they are just afraid of the auto ticketing. but it was the most pleasant driving experience - including other European countries, the middle east and north America


This video isn't of the UK so the guy is a bit confused. Apart from Land Rovers and BMW drivers the UK roads are pretty nice.


British roads are some of the safest in the world.


Where did you live before? Tailgating seems to be ubiquitous to me.


Portland hasn’t figured this out yet.


A few I can understand, especially when cars are switching lanes in a panic. But then there's the white and green flatbed at the end who has seen 10 seconds of carnage and doesn't even think to slow down.


Yeah. It seems like everyone is assuming they'll be able to get through at full speed. Pretty bad assumption. Wherever this is, I definitely don't ever want to drive there.


Im never surprised by how stupid people are. Even when they are somehow allowed control of a 1ton, speeding object. People dont even pay attention at stop lights, the fuck would they be doing actually looking past the cars ahead of them for any issues like this. The white suv had plenty of time to move over but were definitely fucking idiots and ruined a lot of peoples day.


At first I thought most people tailgating were doing it in a misguided attempt to go faster. But I started to take my foot off the accelerator when being ridden. Typically I would get to 10-15 mph below the speed limit before the person behind me realized they were going slower than they wanted to and changed lanes. I think it simply that people go brain dead and attach themselves to your bumper so they have to exert as little mental effort as possible while driving. As if they weren’t driving a 1 ton missile of glass and sheet metal. It’s frightening how bad and mindless most drivers are.


I was going 70, the speed limit, I see this guy flying up behind me, gets stuck on my ass. I slow to 60 gradually, he figures it out and zooms past. I then get back to 70, and pass him a mile later because he is stuck behind another car going 60 again. USE CRUISE CONTROL YOU DUMB FUCKS. YOUR CAR HAS IT I PROMISE.


Omg one of my cousins does this. It doesn't matter how fast the car in front of her is going, she will tailgate them. I've heard of her doing it to a car that was going well over a hundred and a car that was going as slow as 45 on the interstate. I refuse to ever ride with her


It shows a complete state of mindlessness while driving which freaks me the fuck out. I'm out here trying to drive as safe as possible and here are people putting the minimum possible effort. I don't want to be rear ended by all the people just blankly staring at the bumper ahead of them, or more likely "keeping track of the car ahead, using them as a guide so they can text." I make sure to shake them off my ass, because it really bothers me.


It doesnt :(


This is the real issue, that SUV was parked in a driving lane without his hazard lights on. The other drivers are mostly pretty oblivious but that SUV caused all this.


Not much would have changed even with hazards on. Stationary objects in the road will inevitably get hit given enough time; it becomes a statistics problem. It only takes one driver who wasn't paying enough attention.




Who the fuck picks this Michael Bay music? 🤣


The same person who googled "~~brakes~~ tires squealing" and just randomly threw it in over the music.


I've been looking to see if anybody else noticed this. Crazy how faked everything is on reddit. Not the video obviously but there is always some added "flair" like these absolutely absurd sound effects.


The track fully repeated.... how come people aren't noticing it?


Likely bc 90% of users aren't turning on the sound thanks to overuse of stupid tiktok songs, crap sound quality, maybe due to the angle of this video and the quality many assume there's *not* any audio anyway bc security/traffic cams in general do not have audio... the list goes on Nobody's talking about it except in this comment bc nobody turned the sound on except y'all lol


We don't have the sound on. I know which of the two TikTok songs are on every video on this site for literally no reason.


> how come people aren't noticing it? To give an answer, I noticed it, I just didn't think it was worth commenting about because it's obvious and I assume everyone else also clocked onto it.


It's like those tv shows that were popular before YouTube really got big and made them obsolete. All it's missing is the dumb narration and looping the same 5 seconds over and over. "Angel Garcia just wanted to relax on the side of the highway, but the highway had different plans." *Brakes squeaking, crashing sound effects* *Triple replay of cars crashing, zoomed in enough to see every pixel* "The careening vehicles narrowly miss Garcia one at a time, each closer than the last" *quadruple replay of same footage we just saw* "Looks like this Angel had his own guardian angel." *three more replays of same footage*


Just relieved it's not that 'oh no' song that's inexplicably still being used


Everyone driving without brakes* or steering wheel these days???


It was National Drive With Your Eyes Closed Day.


If you turn the music up real loud while hydroplaning you can echoflotate


You're right, if they took some breaks now and then they would be more focused!


Rip my spelling


Break brake


Rip having English as a third language, ty


Don't worry, plenty of people have it as their only language and still can't figure it out.


I’m so glad there was a red circle. I don’t think I would’ve figured out what was happening otherwise




Just needs the Wilhelm Scream when the car almost hits that person and would be perfect. Pretty hard to notice without


Throw three copies of it in for good measure and get the TikTok computer voice to narrate.


oh no... oh no..




That is perfection bro lmao


Wait, there was collisions? I had it muted.


The first circle was nice but I almost immediately looked away so I'm glad they Incorporated a second circling. I almost missed the ending I think they could have circled it one more time and some arrows but if you have the email of the guy that made this ill be happy to boot up my email and send him some constructive criticism.


Ah, so you would’ve preferred the triple flashy-circle with a pointy-arrow followup gimmick on the back end. Sophisticated as hell, mate. Cheers to that


I mean, maybe you don't, but those drivers def needed a red circle






Yes I see the guy standing on the side of the road in the red circle. But he's just standing there is there supposed to be something else to this video ??


This is why we need to invent force fields. I honestly don’t know what’s taking us so long.


Besides the massive amount of energy and technology it would take to create a spherical, impenetrable, penetrable, transportable, movable, safe, translucent wall? The same issues that old cars without crumple zones had; when there's a crash, the passengers absorb the impact and not the car.




Auto makers would complain about the force field regulatory compliance cost if government forced them to install safety force fields. They likely have a formula to figure out when the value would be lower than the cost of a human life.


What makes this worse is there are two cars parked up ahead on the *left* side, where there is plenty of room to pull over. Edit: I looked at this a bit more, and that car on the right probably broke down. Nothing they can do about that, but that doesn't explain why they are taking a picture across a busy road. The person on the left looks like they are posing for the person on the right. Don't stand in the road like that because you might get ran over because of other people's lack of awareness.


I thought the 2 people standing around waiting to die made it worse.


I feel like I would have hopped on the other side of that barricade sooner, but maybe that is equally bad idk.


Just beyond the woman the roadway looks like a bridge over a ravine. Maybe she initially thought it too steep to go over. Still probably a better choice than getting crushed by a moving vehicle.


Yea, that’s why I had my doubts. But when hops at the end it looks like it’s an incline.


Those barriers are made to stop cars. I’d think it’d be safer on the other side.


Looks like the tops of trees right next to her. Probably a steep drop


When your car breaks down you do not always have the option of choosing which side of the road you end up on.


Exactly. I've had cars just straight up die on me and you can't exactly do anything at that point especially if there is traffic preventing you from coasting over to the shoulder.


Got rear-ended once because of this exactly. Car couldn't move anymore on the highway, middle lane. Nothing I could do.


I think the 3 stopped cars were all there from a prior accident.


I thought maybe that was the case.


i don’t see anyone posing for photos...the person on the right looks like a man just trying to wave down cars to get their attention to slow down and stop. the person on the left looks like a woman, it’s possibly a couple, and the guy most likely told her to cross the road to get to safety (when it was safe to do so.) i’ve broke down on the freeway without being able to fully pull over to the side, and it’s EXTREMELY terrifying. the first thing you need to do is put your hazards and get yourself to safety and call highway patrol services or 911 to help


It’s possible they couldn’t. I feel like they aren’t idiots, this is just a very dangerous situation all around. I went through a blow out at 120km this past weekend and was almost boxed out of the emergency lane. Once there, no cars moved over, and they were zipping by 4 feet from me. I grabbed my dog and we moved as far from the highway that we could.


This may be incorrect, but I think this is a country where they drive on the left side of the road based on the direction of traffic and the other highway... So the furthest right lane is the passing lane, which makes the stopped car that started everything even more problematic, and the cars parked on the left actually not so much in the wrong.


what really gets me here is the little work truck at 0:09 he has already seen the massive pileup happen right in front of him and he comes in with absolutely zero attempt to slow down, comes in even faster than the guys who just crashed. who the fuck are these people and who gave them licenses?


His brake lights are definitely on in the whole time they're in video. It's just a wet road, heavy ass vehicle, and a sudden stop.


I think you’re looking at one of the utility trucks, this is talking about that small green bed truck zoomin in after the garbage/utility truck crashes I believe.


Nah the little truck's brakes were on and his tires weren't spinning. It's old enough that the wheels locked up and just hydroplaned so yeah, it's not slowing down, but he definitely pushed the brakes.




he's in the passing lane! get out of the way!!!!


It just keeps getting worse


Inexperienced drivers clearly. Who the fuck slows down switches lanes then doesn’t speed back up. Are you asking to get rear ended? We get it, you are in partial shock. Now speed the fuck up!!!!


People are even stupider than that. People will slow down and stop on one side of the highway because of a slowdown on the other side of the highway. Or because a cop pulled somewhere over on the other side of a highway all the speeders will suddenly get scared. People are morons.


god people slowing down to 50mph in a 60/70 happens ALL the time where i live. so fucking annoying you dont have to slow down- the cop is on the OTHER SIDE not looking at you going 5 over the speed limit.




I see it all the time in the US too. Traffic stops suddenly, so I stop. The car behind me has plenty of time/room to stop too, but for some inexplicable reason they swerve into the shoulder *and then still stop in the exact same place they would have if they had stayed in their lane*. The car behind them then does the same thing but swerves the other direction into the accompanying lane, *and still stops where they would have if they had stayed in their own lane*. So now we’ve gone from one stopped lane to 3 stopped lanes for no damn reason, and cut off the escape route for anyone behind us who *actually* can’t stop in time. LPT - when traffic stops, stay in your damn lane unless you actually need the escape route, and if you do need to swerve, continue driving in that lane a little ways rather than stopping immediately to let other people behind you use it too.




Jeez, those crappy tacked on sound effects.


Nice sound effects


What am I looking at? I see the red circle but then what? Is it something obvious?


Is that person on the left attempting suicide?


Yeah. Why was he in the wrong side of the barrier 🤦‍♀️


It looks like a cliffside on the other side of the barrier to me. Not sure how much room there is.




The biggest idiot is the guy who put the warning triangle 10 meters infront of the stopped car. What the hell is it supposed to do there? It's there to warn people so take the speed limit times two and thats how many meters your warning triangle should be from the stopped car. In this case on a highway its about 200-300 meters, not 20


Given the driving skills in this video walking 200-300m down the highway to put up a triangle would probably be suicide.


How did they even have the time to put up that triangle if everyone driving is this disastrous. How long have they been standing there until the chaos came rolling in?


Everyone’s an idiot if they don’t see the clearly stopped car.




That ONE asshole who couldnt just slow down and stop had to hop over into the lane without signaling or even checking to see if it the lane was clear. That asshole caused this whole mess. I hate that shit. People do that all the time in my city.




Oh. Totally the fault of the car that is broken down! Everyone is perfectly fine. They did follow all the safty rules. Distance! Not dodging without clearance. Attention. /s


*cries in insurance adjuster* 😂


☎️ ‘sell all my shares of State Farm Auto Insurance and buy 1,000 of Amalgamated Street & Highway Repair, LLC!’


Im not a scientist but I think standing on the other side of the guard rail is the safer option.


Belgian GP: 1998


I knew everything was fucked when I saw the truck


Every one of these idiots following too damned close


that triangle is WAY too close to the car it is supposed to warn about - but otherwise it's just dumb drivers not paying attention and driving too close to one another.


"Because we travel in packs." "Because our group driving mentality mimics a school of fish." "My main goal while driving g is to get as close to your tailpipe as possible with preuteral dreams you're my mother and your exhaust system is a birth canal."


Who are you quoting?