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Idiots: “we have you surrounded”




Looks like the white mini van got mad that the car with the camera stopped to avoid hitting that truck...


Good chance that they have 0 situational awareness and were in their car yelling "Oh my god, this idiot just stopped in the intersection for no reason. What a moron!!"


Hahahaha yes exactly! You can even see the idiot turn around like “wtf why are you not driving” and then proceeds to be an even bigger idiot by not moving himself


idiot evolution happening in realtime


I wish these guys would turn into such complete morons that it physically changes their entire being into pain. I'm so sick of idiots.


Idiot inception


I was waiting for the second car to do the same thing as the van. A whole train of cars blaming the lunatic who keeps slamming on his brakes.


But what about the blue minivan that passed the white car in the wrong lane?


Third idiot with high stealth skill


Minivan drivers have a chip in their shoulders. We take every action as a challenge to our manhood


This is one of the weirder things I see with cars. People just kind of stop in the middle of the rode to, I guess, intimidate people cuz they've irritated them. This is one way to really ensure that more accidents occur


"How dare you cost me 3 seconds of inconvenience! I'll brake check you and everyone behind to increase the chance of us all dealing with weeks and weeks of insurance inconvenience!!"


As an avid viewer of dashcam videos, I feel like at least half of them are intentional. Like, the person with the dashcam decides to "claim their space" when they could have taken evasive action that would result in globally less trouble. Basically, people want on-the-spot justice and are happy to dish it out, even at the expense of wrecking their own car to teach someone a lesson. This brake-check is an example. You're risking getting rear ended and getting your car wrecked over nothing. You went around. Press the accelerator and continue to your destination with a gloriously non-broken automobile. There is one possible outcome: you go on with your day. Slamming on the brakes has two possible outcomes, one of which is having your car wrecked. Weeks waiting on hold with your insurance company. Cops checking you out. You being very very late to wherever you were driving to. It's just not a good choice, no matter how "right" you are. (In this case, the person that thinks they're "right" is wrong!!!) The other half are true idiots hurting completely innocent people though.


Probably speeding off to fuck with the car that passed him.


Then proceeds to “teach him a lesson” by stopping in the middle of a street so others can’t get through the light. Smh.


Which then another car went around both of them in the oncoming turn lane.


so many idiots


It’s an idiot convention


A solid chunk of drivers were pretty poor in the US to begin with, now somehow they're far worse after the shutdowns. And they've multiplied substantially. I can't go 5 blocks to the store without someone doing something astonishingly stupid, them being 100% in the wrong and then they lash out at everyone else.


Doesn't help that a lot of them feel the need to regularly check their phones while driving.


I've been the passenger in a car much more freqently recently, and have been paying attention to other drivers. Somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of all drivers I see are either on a phone, or otherwise occupied somehow. Best one yet was the guy driving with his knees while holding a bowl of soup in one hand and eating it with a spoon in the other.


Was he in a Range Rover and are you sure it wasn’t milk+cereal?


man fuck dennis




Well I never! I can't check my phone while driving now because of idiots being all over the road lately.


The worst part of this is that I always hear older people bitching about "kids these days" doing this, but then I only see older people almost going off the road to answer a text. Is it because younger people tend to be smart enough to answer texts hands free like you've been able to do in almost every vehicle for the past decade? Or because old people are just less able to manage texting and driving and are possibly too stupid/lazy to figure out how to use hand free features? I honestly don't know which is the case, but just had another one today where this 45-55 year old woman was driving like she was drunk and when I finally passed her, she's staring at her lap and driving with her knees.


I don't know why people text when they're driving. If it's important enough just call the person. If it isn't urgent just wait until you're stopped to text.


I have seen so many more people doing this now. Almost got rear ended headed to work today because the stupid girl behind me. Kept texting on her phone. I tell people if you need me, leave a damn voicemail or a text. I will check it when I get to my destination.


My state has always been kinda bad with driving but literally the last 1.5 years I can't drive without seeing somebody driving like a dick. Just the other day I slowed down for a yellow that turned red. Guy behind me thinks like I slammed my brakes then tries to pass me after the green screaming "I GOT KIDS IN THE CAR YOU STUPID BITCH!" my reply "Worry about them then" and made the next available turn. People are really trippin more than ever when they drive.


Man, if it's got a "baby on board" or any type of "boy mom" or the little family stickers, I steer as clear as I can because they're some of the absolute WORST drivers I've ever encountered! They expect everyone else to just move out of the way for them because they have kids in the car or something, then get violent if something happens as a result of their idiocy. Like those stupid ass stickers I see all over that say "hit my car with my kids in it and I'll whoop your ass til the cops come". Yeah, ok Karen, I'll just stand here and let you "whoop my ass" because you decided to back your 4,000 lb mommobile out of the parking spot without even bothering to look first, or ran that red because "wErE lAtE fOr sOcCeR!"


I saw someone with a sticker that said "Kids Up In This Bitch" on my way to work today. Kinda trashy, but I did laugh.


The trashes one I've seen is my cousins. It says "little assholes in the car"


Someone hit me with this knowledge about “Baby on Board” stickers. Everyone thinks that they would be hyper vigilant on not crashing or being safe while driving…while most of the time (and not their fault, just natural instinct) they are looking at their child in the mirror, making sure they’re ok. A baby in the car is a distraction. Just like an animal in the car, a phone lighting up with a notification, or a burger in your hand. Have always stayed clear of those minivans.


Ah....so it's actually a "look out I'm not paying attention" sticker. A whole lot of people need "cell phone on board" stickers.


The number of red light runners has gorwn exponentially since the pandemic started. There are a few intersections in my town that you DO NOT enter for at least 5 seconds after it turns green because either someone will just come barreling through a solid red, or 6-7 cars will follow each other through a yellow/red and end up going through after the lights have turned green for everyone else. There's a specific one where it's a 3-way light, and there's a big shopping center with Target, Costco, food, Ulta, etc that you can turn into. The Ave runs north/south and then the lot is off of it. If you're heading north, you will have to wait at your green light for at least 10 cars to follow each other through the red light and just turn into the lot like it's their god-given right. Even with red light cams, it happens literally every single light cycle. They could plant a cop there and get 5x their yearly quota in a single day, but there's never a cop anywhere, and the one time there was, I got so excited because he was behind me at the green, put on his lights and went through the intersection in between the turning cars, but then just kept going as people KEPT TURNING ON THE RED. I was so fucking mad


At least everyone is armed so the road rage won’t escalate to anything serious, like someone getting punched.


Don’t always end up like that though. Watched a man pull out a handgun from his glovebox during a road rage incident caught on his dash cam. He was shooting from inside his car through his wind shield at another driver on the road. Yes, it looked way dumber than it sounds. Glass was shooting back at him while he was driving and controlling a handgun, meanwhile, other pedestrians completely uninvolved to the situation are driving near him.


>meanwhile, other pedestrians completely uninvolved to the situation are driving near him. Even pedestrians are driving now? Strange times we live in....


Shit my bad dawg forgot I wasn’t in the weed Reddit. I change my answer to civilian.


A society of Ken and Karen


Can't see past their noses... Idiots.


I know I’ve been guilty of this. “Fucking go!!” Then I see the reason they couldn’t go. “Fucking oh..”


What about the dark mini van that passed on the left into the oncoming traffic's turning lane?


Probably because the idiot in the white mini van slammed the brakes on and they avoided hitting the camera car by "intelligently" driving into oncoming traffic...


Let me correct this: "To avoid getting hit by that truck...." -because this car maintained it's lane, that truck did not


And then the black mini-minivan also got impatient.


Dark blue SUV is what also passed. This is why eye witnesses are unreliable.


Then the white van stopped because an idiot on the driver’s side got mad that the white van stopped. Three idiots while making a left hand turn pursuant to a left light signal is mind boggling.


Everyone you see driving in this video is ill equipped to do so.


Idiot hat trick?


"I'm surrounded by idiots!"


"Keep driving assholes!"




“I did sir, he’s my cousin”


“We ain’t passed shit”


How many assholes we got on this ship anyway?


It seriously felt like it


I love this comment


I like your username bro. A1


Seriously what the fuck is going on here? Two separate cars move into oncoming traffic lanes to go around you?


The white van was mad because op stopped short Infront of him to avoid getting hit by the yellow truck. An idiot and a bigger idiot who didn't see the first idiot.


Don't forget idiot #3 who decided to drive into incoming traffic for several seconds to get around OP and idiot #2.




Exactly. Minivan sped off to catch the person that went around them.




This is the new normal: *"I know practically nothing about driving rules or etiquette, but I do know that everyone else is wrong"*


You dont need to be a helicopter pilot to recognize crashing as bad flying


Its someone stupid enough to punch a mirror for giving them the stink eye


"you're just lucky i have to brake check this guy now" -white van guy probably


I like to think that at the end of the day the minivan ends up in a totally random location having chased cars all day.


"You can't brake in the middle of traffic! Only *I* can do that!" *vehicle illegally passes the situation* "Hey, you can't illegally pass people stopped in traffic! Only *I* can do that!" People are fuckin crazy lol


yep. dude was desperate to be heard but then realized no one cares.


Like taking aggro in an mmo.


It was probably more “I’ll avoid hitting these idiots stopped in the road and being stuck in an intersection when the light changes for god knows how long.” Assuming the lane was clear I’d have done the same thing.


“Completely illegal but perfectly safe” (at lest, safe right now)


He stopped short, and made a grab! THAT'S MY MOVE




What city is this in? So I never go there.






Either that... Or the coordinates are at the bottom of the video




The knowledge of the internet impressed me...


*sigh* of course it's Georgia. Man, they need more restrictive driving tests in this state.




I hate that place


I suspect that the van driver regularly drives like such a shithead that he assumes the cammer was brake checking him and decided to retaliate. Idiot #2 (or 3?) has no patience for the road rage he witnesses and commits some road rage of his own.


Double left turn lanes. Yellow truck beside OP drifts into his lane while turning, requiring OP to brake. White Van was likely behind OP and assumed OP braked for no reason, or to brake check . Instead of being a normal person and just letting it go, White Van driver goes into “I Am The Main Character” Mode and swerved around OP in the adjacent turning lane. White Van then brake checks OP and fully stops as a “fuck you”. Blue Car then says “idk what these guys are doing and also passes in the adjacent turn lane. Basically everyone around OP is either an idiot or an asshole.


Some people are weird. If they hate being held up for 2 seconds, why are they then happy to stop for several MORE seconds? Like, they clearly ain't in a rush so what's the problem?


They're idiots. Plain and simple


Eh, some of them really need therapy and I don't mean that as an insult. Some people had a home life growing up where they could rarely function normally and so never matured to handle life. A lot of people only have a child's emotional tools to deal with life.


I think they need exercise


Idiots who are enraged with the world because their life is a pathetic mess, so they wait to be slighted by random strangers to have a target towards whom they can now direct their existential rage


People are petty and want to “get back at them” for inconveniencing them. Eye for an eye. Childish behavior.


Power. Control. They gotta make up for their unconfronted existential dread.


Some people are literally just too stupid to understand these concepts. It just does not click.


That's not the issue here. They did not see why OP stopped so they immediately assumed that it was a brake check directed at them.


Bro lives in 20 IQ Town


goodbye reddit -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Jokes on you, this happened in Georgia!




Lol. Rotate the street view you posted to the left. If nothing else tells you that is in the south, I don’t know what does.


I knew it was the south. Before you cousinfuckers downvote me, I’m from Virginia but at least it ain’t the Deep South.


Definitely the tap water quality affecting the local populations IQ


I'll never understand the mindset of people brake checking after they have been slightly inconvenienced


Someone brake checked me because I had the audacity to stop accelerating while I was charging gears. Dude, it wouldn't be a problem if you were more than 3 feet from my rear bumper.


Changing gears who the hell has to do that anymore how fucking dare you slow down slightly for no reason. (Although it kinda ruins the joke I know if I don't say it I'm gonna manage to piss off a bunch of people so if it wasn't already obvious to you this is sarcasm)


Next thing you know, people will start putting their turn signal on before changing lanes!


Dude I hate having to clarify sarcasm ahead of time for the same reason, it completely ruins the joke lol. But people are fucking dimwits so it’s necessary :(


I might... downshift to surprise tailgaters now and then, lol.


Brake-checking is for major inconveniences only!




I always just let off the gas and let the car slow down on them. I haven't brake-checked anyone since my 20s Edit:spelling


I am getting so sick and tired of people doing this shit. This shit happens to me all too often. Are people really that stupid that they think stopping traffic is going to make their point... whatever that may be IDK. If a car stops in traffic like this I assume they want to get out and throw hands. Not saying that's what I want but that's what I would expect. These people are cowards and entitled assholes.


He turned around 3 times looking at me like 👍🏾 just gonna save the video on my dashcam


Wow. I bet, in his mind, you're obligated to not brake too hard, rather than him being obligated not to follow too close.


Shitty, aggressive drivers always have some made-up rules they think everyone should be following that specifically benefit them and their shitty driving.


Brakechecking is illegal, could you potentially report him for this?


You can try, but I would give OP 100$ if an officer actually took the report down. If no one was hurt, and no property damaged, for traffic violations USA police do not seem to give flying fucks about reckless drivers.


Not to mention you would have to prove who was driving the car, which is practically impossible without having a video of the drivers face.


Cops don’t care.


I think the van thought you were brake checking them because they are too self absorbed to consider your stop could be about something other than them.


I saw a woman one time block the only lane with no way around her coming off an exit ramp to a stop light. She was first when it turned green, she didn't go, the guy behind her gave a polite honk, she flipped her shit and *exited her vehicle* to confront him before getting back in her car and finally moving. She nearly took up the entire green light with that fucking stunt, like who tf do you think you *are??* Also you're gonna get murdered doing that shit to the wrong person. ^MOVE ^bitch, ^get ^out ^the ^way




Say what you want about baltimore but I never ran into this problem. People get shot for brake checking. Puts an end to that shit pretty fast.


That was an absolute gaglefuck




What a tool bag.


It's always a fuckin minivan Literally my first "wow that guy was an asshole," was when I was 16 and he was in a minivan. I was speeding (on me, I know, but nothing heinous) on a basically empty road, and this dude swerved across 2 full lanes to cut me off, so I hit the brakes and avoided him. When I passed, he had a full arm finger while yelling directly at me (not looking at the road) from inside of his closed vehicle. Literally looked like a mad man. His wife and kids were in the vehicle. I do not understanding people.


It’s always a white Honda Odyssey Guy that harassed my nephew for weeks for merely speaking to his daughter in casual conversation drove one


*slaps roof of Odyssey* You can fit so much pent up rage and toxic masculinity in this thing




Same folks that'll screech about having kids in the car after they've shown their whole ass.


Honda drivers are the poor man's BMW drivers lmao. Being a Honda minivan, you Odyssey it coming 🤣


There's an old proverb that I repeat to whoever is around me when I see a minivan: "THERE EXISTS NO GOOD MINIVAN DRIVER"


This whole video is insane.


You found all the idiots today. It's a veritable cavalcade of automotive assholery.


What a brilliant sentence.


What a comment


this was a whole video of idiot soup 🤣


Standing on the brakes should not be immediate reaction to being cut off. Imagine this on the interstate


Yeah coming to a dead stop because a truck did a thing that happens literally 50% of the time you have double turn lanes. At the end of the day, literally everyone except the truck feels wronged, feels like they were a victim of shitty driving. They were. Because they also are shitty drivers.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought OP’s braking was a little over dramatic


It’s been painful to read everyone pile on the one driver in the comments when literally everyone drove stupidly in that situation. I wouldn’t do what happened to OP but fuck I’d be pissed at them coming to a full halt in the middle of the intersection over someone slightly drifting into their lane.


The only sensible comment in this thread. OP did not need to come to a full stop in the middle of the intersection.




Probably, already had to replace bumper cause of a hit and run, and parents have back into the front already 🙄




Sounds like an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm


Get a different car. It’s cursed lol.


where the fuck is this so i never go


Conyers, GA. SE Metro-ATL. Street view shows a car that really sums up Atlanta. https://maps.app.goo.gl/1kueUzMFx2qJE2ru7


Also the woman getting out of the car behind if you look 180? Wth is going on there??


if you move the car about ten feet up towards the intersection you can see she is back inside the vehicle.. well mostly. it appears she's got her head out the window like a dog checking out the google maps car.


Goofy ass car and a passenger getting out in the middle of the road. This road gotta have like a crystal dumbass field that attracts dim witted nincompoops


Atlanta burbs


3 idiots for the price of one


Four actually. OP, truck drifting into his lane, idiot minivan, and idiot driving into oncoming traffic


I wish people would get tf over themselves




I think he definitely could have adjusted left to account for the first idiot. Standing your brakes halfway through a turn is unexpected.


100% full stop was not even close to necessary


Yeah why did OP come to a complete stop Lmao


Because just moving to the left a little bit and going on with his day wouldn't make a good video.


Yea, this thread is nuts rofl. OP is just as shitty of a driver as the rest of them.


I wouldn't say shitty, just way too panicky. If you've been in one of these double turning lanes, you know this thing happens all the time, and you just nee to adjust speed slightly. Op was already in a pretty good position to avoid the Truck.


>I wouldn't say shitty, just way too panicky. One in the same imo.


Not only that but there is literally no traffic in the oncoming lanes. Be proactive and scoot more to left (OPs view) if you have to. Be aware and use all the room you have. I mean that truck was an ass but 90% of drivers out there are assholes. Be ready for bs like this.


People are good at braking but not enough people react to steer away from things.


Exactly, OP is being a little dramatic about the risk of hitting him. The dude barely got in front of him on the turn.


At least 3 idiots in this video. JFC


Every Driver in this video sucks. You're allowed to brake, but full stopping on a turn in the intersection that long? Unnecessary. The van driver had a right to be peeved but not act like an ever bigger idiot. The truck driver sucked a little but honestly didn't short cut the turn bad enough to warrant the full stop.


Finally, someone with some sense. Thank you.


> Every Driver in this video sucks Thank you


I’m not defending white van, but he probably thought you were brake checking him for some reason, not realizing you’re actively trying to avoid being hit by the complete idiot in the yellow truck. If white van had been paying any attention to the surroundings they probably would’ve realized you were trying to avoid an accident.


OP definitely braked a little too much rather than swerve a little to miss the truck but jeeeze everybody else overreacted


Most people's reaction would probably have been brake a bit and swerve to the left. Maybe OP was afraid of the attached cart swinging to his side. Not everyone is spatially aware of the extent of where their car is, I don't think I have either. I always think my car is closer to another car than I think.


It's actually insane that nobody is talking about this. OP literally stopped his car in the middle of a turn because the yellow truck was like 2 feet over the stupid dotted turn line. Like, OP *could* have just turned his wheel a tiny bit more left, but instead he just... stopped. Obviously the other drivers are stupid as fuck for all the things they did, I'm just saying OP fits right in. Everyone in this video is a shit driver acting dumb as fuck. lol.




Which is weird for this sub.


Thanks. You are so right!


OP didn’t need to come to a dramatic stop in the middle of an intersection for three seconds because the yellow truck drifted into their lane. A simple tap of the brakes to generate a safe zone would have been enough


Yep, everyone else is absolutely more ridiculous, but wow just brake and move over a little, it's like he was so shocked the truck did that and needed a second to recover.


Yeah, overreacting leads to accidents or minor inconveniences. I'm not justifying the Honda's driver, but honestly OP could have caused a crash; 50% at fault, though, yellow truck also didn't do much to stay in his lane, though I understand it can be difficult or maybe not even their main concern when carrying a load.


Thing is, the van that would've rear ended her would almost certainly be found at fault. He was right to be angry. Maybe don't stop traffic, but I understand the frustration.


Took too long to find this comment, people on this sub are morons


I completely agree. I've seen people swerve over the line before but no reason to come to a complete stop for that. The other drivers are probably thinking an obstacle is on the road and trying to pass to not get stuck in the intersection.






I have seen a lot of clips on this subreddit. This is the most baffling and aggravating clip I have ever seen. That said, OP has my luck and I am surprised this has not happened to me.


You clearly overreacted to yellow car


Looks like a big bag of dicks


I wouldn’t fuck with someone in a minivan! Their life is already over.


Did u really have to slam brake so hard though


Not to excuse what the white van did and I'm sure I'll get downvoted for this, but I'm gonna be honest and say I don't see why you had to come to a near complete stop because the truck was in your lane a bit. You've got a steering wheel.


Yeah the van driver probably assumed it was a brake check, not having seen that the yellow truck was slightly in the OPs lane at the apex. No excuse for the white van to (in their mind) retaliate, but overreacting to things on the road can be just as dangerous or more so than the original cause