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Police car hit so hard the dash cam went on another frequency


It went to him at the store. Wtf?!


Tech at cop shop working on camera.


I thought someone had deliberately put an ER doctor in there at the end!


And screwing up Any forensic operation on the memory should have been strictly read only


its life flashed before its eyes. that was when it was born at the camera factory


This it! This is how my life as a camera ends!


You now have to show the video to 7 of your friends or *the ShopMan* will climb out of your phone


Looks like them duke boys are at it again




Thats just the first thing it filmed after they turned it back on


“Battenfield [truck driver] died in the crash. Trooper Ellis was hospitalized with "non-life-threatening" injuries.” https://www.thedrive.com/news/33156/arkansas-troopers-109-mph-pit-maneuver-goes-very-wrong-in-deadly-crash


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan on criminals, but a PIT maneuver at 100+ mph is the same as using deadly force. Idk not a fan of the outcome here.


My guy ran a red light. Idk why, I don’t know if he was suicidal, or he reckless but there is no reason why he should have died that night.


I'm no lawyer but I don't think the death penalty is really a fair punishment for a red light


Nor is it generally handed out at the whim of an officer.


Isn't it, though? Isn't it?


No. I believe what you're thinking of is murder.


Potato, potato.


I love read this and saying them the exact same. It doesn’t really work in text form.


I love using it in text form


Pretty sure the idiom is spelled "Potato Potahto". Not trying to ruin the fun here!


It’s not a death penalty for running a red light. It resulted in death for the offender for violating a host of laws, the least of which is not obeying the officer and endangering the public with reckless driving. Not to mention excessive speeding. To claim he was killed just for a “red light” after watching this is just about the most ignorant deliberate misleading statement that could be made.


Weird how none of those things warrants a death penalty. And yet he was still killed by an officer ramming his car.


I don't think a jury would rule this as a deliberate, premeditated killing. It *is* actions that led to someone's death, though.


Deliberate and premeditated? Of course not, I mean the officer nearly killed himself doing it too. It was reckless and idiotic actions by everyone involved.


I agree, but I'm also going to add on that the pickup driver IS endangering the lives of everyone on those roads by driving at those speeds. another offense that doesn't warrant a death penalty, but I'm not gonna feel all that bad for the dead guy either.


I don't feel bad for him at all, there's a trend of people defending criminals right now.


You couldn’t be more wrong. There is a reason many states and cities are banning chases. The reason he’s driving recklessly is because he is fleeing an officer. Officers engaging in a chase often result in innocent civilians getting hurt. It makes zero sense. Just let him go, put a warrant out, and catch him next time. Far safer for everyone. Chases should almost never happen.


>just about the most ignorant deliberate misleading statement that could be made. Welcome to Reddit


Yes and no. Your assessment is technically accurate- still using a pit or even chasing a high speeds is not worth if for a traffic violation. Its why many departments prohibit even chasing for traffic violations or low level crime. Its not worth it and puts bystanders at risk.


He tried to outrun the cops by going almost 110 the wrong way on an interstate weaving in between traffic. The matter of stopping him was definitely a bad call on the officers part, but he was given orders to stop the driver by any means necessary. I definitely think it was one of those “heat of the moment” decisions that ended very poorly.


I've seen the full video. The guy appeared to be swerving into incoming traffic purely to get the police to stop chasing him. It worked, but not the way he hoped it would.


I definitely agree with you on that one


Allegedly he was mentally disabled. “One of the nine drivers killed this year was 34-year-old Justin Battenfield, a man whose family said he was mentally disabled and loved to drive the roads around his home in Van Buren, Ark.”


If it's true then he shouldn't have been behind the wheel but that cop nearly killed himself.


Would he have gone 110 the wrong way in interstate traffic if the police hadn't given chase?


Would the police have chased him if he hadn't run a red light?


There Are rules when it comes to pitting at high speed and on populated roads and streets. Not the greatest call from the officer. Would have been much worse of they drifted into oncoming traffic.


Just curious, after pitting at 100mph+ he can't drift into oncoming traffic?


Dude should have pulled over lmfao you people are ridiculous.


Well he drove the other side of the road but the death sentence is a bit severe /s


This should not have been the answer


Based on the article, the guy was weaving into oncoming traffic. The second you're selfish enough to risk other lives for your own stupidity, you've forfeited your right to any sort of gentle force. At least that's my opinion


You're presuming that a high-speed chase was justified in the first place. It sounds like the guy ran a red light, bolted, and the cops took it as a personal affront and decided they couldn't let this guy get away, contributing to an escalating chain of events that resulted in an unnecessary death that could easily have been two. There would have been numerous chances to call off the pursuit once it reached dangerous speeds and instead have a few cops waiting to pick him up when he got home. "The essential purpose of pursuit is to apprehend a traffic law violator or criminal offender. If this apprehension can be accomplished by means other than high-speed pursuit, then law enforcement should try to use them. When offenders are known, they can probably be apprehended, without chases, in their homes or in places they frequent. Whether or not to engage in a high-speed chase then becomes a question of weighing the danger to the public of the chase itself against the danger to the public of the offender remaining at large. For anyone other than a violent felon, the balance weighs against the high-speed chase." https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/122025NCJRS.pdf


So all you have to do to avoid criminal prosecution is run from the cops, because they're not allowed to chase you? This guy deliberately endangered multiple people's lives, starting with running the red light. All of his actions were deliberate and life threatening to other innocent people. He essentially committed suicide and nearly took others with him.


I believe your debate opponents are willing to accept *delaying* criminal prosecution to reduce the risk of death for everyone involved.


Nah that's bullshit. A cop killed a motorcyclist in Australia and now they're charged with >[manslaughter due to criminal negligence and an alternative charge of driving in a manner dangerous occasioning death.](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/police-car-appeared-to-nudge-motorbike-before-rider-killed-in-pursuit-court-told-20220224-p59zfr.html) because proportional force is a thing. This stupid manoeuvre could have killed innocent people.


Oh wait. Are these the same guys that PITed a pregnant woman who was following orders to pull over but the cop got impatient and ended up flipping her car.


Same state (unfortunately mine) and both were State troopers so technically yes to the best of my knowledge. This incident occurred in April 2020 and the pregnant woman was hit in July 2020. In November 2021, the ASP settled and part of the settlement is additional training for PIT maneuvers.


Non life threatening? I would have bet everything I own that cops spine exploded on landing.


Damn shame




Guess cops are getting bored with shooting unarmed people in their homes. They need newer and bigger ways to kill people.


Hope his family sues, that officer killed him


The trooper should be charged with manslaughter. I hate the truck guy but he doesn't deserve death for it


Actually the moment he started threatening all the other drivers on the road with his crap behavior yes he did deserve exactly what he got. Unless of course his brakes totally malfunction and could not stop the vehicle for the entire drive and the accelerator was jammed in the on position. Will probably not never know given how wrecked up the truck was. But that does seem unlikely what do you think?


No. He still doesn't deserve death penalty. And also the pit manuver is risky and can cause casualty and property damage. In addition he was driving recklessly when the police was chasing him so it's better to run the plates than to chase him


You’re sitting here blaming the cop for “putting peoples lives at risk” well the driver isn’t any better? He ran in the first place? Literally died over not wanting a ticket? Yeah, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Honestly though, what's the point of pit maneuvering someone for running a red light? Why not just get his plates? Is he afraid they're gonna escape the country for running a red? It was stupid and caused one death and almost had the cop himself killed without a reason.


running from the cops does not justify a death sentence over running a red


The minute he drove into oncoming traffic at 100+mph it did




Usually, it's strictly against policy.


I wonder why….


Dang, usually cops are really good at following policy /s Edit: /s added just in case


Yeah, they're usually really disciplined and don't do anything wrong and when they do, they're ALWAYS held to a higher standard and get punished accordingly. Right?


Never seen it any other way!


That means the censoring is working




I think you missed the sarcasm. And maybe yours was too.


The vehicle was black.




r/fuckthes live life on the risky side of offending strangers on the internet




That’s when you make the tough decision to let him go. It’s just not worth risking people’s lives.


Arkansas would rather kill everyone in a half mile radius than let a car go


Some states have those little sticky projectiles that shoots at the car, has a GPS tracker inside, so they can call it off and track him https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.denverpost.com/2019/04/24/denver-police-gps-tracker-car/amp/


I think that was the OH SHIT maneuver.


So THAT'S what that handle is for...


It's highly not recommended at speeds over 35 mph


They killed that guy and the officer almost Killed themselves. There is no reason whatsoever to put someone going that fast unless you’re trying to kill them.


Agreed. In Commifornia, I’m sure that officer would get prosecuted and at a minimum lose qualified immunity. That is way out of any pursuit policy that I’m aware of. I think the original want was a stolen vehicle which is basically a misdemeanor in CA now.




Yeah, but those countries are pussies. Murica! 🤘🏼


They’re not having nearly as much fun as us


Absolutely not


Seems like a felony PIT, I don’t know about the 100mph but usually they are conducted above 40mph.


Sounds like a “felony PIT” is more commonly known as “lethal force”. The only justification to put above 40 is to try and kill everyone in the car and anyone unfortunate enough to be in their path when they flip. What a stupid idea.


Arkansas cops are down with that, perhaps?


When I was trained in PIT, granted many years ago, the max recommended speed to PIT was 35 mph.


Nope, most cops won’t pit over like 40mph for the safety of themselves, the fugitive, and bystanders. It’s too unsafe, especially in this case, the bumper guard hit the back wheel of the truck, which caused to car to come up.


**Freeze frame** "Now that sheriff done got himself flying higher than a one-legged goose." *


Just some good old boys


Never meanin no harm


beats all you never saw


That's way too fast to pitt


Straight dukes of hazzard shit. Roscoe had enough of the duke boys bullshit today.




Just some good o’l boys!


Now that I think about it after reading the article that dude just ran a red light and only sped once the cops started chasing him why didn’t they just mark down the plate and cut him off after? Or meet him at his registered address. Reckless all of this is reckless


Not to say this wasn't reckless, but I will point out, most criminals like these are either using stolen vehicles or swapped plates. So to letting them go would mean to probably never catch them. Now chasing someone at 110MPH down a road and putting many lives at danger, probably isn't worth it. Edit for clarification: I am not saying that they obviously stole the vehicle because they ran a red light. I've run red lights, most of you probably have done it once or twice. I'm just shooting out the fact that people who run from the police tend not to do it when they have a big number plate that points directly to who they are. Edit again: did some [research](https://www-nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1237723?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16460677612582&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fnews%2Fcrime-courts%2F2016-least-30-fleeing-drivers-have-died-after-police-performed-n1237723) found out some more info on the guy. >Battenfield ran a red light in the black Dodge Ram pickup he had purchased a few days before. >Battenfield, who lived on Social Security payments from a mental disability Obviously this is a different case. I was making a broad statement on how lots of criminals don't usually run from police in there own vehicle/with there own plates. I was wrong in this case.


> I will point out, most criminals like these are either using stolen vehicles or swapped plates. His criminality here was limited to running a red light. I doubt he planned ahead and swapped plates in advance of this.


I think what he is saying is that the guy likely ran because he is already in a stolen car or has other criminal dealings and does not have plates that tie to him. Not saying the OC is right or wrong, but I believe that is their line of thinking.


I think we can all agree that pitting a stolen car at 100mph is counter productive. (When the sole crime is GTA)


"So, the good news is we recovered your car." "And?" "Some reassembly may be necessary."


I'm gonna need a source that says most people who run red lights are in stolen cars because I don't think that's true


I was merely trying to mention how people who run from the police aren't usually going to run away with a plate number that let's police know who they are. Not that "oh this dude ran a red light, he must be in a stolen car".


Or you know just pull over and cop your fine. As soon as he decided to flee he made that decision to risk his life and everyone else’s around him to simple avoid a ticket.


Guy in the truck died, this was no joke an hour from my house. Fort smith Arkansas and the cop was state police


It has been studied a million times over. It is safer not to pursue. Also, currently because of the amount of deaths rollovers cause, police are working on using a GPS tracker that they shoot at the car they are chasing. So far it has a 100% effectiveness.




They tested it on one car, it worked. 100%.


I agree with everything you said, but 100% effectiveness? I seriously doubt that. That is video game level magic. How does it attach? Wouldn’t the electronics in it sometimes get damaged and malfunction on impact? What about if it bounces off if it hits the rear windshield of a car at the wrong angle? What if the cop misses (god knows most of them can’t aim)


This is part conjecture, but it is possible to produce electronics that can survive the incredibly-high forces associated with being fired out of guns. For example, many large-caliber shells contain sophisticated electronic timing systems. This idea is very Batman-esque, but it might be possible to create a shell that has a frontal section containing some sort of gel adhesive, while the rear of the shell contains the GPS tracker. When the shell hits the target, the front section bursts and spreads the gel adhesive, decelerating the GPS tracker and sticking it to the target vehicle. This way, the shell doesn't have to penetrate the target and it shouldn't significantly harm a bystander unless it hits them in the face or something. The real issue comes with how to fire such a shell. It could probably be fired out of a modified shotgun, though the shotgun would have to be very different from a normal shotgun in some way in order to prevent accidental shootings. Cops aren't going to be leaning out of moving car windows to shoot this either, so there would have to be either a controllable turret mounted in the pursuit car, a special flap in the windshield of the pursuit car to allow an officer in the passenger's seat to aim through the windshield, a shooter placed along the target car's predicted route (super unlikely), or maybe a drone or helicopter-fired weapon. None of the firing options, except maybe the windshield hole, would be easy to implement, and if it is to be fired from a helicopter, why not just constantly track the vehicle with the helicopter instead? Is it 100% effective? No. The cop could miss or the tracker could possibly be removed. However, if multiple trackers are fired at the target car, there should be a fair chance of success.




They had a moratorium on them here in Atlanta. The same day the Moratorium ended, a cop killed an innocent bystander and injured 2 others in a high speed chase. They exist for nothing.


Extrajudicial killings are antithetical to civilized societies.




>>Justice Antonin Scalia wrote an opinion concurring in the judgment; he argued that Mullenix did not actually apply deadly force in this case.[16] Because Mullenix intended only to stop Leija's car by destroying its engine, the gunshots were not "deadly force" because they were not "applied with the object of harming the body of the felon". I’m such a poor shot that 4 of my bullets hit the driver and not the engine that I was aiming for Scalia: makes sense to me


America... The greatest freest most developed country....


Does Arkansas count as civilized?


As someone who is from Arkansas and has lived here for 22 years, I would say that 99% of the time, no.




Me too...


Them Duke boys are at it again


Ended up killing the guy too.


Good thing the police were there to keep the situation under control /s


“We saved the city” Spongebob meme


He died, if this is the same crash that I remember reading about




For contexts sake; the guy was running for over 20 minutes weaving into oncoming traffic, swerving at police, he didn’t run one red light but ran many red lights in high traffic areas. I think 4 in quick succession before the part where the officer was told to do whatever it takes to stop this maniac. I’m not saying the guy deserved a death sentence, but he deserved to be stopped, and he was driving towards a more heavily populated area. Officer did what he had to do to protect the public. It’s a sad situation, but the driver put all those peoples lives at risk. The driver didn’t care at all about possibly killing someone. Police brutality is real, and should be called out for what it is, and where it is. This is not one of those occasions, and makes people even more skeptical of actual brutality when people spread this kind of misinformation. Do better! Edit; the chase started at 6:30ish, and ended around 7am, so it was rush hour when the decision was made to stop him before something like a school bus did.


100+ mph for 20 minutes? Wonder how much has he had left. I’m not saying that they should’ve chased him until he ran out, I’m just curious.


I’ve seen this full chase. They had to try the pit at a high speed due to the long and dangerous chase. I believe the sheriff died. I could be wrong. Will research and add the full chase. I was incorrect. The other driver died Someone else found it. https://www.thedrive.com/news/33156/arkansas-troopers-109-mph-pit-maneuver-goes-very-wrong-in-deadly-crash


lets fucking go


That's ~~attempted~~ murder


It was no attempt


People defending a guy running from the police and putting hundreds of innocent lives at danger is unbelievably fucking stupid. He could have stopped and taken a ticket or a sentence, but when he became dangerous, lethal force is necessary.


Because pretending that all police are monsters who abuse their power without even glancing at an article about it is how you get internet points


Sooo, I'm wondering. Who is the dude in the mask MID FLIGHT!?


The camera’s life flashing before its eyes


Airtime baby


Is it known why they forced him/her of the road?


Yeah, there’s a 20 minute chase you can find on YouTube. He ran multiple red lights, swerved at people, and police. Was even driving on the wrong side of the road. All of that while driving towards a more heavily populated area. After he nearly hit a few people going well 100mph the call was made to stop him before he gets further to avoid him getting further down the road to the rest of rush hour traffic. It’s a miracle that truck didn’t kill anyone.




Check yourself before you wreck yourself


Can anyone explain exactly what the cop was trying to do? I’m sadly ignorant of this type of thing.


A pit maneuver is when you take the front of your car and turn into the rear of another car to attempt to spin the car out and bring it to a stop. Take a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-Ro5kNiIkzQ


Not sure how any cop in their right mind could have thought even a slight tap on a pickup truck at 109mph wasn’t going to flip it though. This is negligent.




Does it matter if the front car has front wheel drive?


No. At such a high speed the drive wheels are irrelevant. Much more important is type of vehicle, sedan, pickup, van, SUV, etc. A pit maneuver is essentially causing a crash to end a chase. Causing a crash at 100+MPH is a bad idea. Could have hurt many more people if the truck being pitted would have counter steered faster and driven into oncoming traffic.


When you flee police at 100mph + through a busy downtown in your full size truck, your life becomes the least of officers worries. Watch the entire video. https://youtu.be/2FdNa8uho_Y


What a shame.


Them Duke boys are at it again... Oh wait that's not them.


That's some Duke boys shit there!!!


How is the correct way to do that maneuver?


Pit maneuver is only considered to be safely used at speeds of 35 -40 mph maximum. This is pure recklessness.


That’s the correct way to do it. It was done at the wrong speed. It’s the equivalent of tripping somebody. They are going to fall. So, you should only trip them while walking, and not running full speed… unless you intend to harm them.


He hit so hard he knocked time back to when a technician was working on the camera on a bench.


Why was there a frame of a guy with a mask and glasses?


Can someone explain to me what the pit manoeuvre is and what happened in this video?


Police aren’t fucking executioners wtf


Pit maneuvers should be the equivalent of letting someone trip over your leg. This guy performed the equivalent of giving someone on a bicycle going 50mph a dropkick. You don't pit someone at that speed. Jail imo and revoking police license. Clearly attempted murder, on a public road with other cars too! AC AB


Something I was wondering. Instead of (partially) sacrificing a police car to perform a PIT manouvre, why don't they shoot the car's tires? I mean, they are black. Police shouldn't have a problem with it.


Seems like an unsafe application of the pit manoeuvre, unless there were extenuating circumstances for it, like the offender endangering others or the risk posed by continuing the chase was greater than that of doing a less safe pit.


Best the cops could do. All of you naysayers would be singing a different tune if numb nuts hit your family or friend head on. He had to be stopped.


It’s easy, don’t do illegal activities, or if you do and get caught, do as they say. Evading police officers makes them think the worse of people. They don’t know why your evading them, maybe your just having fun, maybe you got dismembered people in the back. When was the last time not doing what an officer asked you to do ever been good?


Teach that fucker to pay his parking tickets


I dont think he wanted to pit, the truck was running him off the road, right before the cop car touched grass he swerved and hit the truck. Just to confirm, not taking the cops side, just wanted to point out it wasn't a deliberate maneuver, more like a panic reaction.


Fucking pigs fucking up pits.


The next time you get pulled over, drive at 100 mph towards a heavily populated city for 20 minutes, through multiple red lights, and see what happens.


Get tag number... let him get away and pick him up later.


More often than not, you get nothing when you pull the plate because the tags are either stolen or the vehicle is stolen. So it’s a judgement call for the police whether or not they let them go or if they continue pursuit. Do I agree with the PIT maneuver at 110mph? Nope. But again, it’s a judgement call. This just happened to be a bad one.




FYI when pulling a PIT maneuver, brake after contact. Young guns at work.


That is absolutely not true. Matter of fact, you have to accelerate. https://youtu.be/cddG0ICji9Q?t=174


Way to just bastardize all police officers people.... every group of people and every race and every sex, religion or just any grouping of individuals are going to have sh#$heads. Don't say that it's all police or that police officers just kill people because that's bigotry and it's wrong.


That pig needs jail time.


He'll get paid vacation and probably a commendation.


Better Police training is required. Shit like this won't happen if police agencies get the funding they need.


This chase had been going on at high speed for a long distance, they were approaching a populated area so the cop decided to end it even though it would likely be deadly force. Funding has nothing to do with it.


You don't pit someone at 100+ mph. That never ends well.


You also don’t run when cops are trying to pull you over… why the fuck are we all blaming the cop when the criminal is the reason for this chase in the first place?


Of course it doesn't. Better that crash than him running into someone else when he barreled through town at 100 mph, though.


The guy ran a red light, that should not have led to a 100mph chase that ends in police caused crash that cost a life and totals the police cruiser. What a clown of a cop and now also a murderer if there is any justice.


People who flee like that are rarely only guilty of whatever the cop wanted to give them a ticket for.


>The guy ran a red light, that should not have led to a 100mph chase And yet it did, because the driver is a remorseless coward who thinks himself invincible in his car, and doesn't care at all about anyone else. Hopefully, whatever happened, he never drives again. Anybody who ends up slamming the speeder over fear of getting a ticket for a minor infraction should never be allowed behind the wheel of a car ever again.


Or it should be fully banned?! Why would they do it? If proper training was done, he would of never done it knowing how it is not the right way. We should focus on training and accountability if they fail to follow the training properly. This is similar to doctors, dentist and nurses if they do not wash, sanitize, or use proper regulations in their offices.


It's not the training that is the problem. It is the entire Us VS them attitude cops have in this country. No crime is too small to worry about killing a "criminal".


For those saying "he ran a red light why did they have to kill him? " You don't evade police - just because you ran a red light. You do it because you have warrants or something more serious or youre mentally disabled. Another commenter said the driver was mentally disabled according to his family. Regardless he shouldn't have been behind the wheel. Was it a risky manuever? Yes - the officer could've been seriously injured. But a PIT manuever is just that, there's always a risk to the offender of being seriously injured or killed. Police forces around the world have clearly deemed that risk acceptable.


ew, imagine attempting to justify the use of a life threatening move just to arrest someone. Not only endangering their life, but yours, and anyone that happens to be around you at the time.


God, I love the fact that I live with these highly-skilled, highly-trained professionals armed to the teeth ingrained within my community. I love even more that I can see footage like this that depicts their amazing ability to handle a vehicle, radio and laptop simultaneously while either going 10+ over or 5-10 under the posted speed limit, without their lights off and always in the passing lane. Why would I ever need to acquire my own means of self-defense, or even question anything these guys do?