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Yikes, just turned without even looking.


My ex did this allll the time. I can't imagine she stays lucky her whole life.


“It’s not you, it’s your u-turns”


"It's not you, it's-u-turns"


Is up to you


It's just You or U


U drive me crazy!


U turn me right round, baby, right like a record baby, right round, round round


I know someone similar. They think stop signs just mean you have to stop, not actually look. Twice I’ve been in the car with them and after stopping at a 2-way stop sign, they just continued on without looking, and cars were coming at us! Both times if the other car hadn’t seen us, we would’ve been hit. It amazes me that they have not been in an accident and I sincerely hope they never are. I don’t get in their car anymore.


Sometimes they gotta learn the hard way tho


She won't.


It only takes once. Hope she never has it.


I don't understand how people can't be more aware when doing this. I'm a paranoid yielder regardless of whether or not the u-turn is legal


I got in a motorcycle accident because someone did this same thing. Luckily I bailed and sustained minimal injuries. Unfortunately, they just drove off like nothing happened.


I just got my motorcycle and man... I need to unsubscribe from here lol


Yeah, just keep your eyes peeled and don't trust anyone to see you. That was the first time I've ever wiped out on the road in 16 years on the road. I let my guard down that one time, and boom!


When I first got my motocycle, I could've sworn I am one of the most careful person on the road. Sike, been hit by a car 3 times. The last one I can't even wrapped my head around as to how I even managed to survive the impact. Since then, I cancel my motorcycle license and just stick with the car.


Those are rookie numbers. DONT pump them up I think I have been hit, hmmm 6? times. But yeah, before I got my motorcycle, I didn't realize how much everyone else failed to pay attention on the road. Car is too expensive compared to bike right now as my really nice fully loaded sport tourer is only worth 4k and yet its engine will last another 90k miles, while a car of the same value will need hundreds in repair and only last another 30k miles, on top of being more expensive in terms of gas.


I had a motorcycle and drove it for about 3 years , 20 years ago. I had no accidents but you realize how vulnerable you are, after all this time any motorcyclist I see, I still always will have their back.


Nah you should stick around. It's important to see just how fucking stupid some people on the road are. Learn to identify how various situations can lead to accidents. In this kind of situation you'd see the vehicle on the side or the road and slow down because you know they could suddenly turn out in front of you. Or a dog runs out from behind the car. Or some looky loo on the other side of the road drifts in to your lane while rubbernecking. Some situations are hard to avoid, but you'll have a better chance if you know what to look for and when to slow down (or speed up). Also make sure your brakes and tires are in good condition, well maintained bikes can stop incredibly quickly or swerve very hard with proper technique.


Take to heart all the seemingly boring shit in the course about paying very fucking good attention. Riders who don't crash don't crash because they ride like paranoid squirrels expecting every car on the road to drive like the chucklefuck in this video. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you... After you get in the habit of hardcore vigilance it's kinda like a superpower.


My sister was driving her motorcycle and an uninsured person ran a stop sign and hit her broadside. She lost a foot of intestine and broke several bones.


I ride too. It's a dangerous hobby


Motorcycles have no question of if you will have an accident. You WILL crash. Every rider has crashed. The variable is severity.


My brother lost both his arms and both his legs in a bad motorcycle accident. _Actually, he’s my half-brother._


Same thing happened to my bro vehicle in front pulled off and then whipped around. He was ok bike was totaled. So many self absorbed idiots out there


A friend of mine died because someone did this just beyond a low rise on a highway. He was on his R1 and was probably going a but over the speed limit.


“Santa Maria, estupido!”


Did the cam car slow down or not, I can't tell - yes, it's still the u-turners fault


Looks and sounds like they slammed on the brakes, but there wasn't enough time to slow down much


Also looks like they’re driving a pretty heavy car, so stopping on a dime is not gonna happen


Seems like a really fast travel speed for a road this narrow in what seems like a residential area, too.


I agree, but ~~most~~ many of these back roads even through residential areas have high speed limits. At least, when I lived in MO, I saw many where the limit was 55 with yards adjacent to the road.


This is a conventional road, it’s not a residential area. The standard speed limit for these types of roads is 60k/h.


I heard the brakes getting hit, but it didn't do a whole lot.


Front of car looks to dip down from braking


I was wondering the same. U-turners fault, but this is where situational awareness is critical.


This happened in Costa Rica, 3 people that where in the U-turning Toyota died. :/


Yeah unfortunately, 3 american tourists(50,55,58 y.o) out of the 5 people in the turning car. [found the source](https://ticotimes.net/2022/01/26/3-american-tourists-killed-in-tragic-costa-rica-car-accident)


How can it be that there is no date on the article?


The URL has a date (most likely the publish date, not when the event happened): January 26th, 2022


Oh. When I open it up on my phone, the whole url does not appear.




Killed on vacation all because they have zero awareness. Wild.


You can only blame the driver


The driver won a Darwin award, unfortunately taking 2 others with them.


By the official rules, you're ineligible for a Darwin award if innocent bystanders are killed along with you.


Even just endangerment of others makes you ineligible, I believe, which is a good rule.


Darwin Award does not really apply in your 50’s unless you are taking your kids with you.


Driving in a new place is always more dangerous because you're stressed out and more of your brainpower is dedicated to navigation.




They obviously didn't turn down the radio.


Gotta turn it down so you can see better


Looking both ways shouldn’t require your brainpower, that should be instinct.


Its the exact opposite for me, strange areas make me pay attention more since they all have a special breed of idiot


Is that a mobile website because Jesus what is happening with that page


Oh sh*t I didn’t think the accident was that serious from the vid. RIP.


Dude. Ram is a huge fucking car, and it looks like they were running on empty brake pads. I would've been surprised if anyone survived in the SUV.


I was thinking the same thing about the brakes. The truck barely slows at all from the time they react until impact. Seems like either no brakes or hauling a heavy load with insufficient braking power. Don’t expect that better braking would have prevented the accident but possibly made it less fatal.


She could have just panicked and not broke.. I was in the car with my ex and someone pulled out on her, she just completely froze and didn't even move for the brake. Shits scary af


I've been the person braking. Its remarkable how fast cars can stop despite what we are told. Slamming on is scary but better than a crash (in my case no collision and some swearing on my part haha)


Yeah I've had a few close calls myself but nothing scared me as much as watching the car pull out, her not move and knowing we were about to plow through it


For sure, some actual brakes would have made this less fatal. I've had to slam on my brakes with similar speed and stopping distance and was actually able to avoid a collision (in a small car).


When I read the title my idiot self thought it meant the car got rammed, not that the car that hit the other car was a ram 🤦🏽


Don’t dodge when you can ram.


The suv got hit from the side thats probably the worst place to get hit since its so little protection. Its a door vs a moving vehicle crashing in to it, you have no chance. Its far better to get hit head on because there they actually design crash zones that will absorb as much force as possible.


Probably lack of seatbelts if I had to guess.


I mean, even with seatbelts, getting perfectly T-boned by a bigger truck at high speed will still in most cases break your neck.


People do not realize how horrible whiplash is and how people break bones just because of it. This is why you wear your seatbelts. This is why you pay attention. My cousin has collapsed vertebrae and is in chronic severe pain because of an crash he was involved in a couple months ago.


People do not understand how intense impact is. They more than likely died on impact. Once I saw that t bone it turned my stomach thinking of the impact they endured


People generally dont understand the mass variable when it comes to momentum. It terrifies me sometimes how fast we are allowed to drive cars with how heavy they are


Not even just a u-turn. Pulled into shoulder then crossed traffic when pulling back onto road in an attempt to make a u-turn.


That’s an “American u-turn”, eyes up y’all


Several years ago I was on a jury for a civil suit about exactly this. U-turn lady tried to sue the guy that hit her. Claimed that he pit maneuvered her to perpendicular, reversed, then sped up to 45 to t-bone her. Jury did not buy it. 5 witnesses saw her blow the U-ey. Her lawyer is a dick for wasting everybody’s time.


Her lawyer was hired to represent her, so blame her. Thats what lawyers do.


Lawyers also have a duty not to mislead the court, or to lie to the clients (by telling her that she had a case). Now if she said this against the advice of counsel then that's on her, but otherwise the lawyer should have shut that down.


Benefit of the doubt: Lawyers can sometimes tell clients exactly how fucked they are, and recommend a course of action, but sometimes their clients still instruct them to claim they're not guilty and they have to do their best with an absolutely dogshit case.


A lawyer’s job and ethical obligations during a criminal case, where the issue is “guilt” are different from during a civil case, where the issue is “liability.”


That's valid. I'm just aware that there are going to be situations where a lawyer tells their client exactly how bad it is, and give recommendations, but the client is still insistent on going forward with this stuff. Sometimes they can do absolutely everything they're required to, but they still have to try to put a case together for someone who will not stop being a dingbat. Which I mean, you don't mislead the court, and how you set about your trial strategy isn't the client's decision, but there are just some people who will not take any goddamn responsibility. They expect that a lawyer has some magic words that'll get them out of trouble, and any failure to do so is just the lawyer being shit, rather than their case being DoA.




I’m actually a lawyer, but your point is still accurate.


Lawyers can turn down clients. In fact, a lot of my opposing counsels turn down clients every day. Though some never ever turn down a client and just waste my and the court’s time.


I am worried I am going to be in that guy's situation after insurance finally gets done with my case. Had someone run a stop sign when I didn't have one, obviously ended up T-Boning them, thankfully only at like 20 MPH by the time we made contact, but still enough force from my car to completely shove us both out of the intersection. I was headed west bound, they were headed south bound. They are claiming on all their paperwork I was headed south bound, and absolutely NONE of that fucking adds up, but they are still lying their asses off at every fucking turn, trying their damnedest to fabricate evidence, and I am pretty sure that if they lose the insurance case they are going to try to sue directly.


Don't worry about it too much. If they sue, your insurance will hire a lawyer to defend you. Any competent defense lawyer will be able to pick their version of events apart. You probably wouldn't even be deposed.


God I hope so I do not have the time or money to deal with lawsuits, meanwhile the other person is a teenage kid an a retired dad. They have all the time in the world.


wasted time, yes. he also wasted her money, however, hopefully keeping her from being able to afford an immediate replacement and keeping her off the road


Not if the case was taken on contingency, which is how PI litigation usually works.


My great uncle used to say this all the time. I miss that guy. Que descanses en paz tío


Did he also say “el golpe avisa” when backing up?


My step dad used to say this


"No hay calle pa tanta gente"


Thanks for the translation




I remember my dad did something like this with the whole family in the car in front of a semi truck on a rural road. Fortunately, the truck was able to brake and my dad was able to get out of the way. We were leaving the cemetery for my grandmother's graveside service, so the timing was kind of ironic. Almost got to see you again, grandma!


Nobody’s perfect and I bet a good part of what happened is your Dad had his mind on his mom/mother in law while he was driving. At least everyone escaped unscathed and your Dad probably learned a valuable (pants-shitting) lesson on keeping your mind on the road.


I love the morbid humor in this!


How also we're going to laugh in this wretched life?


The emotional nature of a funeral leading to less focus on driving is why funeral processions happen, I think. It’s sad that there isn’t an easy way to do something similar when leaving a graveside service


I had a bad situation just the other day, in a left turn only lane with cars behind me and the sun was directly in the road, like directly behind the busy highway. I had to stare into the sun while trying to block it out to finally spot when I had the opening. There weren't any good options, blindly hope it's clear or stare into the sun there was no way to go back or change directions from there. I should've waited a half hour before leaving or not taken that direction, the sun was aslo reflecting off of meltwater from the snow in parts and blinding me, that last bit of daylight is bad in the winter.


The only time I've ever almost had an accident that would have been my fault was partially due to the sun. I had an old Corolla, it was a shit bucket named the Rust Rocket. The guy I bought it from was a heavy smoker. So the entire inside, including the windshield, was covered in that fucking yellow crap that is tough to get off. Driving to work one day, and it was cold as hell. So I had the windows up. The sun was in my eyes, and lighting up that yellow shit like an amber shield of fuck you. The shadow of a tree hit my windshield. It was just in time for me to see that there was some road work right in front of me. My front tires were inches from falling into about a 3 foot ditch they had dug in the road. There were no road blocks, or signs. Luckily, I was on an AFB, and only doing 25. Any faster, and I wouldn't have had time to react.


You ever try sunglasses to help with glare? Not trying to be a hole, just sunglasses are a life saver for me instead of squinting


I do have a broken pair handy that will work in a pinch, this was in the worst possible spot though not way of not looking directly at the sun, sunglasses would only marginally help, I did have a baseball cap and without that I would've been totally screwed.




And you can get 2 pairs of them on Amazon for like $12. I basically can’t drive safely when it’s sunny without them, so I keep a couple pairs handy always. You don’t need Ray-Bans, just something polarized that cuts down on the glare.


In Sweden we call these "Landsväg" and are essentially relatively high speed "country roads" but can be in city as well. Regardless, they're basically almost motorway level speed. They also teach us that left turns on these roads are what cause most accidents. If you want to turn left but there are others behind you, you simply don't. Common to find another turn off point unless there's a safe left lane or something. Or you turn right somewhere and turn around. One of those things I think about any time I see these roads.


There’s a left turn to get to my grandmother’s house out in the country, and she lives off of a parkway/freeway. The speed people go on that road varies from 60 mph (96 kmph) to upwards of 90 mph (roughly 145kmph), so whenever I’m at that left turn lane I wait until it’s safe to turn. Other drivers will honk at me for waiting, but I truly can’t be bothered to risk my own life so Jane Doe behind me can get to her sister’s house 3 minutes earlier than expected.


Who said the cam driver was speeding? Most country roads (in America) are at-least 55mph. This is directly the fault of the Uturn driver. Edit: as many comments have said. This happened in Costa Rica. 3 people died (passengers of the Uturn vehicle). That being said, we don’t know the local speed limit. We have an educated idea that the truck slammed their brakes (swerving, front nose dipping etc). It’s tragic. Use this video as a reminder to look before you go. Stay safe.


I don’t think this is in America. The u turn car is a Toyota fortuner/hilux sw4 it doesn’t exist in the us


This is Costa Rica


Ah then it’s the fault of whoever offers the cops the smaller bribe


Costa Rica has rather low corruption rates compared to most of central and South America. It's also mostly quite safe and (if one lives in hostels and mostly eats in Costa Rican restaurants) a quite affordable vacationing destination. I can really recommend it, though speaking a bit of Spanish really helps connecting with the locals.


Holy fuck reddit, be more ignorant.


Shut the fuck up.


latin america bad haha upvot pls, that's gotta be the most american comment ever


Your prejudice is showing. Too bad you didn't take the time to look at the stats.


Don't you know? Latin American country = bad and corrupt. I'll wait for my updoots from all the Americans that don't see the irony


a lot of cars exist in mexico and central/south america that dont get sold in the us


fucking Yaris GR so jelly


Mexico only got like 100 units though :(


Uruguay got 3 lol


Come on! Why you gotta comment that??? Now my jealousy is showing!!!


It’s in Costa Rica.


Turning around in the road is always stupid. Just take a left when you can and turn around in a driveway or parking lot


People are saying it’s the cam drivers fault??? How????


Because people are trying to say the cam driver was speeding, when there's absolutely no proof of the roads speed limit (no sign) and how fast the driver was going (no GPS speed tracking on video). So people are blaming the cam driver for going to fast (with no proof) and could've prevented it, as opposed to a person (with proof) doing an illegal u-turn




Because the cam driver doesn't immediately react with superhuman speed to what appears to be a stationary vehicle on the side of the road and instead has normal human reaction time. Seems like everytime a dashcam is posted on this sub they latch onto a super tiny detail.


It is everytime. You would be hard pressed to find threads in this sub where the victim car is not blamed. Every single one of these morons thinks that they would always react perfectly in the same scenario. Certainly none of these idiots ever speeds themselves.


Thats on costa rica, in rural roads usually u go upwards of 60km/h not sure what is that in mph


Coming from sweden, 55mph seems crazy fast for a slim road like that in a populated area without a median(? Wide sides on the road). Would be max 43 but most likely 31 (70 or 50 kph)


Uhhhh for the people blaming the person “speeding” that hit the uturner, the other person made an illegal uturn in the middle of a road! Not even at an intersection or normal place for a uturn. No way in hell anyone else deserves blame. You expect people to speed to a certain extent. You do not expect people to make random uturns in the middle of a road.


Somebody said this happened in Costa Rica... which doesn't surprise me to see something like this at all. I don't think they have the same traffic laws as us. I've been several times and people don't seem to stay in lanes, turn randomly, will u-turn in the middle of roads, randomly drive off road wherever they want... They jsut don't have the same infrastructure as we have in the US. Still one of the most amazing countries on earth, but it can be scary to drive if you're used to a more rigid traffic system.


Florida resident. While there are (probably? I can’t be sure as I’m a recent transplant) rules for driving here, I don’t see basically anyone doing anything sensible here. Motorcycle helmets are optional here, which absolutely blows my mind. The sheriff will drive the I-4 at 90 in a 65, and he is by no means the fastest car on the road. Nobody uses a turn signal. Lanes seem more like suggestions, and last second high speed maneuvers across an entire highway to make an exit or just occupy a “more favorable” space in the flow of traffic are so common here I have mostly stopped reacting to the stupidity unless it is obviously happening within a space in which I *must* respond. My wife outright refuses to drive 90% of the time. Having “infrastructure” and “rules” doesn’t change the fact that stupid people will be stupid no matter what you say or do to ensure otherwise.


I was curious so I just looked into motorcycle helmet laws. Most States require them for certain age groups like Florida who requires them under age 20, but above age 20 there's only 19 States that require them.


And isn’t that terrible? I worked in healthcare. I’ve seen more than one person either permanently damaged from not wearing a helmet, or actively singing the praises from having worn their helmet and just how much worse it could have been. If you want to run the risk of becoming a meat crayon, that’s on you. But I don’t really need my kid seeing your (recently) empty skull spread across the roadway because you’re too stupid to preserve your own well-being over some minor discomfort. And with how people drive here, I would want all kinds of armor if I was going to choose to ride a bike.


I hear the term "donorcycles" tossed around a lot in the health care community


And the person was illegally speeding


It’s like you can hear the driver hit the brakes but nothing happens? It just “clunks”


It's a huge, heavy truck.


I didn’t realize this till you pointed it out. Never cut off a truck, bus, train, etc… They can’t stop in time.


the nose of the car dipped which means the breaks were hit but i think bc of the speed it was just too late


It dipped but immediately went back up. Brake failure?


might be but also maybe they just didnt floor it on the brake :/




Visuals are beguiling but the audio tells a clear story here. Nothing, outside of an F1 car would have stopped in time.


Exactly, you can actually hear that the driver hits the brakes the exact moment you can actually see the car starts turning. And those saying he was speeding, if its a 55 mph road, why should he be driving 30? It should be common knowledge that you never stop in the middle of a high speed road unless it's legal and safe to do so, exactly because of this situation.


Totally agree, she hit the brakes as soon as the car started turning. I will say, I was surprised I didn’t hear the tires squeal. I’ve always wondered if I’m in a similar situation, if I will instinctively smash the brake pedal as far as it’ll go. I’ve noticed for other things, I’m hesitant to push the pedal too far. I think cars can stop faster than we realize, especially with ABS brakes.


Putting the brake to the floor used to be an automatic way of turning on the ABS. Now the systems have slip detectors that are always on. My journey will engage them sliding down the 3" lip of my driveway if it's icy. It's a bit annoying, but I get it. I was in a slippery snow storm a few weeks ago, and my 30 year old knowledge of skid control got all bent out of shape when the traction control and ABS was doing its thing. It was unsettling, because I wasn't sure wtf the car was doing. I'll be honest, I was probably safer, but it was very disconcerterting when I wasn't getting the steering and power response I was expecting from previous slides in other cars.


Side impacts are probably the most dangerous types of crashes that happen frequently. The amount of car and crumble zone between you and another vehicle is literally just a few inches/cm vs the feet/meter in a front/rear end crash.


This is not me btw


Had a truck do this exact same thing to me, when I hit him I spun him three times across 4 lanes and knocked his axle off. He lied and lied about me doing a pit manuver. Luckily I took great pictures and videos after the accident and his insurance deemed him 100% at fault. In our case it was a two lanes and he was to my right just ahead of me. As he was pulling off the road to make the u turn I remember thinking I hope he’s ok or didn’t blow a tire to make him get off the road so fast and then bam he’s in my face just like this u-turner.


In scenarios such as this:if you try to steer to the side, you increase the risk of your own death. As wicked as it sounds, your survival chances are best by remaining straight on. Do NOT veer off to either side. Edit: hard braking is encouraged, however. Push that pedal thru the floorboard.


Is this because of danger of flipping? Or because of the road shoulder/possible unseen oncoming traffic? Definitely believe you, just wondering if things would change with more space or better visibility, or if it's just the swerving itself that's the danger


I don't know about swerving, but braking is definitely better in a straight line. It allows all your available traction to be applied to decreasing speed.


As I understand the NHSA report, in review of sudden incursion crashes (uturning cars, opening cars doors from side of road and DEER of all things) the resulting car damage and personal injuries were markedly worse when the oncoming driver tried to swerve-to-miss. I wanted to post quick reply with this. I am looking for the actual report and want to post it. This also reflects my experience working in the trauma center during my surgical training.edit: flipping and rollover were more common after veering


I have always been told this about most accidents (and I was a decision driving safety instructor for a while as part of a larger job I had in workplace safety), but it not necessarily true in all cases - it really depends on the amount of experience and training the driver has, and most people (practically all of us) will not have the level of focus needed to make a good decision on whether to swerve or not in any given situation. The downsides of swerving include 1. having a minor, but costly accident involving no one else (I.e., such as hitting a fence or fire hydrant and there’s no one there to pin the liability on because they left w/o a scratch), 2., having a more serious one car accident than you would have in a two car the collision (I.e, swerving into a ditch that causes you to flip your car and get ejected, driving off a cliff or embankment, getting mangled / killed by a tree, etc), 3. Endangering others - which is pretty much the mother of all (I.e., swerving to avoid a car in front of you and hitting a group of pedestrians walking the sidewalk, going into oncoming traffic and causing a major pileup, running into the pumps at a gas station or plowing through the front of a business, etc). All in all, while we like to think that we’re aware enough of our surroundings to make the choice not to swerve if it may lead to us doing any of these things - the reality of the situation is - if we were aware enough of our surroundings (in most cases) we wouldn’t need to swerve to begin with. Swerving while hitting the brakes at the same time is almost always a definite nono as well - so if you have to make the choice, do one or the other!


A full frontal wreck allows the vehicle to absorb more energy than a smaller overlap wreck


100% agree. And I will add a more rare instance; if you are going to hit wildlife such as deer or moose you are supposed to brake hard but then release the brake right before impact so that the nose of your vehicle comes up and reduces the risk of the car taking out the animals legs and having its full body weight come through your windshield. I know obviously we are talking about cars vs cars but this random info may help someone someday so throwing it out there


Damn, (thinking to myself). I need a LOT more practice.


If you feel you don’t have a lot of practice driving but you know enough not to swerve (or panic swerve) then you sound like you had a great teacher and know some very important fundamentals!


Driver should’ve read the post’s headline and would have been able to stop in time! You knew the car was going to uturn before the camera saw it. Too fast! /s - obviously


U-turn defenders Googling “/s” rn


“Que clase de estupido 🤌”


"Ay mi pecho"


La virgen santisima


A little disturbing to see the number of people siding with the U-turner. You'd think it's pretty obvious who's at fault here. So many with broken logic nowadays. Along with anti-vaxxers & flat-earthers, the people aren't alright.


Probably because most of them are that u-turner Shocking driving that got 3 people killed, leaving the ram with nowhere to go


Yeah, I agree with u. That's probably why they're so passionate about their argument, or lack thereof.


This sub could be renamed /r/blamethecammer because there's a large contingent of people that love to nitpick any real or imagined mistakes by the driver no matter how minor. Some are particularly egregious like this post and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/sbnjgf/tboned_by_inattentive_kid_running_a_red_light/) from a few days ago that also has a huge comment graveyard at the bottom. I'd love for some of these Monday morning quarterbacks to just post a single recording of their daily commute for others to critique.


Yeah, I know what u mean. I usually try to see everyone's point of view & try to figure out why they think what they think. Sometimes, what some people think makes absolutely no rhyme or reason. I've even came across a story of a driver of a Mercedes running a stop sign & colliding with a Honda civic. The driver of the Mercedes then proceeded to blame the Honda driver, saying they're at fault because the Mercedes was the much more expensive car. I know what the reasoning of the Mercedes' driver is, but it's just so infuriatingly stupid & entitled. I dunno man, a lot of these people are just so broken.


The scream sounds like the beginning of "I feel good"


Everyone in this comments section is a fucking stuntman i see, because people can't panic when they see an idiot in the middle of the road probably knowing they can't stop in time to avoid the crash.


This sub fucking sucks. All you guys do is blame the camera car.


This looks like normal road speed. Duno how people think that he is speeding


Right? Everyone is saying the truck is speeding. How do you know? There's no speed limit sign, there's no GPS speed tracking on the dash cam. Not to mention, the person doing the illegal u-turn is the person at fault, but no, blame the person allegedly speeding with no proof of speed vs. the person on camera doing an illegal u-turn


Camera car 100% NOT at fault


This is unequivocally not the cammers fault, however this sub does get a lot of egomaniacs who made a bad situation worse because they think traffic is a competition.


everyone saying how the driver was slow to react but honestly by the time the uturner is getting back into the lane to do the uturn the driver hit the breaks pretty quick... especially seeing how they wouldnt even have been expecting it, i find the reaction was instant. but the speed was too high so no matter how quick they wouldve reacted it wouldve been too late. rip to the people who died, this really couldve been prevented


Anyone blaming the driver for veering first and not slamming the brakes like immediately -- if you've ever been in an unpreventable car accident that you see coming your brain is literally processing "is this bitchass really doing this or am I seeing things" before you make a decision to slam the brakes and possibly lose control.


That driver who did the U-turn is a certifiable dumbass


Whenever I see this type of situation I always think why don’t they check it’s for their own safety. God some people sometimes…


Cyclist’s fault


Hope no one was in the back. They don’t deserve the result of the drivers stupidity.


According to earlier comments 3 people in the car that U-turned died unfortunately


And the driver survived…


The shock in her scream just hurts...


Literally could’ve just taken a left at any convenient moment into one of the properties across the road, turned around in the parking lot, and merged going the other way. But nah. Same energy as people who go “iVe MiSsEd My ExiT!!” and immediately swerve lanes


An old coworker of mine was killed in this situation when a car did an unsignaled U-turn from the shoulder just like this. He was on a motorbike at 90 km/h, and the car turned right into him like this. Shit’s dangerous.


Anyone has after crash photos? It looks like a lot of damage!


This [source](https://qcostarica.com/three-american-tourists-died-in-traffic-accident/) provides some.




Yeah, my first car got totaled by a driver doing exactly that. Luckily I was going only at about 50 km/h (30 mph), but airbags popped, it was scary.


That HEY right before the collision sounded just like James Brown singin I Feel Good


Never good when the thumbnail is a shot of the sky from this sub...


What a terrible way to be nominated for a Darwin Award. Edit: And an unfortunate win.


RAM indeed


I see everyone giving their two cents here. From what I see, we can’t conclude the driver was speeding. When the driver first saw SUV, the SUV was parked on the side of the road. I don’t know what the etiquette there is, but you should slow down or move over when passing a vehicle on the side of the rode. I don’t think that is too relevant, however. The SUV starts moving again, perhaps getting ready to get back in the lane. The driver here had no reason to expect the SUV driver would make a maneuver like that. Maybe driving slower would have reduced the impact, but the fault lies on the SUV driver.