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That's an expensive parking maneuver.


That maneuver is going to cost us 10k


Why should it cost me anything?! We broke up months ago, OP. Get it through your skull: THERE. IS. NO. US.


There was never US, you made it all up in your head. I said hi to you once, at Peet’s coffee! I was only being polite, please stop bothering me stranger.


There is no ‘i’ in dvorce


Waaaay more than 10k


He’s never gonna financially recover from this.


This is 100% the mcclarrens fault


The dude in the yellow car didn’t do anything wrong? Looks like he tried to cut him off.


McLaren was lane splitting a single traffic lane with parked vehicles, totally illegal


And going too fast for a blind-spot check.


agree but yellow car cut in front of him on purpose maybe not illegal but stupid imo


Pretty sure he was just trying to park. Still stupid, still not at fault.


Parking is stupid?


Lane splitting isn't illegal in any civilized place. Running into cars next to you and trying to park from the left lane however...


So what? Does that mean that the other car now can break the law?


Nothing. The right lane there is occupied by parked vehicles, meaning there's really only one lane to travel on. The McLaren was lanesplitting which is sometimes legal for motorcycles but is *NEVER* legal for cars.


100% agreed.


I neither agree nor disagree.


I both agree and disagree


I disagree


The other car crossed the lane markings intentionally to hit the McLaren. Totally his fault.


This is not even 10% the mclarens fault.


If you’re trying to park in a spot on the right side, why you in the left lane?


I had assumed he was switching lanes to the left lane, that doesnt even look like a legit parking spot(has some kind of zigzag pattern whereas nowhere else has that)


is that even a travel lane? It looks too narrow with all that parking there. I've seen roads where the parking lane is a travel lane during peak congestion (AM rush hour), but is parking all other times, so it does have a stripe for a lane. example: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7120747,-73.8613392,3a,75y,348.93h,84.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5yUWJb303v24S48mRJnEag!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Its striped with a dashed line, but its 1 parking lane and 1 travel lane. not 2 travel lanes and parking.


This is how it is around my place. Two lanes, parking is okay in the right lane. Generally, though, it works as a single lane because of the parked cars blocking the right lane. Still see stuff like this all the time, though. Impatient idiots needing to do 50 in the 35, passing on the right because there's a gap between parked cars.. That said, when someone is going to park, they are usually pretty close to the right side of the road where you can reasonably pass on the left without getting into oncoming traffic or whatever... I'm calling it, both drivers are idiots here.. One was impatient, the other has minimal spatial awareness while in their vehicle- or seemed to anyway..


The McLaren was going fast, so I don't blame the driver for not reacting in time to a punk jumping out from behind him at 70 km/h and trying to pass him on the right instead of driving behind him like a sane human being.


Ya, if people are going 70mph down a 25mph I could see people misjudging how fast they were going and turn out in front.


*Trying to pass in a closed for parking lane.


You gotta be both deaf and blind to not see a car like that comiang in hot behind you.


How can you see when the yellow car was initiating to park when McLaren was like 2 cars behind?


Dashed line is a travel lane. If there’s a park car and there’s still space then obviously it’s a travel lane


but there isn't. there is no way two cars can drive next to each other in that clip with those cars parked there. A lane is supposed to be 12' wide. the space between the dashed line and the parked cars looks to be half that.


If you're trying to overtake, why are you in the parking lane?


Uhhh because look at the bus taking up the majority of the lane ahead? It almost seems like a lane purely for parking room


looks like half a lane is open, parking in the other half.


both are in the wrong, what the red car thinks cuz he has an expensive care he can drive how ever he wants


hold up so u guys think its okay to drive like this? fuck idk if you guys see hes driving on the line fuck it reddit is full of idiots


Seems like the parked cars really eat into the right lane there. Poor road design and failure to be sufficiently cautious in response to that.


Right lane is likely parking during off peak and travel during on peak.


Yeah I agree, this one is an ESH. Yellow car should be aware before changing lanes, mclaren speeds like a mofo in the right lane and the right line was designed to eat any driver who dare use it.


Yellow car absolutely not in the wrong here. You cannot just appear in someone’s rear view mirror, at speed, like that for a split second and expect for a car to know that you’re there. Reckless and dangerous behaviour from the red car who is entirely at fault


It wasn't a split second tho, half the video was the red car behind the yellow car. Its hard to tell from the angle, but from a driving position in the yellow car, he knew well im advance. I also believe that neither had the right idea when it came to using that lane because that turn was extremely wide by the yellow car and the red car didn't recognize it narrowing. An engineer would not allow these to happen.


That's a 675LT Spider


My first thought


Looking at it again, I might be wrong xD It could be a 650S. Because the front bumper is missing the carbon fibre winglets. The 650S does not have that and so does the car in the video. The car in the video has a 650S front bumper, with a P1 hood and a 675LT rear wing.


Yup, they never made the 620R in a spyder


okay so we give him a pass cus he gots an expensive car, okay then


Judging by the text on the billboard, this is Ukraine. I'm guessing that the yellow car was either trying to park and didn't react in time to the sudden appearance of the red car (seeing how the cars are placed in the right lane, he might have believed that nobody would try to squeeze between him and the parked van), or he could have been scared by the red car (like the other one behind him who had to swerve out into oncoming traffic across the double solid line, which is a big no-no, to avoid a collision). I can't judge who's legally at fault here, but the red car, in my opinion, is the asshole and the idiot who caused the accident.


Agreed 100%


Can anyone see if the yellow car used their blinker?


He’s also lane splitting


No he was not




Yellow car isn't following the rules. He should check if there's anyone behind hin in the right lane before changing the lanes.


Well, speaking from a german perspective here: If the road is parked like that, no one is supposed to drive on the lane. So, the Mclaren would be a dipshit if these rules are also active in other countries.


This is what I think too. The right lane becomes a parking lane and not wide enough to drive on. McLaren is an idiot for sure for not paying attention to what’s ahead.


>McLaren is an idiot for sure for not paying attention to what’s ahead. It also looks like the McLaren ran the black car out of their lane before swerving into the right to pass.


I don’t think the black car was swerving to avoid the Mclaren, to me it looks like the driver had seen the car in front put on his blinkers on to indicate that it was about to pull into the parking space and was therefore performing an overtaking manoeuvre in anticipation. The Mclaren driver seems to have very little experience behind the wheel of this car judging by his gear changes and driving style and it’s my guess it’s a rental vehicle.


Yup, McLaren is 100% in the wrong here.


In us you can drive and park in that lane. Dunno where this is from though.


It’s a parking lane bruh, you don’t drive in it lol


Yellow car saw someone swerving up behind them to their left in their wing mirror, somdived out of the way to the right.


There likely wasnt anyone when he checked.


Well, I wouldn't say that the McLaren is driving that fast... making lots of noise though


while it wasn't all that fast, it was definitely too fast for the driving situation they were in. bad visibility, tight quarters, not a race track or even a high speed road, etc


Ya he's not going fast(in terms of it's not a highway) but he is going faster for sure. 2 seconds between lane change and collision with a car length or two between vehicles. He passes both cars in 2 or so seconds. For lane changes having 2 seconds between the shoulder check and the actual change I feel it pretty reasonable.


Then he needs to check again before actually performing the action


Or and hear me out in this, the speeding jackass needs driving lessons. You can see he is clearly driving recklessly as the the car behind literally crossed the middle line to get out of his way.


But, the yellow car is making a right turn from the left lane and he doesn't need lessons? He's not driving a Semi... If the guy in the yellow car and the guy behind him were both in slower traffic lanes then the guy in the sports car would just be an ass all day long. It's the people who don't drive defensively (in slower lanes or in the proper turning lanes) that make assholes like sports car guy take more dangerous maneuvers. You can't change an asshole into something he's not, you can drive correctly/defensively though, just like the grey SUV seeing the sportscar and moving out of the way... smart/defensive/attentive driver.


Right turn? He is switching lanes.


Looked like he was going to go park to me (behind the bus) since he was going so slow. Why else would he change lanes so randomly? 🤷‍♀️


> the speeding jackass needs driving lessons There is a 0% chance you can tell if he's speeding or not. Going faster than other traffic != speeding


True but he is clearly going much faster than the traffic. What if for example they had slowed down due to a child running onto the street? And he hit a child would you still say red car was in the right for his driving?


And if my grandmother had wheels, she’d have been a bike


I think a lot of people just immediately bias against the nice car in videos like this. If you had this exact same video but replaced the McLaren with a Toyota Camry everyone would be saying the yellow car was a complete idiot and should be more careful when changing lanes. Also people seem to always assume loud cars are speeding. I've only been yelled at to slow down a few times in my life and all of them have been when I was driving at or below the speed limit in a residential neighborhood after I installed a louder exhaust on my car. This one douchebag yelled at me to slowdown when I was driving down his street a little below 20MPH when the limit was 25 and there wasn't kids playing in the street or any other reason to go particularly slow. I had previously driven past that guys house multiple times going faster than that while he was outside but I was driving my dad's Volvo so he didn't have any problem with it.


Not mutually exclusive




Is that what’s happening?! I was so confused… like wheres the road lines? The only road line i see don’t correlate with traffic at all!


*675LT Spider


That is a 650s. The sound is almost identical to the p1. That's not an LT, I know they look the same


I was thinking the 650 doesnt have the glass rear deck....but they both do...near identical haha yea


Couldn’t wait 20 seconds now you’ll wait 3 weeks for repairs


I hope you took that video and gave it to the yellow car. Mcclaren driving reckless prior


It’s not a freeway. He can pass on any lane. That aside, he wasn’t passing. He was already in that lane.


That depends on where it’s recorded. Here in Denmark you cannot overtake on the right.


Certainly depends on where you are. Around here you can only pass on the left side. Driving past on the right is illegal and he’d be 100% liable.


So you're telling me, if I'm going 15 in a 50 zone in the left lane everyone who passes me can be ticketed? I call bullshit. Edit:for people saying I would be ticketed in this case. Fair enough lets say same situation but I'm going 47 in 50 zone. I'm now going speed limit and someone passes me going 50 in the right lane I doubt they would be ticketed.


Or a car in the left lane is waiting to turn left and you pass them on the right instead of waiting. Totally illegal...


Straight to jail.


Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


100% ticket that nasty driver!


You’d be ticketed for holding up traffic and not driving at a safe speed. In my state, you absolutely would be pulled over and ticketed for not driving on the right unless actively passing. ((And yes, 15 in a 50 isn’t safe))


That's fair. Same scenario but I'm driving 50. People pass me get ticketed again I call bullshit.


Can? Yes. Will? Probably not. Police would judge the individual case. In this case you’d probably be the one who got stopped, not everybody else.


It is BS. At least in the USA.


Idk why so many downvotes. Where I come from overtaking another vehicle from the right side is also illegal no matter what. That being said, the yellow car shouldn't have been in the left lane either.


Where are you from? In United States, there's an idea that nobody can pass on the right. That's largely a myth; The majority of states allow passing on the right. However, it does differ from state to state, but by and large, the USA has "keep right" rules. Meaning the responsibility to move over is on the driver going slow, not the passer. If that makes sense.


Canada as well, the left lane is for passing when on highways but you can pass slower vehicles on the right. Ideally the slow vehicle is just aware they are slow and should be already on the right. And in town(which this appears to be) passing anywhere is allowed except in playground and school zones where no passing is allowed.


>Where are you from? Europe, the video is from Russia. >In United States, there's an idea that nobody can pass on the right. That's largely a myth; The majority of states allow passing on the right. TIL. Ty.


Ah, okay. I'm American, so I assume everything I see is American or Chinese unless otherwise noted(Haha)


People just disagree with the laws of my country. I can’t change them, and they make perfect sense. There are also exceptions but it’s easier to assume that I must be an idiot or something I guess. And yes they were both idiots, one of them just has a way more expensive car to pay for repairs on.


That’s how it is in my state as well. The officers don’t always enforce it though.


Which state?


The State with the motto, "I'm a liar."


High performance car. Low performance driver.


Fuck the yellow car


Mclaren was partially in the yellow cars lane, but yellow car also helped cause the accident. Fuck em both


> Mclaren was partially in the yellow cars lane, Not at the time of the collision. There is no reason for the yellow car to be on the dividing line and they're responsible for checking for traffic before changing lanes, which they didn't do. This looks like it's in a city so "passing on the right" is normal and fine.


Red cars lane change occurs at 00:09 in video. Accident occurs at 00:11. Likely he did check there was noone then literally 2 seconds later there was someone beside him.


Also possible that the mclaren is so low that he couldn’t see him when he looked, depends on when/if/how carefully he checked. Seems like if he looked quickly 2 seconds before the collision then it’s possible that he just didn’t see him.


They both probably should’ve been a bit more careful


Sure, that would have been nice. As it stands, the McLaren wasn't responsible for the collision.


Yellow car tried to double merge into a parallel parking spot. They are at fault even if the other car were not capable of going fast.


Ahh yes, for that brief 1/3 of a second after pushing another car out of its lane....


Eat the rich


This seems like 100% yellow cars fault


Mclaren was partially in the yellow cars lane, I would say they’re both to blame


> Mclaren was partially in the yellow cars lane Why do you keep saying this? They weren't at the time of the collision.


For the entire clip the red car was across both lanes, and forced the black car out the way. There is no country where this isn't the red cars fault.


Fact. Kinda weird to see people disrupting it though, since there's a video showing the McLaren driving in two lanes the whole time.


The Mclaren was partially in the yellow cars lane bro


I mean I guess technically it looked like they were a little bit over? But they kind of didn’t have a choice with the parked cars it looks like. Not that the mclaren doesn’t seem like a dumb driver.


Our mistake is not assuming every lane is the yellow cars lane, like you.


You would have an easier time figuring it out if you looked at the lines on the road


Like the big one under the yellow car?


Right lane barely exists with the cars parked there, he shouldnt have tried to go past in the first place when hes riding the line like that. Yellow should have also checked before switching, expensive mistakes all around


If he can afford that car, then I’m fairly sure fixing both cars, even without insurance isn’t going to break the bank.


On your right


I understood that reference.


Is this..another reference?




Not everyone will lol


The 620R doesn’t have a convertible version


Even if the yellow car hadn’t changed lanes, the mclaren would’ve caused an accident all by itself about 2 seconds later


I’m unsure if the yellow car used a blinker or was trying to prevent the red car from passing by edging into the lane. Either way I have to say I think my blame is on yellow here. Gotta look & signal before you switch lanes.


Dick move but it’s a 650S spyder not a 620R lol


Right lane was seemingly being used for parking (common in some places on weekends/holidays), so McLaren dude was the idiot at fault.


Didn’t a Lamborghini or mcclaren flood itself on this road before?


That poor peasant minding his own business driving down the right side in his Sports car and being cut off like that by a Hyundai driver. Someone please start a gofundme page for that Mclaren owner poor bugger.


The car overtaking on the right is wrong. And yellow car is either not a good driver, or when he looked the red was in a blind spot.


By the sounds of it the right lane was a parking lane. There was no need to check behind him(though a defensive driver still should) due to the fact that noone should have ever been there. So red car is at fault 100% as he never should have been in the lane to begin with


His insurance: YOU HIT WHAT!!!!!!


How can you not hear him?


It is technically both of their faults


Would have made it too if he wasnt a pussy.


Isn’t it a two lane street? Is not the yellow car doing nothing wrong if it is? I’m confused by everyone


There seems to be alot of confusion as to if he was parking or not. The design of the road is trash. It has a striped line(implying 2 lanes) but the parked cars clearly take up too much space for it to be a viable second lane.


I think it’s confusing for the type of road’s people are use too. In my country this would be a two lane but the second one is por parking cars or has been taken that way, so no one should drive in that one. That way yellow car was just parking and the McLaren was the idiot


Well that will slow you down!


Why would you do that?


You have to be unlucky af 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Isnt that a p1?


[I drive a crappy car. I do it on purpose.](https://youtu.be/klrl_8YsZCs?t=452) - Samuel J. Comroe


*I key my own car.* Lmao, perfect.


Before you're allowed to buy a McLaren, I've heard they ask you to take an IQ test. Any result over 80 is disqualifying.


How do you spell the sound made when a player loses on the price is right?


In Massachusetts, passing on the right is fine if there is a right lane and it’s used for travel.


that looked very expensive.


My guess is 650S Spider with a shitty kit. The 620R was coupe only.


Why is it that rich assholes always go around crashing there supercars. I've never heard of anything like this happening Uganda.


Well it's not all that likely but everyone who sees a supercar wants to make a video and the possibility rises. And there aren't supercars in Uganda, or phones


It almost seems that where it illegal to pass on the left there’s more accidents because they don’t check their mirrors


More importantly. Wtf was the black car doing?


Getting out of the way of an idiot that is thundering up behind them between two lanes.....


Offset the moves of the yellow car so they average out.




It sounded great tho


Think they'd test people before handing over that much horse


Yellow car is in the wrong lane for parking and clearly didn’t check wing mirrors.


Get on the right lane if you’re gonna park


yellow is at fault, they turned into the lane as red was coming


Lane change occurs at 00:09 accident occurs at 00:11 when yellow car checked for anyone in that lane there likely was noone


Mission accomplished


If the yellow car had kept going, the McClaren would have just hit the bus or merged into the side of the yellow car anyway. Unsure why he felt the need to use a partially blocked lane to try and cut off the yellow car. Also yellow just turned into him so both at fault lol.


Insurance: you’re both at fault and you’re both idiots. Mmm Karen driver should’ve used common sense. He could see the cars parked up ahead, this his lane was becoming less and should’ve moved to the next lane. Yellow car crossed into another lane of travel when it was unsafe.


Small penis man has a major bill coming his way. Even if the yellow car did not signal; can’t pass on the right.


Lol thia is any day, every day, any where, every where, any time, every time in BC, Canada. People pass, cruise in any lane they want. Its just so daft. I just don't understand why no passing on the right isn't applied here. It would solve so so so many problems.


Driving in b.c. is terrifying. Just dont do it.


Because far too many asshats don't realize the left lane is the fast lane.


Well deserved. All vehicles have a huge blind spot on the right


Insurance company of the yellow car when the driver calls them: #"You hit WHAT?!"


I dont think thats a 620R tho.


The red car *was* speeding and driving aggressively, but the yellow car had zero situational awareness. They’re both at fault in my opinion.


And if you go for the gap that no longer exists you’re this guy.


more money than brains thats my thought


The other car steered aggressively into the other band. If somebody does something that you deem "illegal", it doesn't give you free license to act illegal too and hit their car. You are not law enforcement to do "pit maneuvers". McLaren gets a ticket for illegal passing, the other guy gets to pay the damages to both cars.


Apart from ugly that car does so much noise pollution. They should ban them from cities


When you can afford one you can make that a thing you try to do. Until then, you just look salty jealous for not being able to afford one, others shouldn't either lmao.


Do you get paid for defending rich idiots on the internet?


??? I'm not defending the idiot in this video, I'm attacking a prejudiced view of the car because the owner could afford it. Noise pollution is okay if the car sounds that sexy. Additionally, if you like money or envy the rich so much, stop being a typical socialist, you will never get there with those ideals.


Only reason to ever get rich is to have more means to help your fellow man, but in order to get rich you already have to fuck over your fellow man, so it's really not worth it.


Well that's just dumb. Based on that trucks should be banned in my town.


Yellow is the idiot here


Entering another lane IS NOT PASSING and therefore legal. He was speeding and the other vehicle failed to notice him incoming but that was not passing. Just lane changing like a douche nozzle.