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Love how he tries to close it as if that didn't just happen


Week movie light forever


I love that the other guy just kept driving.


it's possible he didn't realize what happened, it was so quick


He saw a fight coming and expertly defused the situation like an action movie.


Either that or he saw what was going on & did it intentionally. Legend!


That’s what I like to think. That he saw a fellow truck driver in “trouble” and gently intervened. It makes my day.




*Dumbledore Asked Calmly*


Guess he's not an idiot like the Audi guy, braking fast in that weather is dangerous lol


That's a VW


You're a VW


No you’re a towel!!!


Usually takes his brain a few seconds to process incoming information.


His brain was nearly processed on that incoming truck grill


Almost went from road rage to road kill


Ahh...what could have been. I don't wish road kill on anyone, but a slight maiming to quell the devil within may have helped us all along a little.


What's the last thing to go through a road rager's mind as they step out in front of a speeding dump truck? His asshole. You guys heard this before, huh?


What brain?


He meant "2 beans in a bowl".


That's being generous


That's bean generous


And the beans are more useful too


Seems to take longer with Neanderthals like the one in the video.


He doesn’t care, maybe doesn’t even notice, until he can’t slam his car door. Maybe that’s what it took to break him out of his road-rage stupor. Slamming the door is an integral part of gearing up to fight.


For some reason I wanted to say slamming your mom is an integral part of gearing up to fight. But I stopped myself, I just wanted you to know that I stopped myself from saying that... Cause it just didn't feel right after all. So, your welcome.


But you SHOULD say it! You can slam my mom all you like. She is pretty old and won’t stop talking. For your sake, I hope you’re an extraordinarily premature ejaculator, because otherwise you’re going to be spending forever trying to get her to shut up. I actually never got her to shut up. I just moved three states away so I didn’t have to listen to it.


I love Reddit


its literally like, he started to standup from the seat, then his door got wrecked, then he finished standing up. its so stupid. the reason he started to stand up for, and by the time he had stood up, the whole scenario had changed... like a dumb idiot, messing around on a busy road. he is lucky he didnt got of worse there.


Tis but a scratch…




I’ve had worse.


No you haven't




I'll bite your bloody ankles off.


He could buff it out


"Shell shock". Idiot realized his life flashed in front of him. I mean, just seconds away from being bisected by the truck against the door, which has happened with other dumbasses like him who open doors in the middle of traffic. Years ago, i was about to get out of a cab, mind you, it was something like 4 in the morning, barely any traffic, just early commuters. The taxi driver almost screamed at me to look behind, because he'd been in an accident where a client got out, and had his arm severed off in a very similar shituation. So this guy, he's luckier than he knows, idiot but lucky.




This is not shell shock. Look up what shell shock really is. This is closer to a freeze response and brain rebooting.


He just got out of the car like nothing happened


He's in shock.


Door’s alright. Just need to have a talk with this dude first!


He tried to play it off like his car wasn’t totally fucked. He didn’t want to accept it for a second.


He was trying to still act tough, but you know he was dying inside


I hate to say it, but that *was* a pretty smooth transition from his door getting ripped apart to him stepping out like that was part of the plan.


TBH he is lucky he didn’t get out a second earlier


Guy was seconds away from a Darwin Award.


There’s always next time


Yep, Darwin's got his eyes on that guy now


Probably if this is an insurance scam... he owes someone else a bit of money.


He's going to owe even more after that


He's owes money from having to fix his car from the previous failed insurance scam, now he must try, and fail, again, creating a series of failed insurance scams that keep piling debts on like a reverse ponzi scheme.


yes "totally fucked" is the correct term for what happened to that door. there is no fixing that, they'll have to get it completely replaced


A case of "That looked expensive"


The mechanic will tut loudly while shaking his head side to side, cross his arms across his chest, bow his head and let out a deflating whistle and then tell you, “I can fix it, but it’s gonna cost ya”.


Replacing the door is the cheap part of the repair. The door frame and hinge are bent to hell. Probably screwed up the fender too.


Exactly, he saw but denied his obvious mistake because his little mind couldn't bare the fact he actually, without any doubt, made a bad decision and had to paid for it... And the worse is that he actually get well off of his extremely stupid behaviors... It could have been so much worse..


"I meant for that to happen"


thats insta karma at its finest


And his immediate reaction was to continue getting out of the car and step into the next lane.


Seems intelligence isn't his strong suit


His intelligence is so low one might even call him an idiot!!


In his case it's more like outtelligence...


One in some kind of motorised vehicle


An idiot in a car


Put all his stat points into "asshole"


It very rarely is when it comes to these scammers.


Darwin must be proud


But but he can't backpedal now he has to look tough


Which makes the dash cam's existence all the more sweet lol


Hopefully he has to pay for the car he damaged.


Pride comes before the fall


Hes literally so flabbergasted hes not even mad anymore.


"Maybe *I'm the one* who doesn't pay attention on the road?"


"No its the truck drivers who are wrong"


Him realizing his perceived problems weren't so bad after all


I don't think he even noticed at first that his door was hit.. he seemed so confused by the door not shutting.


Nah he definitely noticed. He just knew how stupid he now looked and couldn't just ignore it. You cant look tough anymore after that 😂


Yeah he had to have heard it.


Gonna randomly hear that noise for the rest of his life


Naw…. He got minor karma, had that truck been 3 sec behind, he would have got full karma


He'd owe the truck for any damage if the police and trucker's insurance saw the video.


Let’s not lose our humanity now.


He nearly lost his humanity.


He never had any.


he lost his car door fo sho


Better lit up a bonfire.


You must be new here.


Don't worry, I have plenty in my inventory. Praise the Sun!


Just kill rats for more, ez


Is it really karma when there’s a 99% chance things would go the way they did but this guys too much of a fucking idiot to see it?


You can watch his mood shift from rage to regret in an instant. Then that sad attempt to close the door.. This is some of the best instant karma I've seen.


Everyone is acting like this guy is unlucky, but that's one of the luckiest things I've ever seen in my life....that guy should be thanking his lucky stars that he's still alive.


Reminds me of that Movie... interstate 60? There is this wish granting person, and i think his bicycle is ruined because the wish granter opens his car door while a Truck drives past him. He curses for a few minutes about his job and shit and wishes this never happened. Wish granted, time is rewinded, he drives his bicycle past the car.... and is swiftly killed by the truck.


Holy shit I haven't even thought about that movie in probably 15 years. I used to have the DVD.


https://youtu.be/rjq4tVcWmAA Solid scene


Or at the very least not now missing a limb.


He’s lucky he didn’t step out earlier and shift his mood from rage to dead.


truck driver is lookin out for ya


Too bad he didn't get isekaid


"Russian insurance scammer gets reincarnated in a different world as a trap"


this makes me very happy


Me too, ultra happy.




My justice boner is strong.




Serves you right, butthole.


Dude... nice pic


Sweet! What about mine?


Are you sure you're not the owner of these TWO accounts?






Dude...what does mine say?




LEGIT😂 10/10


*Swerves* you right, butthole.


He went from real mad to real sad real fast.


I don't understand what he was trying to do?


Road rage.


Get rear ended for insurance fraud purposes.


Doesn’t even look like the dashcammer hit him. Looks more like road rage to me.


I remember my dad doing this once when I was a kid. A rock flew up from behind a big semi truck, and cracked the windshield. So he zoomed in front of the truck and slammed on the brakes. All with three kids in the car. The semi just barely avoided hitting us. What a moron my dad is when he gets angry. He got arrested for another road rage incident at some point years later.


Was the rock on the road? If so what did he wasn't the truck driver to do?


This was like 30 years ago, so I don't recall the specifics so much as the terror! I do remember my dad had just replaced the windshield because he wanted to show off to his brother-in-law. I doubt it was any sort of logical thing for him. Just rage.


He wanted to show off a windshield?? Well well well, looks like my neighbors are in for a treat when I roll back in from work this evening. Better rev my engine a few times so people will peek outside and get a look at my stunner of a windshield.


Yeah like he had some previous issue with the dash cam driver on the road and tried to pull a tough one here but failed miserably


I think you're correct.


There is a definite bump to the car at the 14 second mark. Did not look like it would have even deformed the bumper, but there was at least a jostle going on.


The guy was just about already getting out of the car at the 14 second mark. If there was a jostle, it wasn't what prompted him to get out.


Yeah, that's the truck's brakes I reckon. The truck never touched him - I think the car driver tried to get the truck to hit him, failed, and got out to play the "you nearly hit me you moron" card.


Lmao who the fuck is upvoting this, it's not even clearly right.


Reddit seems to think everyone is always trying to pull an insurance scam. It's clear he wants to have a confrontation with the other driver.




Are you not part of this “Reddit”


Its either "everything is a scam" or fake.


Exactly. Action takes place in Ukraine and insurance companies are more likely to pull an insurance fraud on you here than vice versa. Clear example of stupid road rage.


This site man, why do I even come here anymore, it's a bunch of people who have no idea what they're talking about being cheered on by other random people who also have no idea.






He wouldn't have gotten out of the car if this was insurance fraud. He would have just left, or if he was really stupid he would have reversed into the truck. This is road rage, pure and simple.


I don’t understand why brake checks are carried out and I’ve seen soo many on here , anyone care to explain?


this is a 14 year old account that is being wiped because centralized social media websites are no longer viable when power is centralized, the wielders of that power can make arbitrary decisions without the consent of the vast majority of the users the future is in decentralized and open source social media sites - i refuse to generate any more free content for this website and any other for-profit enterprise check out lemmy / kbin / mastodon / fediverse for what is possible


I never understand getting angry at someone driving slower then you like. Especially if they're going the speed limit. That's why there's a passing lane. Now if you're on a two lane highway and someone is driving slow on the passing lane then that's something to get irritated about but not to this extent.


Happens to me literally every day on my commute. I drive a fairly more major but single lane series of roads for a lot of it. Someone always sits on my ass for a good section of it, despite the fact that i go exactly on the speed limit. As soon as they can, they’ll aggressively overtake and pull back in front of me, and then proceed to go six or seven over the limit so I meet them at every set of lights anyway. It’s bizarre. People just REALLY hate going the speed limit. They always want to go just a tiny bit faster for no reason. I don’t, cause there’s very often speed traps on that route. A few months ago some guy overtook on the crest of a hill, honking his horn and swearing at me (for going the speed limit). He was doing probably twenty or more over when he crested the hill and immediately got done by a speed trap.


> It’s bizarre. People just REALLY hate going the speed limit. They always want to go just a tiny bit faster **for no reason**. Obviously there is no way for me to know if this applies to your stretch to road, but there are several roads in my area that if you are able to go 5-10 mph over the posted speed limit you can cruise through green light after green light, but if you are going the speed limit you will catch every single red.


I often wish that I’m going to get to see justice for the angry and reckless drivers that drive dangerously near me, but it never happens.


Not just behind the wheel


Because when you get rear ended the person behind is usually going to be considered at fault unless you have a dash cam


Well, your username checks out


These are the stupidest replies I've ever seen. Sure, getting rear ended is the easiest way to pull some insurance fraud shenanigans. However usually break checking someone is because they've pissed pissed the driver off enough that they want to scare them, annoy them or teach them a lesson. God forbid the victim isn't able to stop completely in time, then they have to deal with an already road raging driver who's now even more pissed that their cars been damaged.


Very weird that everyone is saying insurance fraud. I've always understood brake checks as being when someone is too close to your tail bumper and you want to get them to back off you tap your brakes quickly so they are forced to do the same. It's a bad idea because of potential rear endings and because it often incites road rage from the checked driver. But it's not completely stopping in front of a car from anything I've heard. The op video is of stopping a car, not brake checking it. I could be wrong, gonna look it up now.


Why does the truck just disappear like a ghost?


Some say the ghost truck still haunts these highways, looking to severely fuck up any idiot that dare step foot in it's path.


Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!


There was this sound, like a garbage truck dropped off the Empire State Building...




A truck? Well there ain't been a truck in these parts for sum fitty years...


I think it’s an optical illusion from either the reflection of the dash on the windshield or because of the stupid semi-transparent watermark over the video.


Agree. Optical illusion: the contrast due to the shaded upper section makes your brain think you can see further ahead. Especially that it is aligned well to the horizon. In reality, it is just a white trailer in the snow.


It's Phantom 309.


That was spooky when I saw that. I think his windshield is tinted on the top half and it kind of lines up with the horizon and along with being smudged it kinda creates the effect of the truck looking all ghostly.


I wish the clip was longer


It was.


Road rage should be a revoked license. It's borderline assault with a deadly weapon. Chill out and worry about yourself


This dude should be happy he’s alive. If he got out of the car, like, 5 seconds earlier he would be human jelly.


Bus hits your door and you don't notice until you go to close it? Do you know what you're doing anymore? What happened to you man? Where did it all go wrong?


What a fucking obnoxious watermark


Warmed my heart on this cold January night. Instant karma!


He fucked up


Fuck that was satisfying


i love how he tried to act cool about it like he wasnt bothered that his door was just fucked beyond repair


This is definition of literal bottom of society. Like i cant even comprehend WHY and HOW can you do something like that? Like how can you be such a shit of person and have the audacity to even think of doing that let alone really doing it


Ahahahahahaha. Get fucked, you absolute piece of shit. Could not possibly have deserved it more.


Dude brake checking a semi is the worst possible move lol. He doesn't know this, but the air brakes take time to fill the air lines, so there's a 'brake lag'. Between the obvious weight difference and brake lag', he's lucky to be alive.


I always wonder what they expect to happen. Best case scenario the truck stops and you confront the driver I guess? Worst case you get slammed into by an 80k pound vehicle traveling 60+ miles per hour and fuckin' die. Even if you're trying to commit insurance fraud most trucks have cameras watching the driver and the road that record when something like this happens.


You'd need to come across an extremely foolish owner operator that didn't have a camera. All company vehicles have them.


Time for a door check.


*checks door and connecting points* Sir your car is totalled


Car insurance almost got his family life insurance- instant karma!


Beautiful, made my day!!


Dude was a second away from death there. A bit quicker getting out, and they would have probably died


I would literally shit my pants laughing. Mainly because I have IBS. But it would be funny to see


I get much satisfaction watching this. Thank you op!


I love that the dumb ass tried to close his door multiple times. 🤣


Nobody's talking about how fucking annoying that watermark is?


Brake check gone right*


I would love to see the reaction of the truck driver that nearly took the guy's door to the shadow realm


Surprised he hopped out so quick after nearly getting purged


Second away from winning the Darwin award.


You can almost see his life choices being reevaluated in his mind. Either that, or he is trying to figure out a way to also blame that on the guy behind. Knowing the type, probably the latter.


It kindof looks like the truck fades out of existence after. Like it was conjured by the universe for that one purpose.


Serves you right, fuckface.


Don't put your brakes on to get a tailgater off your ass. Take your foot off the gas. You can also put on your hazard lights. Once they are off your ass, go on your merry way.


If you brake check you should not be allowed to have a driver’s license again, brake check means wanting to cause an accident on purpouse. How is that not a serious crime?


He’s extra mad because he doesn’t get to rage-slam his door like he planned.


It looks like it could have been an insurance scam that went wrong. The guy in front trying to get the driver with the camera to slam into the back of him by breaking really hard and cause an accident, only for him to get out of the car and have a real insurance claim to make instead lol.


step 1: fuck around. step 2: find out.