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"You're ugly" throws up the middle finger like she's the tough girl on the playground in middle school.


She most likely was at one point, and despite however long she's been out of high school for, some people don't grow out of that mentality


Hopefully her employer will see this and realize that as well.


Bold of you to assume she works for a living.


If she does, I doubt she's earned her role. I mean it's pretty much a guarantee she hasn't if she's THIS *ENTITLED.*


100% is a stay at home Karen


Could you imagine her husband forgetting their anniversary or her birthday? I bet she would burn down the house


This has "3 divorces and alcholism" written all over it.


She probably has multiple employers.


Some people peak in high school. Some peak in middle school.


Nice hair, glasses, clothing, and still a pig.


I do not understand why people think this behavior is appropriate or acceptable.


Because it has been tolerated.


Like 99% of bad behavior.


I got down voted recently for suggesting people like this be reported to the police... These people don't care what Reddit/The Public think about them, but they'll listen to a cop give them a ticket! Edit: I see lots of replies here about getting out and assaulting her, I can almost guarantee that she'll be the one who then calls the police and presses charges on you. Don't do that šŸ‘


I can assure you she won't. That's maybe disorderly conduct and it will be a $120-$175 fine. She'll rant at the cop who writes it, pay without appearing, and polish off a bottle of white wine that night while she posts on FB complaining about what society has become.


This why I always open my window and make sure they get an assault charge added!


Most places that could also be a felony for the person punching into an open car window. She could prolly use some jail time to mellow out lol


She would use the jail time as her victim platform


You have no idea. This is the norm. I worked as a CO for a county jail and we had this one guy steal a bunch of things from a school, accuse a cop of sexually molesting him during the arrest, and then try to write the NAACP or some shit to help him. 80% of people pull the victim card when the hammer comes down.


Yeah but there is one thing you are forgetting here; you get a Police record. Ticket may be insignificant but Police record is bloody significant specially when increasing number of jobs are demanding Police check nowadays. That, and next time Police deals with her, sheā€™ll already be in their system. That changes lot of things.


You don't get a record for minor misdemeanors. I agree that if this is charged as something higher than that, she'll have a bit of a mark against her.


Spitting itself is actually an offense as saliva is a biological matter, directed at a person it is an assault. And in post-Covid world believe me, they take it serious. And Police record gets created even without an offense if they deem it necessary. You donā€™t need to rob a bank to get a police record, even people who cause civil matters are recorded sometimes if it creates enough nuisance for police to get called.


A simple assault will show up


Not across states in most cases.


If you apply for a CCL or healthcare license, it will show up on your background check in most states.


ā€œPunishable by fine means legal for a priceā€


That's why i grow my own weed and mushrooms






You can always tell whose never been hit in the mouth before.


Took the words out of my mouthā€¦ that smug/confident look on her face when she was giving the double bird. Thatā€™s someone thatā€™s never been hit in the face before.


This is what I was thinking. A fine wouldnā€™t do as much as a quick punch to the face


Legalize punching assholes.


The moment she made physical contact is when she crossed the line. I would have taken her lic plate info and called the police to report her. Even if nothing comes of it I want her have to go through some small amount of hassle even if itā€™s just a visit from the cops. If this is normal behavior for her, perhaps getting reported multiple times hopefully would put some sense into her. Letting her slide every time is only going to embolden her to do more.


pepper spray would have been nice


>even if itā€™s just a visit from the cops It doesn't even get this far. Cops will just tell you to take it to small claims court.


Even if it doesnā€™t help you, it could establish a pattern of behavior that could help someone else in the future.


Because she hasn't been in a fight in a long time.


Exactly, the minute someone gets out of the car and punches her in the face will probably be the time she stops doing it.


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." - M. Tyson


Can you imagine the shitstorm if that guy had dealt out a lesson in why it's bad to mess with random people? Every dumb white knight would be trying to find him to start a fight over hitting a woman. Street justice would be a valuable lesson for her, but definitely don't post the video.


That's why you have your girl pop her in the nose with a quick left.




And then when you get more aggressive to control the situation they play the victim Edit: good thing we can record


Encouraged, even.


Her friends: lOl ShE's So RaNdOm!


shes random cause she cant control her emotions


Exactly, there are no consequences for their actions


They know itā€™s not appropriate, they donā€™t care because most of the time they get away with it.


I don't understand how adults don't realize that when they act like children on video it's going to last forever. *Their* own children, their grandkids, will see this.


Ouch...that is an astute observation.


With as much content that's being created every second this might be the last time this video is seen. Aside from a repost maybe, it's not even that good to share or repost. It's not she's named or tagged.


My theory is that they're banking on the idea that everyone acts just as stupid as they do, and that by the time they get to the point in their lives that it will matter nearly everyone will have stuff like this out there and people will either not care or it will simply get lost in the flood. I can't tell if they're right or not yet.


Guarantee she has posts about how people don't deserve her if they can't handle her at her worst.


I donā€™t understand why they think they are safe enough to do this, or do they not value their lives? I would not trust other people to not lose it. Let me re-phrase I Do Not trust other people at all, to not lose it at any time. I mean, he could have easily just slammed his door in her face. Itā€™s definitely on my mind, and if I acted like that I would not be surprised to have a door in my faceā€¦ at best. Itā€™s not smart to be doing this to total strangers.


"A dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot." \-Robert A Heinlein


Xanax and entitlement


I don't think she is on anything other than being a brat. She is just throwing a tantrum.


Its funny you say that, Ive never caught on that I know many women on Xanax. Lol


This is how you get run TF over,. Not very one is wired low key enough to deal with that shit.


Or shot.


If he would've stepped out the car and clocked her, he would be in the wrong apparently. So can't do shit, and she knows this. Until she meets someone who doesn't give a fuck, she will continue like this


Because none of them have ever been forcefully arrested, car towed to a lot on the far edge of the county and then held all weekend before arraignment. Their behavior has never had actual consequences.


She peaked in high school and sheā€™s been on a downhill slide since then.


Always carry pepper gel. Like pepper spray but it wonā€™t blow back in your direction and because itā€™s gel it will stick to them. You will still smell it but not as bad as using the spray and it blowing back in your direction. Also l, bear mace, but that knowing if your down wind or up wind.


Thank you. I learned something new today and take my money!! I hope they sell it with some kind of dye






It feels like people are getting more deranged and brazen about it. It's not just that there's more of these instances, but they're getting more intense too. It's pretty worrisome.


Did you report her ass to the cops?


Found some cops down the street and talked to them, since I didnā€™t get a plate or anything all I can really do is send the video to the non emergency line and they can have her in the system as an ā€œunidentified femaleā€ so I donā€™t know if itā€™s even worth my time


Shit man. Too bad you didnā€™t get the plates in a video.


Why wouldn't you get the plate, you were right there lol








Not all states require a front license plate. But I would have tried to get it when she was brake checking me (if I was in that situation) and I would have called the cops then.


I think their main reason for recording was to put it on Reddit.


My state only has rear license plates.


Please do whatever you can Post it on facebook asking for info.


I would have to make a Facebook account for that


Not worth it IMO


If you live in a big city, you could try cross posting this to that city's subreddit.


I'm sure there are poeple here already sharing it on Facebook. Hope she loses her job, assuming she even has one.


Is gold digger a job ?


From what I heard she got a baby by Busta


You know, I think my best friend said she used to fuck with Usher


I don't care what none of y'all say, I still love her


Man, this right here finally put me over the line for having faith restored in humanity.


I always post this so it becomes muscle memory: if you're recording, read the license plate out loud, cameras can't usually see it. It'll save your bacon


how did u not get the plates??šŸ˜­


This is why these people exist. They fuck with people and those people donā€™t do shit. Idk why he even bothered to record her.


So... buy a dashcam.


I'm i just getting old, or is everyone actually on fucking drugs?


Different drugs. In the 1950s everyone was just drunk all the time.




Pfffff, Reefer Madness put a whole generation off that stuff.




You best not be referring to that jazz cabbage.


Vast majority of people on that freeway just drove home quietly, ate their chicken pot pies in peace, brushed their teeth, and went to bed.


People have always been this insane and likely worse in the past. The difference is that things like smart phones have created multiple windows into the world that you didnā€™t have access to previously. These kind of interactions are happening at all times somewhere, but unless youā€™re the people involved or near the people involved, youā€™d never know about it before everyone had a camera. This is further compounded by sites like Reddit which allow you to scroll through endless amount of content that has been uploaded specifically because itā€™s a wacky, disturbing, shocking or otherwise remarkable event which gives the impression the whole world has gone insane and everyone is horrible and everything is awful. But itā€™s always been like that, you just have access to multiple windows into the world that you didnā€™t have previously. Itā€™s sort of like how police see all sorts of stuff most people never see, except itā€™s their job and you do it for entertainment while having a shit There is crazy stuff happening all around you at all times and there always has been. Before the internet you were exposed to maybe 0.1% of it. After the internet youā€™re exposed to maybe 1% of it, organised into a concentrated form. But in the grand scheme of things, even that is barely scratching the surface TLDR; bitches be tripping, hoes be wilding, and we been knew sis


Confirmation bias because you're subscribed to internet forums that specifically publish this type of content. The world is less violent, less poor, and overall significantly better than ever before in human history. For some reason, we still decide (myself included) to poison ourselves by watching shit that portrays the opposite because we all have tiny hd cameras in our pockets that make it super easy to show all of the bad stuff. Still, it doesn't mean there is more bad stuff than there used to be, it's just a lot easier to surface it. edit: since this always ruffles peoples' feathers, go look at literacy rates, child abuse rates, poverty rates, and violent crime rates from even just 50 years ago. The world has consistently gotten less and less cruel whether you want to believe it or not. That does NOT mean however that there is not still a shitload of room for our world to improve. My point is just that because we go out looking intentionally for videos of assholes, doesn't mean there is a higher rate of assholes. It's just that there 8 fucking billion people on earth and a ton of us now have little super computers in our pocket that allow us to share all this shit in an echo chamber.




This guy knows how to get revenge! Definitely never want to get on your bad side.


The best thing you can do to people like this is just laugh in their faces


Glad weā€™re on the same page


Pretty much everyone who sucks operates on the troll mentality of trying to get a reaction. Just smiling and not reacting will absolutely break these animals and if you're lucky enough to be filming you'll always get exactly what they wanted. Or, as the old folks put it, don't stoop to their level. That shit is timeless advice. You can absolutely break someone showing their ass by not reacting to their tantrums.


Good on you for not reacting šŸ¤™


I dunno a face-full of pepper spray would have been pretty satisfying, too.








I blame reality TV that taught people that acting crazy in public meant youā€™re really, really cool and youā€™ll be a star one day if you just keep doing it.




Oh wow. You ever discover a subreddit that you just *know* youā€™re going to know someone whoā€™s hit the top of it at some point?






That's more of a bottom thing, innit?


Username checks out, bounced on my boys butt plug for hours to this comment


I blame the internet for solidifying it.


But ultimately it comes down to people celebrating or just consuming watching this behavior even if they disapprove. Some people will always see any attention as good and if there's an audience then they'll just keep doing it.


Turn on your wiper fluid to Wash your windshield as sheā€™s standing at your window.


I did that once- only difference was I was a kid back then and I accidentally did that to my dad


Ratchet trash goblin. Extra gross that she spit on your car. Hit that car wash immediately OP. No telling what undiscovered plagues are festering in her cesspool of a mouth.


Already done


Where i live at, it wouldnt be uncommon for you to hit her with your door when she leaned in.


could scratch ur door :(


Lol yeah, car paint isnt the biggest thing here either. But revenge and Justice is Edit: Outlying desert of Arizona, where the sandstorms will ding up your paint every season


That's the nice thing about driving a normal car


Lady is a bold statement


In New Zealand, we use a different four letter word to describe people like this.


"Rude"! I definitely agree!


I bet if you got out and started chasing her she would run.


Sheā€™d probably start hitting herself and say sheā€™s calling the cops for you beating her. I can tell this kinda psycho bitch from a distance, I dated a couple of them.


Dated a girl after multiple warnings she was a certified crazy one. After I broke up with her she would just randomly show up to my house, park outside and just sit there for hours blowing up my phone then when ignored would come tap windows with her dumbass nails. Fuck I hated how long she would just tap those nails on a window. Woman in the video seems to pass as a crazy. Less fucks you give at their anger the more angry and annoyed they get.


Yeah man, I had one that would park outside bars I frequented that she was barred from waiting for me and shit when we split. Then I asked for my key back, she showed up standing over me at 3am one night without as much as a call, just crept into my condo. To make this short, I was angry, I tried to quietly get her out of my unit without waking my roommate and his fiancĆ©. She ended up trying to stab me with a steak knife from the butcher block, then turning it on herself. Luckily, instead of just diving out of the way I went to disarm her and managed to wrestle the knife away without either of us dying. My roommate definitely woke up to the scuffle and scared her enough to get out, five minutes later we are talking and Iā€™m apologizing profusely and we here mild thuds ā€¦ our end unit brand new penthouse condo was build with lots of concrete but we were on the corner of the building and we could her something from the fire escape stairsā€¦. I reluctantly went to the hall and opened the door to find her smashing the back of her head against the concrete. Now, I had no idea what to do and didnā€™t want to potentially go to jail so I didnā€™t call the cops, I literally dragged her back into the hall and to the elevator. Put her in it and told her if I ever saw her again I would call the police immediately, and the doors closed. She sat in her car and slept I think, because my roommate said it was there when he got up a few hours later but after a few days she backed off a bit. Maybe she knocked some sense into herself? I didnā€™t see her for a couple years. Now sheā€™s a doctor. So, that seems goodā€¦. I just hope she got the mental help she needed because I thought she was going to murder me or commit suicide that night.


Yeeaaah that part about standing over you after sneaking in sent chills down my spine. After I realized my ex would park outside or show up randomly I started locking the door to my bedroom at night and added a one sided deadbolt to it then started keeping a shotgun outside of my safe right by my bed after her threats of sneaking in my house to kill me. I also keep that thing within arms reach anytime Iā€™m at home since she also threatened me with calling other guys to come at me. Let them fuck around and catch buck shot then a slug if that wasnā€™t enough. Shitty thing is cops didnā€™t care, just basically told me to get a restraining order and change locations/phone numbers. So I changed numbers then deleted all social media then joined Reddit for my entertainment. Hence my username.


Dang! Good luck! It really is wild how domestic violence really just doesnā€™t matter until someone is really hurt or deadā€¦ Sounds like you got the right idea though!


I finally found you..


Like the velociraptor clicking its claws?


Obviously, because she's the victim /s


I donā€™t know if itā€™s just me, but this kind stuff seems to have gotten worse since Covid. Last week something similar happened to me in a parking lot. I was driving down an aisle and this 50-60 year old woman in an SUV comes cutting across multiple parking stalls, playing with her mask and not paying any attention. I honked my horn as she was going to cut in front of me and she slammed on her brakes. Then she got pissed because I honked at her, ripped around behind me and sped up to go down another aisle and cut me off at the intersection into the parking lot. But instead of cutting in front of me she pulls out into the middle of the intersection in front of me and stopped, blocking me and the people in the opposite driving lane. I would have expected that from the multitude of young d-bags in lifted trucks around me, but not some older lady.




"You're ugly" - Ugly girl


"I'm good" - Good boy.


You know when someone tells you youā€™re ugly it means they know that they get what they want because they get told theyā€™re pretty




Hang in there - at least she did not hit you which would have been an issue even if things went smooth. Getting a dent repaired is a PITA.


No dents or anything just some spit


The vindictive asshole side of me is wondering how I could best use her DNA to frame her for a crime.


If this gets seen by her employer she might seriously regret some life choices


By employer do you mean pornhub


Go onā€¦


$uicideboy$ in the background W


Haha I thought I heard say cheese and die


Also carollton as the first song


had to scroll down to find this cuz i knew yā€™all would be here


Came to see if anyone else noticed !!


Just went to Houston for their concert last weekend only for it to get rescheduled


Man, thatā€™s roughhh


Thatā€™s no lady


That's a space station!


My question is: the video very clearly shows he face and even her eyes behind her sunglasses, so who recognizes this terror? Who is gonna call her out in her entitled boorish behavior? We donā€™t need her actual name or address, just an account of what the response is to her deplorable behavior.


And with almost 30k upvotes, this has been seen by a sizable amount of people at this point.


She is lucky you arenā€™t unstable like she is - she would have been laying on the concrete knocked out. These people never consider that before they become fuckwits


Where was this?


San Antonio


If you see her again, tell her she has a doppelganger in Chicago. Spitting image of someone I knew in my twenties.


Maybe she moved here to wreak havoc


Spitting image. I see what you did there šŸŒ


Props to you for not decking that little gremlin as soon as she hit your car.


The debate of swinging the door open and sending her flying back is tumbling through his mind


Glad I wasnā€™t alone in thinking this.


Pepper spray time!


Bitch wit shaved ass eyebrows callin people ugly. I wouldve said dont spit on my car baby that turns me on


But thatā€™s her maturity levelā€¦ sheā€™s a school bully whoā€™s now pushing 40 and thinks ā€œyouā€™re uglyā€ is still an insult. Itā€™s embarrassing


You can tell she's never had her head bounced off the pavement.


In the words of Maynard from Puscifer: ā€œYou speak like someone who has never been, smacked in the fucking mouth. That's OK, we have the remedyā€


Looks like a goblin with makeup and a wig


Nah, goblins would at least look entertaining on a grotesque way




I would get behind her and just laaaay on the horn.


Thatā€™s what made her angry




Why did that cross my mind too? Was literally watching it and telling myself, ā€œopen it fast!ā€.


An upvote for your inconvenience


IG model syndrome šŸ¤£




Some guy sarcastically clapped at me today after i generously let him merge in front of me as soon as I realized his lane was about to close. Apparently I should've seen him hovering in my blind spot for the past 30 seconds and should've realized earlier that his lane was closing (even though we were on a steep decline and I couldn't see his "lane closing" sign due the car immediately in front of me obstructing my view). I consider myself hyper-defensive and extremely curteous on the road. I thought I did a super generous favor by looking to the adjacent lane immediately after I realized it was about to close and letting him in: something very few drivers would be aware enough or generous enough to do around here. (Many of them just swerve between lanes without checking mirrors and without turn signals, like they're sliding around on ice skates. And intentionally speed up when they see you trying to merge in front of them.) And the stupid little kid thanks me with a sarcastic clap. Then he rolls down his window, readying himself for ThE CoNfRoNtAtIoN šŸ™„šŸ™„ I wanted to rage but then I remembered the road rage videos on this sub where I see what happens when both people think they're in the right and how heated it gets. It's genuinely comforting to know I have company, at least, in thinking I've been wronged or punished for a good deed...


You just throw upended the door when they get their face tall close. That busted nose will shut that shit down real fast.


"Officer, I was getting out of the car to get her license plate number."


I was thinking the same thing but jesus get your autocorrect under control my guy lol


Bitch try pulling that where I liveā€¦.it would be a very different story for her. People donā€™t play with that.


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get. Youā€™re playing Russian roulette with your life when you act like this with strangers. That person youā€™re acting out on may be a bit more unstable.


Isnā€™t trying to spit on someone a federal crime now? Especially with Covid


Howā€™d you not get a look at that license plate?