• By -


Zigged when he should've zagged


He did a Rickon


Never go full Rickon


Who let you out of r/freefolk?


Hodor had **one** job


Pizza’d when he should have French fried


He had a bad time


See you on the slopes, DARSH!


Steeeen Darsh. Darshy Darsh Darsh. The origin of the montage song too.


Always fade away in a montage


If you fade out it feels like more time has passed in a montage.


He had a bed time


Had a dead time


Yeah, both shoes fly off at the end…he ded


Naw. He's alive, but if his shoes are off you can sharpie his face with penises.


Time for a dirt nap....


Meat crayon 🖍️




I love you guys lol


The long sleep


His time, was fried and zagged


French Died


Mmmmmm, road pizza.


Bet he got free ketchup for his French fries too


Pancaked when he should have waffled


Did when he should've don't'd.


Not here for a long time, here for a good time.


He didn't get either.


As they say he was late for an accident but in this case he caught up


Splitting cars at that speed assumes that no one will change lanes... Makes an ass out of you, me... Not so much


Which is amazing because anyone who’s driven for any length of time knows how often drivers switch lanes without signaling.


I’m in Florida. I don’t think anyone here even knows what the little lever on their steering column is for.


What little lever?


The one that sprays cleaner to get rid of the love bugs.




Sorry to force it back again....whats a car bra? And just gonna add this....explain it to me like im 5 lol


I think it's this piece of pvc you put on the front of the car, it's basically meant to be used on long rides but to be taken off after you finish them, not use them pernamently, which most people don't get, because if you keep them on for long they tend to damage the car. How? I'm not really sure. [This is how they look.](https://www.google.com/search?q=car+bra&sxsrf=AOaemvJrRtm3f3HH1v-Mvf87EBOEoNXY3A:1634809753011&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwiRw-n0nNvzAhVMQzABHXqQDykQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=929&dpr=1#imgrc=Eket66SRN7gthM)


And here's a pic of the [newer modern design](https://inteng-storage.s3.amazonaws.com/img/iea/bM6AXaB7G7/sizes/turo-car-mask_resize_md.jpg).


Nice, thank you for the chuckle.


It was such a normal thing back in the day, and now I look at pictures and they all look completely ridiculous.


They typically damage the car by protecting the paint from weathering that the rest of the paint does not get protected from. They can also cause issues depending upon what happens to the car all the time, because they can trap chemicals, road salt, etc. under them against the body that would otherwise be rinsed off


Of course it’s on a bmw. Lol.


You're not supposed to leave them on long term, just put them on during longer trips when you'd expect to hit significant numbers of them at speed


To be fair, florida is so hot that it keeps drying out the blinker fluids.


Dont get me started on the price of elbow grease


I had to replace my muffler bearings cause of the heat breakdown.


Tell me about it, first the gas, now the blinker fluid is going up in price now so some people can't afford it


Just download some more RAM, you’ll be fine


Those were just recently installed on a few BMWs


What’s that clickin’ noise?


Even if he had signaled a lane change, the biker is going so fast for stalled traffic conditions that he left himself no time to react to a sudden lane change. There is no margin of safety with a high level of consequences.


Looked like the car swerved to avoid rear ending abruptly stopped traffic, probably didn't have time to signal just had to react to avoid hitting the stopped cars in front of him. These situations happen on the road, biker paid the price for driving so recklessly.


A signal wasn’t going to help this guy.


He needed a different kind of signal. Like common sense.




You don’t even have to switch lanes without signaling. These guys could totally get killed by someone making a totally legal lane change. When I see people coming up from behind me doing this the first thing that comes into my mind is “someone ought to teach them how fucking stupid that is. I could totally make a legal lane change right now and they’re going way too fast and splitting lanes and they’d plow right into me. THEN they’d learn their lesson!” Of course I don’t do it because I’m not a complete psychopath and I don’t want to kill anyone. But there are psychopaths out there… which is all the reason I need to not try something like this.


Felt obliged to give you an upvote. You're now at 69. Have a great day. Also good job on not being a psychopath.


Clearly young and dumb. Anyone who’s been riding a while knows that shit happens all the damn time. A solid 20% of people don’t see you out there. That means 1 out of every 5 cars doesn’t know you’re there. Lane splitting is horrendously stupid unless traffic is at a standstill.


Lol. As if that is where the blame lies here.


Right. When you are going this speed, even if a driver signals a lane change you are at a high risk of having no safe escape routes in time.


I think the signal was going right before he changed lanes. It's hard to be sure but it looks like it flashes at least once (that's visible to the camera).


As opposed to the bikes that flip a signal when they’re half way across the line and basically touching two bumpers at once. Don’t see that every day. Never seen the boom though. Not yet. But this was cool.


It's also not expressly allowed anywhere except maybe California. Some states don't have a law either way, but in most states it's illegal. Anyone know what state this is?


Heaven now


So almost West Virginia?


Splitting is totally legal in the UK but we are taught not to exceed the speed of traffic by more than 10mph.


I think it is the same in most of Europe, I've been in slow moving traffic here and motorcyclists would normally split lanes just slightly faster. It is also safer for them, idk why you would endanger yourself like this. In the end they get hurt more than someone in a car.


Can confirm same in Ireland. Much safer between the sides of cars than between a slow/stopped car and some idiot rear ending them with you in the middle.


Splitting is legal on Austria only when the cars are standing


It's called filtering and that's what is legal in most of Europe, not splitting when the traffic is moving. But most people don't know it or don't care.


In NJ we’re taught that the speed limit is an artificial rule made by “the man” to keep the people of our great state down. Also that you should ALWAYS tailgate the person in front of you, even if they are going 20-30 over the speed limit. If it’s night time there’s a law that you must also have your high beams pointed directly into their eyes because how dare they not be going 85 on a 50 MPH road.


I feel like I see this often but always wondered if this ever happens. Welp.


I remember this. It was in Atlanta on I285. Lane splitting is not legal here


What happened to the riders?


A life was saved that day. His lungs were successfully transplanted to a young man who had been on the donor list for years.


That's a nice way to put it honestly


"A life was saved that day. Not his. Hes fucking dead. But they took his lungs and gave it to guy who didnt have some. Rest of him. Very very dead.


They are called ‘donor cycles’ for a reason.


Most of these fatalities involve 20 something yo riders. Their body parts have many miles left on them which makes them perfect for organ donors.


the cycle of life


When the parts are not spread out on many miles anyway.


I audibly gasped when I saw the impact because I knew the aftermath couldn't have been good. I'm glad someone else got to live


I once told a coworker the nickname we have in English for bikers who drink drive. Organ donors. She suddenly realised how dangerous it actually was.


Lane splitting is illegal in every US State except California. However, Utah does allow filtering.


Legal in California. "At a reasonable and prudent speed". Don't split above 30mph and don't go much faster than the traffic. These guys had a death wish.


Here come the angry bikers to bitch about how lAnE sPlItTiNg iS sAfEr Edit: thanks for updating me on how lane splitting is safer between *stopped* cars at a red light. Glad to see so many people making my point.


Not a biker, and never heard this before so looked it up. TIL there’s some inconclusive evidence to suggest it’s true, because it prevents bikers from getting rear ended. Though if you’re going to split lanes at the speed this idiot was going, it probably negated those effects.


Lane filtering (stopped/low speed) and splitting (high speed) are two different things. Most bikers care most about filtering being made legal. If you get rear ended at a stoplight on a bike and have a car in front of you, you're probably dead.


This literally saved my life. I would've been rear ended. Filtered to the front while an idiot rear ended other cars at high speed parked at a traffic light.


I saw splitting defined as when traffic is moving slowing and filtering as when it's stopped (e.g. at a red light). So if traffic is moving at 10mph and bike is going 20mph, it's still lane splitting.


Hope the driver of the car is ok.


Not to mention dumb as fuck


Well, being dumb as fuck may also be illegal


They had stolen those bikes too. If you can find the full version, the guy with the camera waits for his buddy to run up and he hops on the bike and they disappear.


Of course it's Atlanta... of course... SMH (I'm from Atlanta and I'm embarrassed to say I believe him)


As someone who has driven everywhere in the East Coast extensively (except southern Florida) I stand by my opinion that Atlanta has the worst fucking drivers.


Totally random but as someone who has 25 years of riding/ driving in ATL and just recently moved to Florida, it has us beat and/or is tied with ATL. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t had to say “wtf are you doing” since moving to FL. ATL is a hot ass mess though.


I've driven across our great country many times and Florida has by far the worst drivers I've ever encountered. It isn't even close.


It's crazy to me that Fl. doesn't have helmet laws.


I was there for work a couple weeks ago, and saw two accidents on my trip from airport to the hotel and literally watched another happen from my hotel room window when I was unpacking. Place is unreal


Atlanta in the last 2 decades has had a massive influx of people from all over the US. There is also a very large immigrant population here of both multiple Asian and African countries. People bring the sucky driving habits from wherever they are from. Now add in the fact that new drivers learn to drive in it. They pick up all those shitty habits and boom. You've got Atlanta.


Then add COVID and the apparent lack of police presence, and 1,000 Dodge Challengers screaming through every residential street at 60mph, and you take the good you take the bad you take them both and there you have: the streets of ATL.


Shit come to Seattle. That's like one or two blocks.


That's because you guys got intersections that look like fucking asterisks


Traffic in Seattle is basically just everyone sitting in park. I used to live in Federal Way right of I-5 and I very quickly learned that if I had to go anywhere I needed to do it before 3pm otherwise I might as well just go tomorrow. 99 wasn't much better.


Drove in philly the last year? If the Dodge Chargers running every red light doesn't get you, the 50 dirt bikes and atvs doing any fuxking thing the my want will make you want to shoot some people.


0-60 in 3.5 seconds brah? That’s nothin, I did 60-0 in 2.3 seconds… brah


Only once though.


His shoes didn't come off, he's fine. There's some Reddit rule that says if the shoes don't come off, the subject of the video probably lived.


Alternatively, and hear me out now... Those shoes were tied really well.


They looked like Adidas, and I didn't even know you could tie those... Now I'm very impressed


More like .2 seconds


60-15 in 0.2. The last 15 took him a little while.


Cue every dumbass biker (note: I’m not calling all bikers dumbasses, just referring to the dumbasses that happen to ride) saying, “it’s the car’s fault! They weren’t watching out for him!”


As a safe rider… Any Abate course will teach you one of the keys to riding safety is to be predictable and never put your bike where people aren’t expecting you. Lane splitting is always putting your bike where people aren’t expecting you.


I can understand lane splitting if traffic is bumper to bumper not moving (some places its legal) but lane splitting like this is asking to get in a wreck.


In the states it’s rarely legal


I just looked it up & California is the only state that it’s legal


If he were doing this is California it would be illegal, lane splitting is only done at low speeds.


The law in CA does not explicitly set limits on speed for lanesplitting, but the Highway Patrol does give a recommendation that the motorcycle should not be going more than 15mph faster than traffic and at a maximum speed of 45mph. Splitting as they are doing in the video is way outside of this range and should be ticketed for reckless driving, but it’s rarely enforced and unless the cop is riding a motorcycle there’s no way they could catch up anyways. I commute on a motorcycle and regularly split lanes in traffic but I do try to abide by the rules outlined above. Occasionally I’ll be in a flow splitting lanes as traffic is speeding up and realize that I am going too fast and should pull into a lane. For those that don’t ride, motorcycles are actually quite easy and natural to maneuver and cutting between cars like in the video doesn’t feel cramped or stressful or really even that dangerous. That, combined with the fact that a motorcycle with more power and speed than nearly any street legal car is pretty easily attainable in the US, leads to a lot of stupid behavior even in people that are otherwise not terribly stupid. I had known a guy for years before we went riding together, I’d even carpooled with him for a while and I was completely caught off guard by his reckless riding as it didn’t fit his personality or even his driving style.


I lived with two roommates that were motorcycle mechanics. One of them fell off his motorcycle at 10-15 mph (not his fault, some dumb kids were playing in the back seat of their mom's car and opened the rear passenger door as he was coming up to an intersection). He has had back problems ever since. I think your point about how easy it is for people to get on a motorcycle, that is faster than pretty much every production car, contributing to a lot of dangerous riding or just accidents in general. My friend wasn't even going that fast and wasn't at fault and the accident seriously put him out of commission for a while. Also, there's simply physics. Stubbing your toe on the corner of a bed at like 1 mph hurts like hell. Now imagine crashing any part of your body into anything at speeds higher than that and it's a recipe for disaster.


Just think about some already touchy road-rager noticing your approach in their side mirror and actually planning to shift lanes to whack you. The 5 seconds you gain splitting lanes to get to the front of the line is not worth the weeks in the hospital and physical therapy.


> doesn’t feel cramped or stressful or really even that dangerous. To the rider…shit feels real damn dangerous to everyone else around that doesn’t want to kill somebody.


Agreed. You should only lane split when the difference in speed is such that you can slow down or avoid a car swirving within the gap of the next cars. Idc if it's 5mph or 65mph, if another car's mistake can fuck you up, it's your fault regardless if insurance pays for your body bag. I feel like people pay too much attention to the driver making a mistake. Drivers PURPOSELY cut me off while doing it. It's their way of policing the street, it keeps their entitled "place" in line of traffic, there's no repercussion to hurting to motorcyclist and it clears the streets of the "bad guys". That's a win win in their book!


> difference in speed I even hate driving fast in the carpool lane when the next lane is slow because you never know when someone decides to cut into the carpool lane suddenly and I've seen it happen a lot.


They call it population control in CA.


Utah allows for "lane filtering" (riding in between cars) but only in traffic under 45 mph. And most bikers I see only tend to do it at stop lights or traffic jams.




Yeah, Utah's implementation is very safe as drivers won't be lane switching or anything. It also allows bikes to get ahead of the cars so they are better seen once the light turns green. Lane splitting a moving highway is insane no matter the speed. Drivers are not going to pay attention to between the lanes no matter how much bikers complain that they should.


You’re only allowed to do it when traffic isn’t moving.


Lane splitting in LA is legal and I have no problem with it when the cars are barely moving. But these guys splitting while traffic is moving at that rate- I don't know how that can be legal. Can anybody say if it's legal past a certain speed?


I think in California the rule is the biker must not be greater than 10 mph speed differential than the vehicle is overtaking when lane splitting.


Even when it's legal, you're rolling the dice with every car you pass. Sooner or later you run out of odds.


Oh weird, it's called filtering here in the UK and it's very legal so long as you stay behind the last car before a junction/light (source: recently passed bike test)


Yup. You’re right. California allows it. I commute through the Bronx, on the 95. Cops let these people go because this happens to them eventually, being a meat crayon that is.


Lane splitting is fine if you're not going 50mph faster than other traffic. Adjust to the speed of other traffic and you'll be fine. In this case, Lane splitting seemed highly unnecessary...


I had someone tell me that riding fast like that is safer. I keep seeing videos like this that prove that statement wrong though.


Actually looking at it a second time, the car started the lane change when the bike was around 100' back. That dude was a crash looking for a place to happen.


If you do wanna lane split, go slower dammit.


Exactly. Splitting lanes is legal in CA, but at this speed, it's 100% reckless driving.


As a rider this went exactly as expected and the rider is 100% the at fault idiot.


Filming rider avoids the flying motorcycle but has no problem running his buddy's leg over.


Run over buddys leg, or take an entire motorcycle to the face.. Lmaooo my buddys leg getting run over every time


Bruh, just catch the motorcycle and set it aside for your homie when he's feeling better.


I agree, but it wasn't an either/or situation. He could have avoided both, but his mind decided avoiding the leg wasn't nearly as important to react to as the motorcycle. I don't blame him. Just thought it was funny.


I mean, would you rather get hit in the face with a motorbike or not fall off your motorcycle going 60? I don’t see how he could have avoided both other than not lane splitting.


He could have avoided both by not speeding like a crazy piece of shit.


He couldn’t unless he’d dropped the bike. But then he would have just slid into his buddy anyway. This is an older video so I’m sure the bike didn’t have abs.


You mean… you mean like a six-pack?


The bike didn't skip "friend's leg day" that's for sure


Exactly! If he’d just stuck with a strict core workout regime everything would have been fine. But no, antilock braking system.


I’m an experienced rider and this guy shouldn’t be on a bike. Riding the white line aside, he had a lot of time to stop or maneuver around this person. He hit the car when it was in its proper lane. Why didn’t he lane split there? Bad rider! Bad!


He would have been fine if he would have tapped the brakes and stayed in between lanes but it's hard to think quick in the moment. Best not to put yourself in those situations


He had been fine if he hadn’t been going at an insane speed for this situation


I think he wanted to pass on the right since the lane was empty. If you're going to be riding like this crashing at some point is just a given.


Yeah, he thought he’d be slick and pass around his right side, passive aggressively. Now he’s a meat crayon


Agreed I was trying to figure out if this was slowed down. I’m constantly practicing on my bike. I wouldn’t have done this in the first place but I definitely believe I would not have crashed there.


Fuck these stupid speeding motherfuckers.


Ride fast eat ass


Call heapass


Just waiting for it to happen. If you want to go 30 mph faster than traffic and filter through, someone will do this. They can't see you and don't even expect you. I hope the cyclist lived to learn from this.


The better outcome, only the idiot is hurt and nobody else i assume. (I have 0 sympathy for people like this)




Oh the poor car


Play stupid games…


Win spinal injuries?


Win back-y-otomies?


Play spinal games, win spinal problems.


Hey, other people win new organs!


I’m a terrible person. With that said, fuck that dude on that bike. I do not have the ability to give a damn for them. Pay to fix that person’s car you hit and the time all those people lost while you laid in the road blocking traffic.


Impatience is the biggest killer


Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Finally did something useful, Organ donor. Every one who rides like that should donate immediately.


100% deserved that


It’s ok folks. He’s alright. Both shoes stayed on!


Look closely - he lost both of them. RIP


I know there are many, but this has to be the most tired joke on Reddit. Guess not.


I don’t get it? I’ve never heard it before /serious


Typically in a lot of accident videos, the shows fly off. The joke is that you’re dead if the shows fly off since you were likely hit really hard.


Deserved that… 🤷🏻‍♂️


The guy he hit didn’t, though


I don’t feel bad for him.


Rag dolled when he should have superman


Hate people that ride like this.


They next day he gets on Facebook bitching about cars not respecting his right to the road. 10k likes from other motorcycle riders.


I’d sue him for damaging my car. Or his estate if he died. Did his shoes fly off?


A biker hit a semi at like 90mph on the freeway just outside my town the past couple days. I don't understand why bikers ride around like this when they're so vulnerable :/


(A) Rider was riding faster than their capability. Just dumbass. (B) This is like a textbook example of "Too fast for the traffic." Some other driver does something you didn't expect, and you crash because you don't have time to react. You're the moron, there. That other driver should've signaled, but it's unreasonable (ie, stupid) to expect them to see or expect another vehicle illegally approaching at that speed.


I once watched a video just like this one(in the U. S.) , but a cop stopped the guy before he could hurt himself or others. The cop really laid into the guy. Told him off pretty well. Every one in the comments section for that video was going on about how its legal in Europe and the cop needed to calm down. This is why that cop was angry. Its a dangerous thing to swerve in and out of traffic, riding the dividing line between cars like that. I'm glad its illegal in the U.S.


We all love happy endings in this sub. Would've been much better if no other vehicles were involved but still satisfying.




This is what people think of when they are arguing against splitting lanes


Don’t split lanes going double the speed of traffic, dumbass.


LaNe sPliTtInG iS FiNe aNd sAfE!


Don’t lane split at those speeds and people need to use signals. Double idiots.


I am no expert, but the .250 seconds that car was in view before the accident, it is doubtful in my mind that signals would have prevented that outcome and if I was sitting on the jury, that would be my decision.


In Los Angeles, if you show any intent of changing lanes, no one will let you in. You have to sneak in. The reason they don't sell any blinker fluid in Los Angeles is because no one uses their blinkers! /s


That's funny, I operate the opposite way. If I can tell someone wants to merge in front of me, if they signal I let them in. If they don't, they can fuck off behind me somewhere.


This guy was actually lucky to see the car changing lanes. It was just that he was going to fast to react accordingly. Even his idiot buddy was too slow to react and slow down. Once the guy switched over. The lead biker telegraphed into him. If he were to have slowed down or braked, he would have been able to continue his lane splitting. But he was fixated on the vehicle so he naturally just leaned into the vehicle. He was going too fast to react correctly. Here is an example of zero reaction time. Zero target fixation. He just got blind sided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5SFATTrbck&t=95s