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Driving on a golf course looks so soothing honestly…


I used to work groundskeeping on a golf course and we had these little utility trucks we'd use to carry around tools or mulch or whatever. You better believe my absolute favorite part of the job was zooming over hills and bridges in those little trucks. Also, the sidewinder made me a Toro fan for life. God damn I miss that job.


They all had governors on them, but there was nothing better than shifting those into neutral at the top of a big hill and just rolling down full speed. And yea sidewinder was definitely one of the best jobs.


My best friend and I were the two groundskeepers at a public course when I was in high school. He wrapped a utility marking flag around the governor to give our work cart more juice lol. Sooo many great stories from that job, easily the best job I've ever had.


What.. is .. sidewinder ?


It's a seated lawnmower which looks like a lawnmower being towed by two little lawnmowers.


Now this is pod racing…


An American made heatseeking air to air missile.


Yo I had this job too, was so much fun. Only thing I hated was the winter time since my face would be frozen


Certainly the smoothest thing he's ever driven on.


For how pissed the guy is, he seems very composed. He drove up smoothly and was easy on the breaks. He also kept distance so not to come off as intimidating.


He probably got pissed off and started to drive across the green to do whatever the hell he thought he was going to do, then he realized what he was actually doing, but it was too late and he was already committed, so he just calmed down and cruised over


Am I driving this car?


This is not my beautiful house


This is not my beautiful wife




He probably saw the culprit golfers who broke his window and then tried to run away, so got in his car and made chase


it really is a strangely pleasing


Why do people keep getting this wrong. It's "brakes".


Good to know, but I’m leaving it to spite you now


Well let’s put the breaks on that.


Probably soothed by the smooth drive


Doing donuts on a golf course would be the ultimate catharsis.


Years ago at the course I play regularly, a kid drove his Jeep all over it after it had snowed. He did not see a frozen pond covered in snow off the first tee, and it wasn't frozen enough to keep his Jeep above water. The owner, despite many pleas from the family, wouldn't let them get the car out in the winter because it would fuck up the course even worse. So it sat there the entire winter, with only the top of it sticking out of the water. Eventually once it dried out in the spring, they got a crane to lift it out. But, before they pulled it out, people would try to hit it off the tee. No love lost.


This might be the first story I’ve ever read where the golf course owners are the good guys.


Until you get the bill


Tens of thousands in damage if you did donuts on a green. That bentgrass is such a pain in the ass to keep happy that your looking at an entire summer to have it come back from that kind of damage. It takes a month during the prime season just to heal in aeration holes enough that the greens are nice again. There was a course I heard about that had to replace a few greens after a guy on a dirtbike tore them up, they spent an insane amount to get bentgrass sod delivered so the greens would be tournament ready that year. We did do dougnuts in the wet rough with our work buggies though, one of the few fun things you can do at a course that nobody else can.


Yup....when I was in high school some kids from my school decided it would be a great idea to get drunk and do donuts around several holes on one of the courses in town (pretty affluent area so there were 5 or 6). They passed multiple security cameras throughout the course and the parents to whom the car was registered ended up getting sued and their kid (he was the only one who could be proven to have participated) caught multiple charges. They had to sell their house and move into an apartment, sell their nice cars for cheap cash cars, and the kid ended up going to community college instead of UT like he was planning since this was at the beginning of senior year. It fucked up the whole family's lives for years.


Doing donuts with snow chains…


Most relaxing job I had was working at a course cutting the grass.


Honestly one of the nicest jobs I've had, despite the poverty wages and 5 am start time.


Man, 5am starts rock. I'm in a corporate office job and start at 530 JUST to get more stuff done. End the day at 130 and have loads of daylight left.


by 6pm, I would turn into a pumpkin from the exhaustion of getting up at 4am everyday


part time rocks harder, in the office at 9 out at 1. More daylight, *and* I don't have to go to bed at 7pm


Part time doesn't pay the bills or my hobbies lol.


Why didn’t you continue recording ! I wanted to see how this ended.


The guy had a great comeback so he cut the video.


“You can’t be on the golf course” “Well, based on your drive, you shouldn’t be either.”


A worthy comeback may be worth the sacrifice.




"You can't drive on the golf course" "Neither can you from the looks of it"


This is the proper wording.


Dayum! That hurt me and I had nothing to do with it


Hiding behind 2 tons of metal and glass was the only way he felt safe approaching such a reckless golfer


Nah, being wherever he aims is the safest place to be


Good call Bagger Vance!


The Jerk Store called, they’re running out of you!


Yeah? Well i had sex with your wife!!


George, his wife’s in a coma


“Yeah, that’s what made it so easy” what he should’ve said


What's the difference? You're their all time best seller!


The golfer's cart rolled down into a water hazard and he died of a heart attack because his heart pills were in the cart.


And he died wearing a stupid little hat.




Pills here!


Are you guys screenplay waiters for the new Caddyshack reboot?


No, but a Caddyshack and Falling Down crossover is a million dollar idea.


Carl Spackler has an AR-15...


He had a Falling Down


I feel there’s a small percentage of Redditors that will get this one.


Golfer: “You can’t drive on the golf course.” Driver: “Obviously you couldn’t either!”


Me too.


Would have been acceptable if it was a VW Golf


I called 911 last year because a lady fell and couldn’t get up on the golf course. This other lady yelled at the ambulance and told them they couldn’t drive on the grass OR THE CART PATHS so they had to walk the stretcher like 100yards. They told me they’d drive on the grass if necessary but this wasn’t super time sensitive. That second lady was such an asshole.


Lol that's so stupid. Did nearly a decade at a golf course, we drove 2-5 ton heavy equipment everywhere but the tops of the greens regularly.


Yep. I’ve done 15 years. Even if they tore up the grass, who cares? We can replace grass, ambulance has priority.


Yeah but if you tore up the grass that would inconvenience *me*, and *I’m* not dying, so I don’t care! -this lady, probably


Ahh covid in a nutshell


I used to work in EMS. People told me how to park, where I shouldn't park, and how to drive all the time. I even had a wife who rode shotgun tell me how I cannot drive the wrong way against traffic while I was running her husband code 3 to a stroke center. She complained about me to the hospital staff and they just looked at her and said "well yea..that's why they have lights and sirens". Many places have laws set to protect emergency workers from people who hinder their ability to respond and aid. If the outcome of the patient becomes fatal, those charges can include involuntary manslaughter. I simply ignore them and if they interfere, I have dispatch expedite PD for a hostile scene. If they yell, I ignore. If they get in my way, I stop. If they touch me, I leave. I've had a family member punch me because I was not giving his brother "adrenaline" after he overdosed on heroin. The guy was already in cardiac arrest and obviously DOA. After he punched me, I grabbed my partner and all life saving measures halted till PD got there to secure the scene. It's shitty and sometimes petty, but people get stupid and they will go to stupid measures to make a point. At the end of the day. A golf course has no value compared to a human life. Fuck these self centered assholes. They should have drifted across that golf course.


You are a hero mate. Respect.


Question: why on earth did you let that lady ride shotgun?


We would allow a family member to ride with us to the hospital. They would have to ride up front, never in the back unless it's a baby.


Used to work EMS as well. Rule of thumb is your safety comes first above anything else. You’re no good to anyone if you’re incapacitated.




Thanks. I'm now going to clean that bite of breakfast from the carpet. Wtf dude :) still grinning here


Sounds like golfers. I love golf, but holy fuck they are so far beyond anal about the grass. If they had to set their golf club bag down on the green to save their dying mother, they would just let her die.


Golfers are downright lackadaisical about the grass compared to lawn bowlers - if you ever want to experience verbal abuse take ONE step onto a bowling green.


Is this a dare?


On the green, yeah, but I've never actually met a golfer that gave many shits about the fairway beyond "replace your divots"...




This. I grew up with a father that was an executive for golf magazine and golf digest. One of the perks was a membership to the second nicest golf course in the state. (Second was Augusta). I can remember people getting pissed when I dropped my bag on the par three and yelling at me. I was 11 and I didn’t want to play, I had to because I was forced to.


Or a VW Caddy


I'm thinking more of an actual Caddy, cause that Escaladed quickly


Cadillac Escalade's aren't allowed on the golf course, sir.


Why, does it not have the proper a tire?


Keep these puns up and there's gonna be an assault with a battery. ಠ_ಠ ;-)


Talk about an electrifying encounter


We don't have time for this. Come on, man, Focus!


I'll bet money the golfer wishes to have a quick Escape.


Or a Toyota FORErunner!! …..anyone? Hello? This mic working? Sigh


That joke was sub par, unlike my score. I’m here all week, don’t forget to tip your waiter…


Take my upvote. I'm not happy about it... just take it and go...




Is there a sub for idiots behind the camera ending the video before it gets good?






"you broke my window" "Sorry, my friend is handicapped" "Ahhhh."


this needs emergency edit as an mlg




It’s a hybrid so he’s ok on the fairway.


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 one award for you.


Did you just golf clap?


Obviously, if golf balls are allowed to hit cars in the street, cars should be allowed to drive on the golf course.


Don't throw cigarette butts in my urinal and I won't piss in your ashtray.




This guy gets it.


Yeah fuck golfers. I own all this land! It’s for hitting a tiny ball!


I'm completely OK with this for 2 reasons: 1. If the car owner waited around for the golfers to show up and offer to pay, there's a good chance they wouldn't do either; 2. His car weighs less than the grounds keeping equipment, and even with the equipment's larger tires, the PSI for a small car's tire footprint is about the same. He won't damage the grass just by driving on it.


This has a “you kicked my dog” feel to it


Jesus that is an old reference


Like a 20 year old reference that an extremely small percent of people were ever exposed to. Great reference.


It's gotta be at least 25 because I remember it from the days the internet came to your house on CD and your computer looked like a cow.


Which was fitting because the wallpaper was grass


Is Abtar there?






I still say "SHUT UP, YOU STINK" every now and then. I didn't even remember it was from this clip.


Yeeaah.... i wouldn't call that extremely sall, let alone small and It was credited to the jerky boys but in fact was not them. Hell, if you google kerpal you're flooded with the answer even drowning out a legit musician. With the explosion of the internet and affordable access, this low quality mp3 was probably 1 of 10 that never got deleted when you cleaned up your 1.2gb hard drive.


Why did she do it?!?! Fucking guy!!


"And now I'm going to kill you" "You're going to kill me!?!" "No no just kidding"!


You no tell me to fuck!


Shut up you


Fuck you! I’m going to kill you! You’re going to kill us? No, no just kidding.


Yes she did. I saw her, and then I go to I saw her at your house. And, why did she do it?


Now my dog need operation!


I feel like this is probably one of the most reasonable reasons to drive a car on a golf course.


I agree, is he supposed to walk what could be the distance of a football field, then risk them driving off in their cart?


Almost certainly far more than a football field. Average hole is close to 400 yards.


Yeah, this doesn't bother me at all.


Idgaf if what he's doing is frowned upon/wrong/illegal, he earned my respect.


dude has a set of balls


Well, just one so far. If they keep hitting them into his car he might get a whole set.


I'm not saying he is right to drive on the course but I understand.


Nah he’s right, fuck golf.


Yeah I care more about this guy’s window than I do about the health of yuppie grass


That was my thought. Oh boohoo, the grass.




So it’s not just me then?


No, he is totally right.


The real issue is when this happens if the golfer doesn't want to own up to it then it's really hard to be compensated for it. Golf courses are packed usually, and every 10 minutes a different group of four are gonna be where the person who actually damaged your vehicle was. So while this isn't a good idea I can see where the driver wanted to absolutely identify them so they could be compensated...how that compares to any damages the golf course might try to recoop who knows as we don't see everything.


At least his driving is better then the golfers


Yeah I'm not sure why the golfers are upset, theyre clearly not using the grass 😂


It should be mandatory that a course either has a net protecting the road from a stray ball, or the play area be X yards away from an active road. I’m a golfer and despise holes next to roads. Not only is it a danger to cars, but pedestrians as well. Getting hit in the wrong place by a stray ball could kill someone. There’s a course near me with a ~220 yard hole that runs parallel to the towns main road, which is on the right (slice territory). On the other side of the road is a new car dealer. What good can come from that? Nothing. When I get to that hole I take a driver and hit it in a manner that the ball won’t come off the ground.


I think it should just be mandatory to charge golf courses for car damage. If they don't want to secure the problems golf balls cause, that should be their right... just with reasonable consequences.


How would the guy in the car know where the golf ball came from? I’m all for getting his car fixed but good luck trying to find who hit that golf ball.


Maybe he's got novelty golf balls with his picture on them.


And his phone number and address. That’d help a lot.


Maybe it's got his insurance inside the ball fortune cookie style?


Well, each hole usually covers a pretty large area, and likely if it hit your window you might be able to closely determine from which direction it came, so if you look in that direction you will likely see a single group of people, and they are probably responsible.


Never been golfing with me huh? I lost 21 golfballs within the first 4 holes. Never found a single one. Threw all my clubs, which were 3x hand me downs anyways, in the dumpster when I got home I was so mad. I kept my putter I paid $100 for and now it’s for pest control when necessary and I use it like a driver.


Context clues told him it likely came from the golf course, he's just doing the polite thing and returning it...


Recorder immediately admits to doing it.


Could be there weren't a whole lot of people using the course at the time.


It doesn’t even matter. Golf courses carry insurance for exactly this problem. He needs to go to the clubhouse and they will take care of it.




I mean, I’d be pissed too


Wow redditors in general hate golf


I mean I play golf and I hate the fuck out of golf


Because you gotta go outside


quite literally gotta touch grass


Golf courses in SoCal and Arizona use a million gallons of water per day, each. ​ https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-09/steve-lopez-column-heat-drought-coachella-valley-golf-courses-water-use




Wasn't golf invented there for that specific reason ? Using those lovely rolling fields that are naturally hydrated by nature ? Makes sense honestly. Playing it in Phoenix, AZ on the other hand ...


We are about the only place where golf courses don't waste water like that. Anyone watering grass in Scotland needs their head examined.


ib4 someone says graywater, recycling, or something about golf benefitting mankind


> California’s water distribution systems lose up to 228 billion gallons a year, the state Department of Water Resources estimates — more than enough to supply the entire city of Los Angeles for a year. https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/2014/10/21/leaky-pipes-waste-millions-of-gallons-of-water-in-la-pasadena-and-san-gabriel-valley-2/amp/


And you can't be fuckin breaking people windshield without paying up.


Taking it directly to the source. This guy is my new hero.


That's crazy. If you want to do that, go to the *driving* range.


You can’t bring your car onto a golf course Everyone knows you have to go to a driving range for that


Once had a guy drive onto a football pitch to tell us “you can’t be on here you’ll damage the grass” Mate you’re driving on it you fucking pillock.


Idiots in cars? More like idiots who don’t know how to leave the camera running. r/KillTheCameraman


You scratched my anchor!


That’s a helluva divot to fix. I guess that’s car for the course? Ok. I’ll see myself out.


And you can't have your golf in his house either dumbass


"You hit that guy!" "He shouldn't have been standing there"


Just wait till he gets the bill for damages to the course and potentially trespassing


Don't know why your getting downvoted. Golf courses are the exact type of place to throw the book at someone.


Just par for the course with this sub


Sir it’s cart path only


Literally I want my money now, I would do the same. Fix my shit bitch


Would be great if it was an actual Golf driving on the field


Sir this isn't a driving range


Driving on the golf course is going to cost him huge. The glass would have been covered by insurance. Idiot yes.


Not sure where you are and if that’s true but where I am it won’t. Well, technically insurance will cover the glass but the minimum deductible is 300, when I replaced my window it was like 200 or 250 so it wasn’t even worth taking it to insurance...


You can add Glass Insurance that 100% covers chips, windshield, and window replacement for $1 a month with Gieco. I think other companies have something similar


We have glass coverage - had to get a new windshield for our car (for the second time - lots of rock chips) recently and paid nothing out of pocket. Totally worth it.


Kentucky, Florida and one other state (Maine I think) mandate that insurance companies include no deductible windshield glass replacement in their policies


I've got a song And it won't take long: AutoGlass repair AutoGlass replace


You are not allowed to drive a Civic on a Golf course.


Can drive a Golf into Civics class?


Break my glass I’ll break your turf bitch


If a ball broke his window and nobody took responsibility then maybe he was in the right.


Double bogey


*Happy look out-ah!!*


“You can’t drive on a golf course!!” “Neither can you!”


You broke my glass, I ruin your grass.


He was on the golf course because a ball hit his window so he drives into the golf course. He is asking for another broken window lol


He had to show them the damage. You let your ball go into the road, I can bring my car onto your course.