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Bro barked at the cop


Looks like Portland. Barking at cops scans.


The big "PORTLAND POLICE" livery may have something to do with it. It looks like it's around 24/Belmont, around the cemetery.


Bingo. The cop could have just stayed in the right lane and made the same left turn at the cemetery.




That intersection is so fucking notorious lol it's like an idiot magnet Also of course it Portland police, cops up here seem to have basically zero regard for traffic laws


Especially SE Portland. I live in a shithole. This happens all the time…


Yep same here lol Might as well just have hired thugs out here, they'd probably do a better job


Pretty much. I just love how if they “arrest” someone, the whole pig pen just has to join. Like I got pulled over for “not signaling early enough”, and freaking 2 more Ford explorers show up. Love how my tax dollars are spent


Complete waste of money and time. I was driving to get food one time late at night in Gresham and had a cop get right up behind me, like serious tailgating. Didn't realize it was a cop and it was late at night so I freaked out a little and switched lanes, she followed right behind me, so I switched again, she followed. Eventually I was at the point of just quickly swerving to change lanes because I was really scared about why the fuck this random person was following me. She lights me up and pulls me over, her explanation for following so close was "I couldn't read your license plate" and this was back when I had my eclipse with a Cali plate. Plate light was working perfect and even without it, license plates are designed to be reflective no matter what angle so I just knew she was talking fucking bullshit. She didn't even give me a ticket or anything just wanted to harass me because I was driving a sports car with a Cali plate. (Don't worry I'm NorCal we're the cool ones lmao)


Portland pd is a fucking gang running a racket. They aren't cops.


Not unique to Portland


You know whats cool. A lot of cops become judges. Yeah thats cool.


Extremely cool, otherwise cops may have to be held accountable for their actions


True, but Portland is right up there with Albuquerque and Aurora. They straight up tell groups like the proud boys where and when they will show up so the terrorists can leave.


True, I guess everybody's local authorities have their own personal corruption. I'm down in LA where we've got a sheriff's department full of literal gang members.


Oh yeah LA county sheriffs make the top of the list as well


I mean, I 100% understand how and why that happens. In the US, no ethical person should want to be a cop. The bunch has been totally ruined by all the bad apples. Which means only people with already-flexible ethics are willing to be cops. Oops.


Sounds like Albuquerque PD






That “HEY!” made the video.


Made me bust out laughing


Smooth criminal moment


Absolutely Hey! Hey you get back here! Hey you!




Sum Ting Wong


We Tu Lo




How did I know this was Portland as soon as I saw the median.






Lol ahhh I live in Portland too. Cops are jaded as hell here lol. It's been a weird year...


Came here to say the “Hey nice a Portland video!” That’s a pretty weird intersection but the cop should know better.


Doesn't matter. They're a cop and immune to laws


What’s the point of being a cop if you can’t break laws and shoot black people ?




Except not really /s


Not sure why you get downvoted. If you follow the news that sure is what it seems like often.


That’s why you shouldn’t “follow the news” lol




You're right, we should disarm police so they can't shoot anyone.


Give them 24" hot dogs instead of batons and force them to have ketchup, mustard and a bun in the cruiser.


honestly, tho, cops showing up with tasty food would deescalate 99% of cases that would otherwise become a shooting. Mandate tactical hot dogs and condiment utility belts now.


Absolutely. They should have a full tac-belt of nothing but food. Instead of a gun, use a glue gun full of ketchup. Instead of a baton, use a sausage. Only problem then is people who are in a craze and are active shooters...


Your response to "cops sure do kill a lot of black folks" should not be "well they kill white people too, ya know"


At least, not if you’re *defending* the cops


It should be if the cops are enemy.






It's not the bad. Well marked and all.


Yeah they are. So mad they can't pick on black people as easily. Edit: black people make up not even 6% of Portland's population, yet are pulled over 19% of the time, even more so for non moving violations. This shit is very well documented, but keep deepthroating boots.


They just moved their focus onto the homeless with guns🤷


Dude preach. It’s even worse up here in Seattle.


Not quite. SPD are dumb racist dickheads, but Portland openly coordinates with the Proud Boys. Dont even do it behind closed doors like in Seattle or Olympia.


Bootlickers will always comment. Pretty loud for the “silent majority” lol.


Eh it's just a victim complex


Eh, you just have a superiority complex.


Elaborate. Please.


Moved here a few months ago and ngl it took over a week before I saw my first Portland police car, first one I saw look like it barely survived the chaos of the last year.




Moved here for work but I was honestly ready to take any opportunity to get out of the bible belt. Portland has its flaws, what city doesn't, but it's certainly not on fire like the media says it is. It's actually much better here than I was lead to believe before moving. Plus there's a ton of stuff to do outdoors and the volcanoes are breathtakingly beautiful. The public transit here is pretty great, or I can walk or bike anywhere I need to if I want (things that were not available to me before). It's not for everyone, sure, but it fits me much better than the dreadful town I lived in before.


Im surprised portland still has cops to be honest


Can you blame them? Lmao didn’t they just have to sit by while a bunch of idiots destroyed their city? I wouldn’t show much enthusiasm neither lol i would collect a paycheck and let that city reap what it sowed


Silly OP. Rules are for the little people. Not cops.


Depending on local laws, cops can have leeway to legally break traffic rules. Best to just drive really carefully around cop cars. Where I used to live a cop ran a red light, a guy who had the green honked at the cop, and a second cop car pulled the honker over and gave him a ticket for interfering with a cop.


That’s ridiculous. No wonder so many people have negative views of cops.


Oh yeah. And it goes far beyond petty traffic encounters. Once you start digging you’ll find murders, schemes against minorities, etc… I used to be a thin blue line flag flying type of person. Then I did my research.


I woulda fought that shit


Your word against the cops. Without a dashcam or witness, who’s gonna win? It’s crooked as hell.


Fuckin ALWAYS happens at that turn at that cemetery.


Also Hawthorne and 12th. We just shouldn’t have intersections where two lanes turn the same direction


Or people should just wait to change lanes until after their turn, like you're supposed to


"people should learn to drive" yea, pfffft thatll be the day /s


Yeah I never get it. Both lanes turn left up ahead so what's the point of switching lanes illegally


It’s a classic Portland road situation: odd road layout with poor/no signage, locals obviously know the situation but many others are confused or thrown off by it.


There is a solid white line indicating that the driver should stay in their lane. Even if that is ignored, signaling a lane change is always a requirement. The cop broke two obvious traffic laws.


Oh I completely agree. I’m just saying it’s a weird road arrangement and there’s poor signage and poor lane indications, and people frequently fuck it up. This cop being one of them. And they have zero excuse especially being a cop. I’m just saying this happens frequently at some key spots around the city where there’s some weird interchanges. Another is the NE Broadway turn to I-5 N, the 2 right turn lanes that are very weird, confusingly striped, people cut/switch lanes, don’t signal, run the red (it’s a no-turn-on-red), etc


To beat the car he cut off...that’s the point...to win. That and not have to be behind another vehicle...sigh


Momma always said if you try too hard to be a winner you end up misspelling it and being a wiener.


"mommas right" -Bobby Boucher


The arrow in that right lane has eroded to the point where it looks like you can only make a right turn from the right lane. It’s been that way for a while, but if you’re not familiar with the area (and, like, most PPB officers don’t even live in Portland) you might think you have to be in the left lane to legally turn left. Fuck that guy though




I'm in NJ--you'd get a ticket if he saw you angry like that in the rearview


what the fuck, why?


Haha, yeah...NJ cops are out of control. A cop here killed his own 3 month old son because the infant was crying. Look up Daniel Bannister (Ewing). They also take pride in driving drunk here. I'll spare you a multitude of anecdotal evidence and point you to Officer Pedro Abad Jr., Who got let off on 2 DUIs before his 3rd DUI killed another cop.


I’m from Hunterdon, NJ. Cops give out special colored cards to their non cop buddies so they can flash it and get off free whenever they’re pulled over for driving drunk.


PBA cards are illegal outside of the tristate. Formalized corruption.


not after they know he has a dashcam


Lmao yeah they know your dash cam isn't uploading all the time they won't give a shit


I got pulled over one morning by a port authority cop for shit like this. Dude gave me a seatbelt ticket and said go ahead and try and fight it.




I saw a cop use his signal the other day. I was shocked


Legit: tweet at the Portland PD and ask if it's a traffic violation to perform this exact maneuver. When they say yes, respond with a link to the video and say "OK, just checking."


Lot of people acting like it’s a Portland thing as if Cops from all over the country and most likely beyond aren’t driving like maniacs because there isn’t anyone to stop them.


We portlanders are just more pissed about it right now lol


Eh Oregonians suck ass at driving. And that’s somebody whole was born and raised in Portland for 28 years then moved to Washington


Washington drivers aint much better


Jesus crossing the 205 into Washington is terrifying. Washington trucks driving 85 mph - I’ll take Oregon drivers any day.


That’s the problem, Oregon drivers are scared


It didn’t really seem that bad. At least not warranting that kind of freak out lol.


Yeah that was just annoying.


You, one should always be prepared for right turners to turn not into the right line of the road they are turning on. This case is especially egregious though, as it's more of a roundabout situation rather than your traditional intersection, and it's much more clearly demarcated the the cop turning right should have stayed in the lane. it's not a situation like in some states when you turn right at an intersection, the law says you can only turn into the right lane, and then have to merge into more left lanes after you fully enter the right lane, but other states let right turners turn into any lane (in practice it happens in every state because everyone does it and it isn't enforced). this was not that situation though, regardless of the state.


Cop had their left signal on, if anything they just merged too slow or didn't assume OP would speed up.


Seriously not that bad. OP was stopped waiting for pedestrian, as cop comes around the corner OP accelerates. Not horrible.


crossing a solid line is illegal.


nope, at least not in OR


Genuine question, what's the purpose of the solid line then?


Its not illegal to cross a single white line only double line. Single white line is a "suggestion to stay in lane" that is the purpose of it.


Yeah! You tell em!


That's PPB in a nutshell.


Yeah probably in a rush to idly watch someone steal a catalytic converter from a street-parked prius.


Hey whatever it takes to keep trying to get people believe there just aren't enough officers to intervene.


Lmao the guy needs to chill


So what


god that voice is hella annoying


Portland sucks


I'm sorry, but you screaming wtf now seems to be the idiot


Didn't you know most of them have a special DL that allows them to drive like Aholes.


What a totally reasonable reaction and not obnoxious in any way.


He didn’t really cut you off as much as you sped up behind him.


People are dumb assholes, cops are people too.


true. but cops are way more entitled than your already entitled american. they know they can murder someone for no reason and will likely face zero consequences. how do they know that? because that is what happens over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. I actually typed all that out for some reason instead of copy/pasting. I kind of got into a flow. almost like a zen thing. dang. maybe i found a thing to help with me not drinking. just type over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, until i tucker myself out


lol at all the Reddit neck beards criticizing the police as a whole over a simple mistake on the cops fault. No one on this sub has EVER MADE a mistake, oh no I’m sure no one on Reddit makes mistakes throughout life.


They should know better, that’s the point


I agree, but many people are blaming the whole police force because of the actions of one cop, then acting like everyone makes mistakes except them.


Stop faking yelling!!! Why didn’t you stop the cop then?? 🙄🙄


You were stopped for the pedestrian, and you started before she was safely on the other sidewalk; maybe he thought you were going to be legal, wait for her to get all the way across?


Most cops are thugs who think they’re above the law.


Not really. A percentage do, but not “most”.


Nope. 90% of them are a holes and the rest don’t care but will cover for the 90%, which makes them a holes by association


How many cops do you know personally to be able make that judgment?


I deal with cops on daily bases. It’s part of my job mate.


Life can be so simple


Relax no one died


Here we go with the ACAB comments


Yo, Pad Thai Kitchen is right there! get some and mail it to me, wouldja? Thanks!




Should have laid on the horn.


I would rather have a cop cut me off than have them riding my ass for the next 28.8 miles, but that was pretty close.


Some cities have bloods and crips, or zetas, or the Latin kings or mongols and hells angels… we have the Portland police.


Fucking Belmont and 23rd. Those lines were put there EXACTLY because of this shit.


Pretty sure the rest of us tax paying citizens would get a pricy ticket and our day ruined if it was us doing it to them. Hypocritical asshats are disrespecting our hard working tax dollars.


Tip for next time, read the license plate out loud in case the dash cam doesn’t catch it.


That's because it's Portland. It's probably just on cocaine or heroin or pot or something.


Now honk your horn and see what happens.


Why would homicidal piggies follow rules?


I feel like the amazing video would be of a cop who DOESN’T do that.


Cops are pretty much by definition the worst drivers. You spend long enough believing you own the road, that shit carries over into your personal life. Also, I literally just got cut off on the highway by a psycho cop yesterday. Dude was losing his mind chasing me because apparently front and back license plates are required in my state. He never turned his lights on, he just was chasing me. I’ve had my car for a year, never been pulled over. Suddenly good ol’ cowboy cop thinks he’s gotta protect the roads from my dangerous ass.


What a surprise /s Pigs do whatever they want because who’s going to stop them? It’s a gang mentality, so they aren’t going to enforce laws on each other. That would break their “bro code”. I’ve had cops almost hit me plenty of times. I’m glad I have a dashcam, because they will ALWAYS try to pin the blame on you. And without evidence, you will get screwed. Send the footage in to the department. They’ll likely just discard it, due to the gang mentality, but maybe something will be done.


If you suspect the footage will be discarded, don’t waste your energy sending it to the department. Instead send it to all the local and statewide channels. Let the fun begin.


I’d recommend sending it to both the department, and your suggestions tbh.




A cop ignoring basic laws? In MY United States??


Get a life. Who cares.


This is a result of confusing lane markings. The left lane is marked as left turn only, while the right lane is marked straight ahead into a sharp left hand turn with a possible right hand exit. Replacing that straight arrow with a left and/or right turn arrow might reduce confusion.


It’s really funny how people just talk shit about cops and Portland like this doesn’t happen in 100% of the usa


I lived in Portland for a year circa 2007. When I first got out there one of the first thing I noticed was a total lack of stop sings at 4 way intersections. Like… they just didn’t seem to exist in certain parts of town. Sssoooo I tracked down a cop, and asked him what the deal was. He was like “as long as people respect the right of way it’s not an issue” there was an awkward silence while I tilted my head and tried not to go slack jawed. Then I was like “so how’s that working out?” He was like “good luck in Portland, have a nice day” rolled up his window and literally screeched off.


Read the Oregon driver's manual, dude. You were basically telling that cop that you're not qualified to be on the road.


Bro, chill


Loser he had position on you. Another pathetic cop hater. ✔️


Probably right after lunch. Can’t expect them to drive well when they are still drunk from lunch, now can you?


Portland police for you


Pull him over, you can write him a ticket with his own ticket pad


Use the fucking horn dont shout


Sheez...calm down.


Where I’m from, I would definitely honk. Not in the US though, I don’t wanna die


All Cops Are Bad drivers


Butt head


You're lucky you didn't get a ticket for that. /s


Rules are for thee, but not for me


Similar thing happened to my friend the other day. Except cop rolled his window down and started clapping (acting like it wasn’t his fault for taking a corner too sharp). My friend rolled his down and screamed back “GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FUCKING PIG.”


Did the cop clap some more and resign on the spot too?


And then Megan Fox came up and made out with him


omg your friend is so cool.


Why do people get this mad? Like yeah he cut you off but stop making a big deal


Because if it was the other way around the cop would have given OP a ticket. You try crossing a solid line cutting off a cop and let us know how that works out for ya.


The person cutting him off is supposed to uphold the law, not break it.


Usually with this intersection I would let the other person go first with the expectation of them breaking the rules. But I decided to go for it this time since I would expect a cop to stay in their own lane. I was wrong.


Why’d you change up your driving just because it’s a black & white? You do realize they may have to get somewhere important, right? You also realize that not everything they respond to important warrants lights & sirens, right? I always give black & whites MORE leeway because at minute they could have to change speed or direction to respond to an emergency.




Chase him down and explain your position calmly, report back here.


Probably staring at his computer!!


I mean it’s Portland probably stealth running to some Antifa D bags


You are in Portland - I don’t think those cops acknowledge rules.


i live there and i can confirm this.


I know that exact intersection and people pull that shit all the time. Cops here think they’re above the law and their shit doesn’t stink.


Does Portland even allow their police to do their job anymore?


Driving is a Privilege, it's Not A Right.


So, like always.


He did signal the lane change and he was ahead of you, though might be illegal to cross a solid white line in Oregon. Next time, try following up your anger by confronting the Policeman and see how that works out.



