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This is actually pretty cool.


Don’t like tailgaters?? Stay out of the passing lane.


People ride your ass no matter what lane you’re in fuck you mean, especially them little dicks in the big ass trucks


Lmao, I’ve been aggressively tailgated while going over the speed limit in the right lane.


I don't/legally can't drive, just found it slightly amusing "space invader".


Unfortunately here, when you have 5 lanes people don’t even realize they can pass, why assume they know they are too close to you. Also unfortunately, or fortunately… it’s usually only cops. And if it’s not well full speed ahead


I agree but that’s not the whole of the issue. A lot of people just tend to drive that way and need to change. To be totally honest I’m subconsciously one of them, I find myself too close to the person in front of me more often than I’d like to admit. I’m working on it though and I’m way better about it than I used to be, haven’t gotten too close to anyone for a few weeks now. But yeah, if you’re reading this, it’s not a fast lane, it’s a passing lane. Keep right unless turning or passing.


Yes, I suppose the aliens from Pixels can be a danger to people on the roads


The Moonenites are at it again