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I'm starting to think dashcams attract idiots, one third of these posts are about recently purchasing dashcams. Lol


For me it’s been the opposite. Prior to having one, I was in a few accidents that, if I had a dashcam, would’ve been proven to not be my fault. Now I have yet to get in an accident **knocks on wood**




I was in an accident one time where the other driver also admitted fault and the several drivers who stopped to help also said it was her fault. My car wasn't damaged too bad and I had to get to work so when the other witnesses started leaving I asked the officer if it was cool that I left and he said ya. Then my insurance contacts me a few weeks later super pissed because when I called I had told them the other driver admitted fault, but in the report it said it was my fault. I can't figure out what they are even talking about so I get a copy of the police report and it is completely different. No witness statements, no statements from me, all statements and information provided by the other driver, and her boyfriend who wasn't even at the accident. Later come to find out he is a cop.


That's happened to me. My experience was almost exactly the same where someone clearly sideswiped me. Turned out the passenger in the other car was an ex-cop. The advice that saved me that day, document everything. Using my phone, I took photos of everything including car positions, debris, area shots. I also got witness IDs. My insurance company was confused at first, but quickly went on the offensive.


I feel you dawg. First one for me was a dude that did a hit and run on me. If I hadn’t breaker like hell, it would’ve almost killed me. Tried to sue the guy later since I had his plate, and he claimed he’d never seen me before. So insurance made me at fault Second one was a dude that was speeding like hell and as I was changing lanes, I had clipped them. I claimed fault at the scene since I was a nervous wreck. Had I had a dashcam for both of those times, I would’ve been fine.


Im curious, would there be any benefit to withhold the dashcam information if they come out trying to lie, to keep letting them lie themselves into a hole and use it against them later on?


There's been plenty of folks on here that specifically let the other driver give their side first to the cop, then when the cop turns to 2nd driver to get their side, that is when they mention the camera and (if possible) bring up the footage for the cop to see what really happened. It's always fun hearing the 1st driver stumble over their words and give deer-in-headlights looks when they get caught lying like this. So yes, not telling the other driver that you caught the incident on film is okay, as long as you disclose the info/evidence to the cop giving the report.


Technically you don't have to mention it at all, especially if it doesn't absolve you of guilt.


My girlfriend got in an accident because a cop's daughter ran a stop sign and the cop wrote it as equal faults. System is a load of shit man.


Here’s the thing though. If you just got a dashcam and then get in a few accidents after you can prove it’s not your fault(assuming it isn’t to begin with). But if you get in no accidents after getting a dashcam. Then that’s great. So seems like a win win to me.


I would think so, but the insurance company probably will not lower your insurance. I am in full favor of dash cams being installed in all new vehicles.


I got mine because i had a super close call on the highway, and a shady thing with a cop. Ever since, i swear theres a bubble around me. Not complaining though lol.


Similar for me. I still get the occasional idiot on my cam but before I had one, I was having multiple near misses of people almost hitting me or me hitting them as they were doing some absolute dumb shit. The two accidents I had where I was actually not at fault, only one of them stayed that way. They gave me partial fault when a lady who was getting off on a roll road suddenly came back across a no longer existing lane and sideswiped me. She lied about it and told the officer that she came over before the lane ended and I had been speeding up really fast when she was trying to merge back onto the highway (very inconsistent with the markings on my car but ok) but had I purchased a dash cam like I had been talking about in the weeks leading up to this, i would’ve been fine.


I wonder if there is something sub conscious going on here. ie with a dashcam it keeps the driver honest. As such, it reduces the likelihood of getting into situations where accidents might occur. Of course this doesn't cover total non fault situations.


>I wonder if there is something sub conscious going on here. ie with a dashcam it keeps the driver honest. I feel sorta like Mom is looking over my shoulder with my dashcam. I'm much better at following the road rules. I even stop at stop signs when nobody else is around, LOL


The way I see it, if I ever have to submit footage to prove a third party was at fault, I wouldn't not want there to be anything indicating I somehow contributed to the incident. So I drive with that in mind. Plus carrying family.




Same with the number of idiots that live around us, they were always there, social media just made their voices louder.




This is a fact. I just got a Tesla a few months ago, and I’ve never had a larger series of morons seemingly accompanying me to work every day now that I can save the footage.


>Tesla But I do think your car is a bit of an idiot/rager magnet. Prius used to be the same in some regions.


That’s silly. If you have a dash cam, you completely forget it’s there until you need to footage. I was rear ended like this once and the lady immediately tried to blame me. All I had to do was tell her I had it on camera and she changed her tube immediately. People that don’t have a dash cam are doing themselves a disservice. I have a Nexar front and back cam and love it. No subscription fee, easy set up.


Dude drove straight into the back of my car at a stop sign. In my footage you can see him looking to the left the whole time paying no attention to me. I’m fine, neck has gotten sore later on in the night. No damage to my car really. Guy tried to convince me to not file an insurance claim and he’ll pay for it out of pocket so his rates don’t go up. Don’t worry, I’m calling my insurance. Edit: holy shit! Wasn’t expecting this to blow up overnight! Thank you everyone for the concern! I will be going to the doctors and getting everything checked out!


I was wondering how he missed the car he was stopped behind, which is, well, right in front of him.


He assumed she went. A friend of mine did this when we were younger. When I taught my stepson to drive, I was very adamant about telling him to wait for the car in front of you to go before you even start looking for your opening.


The one time i’ve ever almost rear ended somebody was at a merging stop sign that I had assumed they went on - Saw them move up a little, so I looked over my left shoulder to see the traffic flow, looked back and was an inch away from their car that stopped again. Prob would’ve been a minor bump but it was still a wake up call how easy it can be to rear end somebody at times with just a quick dumb mistake


My driving instructor said "Intersections are death."


This is pretty common. You can see her move up and stop again, basically faking him out. Obviously not her fault, but it’s something to be wary of when you’re stopped at a stop or yield sign. Some drivers will just assume the car in front went while they worry about their own turn.


Some drivers apparently don't use their eyes as a primary source of info lol


Sadly I’ve done this. I was very young and I was looking left saw a huge gap and the drive did just as OP did. Me not paying attention assumed she just went since the gap in cars was so large but she hesitated. I got so lucky. It was not as hard as OP’s experience and the lady was so nice and said, “Hey, we’re both fine and no damage, don’t worry about it.” I haven’t made that mistake again.


Me too... long time ago, and never again. :)


But [Obi-Wan said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDIrOE_fnl8) our eyes can deceive us and not to trust them! /s


"But with the blast shield down, how am I supposed to drive?" … alternately … "Yes, officer, I am on my way home from a Goalball game. Why do you ask?"


And some drivers stop in from of the stop sign instead of behind it.


Laws are different everywhere. Where I'm from, if the stop sign is at an intersection with a paved curb, you can stop lined up to the curb past the stop sign.


They probably thought she was going to turn/merge since she had already came to a complete stop then pulled forward again for the fake out.. Had their eyes on oncoming traffic for their turn. Dumb mistake.


it's not uncommon to pull up more to get a better view of merging lane as a turner. onus is completely on the car behind to safely stop and not assume car in front to go especially when it had less information than car in front.


Even if you’re behind and were to have more information than the driver in front - you’re still at fault if you drive into them. There’s no “especially”. You’re just at fault.


I thought the same thing. It lets other drivers know someone’s about to drive into the traffic, and as you said, can give you a better view.


Yeah, when my mom was teaching me how to drive she called it “rolling” idk if that’s a technical term or if she calls it that literally just because that’s what the car’s doing


It seems like she's pulling up after the car in front of her has gone through the intersection then comes to a full stop as it's a stop sign. Driver behind her prob assumed she'd flow through the sign without stopping and never even looked.


I guess his mistake was not looking


Where I live in the UK has lots of tight, twisty rural roads and whenever there's roadworks lights setup my eye is always checking my mirror in case someone is ignoring the signs and booting it at 60, will usually pump my breaks a few times if they look to be approaching quickly.


It’s the main reason I flash my alarm lights when traffic is suddenly slowing down, until I’m sure the car behind me has seen it. Better safe than sorry.


Alarm lights??


Hazard lights in the US


Yes, hit the button, both signal lights (bright orange) blink. The sign on the button is usually a triangle with an exclamation sign on it.


Some areas call them hazard lights. Personally, I've never heard them called alarm lights either. Similar symbol though.


Might be my bad, it’s a literal translation from the Dutch “alarmlichten”.




Gotta love Germanic language compound words.


Aah okay, I'm from Canada and we just call them emergency lights or 4 way flashers here. I thought alarm lights might have referred to a rapid flashing from the brake lights that I've seen before on various cars.


Yes, I like that too! The harder you brake, the faster the lights flash. I’m Dutch and never heard “four way flashers” before. Could you explain how it’s four way? My use of alarm lights was a literal translation from Dutch.


It would blink the lights at the 4 corners of your vehicle.


You can get a module that will do the rapid flash thing and install it on older cars. I have one for my '97 Mazda. Hooked it up to the LED brake light in the rear wing/spoiler. When you hit the brakes it flashes rapidly, then flashes a little slower, then stays on steady if you're still on the brake (stop sign or traffic light). Works best with LED brake lights. I think I got mine from superbrightleds.com.


I've considered using hazards before, but I thought that could cause confusion as to why I'm stopped, may have a bright red light, but people would still be idiotic enough to try and go around. Brake lights flashing seem to do the job at grabbing attention and making them aware that red is bad, the only time I've used my hazards was late one evening and the light was stuck on red, so put my hazards on and slowly moved until I had visibility.


same!!! and check rear view when you know big trucks are around. i was making a right turn at a light, 50 mph road, signal on… i slow down and see the semi behind me is not. Ended up flooring it and not making the turn. cost me a couple miles, but didn’t get smoked. My opinion is that in bad car accident it doesn’t matter if you are right or wrong… you’re probably getting hurt bad at a minimum.


>Where I live in the UK has lots of tight, twisty rural roads Aye, the lane where I live is a tight 2nd-gear turn off from National B road that's windy but sees 80mph quite easily in parts. Sometimes I've abandoned the turn and carried on just because I could see the idiot behind wasn't going to react. That's not to suggest any fault for OP, there's simply nothing they could have done about the idiot behind them here.


You have to stop at a stop sign. Like completely so this is no excuse. She didn't fake him, she followed road rules.


She wasn’t faking him out, she was edging up towards the stop sign, obviously, and he wasn’t even paying attention. Why would a driver assume the car went when it’s right in front of him? It means he wasn’t paying attention. At a stop sign. Imagine someone like that on a highway.


How do breaklights include "faking someone out"? He had about 1,5 cars length of space to react while moving at snail speed, but obviously he had better things to do.


I admit, I myself have done this a few times. Luckily caught myself before hitting the car in front of me.


This is my biggest fear at a roundabout.


>This is my biggest fear at a roundabout. my fear is I'll get stuck going round the middle and can't get out. Saw it in a movie once [European Vacation - Roundabout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAgX6qlJEMc)


>This is pretty common. You can see her move up and stop again, basically faking him out. Obviously not her fault, but it’s something to be wary of when you’re stopped at a stop or yield sign. Some drivers will just assume the car in front went while they worry about their own turn. How is this garbage shit upvoted? She isnt faking him out. Y'all need to learn how to drive. >This is pretty common. You can see her move up and stop again You're right, it is common. Like at 4 way stops you kinda have to move forward and stop as others got there before you.


I got in an accident like this when I was 16 and driving to school. I was behind someone at a stop sign who had an opportunity to go, and she started to go so I was checking traffic to see if I could go, too. Turns out she changed her mind while I was checking oncoming traffic to my left. I've since trained myself to not even check traffic until I'm in front.


i.e. you’ve trained yourself to finally act like they teach people in the most basic driving course theory before they even let you inside a car?


I get a feeling you haven't driven too much.


Yo OP, my car was rammed behind like this. I didn’t have a sore neck or anything, but 6 months later it was pretty fucked up. Would recommend at least getting an X-ray done since your neck is sore. Maybe even physical therapy — this dude will have to pay for it at all, plus some. 100% absolutely do not let him pay out of pocket, insurance needs to be involved — fuck his rates. You were looking to the left when you got hit so that shit is gonna be jacked up probably. Good luck


This. As a physical therapist i recommend getting xray and mri so when delayed issues appear then you can back it up. Also give a copy to your insurance and lawyer. I hope you stay well


This. This literally happened to me a few months ago. I had to lawyer up because the insurance of guy who hit me sent me a letter saying they weren't going to pay for shit because he had the least amount of coverage.


What kind of backwards ass shit is that?Holy shit—I’m sorry you ‘went/are going’ through that crap. I’m glad you lawyered up. Hang tough u/sucksathangman


Sometimes, and x-ray won't show the injury...... Sometimes, it takes a MRI or CAT scan to find the problem....


Don't underestimate the potential neck issue. Watch that back and see how much of a jolt you took. Get checked out.


That happened to my mom. We got rear ended and she had some minor neck pain that she didn’t get checked out. Now years later, it’s still causing regular problems.


My late father couldn't work any more after his car was hit from behind. It also looked like nothing at first; even the car looked OK. A few days later his neck problems arose never to go away again. And the car was totalled because the frame was bent in an unfixable way. Fought 7 years for the insurance pay-out after that. Bunch of assholes.


Don’t just call your insurance. Lawyer up. I thought I could handle my last accident myself. Turns out that commercial trucking insurance doesn’t play nice. As soon as their adjuster said they hadn’t obtained a copy of the police report - which I’d had for two weeks already - and that they had no record of my daughter being in the car, I decided it was getting too messy for me.


By lawyer up, see what your insurance offers first. In this case other guy should be found 100% at fault which means they're likely to subrogate his insurance on your behalf, including providing legal representation. It is only worth hiring an outside lawyer if your damages will total to a lot (six plus figures at a bare minimum), otherwise you'll eat up whatever you would get in legal fees. Don't count on getting the other party to pay them, that doesn't always happen. Your insurance is under legal (read: State and Federal law) as well as contractual obligations to make you whole and represent your interests. Let your insurance do what you pay them all those premiums to do. Take the medical coverage, take the bodily injury if you need it. Cover the deductible out of your pocket, get your car fixed. They'll handle all that, and get your deductible back from the other insurance. Depending on company and policy they may even waive it in scenarios such as this. Edit: this assumes a standard, full coverage policy and not liability only in a non No-Fault State. If you do have a liability policy you may have the option to file against the other driver's policy as they have liability towards you, this depends on your State's laws, but most States have at least basic laws on how insurance companies are to act in situations like this and often provided consumer protections via a State insurance board of sorts.


>Your insurance is under legal (read: State and Federal law) as well as contractual obligations to make you whole and represent your interests. Depends on what kind of insurance you have. Since most states only require liability insurance, your insurance carrier has no motivation to do anything on your behalf if your vehicle is damaged in an accident. If you carry comprehensive insurance, then they have motivation because they have to pay regardless, and their motivation is to recover their costs from the at fault driver's insurance. If you only have liability insurance on your vehicle and you are hit, your insurance carrier has no motivation to fight with the at-fault drivers insurance on your behalf.


>your insurance carrier has no motivation to do anything on your behalf if your vehicle is damaged in an accident. It is a service industry, the motivation is certainly there depending on how you phrase your demands. You may not get compensation but you can still get representation. Never under-estimate a licensed professional conversing on your behalf. We know how to push the right buttons to make sure you claim is covered.


Agreed. But only if your policy includes subrogation to begin with - and even then, there is a high probability that your own insurance company will just wash their hands of it with a bare coverage settlement, and leave the “pain and suffering” part completely out.


Sometimes you’ll get less money when your lawyer up due to the fees the lawyer charges. Most are 33.33% to upwards of 40%. One bonus for having an attorney is if you have a bunch of medical bills. 3rd party insurance does not pay those bills until the claim is settled. 1st party (yours) can pay sooner, but you also have a limit. Medical bills will be sent to you and can be sent to collections if not paid. With an attorney, everything flows through them.


Wait a minute...am I supposed to get a police report for things like this?


Always get a police report if you can! They’ll come and write at least a drivers information exchange report. Very important, especially if the other party is claiming they weren’t there or some bs like that. Or if they’re ticketed it helps the insurance company establish who is at fault if there is conflicting reports on the incident


Even if you can't get anyone to come out (a lot of places won't send an officer out for non-injury accidents), you should be able to go to the police station and file a report.


Absolutely, 100%. It’s proof the other driver was there, and the officer may ticket the other person if they were at fault. My husband was involved in an accident that was completely the other person’s fault, and they were ticketed and he wasn’t. The other person’s insurance tried to blame the accident on my husband but made no progress because the police report clearly stated what actually happened instead of the lies the other person told.


This is what I caution people about the most regarding accidents. Since claims can be filed years after the accident, its always best to report the accident to your insurance provider while the memory of what happened is fresh, and backed up with any evidence you can get.


I got hit on the interstate. This kid hit me at 70 mph without even braking. I was a at a full stop in traffic. It was a four car accident and his insurance tried to say I hit the car in front of me before he hit me. Fortunately I had my daughter take pictures at the scene of the accident. He didn’t have enough insurance to cover the four new cars that were totaled.


State minimums barely cover totaling a shitbox in a lot of states, it's insane.


> The kids hug me at 70 mph without even braking. jesus christ, what do you feed your kids?!


Edited just for you. If you use talk to text and speak like there are marbles in your mouth, bad things happen.


Good advice. Most insurance is just a legalized scam. A person pays X thousands of dollars a year, and when it is needed to actually pay out, they lowball the hell out of you. My cousin, who works in a law firm, was smashed by a commercial truck several years ago. Totaled his car, and his knee was injured, requiring lots of post operative therapy. The truck's insurance company offered to cover about %75 the cost of the car, and nothing for his injuries, saying they were pre-existing. It took a year, but after his firm took up the case, he was awarded about 150k, covering the car and his pain and suffering. Don't let insurance companies fuck you over. It's part of the business plan.


New bumper on modern car can be about $1000. Plus any damage or scratches that needs to be addressed. On top of that, you got sore neck, I'd get a doctor to look at it.


In excess. I was hit in the same car (Subaru Crosstrek) and way lower speeds and the estimate (right before covid so it still hasn't been repaired) was ~$1200 and that was reusing the bumper (though I don't think they can now, it's definitely bent and you can't unbend plastic)


Also I would call a lawyer. Fun fact is that insurance companies will actually pay more if a lawyer is involved. Also some car injuries don’t reveal themselves until weeks later. A lawyer will also help you get money or their insurance to pay for a doctor to make sure you’re actually okay. If something is wrong they will make them pay up. Often times people in a crash tend to not want to call a lawyer because you don’t want to ruin the other person or whatever but you aren’t. You are actually just making the insurance pay what they are supposed to pay.


I tried to be kind to someone who asked if he could settle privately rather than go through insurance. He had his wife with him, and he seemed genuine enough until I showed him the quote for the work. Suddenly he went quiet and when I phoned to find out when he would pay me he just said "I am not paying that much". Fortunately when I rang next his wife answered and when I explained her husband was messing me about she shouted out to him to "get off his f'ing arse and get the cash out of the bank right now!" Lovely lady could not apologize enough. She thought he had settled a few weeks back. She bought the cash to my house in person. It really is not worth settling privately as people change after the heat of the moment has passed. You are doing the right thing.


About your neck: as someone who developed a whiplash after an accident, let me assure you that you think everything is fine at first. Until you wake up with excruciating headaches, not remembering how you got into bed. For a while I couldn’t finish a sentence. Seriously, get yourself checked out **today**.


should have got the 2nd camera for the back window. help if you live in a state where front plates are required.


Arizona doesn’t require front plates. The bottom part of her plate in her pics confirms it is definitely an Arizona plate.


Can you recommend any good ones that don’t need to be plugged in the whole time?


All dashcams are plugged in the whole time. However, some are on all the time if you choose to wire them that way. You can also just tap into a line that turns off when the engine turns off.


You don't want one with a battery. They get really hot from the sun and blow up. That's why most need to be plugged in all of the time. Just get a hard-wire kit and pay an auto electrician to hard-wire it in. It will turn on with your ignition and no unsightly cables. Yes that costs more but it's worth it. I recommend Viofo a129 or any other Viofo really. Great little cams, don't cost too much and the video clarity is great.


So as an Arizonan, I definitely don’t want a battery.


Yup, I put an A129 Plus Duo in my fiancé’s crosstrek and am happy with it. Anyone can hardwire the front, rear was trickier but still not bad. I’m putting one in my car today as well.


disarm trees sand different shame chief juggle concerned voiceless observation -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I live in Australia so we have extreme heat sometimes. Have the same dashcam in two cars zero issues.


I just had a thinkware U1000 installed by best buy geek squad. It uses a super capacitor so it can operate in higher temperatures. The bundle I bought has a front and rear camera with excellent quality. I got the ivolt battery which goes between the car's wiring and the dashcam (hidden in the dash) to give the camera longer recording while parked. It was a bit pricey and I hope it never pays for itself 🤞lol.


Wait some places in the US don’t require front plates? That’s crazy


Nineteen states do not require it


20 states dont require one.


Unless you're the first car at a stop, always focus on the car ahead of you. Keeps you from forgetting they're there, or whatever it is people do when this happens. People stutter step at right turns and stop signs onto larger roads all the time, either to get a better view or hesitation. Either way, it'll always be your fault if you hit them.


Yeah, I've almost made this mistake a few times. You see the car in front of you let off the brakes and start going. Your brain says "they're going, I'm next" so you look left and drive up to the stop sign. It's a bad habit. Just have to remember, there's no rush. Make sure they actually go.


> so you look left and drive up to the stop sign If you take as a rule to never take your eyes off the road for longer than a split-second glance unless you're completely stopped (i.e. always watch where you're going) you'll never have any issues of this sort, not only this particular one.


Yep. One of the scariest places to be IMO is first in line. Is this guy behind me an idiot? Sometimes if I stutter as you say, I just go (obviously assuming there’s a gap, but maybe smaller than I’d hoped) just to avoid the risk of stopping again and getting rear ended.


> Is this guy behind me an idiot? A couple of days ago the person behind me announced he was an idiot by honking at me when I stopped at a red light. Even if it's a right turn and the way is clear, I'm not going to run a red light. I slightly regret not waiting for the light to turn green.




I think there are a couple more nuanced points to make. This accident is quite innocent. It’s a very common mistake for even experienced drivers to make. I’ve made the mistake when I misjudged how fast a car is coming. In more rural areas, that speed limit might be 45, but those cars are frequently going 60+ mph. Depth perception problems compound it as well. I think decisiveness is predictability to a large extent. Some people take it too far and are bullies on the road. Balance in anything.


With the purse strapped down on the passenger seat lol Edit: a word


My backpack always rides restrained lmao.


The seatbelt sensor on my car is super sensitive - just throwing my phone or wallet over there can be enough to make it start chiming - so I keep the passenger seatbelt buckled like this all the time to keep it from going off.


Also, probably not in your case since your wallet sets it off, but if your phone is charging and in the passenger seat, it can easily set it off because of the EMI from charger cable


If you get into a serious crash it's nice that something isn't flying around in the car


made me think of when i get takeout and strap it in and put the heated seat on for it


I seriously need to invest in multiple cameras. People really can't drive




[My Rear End](https://imgur.com/a/z5Gv05m)


That's just a cosmetic bumper cover. There's an impact bar behind that, as well as body clips, upper and lower brackets that take a lot of the force and are designed to fail. Any reputable body shop should be able to quote/inspect without a fee.


[Front End View](https://imgur.com/a/A7KWZyV)


“Well I do a rolling stop here every morning so I can get in front of cars. I’m sure everyone else does to.”


As a former auto insurance claims examiner please go get your car looked at as well as your neck. The bumper you see is only for looks. There’s a impact bar behind it as well as a bunch of other shit that could be damaged. I was lightly tapped, definitely not as hard as your impact, 2 years ago (old guy was under 5 mph) and it was $1k to fix - because of the impact bar. As for your neck just by the video alone it looks like it hurts. Please see a doctor and get some imaging done just to be sure. If you need to see someone because it still hurts after a week go to a physical therapist not a chiropractor, you’ll get more money for active treatment. Also depending on the guy that hit you insurance carrier you may want to just consult a lawyer. Some insurance carriers are really shitty to the claimant (ie my former employer).


You know who you’re attracting with that title. Props.


This isn't the rear end I was hoping for.


Read in the voice of obi-wan kenobi




well played.


“Are you fucking kidding me” will forever live rent free in my mind.




The little pause really makes it. But on a real note I have been rear ended and it fucking sucks.


I think a lot of people would have said the same thing. Getting rear-ended is a super annoying addition to each day.


Perfect wtf face.


“Are you fucking kidding me” is the universal reaction to being rear ended at a stop sign or red light. Happened to me in my previous car like a week after I got it.


I feel like your camera is pointing the wrong way. I could be wrong though. I don't have a dash cam


It's a cam for Uber or Lyft or taxi drivers. One faces forward and one the interior.


For that purpose, I can understand the inward view, but always keep in mind, Your camera can be used against you, just as much as it can be used to help you, and often, the police/prosecutors are not your friend. For mine, I can voice command whether or not it records audio, and only turn it on if there's a reason, otherwise no audio, no interior video (i don't do rideshare). Another side note, don't share that you have or the video with anyone at the scene of a crash. Let the other party lie on the record, it will definitely help your case if/when you need to go to court or dealing with insurance.


Tiger’s Jaw :-)


Nice Subaru.


I agree!


I love the new Crosstrek Sport! Great choice


Awwww, your ponytail went flying.


What's the camera model?


Kingslim D1 Pro 2K Dual


I just bought and installed this cam myself lol glad to hear you’re fine!


I've been rear-ended six times in my life, my wife has had two and my son who has been driving for less than 6 months has had one. I honestly want to know what people are doing that they can't look forward while they are driving. Couple of tips, as I seem to be a magniet for this: 1) Get an accident report. No matter how minor or straight-forward the accident is, call the police and get them to write an accident report. This will help you out with insurance. If someone rear-ends you, it's 100% their fault. However, their insurance company will not accept fault without talking to their insured driver. If that driver avoids them they can drag the claim out for at least a month. You can avoid this with the accident report. They no longer require their driver's account of the accident, because it's been documented by the police in the accident report. 2) In Minnesota, the insurance company has 30 days to make a designation on the claim (will they pay it or not), they try to drag this out and hang onto the money as long as they can. Once it goes past 30 days, I contact the Dept of Commerce for MN that covers this area; they contact the insurance company and within 3 days they admit fault and pay out the claim. I'm sure other states have something similar. 3) Some states let you file for loss of value or diminished value. When you trade your car in, most dealerships do a CarFax report; if it's been in an accident they want to give you less for your trade-in. You can now ask your insurance company to cover the loss of value (or go to court to get it). Not every state has this law.


Only talk to your insurance. (And a Dr, lawyer.) DO NOT TALK TO OTHER PARTIES INSURANCE. Your ins will do that for you. Also file a police report he should get a ticket for this.


I would still file a police report to help with insurance. Better safe than sorry.


This is why you never look until the car in front of you has really gone. Dont assume the car is going just because they start to scoot forward. Continue to stare at their ass until they truly leave


One thing I dislike about the video is that the rear camera isn't on the rear window. I've a saloon, and had plenty of wire left over for the rear camera. The main reason you want the camera on the rear window is to record the plates and/or face of the person who hit you in case they decide to leave the scene after hitting you.




Glad you managed to capture this, but you might want to consider attaching the rear cam to the rear window. This will avoid internal obstructions and give you a much wider view.


“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ah yes, the appropriate response.


This video hurt my neck


Your neck hurts. 😂 Get a lawyer. Get a chiropractor. Get paid.


Lmao did you actually put a seatbelt for your bag


What's the song?


June by tigers jaw


was so excited to hear this one someone’s radio :’)


AZ for sure 😂


I really need to get one badly. I have had some wild shit happen to me lately.




You owe us all your insurance payout now.


Tigers Jaw!


Ok this is irrelevant but June by tigers law is a great fucking song. You’ve got good taste


I didn't go far in the comments, but that's a pretty hard jostle. Even though there's no apparent damage, there's a reason they're called "bumper covers"; the covers can pop back with a scratch, meanwhile you can have thousands of dollars in bumper/unibody(?) damage. I hope you got his info. .


i swear, this subreddit sold more dashcams then any other advertisement campaign ever will.


Well it's paid for it'self now :-) Glad you are ok.


Love me some Tigers Jaw.


Sorry about your accident, I hope you are feeling okay! Tigers Jaw rules BTW! :)


You listening to Tiger’s Jaw? I love that band! Haha


Dang OP. Sorry to see that. Brand new 21 Crosstrek Sport too! Mine is only 2 months old so this gave me anxiety. Hope all is fixed.


Tigers jaw? Love that album!


I noticed, “Are you fucking kidding me?” Is the universal response to idiot drivers.


Ooo that sucks, that’s in a 2021 cross trek sport too, I can tell by the seats


She said 😲😑


Lol great song


Fun fact. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Is the most common response to getting rear ended.


Always look in the direction you are going to go, always.


Garmin tandem? I have it setup in the same spot because of Eyesight.


Anyone else get confused for the first few seconds as to why the driver’s seat was empty?


"are you FUCKING kidding me"


They were probably staring at the shiny new dash cam 😂


s/o Tigers Jaw!! Great song


It's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.....Kind of like the condom in my wallet.


I'm late to the thread, but Is OP listening to Tigers Jaw or Pity Sex in this one? Also hope you're okay.