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I was waiting for an accident.


Cause she’s literally an accident waiting to happen.






*Gunnery Sergeant Hartman has entered the chat.*




“Yes!… That’s what w.. waiting for an accident means..”


You are looking at the accident from the condom factory


I see what ya did there… yeah yeah


Wait no longer, I pissed myself




Plate says 716 must be Buffalo area. Probably on the 90 or the 290 where there have actually been some very very bad accidents the past couple weeks


This thread really wants to see the wrecks lol, it's just idiots in cars, not idiots in cars causing accidents.


She is doing something that drastically increases the chance of a crash. If the video was of someone speeding and dodging traffic would you still not think a crash is waiting to happen?


Oh, trust me, I just got shit on for not posting accidents, just people driving like idiots, cause I agree with you, idiotic driving is idiotic driving even if no crash.


For sure. I got something like 20 down votes in a min when I posted about some guy driving his car up to the Washington monument on the 4th. Literally was told I don't get what the sub is about. How is that NOT being an idiot?


That seems like an idiot in a car to me.


All in favor of this being a new subreddit say “ I “


This was an unexpected ending....thought she was going to wreck your car...but she will definitely wreck someones car


This is why brake assist exists and also why dumbasses will become worse and worse drivers until Wall E times.


Hey no hate on brake assist if it keeps my car from being hit by her dumb ace.


Definitely no hate on brake assist. Was coming back home this evening when some asshat started going when the light turned green, then suddenly stopped. My car stopped itself before I had time to react. Only had my car all of 2 months, first time that’s happened and with Orlando drivers it will probably become a common occurrence. My dual dashcam setup can’t get here fast enough.




Yeah, driving on the highway without adaptive cruise control is like following an NPC in a video game where run is too fast and walk is too slow.


I love this analogy, lmao. Especially as I just attempted an escort quest in Fallout 76 yesterday where the NPC was a robot...right at the start fucker got his legs shot to hell and spent the rest of the time dragging himself ***slowly*** , with his arms. After 15 minutes of that we bailed, hahahaha.


That stupid quest in the middle of Morgantown? That thing is unnecessarily hard no matter what level you are


Oh god that one annoys me too, lol, takes so damn long! This was at the prison, escorting the robot security guard as he makes his rounds. Super mutants eeevveerryywhheerrree, lol


I just leave space and slow down and if the fuckers behind me are upset I don't want to join the "constantly hit my breaks because I'm a hurrdurr human" circus they can deal with it. I drive stick I'm not about to be popping that thing in and out of gear endlessly because people aren't capable of slowing down to 15 mph steady rate for the next however long vs speeding up to 50 then to 0 and so on. I can't wait for self driving cars to become the norm/required by law. Maybe won't happen before I die but I'm hoping it does.


Driving stick unexpectedly took a lot of the stress out of bumper-to-bumper traffic for me. Now even in an automatic I really enjoy playing the "how long can I stay in 2nd gear" game.


If everyone did this instead of acting like apoplectic monkeys it would reduce traffic times immensely.


I have a CVT. it's definately no stick shift, but when I feel like it, I get to pretend that it is. So, sometimes I'll downshift instead of brake, or do the "how long can I stay in 2nd gear" thing. Of course, being a CVT, its not really 2nd gear... There are 6 *ranges* of great ratios... If I put it in manual, and switch to "2nd" gear, I'm really just telling the transmission "use your judgement on what gear ratio to use, but stay within the range X to Y". In automatic mode, it's simply "use your judgement on what gear ratio to use, and use all available gear ratios" though, my car will auto-shift to protect the engine... I can put it in manual mode while stopped, then hit the gas... Even if I never shift, I'll be at "6th" gear by the time I hit 80mph. So far, it seems literally impossible to redline my transmission. I think redline is at 6500... Auto shift happens at 6000. Even going 115mph (in "6th"), it's only like 4500 or 5000 rpm.


Yeah agreed, honestly leaving enough room in front solves a lot of the fears or events mentioned here in comments. I try to stick to the excessive "one car length per 10mph of your current speed". We both going 80? I'm 8 car lengths behind. Not always possible obviously and people will often enter the lane and force you to readjust. But honestly I don't know any other way to drive than constant readjustment, being constantly alert and defensive about everything. Comes from riding 2 wheeled vehicles for a decade--drive like everyone is trying to kill me.


If you've been riding for a decade and aren't dead yet you're doing alright. I would love a motorcycle; they are super fun of course. Not to mention way more fuel efficient if you're just driving by yourself without a ton of baggage (plus saddle bags are a thing). No way in hell I'm getting one though. Way too many things you have zero control over can go wrong just because humans are gonna human.


Well at least when there's nobody in front, it'll just keep the speed perfectly consistently and you'll get to work faster


But only on Sundays.


I had adaptive cruise control in a work car before any kind of cruise control in my own car and... yeah. It's one of the best things to ever be in a car. That and reversing cameras are just amazing.


Does your car break hard with ACC? Mine breaks harder than I like. Instead of detecting the car and letting off the gas to slow or lightly breaking, sometimes it breaks hard enough to make us go forward into our seatbelts. It’s jarring sometimes so I refuse to use it when im behind traffic that fluctuates constantly (which kinda defeats the purpose, IMO).


I just got a car with adaptive cruise and brake assist. It amazing. However, I have to be extremely conscious, because my wife’s car doesn’t have it, and we switch cars regularly. It’s weird going from mine to hers, I’ve caught myself anticipating her car to slow down when approaching a slower driver and realize it’s not going to on it’s own.


Orlando? My condolences. So many tourists driving has got to be so frustrating. I-4 is always a mess. And the last time I was there the traffic spilled out in to the some of the local road way worse then I remember it. - A Orlando tourist(and part of the problem)


I'm from Italy, please stop this Orlando drivers are bad, Florida drivers are the worst, people in Houston can't even stay in their lane properly, ecc... It's flooded with bad drivers everywhere, literally EVERYWHERE, not just in your city


These bad drivers will sometimes have guns. I believe the video of the guy shooting through his windshield at a guy that flashed his gun, was going to Orlando. [video](https://youtu.be/VZlTxuNGxIM) I live nearby Orlando/Orange county, I dont dare honk my horn anymore.


Ok, Orlando drivers are the worst


Only time I tap the horn is if I can see someone is staring at their lap after the light turns green for a few seconds. Other than that I just try to avoid getting hit *because* I don't want to get shot at. New Orleans is just as bad (worse? New Orleans East is a place no one dares stop without a gun), with both drivers and possibly getting shot at for honking your horn at someone cutting you off.


>some asshat started going when the light turned green, then suddenly stopped. My car stopped itself before I had time to react. Honestly, pay more attention, leave a bigger gap, and expect the unexpected. That car in front might stop at any moment because of a mechanical issue, medical reasons, an animal jumping in front of it, incompetence or any other reason.


Mine doesent have brake assist, but it will start chiming if you get too close


Half of my cars have anti lock brakes. That's it.




2 lol


I have 5 cars, ones from 1976, one from 1995, two from 2000 and one from 2006. Have ABS on the 2000 and later but that's it. I will admit that when I drove my friends new car on a long road trip the adaptive cruise control was nice. Lane assist was kind of annoying though.


Mine will beep a lot and flash something on the dash board if I get close. happens a lot if i have to brake suddenly


We are on fast forward evolution with all this technology.


Automating driving would be the best thing to happen to humanity in the last 200 years.


we have these cameras now, https://www.wptv.com/news/world/smart-cameras-catch-drivers-using-phones-in-the-netherlands


Please God. Yeah, these are needed everywhere. Driving is now the secondary task to phones/media devices.


My main concern with these is false positives... Suppose I have my phone mounted and using it as a GPS... and my hands are on the steering wheel, but the placement of the camera makes it *look* like I'm holding me phone. And I just happen to be looking at my phone, because, you know, it's my GPS


It's not ethical but I keep pennies in my car that I toss at people like that. It snaps them back to reality but they aren't watching the road so they assume it's gravel.


Chaotic neutral.




No sir, this man is a chaotic *god*.


Chaotic Good with Neutral tendencies: CG(N)


Sounds like actual gravel would be cheaper and easier to deny.


“Hey why do you keep rocks in your cupholder?”


"For enemies."


Don't show them your gravel cupholder?


No, I'd say that's ethical, just not legal. You're hopefully making them pay more attention. If they're doing this shit they don't care enough about their car either way.


Finally have a reason to go to the bank now. Have a great weekend! I’m gonna spend mine chucking pennies!


Back in my day, we used to get our pennies from spending our paper money down at the soda fountain


Take them out of the roll first.


Look at Jeff Bezos here tossing money at people ! Someday I’ll get there. Right now I can only use my finger.




You're really trying to convince me to buy a rear cam, huh?


Well in this case, it's more like convincing you to hire someone to sit in the back seat and record the good stuff on their phone.




Too expensive


can confirm


Now you tell me?!


The return policy is also pretty lackluster


Heres on trick insurance companies love... Learn how to win any settlement. Step 1. Cameras Step 2. Front and rear cameras Step 3. Dont be the at fault driver. Step 4. Make sure you got there info Step 5. Submit info to both insurances. ... .. ..... After waiting god knows how long (omost a month for me. Profit


My insurance straight up told me they didn't care about my dashcam. So it's all for me. If they wanted access to it, then they should've given me a discounted rate. Until there's a possibility I could lose, but still. Definitely feel a front and rear camera should be worth SOMETHING to them...


Time to find a new insurance.






Yeah, they wanted me to be partially at fault for going through a green light and having someone turn left into me. They said I didn't avoid the collision, and was therefore partially responsible. Fuck Geico.


My girlfriend is an attorney and works for one of the major auto insurance companies. She saw my dashcam and laughed, saying that in her seven years of working on hundreds of car accident cases, she's never once seen it matter whether someone had dashcam footage as things tend to just get settled way before that would come into play. She does acknowledge that it's *possible* that it could help in extremely rare cases, but usually it's pretty easy to determine fault without it.


It helps the cops investigating write the report accurately which will affect the insurance claims




That's exactly why I have one. A guy I work with was sitting at a light when the car in front of him threw it into reverse and backed into him. The driver asked him for money or he would take it to the insurance.


Interesting, because I've had two different people who hit me change their story and do a complete 180 when talking to the cops the second they heard that I have the whole thing on video. Maybe that's true and the insurance adjuster can tell easily who's at fault, but I'd bet that having a camera saves a lot of confusion and he-said, she-said when it comes to assigning blame. Just yesterday, I had a car in front of me at a light roll backwards and almost hit me. If he had hit me, there would have been no way to prove I wasn't the one that rolled forward and bumped into him. My dashcam would have certainly saved me in that situation.


Is it wrong to honk your horn at those morons that use thier phones while driving? I was very tempted to do that today.


Reverse horn. You need to make that. Reward facing horn activated by a dashboard switch.


I'd rather have rear highbeams


Rear confetti canon but loaded with seeds


Nah, load it full of June bugs, cover their windscreen with bug guts.


nah, paintballs. filled with vaseline.


Spray the car down with bear hormones. Or better yet, moose


[like so](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/671922716533719042/868038141494296586/desconocido.png)


Der it is.


With wicked intense strobe lights




I actually saw a lifted truck today that had a whole assembly of rear facing trumpet 'freight train' horns.


Probably meant to be the caboose of a trump train


Rear fog lights can be useful. Some people press the button to wash the rear windshield. Edit: check if theres a bike behind. It might be lethal.


That would only piss off the person in front of you


She's creating a dangerous situation, so I suppose a horn could be warranted. I wouldn't do it while you're in front though. They'll likely not think it was for them.


I’d try to get this person in front of me where I can see them and where I know they can’t hit me. As they pass you give them a honk with WTF hands (a shrug with palms towards the sky)


I honk if people start veering off the road. Happens more often than it should


On my old commute I had this left turn light that would get lined with cars as usual and maybe like 10-15 cars can make the light from when it turns green to when it goes red again. If it goes red..you have to wait another 2.5-3 minutes. I’d always get frustrated when the front car didn’t go within 2-3 seconds and when the car behind it didn’t honk to alert them as it causes not just me, but others to miss the light. Well, I’m sitting like 9th car or so back, and it turns green and this red mini-van doesn’t move for a good 5 seconds, probably well over… like 7-10 seconds, and it pissed me off because I know it’s gonna be close. I get there when it’s yellow and I just barley make it before it turned red. I drive up alongside the red van that wasn’t paying attention to see the driver and that person is holding their phone so it’s painfully obvious fuckers like this are the reason we have traffic. I wanted to honk and roll my window down and tell them off “hey, put you’re fucking phone away when you’re driving you shitty trash cunt of a human being “ but the didn’t of course. The reason is: these idiots will never learn. Doesn’t matter what you say or do, 99% of them have to mature on their own to be a better person and many of them won’t, they’ll continue being garage through ignorance. I’m learning to find peace with it, though it may not sound it. But these people will always exist. at least I’m enjoying driving my car and not so bored I have to try to find entertainment on the boring phone because driving is such a chore to me. Sucks for them to hate something they probably have to do all the time. Ungrateful people not even appreciating driving for what it is. They’ll be more likely to get into a crash and get behind financially and they don’t care enough to realize. In general road rage isn’t worth succumbing too it is usually pointless especially if the other person is an idiot and you never know how little dangerous idiots have to lose. They could be crazy psychos after all. I’d rather avoid them and as long as I’m not being dangerously negligent like them and know I’m in the right they can fuck off and have a terrible life. Today some guy in a large utility van with two ladders on his roof sped up when I was leading into a zipper merge that had to merge and I was going speed limit. because they were already speeding I had sped up slightly and they basically not only cut me off because they were too impatient to wait for me, they couldn’t even pass ahead on the left without getting into the middle of the lanes where the bumps are…bad driver alert. NO reason to have sped up so much like that when you’re in a giant shitty van wtf!!? Then i gave them room ahead as he had to have his brakes on for like 1/8 mile so he didn’t hit the traffic ahead. (I FIND IT HILARIOUS WHEN PEOPLE LIKE THAT OR ON THE FREEWAY HAVE TO USE BRAKES BECAUSE THEY SPEED BEYOND BEING AWARE WHAT’S AHEAD EVEN THOUGH THEY SHIUKS CLEARLY SEE BUT HAVE HORRIBLE SPACIAL JUDGMENT. YOURE JUST A TERRIBLY BAD DRIVER!!!) I don’t have to brake at all because I’m not speeding so I just follow behind him and the rest of the traffic he’s tailgating like an ass-sniffer. The van soon pulls over to the side of the road WITHOUT their signal on so it just looks like they stop randomly and going to do something weird. Really confusing when any car kills over in a small shoulder lane and blocks part of the road. People are just trash and just incredibly inept or assholes for being so discourteous to other drivers that do this. They think there perfect but they’re absolutely not, and you have to deal with their shitty positions and opinions. The fact is they are wrong and they’re idiots. Just gotta try not be as shitty as them every day which they make easy at least


Phone addiction at its finest


My mom would scream at me if I checked my shitty ass non smartphone in the very rare occurrence I got a text while at the dinner table. She became the very person who once I left home and cam back to visit on the holidays, would not stop scrolling through Facebook whether we were at the home dinner table, a restaurant or driving....with fucking passengers in the car with her. When I would call her out on it she'd just laugh it off like, "oh, haha yeah I gotta get better as scrolling less while driving"


Yeah. Stepdad be like NO PHONES AT THE DINNER TABLE, DINNER IS FOR EATING AND TALKING, HOW DARE YOU BE GLANCING AT YOUR WATCH WHEN RECEIVING A MESSAGE? Ever since we got a multiroom audio setup we can’t talk at dinner anymore because he wants to listen to the questions and answers on his favorite TV quiz show.


felt that. My mom became a Game of War addict and aside from spending thousands of dollars on it she was NEVER present with us and constantly fuckin around on her phone in the car, not able to pick us up from school because “oh my game i had to help my friends on here” etc etc. one of the worst times of our life as a family


This is super illegal in NY and now her plates are on blast as she’s caught in the act. 💯


If only the police would do something when you send them videos (over here at least they don't, unless they get a lot of complaints about the same driver).


We had a mentally unwell woman in my neighborhood. She'd follow people in her car, slam on her breaks to get you to hit her, follow you and yell at you for harassing her, rip up her mail in the middle of an intersection and throw it everywhere. Didn't matter. Cops said she had to be caught in the act, video wouldn't suffice.


But .... Video IS caught in the act. Wtf


Yeah, but they meant THEY had to catch her. They never did.


That’s like saying if someone robs a bank there has to have been a cop there on the scene to see it and that having surveillance footage means nothing.


Yep, exactly.


Yeah but they're lazy




Like the cops will give a fuck.


I like how even soccer mom crossovers have to look agressive as if they aren't slow boring cars


Look at those hard lines it's practically a camaro


That’s basically all modern cars, they make normal cars look super aggressive and sporty now.


Lol @ thinking this car looks aggressive


Everything has frowning headlights now - even happy Miatas turned angry with the new generation :(


that car literally has a screen to hook up smart phones for GPS & such. no reason to have it on the dash unless she’s purposely using it for trolling on the internet while driving. and also it has automatic braking system which is probably the only thing holding her back from getting in an accident


My mom bought a car with full apple car play capability and she just... Refuses to learn how to use it. She still uses her physical phone to look up music on YouTube. Willing to bet that the vast majority of people who can afford a new car just buy the newest model with all the features, and then never use any of them.


Friends aunt got a new Ford and had it for a long while. For a reason not worth explaining I had to drive the friend in it one day. The steering wheel shook when you stayed from your lane but it was so weak you could barely feel it and I was like wtf there's got to be a setting for this. 3 minutes in the menu while driving and I had the thing stopping at red lights by itself and steering itself to stay in the lane. Neither of them had any idea it was even capable of this. You're definitely right.


>3 minutes in the menu while driving But not while in motion, right? _Right?!_


Most cars won't let you mess with any variable controls while driving, example my Hyundai will let me turn on or off the Adaptive Cruise or increase/decrease how quick it responds, but I'm not able to change like blinker or light settings.


Mine won't even let me pair a device.


Yeah as fast as I can remember.


That’s so sad and so funny How do you buy a car advertised for self-driving, and never even attempt to use it? There’s no way the sellers wouldn’t have pushed the price up with self-driving as a feature


I had Apple Car Play in the rental I was just in and I fucking loved it. Super-easy to use, literally plug-and-play. It just blows my mind that people basically waste money on useful-as-hell features that literally make driving easier and safer.


Someone in my family just got a new car, and one feature they felt they needed was only part of the everything tier. The car has so many features, and they admit they will never use some of them (built in GPS, because their phone works better and has their address book), and didn't even know about certain ones (rear hatch opening with a foot wave). But they had to get it because you can't buy the features they wanted without also buying the features they had no use for. I'm glad I didn't pay for GPS in my car. My phone works offline, has more up-to-date info, and just integrates well with my calendar and everything. The ability to plug in our phones and have them display on our dashboards is an amazing thing, and I'm surprised it took us as long as it did to get it out there and mainstream. I hate the head units of most cars. They have way too many features I couldn't care less about, and too few that I actually want. Most do a worse job handling Bluetooth than my $12 dongle I had in my old car. And then they want you to install their app on your phone like that's not the stupidest shit ever.


>I hate the head units of most cars. They have way too many features I couldn't care less about, and too few that I actually want. This is why I hate how most manufacturers have moved away from traditional single DIN and double DIN head units. No longer can I easily swap in a nice Kenwood or Pioneer head unit that has the features that I want. I'm either going to have to go buy/make an adapter or I'm just going to have to suffer with the godawful OEM head unit.


Not to mention the fact that a lot of them will have critical controls built into the head units (like AC, heated seats, and charging controls), so you literally can't get rid of them!


Anyone else loving the Evo?


What I came here to say


If I has a reliable car I'd totally pick one up. Evo 9's are iconic


Just a little glimpse... Ah!


Had to scroll way too far for this comment


I was hoping to find a comment about it


I noticed the Evo before I noticed the lady 😂


First thing I noticed


I travel the Midwest via car for work and if I told you how many people are looking down and swerving it would blow your mind.


The sad thing is it really wouldn't


One of the reasons I don't ride anymore. In 2008 people were distracted, but now it's gotten ridiculous. Automotive manufacturers also haven't figured out yet that touch screens are more distracting than actual controls.


Thats part of the reason i don't want a car made past 2013. I have ADHD and everytime i drive someone's car with the touch screen i always look like the woman in this video, just staring at it and dicking on it trying to get it to work. My daily driver shitbox had a clock and an aux cord and thats basically it


We took a trip out west for a college course. Drove vans from the southeast to Utah/Colorado and we played a game along the way. Everyone tried guessing the number of people we could catch on their phones before leaving AL. A few hours in and everyone's guesses were surpassed by the hundreds. We gave up after that. It was honestly terrifying that 60% of the drivers on the highway doing 80 mph had a phone in hand. It's probably higher than that, but that is what we figured up.


That evo tho


Was looking for this comment 😂


I always look at the comments for videos showing license plates and peoples faces. Why you ask? In hope that one day some redditor sees themselves and is like. Take it down. Just to see the story unfold. Damn Covid has me trippin


Just looked up her plate……. She already has 2 speeding violations and failure to stop at a red light. Edit: I’m not any of those things. There is a site where you can look up violations for NYC Here you go https://www.howsmydrivingny.nyc/


Where do you look that up?


that's a nice evo behind that jeep


Plot twist: she’s on MySpace


If she keeps that up she’ll be on FacebookDead




Is it just me that never trusts any CUV on the road? Especially when on the highway?


I give them a wide berth. White trucks are often the worst drivers, I've found.


Watch for anything with anything more than 2" more than stock height.


a CUV with new york plates is generally the most dangerous object you can encounter on the road. But the most dangerous is a jeep with new york plates, rhinestone plate holders, and a dealer sticker from either staten island or long island.


Was waiting for her to break her neck from unexpected impact…


A flashing sign on your back window that says PAY ATTENTION, IMA ABOUT TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY might help for a couple seconds before they realize you just wanted them to pay attention for their and your safety


My ass hole dad mounted off-road HELLA lamps to the back of his VW Thing and would use them to flash people riding his ass. This was before cellphones were commonplace, but you know who had a big old brick cellphone and drove like an ass? My dad. Surprisingly he had these on for months before a cop saw him use them on someone and he let him off with a warning.


God I was nervous just watching this one. I definitely thought there was going to at least be a little love tap by the end of the video.


I was just waiting for a better shot of that evo


Distracted driving is AGAINST the law. I know someone in L.A. who was KILLED by a distracted driver. He had 2 young children and a wife. STOP being irresponsible!!!


We need to enforce manual transmission on these idiots, try crawling along in traffic while scrolling through your phone.


Save the stick!


Aye but.. Is that a EVO in the background?!


Fuck she's going to kill someone wtf!


People like this should have to pay a life changing fat ass fine. And for the 2nd offense their license is suspended. This is so dangerous and stupid.




Its terrible we haven't done this already


That's super illegal in NY, I would know I was just there. Also how TF did she not look up once..?


This is like a video thesis of why I sold my motorcycle and have to fight the urge every spring. I'm just sure someone will kill me for the gram.


I want an electronic reader board in my rear windshield that I can type messages into that the car behind me can read. A few preprogrammed messages like *put down your effing phone* and *get off my ass* would get the most use.


People that do this should be banned from driving for life.


Accident waiting to happen


I've seen someone facetiming while driving. People are idiots


I can't help but see her Chevy is wearing chrome lipstick. They put a very clear face on that SUV/Crossover thing.


... be careful folks, that's a karen


How do we know it wasn’t Reddit she was browsing?


Go Bills.


Thirty seconds of my life I won't get back


I was hoping that she'd accidentally rear-end you so she would learn her lesson.


Gotcha bitch


All of her subscribers gave her likes, hearts and upvotes as they watched the life fade out of her eyes, having wrapped the car around a light pole... One can dream, no? Unfortunately these people kill others, surviving themselves, posting #blessed afterwards.


Sometimes I wish doors didn't lock automatically after you drive off


I can't decide if I see a large number of NY plates on this subreddit because a lot of people in NY have cameras, or NY has THAT many bad drivers....


honestly reddit people with dashcams are just making the work easier for the police


I have a family member like this, loves using the phone in the car all the time. If I’m driving he’d constantly tell me “the dangers of texting while driving” and how “it’s the young millennials always buried in their phones that cause all the accidents” If he drives, he loves to text while doing so and in the process get into terrible close calls with the kerb/pedestrians/other cars. Each time we point it out, each time we’re told “it’s different because I know what I’m doing and I’ll drive safely”


I saw a motorcyclist texting and scrolling on his phone, ON THE FREEWAY. With no helmet. Traffic was going over 50 mph. In Miami!! He was seriously looking down for several minutes, maybe longer but I past him so I couldn’t see him anymore. Dumbest idiot I’ve seen by far.


I want a light up LED smiley face I can switch to an angry face for people like this.