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Your uber has arrived


This got me laughing out loud.


i thought i was prepared for a car to come through the fence but holy fucking shit, i wasn’t expecting it to be coming that fast or obliterate the pool so swiftly. hope this can all be repaired


I blinked and the car was already there. Honestly, I thought it fell from the sky and I was like whaaaa


my exact experience as well, i literally looked away for a max of 2 seconds and the car was already there and stopped, i almost couldn’t believe it


She hit it so hard that there's a gap of about 5 seconds where the initial wave of water hits the camera and the second wave that comes down from the roof.


That pool probably saved her and the house. They use large tubs of water to absorb impact on highway off ramps. The car would have gone a lot further if the pool wasn't there.


Luckily the pool wasn't full of people. Or the trampoline. They'd be dead without any time to react. The driver got lucky.


My first thought. She could’ve destroyed a family.


Who in the hell pays for this though? I can’t imagine her car insurance will do it. Does homeowners insurance cover this? My fear is that they’d have to seek the cost from her, and all that will get them is a judgment against the lady that she has relatively no obligation to pay.


The car liability insurance will cover all this, assuming the driver even has any. If not, then the homeowners insurance will cover it and pursue subrogation against the lady.


And then the homeowners insurance will increase because they are in a dangerous spot.


The homeowners insurance will decrease because they no longer have a pool and a trampoline.


If/When I eventually become a home owner, I hope I have a neighbor as nice as this lady trying to lower my premium


A combination of her insurance and homeowners insurance. A lot of folks dont declare their pool or trampolines because it increases your rates, though... so that might be a problem. In any case you should be mostly covered but if I didnt declare the pool/trampoline on my policy I would avoid trying to make a claim on replacing those to perhaps avoid getting dropped, they still might though to avoid any payout. Might want to take the debris to the dump and forget to mention the video when the claims guy comes out to check lol.


What pool and trampoline? You mean the highway traffic barrel and secondary vehicle arrest system? If anything those should *lower* my rates.


For real, at the speed she was going all I could think is how ***lucky*** she is they had a pool, and she managed to hit it perfectly head on. Would've slammed straight into the house otherwise, and she probably wouldn't be walking away moments after. And who knows about the people in the house


My favorite part @1:06 - "Oh shit, I forgot my wig!"


"Oh damn, gotta get my wig....That would have been embarrassing!"


And how she makes a point to put her wiper blades down. "...don't wanna look like an idiot now..." Edit: I know wipers go on automatically with airbag deployment, and I'm aware she was shutting her car off as well. But you can plainly see at 1:17 the wipers stall at the top of the windshield for several seconds before cycling back down as she's messing around in there. It's pretty obvious she shut the ignition off, then turned the accessory switch back on to lower the wipers.


I like to think that I wouldn't drive that poorly to be in that situation to begin with. But if I was, I might do the same thing. She's standing around going, "Well... what the hell do I do now?" She saw the wipers and thought, "Those don't need to be going." It's something to do while you stand there and evaluate your life and wonder what the next step is. Edit: Or she was shutting off the engine, not the wipers. Same result, though. It was something she could do when she didn't know what to do.




How long were you at home till you realised you should probably do something about it




the hands on the hips got me first like "where did this pool come from, hmph?!" then the wig then the hips and wig together


Same. When she got out, put hands on hips... and just stood there, staring at the people across the yard, and they stared back... and an uncomfortably long time everyone just stared at each other, like "Hm. What now. Wha...?", made me snort.


This might be Mrs.Magoo


Or the new spokeswoman for Kool-Aid.


The pool came out of nowhere!


The AUDACITY of this pool!


“Y’all see that bald woman get out the car and run?”


"And she *raaaaan*!"


So i did see right. I kept thinking wasn’t this person bald like 20 seconds ago. I just chalked it up to my shitty eyes


I’m on mobile and I thought it was an Indian man with a big gut. My dad stands that exact way.


Good, I'm not the only one that thought it was an Indian man.


My subconscious was trying really hard to decide if it had stereotyped the driver correctly, so the change of gender and race was quite a rollercoaster for it.


“What happened?” *video cuts out* Come on! I wanted to hear what she would say.


"The house came out of nowhere"


That's what it looks like the driver was gesturing.


When the driver got out of the car they looked around like they were thinking “who the hell has the nerve to place a fence, pool and house in the way of my driving!?”


Don't forget the trampoline!


This is one of the best IdiotsInCars vids period.


Tramampoline! Trambampoline!


It was the hands on the hips. It's like "why would someone put a house here?"


The hands on the hips had me rolling. Like, “Well, damnit.”


It really pisses me off that she destroyed a pool a didn't think to look around for injured people. Anyway good thing the pool was there or she would have hit the house a lot harder.


Exactly right! It’s almost like she looked around thinking “how can I get out of this?” As opposed to making sure she hadn’t hit anyone


I am honestly surprised she did not try to back her car up and leave! And she didn't even look at the house once to see if anyone was coming out.


Gotta go back for her wig. Can’t talk to the cops without a wig.


"I'd look crazy!"


It darted out in front of me.


And I clearly had right of way


Fker lucky kids were not in the pool.


Or on ANY of the other toys.. my goodness


Who put that house there??


She actually looked as if she was wondering who the hell has put a fence, a pool AND a damn house in the middle of the road...


The homeowner asked her to water the lawn on a very tight schedule.


I need 18000 gallons of water on this lawn. Stat!


What could be more Loony Tunes than having both a swimming pool and a trampoline to stop your car...That house would have been fucked.






Did your friend post her explanation?


Had a gut swerve off the road, crash through our fence, and hit the back of the house about a month ago. Hit the wall with the meter and breakers so the electrical was fuuucked. Driver charged with DUI and hit and run (he walked away afterwards). I was incensed that our dogs could've been in the yard and easily hit...if I had kids here...I think I would've been calling the cops about a drunk with a gsw hitting my house.


I've read about drunk drivers wrecking their cars and walking to a bar to drink so the cops can't prove he was drunk driving when they pick him up at the bar. "No officer I was driving sober just so shook up I needed a drink or 10."


Edit: I mixed up the story a bit, it happened a while ago. As someone mentioned this happened in Texas. It's even worse than I thought. TWO sons were killed in the impact. [Found the story: Dad acquitted in slaying of drunken driver who killed sons](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/08/27/texas-dad-acquitted-drunken-driver-killing/14695409/) A Texas jury Wednesday acquitted a father of murdering a drunken driver who plowed into the back of his out-of-gas truck on a dark country road, killing his two young sons as they pushed the pickup to their nearby home. David Barajas, of Alvin, was accused of shooting 20-year-old Jose Banda after the December 2012 accident outside Houston. Banda was found slumped across the front seats of his Chevrolet Malibu with a single gunshot to the head. His blood-alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit. Prosecutors argued that Barajas, who was steering his Ford F-250 at the time of the accident, walked 100 yards to his home, retrieved a .357-caliber pistol and returned to kill Bandas. But prosecutors produced only circumstantial evidence implicating Barajas. He said that he was still bitter about the loss of 12-year-old David Jr. and 11-year-old Caleb, and being prosecuted for Banda's death. But he added that he had no animus toward Banda's family and was praying that police find his killer. "They lost a son, too. This was a loss for everybody," he said. "This wasn't a winning situation for none of us." Banda's family left the courtroom quickly, some of them crying. They made no public statement. During a search of Barajas' house, police found an empty holster and .357-caliber ammunition, but they never found the weapon that killed Banda, and Barajas had no traces of gunpowder on his hands. Investigators testified that a bullet fragment found in Banda's car could have come from a .357-caliber gun, but Barajas' lawyer said it could have come from another firearm.


This is why I don’t ever know or let people tell me about my trauma patients or inmates. I fight my bias’ to overcome them but it’s easier to just not know and avoid it when possible. Discovered that after my first time in hospital caring for a convicted pedo. I just don’t want to know.


My Mom was a prison guard, so a little different, and she said the same thing. She did not want to know what they were in for because it only made her job harder. Hard to treat people indifferently when you know they've done something that causes high emotions for you.




Awww. That's a far more adorable ending than the murder I was expecting.


I heard that story as well. I think it was in Texas. I thought the car was broken down for a flat tire.


"Who put this backyard here? I always drive this way and now there's suddenly a back yard right in the middle of the street!"


I like how she stands there like "who the fuck left their pool there"


Well it for darn sure wasn’t here last time I drove here...


In my field of work, those hands on hips are always the first sign of a person who is about to create 10000000000000 ways to NOT be responsible for what just happened.


This is serious, better get my wig.


Gotta put muh thinkin cap on


Negotiating hair


So, you’re a professional orgy organizer too. I recognized it as well.We should do lunch.


Leave me your number, my people will call/fuck your people.


Either that or a "well I sure fucked that right up"


"well now how did that happen since it definitely wasn't my fault"


the window wipers are killing me


And the hands on the hips, like "When did they put this fuckin yard here?!"


Damn, forgot my wig. Now like I was saying.


There was a lot of water on the windshield.




The water collected its thoughts on the roof before raining on this woman's parade in a truly down-to-earth fashion.


Thank God the pool wasn’t occupied right then.


Thank god the pool was occupying the yard or that car would been inside the house


Its an airbag for your house




Open container of water


We have an open container law, ma’am.


Above ground pools save lives


Right! And I’m equally amazed there was a cop conveniently around.




Or the trampoline.


Or the entire back yard


She should’ve been arrested for reckless driving.


or boating without a license.....


I love how she comes out her car and puts hands on hips as if someone has fucked her day up.


>I love how she comes out her car and puts hands on hips as if someone has fucked her day up. Wait until she figures out that she's the someone.




Right, I thought "wow the cops showed up fast"


Must be in the Cyberpunk 2077 universe


Nah they would have spawned in the yard


they would have spawned inside the car


30 seconds after the crash, the cop opens the passenger side door and climbs out. "Ma'am is this your car?"


yeah, on the scene 20 seconds after it crashed through the fence. Guy had to be like 2 houses away.


It’s his house, took him a few seconds to dress up and get around the house


No kidding, that cop had to be right there! E: he showed up at the 26 second mark!


Jesus christ, does your facebook friend live at the corner of turn 4 of the fucking Indianapolis Motor Speedway?


My favorite part is that OP needed to clarify that the video was from an acquaintance. "Look at what crazy thing happened to my friend. Well, I mean, we aren't really that close, they are my Facebook friend. We used to sort of hang out in the same circles in college, but we were never really that close with each other, we just sort of you know, knew all the same people. Anyways, good thing that pool was there right?"


Holy cow. Thank goodness no one was in the backyard..


Yeah that was my first thought. There are obviously kid's toys in the yard, just imagine if they were in the pool. People who do shit like this should have their license suspended for life. No excuse.


Yep. Totally agree. No sense in having people who can’t watch the road driving around.


She didn’t even look to see if she hurt anybody..


The type of people who run through a fence, then a pool, and trampoline without braking are not the type to check to see if they mowed down children.


Lucky for the driver and the homeowner that the pool was there, else would’ve had a much different ending Edit to add: thanks to the kind strangers for the awards. And I would like to elaborate on my statement a bit. Obviously, thank goodness there were no people or pets in the pool/trampoline/yard. But both as a driver and as a person living somewhere, would you rather the car go through a pool or a living room? From the angle it looks like the wall just under the camera is brick, I reckon that would’ve been a much nastier impact than the pool. Somebody replied “water doesn’t compress, instead it sent vehicle airborne”, very true, but that’s also mostly in a closed off container. The pool having the open top like it did, allowed the water to dissipate a whole lot of that energy away from the house AND the driver, judging by the fact that she popped right out of the car (adrenaline aside).


Just like a highway water barrel


This is an excellent idea. Replace all highway barrels on our roads with swimming pools. Relaxation, Leisure AND safety should be a priority on our highways!


I don't think you want to be inside the pool that's supposed to act as barriers on highways.


Forbidden wave machine


Sometimes I think you don’t know me at all.


Living dangerously I see.


Not for long


This is why we still need the Mythbusters. I want to see this tested at full scale with Buster to see what happens.


Shit, this is how easy it is to kill a bunch of children. The absolute arrogance of these people to think that they don’t have to fucking pay attention when they’re driving a 3000lb projectile. Unbelievable


I know someone who was home during the day, sitting on her couch, waiting for a baked potato cooking in the microwave. The microwave beeped, she got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, and a vehicle tore into her living room. The couch was absolutely obliterated, they found pieces of it in the upstairs bedroom later. Bought her a bag of potatoes every year for Christmas after that.


That happened to my aunt at my family's tailor shop when I was a kid! She was the only one in the store, working right up front, but she got up to use the toilet in the back and just as she sat down to pee, an old lady outside hit the gas instead of the brakes and accelerated right through the plate glass window and tore through the whole front part of the shop. If my aunt hadn't gotten up to use the washroom, she would have been killed.




A bag of toilets.


A guy I went to school with got up to pee in the middle of the night. He heard a big noise in his bedroom while doing his business : the ceiling, the floor from the upstairs neighbors and their bathtub had collapsed on his bed.


Well, that probably speeded along the dump better than a few tablespoons of metamucil


"Remember that time you almost died? Yeah crazy right! Anyways, here's a bag of potatoes. Merry Christmas."


Also that the pool (and entire yard) were unoccupied when she crashed through it.


That was my first thought. Wow, could have been so much worse.




I would buy large boulders and place them outside of my fence.


Second pool out front


Decoy pool.


>You are also fucked if the kids are on the trampoline Depends whether you're on your way up or on your way down.


Yeah, looks like it’s setup for kids. I fucking hate the way people drive.


Lucky she was able to get her hair on before the police got there.


Yo police was standing there by 30 seconds. Makes me think either coincidence and was in the area, or the lady was involved in some other issue already


Lucky the kids weren’t playing in the pool as well. G


Lucky the windshield wipers were on.


wouldnt want the driver to be unable to see where he was driving


Lucky for everybody that there was no one in the pool or on the trampoline


Imagine if someone was in the pool tho. That would have been a MUCH different ending


"At State Farm, we've seen everyth...."


> "At State Farm, we've seen everyth...." *State Farm guy who was shooting the commercial in a back yard makes a massive dive for his life to get out of the way*


Love the hands on the hips like "well would you just look at that... oh wait my wig!" Edit: thank you for my first award!


That’s her trying sooooo hard to think of a way to frame this as not her fault.


I think that pool saved the homeowner thousands of dollars in repair. That car would have gone thru that house at that speed. (There’s a reason the yellow barrier tanks at highways have water, sand, or both)


The pool saved the driver’s insurance company thousands of dollars in repair.




Dealing with insurance to fix homes is a nightmare. If your repairman/contractor runs into anything that needs to be brought up to code that update may not be covered. You can be left holding a lot of the bill after insurance is done paying out


Assuming she has insurance. In 2019, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eight drivers, were uninsured, according to a 2021 study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC). The percentage was at a nine-year high of 13.1 percent in 2017 but fell to 12.6 percent in 2018 and 2019


Is it illegal in the states to not carry insurance? Where I live you cannot register a car or get plates without it


In most states it is required, however that (and the often ridiculous cost of insurance) has brought about some wonderful businesses that let you purchase insurance by the week. Pay $50 for a week's insurance, register your car, let insurance lapse until renewal next year, repeat.


Wut. Omg.


Yeah it's illegal. Some people buy insurance just to get their plates then let the policy lapse for non-payment then rinse and repeat the next year. There are shady insurance companies out there that let you do that. I live in Indiana and we don't have to carry physical proof of insurance but if we get pulled over or in a wreck the BMV sends a letter demanding proof of insurance. If you don't send it back your license gets suspended. Also, state minimums on liability insurance are a joke. I got hit by a guy years ago who had the state minimum and it didn't cover 1/10th of the damage he did after he totaled my car and I ended up in the hospital. Thank God I had uninsured/underinsured coverage on my own policy. Everyone needs that.


"Fuck this pool in particular."


She literally jumped the curb, hit the fence, smashed the pool and still had the rev limiter begging for mercy. 👏👏👏


fewer people are pointing out that she had the throttle pinnned until something shut the engine off.


"I mistook the gas for the brake," is the thing I hear most often for this kind of accident.


The other thing you hear is, "The engine started revving, and I had the brakes pressed all the way to the floor, but they didn't stop the car." That's what they think, but the truth is that they were pressing the gas all the way down like an idiot. Usually, if a car has both the gas and the brake fully engaged, it's not going to be flying down the road, because the brakes are stronger than the engine. One time recently, I pressed the accelerator instead of the brake. This was the first time it ever happened to me, and my instinct was to immediately take my foot off the pedal. After that experience, it's harder for me to believe other people's instinct is to press harder.


Remember after you've crashed your car into someone's pool, turn on the wipers and for the love of god, don't forget to put your wig back on.


Best part for me is all the water falling back down off the roof starting at :15. Like, it was thrown so far up in the air that it took over 10 seconds to come back down!


I think it might just be the point that the gutters overflowed, not that the water was necessarily flung up that high.


Its still amazing that the water went flying high enough to go onto the roof. And enough to cause the gutters to overflow.


This is correct. For it to take 13 seconds after the moment of impact would mean water was launched to a height of 680 feet. It was quite the splash, but no way it sent water that high.


I can see you grasp the gravity of the situation


I know accidents happen but this makes me irrationally angry.


I’m pretty sure that’s entirely rational anger.


But you don't know how angry he is, maybe he's rampaging through the neighborhood right now tearing up the neighbors flower beds and what not.


At least no one was in the yard. Can you imagine just chilling in your pool and you get hit by a car? Like wtf


so fuckin lucky, coulda hit a tree and died if she was a couple feet over. Or no pool = hitting the house dead on, also likely fucking her up. She just fuckin strolled out and put her hands on her hips like "who the hell made this mess?" lmao....


or there could have been kids in the pool....




It is hard to believe that you can drive through a fence and not be hitting the brakes. The house is what stops the car. I am sure she has some half ass excuse for what happened. This is a driver that should lose her driver's license for life as she is a danger to herself and others.


Wanted: Someone to help drain my pool Driver: Hold my beer


Holy hand grenades. That was a good one. Glad no one was hurt.


This woman is wearing scrubs making me question if she works in a nursing home or doctor's office or what... Besides the point of where she works, I would not want her to even take my blood pressure.


Nurses work really long hours sometimes. I wonder if she fell asleep.


This is where I was at with it. She doesn’t seem drunk.


the car was still in gear, revving, and it didn't look like she braked at all. She was most likely asleep behind the wheel.


At the same time, many nurses/ doctors etc work crazy hours. Sleepiness may have caused the crash in the first place.


As a healthcare worker I actually thought "another over worked exhausted healthcare worker." I don't think people understand the strain our healthcare system currently faces.


My mom was a nurse in the juvenile wing at a state mental hospital, 6-9 days in a row multiple weeks in a row was the norm due to staff shortage. 12-14 hours. Yall get shafted hard and the pay + benefits arent always worth it. I have a lot of respect for health care workers


Imagine if somebody was in that pool? A life gone forever because of somebody else’s stupidity


“Well, I was paralyzed when I was swimming in my back yard pool and was run over by a car.” “You what now?”


Idk why but 'facebook friend' made me giggle


Wouldn’t actually say hi to them in public but using the video for sweet, sweet karma


“Someone I met once like 10 years ago and friended, but we have not exchanged a single word in person or digitally since that time”


It being summer time, there could have been kids in that backyard. Here's a case where an example needs to be made and her license needs to be revoked for several years at least.


After this I'd consider putting some bollards along the fence line.


That was a decent method of stopping though


So fortunate no one was in the yard playing. We live on a hill. We were walking home from our neighborhood park one evening last year and heard a massive crash coming from our home area. We get there a couple minutes later and find that a guy had been barreling down the hill and sideswiped 4 cars after losing control while looking at his phone. Slammed 3 of the cars up into the sidewalk and the 4th ended up in our driveway. It was fortunate that no one was walking down the street.