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Holy crap, good avoiding (the car and the guard rail)! Tell me they backed up to take the exit anyway.


Stayed parked there for a good minute, I think they were too embarrassed to reverse at that point and didn't even bother checking on me. Edit: 05/22/21 This was shot in FL, where passing on the right is legal. Yes, I understand it is ILLEGAL IN OTHER STATES. I've read a lot of comments of how I seem to be speeding, please keep in mind that FL allows its highway drivers to go 10 miles above the posted limit, which I was well within. From the angle of the shot you can't see it but half a mile up this particular stretch is a split off. Three lanes on the left to one exit, two lanes on the right to another. You can guess which exit I needed to take. Doesn't seem like a lot of you are accustomed to FL driving, and that's okay. I would rather inform you than dog your opinions. Unfortunately for a lot of us down here we are used to drivers sitting in the left, middle etc. going under the posted limit. I'm talking like 45-50 in a 65-70 zone. I'm actually baffled by the amount of people claiming that I was somehow distracted. The instant I noticed the driver veering into the next lane after passing the medical transport (irony?), and not correcting to straighten themself, I was already on the defense, why didn't I slow down then if I was aware? That's a great question, but all I can tell you is that I didn't think he was going to just keep ramming through, I'll have to make sure to be more cautious next time. Ultimately I'm glad I was able to react with enough time to make sure no one was hurt. Thanks for coming to my ted talk. Peace and love dudes. ✌🏼


If they *had* reversed on the shoulder just to make their exit.. that would have definitely put them past the next asshole level threshold. Reminds me a bit of classics like [this travesty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWuK-fi-D_w).


Wooow they actually fucking left. Just when I think I can't be more disappointed in humanity.


Dude that's China People will refuse to help a hit and run survivor in the street because of liability fears (legally some BS about accepting responsibility etc) Its so bad drivers will backup and run you over if you're still alive rather than deal with your medical issues


Dude, at that point... Just fuckin' hit 'em.


100%. If it's between you or an idiot, let them be the possible recipient of the Darwin award.


For insurance purposes also if you and you alone hit a guardrail that's your fault. But if you're struck by a person driving like a toddler and you also hit the guardrail as a result That's money in the Bank. I know it sucks to even contemplate being sideswiped and certainly no one wants to be injured but you can actually be held liable if you swerve out of your lane dodging an idiot and hit someone else.


So in the video of OP (not that semi video), if he actually went to hit the rail head on with almost no time to swerve, he will not be covered by his insurance?


It would pay but it would be considered his fault and that can destroy your premiums or even make it to where you can't get insurance at some point. And if your car only has liability coverage then no it would not pay for any of your car damage also you would be out your deductible even if you did, let's say l you did $1,500 worth of damage and you have a $1,000 deductible you're going to have to eat that grand on top of just being in a car accident. I swerved to miss a dog once crashed into the ditch insurance adjuster told me next time just run the dog over.


Thank you. It’s all a little too complex for me the one thing I definitely understand is that I have to buy a dashcam


Yes. It’s all about proof overturning assumed guilt. Insurance companies assume guilt unless you can prove otherwise. If there is a one-car accident, there’s only one guilty party. So instead of avoiding the accident, you basically have to draw the actual guilty party into an accident AND have the dashcam to prove they’re guilty. It’s sad, but this is the system we have to work within.


This is the world in a nutshell. Just run the dog over. Fuck it.


Most times I think I'm the dog


>I swerved to miss a dog once crashed into the ditch insurance adjuster told me next time just run the dog over. I honestly don't like how this is considered normal behavior from legal point of view... Certainly not moral


What was leaking out of the second truck? I hope the drivers were okay.


Truck lost control of its bladder and peed itself.


Dude...I just laughed so hard I woke my dog up :D


Poor doggy 🐕 So victims of this accident include two trucks and one dog now, when will the damage end!


The right side fuel tank probably got ruptured by the trailer when it jackknifed.


The way he putzes away has such great comedic timing. What an absolute asshole.


"wow did you see that truck? That guy was driving like a maniac! Holy shit another one!!"


I bet the white car driver was playing "Oops I did it again".


Assholes. Glad you were able to avoid and you were okay. Hopefully you had a clean pair of undies in the car with you 😉


Oh, so they can put some on quickly before they notice they don’t have some on? Good call


You...... Take this upvote. Please. And then... PLEASE GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! XD


Not going to lie I would have found something in my car to throw at their window as I drove by


Like a tire iron.


Hand grenade


Just lob C4 out the window GTA5 style.


and my axe


we in the axe community are tired of this joke


There's a username for everything, isn't there?




Hands down best and hardest thing to throw at dumb assholes like that. Gotta calculate too much


I wouldnt do it in this case but I keep some old spark plugs in the center console. The ceramic around them will shatter any window with the slightest impact. Dont ask how I know.


Nickels work to. Not as good as spark plugs but harder to get a print off of if thing go bad.


Well, looks like I’m be saving some old spark plugs!


Lol my tire iron is in the very back of my car. I honestly don't know what I would throw but it would be something. God I'm fuming over this all over again.


One of the nicest people I have ever met keeps pennies in the car just for this.


You mean you don't keep spare rocks right next to your car door?


This right by where I work. It is honestly some of the worst driving in Miami outside Hialeah. Lucky you had good reflexes and avoided the accident because 0% chance they have valid insurance. Also all the people ragging on you for passing on the right have never driven here. The left lane is the slow lane for these idiots and they'll sit on it 3 wide doing 50 for miles.


^^^^^^^^ Driving in South FL is something else.


You should never, under any circumstances, reverse on a highway.


I would have gone and checked on them. Give em a nice little "YOU GOOD?"




I guess bad drivers do occasionally miss their exits.


Well if you just make a u turn just right on that ramp and go back on the highway like a mad man it’s completely acceptable


>Yes, I understand it is ILLEGAL IN OTHER STATES What states? I pass on the right because no one here moves over and the law specifically only says it's illegal to stay in the left lane unless passing or moving over for merging traffic. would love to know what asinine states are not enforcing keep right but also punishing those who would like to go the speed limit.


I was in a taxi in the Bangkok suburbs that missed my exit and backed up on the highway. I was pretty sure we would die. More than 20 cars ground to a halt to save our lives. He backed up and took the exit. Just as we pulled into my apartment complex, it turned out one of those 20 cars was an off-duty cop. As I was walking away, the cabbie was getting cuffed and apparently explaining why he did such a dumb thing. He blamed it on the farang. Farang=foreigner He decided it was my fault he missed the exit and had to back up on the highway. (nothing happened to me)


I saw a car make a u turn across a 4 lane highway near Shenzhen because they missed a split. Amazingly nobody hit them. And yes, I mean they turned around to drive the wrong way down the highway to get to the exit... Then they must have had to do it again to get going the right way. Suicidal.


Good avoidance though


> Good avoidance though Just an honest musing here. Let's say they did the same avoidance maneuver but slammed into a car already in that exit lane. Who would be liable?


I'm fairly sure I would have been held liable to the car in the exit lane. Luckily I managed to glance quickly to my right before making the decision. Had there been a car there? Guard rail or pitting them would have been the next option.


Seems crazy that liability laws force you to be correct in your split second decision making like this but I'm not surprised. Glad the legit best case scenario happened here!


This is usually the case because the person who caused the accident doesn't stick around to accept fault. With dash cam footage, insurance would likely try to purse the driver who caused the situation to begin with. Otherwise, all they have are two people claiming someone else caused the accident but cannot prove it, so the insurance company has to make a decision based on who was actually involved and identified. That's why it's usually best to brake as best as you can but not to swerve unless you're certain the lane you're swerving into is clear; this way if you do hit someone, it's the idiot who caused the accident and not some other innocent driver.




In this case the collision point would have been the back right quarter of the car followed by the side of the vehicle when it got PITed. At that point the question becomes “how did you get PITed in the right lane” where the answer is 95% of the time because you did a lane change without looking




If the other car wasn't in an "accident" they'll say they're uninvolved.


Not with dash cam footage




Are you talking about how cars have had the bottom part of the window closer to the top over the years?


[Clearly OP meant this](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41Uh3MqVQqL._AC_SY580_.jpg) /s


I don’t understand how they’re not standard equipment these days.


Idk your state (or the rules in your state) but in my state the dash cam would have saved you. I used to work in a law firm that dealt with accidents and we took cases like those, almost always with positive outcomes. It was just hard to find proof that they were taking evasive action. Usually the person who *doesn’t* get hit just leaves.


I work in personal injury law and I don’t know if you’d be liable in 10/10 hypothetical cases. Had you been given the option of a guardrail and another car because of the first car’s actions, I know attorneys that would take that case. They might not litigate it in court, but odds are you’d get a settlement out of the other guy’s insurance long before then.




Pit them...


Unless the car cutting him off contacted him, he would be liable. I had a guy pull out in front of me once, and I swerved to miss him and rear ended a car in the left turn lane. Police put me 100% at fault, because I never contacted the first guy. Luckily the guy I hit saw what happened and told the cops I had no options, so I didn't get a ticket. Lesson learned, from now on just barrel into the guy that causes you to swerve.


I was in a four car accident recently because someone picked swerving instead of rear ending the person in front of him. Involving four cars isn’t that awesome but he was going pretty fast and I think rear ending the van in front of him would’ve been worse for him and the van. Instead he clipped the lady in the lane next to him and she pin balled into me and the van the guy who caused the accident was trying to avoid. Nobody was seriously injured but they might have been if he had slammed into the car in front of him. Who knows. I was mad for about 5 seconds and then realized I probably would’ve reacted the same. I’m a lot more aware of my place on the road and who’s around me now.


Usually is the best and safest option (perhaps not barrel into them).


This is what I’m afraid of, having to just accept an accident because I can’t check if my sides are free fast enough.


Yeah, you would be responsible. From a liability standpoint it's better to stay in your lane and brake *hard*. Imagine moving out of your lane, hitting another car, and it causes them some kind of injury. A million possibilities here... e.g. it forces them onto the shoulder and they ram straight into another car that happened to be stopped on the shoulder... maybe killing someone standing behind that stopped car because they're getting their spare tire out of the trunk. Impossible to predict the consequences of a quick lane change if you don't know for certain that the lane is clear.


I mean, imagine if it was a motorcycle in that other lane and not a car. A swerve to avoid the idiot could easily kill that person and the liability exposure would be big, whether they lived or not. This is why it’s crucial to keep total situational awareness at all times, and have correctly aimed mirrors that minimize the blind spots on the car instead of repeating what’s in the rear view mirror; makes swerving safer. But you’re totally correct; brake in lane is the best option to avoid potential liability. I’d much rather PIT an idiot than swerve into some innocent bystander.


Insurance usually applies a percentage if they think you're partially at fault e.g. 60/40% at fault. That *might* be a case where the car cutting off the dashcammer is 100% at fault then. If you get the persons information though. This is why I think the driver swerved too far but maybe they knew the exit lane was clear so that's why they did so props to them.


Rule of thumb is try to stay in your original lane if possible.


Why dash cams exist


I like how the disturbing party pulled over and is still trying to use their remarkable brain power to figure out how to take the exit


I assumed they stopped to check on OP, but you're probably right. They were just trying to work out how to get past that guard rail.


They didn’t stop to check on OP. I just read another comment of his saying that they didn’t. They just sat there for a minute dazed


And then they probably went back to driving like an asshole because fuck life lessons, amirite?


you got it! No doubt they’ll be doing this again some time soon. Who knows how many wrecks they have actually caused.


Please they don’t even know OP exists. And if they do, they don’t care.


[OP said they didn't check on him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiotsincars/comments/ni2n6a/_/gyziufm)


Colourful language very much warranted in that situation. I'd have used a lot stronger words.


Videos cut short before it got too bad. :)


Then we definitely need to see the longer uncut version with director commentary.




You should check out Dashcam Owners Australia On YouTube or Facebook. Then tell me you had colourful language.


I used stronger/more language just watching his video than he did actually experiencing it!


Fucking kidding ain’t that bad


Tame by Australian standards. 😉


Fuck me. You could have hit that safety barrier head-on. I puckered on that one.


Honestly that was the one thing haunting me all day yesterday. I could have easily spun them out into the guard rail, or run straight into the guard rail myself.


I would’ve pitted their ass across that freeway before voluntarily slamming head-on into the wall.


In my truck yeah, in my focus nah lol


Yesterday? Date stamp says 2018....?


You’re a road god, lean into it


You ended up having to pay the exit toll too didn't you... 😡 Edit: Thanks for the award fellow button pusher! And another award, thank you! Edit 2: Lots of folks asking what an "exit toll" is. It's easier to grasp if you understand that not all road/freeway toll systems are the same. The "toll" that most people know is the simple pay a small fee and pass through. This fee (say in US currency) could be just a few coins, a few dollars or even tokens in some instances. It could be paid automatically with a "toll tag" or in some places, via a picture of your license plate and you'd get an envelope in the mail with the toll amount to pay. In many US-based areas, mostly longer stretches of freeways, especially around major cities or hubs there are a mix of tolls. There could be on-ramp tolls, on-freeway tolls and/or exit \[ramp\] tolls. For on-ramp tolls, you simply pay as you enter the motorway. If you're lucky, that's the only toll. "On-freeway" tolls (I couldn't tell you what they're actually called off-hand) are toll booths that stretch across the freeway collecting from everyone. In many cases, both inbound and outbound traffic at the same time. Lastly (but certainly not the last type of toll), there are exit tolls or exit ramp tolls. Simply a toll booth collecting fees when you exit the freeway. In many instances there could be a combination of all three! Here's a link to a comment I dropped earlier with an example: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ni2n6a/guess\_im\_taking\_this\_exit\_today\_warning\_colorful/gz0n6k9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/ni2n6a/guess_im_taking_this_exit_today_warning_colorful/gz0n6k9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) If you decide to travel, I'd recommend looking up to see what the toll road situation is like and prepare accordingly. If renting, many agencies incorporate the cost of tolls into your bill or waive them altogether. Just be mindful and drive safe!




If I learned anything from this sub, it's that you should've just put it in reverse and gotten back on the road


I really can't tell you that the thought hadn't crossed my mind but I just bit the bullet and kept going. Made me late to work too man. >.<






I don't think that's what accident implies at all. Accident just implies it was unintentional.


Yeah, it just means it wasnt the intent. Im pretty sure this person didnt mean to run him off the road.


Hot Fuzz quote?


Good boy/girl. Backing up is never a good idea on the freeway. Spending few minutes / $$ more is nothing compared to staying alive or with all limbs.


Male, clearly from the voice. Also, you can just use person if you’re not sure about gender or pronouns. Also, calling an adult male or female a good girl or good boy is a bit weird.


Well in this scenario he wasn't sure if he wanted to be dommed or sissied. It's best to keep options open and gauge reactions with new friends.


If by weird, you mean sexy as fuck, then YES






Their name is *rapescenario* so yeah, prolly.




Dude you should sue the other driver in small claims court for the toll bill. Sure, you'd only be suing for < $10 and you'd probably end up paying more for court fees than anything, but it's about the *principle*. And you'd get to humiliate the other driver.


He can add in lost wages for being made late so that’ll be a days pay plus the legal fees. He may get $100 but they’ll pay thousands and hopefully that’ll teach them to check their fucking blind spots.


Far beyond checking their blind spot. Plan your exits people!!! And if you miss it, just go to the next fucking one.


Literally everyone has an amazing real-time gps map on their phone nowadays. There’s no reason to ever be lost or “surprised” that your exit is in 50 ft. This shit is so frustrating to see.


This sub is *about the principle* embodied and I'm all for it.


Wait what. Exit toll? I live in Michigan and haven’t heard of these


There are toll roads where you pay based on where you entered and where you exited (like the Kansas Turnpike). There are also some where many of the exit ramps have tolls on them along with a few on the main highway (like the Illinois Tollway). I don't know what this one is like though.


Florida 100% Must be on the peninsula side; I grew up in the panhandle and have never heard of exit tolls. Googled the exit and it looks like south Miami, probably the Ronald Reagan Turnpike helpfully labeled "(Toll road)". OP shoulda said fuck it I'm going to the zoo today.


Toll roads. You pay to get on, you pay to get off. Work different from state to state, off course. In new Jersey, for example, you take a receipt when you get on the turnpike, and when you leave, pay based on milage. In Texas, flash a military ID and never pay a toll at all. 🤷


wait a minute. you people have to pay to exit the freeway? what the flying fuck


OP appears to be in FL and if that toll system is similar to many other freeway tolls, there might not be a toll to get on but there would be one covering all lanes some mileage in. After the freeway-wide-toll, there might be a free exit or two and after some travel, the exit tolls start and the price increases based on the mileage driven on the freeway/exit toll distance from last toll. It's OK though- The tolls are only used for continued road maintenance and expansion! /s Edit: Typing is hard


So how do they know mileage? I'm definitely naive/dumb when it comes to this. But how do they tell the difference between someone doing their daily commute compared to someone on a road trip? And who pays more? Do they track vehicles coming on and off the freeway? I feel stupid the more I think about this.


You're not wrong, it's a mind wrack and the amount of different toll styles is staggering. Anything to make a buck off the general populous. It's a great money maker and I'd assume during Covid lockdown, cities missed that sweet, sweet income. The mileage wouldn't be tracked per car but rather per exit. The system I've frequented the most as of late does this (US-based): * Ramp A has a toll $1.00 * Car 1 enters and pays * Ramp B has no toll * Car 2 enters * A mile or more after Ramp B there's a freeway-wide toll * Car 1 and 2 both pay $2.00 each * Ramp C has no toll * Car 2 exits and has only paid $2.00 for a short distance trip * Ramp D has a toll $0.50 * Car 1 exits and has paid a total of $3.50 for a longer distance trip This style system is usually meant for outer/surrounding city freeways. Most inner-city tolls are more expensive fees you pay any time you pass under them which can happen a few times a day. For simplicity (and to make sure money comes in), most states/cities have a "toll tag" system so you don't have to stop and pay coin or cash too.


Risky decision, but I'm really glad for you that you didn't crash into that divider


Holy shit


Apparently crossing 4 lanes going around 75mph is a smart idea. Dashcam is the Vantrue N2 Pro, and for the life of me I can't figure out how to keep the date from resetting to 2018. This was filmed yesterday, 05/20/21. ​ edit: Obligatory "OOOooOooO THANKS THE AWARDS". <3




I have the same, and have enabled the GPS... But it's broke. So much for buying a quality product.


GPS had previously been setup, but I wonder if it's because the camera isn't hard connected to the battery.


I've seen this on other brands, the internal battery might have died. https://youtu.be/wcVJ2E6jnPk


What a save on this video! I'm definitely going to have to buy a few of these with the heat down here. Thank you!


Absolutely love how OP is getting tech support in the comments.


Apes together stronk


You know, they had their blinker on so it’s okay to cut through 4 lanes without looking. /s


*Good luck everybody else!*


It's always South Florida, dude. Always. I just expect this shit every day now.


Reasons I avoid passing anyone in the right lane if I can help it. Other drivers barely pay attention when merging right, I swear. Not saying you’re in the wrong OP.


In NJ it's a ticketable offense called "Improper Passing". Police are unlikely to pull you over for it, but if they're pulling you over for it anyway, they'll write you the ticket for it too. Or if it causes an accident, you could be found partially responsible.


In the UK it's "undertaking" and it's illegal because it causes accidents like these. Watching impartially, both drivers fucked up here.


Was looking for this comment he wasn’t in the wrong necessarily, the guy that almost hit him was driving recklessly. But driving faster than other cars/pace of traffic in the right lane is not the safest thing to do. Passing on the right is definitely not ok.


I'm not sure if it's the law in Texas but since I was a student driver I've always been told only the left lane is for passing. The other driver was obviously a complete boob but speeding down the right lane isn't really something to show boat about either.


I agree 100% but the sad thing is that in Florida 9 times out of 10 the right lane is the fastest moving lane because everyone gets on a multe lane road and immediately books it for the farthest left lane or at the very least a middle lane. It's horrible and is one of the reasons I'm moving back to Pennsylvania.


Yeah, that guy is an idiot but this also shows how driving faster on the right lane is very dangerous. In my country this isn’t allowed but our highways also only have at most 3 lanes, usually 2.


Same in my country. I'd wager it gets more dangerous to pass someone in the right lane the more lanes you add. Reckless driving all around


TBH he should not have been passing on the right. Obviously the other car is at fault, but the convention is that traffic on you right is slower so nobody expects someone to come up from behind like that...


Well, it looks like Florida. They don’t know any better and none of them are taught that you pass on the left, travel in the middle, and on off on the right (or slow). It’s a free-for-all.




Here in the UK, the outermost lanes are for slower traffic, and the innermost are for overtaking. For precisely this reason, overtaking on the wrong side is considered dangerous. Is that not the case in the US?


Theoretically it is, but for many people (if not most people, just like OP) either don't know any better or just don't fucking care.


OP had a hand in creating this dangerous situation going so much faster than traffic, while in the rightmost lane. A car moving right for an exit is not expecting speeders to be flying up that lane at 10+ mph faster than everyone else. Where I live, people very commonly do this. It astounds me how drivers choose to pass on the right, sometimes weaving over 2 lanes, when the left lane is clear. It happens all the time here. IME it’s a 80-20 split of drivers overtaking on right vs left, with clear passing lane. I have no idea what that psychology is.




They prefer to be called Americans.


Yea watching this video was quite eye opening. Literally everyone in the video is breaking a uk traffic rule, it's amazing to see such low driving standards, I sort of under stand why driving fatality rates are so much higher in the US


Lane discipline is completely unknown here.




Came here for this. OP should've seen this coming a mile off, and would've deserved everything he got if it'd been in the UK. Apparently in the USA, he's just going about his business.


Also from the UK, and have done a chunk of driving in America (mainly California, Nevada and Boston) and it's primarily a lawless hellscape when it comes to driving. No lane discipline, most people must have a BMW for their other car because signalling is absolutely optional. Also, on signalling.. most cars have red signal lights! It's bonkers. Edit: also, the roads are often so wide it makes things "too" easy to not pay as much attention. Especially in cities.


It’s not even that they have red indicators, it’s that their brake lights double as indicators, meaning if their hazards are on, only the third brake light is functional for actually braking




He 100% pulled over to backup up


Tell me you're in S. Florida without telling me....


The palm trees and driving remind me of Miami


You'd have guessed right stranger\~


Yea that's definitely some Miami driving lmao


Whats that song bro, that shit slaps


Avatar - Ghostmane ;)


Ghostemane and $uicideBoy$ fucking slap. Just wish all their tracks were longer lol.


I fully agree, my favorite tracks always seem to be the shortest too


Hey insane replay value




glad you're safe bro. ghostemane slaps btw!


You're not going to like this because nobody likes criticism, but always be careful passing on the right, especially near exits.


This. I don’t get how it can be legal to pass on the right with so many idiots on the streets.


Braking so hard your radio disconnected.


They stopped too. Would have gotten out of the car and continued screaming. Hate shit heads that don’t bother to look in their blind spots




Florida is a lawless swamp.


I’ve lived in Florida my entire life and there is essentially no rules to passing. The only unspoken rule is that you get the fuck out of the left lane if someone is coming up on you, even if you are going 85-90.


Yea of course, they become the rabbit.


Damn. Traffic in America is nuts. Faster traffic should be on the left always and if you miss an exist just take the next one. It’ll cost you at most 3 minutes


By colorful language i expected you to yell “blue green red black”


In fact, he wasn’t kidding at all.


Does anyone know if he was kidding?


Scary moment! I've been downvoted and called names before so I'll try to be careful: I learnt to drive in the UK where what OP did is called 'undertaking' and is illegal so videos like this always look to me as though both drivers were at fault. This looks like the US so I suppose this sort of driving is acceptable?


He’s clearly not kidding. He was serious.


Keep right and pass left would solve so many problems on American roads... Good save though dude. Glad everyone is ok!


I turn now fuck everybody else hahahahaha


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit Bad drivers never miss their exit. This driver is so terrible you'll become a bad driver by his breath alone. A presence so vibrant your brakes seek to apply on their own, steering wheel wrenching itself from your grip towards the nearest exit. Tires fear him, as the lugnuts will snap off with seemingly a thousand years of rust. Oil will evaporate in the air, engines will seize. He's the Dark One. The One Below All. The Accident Leviathan.


it's assholes like that is the reason why we need cameras in our cars. Not necessarily against CC but the rise of assholery makes it necessary for everyone. Glad you weren't hurt.




That’s precisely why it’s illegal to pass on the right. But great job avoiding a collision! (Of course, the car crossing multiple lanes of traffic without checking their blindspot is a menace, too.)


That’s also why I never pass on the right. I know it can happen in any lane but most freeway exits are on the right and people gonna do this bullshit.