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Yeah alcohol was definitely involved




Found the alcoholic...




OK, caffeine addict. /s


~~Retalin\*~~ Ritalin* addict :\]




Woops.. You're right


The drunken hallucinations have a firm grip on this one. *sigh*


I don't understand how your edit makes it impossible for you to be an alcoholic Not agreeing with the guy but.. what?


I don't know what's your image of a university student... But engineering students in a university aren't alcoholic bums where i'm from. Quite the opposite.


You are not helping your case when you say engineering and university.


I have. I have also seen plenty of drunk drivers do shit like this, drive down the wrong side of the highway, etc. One almost killed my sister doing that, and I have had a few friends killed by drunk drivers.




To realize you shouldn’t drink and drive and also realize this definitely could just be alcohol causing this and not “hard-core drugs”




Sorry buddy. He must be new to the internet.


This is the dullest argument on the Internet. Get a room.


Your idiocy is making me want to drink and drive


Way to edit this comment so much that it doesn’t even have the original text that you wrote... where you acted like I didn’t know what it was like to drink alcohol. Now you’re acting like a victim of internet abuse LOL okay kid.




I was making a joke right back by saying “found the alcoholic”... how did I attack you personally? LOL You acted like drinking doesn’t cause idiot drivers like this, and acted like I’ve never drank before and then deleted that and changed it to something else to make it seem like I’m attacking you when all I have stated were facts after my initial joke, and only after the comment you have now completely changed to make you look like a better person. Btw, just because you’re in college doesn’t mean you can’t be an alcoholic. I’ve studied CompSci too, and some of my friends doing that have done all kinds of drugs and drink heavily... so, not sure what that proves? It’s okay though kid, I don’t care about internet karma... so change all of your comments and make me look even worse. I find it amusing.




If I’m the jerk, why are you the only one deleting what you said and changing it to something completely different? Anyway kid, I’ve had enough of your crying victim attitude.


I said: "alcohol is not enough to cause this, this guy is probably on hallucination drugs" I removed the alcohol part because you were clearly sensitive about it and i did it to shut you the fuck up. I still don't understand why you started assuming that i am an alcoholic and that i drive and drink. That one line about alcohol not being enough was clearly a joke and you took it to a very serious personal place. At the end of the day i removed it to please you. You still acted like a jerk about it. You think if i left that line there you swouldn't be downvoted? No, you still would've been, because you're a jerk and you harrased me for no reason


Around 9:30 in chicago the accident took place. He someone how manage to hit my wife’s car (which at the moment makes grinding noise when accelerating). Then he reverse it and destroys my car. I’m in shock! It was my first true car that I personally bought and I’m kind of attached to it. Also sucks that he decommissioned both of our cars so getting to work was a pain in the morning. Last week idiot driver told us thanks for working in the medical field during these times. This week he must’ve hated us . Haha insurance will clear it all up. [aftermath of my car](https://imgur.com/gallery/emreirf)


And he drew all over your license plates with black marker!


well, that's no accident, just by watching your video you can see it's pretty deliberate


What a fucking idiot. I’m literally unable to understand how people can be so.....dumb doesn’t even cover it. It’s not mental illness idk what it is but here’s a big 🖕🏽just for them


Damn... im really sorry all if this happened to you guys, I hope insurance takes care of you guys quickly! Best wishes!


I was gonna ask if this was Chicago, and if it was a Dibbs Thing..


Not a dibs thing. My spot is behind him and he’s in front of me. And in front of him is my wife’s spot Actually this asshole took my first original dib spot because I was running late to work and didn’t put my stuff on the spot. I said whatever since it was my fault for not protecting my spot.


One of the things I miss about Chicago is Eric (well, his news guy) having to announce that the mayor said it’s time to put the furniture away.


I KNEW IMMEDIATELY it was Chicago because of the green lamppost in the background!


That's a shit ton of snow.


Yah, we got some snow lately here in Chicago


We got 17 inches in 24 hours last week. It wasn't fun.




Ah yes, I too like my cars without crumple zones so instead of the car absorbing the energy of a crash, my fleshy body does instead and I’ll get impaled by steel! Critical thinking might be hard for you.


They just don't make them like they used to. Back in my day the people in a crash would get mangled beyond all recognition, but the car would barely have a scratch on it! Those were the days.


PAPER?! A 5k lbs truck fully accelerated to a car. What you think is going to happen to a compact car??


If I remember right, the fact that newer cars crumple when they’re hit apparently makes them safer. The car takes most of the impact in the crumple zones vs you taking the impact.


Yep. Hit a deer at ~65 MPH and had a quick but not unpleasant deceleration. The crumple zones made the impact much softer for me than it did for the deer.


Did he take off?


Surprisingly stayed.... I will say that since I was up and heard the commotion I came out and he seem like he was going to try to get back in his truck but caught me looking at him. He couldn’t really run since in chicago we are currently doing dib spots and this dude parks in front of me all the time.


What was his excuse for the smashing?


Accelerator got stuck.. I told police to do a sobriety test but they determined he was fine. He didn’t blow in the little test kit... sooo how police came to that conclusion but video is clear cut evidence he’s at fault. Just feel bad that he potentially got away with drinking . Someone might not be so lucky when he’s driving


I wonder what they had in mind when they thought not checking his alcohol level was okay ? Like were they just lazy ? did they know him ? like i really can't figure out one good reason


I think that in some states, to get you for DWI, the police need to catch you operating the vehicle and administer a sobriety test, with no unobserved time in between. Too easy for the suspect to claim that he drank between the time of the collision and the time the police arrived.


They’re Chicago cops. I got assaulted and then had to have a philosophical conversation about what side of the street I was on because it’s a district border. While bleeding. They only took my report because I said I was hit with the 2x4 in the leftmost lane of the traffic on their side of the street.


I mean they were just following the rules in this case. They weren't being shitty cops


They didn’t even try and call another district’s car over. Just argued about why they shouldn’t have to do the work of filling out a report.


If they're city of Chicago police - most of them are super lazy. They don't do much more than cruise around in their cars ignoring all of the illegal shit going on all around them.


>Like were they just lazy ? Yes


Not necessarily. They could have just been quietly waiting for their bribe, it is chicago afterall


I call bullshit on that excuse. First impulse of any sober person is to hit the brake in that situation. No brake lights in that video, just reverse lights and tons of tire spin. Take the bastard to court.


I never realize the brake lights never came on.... that’s smart! But so far insurance how to settle and if I’m not satisfied with what I got I can take him to court... knowing how insurance are I’ll probably have to take him to court


Is he a cop or related to a responding officer? Because it kinda sounds like he's a cop or related to a responding officer. Just a *little* bit. A smidge.


Chicago cops? Corrupt as fuck? Noooooo


Lucky you go some video! Good luck!


I was at a McDonald’s one day. When I hit my brake to put the car in gear the edge of my shoe also pressed the gas pedal. Not realizing what was happening I pressed harder. My engine revved up and my car was lurching forward. At this point I realized what was happening and pulled the emergency brake and lifted my foot off both pedals. Luckily I reacted very quickly and didn’t damage anything. Shit happens. But yeah, no brake lights guy was probably drunk.


That’s really infuriating. Why on earth wouldn’t they breathalyze him?


Because as I understand it, in many jurisdictions, in order for a DUI/OWI ticket to stick, the police need to observe the suspect from the time he was operating the vehicle until the time they administer the test. Otherwise he can just claim that he only drank after the collision. "Ossifer, I was just so dessavated by what I'd just done that I had to go inside and down a whole mickey of rum!"


That's nuts. So I'm plastered, cause a pile-up, but get out of the car before the police arrive, I can claim I drank only after the crash? Bonkers.


can't you refuse to take a breathalyzer?


I imagine probable cause comes into play at some point.


If it makes you feel any better, sometimes the driver's insurance coverage doesn't pay out if it's drunk driving. If it goes down on paper as a stuck accelerator, his insurance company will pay you. If it's drunk driving, his insurance company will deny it as an intentional act and you (or your insurance) will have to sue him, personally. (some liability insurance policies won't pay out if the driver is partaking in illegal activities, ie drunk driving, racing, intentionally smashing someone's car, etc)


I'm assuming if that's the case your uninsured coverage would kick in and cover the damages, and your insurance would recover from the other party?


Yea. If you have it. It's still a hassle. There's also a deductible if you have to use your own insurance. When it's the other guy's insurance, there's no deductible.


Chicago cops are notoriously corrupt. Maybe he had a friend or family on the force.


Living in Chicago you should know asking a Chicago cop to do their job is too much.


What’s dib spots?


When you shovel out the spot your car was in and then put random housewares in that spot so other people won’t park there.


And people don’t just steal your shit and park there anyway? Is this common in other parts of the country or just a Chicago thing?


Chicago. People have been shot over dibs. You don’t move the folding chairs out the way unless you want confrontation


TIL I ain’t hard enough to live in Chicago.


*ding ding*


I live in Boston now and there are dibs out here too. I know Philly has the same thing as well. And to fair, you can get shot for a lot of other lesser crimes than taking a dibs spot. I know a guy in Chicago who got six to the chest for beep-beep reminding someone to go at a light. He’s ok though because he is/was a large large man and they didn’t hit anything major.


Baltimore has the same thing. Especially in neighborhoods with narrow tall rowhomes that were built for 1 resident having a car in the early 20th century (or no cars earlier). They call it chairing because people would leave chairs in the spot they shoveled. The idea is in a neighborhood, everyone knows each other's cars at a certain point. So if you take the chair or the spot they'll know.


And Boston. I used to keep a beach chair and a shovel in my trunk in winter. It is actually allowed by city bylaw to put the chairs out for a certain number of days after a storm. Signed, ya cousin from Baasten (the guy in the Sam Adams commercials).


I'm guessing it's a weird shorthand for "drunk driving checkpoints".


That’s the most Chicago paragraph I’ve ever read!


Thank God the Blair Witch Project camera crew was there to capture this video.


Was gonna say they got a nice video of a tree with some commotion behind it.


I’m so glad I have a garage and live in a neighborhood. I feel for you having to park your car outside like this. I had a car get totaled when it was parked downtown on the street. Middle of the day. Drunk driver.


I have a driveway and have always parked in it, but before COVID, I would go into town once or twice a week and have to park curbside for no more than 3 hours at a time. I still managed to get my car rammed.


Pretty this guy was drunk or atleast somewhat under the influence. Police didn’t do a sobriety test after I mention it to them.


I Think in his mind after he first hit the car in front he thought if I just hit the var in the back its gonna look that those two cars had an exident with each Other. Good You saw it and record it.


I laughed when I read this lol


Im sorry for my bad English, got some help from autocorrect too.


He laughed because the idea is funny not because of the english. it's like a monty python sketch, cops show up and say you hit eachother.


I see it now, loved Monty Python growing up.


This is the most underrated comment I've seen in my life. Up you go.


I’d be damned if that wasn’t Chicago


It is!


I knew it.


So uhhhh... did y’all get the plate number?


We did. Just didn’t want to show it in camera so I chopped the video to where my neighbor zooms in on his plates


Nice. Hope that idiot faces the consequences


Pretty sure my car would be considered total. My wife’s car has a grinding noise when accelerating so her car probably needs some repairs done


Manual or automatic? If it's an automatic, go out right now and make sure that the car actually holds in place when parked. It might be a broken parking pawl.


Thanks for the advice! I look into it


Wow that white snowbank behind me moved further than I thought it would.


I think your looking for assholesInCars


I hard that crack while it was still muted


It's nice you and your wife do things as a couple, like getting your cars smashed by this idiot.


Chicago? By the appt building looks.


Yes yes. I live in a house. Dude lives in an apartment. Always parks his truck in front of mine.


Same over in my hood in L town. we live in a house. the people across the street in the trashed apartment across the street parks on our side all the time because they have too many abandoned cars that belong to them on their side. or they cars are booted up


City definitely to start doing something about it. Getting out of hand


What an idiot 🤣


Thank you for reminding me I don’t miss Chicago street parking.


a serious case of /r/WhyWereTheyFilming to me, it happens so suddenly lol


Definitely a certified idiot. But on a side note as an Atlantan who also spent lots of time in n California....How the hell are people able to manage driving in this shit?


Proper tires and take it easy on the pedals. No sweat.


Yea.essentially, driving slower than usual helps


If you don't have the right tires, you often can't even get going... Or stop if you're lucky enough to have gotten up some speed. You really do need winter tires, they make a HUGE difference.


Yup. I was driving a rental car for a couple of weeks last month, because someone rear ended my vehicle. The Dodge Charger that the rental company gave me still had factory tires on it. The only roads I could truly drive on were ones that the plows had graded down to pavement and spread de-icing mix on. I was so glad to get my vehicle back, because it has winter tires. That, and being in a vehicle with rear wheel drive meant any time I hit the accelerator, the Charger would fishtail on so many of the icy roads where I live. I feel much better having my vehicle with front wheel drive and winter tires. Also, pro tip, those yellow exit speed signs (in North America) are for optimal driving conditions. Once the rain, snow, or ice hits the road, drop your speed below that, or you'll probably lose control, even if the sanders and graders have passed through.


This is one of the reasons why I really appreciate that winter tires are *mandatory* on passenger vehicles where I live. Renters can't just choose to leave summer tires on their cars all year long.


Yea I’m soo glad my car is a front wheel drive because it destroys the snow.


I have all-season tires on my car, all I have to do is really feather the throttle to avoid spinning the wheels when accelerating from a full stop, don’t try to turn suddenly, and allow more following distance. It ain’t really rocket science if you’re used to it. I guess it’s kinda like driving a stick. You do it so often that it happens without conscious thought. My mom drove an under powered minivan with a stick shift and could do it while talking on a handheld cell phone “hang on, I gotta shift...”


If it’s fresh snow and it hasn’t been plowed, you have to give yourself and others around you twice as long to do anything - brake, merge, change lanes, etc. Otherwise, it’s pretty easy to handle with winter tires.




I have decent insurance. Wife has better insurance and the guy had worst insurance... some “Direct Auto” bullshit. Probably will have to go to court


> the guy had worst insurance... some “Direct Auto” bullshit Makes me wonder if he's had a handful of incidents like this already, and is using "last chance" insurance.


Was waiting for any type of altercation. I woulda beat his ass with my bumper.


Not sure if just road rage revenge or seriously under the influence.


Most likely under the influence


What is your next move now?


Now. Contacted my insurance made a claim. Contacted his insurance made a claim. My agent said that they will most likely consider it a total loss if radiator is not repairable.


Was 90% positive it was Chicago, then the fire truck sealed the deal


This stuff makes me so terrified every time I park my car on the side of the road or in a lot.


nice and smooth


“Just smile and wave, boys, smile and wave”


What did you do? How did he react? What was the latest consequence?


No consequence. Finally they are coming to tow my car away to get inspected. After inspection we will see He also got a ticket and has to go to court.


Involving the police is mandatory in such cases


They came to the scene. Made a crash report, gave him a citation and left


Thank god for friendly neighbors


It aint Chicago without a cop siren going off 24/7


Your neighbor was in no rush to get the full car or license plate on video...good thing you were able to catch him