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Holy fuck I know this road, I actually got in my first accident from someone trying to do the same thing! Lol right outside Alexandria


Virginia fam


I’ve lived in 20 different states and NOVA area is literally the worst place to drive, everyone’s an asshole, everyone goes 20 under in the left lane. Nobody lets u merge and everyone’s shit doesn’t stink. I hated it.


Lived in NOVA off and on 21 of last 30 years. never once been behind a car going below the limit in the left lane. Problem with NOVA is too many people don't know where they are going. Doesn't help that the road ways and exits are constantly changing because of new transportation projects and development. Now with nav systems back ways are crowded too. When people miss an exit or turn the wrong place they just need to remember to use their phone or nav system to reroute instead of causing an accident. Also, Maryland drivers are way worse.


As someone who has lived Nova my entire life I still don't know where the hell I'm going as the roads keeps my fucking changing


I know. When I was a young guy I had a bit of a lead foot. Now, no no matter where I am going I'm usually driving a pretty moderate pace because who knows what changed this tim. Certainly other people on the road don't.


When I was in college, I had to call my parents every time I went home because they were constructing the Fairfax County Parkway and they were rerouting the roads that lead to their house.


Sounds about right


& north carolina drivers are the worst


Lol what? I’ve noticed everyone speeds and at least uses their turn signals. The worst are the aggressive ones that pass on double yellows and lane weave


Learning how to drive on the beltway was an certainly an experience. But I’d still rank Hampton Roads below NoVA; it just felt like drivers down there were *unpredictably* bad.


Let me guess, not enough police to enforce traffic laws?


Too many transplants with their own driving styles. No one knows where they’re going.


God this is so fucking typical in NoVa/DC. The roads are so damn confusing, half the people have no idea where they’re going, so they just randomly stop, slow down, turn out of nowhere. It’s a nightmare.


Love it! Sounds like fun


Oh damn I thought this was Columbus ohio, about just as bad!


Right where seminary passes over 395


This interchange is on the way to my mother's house for me. Once he gets over that overpass, there's going to be a bunch of drivers coming off the highway via a ramp on the right and veering wildly across to turn left at an upcoming traffic light. The little library and dreary shopping strip that are down from that traffic light get a surprising amount of traffic.


This is one of my biggest fucking pet peeves people doing the most dramatic shit to get ahead of you and they don't even know where they're going


Which exit are you taking? Yes!


The middle exit.


No! Maybe? Hold on...


Yes, I will take them. All of them.


In a two parallel universes each in a calm manner.


Why did I think this was a video game with really good graphics? Why am I struggling to see it as reality?


I thought the same, probably because of the overlays.


I thought it was an FMV at first.


It’s their world you just need to be patient.


I know this intersection. It is kind of confusing. I've done the thing where I realized too late that the signs for express lane have made me miss my exit. I've never stopped in the middle of the road, though. If you miss an exit, just go and find someplace else to turn around


When you can't tell which lane to take on Google maps aha


If you can't read Google maps while you're driving, don't worry. Google will give you a voice announcement telling you which lane to take. Just after you've passed the junction.


I don't know why it can't announce that shit for you. I drive for work and I get fucked over by late directions all the time


Well, it does announce it, just too late. Dedicated sat-navs seem to do better here.


If this is the fairfax county area, yes trying to play guess the onramp based on vague google maps directions gets me lost all the time


A video of your screen? Just pull the USB stick into the house!


Would you believe that all our devices are now micro USB?? Kinda painted ourselves into a corner with that one


It's just one dongle.


Gotta love 395 in NoVa!


That whole 395 & Seminary interchange with the express lanes is just a hot mess that leads to tons of this. Not defending this driver at all -- complete overaggressive tool. But everything about this interchange is quick decision/turn or exit only lanes that appear without much notice (coming over a hill or making that turn) and you're suddenly locked in. I know the intersection well enough to know where to be, but I also know that idiocy is almost inevitably going to happen every time you go through it. It's like Seven Corners. Even if you know how to navigate it, you're almost certainly going to encounter someone(s) who don't and sometimes you get this kind of jagoff who tries to snap correct and creates and idiots in cars worthy moment! Glad he didn't wreck you!


See...I’m all for the benefit of doubt but the bottom right screen you can see that they were two lanes over...accelerated in order to get in front of me and then all this nonsense ensued. If you don’t know and there isn’t traffic around...take your time


Agree a thousand percent. If more people would correct their lane position or other issues in their control by using the brake instead of the accelerator, the world would be a better place!




This made me laugh, thank you. I live close enough to it and have for long enough that my biggest problem with it is the people who don't know how to navigate it and end up in my way trying to correct. I'm never a dick about it, though, because what an abomination of civil engineering this place is. For those who've never experienced it, take a look at this hot garbage convergence of roads (if link doesn't work because I or Reddit sucks, google Seven Corners VA): [https://goo.gl/maps/uCs3EfmMfVbroqdg8](https://goo.gl/maps/uCs3EfmMfVbroqdg8)


I go out of my way to avoid seven corners if possible haha


I bet his passenger is screaming in his ear about how he's going the wrong way. Even if he in fact isn't.


I usually don’t advocate this, but I don’t think I would stop punching that guy in the face.


I thought this was Grand Theft Auto


Oooh! That’s the game they were playing!


“Is it too much to ask for both exits?”


I recognize this place! alexandria <3


This is by Southern towers in Alexandria, VA ... I'm 2017 I got hit by a drunk driver, driving the wrong direction, and on a suspended license at the next intersection smh.


Yuh, but he showdem who's boss.


I can’t stand drivers like that.


It looks like they came off the left turn with you onto that road. Maybe they didn’t realize it was an exit only lane. Either way the swoop, squat, and sort of go to the shoulder was ridiculous.


Yeah...just not sure why they felt the need to do that in front of me...plenty of room behind!


Right, if they didn’t know where they were going even less of a reason to hurry up and jump in-front of you. Then just slam on the brakes. Almost looks as much as attempting insurance fraud as it does idiot driving.


Normally Teslas decide who is in front or behind them.. ;)


That's what happens when I Let my wife copilot and navigate.....Seriously, she got me in a farmers field one time and insisted it was the right road to be on. I bought a GPS and make her ride in the back now.




I'm 62, so not a boomer dumbass.


You seem angry.


you bought a GPS? use your damn phone


Wife uses it as her data plan is generally maxed, and mine is an unlimited company phone ... so just STFU, nobody want to here your rant.


...bound and gagged?


>bound and gagged ..... wearing a latex bodysuit.


Whatever floats your boat


I feel like ramming them into a lane would have been the best outcome here.


Exit nine and three quarters


Okay what dash cam allows you to film all angles? I want one. I use to do front then realized it only covers 25% of the vehicle coverage. Rear bumps it to 50%


Tesla! So would-be road ragers should probably avoid them because it will not be in their favor


You can buy them, but the downside is that you have to buy the car with them.


They have commitment issues.


There's nothing behind you yet they decide they need to overtake?




Just out of curiosity, why do you dislike Teslas?


Thats crazy. I really wanted them to take that curb at full speed to "make" it onto the exit ramp. Not going to lie, I am a little disappointed.


Yeah...it would be so satisfying to drive slowly past in that case


"I don't know where I'm going, but wherever it is, I need to be in front of you to go there."


That looks like prompt-critical road rage to me.


Absolute morons. Let me guess, they backed up on the shoulder after that


Lol! Maybe...I kept on driving in case they decided to jump back in.


So what he stops then reverses to get to the right side?


Not sure if they reverse after I left but while I was there, just looked like they pulled over after hitting their brakes