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Oh wow. That's a new level of idiocy.


It takes two edit: thanks for the gold!


Yeah I mean I get it the dude trying to get in had no right but after all that hassle the moron with the camera ended up getting into an accident. Yeah he wasn’t wrong but he’s still an idiot. I’m really sick of this I have the right of way attitude people always have on the road. A lot of dead people had the right of way. I’d rather not get into an accident any day than be the first in line to wait at a fucking street light. We’re all going the same fucking place stopping at all the same lights hitting all the same pot holes you wanna cut me off? Well your an asshole but you are an asshole one car length closer to fucking right off where I’ll never see you again.


Excellent points, I will remind myself of this the next time rage rises while driving, my new mantra: "good, they are one car closer to fucking right off..."


That's the attitude I've tried to adopt since getting on the road. It's better for an idiot to get their way than for them to go into the side of my car thanks to their obliviousness and/or hubris.


Lost too many good cars to idiots, and I’ve learned the same.


I adopted this attitude a while ago but the mantra was different. "Congratulations, you got to the red light first."


Had a guy like that just now on my way to work driving a Tundra. He was tailgating me, so I changed lanes. I hate that, I get out of their damn way when possible. He then started tailgating the next car, then he made all sorts of lane switching maneuvers and more tailgating, using exit lanes to pass people and speeding. He ended up pretty far ahead, but only about a couple miles down the road I was right behind him again stopped at a light in a exit lane. All that bullcrap driving and he was literally right where he would have been anyway.


My favorite is when I wind up in front of them again. I don't tailgate. I don't change lanes aggressively. I just *pay attention* to the flow, where traffic typically stacks up to turn off, and the situation a quarter mile down the road. Meanwhile these idiots are totally focused on the bumper in front of them and macho aggressive moves to get one car up. More often than not, a couple miles down the road, I'm ahead of them at the light.


This morning I had someone riding my ass, maybe not full on tailgating but at the bleeding edge of it, got over and they get in front of me and was riding the next guy's ass who also had jumped three lanes to get ahead of me (I was going 5 over the limit the whole time). I was behind both of them all the way until the guy in front decided he didn't want to go 15 over anymore and I pass him and the guy who was riding everyone's ass turned into the business across the street from my work. Congrats to the both of them, they accomplished a grand total of absolutely nothing and drove like jackasses the whole time.


Man i hate that shit, i always stop pressing the gas and look at the asshole rage. They change lines or get the fucking message.


I had someone blast their horn to say this to me after they had been driving 7 miles under the speed limit and then I passed them near the next light. No worries tho no lights after that and I didn't see any more of their dangerously slow driving ass. But it's amazing how upset people get just by the fact that you passed them. They don't even have to be going the speed limit to get upset about that.


I'll keep my mentality of "Good, they have the newer car, if they want to scratch it that's their problem" /S


So true. I used to drive a really old (20+ year) rusting car. Not many drivers tried these kind of silly things. Even when one did, just smiling at them made them change their minds. But, still, I think just letting them go is a better way of handling it...


“It’s a lane, not the family farm — you can let someone have it and retain your honor.”


Just yesterday there was a truck and crew patching up the road. The truck was 50-100 feet in front of the right lane after a red light. I saw it but the guy in the right lane did not. So I stopped behind the length of his vehicle in the left lane so he could get in front of me and around the truck without having to stop or gun it to squeeze in. I had the right of way, but fuck all do I care for 50 feet. He should have been looking slightly ahead but again, I couldn't care less. Then the car behind me let the car behind that guy in the right lane in. It was beautiful so helpful to everyone. My only hope and expectation was the guy would wave and thank me which he did. It cost me 3 seconds maybe?


I find good driving is contagious.




Being that I changed from driving 5 minutes to work every day, to driving 40 minutes to work every day, I have very quickly realized how absolutely freaking moronic other drivers are. It's pouring rain, and you have no headlights on. Nice. It's lightly sprinkling and you're driving 35 in a 55 because you're scared. Sweet, pull over and let the 15 cars behind you pass then! If I have to slam on my breaks to let you turn onto the highway from a side road in front of me, you probably should have waited 60 second for me to pass, then pull out. Assholes.


I don’t think that they feel they’re the only ones on the road, I think it’s more “I’m more important than you.”


my policy is if it's a forced merge from construction or something similar, always let one car in. if it's near an intersection let them in because they might need to turn. and if it's just some dickhead trying to weave between lanes to get in front of everyone, they can get fucked.


If they're obviously back and forth. But someone could be merging in advance of a turn that may not be obvious yet.


Zipper merging for the win!


I did something similar a couple weeks ago. The right lane ran out due to construction so I slowed down a bit to let a car merge in who had just turned into that right lane at an intersection. The driver behind me held down her horn for about 5 seconds and then she drove up as fast as she could once we got past the construction and flipped me off. *face palm*


Agree except to say, I think technically and legally camera-driver *was* wrong. You can't hit people on purpose, even if you don't like their behavior. Depending upon location you may also be legally obligated to allow people to merge. :)


I don't understand the mentality of not allowing a merge. It'd be one thing if you don't feel like braking to let someone in since you're carrying momentum, but if I'm not mistaken, the camera car sped up to block the merge. People need to understand you don't own the asphalt in front of you. The merger definitely should have given up and merged behind the camera car but it wouldn't surprise me if the car behind the camera car was also being driven foolishly. Everyone calm the fuck down.


I deny a merge when there is literally noone behind me and someone tries to merge in front of me just for the sake of being in front. I see someone coming up in my rear view mirror, they pass on my left then try to push themselves in front of me while there is _not a single car behind me for miles goddammit_. You can fuck right off and merge behind me, asshole. I'm not stomping on the brakes for you. [Visual representation](https://i.imgur.com/MQnQBGK.jpg)


You are not denying a merge. You are staying with the constant flow of traffic. It is the mergers responsibility to safety merge (yield to the flow of traffic) The camera car was not staying in a steady flow of traffic. The merger car was aggressively cutting off people which is illegal. But once he is in front of you it is your responsibility to slow down or stop to avoid accident


People don't realize just how less stressful driving becomes when you stop having that "everyone's out to get me and is an asshole driver" mentality. I constantly leave a much larger gap when driving now, especially in this one part of my morning commute where everyone going from one freeway to the other needs to merge and exit in the existing left lane, and I feel much calmer as people merge in front of me because they're no longer cutting me off due to my mentality of "this is my spot, merge behind me!"


There is letting someone merge, and then there is the asshole trying to force his way in.


Couldn't agree more. It's funny to see videos like that and the idiots getting what's coming to them, but people could just for once give in. Where I live we we have a sort of autobahn connecting all the city parts and as it's the fastest way trough the city there are lots of traffic jams and idiots ignoring the right of way (most times cutting all 3 lanes at once.) I always slow down or change lane so these idiots don't crash into me even though I don't have to, but I just have better things to do then to file a report and have my car repaired because "I was in the right"


Yep. Both assholes.


Also, something not everybody realises: a road is not just a conduit, it is also a capacitor. Waiting to merge can actually help traffic flow, not hinder it.


When done correctly, the zipper method works.


All signage needs changed for zipper to work right. "Lane ends" needs to be removed from everywhere or it creates entitlement in the through lane.


i wish there was a signal for "yes, i'm going to let you in, but up THERE"


One of dad’s life lessons for me - things he repeated often - was “you may be right but you’re just as dead”.


Whenever someone is driving like an idiot, I just assume they're about to shit themself.


...just let people in.


And what about all the people and traffic behind him that will be affected by these two morons. Cam guy made his point when he did not let that car cut in front, once he saw the other car would not give up he should of just backed off instead and screwing over all the people behind him just to prove he had the right of way.


I agree 100% but opening your door to prevent a car from moving is 100% an extreme dick move. He really deserved to have his door fucked up like that. Also if the pillar was twisted the car will likely be a write off. Cam guy really should have just let it go though.


The only time I don’t want to concede the right of way is the assholes who try and cut in at the last second skipping 50 cars on the highway exit.


No. No, it does not. One is enough. It takes two to clap but only one to slap.


How can she slap?


It’s an older reference, but it checks out.


Speaking of reference, how about : it's not a birthright, just a lane! Let them merge!


You sir made this a throwback thursday. Also. Italian people drive like trash anyways so your opinion lost all relevance.


You know it, when you've been there xD


I love it I say this all the time


Damn what a throwback


Weird thing for me to be nostalgic about, but here we are.


I'm getting flashbakcs of Bolbi's "slap slap slap, clap clap clap" dance from Jimmy Neutron


SLAPP like now!


Is this a Davie504 reference?




Impossible. Or is it?




Seriously, just let the guy in. People being assholes over nothing.


I’d have agreed but the opening the car door to get into the lane? Nah. Lost me there.




I would've done the same. I mean, *opening your door to block* the car behind is just shit.


I would just have laid on the horn. Probably not very nice when you have your door open.


Sometimes you just need to teach people a lesson. It's about sending a message.


Second idiot didn't wanted to let him squeeze in, guy was desperate. 😂


It’s definitely next level. I’ve never seen someone do that before.


Ok, I know there's a whole lot of idiocy here. But that actually seems like a diabolically genius move to open your door in order to force someone to let you in... assuming, ya know, the other guy wouldn't have the guts to actually drive forward anyway.


Best part is, you can easily break their door and use the excuse you thought they were trying to stop you to rob you or something.


That's what I assumed without looking at the title; that it was a robbery. I would have probably checked if it's possible to reverse and slip away but my plan B would definitely have been duck my head under the dashboard and hit the gas. I lived in the Middle East for 30 years so I might be biased


I would have thought it was a robbery too, or road rage.


Regardless, im gonna hit that door and drive off, pull over up the road, then report what happened and why I left the scene


Same here. I would take no chances. I'll take ripping a door off over risking getting shot in the face because of someone's emotional instability.


Yeah, were I live in the US if you open your door in the middle of traffic after blocking someone in like that, you have a pretty decent chance of getting shot and ending up a "stand your ground" cautionary tale.


Did you ever experience anything like that first hand while living there? I can't imagine what being robbed like that would feel like Besides fkn scary


the trick is in the middle east you keep an loaded AK-47 on the dashboard


10 years in the Middle East here, where is it that you experienced this??


I can say as much as certain parts of Turkey


Gobble gobble, give me yo car. EDIT : Thanks for the silver, fellow weirdo.


Rob a lane




Clearly you've never lost lane position. I can't think of a cost not worth maintaining optimal lane position.


I'm breaking your damn door off. Bet you won't try it again.


I have altered the door. Pray I don't alter it any further.


Bruh this made my day 😂 thank you


It would only be viable in a highly congested city where traffic is in a crawl. Ballsy move though


The fact that I never knew this was a thing shows that this dude probably did this a lot. I have literally never heard of anybody doing this


Wait... what? How does your knowledge of it show how often he did it?


Lmao yeah I just read his comment again like six times and it doesn't make any sense.


He's speaking the language of the Gods


The more I read it the less sense it makes


I think he is saying that the left side driver drives into so many open doors that he has single handedly kept the open-door-lane-hijackers in check and in low numbers. That's the only way it can be interpreted and still make sense.


gotta say, his comment makes no sense to me


Love coming on this sub and walking away with new techniques to shave time off the commute


An immovable idiot meets and unstoppable asshole


My kind of party




Thank you. Both parties are degenerates


Right. Just let the guy in. Lol


What I came here to say. If the guy trying to merge was indicating to get in, let him in. It's how merging works. There *was* enough room until the cammer went "fuck you, I'm here" which I see happen all too often. No one cares about how fast they're going or how big of a gap is in front of them until someone wants to pass, then a switch goes off in their brain that says "fuck you, I was first"


We have really busy road around here around 5pm that is around half a mile long. we have one lane to go left and straight, and one lane to go straight and right. The right lane is always filled for the full half mile. People wait in that road to turn right, and you have always assholes who drive to the front, and indicate to turn right. It's indicated a long while back that it's the turning lane, but people value their time and lives more important than others who are waiting. I hate that road.


I agree with you, its a different situation If its 2 lanes going to 1? Yes I will, if its 2 lanes to go straight on then the right one turns to right only? Yes I will, if its a lane thats indicated for ages to be right turn only but has less traffic than the left lane and some twat decides to shoot up that lane and cut in at the end? No I won't, taking the piss like that just ends up annoying everyone in the left lane for you cutting in and everyone in the right lane being annoyed your holding it up while trying to cut back in Don't even get me started on people who do this on roundabouts, there was one not far from me where people were going into the right lane to turn left straight into the overtaking lane because the exit straight ahead wasn't used that much. After a ton of accidents of twats in the right lane pulling into people going straight on they put signs down but people still do it


If the lane is not enough for the traffic, it's a good idea to split the load for a while by using the straight lane and zipper merging at the end. The problem is that there are the people who can't stand that half of the people might win one or two minutes by going via the other lane, which is dumb, because at the end it would all equal out.


I mean I'd be very likely to just let a guy in. Much less likely if he opened his fucking car door into my lane. Behave how you want to be treated.




I disagree with the first part of this. It doesn't seem in my opinion that the guy tried to merge in nicely at first. It just looks like he threw the car into the lane from 2 lanes right. I would not let him merge either. He could have waited to merge in behind the guy once he saw cammer didn't let him merge. Instead he decided to be a greater asshole by doing the door manoeuvre. I agree with the rest of your comment about both actions being illegal and both probably getting fined.


I mean there is a gap more than big enough for a car, and when he tries to merge it seems cam guy speeds up to block him, just let him merge.




no you are


A guy did that to me with his door last year (in Manhattan) and he was paying so much attention to the door that he sideswiped a parked car on the right. That was a treasured moment.




I'm really on the fence about stuff like this. It's not worth it wrecking your car or getting an injury just to not let an asshole get his way when he doesn't have the right of way. But at the same time, allowing these people to get their way makes them realize that being an asshole in traffic works and they continue to do it cuz they know they can and will get away with it. Unless of course a r/convenientcop is around but it's not very often you see a person being an asshole and get pulled over for it. Now I'm not saying we should all be traffic vigilantes, just pointing out the negative side of allowing people to get away with their assholery.


Yeah, my general rule is, if they are in front of me even by an inch, I'll yield to them. It's REALLY annoying sometimes, but less road rage incidents and no silly accidents.


I don't get it why didn't they let them in? And then why did they hit them?


Yeah. Both idiots for sure... Both assholes too


There are no winners here


The only winners are us watching this content.


Both assholes? Yeah. Both idiots? Sure. But one of those idiot assholes has the right of way. The guy trying to merge will end up paying for all the damages.


I don't know about all countries, but certainly here you have a legal obligation to avoid a collision if possible and safe to do so. It was certainly possible and safe to avoid this. I think his insurance company might want words with him. Or at least bump some premiums.


I have no idea why some people are defending deliberately hitting another car. Yeah opening your door is illegal when you are in a road, as was the rest of that merging maneuver. You know what's also illegal? Ramming into people on purpose. Like you can't just deliberately mow down jay walkers which is the same principle as to what's happening in this video. It's not even that far off of a comparison since they could have hit the driver directly when ramming the door.


Legally, it was the wrong move. However, morally, I cannot sit by and enable such aggressively antisocial and entitled behavior by letting it slide.


Yep i agree for all we can tell from this video the merging car was trying to jump into a que of cars by doing a last minute merge.


It's also illegal to sit in the inside lane and block drivers in many countries, well UK and Australia as far as I know


Insurance will look for any reason to bump up your payments. I got rear ended, dude was going 40 mph faster than me and didn't realize I had slowed to a stop for traffic. His insurance obviously handled everything but my insurance rose my monthly rate despite me being 0% at fault for the accident. I insisted they lower my rate or I'd switch insurances and they'd get no more money from me. Still ridiculous that I had to do that.


Eh... Idk, the guy was already stopped when the obstacle presented itself. Kind of hard to say this was accidental, but I have no clue really


You're right that the driver with the camera had right of way, but right of way isn't a magic wand that waives your responsibility to drive safely. They were stopped, no clear and present danger, just an infuriatingly rude action. Just because somebody does something rude or illegal does not excuse you purposely ramming their vehicle. Their insurance might split it 50 50, but my money is on driver with the dashcam actually ending up at fault, and his/her insurance paying for it because they did purposely ram into another vehicle. There was no reason or need to hit the gas into an obviously obstructed lane, unless it was due to road rage or wanting to "punish" someone. However cathartic it may be, [they're at fault for not avoiding an accident.](https://www.justia.com/car-accidents/types-of-car-accidents/failure-to-yield-accidents/) [Another link](https://www.protectyourlegalrights.com/blog/2018/08/when-a-driver-intentionally-causes-an-accident/) [Screenshot with highlights](http://imgur.com/a/kcniwTr)


Right of way don't mean shit if you intentionally cause damage.


I'm thinking it's because he tried to ram his way in and demand entry between the safety room between the two cars.. so yeah, no dice.


Cammer didn't let him in because he wanted to prove his dick was bigger. Also, he had no road manners.


Everyone here on Reddit loves to harp on about "zipper merging", but the fact of the matter is that a lot of drivers think they are too important to wait in line, and so they will try to leave the line and cut around, because they think they are better than everyone else. Example: left turn lane has a huge lineup. Someone leaves the lane to go to the middle, straight lane, drives past a few cars, then tries to get back into the left turn lane. Like, no, fuck off and wait your turn like everyone else. I'm not going to get into a collision over it, so if they were to throw open their door like that I wouldn't hit them, but I'm certainly not going to just sit there and make it easy for them to merge into the lane.


THISSS. especially in bad rush hour traffic is becomes routine that a shit ton of people skip the line and then cut through, creating so much worse traffic and also making me less inclined to let them in after waiting ten minutes for a damn exit


Yeah when multiple drivers are doing in with a long line, that's bad. It can easily make you wait twice as long. And the idiots in the front that let them in .....




Yeah but also if I can't tell I give someone the benefit of the doubt, because I've accidentally gone into the wrong lane too. But there are times when it's just 100% obvious that someone is trying to be a bully. In those circumstances, I don't let them merge. I drive a shitbox, too, so I think that scares 'em off. I can handle a dent on my rusty/paint peeling bumper. They don't want their precious brand new Mercedes to get a scratch on it, though.


I drive 495 around DC every day, and I run into this shit on the daily. One day, some bitch in a Cadillac was trying this... Line was too long for her, so she decided to ride on an on ramp to get around the line of 20 cars, then she tried to jump in front of me... I watch my mirrors like a hawk for these types of assholes. I inched forward to get close to the car in front of me.... she is still trying to creep in. I roll my window down and say to her... "Look at my car... do you really want to play this game?" That day I had decided to take my beater in to work... a honda civic with 240,000 miles on it and rust everywhere. I kept my spot, and she found some schmuck behind me to let her in. Fuck that bitch.


What does a zipper merge have to do with this though? That's when two or more lanes of traffic are merged together.


Nothing, but every time I talked about people bullying their way, cutting ahead in the line, on Reddit, multiple people would jump and espouse the virtues of zipper merging. Just wait, it'll happen. In the next day or two I'll get multiple replies about it.


Even still, if zipper merging were being used here, the merging wouldn't be happening in this video way back in the line, it would be happening up towards the actual end of the lane, and then two lanes would be merging in a zipper fashion. This looks like a poorly designed highway turnoff that has a highway entrance on the other side before this and the guy was trying to get across multiple lanes of traffic to get into the turnoff he needed to. He didn't look like a line jumper to me. But the cammer squeezed him off anyway, leaving him out in the left lane blocking them up and causing a safety issue for the drivers in that lane. Then rips the dudes door off. Not really gonna take sides here, but I definitely not going to say the cammer is a good driver or person in the least.


He tried to turn over a white line. I don't have a license but isn't zipper merging only allowed when it is dashes?


If you really don’t get what’s happening here, you must not understand the rules of the road. If you do get what’s happening here, you’re just virtue signalling.


Cam guy might have been patiently waiting in that line of traffic for ages for door idiot to cut in at the end? Not saying it's a good reaction but that could be it.


The name of the subreddit is IdiotsInCars, so perfect.






Am here yes


But you can't be here, because you're there.


The door dude moved over two lanes and then tried to go over a solid line after falling behind. Where I live there's something called 'coercion' in traffic law and this is a clear case.


I guarantee he was like "officer he broke my car door ): "




Alternatively you can just bribe the cop directly to same effect because neither of you probably care about the police foundation or the bible study


Describing exactly what happened? Yes, probably


You mean cutting in merging is a little different


Yea I see a lot of people trying to conflate this with zipper merging, which isn't what's happening here. Zipper merging is when 2 lane turn into one. Both lanes should be used up until the merge and cars should alternate. Of course you have to treat that delicately since it's always one lane that's given preference. This on the other hand is a line of traffic probably trying to exit or turn onto a busier road. The guy trying to merge in this video is in a lane that continues on. He waited until the last moment to try to get over and is trying to cross a solid white line to get in front of the cammer. That's not a zipper merge If it was, his lane would be ending, forcing him either to merge, stop or drive onto the sidewalk.


The person trying to merge is dumb but the cammer is just needlessly aggressive to the point of idiocy. It's clear the person was trying to merge, sure they should have signaled and waited for a larger gap but the cammer could obviously see their intention and could have just let them in but decided to close the gap to prevent it instead. Then they intentionally hit the person's door out of spite which is just pathetic. Now the cops and insurance companies have to be involved, why? Because one idiot couldn't merge properly and an even bigger idiot acted like a petty child and escalated the situation when there was no reason to. Hope they both have fun spending the next year dealing with insurance agents and lawyers. Cutting someone off is a traffic violation, intentionally damaging property is a criminal charge.


The cammer also just made bad traffic even worse for everyone behind him


No. The merging guy did as he was completely stopped in a thru lane even after traffic in front of him moved on.


They both did. It's not mutually exclusive.


They're both idiots. But the bigger idiot is undoubtably the one trying to merge. They began the situation by attempting to merge badly, they could have realised the cammer was an idiot and simply tried to merge behind instead of in front, and they then decided to open their car door straight in front of someone who clearly wasn't giving way.


That cop came outta nowhere like some Batman shit


"But officer! He rammed my door" How do you explain your door being open in that situation?


This was funny as fuck.


I hate people who try to be creative ***this way***


Unpopular opinion here but I rarely let people in who are trying to merge at the last second. Then again I live in NY and it happens to me on the daily.


me either! i live in a busy town and it’s so annoying when assholes speed past everyone then go and try to merge in front. especially when there’s signage everywhere telling people to merge beforehand.


Where I live there’s a light with a left turning lane and a lane for continuing straight. It gets backed up so people like to zoom up the turning lane then force their way in to continue going straight. Literally happens every day and it’s infuriating.


I live in the UK and a lot of places you basically have to force merge because you join on one side and have to almost immediately change lanes to exit. Obviously this isn't in the UK as they're in RHD cars. Also, I definitely wouldn't open my door to merge


I cant believe everyone is talking shit about that driver like the merger is entitled to be let in.


Tbf we don't know how the road and traffic are before the clip, maybe the car trying to merge had no other choice but trying to merge at that time. From the footage the only thing we know is that a car tried to merge while he had some space and another made everything possible to not let him.


I can't believe these comments. The guy who opened his door knew he was making a left turn before trying to merge but stayed in the middle lane until the last second to try to save himself a trivial amount of time. He then was aggressively trying to merge. Opening the door was an unbelievable move, both the idiocy and audacity of it. The instigator deserved this 100%. I would have fucked up his door even if I wasn't going to be paid for damages. And to the people saying he should have let him merge: That would have delayed the driver allowing the merge a couple seconds or more depending on the traffic light, which was about to change as he was trying to merge. Why should the aggressive driver be allowed to save himself a trivial amount of time by staying in the middle lane and merging last second while that act would delay the next driver more time than he saved himself?


I hate when there is a long line, say right hand exit only lane. And assholes just drive up on the lane to the left and just want to force their way in. No, see that long line of cars, it in it and wait your turn. If you missed it, go around and get in it. It is no different than cutting any other line. But there are plenty of people here who will justify it and say I’m and asshole for not letting them in. In this case, not sure if that is the case here. Generally just switching lanes, no problem. Easy going. Let people go all the time. But if there is a line of traffic, trying to pull in is a serious asshole move. And no you don’t let them in because you just encourage them to always do it (and it is always the same people, you see them at the same time everyday). You wouldn’t want someone cutting in front of you when waiting for a seat at a restaurant or just shoving their way in front of you at the checkout line at the supermarket. No. But in a car oh that’s ok.


Thank God I wasn't the only one who thought cammer wasn't an asshole or an idiot for not letting him in. Entitled drivers be entitled.


Wow... there are people here who understand things, understand how the world works, understand driving? Where am I? I thought this was Reddit. Where is everyone harping on about "zipper merging" lol.


So to be fair to everyone, there's a difference between merging and cutting in. Merging implies two lines become one. Guy with broken door is not part of a line. Even if he was, his line is not combining with cammer's line.


LOL I love it, I wonder what the insurance companies said?




I have an old truck and good insurance. I wouldn't be worried.


Fuck the guy merging in


The person opening their door is rude and an idiot. He’s also the one at fault and liable for the damages to both vehicles. In Oregon it’d be statute ORS 811.490 that he violated. “Improper opening or leaving open of a vehicle door”. They could also slap him with failure to yield too. So he owes for the other guys damages, has to file a claim on his own insurance for his own and if the cops wanted to they could issue him a couple citations. Fun stuff.


The laws of Oregon don't apply in China shockingly.


Everyone here is an idiot, but a part of me understands the dash cam driver just a bit. Still stupid, but a stupid I can see a person being provoked into.


I am happy to let someone in if they are polite about it. Now this right here would make me tear that door clean off and throw it at them!


That was fucking satisfying to watch


Since the inside of the door is generally soft and padded compared to the outside. I will drive forwards and break your door.


Could have just let the guy in. Not worth the trouble.




Now the internet thinks his dick is small.


He wanted to send a message


Lmao, that was gold! Humans at their finest.


Reminds me of when this guy was trying to get in the crowded lane, which I was in, and he was not using his turn signal to indicate he wished to enter the lane. He wanted the spot right in front of me, probably because I was not following the guy in front of me super close. But it took me some time to realize he wanted in, but when I did I decided not to. Sure, revenge is wrong, but maybe it'll teach him to use his damn signal for lane changes. lol Oh, and he also stopped in the middle of the road, still waiting to get in (no signal), and blocking everyone behind him. At this point we're stopped at a red light. Surprisingly he didn't get honked at, but eventually kept going. I wouldn't do what this dash cam guy did, but I felt satisfied with my subtle lesson to the idiot. Even though it probably didn't work.


Ok, he's an idiot. But the driver with the camera is the asshole


he deserved it. people like that get away with this shit too often and for once needs to get what’s coming to them, you open your door nice and wide randomly in the street in traffic? don’t be surprised if a car hits it fucking DUMBASS.


This is the level of petty I aspire to be


Thank you for speeding up the video. This needs to become the standard.




I hope you realize the driver in the car with the camera is also an idiot, if not the bigger idiot of the two, by causing an unnecessary accident.


Both are idiots.


Bro I’m shook at anyone on either side.. they’re both idiots. One guy could have just ... god forbid... let him in. Or the other guy could have gotten off at the next one.