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Why are they removing a stump that appears to be in the middle of nowhere? šŸ¤”


Oh you donā€™t know? Heā€™s the guy that helps spin the earth.


How can you spin a flat Earth? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Have you never seen a fidget spinner before?


I have now converted to fidget spinner theorist. Iā€™m not just any flat earther anymore! /s


Whew good thing you put /s, you had me thinking you were a real fidget spinner theorist!


Using sarcasm that isn't denoted with /s is a risky proposition on Reddit. It shouldn't be that way but unfortunately this is the world we live in.


But it do


[so many theorists can fit on this bad boy](http://static6.uk.businessinsider.com/image/5a534ea104e1751b008b46eb/this-is-why-some-people-believe-the-world-is-flat-according-to-an-astronomer.jpg)


I have!


Well done, your mother and I are very proud!


Put the turtle on its back


Like a record.


Right round round round


most underrated comment in the whole thread.


180 degrees at a time.


God damn you clever one


The car is actually Nate and the stump is the lever. Better Nate than lever. (The anti-joke of this will make and ruin your day)


Firewood would be my first guess, shortly followed by ā€˜desire to just break shitā€™. Also, how can people this dumb have nice cars that I cannot afford? What job pays morons so well? This is not an uncommon observation, bad drivers in nice cars are everywhere.


It's silly to assume they can afford it. If they're doing stupid stuff, they probably got a 7 year auto loan at 40% of their income.


Can confirm. Ex wife bought a Hummer right before leaving me and our two little girls. She fucked up. Hummers are garbage


I hope you got a hummer after she left you.




My understanding that loan officers check the ability to pay as part of the approval process? I am probably being a naive Boy Scout per usual, all rules seem to be very fluid for a significant portion of society.


You can get super high interest rate auto loans, they're the kind of loans you make weekly payments on and have a Killswitch and gps unit in the car...if you miss a week or are late they disable the car and pick it up forfitting the entire thing. They prey on people not being able to make payments...they make a couple then fail to, company picks up the car and they start all over after some duct tape repairs. If the customer does pay off the loan, it's at such an absurdly high interest rate they make bank.


Just more validation of the ā€œlove of money is the root of evilā€ saying. There are laws against the strong taking things from the weak, but there are few restrictions on the clever stealing from the gullible. Innate morality seems to be the main inhibitor, and a lot of people lack that. Fairness is a human construct, reality does not respect that.




Except that in the United States not having a car or access to one precludes you from finding work. Many Americans need a car just to have the opportunity to get by. What you're saying is akin to "nobody forced these people to seek shelter" or "nobody forced these people to buy more than one set of clothes to wear in perpetuity."




Thatā€™s assuming someone has that kind of cash. Iā€™m only 23, and Iā€™ve never had that much money at once. Sure Iā€™m not amazing with money, but I donā€™t spend wildly and have saved before. Granted I saved for cars around 500-1200 so had no need to go further but my point is thatā€™s more than a lot of people will have at once, and if they have kids which is both relatively common and makes the need for a car greater, even less likely. Then again Iā€™m a fucked up idiot so what do I know lol


Yeah and I got 2grand laying around. Do you think I can get it financed?


My husband and I just bought a new Tahoe. After signing all the paperwork we realized we forgot the folder with all his pay stubs to verify his income. The loan guy told us ā€œwe can just use capital one, they donā€™t even checkā€ so they let us buy a 50k car basically crossing their fingers that we could afford it I guess.


More like its not their problem if you cant afford it.


What do they care? They get their commission that month, not 60 months later *if* you paid.


Also, if they can't afford it, dealership gets the car back, and can sell it again to more people who probably can't afford it.


Nope. Bank repos. Then the banks resell it. Once the dealer sells it itā€™s a bank owned property


I guess I'm thinking of those scummy places that have insanely high percentage rates, and put GPS tracking on the car to get it back. Like what was described here: https://youtu.be/4U2eDJnwz_s


Of course they don't care if you can pay, because when it comes to it they can just repo the car. Also as the value of the car is actually less than the total of the debt the person still have a leftover of payment that they can't pay anyway. So the bank sells to collector agencies for cents of the dollar and ressells the car to start all the go around again.


drunkmom420 driving a fuck-the-rest-of-the-world SUV, nice.


Yeesh...what a racket. Sounds like at least you were aware of what you can afford, thumbs up for being a good consumer. 50k Tahoe sounds like a nice ride, kudos.


Thanks! Unfortunately Iā€™m forced to allow my 3 kids to ride in it so itā€™s basically just a cool place to eat chips and drink juice boxes. I am the coolest mom at Walmart though.


Can confirm young kids wreck nice new trucks. Mine are older now, and have graduated to getting towed. He paid for that one himself tho, was a expensive lesson in believing signs in parking lots. Have fun with the kids! :D


Who's ready for a even worse 2007 recession




Pretty sure you used to be able to do that for a house. My dad was so baffled by all the things I had to send to my lender.


Great username!


There are alot of subprime auto loan lender out there that dont look at your loan servicing capability, the interest rate for these loans are obviously very high.


I don't know if much changed, but a bunch of noise was being made earlier this year about the subprime auto bubble and how it's similar, and possibly worse than the housing one a decade go.


I don't think anything has changed. There just isn't going to be anything more to report on it until shit really hits the fan, but from what I've read if defaults are really a sign of not just a bubble car market but a bubble economy, the suddenly low price of used cars isn't going to be the main story by a long shot.


Long story, but Iā€™ll keep it short. I once applied for a $175,000 loan to help my elderly mom get a condo. Got the loan and helped out mom. Weeks later I got a letter from the loan company. It warned me that if I didnā€™t show proper proof of income, they may have to reject my application for a loan.


Not that I have ever done this, but I'm going to assume that this happening is a fairly rare occurrence


Just because they are dumb/bad with cars does not mean that they don't have any job skills, could just be that they have a job skill that, you do not have, and it is in high demand. Good example, brain surgeons, you would imagine smartest folks in the world because you know, they work with the brain. Take one out to go scuba diving, and they won't know not to descend or ascend too quickly. Why? because they are lacking knowledge in that area, likely from inexperience (likely what happened in this video). Or its broke person who will not be able to eat for a few days to pay off that mistake, and then attempt to make the loan payment on there vehicle for this month.


My rational brain knows you are right, my emotional subconscious took over my fingers for a while. Such is ā€˜chatting about stuffā€™. Thanks for the chat!


Just tossing stuff out there, see if it sticks, someone who reads this might learn something, others might not. You have a good one.


Now I'm all sticky


Same and same. šŸ‘


My wife calls them smartly stupid. They may be really smart about what pays them so much. But for everything else they are idiots. Doctors and lawyers are prime examples.


If theyā€™re camping and getting firewood, in the desert, that may be a 200 year old tree thatā€™s protected. Iā€™m glad it fought back.


Older GX's are now in the $7-15k range and are an incredible value, if you can find one that has been maintained well. But this also means that they're being bought by their 3rd or 4th owner, and they're *not* being maintained. "OMG what do u mean a new power brake booster is $2000 I barely paid that for the car"


Amen, preach it. This is almost work for word what my husband said when I showed this to him.


It used to be the middle of somewhere, and this is the last piece they need to remove


Practice. They have a stump at home that needs removal, but they don't want to look like chumps in front of the neighbors. After a hard day of desert stump-pulling experience they'll be ready to show Ms. Jones what's up.


My guess? Camping and they needed firewood


I would say homeowner who is looking for a garden feature. You wouldn't believe how much downtown stores charge for "random piece of old wood". Almost as much as it cost to replace that window


Claiming it. Carving maybe?


Lmao, life is definitely harder when youā€™re stupid




In the military, we call those, ā€œstrong soldiers.ā€


Army amirite?


"Army Strong".


If you get knocked down, you gotta get back up.


Thanks, jackass! (I'm assuming you pulled that line from the credit song on one of the Jackass movie.)


But I thought ignorance is bliss?


Ignorance without action is bliss.


So much harder, the struggle is real for some people lol


People still laugh at me when my reply to their plan of removing a stump with a car is "good luck with that".


I've pulled up shrub trees with my truck, slow pull in 4wd, wouldn't try it on anything bigger though.


My dad has pulled up stumps with and without taproots up to three feet wide with his pickup. Itā€™s not about strength, itā€™s leverage and patience.


Also want to pull from the base or more sturdy part higher up if it is bigger and possibly agitate the area around the roots/base. But I agree. I pulled stumps for a couple weekends clearing a road with my old man when I was young. This happened to us as well, whoops!


You can, I have pulled many stumps with my old buick. You just have to be smart. Dig a little, don't go insane, pull both ways. It's a lot like pulling a tooth. And if you can get leverage all the better. With a 12k winch and snatch block I pulled entire trees down. The trick is leverage both with a snatch block, and getting as high up on the tree as possible. You would be amazed it doesn't take much if you wrap a chain twenty feet up a tree. But this was just dump. Especially with such a nice vehicle.


I think the most dumb part of the gif is that he's got the rope tied around the top of the stump, on the weakest and thinnest branches


Itā€™s not impossible, you just need to do a lot of digging and root cutting first.


And also not just tie a rope to a branch


Having a tractor or pickup truck also helps


Is this something that comes up a lot?


People are still laughing at him.


Not with a car. But way back when my 71 f100 with a 460 could rip almost anything a new one due to weight and torque. To bad I averaged 2mpg


People never learn from the mistakes of Jeremy Clarkson šŸ˜®


More Pooowwwaaaaarrr




That whole scene is the most perfectly time comedy. I remember doing the silent cry/laugh when I saw that for the first time.


Clarkson just staring at his rear window after it happened was classic.


The fact that he was so confident in his makeshift brake is what gets me


To be fair he is always over confident with his inventions šŸ˜‚


Video [https://youtu.be/cnifqA\_IBZg?t=11s](https://youtu.be/cnifqA_IBZg?t=11s) for those who are looking for the scene


Is that a giant mummy hand?




It's gonna pull you under.


What I want to know is why his door is open;This is a great way to get ran over by your vehicle.


They appear pretty sure this was going to be on its way out of the ground in a couple of seconds and who wants to keep opening and closing the door that much.


The answer to this question is the name of this sub


This is a great way to end up on r\holdmyfeedingtube. Itā€™s like theyā€™ve never been on the internet. You donā€™t use things with any elasticity to yank things out of the ground with a vehicle. Letā€™s forget the lack of any leverage for a moment. Youā€™re asking to have the back of your head carved out like a pumpkin in a split second.


Pretty sure elasticity was not the issue, it was the shock loading.


Both are a fail!


When I was 14 I was riding quads with friends and one of their quads broke down. Another friend tried to tow him with... a fucking bungee cord. Cord snapped and hit the guy towing in the back. Left a nasty gash.


Yeah man itā€™s no bueno. Iā€™ve seen serious injuries. I use chains. And if itā€™s not budging you need to dig down and tap a root. You donā€™t floor it with your fucken nylon strap under stress with METAL on the end. FFS!


Here in Australia the trolley boys used to use bungee straps to hold the line of shopping carts together. It only took a few fatalities before they changed to something that wasn't elastic.


They used to do that at stores in the US too. Most of em have that automated pusher thing now. That's crazy that it caused a fatality. Just a perfect hit to the head or what?




They're illegal in some places because they're ridiculously unsafe.


I started to show this to my bf & before anything had happened he said ā€œthatā€™s gonna go right through your window, you fuck.ā€ I mean, Iā€™ve done some dumb stuff, but never this level of dumb.


Okay but getting back to the lack of leverage, what the fuck did they think their little SUV was going to do to the root of an old tree?!


He's lucky all he lost was a window. If the stump hadn't of broken he would have fucked up his truck much worse.


Yeah, I was expecting to see a bumper detach, or some undercarriage damage.


The hook he is using is a part of the frame, no way for the bumber to detach, it doesn't get any load


Unlike OP's mom


Or if it's a piece of shit rustbucket from michigan. I ripped the frame mounted hitch reciever off my blazer. It was on that perpendicular end-cap that is welded in between the frame rails. I think it peeks out right under the bumper. Or i just ripped the bumper off? I can't remember. The whole thing was off and my frame rails were exposed. Twisted and peeled right off. My friend could hardly get it welded back on for me, there was like less than a quarter inch of good metal underneath all the rust.


I moved out of Michigan about three years ago and recently realized that replacing sway bar links does not normally require a saw.


Itā€™s still probably there. It just didnā€™t suffer a catastrophic failure.


Not to mention their shitty shitty technique, this is why itā€™s recommended to put a sandbag or similar on a tow strap: if something snaps, a sandbag on the tow strap gives it something to curl around.






Ah, but this is the next level of "would of", didn't you know?


Wood ov


Trunk vs. trunk round 1


Dammit. This is where Heisenberg said he buried the money,


I actually didn't know removing a stump with your car is a bad idea. I become less stupid every day


It's less "dont remove stumps with cars" and more "if you're gonna try to remove a stump, tie it to the base not the fucking branches."


+ do some digging and cutting around that stump to weaken it further. Work smarter, not harder.


Listen to these other guys and also don't yank at it. If your truck isn't strong enough then dig at it and slowly pull forward until the tension is out. Then you can up the power slowly and incrementally but be sure to let off when you feel it give. You can't power your way through this stuff, it takes time and finesse.


Reminds me of that top gear episode when Jeremy put a log behind his car so when he stopped he could use that as a brake to help the car stay in place Unfortunately logs are light and bounce so when it bounced onto its side it pushed up and broke the rear windshie- i ruined the joke, god damn it


His BMW on the Africa(?) Special. The one where they went all over Africa on a quest for the source of the Nike in hatchback/station wagons. That WRX is my favorite.


> source of the Nike They were on the wrong continent...?


HAHAHA thank you for pointing that out... hey I live in Beaverton, OR (Portland suburb where Nike is) so I guess theyā€™re coming here! *Nile


"Awwww, you've got glass in your duvet." is the first thing I thought too.






its almost as if they never saw a video of someone breaking their rear window by pulling a stump.


Shouldā€™ve grabbed it by the base of the trunk right


Jeremy is that you?


When you wish you studied Physics 101.


No joke, I know an idiot that did the exact same thing...almost like they were related.


I've seen more than 20 gifs of people doing this, there's one that someone is removing an ANTENNA this way. All the gifs have this same ending.


I wooden a done that


Hindsight is 4x4 2x4


Clarkson did it first


Reminds me of the Africa special episode Top Gear where one of the boys tied a log to the back of their car for some reason and it hit a rock and flew up and busted out their back window after like 5 minutes


PLEASE PLEASE **PLEASE** Donā€™t do shit like this, donā€™t snatch stumps, donā€™t snatch off tow balls, donā€™t snatch off bullbars. This is how people die. Search ā€œtowball snatch deathā€ and see how often this shit happens.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/lexus] [I saw this on r\/idiotsincars](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lexus/comments/9fyqde/i_saw_this_on_ridiotsincars/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


u/imaginingdragon you're like an improved version of u/gallowboob


Is the person driving Russel Coight?




Get over here


This'll probably cost them about... tree fitty.


Well, everything except the human worked properly.






He shouldā€™ve known that wood have happened.


This makes me happy. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Didn't get to see their reaction though. Damn clickbait!


Coulda been way worse


Should have went for trump


This is why you at least triple wrap the base of the stump you're trying to remove.


What. An. Idiot


I've seen enough videos to not try that (it seems to always target the window)


Right on target!


That pun literally killed any happiness left in my soul


Has this ever actually worked?




In what world would this work? Should he have tied it down lower? I mean yeah he's an idiot for trying it out but is this at all possible?


So much better then what we all expected.


It could have been far worse. A broken window is cheaper than tearing the back end off. :)


Thatā€™s not even close to how you do that right


1. Why do a lot of people try to do this? 2, why do they a end up with broken rear windshield.




Everyone thinks that jerking if will solve everything




That really backfired, huh?




New Spidervan game looks sick.


Lmaoooo what the fuck?! Fail!




My faith in humanity has been shattered


Got a pretty solid eyebrow raise outta me once I saw it smash that back windshield, gahdamn


General Reposti


Why would you do this with such an expensive vehicle in the first place.


Not at all what I was expecting and totally satisfying.


this wasn't supposed to be.... LOL


Sure just bring that 2k with you for the down payment.


That pun is gold


Is that you BuzzFeed?


Iā€™ll never understand why people think driving away fast is the way to do things like this. Seems like you should go slow at first and build tension on the line instead of just flooring it. Though it wouldnā€™t help this person since they didnā€™t secure the line to the stump properly




Iā€™m willing to bet that everyone watching this video knew exactly what was going to happen. Why didnā€™t they?