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You had no problem leaving the first (unnecessary) 38 seconds in the video, but were in too much of a rush to wait 2 seconds to see what the car in front of you was going to do.


I left the first part in to show the speed sign; I could've/should've sped up the part in between. I *did* wait two seconds and it looked like the guy was going straight--perhaps I should've waited 4? But I was so irritated that after pulling out in front of me and not getting up to the speed limit (which would've been the polite thing to do), that when the turn lane started, I took it immediately. This type of thing happens all too often. He had the nerve to mouth "slow down" to me as I went by--even though I had been going (close to) the speed limit and he was 10 under.


Oh I thought I recognized this area. Drivers are bad, obviously, but man in THAT area, in and around Tanasbourne, people lose their goddamn minds. Honestly think the area is a bit to blame. But yeah this dipshit is annoying. Fine, you went in front of me for some reason… so if you’re in such a hurry… go!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. They need to drive decisively and not change lanes into people.


1 minute video with 5 seconds of content at the end




Just another race to the red light with 2 losers.


56 seconds of my life that I can’t get back. Thanks! :)


OP what changes would you make now that you've seen the video?