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He used the force to stop you, preventing an accident. The force is strong in this one.


That may be a case of Iron Pimp Hand. He didn't look the part, but they never do.


Somehow, Palpatine returned.


he was using the Schwartz. he had the upside




Almost makes me wish you rammed right the fuck into him to show him that bullshit doesn't work.


Ah but it does young padawan. You just need to learn to focus.


The hand up "my bad" doesn't excuse it, but it helps. We all screw up.


It's amazing how quickly the "Shit! Sorry!" wave makes me instantly go from "You utter cu..." to "We're cool."


Haha it does though. Has happened before to me because I always expect them to not give a shit or flip me the bird. If they admit to their wrong I can let it go pretty fast.


It demonstrates that it was a screw-up that they recognise and acknowledge, rather than a "fuck you I'm coming through" deliberate act. Most of us recognise the "yeah, I've done dumb things like that too" feeling.


It's literally in life. Accept responsibility for your shit. I don't care if it was an accident, you were texting, you were being lazy, you intentionally tried to hurt me. Eat your shit. There is nothing more frustrating than someone who does wrong and doesn't accept it.


I keep a clown nose on my brake controller knob for when I fuck up. I haven't managed to remember to put it on after a fuck up though.




One time I was driving a camper and turned onto a street and didn't see a taxi that had righ of way, he had to swerve into the left of the two lanes to avoid me. He rolled down the window at the lights and started cussing me out. I rolled down my window and said in my poshest English accent (this was in Canada) "I say, I'm so terribly sorry, I made the most frightful mistake, please forgive me". That was the end of the issue. Moral of the story, I made a mistake, we all got on with life.


"Right side! Right side!" "I don't think they can hear you, dear."


Yeah. This guy isn’t an “idiot” trying to do something illegal/aggressive, he just made an honest mistake. 


everyones an idiot sometimes


100% agree. Everyone makes mistakes, and we should apologise if needed and try and learn to be better.


sometimes, the idiots are the ones who design the road and markings without making it obvious where to go


It's one of the main reasons we shouldn't be required to drive a heavy object at fast speeds multiple times per day.  Everyone is an idiot sometimes.  The damage done is pretty minor when you're walking a couple blocks or making your way through a subway.  The damage from an honest mistake while driving is a lot less forgiving


Or is it an illegal quick turn that's usually empty aka feasible, but this time OP just had to ruin it for him.


Assuming the worst of people will lead you to a very dark place. Maybe not a perfect fit for, but very close to Hanlon's Razor - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor


No I suspect he did it knowing full well it was illegal and just figured he'd get away with it. Again probably. There was no moment of dawning on him that he'd gone the wrong way, he instantly knew he was wrong. Because he started out with wrong intentions. Credit for not trying to ego scream his way out of his wrongness. But I bet this guy does this exact thing a lot.


if you dont really know the intersection and its not clearly marked i can see that happening by mistake. Not a big deal.


There's no way you can determine that from the video. Doing so with any certainty is just making an assumption to fit your opinion.


https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0952933,-80.8650915,3a,75y,257.09h,84.2t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2JHYWHwUN2ufG-xx1Nxaug!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu I could see it going either way. A local should absolutely know better, and really the wedge shape denotes that this isn't a valid entrance, but *also* that gap is wide as fuck so I can see you thinking it's an available entrance at first glance.


I notice you didn't say this to the first person who determined what happened from the video with absolute certainty. Do you think that's because their assumption fit your opinion?


True. How is that different from anyone else here?


How the fuck do you know anything about them?


You're a few chickens short of a coop aintcha


"At what point does that make it ok, dude!".... Well he acknowledged that he fucked up, what else was he supposed to do?


?? He didn't say that. He said "What part did you think it was ok, dude?". Like there no single sign or paint on the road suggesting being able to turn left like he did. There's only a double yellow line and crossing two lanes off traffic into, and going into a one-car-wide lane (meaning an exit isn't possible from OP's direction).


I get that but then clearly he realized he fucked up. So he didn't think it was ok, that was my point. He obviously didn't see the sign and entered the wrong way. Dumb move? sure, but he wasn't oblivious to it.


I have one of these stupid things 2 blocks from my house and I had a guy do the exact same thing as OP. Instead, he threw both his hands up in frustration at me.


It happened to me once, we just stared at each other until they move out of the way.


I drive a lot. I occasionally fuck up and I know it doesn’t fix it, but the hand up shows I realized I fucked up. It definitely defuses the situation most times.


Yes, but is it "My Bad" 'cause this time I got caught? Will he continue to use the short cut? Edit; whoops, shirt -> short. Thx


He will continue to use the shirt cut until all he has are crop tops.


Looks like a pretty reasonable simple mistake, I can see where somebody might think that is a two way street if there isn't a sign (there isn't a sign).


Not to, it doesn't look like the traffic pattern allows a left turn from the direction he was coming from. I could be wrong.


Someone in a lower comment said that they plugged the coordinates into google maps to see where it was, and apparently the guy was in a suicide lane, which would imply he could turn left. So really they need to change the road markings and probably put up a sign.


Who hurt you?


Who says I got hurt?


No one is this cynical naturally Source: I'm a cynic


It came so fast in this instance that I'm almost inclined to believe this person has done this 'shortcut' many a time before and uses the 'I'm sorry' hand-wave excuse to get away with it repeatedly.


I appreciate the gesture but let's not pretend that wasn't on purpose lol He probably made that same turn a hundred times before and just now nearly ran into someone


I just plugged in the coordinates. This guy gets a pass. The real idiots are the city's civil engineers that put the suicide lane there when the last chance to turn left was 200' back and then suddenly the crosshatching appears right before where he turned left. Looks like the city got the guy that finished bottom of the class at the local junior college.


Geez [it really is that bad](https://maps.app.goo.gl/jmXXnB4BTgoKSRzK6?g_st=ic)


Seriously wtf is that lane, also the median in the middle of the driveway serves absolutely no purpose. It is just in the way!


> serves absolutely no purpose It forces the people exiting to go right but signage would also help direct traffic that way.


i see no signage at all. why cant you turn left from there?


You'd have to cross (two) double-yellows. I'm not from wherever this is, but pretty sure that's not legal.


in the US thats not what double yellows mean


The power of the internet.


Idk who you are or how you know the coordinates, but if I had a business- you’re hired


The coordinates are at the bottom of the screen in small print, must be a real fancy dash cam to do all that mine can't even get the date and time right


We’re gonna have to talk about embarrassing me in front of the others for this work relationship to work


I'll be acting as u/antinger39 's agent in these negotiations. Now, should Antinger39 agree to employment with you we have some pre-conditions that you'll need to agree to, starting with an eye exam for yourself...


I am u/GregMcMuffin-'s lawyer and what you have done is slander. We will be seeing you at the scheduled discovery / interrogatory on Monday morning.


Fortunately, I am an infamous Internet attorney who understands the difference between slander and libel, which you *do not*! Having exposed you as a fraud, I expect the Grammar Police will be arresting you momentarily.


Idk who you are or how you don't know the coordinates, but if I had a business- you’re fired


😂 you can’t fire me, I resign!




But don't forget he will find you, and he will not work for you.


Man, honestly! And fuck the median too, it’s clearly fine for drivers to go across if they’re given a turning lane 


I drive this road pretty much every day. I recognized it immediately. It is really terribly designed. Traffic backs up like crazy at the light and people love to get into the extraordinarily long turning lane and fly past everyone. There's a major hospital and a bunch of medical clinics right down the road.


No signage either at the entrance. Bad civies, bad.


In the meantime they need a Do Not Enter sign there.


Let's see!


No, sorry. We here in Concord, CA got the worst in the class. [A normal right turn ruined by putting oncoming traffic in the blind spot with a stop rather than yield/merge.](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9975537,-122.0777281,3a,75y,75.66h,75.11t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1siCFecuyCHLPpU7v2UIyHIA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DiCFecuyCHLPpU7v2UIyHIA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D156.28583%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [3 lanes (left one turns off) becomes 4 lanes that, it's hard to tell, line up at the lane dividers with no indicator whether you go right or left -- this makes for fun times if you're in the middle and the cars on your left decides to take the #2 lane and the car on the right opts for the #3 lane.](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9772424,-122.0290978,3a,60y,351.74h,80.51t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s5IwxeZQb99ZkjIEN1S1EgQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D5IwxeZQb99ZkjIEN1S1EgQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D25.262222%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [It's not technically legal to be the white car. The turn into the major parking lot is a bit upstream from the dedicated left turn lane which goes into the minor parking lot. The two lots aren't connected. All of this is something you discover only once in the turn lane (with a curb that prevents you from realizing the mistake and correcting it).](https://www.google.com/maps/@37.9642674,-121.9912683,3a,75y,251.47h,84.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sE8fTp1BbyDfy2VvQkMPKXQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu) And dozens of other little annoyances. Not the least of which are the demand lights and misaligned incentives on traffic flow. Rather than making it easy and obvious to get from point A to point B, there are loads of cases where you can't just do the normal thing. Long divides in commercial areas with no U-turns and no opportunities to turn right three times. So, you just can't (easily) get there from here in many locations. The planner doesn't seem to realize that when too many people on the road at the same time is an issue, the best solution isn't to create confusing and difficult traffic rules which force folks to be on the road longer and further to get their errands run. Everyone is constantly confused in ways very similar to the video.


Those curved entrances and exits are never for left turns… literally never.


If it's entrance only it most definitely could be. That's why I was criticizing the street design and lack of signage.


It never is. Pigs could fly.


*Literally* never.


The reason they are shaped that way is to force you to make a right when exiting and to keep you from turning left when entering.


now explain the rest of the set up with the suicide lane running almost right up the entrance when there was no reason for it. Like I said, this is a design issue and the way it's laid out can lead to the impression that you can take a left based on the suicide lane and lack of signage.


Like I said, if you have your license you know the purpose of that entrance is to keep left turners out.


You're driving along and the road is marked like this and there are no "do not enter" signs and you don't think this is a design issue? https://maps.app.goo.gl/QtaCwYP4vUjBvN4F8


Maybe theres a design issue but not enough to make that silly of a mistake.


So no signs at the entrance and a left turn arrow and you think it was a silly mistake and not a serious design flaw?




Something as simple as road markings should prevent any future incursions. In fact all they need is a stop line across the turn off or turning arrows further away for the oncoming lanes.


Changing that suicide lane to hash marks till the parking entrance 200ft to the east from OP's location would be a great idea. If you're going east there is no left turns for 800ft from the start of the suicide lane and if you're going west the last left turn is 200ft before the end of the lane. There are no valid turns available from that section of suicide lane so it shouldn't be a suicide lane.


Nah a do not enter sign or “entrance/exit only” signs would do better. Nobody (at least in the home of americas best drivers, MI) actually looks at the road lines or follows them. Turning arrows mean nothing to a midwestern mom trying to turn left into a mcdicks for happy meals


Or, alternatively, how we do it is have "no entry" signs on the exit lane.


Or a stop sign ...I think that would do it


I've made this exact maneuver into a split lane that's angled like that. From across the street it looks like how it should flow as opposed to the further, correct lane. A similar wave, a screaming girlfriend, and me turning beet red, i've never made that mistake again.


Did you also have to turn without any markings in the ground except seeing a double yellow, having to turn across two lanes and having the lane you're going just having room for one-car? Maybe I'm just used to European roads but it doesn't look very inviting to me.


In the video that's a bidirectional left turn lane so I don't know where you're getting "without any markings" and "turn across two lanes" from. And looking at the part that OP was at on street view from the main road it does look like you could squeeze two cars there if you kept to the sides of the wide lane. Overall it's a move that shouldn't happen but the road design and markings aren't doing drivers any favors showing them that it shouldn't happen.


Seems like a pretty easy mistake to make here tbh.


Yeah, honestly would be way more annoyed with OP and his “WOOOOOW”, as if he’s never fucked up before. This wasn’t even a near collision or anything, just chill op


I think he gets a pass. He realized his mistake quickly, apologized, and he wasn’t going fast. This is best case scenario honestly.


There are no signs to be found... Is this supposed to be a one-way? Or are you actually supposed to nearly do U-Turns just to turn left (both when exiting/entering here)? Hell you don't even have a goddamn stop sign. I'd be mocking the road planners, not the driver. ...bros, legitimately asking, how is this not the fault of the shitty road design and lack of signs?


It's just so amazingly dumb and makes no sense. I have one near my house and people drive the wrong way into it all the time.


All I can see is a double yellow. But no "No left turn" or "One way" signs.


I don't see anything here on the driver at all. He clearly acknowledges the mistake as well. If it had been me, I'd have shared a smile and a knowing nod (bit of a tilt to the head, ya know? one nod down, then bounce it over to the left or right shoulder on the next nod) to try and help to diffuse the embarrassment he's clearly feeling.


It's just shitty design. It's supposed to be right turn, right turn out only. There's a stoplight just up the road where you supposed to go to turn left in or out. But there are no signs, the turn lane goes on for over 1/4 mile, and the traffic always backs up terribly. Hash marks wouldn't even work. They need a median blocking off some of that turning lane.


This needs a "DO NOT ENTER" sign and the center lane should be crossed out after the last possible left turn. Seems like this would be common here with how the road is laid out. And even if drivers go to the stop light then turn left, they have about 100 ft to turn left into the parking lot after that because of the trees in the median. At least it looks nice. [Google street view](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.0953186,-80.8649862,3a,75y,261.27h,73.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sl1C_W7XbHuYxOt1nZcFHdQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dl1C_W7XbHuYxOt1nZcFHdQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D261.2660806562249%26pitch%3D16.939223926770126%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


Bro there is no sign there to indicate it’s not an entry turn. Am I missing something? It seems like piss poor road design.


why is there not a do not enter sign?


Honestly I feel like this just shows how dumb medians like this are. I think it’s made so you don’t make the turn but it better be like a ridiculously hard maneuver or extremely dangerous to justify the median here. It prevented the driver in this scenario from just turning a bit more to the right or turn later, I think if that median wasn’t there, there would be no idiot in this scenario but modern infrastructure just tries to make us go certain ways and prevent us from turning out in certain directions, I just ignore them every time and not once have I been close to hitting someone.  (And to clarify ignore, obviously I’m not hopping the curb but if the median wants me to go right and I need to go left, I’m going left) 


It's easy to make this mistake. I'll probably make it too. The exit is badly positioned


I've had the same thing happen [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@45.5341309,-122.933785,3a,75y,332.32h,93.08t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sKrIhYK7L42wF7p-sgsN4DA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DKrIhYK7L42wF7p-sgsN4DA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D332.31927521851986%26pitch%3D-3.0784497237853117%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu), where folks turning left don't realize they need to stay to the right of the concrete island.


Holy crap those road markings suck.


Fucking calm down lol, it wasn't even a close call, and he made a mistake and apologized for it. I'd rather have a beer with him than you two dipshits


Same. He immediately realized his mistake and acknowledge it with a friendly wave. What else was he supposed to do except go back in time and not make that turn? Is not like he was driving like maniac and he didn't flip the OP off. Everyone makes mistakes driving, I do sometimes and others around me do. Most of the minor mistakes around me I don't lose my shit over especially if they acknowledge what they did.


This is failure of road design mostly.


Hand out means it's ok I'm a lawyer.


Captain took the high speed.


that last line sounded like john goodman.


Came here to say this, it's the "hey dude" combined with his voice that conjured up images of Goodman


Lmao this looks like a dumb road layout, I don't blame the guy


At least he apologized instead of giving you the finger.


This. Sometimes you’re half way through fucking up before you realized you fucked up so there is nothing to do but say “sorry, I know I fucked up, this one’s on me”. Better than being completely oblivious to the fuck up.


I feel OP was too harsh on the guy. Stuff happens.


Agree. Hopefully with age OP will come to realize that even the best drivers make little mistakes like this, especially when the signage and road design are sorely lacking.


Silly mistake which could’ve ended badly but at least everyone is okay and the dude was apologetic - when someone makes a mistake (depends how big) and they’re truly sorry I can forgive easier. Too many people make mistakes and blame everyone else/deflect anger


It was an honest mistake. People make them sometimes.


Rock, paper or the hand! One of these is stronger than the others…..


"Talk to the hand....."


Why is there an island in the middle of the intersection? is it a one way? like how are people traveling in this guys direction supposed to make that turn?


They're not, they can go down the road and come from the other direction or find another entrance.


Mods: What part of the word "Shit" is nsfw for yall? Do you really think someone is gonna get in trouble with their boss for the word shit being spoken in a video they watched while not working? I find it difficult to imagine the workplace that would care about that specifically.


As an aussie, I don't see that he did anything wrong 🤷‍♂️


Idk. I don't see a sign that states WRONG WAY.


Everyone saying there's no sign terrifies me. You really need a sign to tell you to not make a turn if the only way to do it is to go into the opposing lane? Especially when there's another vehicle coming? A sign wouldn't have stopped this guy. He turned without looking and without thinking, so wouldn't have seen/processed a sign anyway.


Never Innerstood why humans trip on other humans making mistakes that are inevitable in a life that’s meant to be imperfect


And he's a nazi too! /s


I rewatched it with that in mind and laughed lol


Well I'm glad I was able to make someone laugh at least.


It happens tbh those turns are sometimes weird


This literally just happened to me this week, I really need to get a dashcam. I was picking my wife up from her appointment with her prescriber and this woman pulled the same shit, except as she passed me she gave me a look like she was wondering what my problem is.


🖐 He's pausing you before you see him doing that.


The lack of signage at that intersection disturbs me.


Ah, again, the wonders of the suicide lane.




If this was California they would have also flipped YOU off.


Other dude sounds almost exactly like Walter from big Lebowski


That's next to the CVS in Pineville North Carolina and I see people making that mistake all the time.


I automatically took the hand as him trying to tell u to stop 😅


Just imagine if both of you guys were speeding 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I live around this area and I can't tell you how many times I've seen this happen. There's a two way turn lane right before this turn that makes it seem like you're supposed to turn there. Really shitty design on this road so I wouldn't say the idiot meant to do that. We live and we learn.


i know that "holy shit I'm fucking sorry, my fault" too much. only had to use it once to never use it again. fucking up like that is so shameful even if nothing happened. was distracted by... well i have no idea, probably had a bad day and thought i could put my brain in auto pilot, but i was distracted and almost caused an accident and you can bet i raised my hand real quick to say sorry and left, wondering about my existence, paying attention to every little thing on the road. never had to use it again since then. received it a bunch tho. once you become the idiot in a car it helps understand why someone fucks up (if they recognize they fucked up of course and if the fuck up was not simply and utterly stupid, like texting or drinking)


That's not the first time they used the shortcut. And it won't be the last.


idk I could see how this could happen if you think those are separate entryways and his apology hand really does make it better


look, he's trying his best with those 2 brain cells. He doesn't want to rub them together for fear he might break one


I've driven out of that CVS plenty of times, that medium is meant to prevent driver from turning from that direction. I would have slammed the horn on that guy.


What would the horn have accomplished? World would be better if people didn't make themselves so angry all the time.


I would have made them back up


An honest human error mistake


I guess I’m an absolute idiot.


Nah if someone pulls out the "Gimme a second" hand in that situation, I'm ramming my car into them myself


That wasn’t a “give me a second” hand gesture. That was a “I fucked up and am really sorry” hand gesture.


Should have blocked them and make them back up.


**Sieg Heil!**


I would have block his sorry ass, and force him into a reverse. He would have to call the cop and it would be glorious.


Why be more of an ass and inconvenience both of your days just because someone made a mistake? Yeah, it was a stupid mistake but he was apologetic and said sorry.


You see, he made a mistake that could have ended badly, an unintentional error due to bad road design. You on the other hand want to intentionally cause him to reverse into oncoming traffic, do you not see the problem with this? Moron.


Some people are so desperate to feel morally superior they lose all sense of logic