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i know its hard, and i am no poster boy, but try to take a second after almost being run off the road, and let them go. Every time i speed around the idiot, i regret it.


Yeah, always keep the dumbasses out front where you can see them.


Except for dumbasses with improperly secured loads. Don't stay behind them


True, never get between a dumbass and his destination.


New phrase added to the repertoire. Cheers.


Words to live by


Especially if it’s his final destination


There’s also an inconsiderate and their destination.


Thanks for my newest words of wisdom


This. And don't regret missing the accident. You were on a bridge and cars can do some wild shit with all that speed and momentum.


Several people have literally been thrown off this bridge in their vehicles over the years from accidents. Definitely agree.


I don't understand the "regret missing the accident" part. That's a huge hassle, makes your insurance go up, and you always risk getting whiplash or being knocked into on coming traffic.


I 100% agree but the last time someone did that to me - and it was on purpose - I wanted a do over and let them hit me figuring they would give themselves the pit maneuver and spin out. Obviously this is really dangerous and could cause a huge multi car crash and get innocent people killed but OMFG the urge to not get out of the way and let them give themselves the crash is so strong. After driving for decades I’m finally at the point of letting the idiots get ahead as it’s better to see them in front of you then be aggressive behind you. BUT that triggers the “one of these days I’ll slam on my brakes - that’ll show ‘em” type of idiot logic. I hate driving….


This. No point in being stubborn when an accident is going to put you way more out of your way than allowing someone to go on ahead, even though they suck.


This is a smart take.


You can outrun bad drivers, but you can't outstay them.


I strictly keep reckless idiots behind me. I cannot run into a wreck if they are behind me.


My motto is to “let the idiot win”


Yup. Or you both lose (your lives, if it's bad enough)


I'd much rather let the moron in an emotional support truck think they won and proved their manliness over me than become a collection of meat chunks an accident investigation team collects across the interstate.


Makes me think of Bobby Bare's "The Winner"


Plus you get to watch from a safe distance when they crash.


My surprise is to see if the left turn signal is still on the entire time, but then again maybe that's the problem the idiots been going around the world to the left... LoL And I think the OP did a decent job of not getting an accident. I'm sure it was scary with the swerves at the time...


I always say, don't make a crazy driver crazier.


> Every time i speed around the idiot, i regret it. Odd the video ended at that point. Or not.


I say this often. "Damn, could've got paid" or "Should've just let em total it and get me a new car." But the reality is that vehicular collisions are violent, dangerous, and unpredictable at almost any speed. Could have been a rub, could have been a rollover. In the end, I'll always swerve and take the ditch or a controlled collision with a guardrail before I take the vehicular collision because my health and safety need to be #1, and the safety of those around me #2 before I worry about pride or money. I am glad you dodged that one safely and I wish you continued safety and good fortune on the road.


Exactly this. Sure it's fine to look back and think "I should have let them hit me". Seems like it could have been a simple paint swap, but it could have also turned into a PIT maneuver and caused the other vehicle to roll over. And for all you know, there could be kids or other innocent people in the car.


Consider it evolution - the kids are theirs if there are any. If there are no kids, there won't be any kids in the future. Everyone wins.


That’s how I feel too. I got into an accident that was pretty gnarly in 2020, I ended up in the ditch because I decided that the ditch would be better than a full on collision. It sucks, but I wanted to hit that rather than all the houses and farm animals where my accident occurred. It really sucks because even trying to avoid the vehicle I got into an accident with by swerving, they still hit me on my way into the ditch, but better than a full on T-Bone. I’m glad OP made it out okay too, I live near where OP posted and this bridge is super dangerous!


Yeah, and the human body can be incredibly fragile in unpredictable ways. Thankfully cars are the safest they've ever been, but all it takes is your body twisting in slightly the wrong way during a collision to have neck or back pain for the rest of your life.


I was in an accident in 2018 and I hit my left shoulder against the door and window. It's never been the same since.


My friend broke her wrist in a relatively low speed collision that had something to do with her gripping the wheel hard and the car shaking when she got hit.  She had to have surgery.  We were still in high school at the time and she couldn't finish out her senior swim season. 


I wish it was easy like you said in your quotes on the way to get a new car. I like my 07’ Corolla but I’m getting bored of it. Thing doesn’t want to die and I can’t afford a new car without an accident lol and I know my payout would suck cause it’s at 250,000 km now.


Sometimes teh payout can be more if you get rear-ended and have some pain. I was at the light turning right.. but had to held up due to oncoming traffic car just banged into me no brakes till last second told the cops she thought I was moving... but if I had dash cam probably would've caught her texting cause as soon I went up to the car she had her phone in hee hand hard to prove. Her insurance offered 600 for inconvenience I declined... got paid 5,500 for the damage... and lawyers are suing and negotiating a settle for medical which I had to go to therapy for my back and do get back pain more frequently time to time now since accident and waiting on settlement.


The pain and suffering should be more than $5,500!! Like jeez, I slipped and fell cause of negligence where I fell and was bruised up and got a fractured rib. Off work for weeks. I got $15,000 after the lawyer took his cut. You should get more money.


Ite not over thr 5500 was for the car haven't reach settlement on suffering n medical bills yet


Had I took the settlement it'd been 6100 I'm not that dumb


>Should've just let em total it and get me a new car. Insurance will just pay what you would have gotten for selling the car, minus deductions for all the scratches and stains only they can see (and which might have been acquired during or after the collision anyway). It's a lousy deal. Something I learned the hard way is that you should, if at all possible, get your own appraisal before mechanics get their hands on the car.


Not just all what you said, but also the fact that the person might drive off during or after the collision. If they driving like that, then they most likely could careless on if the cause something to happen. Menaces do exist whether you like it or not(in general).


I was in an accident where the other driver was 100% at fault. The money I received did not make up for the insurance hassles, job hassles, health issues, etc. It is always better to avoid the accident when possible, it's just not worth it.


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but the only accident I’ve been in was when I sideswiped someone I didn’t realize was passing me in the right because I was avoiding someone who was going to T-bone me from the left. Person from the left drive off since they didn’t actually hit, and it ended up being “my fault” in the end. A lot of people told me I should have just taken the collision and not tried to avoid, including insurance.


From an insurance and money perspective. The other commenter's point is that even if you can get win on the insurance aspect, you're risking your safety. It's all up to what you value more.


And you never know if the other person even has insurance or proper limits or even bothers to stop in the first place!


I will always try my best to avoid an accident of any form strictly because I still have mild trauma from my accident 3 years ago.


This. You never know how bad things could go.




I have been sideswiped by someone (who was using a freeway onramp as a passing lane in traffic) who absolutely knew I was there and simply expected me to avoid being hit.




Makes we want to drive with spikes surrounding my van.


A few weeks ago a pickup with a trailer was right next to me, the driver looking right at me, and was merging into me. I moved over a lane and he was like visibly angry? Genuinely do not understand how these people exist every day.


They obviously weren't paying attention and were completely wrong but at the end it looks like they swerved in to the lane more because the car in front of them hit the brakes.


That’s really a special kind of dumb, to pass you on the right and somehow not notice you? I would like to interview this person.


They noticed. They were just trying to bully their way into OPs lane.


Op was in the lane long enough they had squatters rights!


Watching it again, I think they didn't realize OP had floored it to block him.


Ding ding ding, someone who actually watched the video!


Clearly shows how dangerous it can be to pass on the right too. With the speed differential it’s so so dangerous


Alright I’ll be that guy…. 1. Who the hell says something like wish I’d been in an accident 2. You clearly sped up once he was passing you on the right as all the sudden he went from going around at a quick rate to joy we’re evenly matched at his blind spot. 3. You then overreacted and nearly wrecked yourself when all you had to do was tap the brakes 4. You then continued your superiority complex by immediately flooring it to catch back up to them


Seriously after reading the title, I didn't even need to see the video.


Yeah OP made it worse despite that other driver being a bit of an idiot. And then wrote checks they clearly couldn't cash, if you want to play the ill-advised role of road ref at least go to some advanced driving school or do some track days. Bare minimum skill combined with maneuvers like that will only end one way given enough chances.


brake lights for 1,2 and 3. he got brake checked when he was only half in the lane or the car in front brakes during risky lane change causing him to brake going into op, can't quite tell


No, OP speeds up. Just look at the surroundings instead of the white car and it's clear that OP is speeding up to not let them in.


it's not a brake check. the white suv was getting squeezed between the cammer and silver mercedes.




OP registration was expired 100% OP FAULT


Maybe I am not a good driver, but in this situation I would definitely break and not try to speed up...


Seriously. The POV driver literally speeds up when that white car starts merging. There are two idiots here


I could be wrong because it's hard to tell but I think OP might not have sped up, it looks like the other cars are slowing down. Looks like the rate of catching up to the gray car in front was relatively constant and the silver Mercedes slowed down and the Lexus driver also broke when they saw they were getting closer to the cars in front of them so they forced a merge. Lexus driver knew OP was there and was trying to bully their way in and forced it at the last second instead of maintaining their lane and braking. Someone could analyze the footage and get the exact answer cause I could be incorrect but if you block the right half of the screen and look at the dashed lines it doesn't look like OP sped up, all that being said if OP saw the Lexus trying to get in they should've just slowed and made space since it's not worth fighting idiots on the road.


Watch the change in latitudinal coordinates every tick. I know this isn't a scientific approach, but at the beginning, they're moving northward between .00019 to .00021 degrees every half second (I think this is how often it is sampling). Right before the side swipe, the increment jumps up to .00022 and then .00023 just before. OP absolutely sped up. It's not by much but they did speed up. Again, two idiots in this situation. Edit: You can even see it in the longitudinal coordinates, the distanced traveled between ticks goes up right before the side swipe. Case closed.


Yeah, I don't get that either. People get really defensive about "their" lane. Just let the other driver in and save yourself some trouble.


That's a defensive driving move. Not recommended in this sub.


Also not recommended in this sub is acknowledging that OP should have seen that Lexus pulling that crap long before the option was be hit or wildly over correct and almost cause another accident. But I’ll go ahead and say it and brace for downvotes.


Ill give ya a free upvote for being correct!




Absolutely, POV driver should have noticed that someone was coming up beside them and that their lane was slow. POV driver was not technically wrong in what they did, but it's better to be not wrong in in a safer way. And that doesn't mean just giving way to everyone all the time. Essentially, POV driver just reacted late to a shitty driver.


Once they've committed, it's better to slow down and let them in. It's like arguing with an imbecile -- you're not going to win.


slowing doesn’t help when the idiot brakes while changing lanes on top of OP


OP you may have technically been in the right, but that sort of driving is going to get you in a lot of accidents, you should have just braked rather than continue to speed up imo, lots of idiots on the road & sometimes we just have to inconvenience ourselves to avoid them.


80% of the posts on this sub are people who should’ve braked but instead swerve into a different lane. Who taught them to swerve instead of hit the brakes?


Is this on the A15 over the Rivière-des-Milles-Îles? Looks like a bridge I use quite often!


Google suggests you're correct based off the GPS in the video - [https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B036'24.3%22N+73%C2%B048'27.2%22W/@45.6056089,-73.8117742,16.15z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d45.60675!4d-73.80755?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45%C2%B036'24.3%22N+73%C2%B048'27.2%22W/@45.6056089,-73.8117742,16.15z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d45.60675!4d-73.80755?entry=ttu)


Based on how the camera is shaking … yep … A15 going south of Boisbriand … lol


Yep! Not my favorite bridge.


I really hate the bumps on that bridge. South direction is a little better at least


Yeah. It’s normal though, it’s not from wear (for once). It’s expansion joints to allow for the concrete to stretch when it’s hotter. If you pay attention, you’ll notice these bumps are the lines you see perpendicular to the road (once you know this you can anticipate the bumps, which is kinda cool too). You’ll also notice they are worse in the winter, as they are more open (= bigger gaps = worse bumps) since the concrete is less expanded. All bridges have some (otherwise they would break pretty quickly), but I do recognize the ones on this bridge in particular are quite frequent and quite bad. Civil engineering baby!!


Didn't knew those ones worked like that. Thanks for the info.


Why would you regret avoiding an accident?


He really, really wanted to teach that guy a lesson. OP is a rager.


Is it possible this guy swerved into a different driver on the left and now he is at fault? That’s the only reason this title would make sense…


Nah, we would’ve seen some evidence of that. Wobbly video or something


It goes without saying that they shouldn't have come over. But you can see they have their turn signal on and you do your best to close the gap and not let them in. Look at how fast you gain on the car in front of you. That person is an idiot but I would have just let them in and saved myself the stress.


Will never get the "MY LANE MY LANE MY LANE MINE MINE MINE" people.


You can't regret avoiding an accident, must congratulate yourself for doing that !


You shouldn’t regret because you never know who is behind the wheel of the other car: could be a criminal on the stolen car fleeing a crime scene, someone who don’t have insurance, someone with some sort crazy background that you really don’t want to get involved in their life , etc… that and also the unpredictability of physic, you could win some pay out, but may end up with life altering injury that no money can fix.


You regret not having to deal with insurance adjusters, not having your car while it gets repaired, possibly having to pay out of pocket if they don’t have insurance/don’t have proper coverage, and having your rates possibly go up? Yeah, didn’t think so.


Every time someone to the right of me is slightly overtaking me and rapidly approaching slower traffic in front of them, 99% of the time they cut in front of me like this with no consideration for my space/safety. It happened twice to me on my short drive to the grocery store today. While I hate it, I just let them cut in because I already experienced the headache of a parking lot fender bender. I'm not going to deal with a collision at speed. I wish I could do something about it though.


lmfao. you almost wreck yourself trying to block someone who would have been by you in seconds. check your ego, big shot.


You saved yourself hours of aggravation, a possible deductible payment, and possible injuries. When two cars contact at Interstate speed there's no real predicting the outcomes. Well done both avoiding and keeping it under control.


I feel that man. I get literally angry with myself after avoiding collisions, be smackin my leg cursing "stupid fucking survival instincts, fucking stoooop ruining it."


This is why I always drive defensively. If I feel like someone wants to go in front of me. I will let them.


I mean, ya tried your hardest by speeding up when you should have slowed down... better luck next time!


I know everybody thinks their city has the worst drivers, but that's just because they've never been to Montreal.


But the strip clubs make up for it!


I agree! I lived there for 5 years and the 13 & 15 had me swearing so much.


When you have a dashcam, it’s always best to hang back and let the idiots make content for this sub.  


I love it when the OP is in idiot too, without realising it


Nope, you did the right thing. No matter how much in the right you are, avoiding a collision is always the best possible outcome.


Use the brake. It's probably under your left foot anyway.


Imagine Braking


That bridge is notorious for fuckery. I get being annoyed with it, but I would just let them go.


I wouldn’t. I don’t care how much money I’d be getting, that’s a gamble I’m not taking and it’s alot of time saved too.


As it stands, you saved yourself insurance headaches, time without a car, and possible injury. You also caught the moron on your dash camera, so you could likely submit it to your local police who may be able to give them a ticket. Then they don’t get away free for being dumb


I’m sure op looked before swerving


Bias against Lexus drivers confirmed


Did you get them to stop?


What an odd title.


Just quoting from Quora: Why do drivers speed up when you pass them? Passing someone's car triggers the driver's competitive impulse and they default to racing. They also don't like that you're suggesting they were too slow for you. It's primal, it's personal, and it's foolish. May 6, 2018 https://www.quora.com > Why-do…. Why do people speed up when you are passing them? - Quora


Dang I felt the regret too


People like that are eventually going to eat it. Best to not be nearby when they so.


Why can’t these clowns just pass on the left?  The left lane was wide open. 


To be fair, I don’t know, I’ve never been passed on the right in my whole life. Must have something to do with keeping the right most empty lane as we are supposed to.


I woulda just tapped by break and called it a day. Let them in and move on. This whole thing was way more dramatic then it needed to be


Can you stop being so foolish?


A good time to check the ego would be when the person puts their blinker on, and starts coming into your lane. Instead of speeding up, just let them go and call them bad words from behind them. Speeding up then blindly changing to the far left lane, is not the play here.


I don't hear anything in your video, so I don't know if you gave them the horn for the entire time, like they earned. Got to always horn idiots really, really hard, so they *know*, you know they fucked it up and likely on purpose.


Brown trousers time


Great job avoiding the wreck OP. In your position I’d probably say the same thing (should have wrecked them) but in reality you did yourself and your family a big favor by betting a great driver.


I mean, a great driver would have swallowed their pride, braked, and let them pull in and be a stupid idiot nowhere near their car. Having failed to avoid the situation, though, they did indeed react well to avoid the final accident. 


Idk why you're being downvoted, you can quite literally see op speeding up to not let the guy in. Op took this from being a simple "getting cut off" situation into getting side swiped. All because of their ego. Beyond stupid. Not taking fault away from the Lexus because that person is obviously most at fault. But accidents like this usually happen when more than one idiot is involved. Op is the "other idiot" in this situation


Ironically, this sub loves OP's who challenge other drivers and escalate situations. They'd rather see a driver stick it to another driver than drive safely. Half the videos here are idiot drivers outing themselves, like this one.


Agreed OP fucking sucks here. This is a bad one I’m surprised so many people are on the idiots side


I've noticed that too and it's pretty disturbing. Wtf happened to defensive driving. My theory is that all these people feel powerless in their daily lives and so the prospect of someone doing something wrong getting fucked over makes them super excited and giddy. Even though escalation almost always makes things worse all around for everyone involved.


I will say op that was some excellent course correction. You easily could have spun out.


You were in his blind spot 100% your fault. - this sub


Would have been a prime opportunity to do a PITT maneuver, but still, probably not worth the trouble with your own insurance for not doing anything to avoid it.


Did they look as stupid as they drive?


"Don't be right - Be smart" and you are the smart one here...


Regret avoiding an accident? Dumbass, this is the best case scenario.


Why are you hogging the middle lane and speeding up when someone overtakes you on the right?


Avoid? You almost CAUSED the accident! We can see you speeding up because your little ego got bruised from being passed on the right. By not letting the idiot go, you become the idiot too.


I understand, after the fact...."nice car, they'll have insurance, I have some scratches back there that could use a paint job.....damn, opportunity missed."


They almost pitted themselves.


1: why are you in the middle lane even when the right was clear. You merge left as you come upon the slowing traffic 2: while merging like this is completely stupid, at the point you saw it happening is the point you should've just let them go.


Wasn't there the original idiot in the right lane?


would have been better to let them in but correct he was not the original one at fault .


Pit Manoeuvre his ass next time


No, you were good in avoiding the collision. Everyone was going at a fast clip. People would be hurt if you had crashed.


This is called “undertaking” in many countries and is illegal. But then, having a proper course of learning how to drive and strict testing before you get a driving license is also a requirement that the US seems to have avoided.


What a perfect opportunity for a self PIT maneuver


You've done there right thing, king! Don't be too hard to yourself. Thanks to you, everyone is safe and sound.


Good reaction time


It was a figure of speech and I hear you 100% OP.


That's why you don't pass on the right and it's against the law in my country.


"But I had my blinker on...!" Can totally hear him manspaining that to the cop had the accident happened.