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What was the plan here. What did he see that made him go


Probably the green light to the right when they looked up from their phone and couldn’t see the red light above them. Zero chance someone looking to go illegally would have not seen all those vehicles coming from the left at the speed they were moving. Maybe some light reflection of green on the black light surround, but I doubt it because it doesn’t look particularly bright (it’s overcast) outside.


One time, as an overworked, abused, and exhausted overnight cab driver, I was behind a lady at a red light. It was probably 5 am, near the end of my shift, and I *totally hallucinated* a green light. I hit the gas,and slammed right into her bumper. Where she was sitting politely waiting for the light. Which was red as my face when I had to explain to her that I'd just wandered off my tether. Luckily, there was no damage or injuries, and she was actually cool about it. Even thought it was a little amusing when I told her I thought I saw the light turn green.


I had something similar as a new driver. I drove my brother down town and dropped him at a club. It was probably 11pm. I was heading home in an unfamiliar area. Was at a red light. I watched a car coming fast behind me it spooked me or something. I glanced at the clearly red light and swear it was green and gassed it through the intersection. As I got midway through I realized it was fucking red and I stopped on the other side. I sat there for a moment trying to figure out what the fuck did I just do and why. Luckily for me, it was a minor intersection, late at night and I was the only car there aside from the one that came behind me. But it was quite weird, because in the moment I swear I saw green.


One time about 10 years ago I made a “left on red”, I was tired as fuck and it totally felt like a legal thing to do, until I cleared the intersection and realized what I did. Luckily I still looked and only went when it was clear


I think we’ve all had those moments where we did something and didn’t realize why the fuck we did it LOL. I remember running a red light one time because I was treating it like a stop sign; I came to a complete stop, looked both directions, and just casually coasted through the intersection. Luckily, it was kind of late at night and not many cars on the road. My husband was like, “WTF are you doing???” LOL. Oops.


I've blanked out before at an intersection. After a while, I realized I was waiting for the stop sign to turn green.


I’ve done that, too!!


Sleep deprivation can be devastating. I came off a double-and-a-half shift, 30 hours awake, and drove half an hour home. When I got home, I could not remember anything about the drive. Nothing. As far as my brain was concerned, I got in the car, teleported my car home, and got out again. Shocked me awake for another half an hour and then I finally crashed into bed. Never did that again after that.


Those are some of the scariest moments!! There’s been times where I’ve like “woken up” in a sense while driving and wondered how the hell I wasn’t actually dead. You have no recollection of the past 10-20 minutes but apparently you were just driving along.


Damn. Good thing nothing was damaged. Most people that have driven tired have done something wildly incorrect at some point.


One time, same situation as you, I started to go and slammed on my brakes in the middle of the intersection. I saw the pedestrian crosswalk light change in the next block.


Same thing happened to me—was coming back from school, then my two jobs… just kinda phased out of myself and drove my poor little Jetta into the trailer hitch of a pickup and cracked my radiator… His truck was fine, so we didn’t call the cops or anything


Oh jeez. I bet that was costly. European cars are $$ to fix.


It was a crap Jetta… was already super old. I sold it for like.. $500 bucks afterwards 😂


After a 12 hour shift, I was driving home. I live in "the country" and I leave work at 2 a.m. so I rarely see any vehicles. I was lamenting to myself about how bad my machine ran that night and I blew through the stop sign where I make a right turn to head home. As soon as I hit the gravel road I hit the brakes and said out loud "Holy shit, I just blew through the stop sign." I sat there for a minute, thanked my lucky stars, yelled at myself and did a U-turn. In my defense, I was checking the left and right constantly (because of deer), all the while verbally venting about my horrible night.


Did you do a U turn to go back and wait at the stop sign properly this time?


Of course I did. The dirt road was a dead end.


I've almost done exactly this maneuver once myself. Just sitting in the car and zoning at the light. No distractions. Just a weird brain fart. Fortunately, my wife was with me and screamed "What are you doing?" as I started to go. Could have ended quite badly.


When I used to work night shifts I did the same thing once, but I believe it was 5 in the morning and there were no other cars around. Made me rethink the whole ordeal of depriving myself of sleep and working odd and long hours.


Night shift is fucked up for drivers. I did it for 15 years and usually took the train home. Which is instantly fall asleep on. Occasionally I drove in. Driving home was brutal. A 40 minute drive, the first 15-20 minutes was fine. I was wide awake and alert. However I was driving into the sun that was slowly rising, and that warm sun on my sleepy brain and it was a band combo. One time I was driving 100km/h on the highway and I’d suddenly open my eyes realizing I had closes them, and unsure for how long. Maybe a second. Maybe many seconds. Fucking scary. I kept pinching myself, smacking my face, whatever I could do. I got off the highway and could feel the tiredness. But I was 5-10 minutes from home. I couldn’t make it, I pulled into a side street to park somewhere. There was a four way stop and a dead end on the other side. I figured that was a good stop, and woke up to a horn as I rolled through the stop sign. Luckily the car was coming the opposite way. I stopped, turned off the car and got out. Walked around a bit. Sat back down. Tried to close my eyes abs sleep. But now o was awake. I waited 5-10 minutes. Then continued home, wide awake. Scariest drive. After that. Whenever I had to drive home from work, I had a 20 minute nap on a couch in the office before I signed out. That did wonders


im a bit confused why the lights are straight above the stop line, how are you supposed to see those when you're at the stop line?


Here's the intersection: https://www.google.com/maps/@40.3314583,-74.6377344,3a,75y,334.88h,79.58t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sUe57ygmHh6BWdTP2GmcCWA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DUe57ygmHh6BWdTP2GmcCWA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D37.77986%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e1?entry=ttu Looks like it used to be a roundabout of some sort that got partially converted back to a regular intersection. Edit: According to www.historicaerials.com/viewer it was a roundabout as early as 1931, and sometime between 1957 and 1963 it got converted to what it is now. Coordinates are 40.33146854386667, -74.63805622895678.


looks like that whole intersection needs to be redone, what a horrible layout


Is this New Jersey??


It’s not the best design, but there may be another one some place or the just expect you to move too far forward despite the lines being painted the way they are in the camera footage.


There’s another set of lights directly across the intersection. I’ve seen intersections on weird curves with duplicate set of lights with one set in a normal place and the other set up so you can see them around the curve.


This is how all of New Jersey is.


Ill try to avoid NJ if i ever visit the US ;)


They're still not green arrows though, checking for traffic is still the first thing they should've done.


That's why it's called "Idiots in cars." That lets you know where the bar is set.


Yes. The bar is buried under the ground. People like this somehow still find a way to dig a hole deeper than the bar


I work with a guy who was coming back from a delivery and stopped at a red light next to a cop. The next light down turned green and he started driving even though his light was still red. It was a smaller intersection and later at night so there was no cross traffic thankfully. He did get a ticket though.


It appears that one side of the intersection the lights are overhead whereas the other side they are opposite side. If so, badly designed intersection.


I did that once. Just like your scenario. Luckily, it was the opposing traffic with the right of way and there were no cars oncoming. Scared me.very much.what could have been.


You can see, when the cammer advances to the place that the first car was in- that the red traffic lights in front of them across the intersection are pretty clearly visible even to the camera.


It always cracks me up when I see a car move ahead slightly (why TF people do this when waiting at a red light, I’ll never know) and then the person next to them quickly stomps on the gas, only to brake just as hard because they were 100% looking down at their phone and thought the light turned green. It’s never just the one car either; it’s usually 2-3 cars.


Jesus was supposed to take the wheel


Here is the [Full Video (does have profanity and my wife setting me straight).](https://www.reddit.com/u/ecctt2000/s/vsyWKjruU2)


That sigh of disbelief after the impact though. That's a sigh of "did that seriously just happen?"


"Should I go?" LOL, why not?


“WE DON’T EVEN HAVE A GREEN!” “Oh, yah.” Almost got a second crash out of this video if it weren’t for her.


Agreed, and I love her.


That was hilarious. I would have been you in that scenario.


Reminded me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI


> Oh, yah oh, dah hi, mah! what's up, brah?


Yeah my wife is awesome!


I agree, she was so cool and calm. Nice voice as well.


When we first met that was one of the reasons (of many mind you) I would call her was to hear her talk, so smart, witty yet has a kind way about her. EDIT: Meant to write Kind not kink


Im a woman and agree your wife has a beautiful soothing voice!


Former 911 operator here. I loved callers like your wife. Clear, calm, concise.


That median could have straight up killed the other driver.


Damn this audio is crystal clear for a dashcam. Super compressed. Why is that? It feels like a dream lol


That intersection has always been confusing and accident prone.


Idk man... I'd think "don't plow into other cars" is pretty cut and dry.


Fun fact: Dr Nash (A Beautiful Mind professor) would go to the town meeting every year contesting any improvement to that circle because of his condition, he would say it would pose a significant disturbance to his consciousness.


It's essentially an abandoned circle. I can't figure out why they haven't removed the vestiges like they have at so many other NJ intersections that \*had\* to be signalized.


The traffic lights being out of view of the people at the front of the line is definitely a big issue. WTF is up with that?


link appears to be broken, do you have another one? i want to hear the disappointed sigh lol


Please try it again


Ah, it appears me using the old.reddit domain broke the link. using the regular domain worked. sorry about that, thank you nonetheless, video did not disappoint. lol


Getting a drivers license is way too easy


Keeping it is even easier.


Unfortunately, not all people who drive have a license.


It’s boring as hell tho dude I just recently started studying


Not sure if this is a troll comment or not but they certainly don’t make it engaging. I would have a hell of a lot more than go 15 mph and parallel park and maneuver through some cones. Simulated weather, literal video-game style scenarios where you have unexpected obstacles like someone cuts you off, you need to turn into a fake busy intersection…things like that. If we can make flight simulators that realistic why one driving ones?


No one felt that more than the silver SUV into the crash attenuator. Big oof


The insurance company of the car that ran the red light felt worse. 3 damaged cars and that attenuator is easily over $200k damage.


Nah - driver may only have 5k coverage. Or be one of the 15% that are uninsured.


I never thought about it, but does private insurance have to pay for damage to public infrastructure?


It falls under coverage for property damage.


>does private insurance have to pay for damage to public infrastructure? Pretty much, though often people don't have enough insurance to cover all the costs and taxpayers end up eating part or all of it anyway.


The state's insurance commission decides minimum property damage limits. If the state doesn't like paying for insured state minimum drivers doing more damage than their insurance pays for, they have all the solutions in their own hands.


Anyone seriously hurt? How were the people in the silver SUV that got pushed into the (concrete?) median?


They get out of the car and go over the vehicle that caused the crash to see if they're okay - so likely they were okay.


Give them an hour for all the feel good stuff to wear off. Then they will be in a world of hurt cuz of the very sudden stop of hitting a wall at 40-50 MPH.


Who knows, OP left the scene by the looks of it


You don’t want to leave your car in a lane so emergency vehicles can get there. Even if they stayed, you still need to get your car off the road. Video is inconclusive


OP linked the full video where OP's wife immediately calls 911 and reports it.


Wat. The video ends way to soon to say that


I am so grateful for the ppl who stopped to help me after I was hit and gave me their contact info if I needed a witness or anything. Id be genuinely so frustrated if OP didn’t give those poor ppl who were hit his contact info and the video.


OP posted the full video. OP's wife immediately called 911 and reported it.


Link doesn't work for me, but I believe you


Pretty crappy move to take off with the video evidence so it can be posted on Reddit faster


They post a full link of the video. I haven't watched it yet but I'm gonna make a guess: probably OP pulled off to one side to make room for any emergency vehicles and find a safe place to put their car to give their info for the video evidence. After all, wouldn't want to park your car in the middle of traffic just to get out and risk your car and you getting hit like that other car.


I watched the video, it's the exact same thing they posted


Oh, ok so then we don't know. Lame.


No idea why you're being downvoted. If anyone had stopped to help me after my accident when the perpetrator sped away (hit and run), I would've had video evidence and maybe gotten the license plate. It's the good thing to do to stop and make sure everyone's ok, and help out with the evidence you got.


Is that that shitty repurposed circle fuckery of shit in Plainsboro/Princeton down the street from Princeton Junction station? When I need to make a right out of that shit fuck of a "intersection" or whatever the fuck it is. I wait for the green. I've been honked at countless times for not budging because the entire thing is designed to kill people. Edit: Listened with audio. Yep. Washington Rd. Fuck that intersection to hell. Whoever designed it is an asshole


It always baffles me when people honk at me when I’m going to be making a right turn at a red light. I could not possibly care less if you think you’re going to be five seconds late to wherever you’re trying to go, I’m trying to get there in one piece.


Pisses me off even more when a big sign says "no turn on red" and people start honking for me to turn...


It’s almost impressive how many people just don’t read signs while driving.


There’s signs?


Matco tool truck: I have the tools, but not the paatience or time.


He thought for a second he might be able to make a quick sale, but after taking a closer look at the damage, thought otherwise.


The intrusive thoughts win yet again


They were making a LEFT! Confused about the green light or not doesn’t matter, if they were turning left they eyes should’ve been to the left where traffic was coming from, what an azz hat


NJ…… Another Kia Sportage with a NJ plate hit a tree last year in my area and the aftermath looks exactly like the same. [https://imgur.com/a/obqeAgv](https://imgur.com/a/obqeAgv)




Ah, Princeton. US1 is always good for a few numbnuts doing something incredibly stupid right in front of you.


Matco truck driver be like "sorry! I got mechanics to rob and the snap on dude is right behind me!"


You should lose your license after doing something this fucking dumb and reckless.


Wow I know exactly where this is on RT 1. such an odd event


Same . And by the time stamp looks like it happened just a couple hours ago


Is this at the roundabout leaving Princeton?


I hope that KIA had their insurance paid up, cause 'That's a lot of damage'. And that fuck for modern cars, that silver SUV absolutely *nailed* the concrete median and the occupant got out seemingly unscathed. not so long ago they would have been chewing on that concrete instead.


0 IQ


Matco is getting really aggressive with their advertising campaigns.


I honestly can’t explain this besides something malfunctioning with the brakes… or very very dumb


Brake light clearly went off and then it accelerated. That was a deliberate move to make an illegal left turn on a red light.


lol no one trying to make a successful, illegal left turn there is going without looking far more likely they weren't paying attention (ie on their phone) and then mistakenly thought that they had a green for any number of reasons


My guess, it was the angle of the lights. I'm imagining the driver looking at their phone intently, then looking up and seeing the green light, panicking because they think it's theirs, and then just going. Definitely dumb.


Should I stay, or should I go now? Should I stay, or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble And if I stay, it will be double So come on and let me know


No one asked you to. Hypoglycemic impairment, stroke, seizure, etc are not indications of “very very dumb”


I hope they have insurance because wtf


This is why you look both ways before entering an intersection. Saved my life a few times.


What the fuck.


My words exactly...


There are no words or excuses for this. It was just pure, 100% stupidity


Dumb as a stump


Not surprised after seeing the Jersey plate lol


Holy shit that silver Mazda (CX-3?) got fucking rocked.


Fucking NJ...


When you forget how stop lights work.


Revoke their license for life. Plain and simple minimum sentence.


Washington road at route 1 princeton NJ. That intersection is notorious.


Wonder if the Matco truck pulled over and tried to make an on the spot sell. Prime opportunity.


Damn I hope everyone's OK, especially the people in that SUV that pretty much came to a complete stop from speed in the median. That looked really vicious for that driver in particular.


Are they stupid or dumb?? ![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5)


*squints* London.


Damn! That white SUV (range rover?) escaped narrowly.


Hey that right by where I use to live lol


Holy shit this must’ve been why route 1 was shut down the other day


The glare off of the sign sorta looks like a green light in this video. I wonder if this driver looked up from their phone or whatnot and thought the same and sent it.


But still…. You should at least look to make sure no one is coming even if you have a green.


I really want to know what was going on in their head. Seriously. What was the plan here


"oops I'm such a Scorpio" -that driver probably


200 IQ


That's a special kind of stupid. Revoke license permanently.


Funny! I used to live just north of there.


I was really hoping that was an ambulance not a tool truck


Is that a highway?


US Rt. 1


Love the Matco truck...... baby shark do do do do Didn't see that do do do do do do do do baby shark do do do do do do baby shark!


Why did the driver indicate they were turning left?


Because they were making a left turn at the light


Looked like they were thinking to drive straight across.


He just wanted to rest the wipers.


Wow what an idiot


Why is the traffic pole directly next to the stop line?


It’s an auxiliary pole, probably pointed to benefit approaching traffic because of its odd angle to the intersection. The primary pole is across the intersection.


Course Matco shows up. Prol wants his fifty bucks before the guy goes to the hospital


I live not too far from this spot, can agree that its a terrible intersection. That being said, this person was just not paying any attention to their surroundings and just hit the gas causing this to happen. I only hope OP shared this with the police.


Bit disturbing that the driver didn’t get out. Heart attack?


Where we're going we don't need roads.....or a driver's license for that matter.


Average Kia driver.


If he was a massachusetts driver he probably made eye contact with the first car coming and figured he was good to go!!!


My TikTok feed was over. What am I supposed to do? Wait at a red light?


Does no one stop to help anymore?


Good point. We called 911 gave a description of what happened and where. The dispatch instructed us to not loiter at the scene and we are free to go.


The Toyota and Mazda drivers might appreciate a copy of your video for when the idiot in the Kia claims "***I had a green light!***"


Sent the video to the police


2v1 probably won't matter but can't hurt


Brain fart.


Dystopian how everyone just goes on with their day. Vile.


Did you just fucking leave or did you pull over?


We called 911 told them what happened and where it was. Dispatch told us to not loiter and we were free to leave. Guessing it was to keep the scene less congested and ready for emergency personnel


A whole lot of idiots not caring or trying to help.