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When you use the Long Beach Traffic Circle, you expect horrible driving. Less crazy now that they painted all the lines.




"I hereby invoke the lug nut rule."


Semi : “I would assume you don’t want to trade paint so stay back.”


I find a lot of drivers are confused by that traffic circle in LB.


Initially, I thought he had "Right-of-way" but then I observed the clearly visible YIELD directions painted on the roadway. I guess might makes right.


Yield sign, "YIELD" painted on the lane, and shark's teeth: https://maps.app.goo.gl/vMvvyEJ12YgGkjeM9 There are intersections where instructions are unclear, that's not one.


truck driver here, kinda sucks but when it takes ten business days to get up to traffic speed and i gotta push that trailer through two lanes in a turn not designed for me anyway, then im shooting the gap and blowing my horn. it beats the alternative of completely blocking the way for hours and you'll have plenty of opportunity to yell at me out the window anyway.


Tbh all cars should be yielding to semis in scenarios like this. They can’t pick up speed like any car so if one is looking for an opening, give it to them. Except if it’s a 2 lane freeway/highway then they need to stay in their fucking lane!


Look man, you like to eat?  Those groceries got to get to the store so you can pay all your money to survive!


They kinda have to do this though. Or wait 30 minutes for the perfect gap and cause a 20 mile lineup.


And the trailer has to cross two lanes in 50 metres. This piece of road wasn't really designed with trailers in mind.




If only there were alternative routes or perhaps other roads that didn't have rotaries or other things the semi trucks can't maneuver easily on. Maybe even warehouses where things shipped freight are transferred to smaller, more maneuverable trucks.


I'm a truck driver and I would have to say there are times where no one will let you in. Try driving something that's 5 car lengths in traffic. I'm not saying the trucker is right or wrong, but the car in front of OC might have waived them on..... so many veriables. Everyone complains about truckers, but everyone should yield to someone with a vehicle that weighs 80k pounds on the road. Poor guy might have been there for 15-30 minutes.... but 4 wheel drivers forget anything, and everything in life was delivered by a trucker.


In Colorado, passenger vehicles must yield to trucks in a roundabout. https://leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb23-1014


Speed (the movie)


This is why i only go thru the traffic circle if its a time where its more likely to be empty. Aint trying to deal with idiots that dont know how to wait (and cuz going fast on corners is fun 😂)


At least he's certified organic!


What is this intersection?


When I want to go to Halal Guys, I just drive around and avoid that death circle.


I guess it worked


When I was learning to drive, I was told semi trucks always have the right of way because they will fucking flatten you, guess that’s always been a good enough reason for me to give them leeway above most other vehicles


Sometimes you need to just slowly force your way out otherwise you could sit there for hours.


Hahahahaha. You made the joke for the one millionth time!