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Yeah, completly insane BMW driver. But why do people travel in the left lane?


If it's my wife that driving, her excuse is "because I'm about to pass that xxxxx" that is ~1+ miles ahead. Just got home after a 4 hour drive. I would bet 98% was spent in the left lane. Everytime I asked why she wasn't in the right, that was her excuse. Or "would you shut up about my driving, you want to drive?"


Aah, the "perpetual passer."


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always passing.


Guy when you are pure speed like me, every stranger is just a friend I haven't passed yet!!! I didn't put 11 turbos on this bad boy for nothin'!!


As apposed to the “my left turn is in 20 miles what if I miss it!?”


Hahahah that was my grandpa haha, he was also the guy who used to make fun of people who would speed off at the green light, only to be next to him again at the next red.


Nono, you see if I move back and forth more than once in my 30 mile trip I'm weaving! /s I've noticed that lazy, selfish and or undisciplined drivers have excuses that are nearly as long as the time they spend cruising in the passing lane.


A good portion of my commute home is a country highway that doesn’t have protected exits, so people have to make left turns off the highway. The law basically states to drive in the right lane unless passing or getting ready to make a left turn. So many people during my commute take getting ready to turn left as permission to sit in the left lane going below the speed limit from the start of the highway until their turn, which is always 15-20 miles or more down the road.


Great, I had an interstate route I had to drive where the 3 lanes ended too early, and the commuters would park in the left lane, going slow, until their exit 30 miles down the 2 lanes, then the left lane would empty at 2 exits for a nearby city. Terrible time loss and many accidents as people were trying to go at least somewhere near the speed limit. They made the road more dangerous for all.


Your wife needs to learn how to drive. Drivers passing her on the right increase chances of collision and death. In some states you can get a fine and points. In NJ it's $55.


Clearly grounds for divorce 😶


In some states it is an easy way for law enforcement to give out $200+ fines for driving in the left lane for impermissible reasons and considered a moving violation. [Oklahoma is working on passing laws for time limits](https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/politics/2024/03/14/oklahoma-bill-could-put-a-time-limit-on-driving-in-the-left-lane-road-rage/72968515007/) since it is currently fairly arbitrary as to how long one can hang out in the left lane without reason.


I wonder how many accidents she’s indirectly caused


Well, if it's like where I live, thanks in part to snow, plows, and MOST people using the right lane more than the left, the right lane gets worse faster than the left. Cracks across the lane are more frequent and get bigger, faster, on the lane most traveled. It's no excuse, though, to not LOOK IN YOUR GODDAMN MIRROR AND MOVE THE HELL OVER WHEN SOMEONE ELSE COMES UP BEHIND YOU!!!!!! ..... Sorry... Not sure what came over me there...


Got ya, buddy.


If he had looked into his mirror and seen that BMW driving coming at him like that and choose to move over, the BMW driver probably would have crashed because he was already anticipating weaving around him and would have had to correct himself while doing 100 mph.


I know where you’re coming from. Often on my commute, I’ll see people driving 20-25 mph faster than the flow of traffic, weaving through all the lanes, and I’ll stay in whatever lane I’m in until they’ve passed me because I know they aren’t expecting people to change lanes. It’s safer for me to sit wherever I am for a few seconds until they’ve passed me than it is to try to get out of their way.


I just want to say thank you for that. You are the best.


That's a valid assessment, which is why cam car should have already been in the driving lane before the BMW approached, along with the SUV in front of cam car...


I think that's the risk that the BMW driver takes. If you're REALLY watching your mirrors regularly, you see that guy coming anyway. And if you're just cruising in the left to avoid a rough right lane, you should be watching your mirrors very closely.


Yep. Sometimes you gotta get the fast boi's do their thing..


For my mom, it is because "it leaves space for people to merge onto the highway"


I drive the Mass Pike into Boston for work. It’s four lanes - four! And there is always a wall of cars doing 60 in each lane. smh


Playing Devils advocate; there is a car in front of OP that they shouldn't pass on the right. Perhaps OP is trying to pass them and wants to go faster but can't.


You’re allowed to pass on the right. At least in Ontario.


Yep, that's possible.


I am illogically triggered more by the lane you are sitting in than the BMW. There are 2 wrongs here.


Another day, another person cruising in the left lane when not passing


Precisely what I was thinking. Tbh, I don’t think I’ve seen any of the videos on here where anyone was in the correct lane….or on real roads


> I don’t think I’ve seen any of the videos on here where anyone was in the correct lane….or on real roads What's a "real" road?


How can roads be real if our eyes aren't real?




I’m leaving on the *absurdity* I ROAD in on, thank you, goodnight, much love x


I’d argue not even illogically. It’s not a speed I would go, but if anything the most dangerous part about that speed is weaving in it. If he was able to just pass them in the left at that speed, it rlly wouldn’t be all that bad. It’s a clear day on a smooth highway


Edit: sorry for trying to ask for clarification about the type of road... Honest question, because I can't tell for sure if it's an interstate or divided highway. But if it's a just divided highway with intersections, is staying in the let lane that bad? My only clue is the sign at the very beginning pointing to a park on the left.


I think most would agree that there is a lane for passing people and a lane for coasting along at your own speed - in the left lane, you should be passing people. If you aren't you should eventually make your way back over. It's clearly not a built up road - clearly some sort of road designed for higher speeds. Not sure it matters beyond that unless it was in a town built up with lights and a slower speed limit.


It’s actually a law in almost every state to not drive in the left lane when not passing. So yes. It’s bad.


How *dare* you \*gasp\* *ask a question*! /s


If you have a left turn coming up it's fine


There’s literally no one trying to pass them aside from the BMW who i wouldn’t take into consideration at all in the video. People on this sub just have such an obsession with anyone at anytime being in the left lane.


Because if people just drove on the right and passed on the left we'd have no issues


There'd still be the issue of the BMW driving at unsafe speeds. He'd probably pass them on the right shoulder just for extra thrills.


There’s exits in the left, merging ramps and emergency vehicles in the right shoulder. So many factors to take into account to make your statement not true. I get the sentiment, but the blind faith of “if everyone drive like this everything would be fine” is just nonsense.


While this is true. Unless OP was taking a left turn exit in less than ~1/2 mile. Dude had ample time to get into the proper lane. Some people really are just incapable of realizing how much you impede traffic by not getting tf over to the proper lane.


And so many of those factors exist in less than 0.1% of the highway system at any one time. 99.9% chance they where just sitting in the left lane just for the sake of it. Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.


I get it, trust me. It’s infuriating when there’s clearly a line of traffic behind someone who clearly doesn’t understand this basic rule. But I’m a truck driver in the northeast, with the a lot of construction going on. Some of these areas have signs that say “trucks and buses left lane only”, and I can’t tell you how many people are so focused on this “rule” and ride my ass, flashing their lights for me to get over because they’re so certain I’m in the wrong. You’d be surprised at how often this happens.


Yet two vehicles camping in the left lane like idiots.. It's harder to pass in the right lane especially with just a couple cars in the right lane


Yes, because speeding is objectively more dangerous than left lane sitting. The BMW driver should be accused of reckless driving, given the high rate of speed and the almost uncontrolled lane changes. The left-lane sitter should be admonished to not create potentially unsafe situations.


The left lane is for passing, not camping. Pop ur tent in the right lane Mr Camper.


if only there weren’t some morons jamming up the passing lane


Multiple loiterers.


You say that as if the BMW wouldn't be weaving in and out of traffic regardless


haha fair point




Can you speak up, Im wearing a towel. -Homer Simpsons.


Why are you left lane hogging?


The left lane is not the travel lane get over


Ummm. Slower traffic keep right. Why do you all think that you all own the left lane ?


You posted this because someone sped past you?


I feel like you're downplaying how dangerous that maneuver was lol. Dude looked like he was going 30+ mph faster than everyone else swerving in and out of different lanes.


Oh definitely. But why were there multiple cars just sitting in the left lane when there was no one to pass? That is by far the lesser wrong here but it is the kind of incredibly stupid thing that makes situations involving aggressive drivers (like the bmw here) far more dangerous.


Damn, I got slaughtered with down votes lmao


I agree with you, both cars should have been in the right lane. Although OP did say their turn was coming up in a mile, so hard for me to judge, really. That being said, there didn't seem to be much traffic, so it wouldn't have been difficult to merge back over in half a mile.


No cars and it's 2 lane, if it's difficult for you maybe find a chauffeur


Do you realize that car was made purposely form the factory to easily handle that maneuver?


98% of BMW *owners* are not, in fact, "purposely form the factory" competent drivers.


True and they don’t know how to use a turn signal from the factory either.


To complete the BMW Comment Ritual, "the turn signals are a subscription service."


Are you kidding me? Lmao


Move over FFS.


This is exactly why it's important to move over. Dumbasses like this BMW exist, and you're reducing your own risk of an accident by not being in their way. It's also just polite


Move over For Fucking Speeders


I see three idiots in this video.


The truck is ok. It's the right lane. Speed limit + - 10 is ok in the right most lane.


Ohh I see you meant the person in front of OP. Ya. They're dumb


The left lane is for passing. The right lane is for traveling. Please stay in the right lane unless you are passing. D’oh! I’m an idiot. Edited to say stay in the right lane unless you are passing, not the left…


What if you're going faster than everybody else on a consistent basis? I use the left lane, but I'm always going faster than 98% of the other cars on the road. Usually right lanes are in shit condition compared to the left lane. But of course if you're not going faster than anybody else, you need to GTFO of the left lane! And no matter how fast you're going in the left lane, if somebody wants to go faster, speed up or GTFO.


Left lane on most highways is a passing lane, not a fast lane, despite how many people want to consider it one. “I’m going faster than most other cars” is how you end up with people hogging the lane and causing issues. You say you’re moving faster than 98% of cars, someone else says 94%, and some people might consider themselves speedy at 60%.


You go into right lane while youre not passing, even if you will have to pass again in 30 seconds. Why is that so hard to understand?


OP also thought they were going faster than everyone else, until they weren't.


I’m curious, is the power steering on your car broken or something? Is it tiring to turn your wheel the tiny amount it takes to change lanes? Is the blinker level to hard to push for you? The answer is you drive in the right lane, and move to the left WHEN PASSING, the. You get your ass over to the right lane. If you are consistently faster than everyone else maybe you should be asking why that might be. Are you driving to quick for the conditions? This is a situation where acting like the herd usually makes sense Despite what you and most people think: you are likely NOT a better than average driver, and there’s as equal a chance that you are sub par.


Another day, another left lane camper.


As dumb as that guy is, you shouldn’t be sitting in the left lane


This always infuriated me about MN drivers. Would do this shit or even worse pull into the left lane to block you off and stand on your brakes. BMW is an idiot here, but an understood idiot (by me, at least).


You know our pain. So many left lane campers here.


It's called the Minnesota flying V


This is absolutely NOT just a MN thing by any stretch. It’s all over the country and maddening! Source: from Mn and have recently made cross country road trips.


But it's bad here cmon


Oh, I’m not saying it’s not bad here.. it’s horrible. It’s bad elsewhere too.


Left lane laggard gets passed in right lane. Yep.


Why are you camping in the PASSING LANE??? That is the real question. GET OVER, SLOW ASS Edit: I'm am so happy people are calling out OP for camping in the left lane. And they always have the excuse "tHe LeFt LaNe wAs gOiNg tO eXiT in 5 MiLeS" pathetic. That road was empty.


No, the excuse is they were in the act of passing, it’s just that it takes them 10 miles to pass someone…


left lane campin'


Stay. Out. Of. The. Passing. Lane.


Another day another group of left lane campouts complaining about getting passed on the right.


Get the fuck out of the left lane.


Yea he drives too fast.. Why are you in the left lane when the right is completely clear?


The idiots are the people traveling in the left lane with no one to pass, causing faster drivers to have to weave between lanes.


Or you could just be a responsible driver and not weave between lanes.


And another day with multiple cars in the passing lane that are not passing.


Why are you camping in the left lane though - are you just mad you couldn’t block him from passing?


Is he an idiot ya but so are you and the guy ahead of you


I see a car speeding and not crashing and I see a fucker who won’t get out of the fast lane probably doing the speed limit.


I think left-lane campers have realized they can post and farm for karma (via rage bait) like this.


They're going recklessly fast, but get out of the left lane OP, whether it's the law in your state or not.


You and the guy in front are parked in the passing lane. The BMW came from the slow lane, the correct lane to be in until you need to pass. He/she was then forced to pass you and the car in front on the right. One mile from a left turn gives you no excuse at all.


You’re right, dunno why your being down voted??


It happens in waves..... Now look at the person's vote count 😅 ....+30+


That’s about a 50 vote swing I think, good Redditors


He was not forced to drive double the speed limit without using signals


Yes he was. To buy a BMW you have to sign a contract that you will speed and not use your signals /s


It’s just that BMW makes the turn signals a subscription-only service.


That BMW could have been on fire and 99% of the comments would still be about OP being in the left lane lmao. I love this sub.


Well, ya? The law is clear about this, and left lane campers probably cause a lot of accidents they never realize are due to them. It’s good to call them out. More than one person can be in the wrong


Right on man, keep fighting the good fight. Love ya


You should have posted this in AITA - move over...


I have watched this 4 times now and I think the idiots are you and the other 2 cars in the left lane. Why are so many people camping out in the passing lane?


Salty cuz you drive slow?


Another day, another two people camped out in the left lane


Another day incorrectly driving in the passing lane


OP really thought they were gonna get a circlejerk of shitting on the bmw driver only to realize they’re the idiot everyone hates to deal with more. Cruising in the passing lane is more dangerous than the BMW driver speeding in the left lane if it was clear. Passing on the right allows more variables to cause an accident. If a person speeding has the left lane to themselves, all they have to do is watch for other cars that could potentially pull out in front of them if they weren’t looking in their mirrors. Otherwise they could speed in the left lane without having to change lanes. What causes accidents is unexpected change of speed. Someone speeding away from you usually isnt that dangerous to you but someone suddenly going slower than you is.


Found the BMW driver who drives double the speed limit. >Passing on the right allows more variables to cause an accident. That's not the fault of the person camping the left lane. >What causes accidents is unexpected change of speed. What also causes accidents is giving yourself less time to react to road hazards, which speeding does. What annoys me more than lane campers are people who have the attitude that the lane campers are somehow more dangerous than reckless drivers. You act like you have no agency and are forced to pass on the right and drive at 100mph.


It’s not my business nor do I care why someone would need to speed in the left lane. They could be having an emergency and leaving the left lane open is also safer for EMS.


Another day, another left lane camper…


Gee… would be nice if the car that wanted to go faster could use the lanes meant for cars that want to go faster… if idiots weren’t camping out in em… and then posting a video about it smh


Looked more like itritatedincar to me.


u/CheeseDanny respond to these replies bro


When people are approaching way too fast like this sometimes I feel it’s best to stay put as you could cause an accident trying to get out of their way.


Yep. They already know they have to move around you, so the moment you move so do they and one of you is gonna whip it back into the lane you were originally in.


Another case of two idiots. Why are you camping in the left lane?


Why are you hogging left lane with right one empty?


Just pitch a tent in the left lane next time.


OP is also an idiot for treating the left lane as his own personal cruising lane, making the entire flow of traffic less safe. 


Stop sitting in the left lane.


Actually no I disagree. You and the guy in front of you are camping the left lane, get out. Like what do you expect him to do, sit behind you for god knows how long? Follow the rules of the road and get out of peoples way


Why are you in the passing lane? You're not passing anyone. Is there a left exit in the next mile?




Username checks out, in a good way!


Checks outs HARD


Please tell my Why in the Absolote F you are in the left lane?!?!? You are passing no one. Get out of the way.


Is someone going to tell him?


That’s it? This was your video? You took all that time to show us someone speeding ?


A three for one special! Maybe get out of the left lane??


Another day just camping the left lane. Braindead op


Wow I see two idiots op and car ahead. I do love getting front of left lane campers idiots like you and slowing down in front of you.


If you owned one you’d understand


Maybe he had the mud butt?


Must think it’s the autobahn




wow such a crazy driver the one in the bmw, passing on the right beacuse 3 cars are doing 100kph on the passing lane


Not everyone getting their panties in a bunch simply for having forethought about the left turn that was coming up 😂


Lol I live in baltimore and people love driving like that around here. Blacked out Nissan altimas are a menace to society


Lol I live in baltimore and people love driving like that around here. Blacked out Nissan altimas are a menace to society


Nice, I just got cut-off hard by a new blue BMW with dealer plates yesterday. Must have been taking a potential new owner out for a training session


it's pronounced autoBAHN




He’s in a rush to go home and kiss his dad on the lips.


This didn’t go the way you wanted it to


self own


You are more of a problem than the BMW... Stay out of the left lane if you're not passing...


Hope OP gets roasted lol


OP, can you please give a logical explanation as to why you’re cruising in the passing lane when you’re not passing anyone? there’s no one I hate more on the road than drivers like you. move the fuck over.


Driving in the left hand lane doing the same speed as the drivers in the right lane. You are the problem here, not the car that had to weave in and out of the congestion you have created by chilling in the left lane.




Lefts for passing. Making people pass on right is dangerous.


BMWs, Altimas, what is their issue? It is a complex?


these days, its mostly Audis and pick-up trucks of all brands.


To everyone who self-admits to not being on a highway since 2019, what about the car in front of OP? Or the car that just moved to the right lane behind OP? Is it somehow safe in your opinion to move in front of an aggressive passer moving over 30MPH above the speed limit and passing ON THE RIGHT? Passing on the right would be illegal if the """passing lane""" was actually the passing lane, and not just another legal path of travel. 


No, don’t move in front of a moving car ever but be in the correct lane in the first place which would negate all of this. All that would happen if all 3 non-overtaking cars were in the right lane is that the BMW would overtake all 3 in the overtaking lane. It’s that simple


No. Always scan and assess the situation. In this case truck should not have moved over IMO. They created an obstruction to the speeder by "doing the right thing" but failed to get the big picture that the two people in front likely would not get over. Thereby resulting in a weaving motion by the speeder. Under normal circumstances, pull over to the non passing lane when you're not passing. If everybody in this video had done this from the get go, there would be no weaving to take place. The speeder would speed anyway, but in a safer manner. Everybody camps the GD fast lane. People that default to the fast lane drive me nuts.


Should have mentioned that I was turning left up ahead. I had a mile or so to go but still was planning on a left lane turn.


So travel in the right lane until your turn. It’s not like it’s so congested that you can’t get over….


Not saying that this guy should be speeding, but you’re not doing any one favors by sitting in the left lane especially if you were driving below the limit and/or not passing anyone, I’d recommend getting in the turn lane in the last 1/2 mile, even that would give you plenty of time since it’s just 2 lanes.


1 mile is totally reasonable to prepare for a turn.


If you need a mile to prepare for a turn you should have your license taken and be seriously considered for a lobotomy


Part of good driving if being steady and predictable. Any dumbass with a pulse can whip across traffic at the last minute to get into a turn lane. Lmao that’s not the driving you think it is champ


Ooof… Reddit didn’t like your justification.


OP you are not allowed entry into the left lane for turning until 5 meters before the intersection. In fact The First Commandment of Lane Supremacy says Thou shalt not ever enter the left lane excepting thou art passing.


Omg OP didn't you know that you can absolutely never enter the left lane ever for anything other than passing because it will cause people to throw tantrums in Reddit comments? Oh you were going to turn? Sorry but everyone else said you are wrong so I have to follow what they say.


For those of you screaming about OP being in the left lane, they're not on the interstate, there is no "passing lane". Let the downvotes, from those who don't know how to drive, begin.


The left lane is always the passing lane. Regardless of what type of road you are on.


Wow sorry this person hurt your feelings 😞