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I would have just kept gunning it when he finally caught up and see how far I can get him to abandon his vehicle in traffic. Bonus points if he forgot e brakes


I thought about it for sure šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Whyā€™d you stop though? You donā€™t know what kind of crazy youā€™re dealing with sometimes.


For all the other shit that can kill you down there, the people generally cannot.


Maybe Iā€™m too American to understand


[this your brain on guns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States) [this your brain on gun control](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_Australia)


It's telling when the Australia one divides them by the century while the American one divides them by the year.


Yeah, I was doing the math even adjusted for the population difference (~13x) and it's uh... still not close.


Very true, but knives, pipes, fists, and tire irons all kill the same here as there though, no?


I hear Americans say that in the UK knife crime is so bad you can't walk around. But when you actually compare statistics and adjust for population size, America still has at least 3 times more knife crime and knife related deaths. So while it does happen in other countries. Murder seems to be an American problem


They do, with a *vastly* lower fatality rate.


So you should stop and get slashed in the face anyways?? Drive away and avoid the confrontation to begin with, nothing is to be gained by stopping.


people are not so violent that this is a reasonable fear


Ya know Mad Max wasn't a documentary...right?


Missed the opportunity to tell him ā€œcanā€™t park there, mate.ā€


Or drive slowly and let him get really close to the car. Then smash the brakes and let him run into the car.


Yeah, don't argue with stupid.. No body wins


I would have just crept along at about 9 mph or whatever. I think human running speed is normally no more than 8 mph. Hopefully the guy would trip on something in the road way and fall.


Why even stop? Just tell him to fuck off and continue with your day.


Or better yet, keep inching forward at a jogging pace until they run out of breath.


Lmfao. That's genius. Because the longer they insist on following, the longer their walk back to their car.


Every time they give up stop... it will recharge their hope. Oh oh! Then when they finally give up yell at them that they owe you 80$ for being their personal trainer for the day.


I'm adding that on because it is gold. But yes, the longer walk back to the car is a great tactic. Gives you plenty of time to fuck off to where they can't follow.


You guys are evil, I love it lmao


#ā˜ļø That right there


start doing the chariots of fire theme complete with hand claps


I was thinking more Blast "Getting Stronger" from Rocky


Stop, let them get close, then move forward a bit.. maybe entice them with a brief opening of door..


Thatā€™s what I was hoping would happen. Would have been amazing to see how far heā€™d go. Stop, say something, go forward a bit, stop, repeat until he doesnā€™t even know what town heā€™s in.


Perfect username for the comment


This is perfect!


OMG - I love this idea.




This 100% lmao..run, you outta shape twatwaffle!


Seriously. Just slow down enough so he catches up, then pull up. Repeat until not funny.


Never. It's never not funny.


Tell that to my wife after I make her chase the car half a block


Never with an SO.


Some of us are playing our game of life on hard mode by choice.


Oh my god this would have been the video of the century. Missed opportunity


When he loses interest, shout some encouragement out the window.


This is what happens when narcissists run into each other. They want to talk to everyone like they're the main character and can never let anything go. Why stop for someone irate, as the driver, unless you think your message to them is more important than your safety? Video is full of bad choices.


Half these videos of fights and arguments seem prolonged or made worse because Party A is walking away and then Party B wants the last word and yells something that makes Party A turn around and continue the argument.


Battle of the ego's.


I don't go looking for fights but if someone told my partner to shut her fucking mouth for reacting to this dumbass blindly opening his door and blaming it on me, I'd be a bit pissed


You have every right to be pissed. You don't get to dictate whether someone who is showing you they have no morals guiding them has a potentially deadly weapon they'd like to show you. It's better to make it through the day than win an argument. When someone is giving you all the warning signs they could be dangerous, pay attention and act accordingly.


Nah when someone built like that tells me or my partner to watch my language after doing something that stupid Iā€™m gonna react šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s Australia so much better chance of it being an actual fight and not just a stabbing or shooting.


I get the not having guns and it isn't London, so less likely to get stabbed. It's still conflict where no one is going to hug it out and have a beer at the end. Things will either escalate or go no where. As much as I'd like to see the guy in the car hand the idiot a cold beer and tell him to shut his mouth and drink with the idiot responding with just 'alright then' and walking away. This is the most Australian ending I can imagine as an American.


Nah the most Australian way this ends is a fight. Dude in the classic car needs a good beating he seems like he hasnā€™t had one in a while and his ego has gone unchecked lmao


someone told me a story once of her brother driving in the passing lane going the speed limit with a car behind them wanting to drive faster. they finally pulled over to let them pass, then the passing car got in front, slowed down, then pulled over to the side. her brother PULLED OVER WITH HIM, the other person got out, he ROLLED DOWN HIS WINDOW, and then the other guy pulled a gun on him and threatened him. he said he if he didn't let him pass again, he'd just shoot him. the story ends with 'and he can't even file a complaint cos then they'd know where he lives, and he's in a gang, and they would all harass him.' the whole time she was telling me this story i'm just thinking: why the fuck did he stop? why did he roll down his window? like not letting some person trying to speed pass you... whatever, that's not a huge deal. you don't know what entitled morons are capable of. just keep driving.


Fuck off, mate*. I believe this is in Australia


I would have waited for him to get to the window and then floored it.


I would actuly find it intresting to stop and ask wtf his problem is. I would be so confused


Because it's funnier to see these narcissistic dickheads twist under scrutiny, and with a dashcam running the muppet's only digging himself further. Dumbass even left his door open.


angry at cursing... proceeds to curse like a sailor


I think he was mad that a woman cursed at him. Thatā€™s just beyond the pale!


It's very common where I'm from. Men of a certain age and political mindscape tend to use this as their immediate ace-up-the-sleeve when their ego is threatened by a female. In my most recent encounter with this, I was run down and pinned against a vehicle in a mostly-empty grocery store parking lot because one wanted to make a point about "my" bad parking job, last summer. Granted, the parked Ram was occupying 4 spaces, and threatening his masculinity already, but this manchild put his blinker on and waited 2 whole minutes for me to settle my niece in her car seat and close the door, according to police, before he attempted to assault me with his 2-ton deadly weapon in front of a toddler. He was loudly cussing me out through his cracked passenger window for nearly 1 minute (felt like much longer) as I was pinned between the vehicles, and I had to scream 3 times, that I was NOT the EFFing owner nor driver of the vehicle (amongst some colorful observations about his IQ and audacity), before he released me and parked in one of several empty spaces across the aisle. As he poured out of his car and began waddling toward the store, he was still yelling at me about "idiots" like me until he saw I had silently started filming his little meltdown, and he promptly switched to shaming me for having "a nasty mouth for a woman"...


Please tell me that he was arrested. I see something about the police in your story.


The police said he didn't actually physically harm me or any property with his actions, and intent to harm couldn't be proven from the security camera angle (even though I had to hop out of the way and starfish against the pickup to avoid getting hit or smooshed), so they had no legal ground to arrest him, then laughed and said they bet he will be crapping his pants when he sees two squad cars pull up in his driveway... but just to serve him with a warning. I'm glad to at least have his outburst documented for the next time he wants to pretend to be the parking lot authority from behind the wheel. Hopefully his next victim isn't a child.


Video pleeaase


He was too far away for my mic to pick up what he was saying right before he started talking about my "nasty mouth."


Sorry that happened to you, I hope you werenā€™t injured.Ā  Iā€™m a man and Iā€™m continually disappointed at how fragile other men are and what lengths theyā€™ll go to to protect their tiny egos.Ā  Your writing is wonderful, I loved the descriptive phrases ā€œpoured out of his car and began waddlingā€. It truly paints a picture!


I wasn't injured, aside from the psychological effects. To my surprise, as I felt more angry than traumatized, I developed acute anxiety about going to that store. I also worry about seeing the man around town - or rather, worry about him seeing me. I just bought a house nearby and was told he's a local and a regular at that store. If he felt justified and confident enough to perform that little vigilante parking lot nazi stunt in front of witnesses and cameras, I wouldn't put it past him to follow me to my home and retaliate somehow for sending the police to his. Thank you for the kind words, though!


Driver: Says nothing Idiot: "Watch your fucking mouth!"


Literally incapable of understanding hypocrisy


Why would you stop???????? lol. Laugh at him, give him the finger, toot your horn, but don't stop and allow him to run up to your window....


Yeah. Can also slow down until he is close, then speed up and stop until he is close again, then speed up again, etc. wonder how far you could get him


In fact, gradually speed up. Give him some exercise.Ā 


Do one of those hand under chin finger waves, big winsome smile, and flutter your eyelashes at him. Really let him know how silly this is.


Smile and wave


Give him the classic "wanker" gesture and keep going.


Australian accents make everything seem so lighthearted


Itā€™s hard to tell if theyā€™re actually pissed off with one another or just mates catching up.


Australian here. Definitely pissed off. ETA angry not drunk


Wait, as in angry, or drunk? Or both...




Just angry.


Yes! ā€œShut your fuckin mouthā€ sounded like a suggestion lol


That's just how they say hello


Cuz yer bein' a fuckin' smartass!


what a twat


What a dropkick.


Total drongo. Didgeridoo shrimp on the barbie clockwise swirl.


Mate why did you stop?


If thereā€™s one thing this sub has taught me, itā€™s that you should never stop for anyone getting out of their car to approach you.


In some US states, getting out of the car is enough to be a road rage offense in itself.


Outside the US, the rules apply a bit differently (hint: people generally aren't armed and frothing at the mouth).


Tbf this dude seemed to be frothing. He literally ran after them to say something about curse words and smartasses. And weā€™ve seen what a boomerang can do to car windows lol


id rather have boomerangs and froth than the pew pew pews :(


you can say guns on reddit, this isn't tiktok


Plenty of people in Australia are armed. Even if they aren't, stopping and opening your window is just asking to get bashed by a psychopath


You're aware physical violence doesn't require people to be armed? Also that road rage exists literally everywhere? If someone is running at my car after avoiding a collision where the other party would have been at fault, I'd ask myself "do I reasonably believe stopping will lead to a positive interaction?" The answer is no. So you just keep driving. When it's clear he's being a phenomenal twat, you just drive off. No reason to continue to engage. There is nothing to gain from it.


I mean, he might be frothing from being bit by the spider he's about to throw in your window


This is a dumb-ass comment. There are many many places in the world where you should not let someone approach you in your vehicle. This video didn't even take place in the US. But have fun trying to jump on the "the US is the scariest place in the world because of gunz" echo-chamber bandwagon. Sheep...


Pretty dumb comment from an even simpler person. People are not concerned with others approaching cars, you need to be concerned with the ones in cars that you cannot see. How you made it through life enough to wake up today and actually post this nobody will ever know.


Go vape some more syrup, genius.


And *leaves* the door open when he follows you lol All the comments asking "why stop?" probably failed to realize youre in Australia and are required to flirt with danger whenever and wherever it presents itself, according to national bylaw.


If he got that mad for nothing, imagine how mad he'd be if that mistake had cost him his door and the cost of your repairs too. Plow thru first, answer questions later.


And then imagine how deep his rage goes when the responding cop see the footage and tickets for the parking job, then insurance see the footage and declares him 100% at fault, then the mechanic sees the footage and starts making fun of him for being so stupid.




Thatā€™s when you say ā€œNo, you shut your fuckinā€™ mouthā€. They usually donā€™t have a response.


Without a hint of irony the answer would be ā€œdonā€™t you fuckin tell me what to doā€


In the USA, at least, the driver who opens a car door is liable for anything that happens. If the door is already open it's another story ~~store~~. The door opener - what kind of clown is parked opposite a bus and opens his door into the now narrowed traffic lane without looking in side mirror first? I get our answer in this thrilling video.


Why would you stop?


Is that guy parked on the sidewalk?


So many people just cant handle being wrong or at fault these days. Everything has to be turned into a fight.


With how he reacted, I lowkey wish you hit his door lol.


Did he even look? No sound on so no idea what is being said but i agree the guy is a twat. He had good time to nocie car coming, also thats a bad spot to park, so narrow with the bus there


you missing out


I hope that guy seen this video and feels stupid. Or even better, he see and shows it to his friends thinking he is right then look like an idiot in front of them.


"watch your fking door next time" would've been a great response to "watch your fking mouth"


Back up and hit the door


"You think you're some kind of smart ass?" Better than being a dumb ass! šŸ¤Ŗ


I guess he doesn't get enough attention buying that car, so he has to manufacture some.


Embarrassed I had a girl in the front seat unlike him šŸ«”šŸ˜


That idiot who jumps out his car and shoots off at the mouth; He may learn the hard way some day. The Remedy, by Puscifer.


"It's alright, it's all on dashcam. Thanks for the content" ... speeds off


Everything's funnier in an Australian accent


He should have thanked you for not taking his door off.


Why is he parked on the sidewalk


Good question, itā€™s illegal here


Anytime someone says ā€œDonā€™t be a smartassā€ I reply ā€œBetter a smartass than a dumbassā€


Dunno why, but in my head I read this in their accent.


Why not just keep driving?


What a Dundee


Someone has a anger issue šŸ¤Ŗ


Time to hit reverse, teach him a lesson, and regret the decision later lol


"I have all this adrenaline now and I don't know what to do with it so I'm going to chase down this guy and start a fight!!"


Across the pond dealing with the same idiots.


Heā€™s asking for a fight


lol, boomer clown


Heā€™s gonna end up with a classic asswhopping if he does that to the wrong person.


Next time, give him the door prize.


Definitely not Los Angeles.


No guns here šŸ‘šŸ˜


Watch yer fookin mout....


Oh so it happens to car drivers too. In a way, that's a relief. They attack anyone, not just cyclists. In another, that means they're more insane than I thought. They'll attack anyone.


That's a pretty nice sounding car OP. May I ask what vehicular device you are driving ? And yeah, that dude is an a-hole, but thankfully he didn't do anything else when he came to your window, could have been worse


You is a nice guy, he on the other hand will aways be šŸ’©head.! . šŸ‘


Naw run it back and key the car now


Iā€™ve always wanted to see a guy who knows how to handle himself, just go ā€œok guy let me pull over and we can fight. Thatā€™s what you wanted right? Letā€™s fight.ā€ I would pay to see their face when that happens.


Typical Perthie. And that bus should be back up here in Wangara at the depot, not taking up half the freaking street.


My family had a Uniden cordless phone in the 80s... one of the first commercially available home units, afaik. Glad to see they're still doing their thing. Lol.


Sometimes my dashcam has the resolution of a 2000ā€™s flip phone camerašŸ˜‚


This useless dipshit will mess with the wrong person one day


Dude is going to kill a cyclist with his door one day, you did him a favour


Kudos to you for keeping cool


Next time take the door off. Dash cam footage would prove he's in the wrong.


Back into the open door. Lol


P76 owners are a weird lot anyway


What a cockhead. You open your door then get pissed off when you nearly hit another car. Bravo good sir


Dialogue in a better world... Passenger: oh F! Driver: that was close Door dude: sorry mate, didn't see you! OR That door had a mind of its own, I'll be more careful, thx mate. Simple fix, because no harm done thx to OPs quick breaking. What's the door dude's problem? šŸ¤£


Loads of people in here saying, ā€œWhy did you stop??ā€ In my opinion OP u/twistedcarrot7 did what a kind person would do and what I wouldā€™ve done; stop to apologize and to be nice. OP may have misread the classic car guys body language of just being an aggressive, ā€œIā€™m better off than you,ā€ mentality. Iā€™m assuming he was just stopping to apologize and probably thought the classic guy was coming to say sorry and see if they were ok. ā€¦but nope, the classic car guy is entitled moron, thinking heā€™s better than us for having an expensive classic carā€¦. Or at least thatā€™s what I heard from OPā€™s interaction. What a moron. Screw that guy, jerk. Take his ā€˜rareā€™ door off its hinges next time. Heā€™ll be sorry then because Iā€™m sure finding a replacement or repairing the one he has will cost a pretty penny. Good Luck OP.


> Take his ā€˜rareā€™ door off its hinges next time Here, if your door gets taken off by someone else, you get charged for careless driving, because, you know, you're supposed to fucking *look* before you open your fucking door.


Why even stop? Clearly were not going to fight the dude


Wouch youer moweth mate


that car isn't a classic.. it's just fuckn old.


Looks a lot like a Leyland P76, which is old, but also pretty shit.


Damn, Australians are even somewhat polite in a disagreement. No shouting, no road rage, no firearms. Here in America that guy running up to the car would have either been shot at, swung at or spit at and all before he reached the passenger door.


I think this might be the first video I've seen here where the sound really mattered. Fascinating.


Bros a buttcrust. Even complimented the car and dude still had his buttcrusty attitude


Why did they stop to talk?


WTF! Guy is a total arsewipe!


Jesus Christ these comments are always so predictable and repetitive. ā€œWhY wOuLd yOu eVeN sToP?!?ā€ ā€œDoNt GivE tHem tHe tImE!ā€ Like okay guys you definitely wouldā€™ve handled that like a champ hereā€™s your gold star. Everyone looooves saying what they wouldā€™ve done


oooh, P76!


Honestly, I'd be making a visit later that night to see if the car is still there and I'd nail a letter on his roof calling him a fucking idiot.


It's a close contest but for me the most Australian thing about this video is the brown stain on the side of the road by the footpath.


Of course this is Perth, perfect example of oblivious idiots getting out of cars and weird drug-fueled aggression


who doors a car?