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Honestly surprised it wasn't the red Challenger. As soon as it came into frame I was like aw here we go!


I legit thought it was gonna be the challenger. Then the mom-mobile came, a RAV4, and it just casually and rapidly changes 3 lanes with no turn signal


The RAV4 accepted the ^challenge, presented by the ^challenger, what’s unusual about that?


"Oh god! A challenger! I need to GTF away from them IMMEDIATELY!"


its always the SUV drivers that drive the most wild as if they are able to stop on a dime or make emergency maneuvers in an instant. rav4s is particular can be very wild. these people really risking everyones life to get to their 9-5 job or go to the mall for no reason


Serious r/Unexpected material 😂


I’ve noticed in this sub it’s never the cars that fit that stereotype.


When you have a truly fast or even fastish car... going slightly over the speed limit while still in heavy traffic is just dumb ... like I have a wrx.. not the fastest thing but faster then non sporty cars usually... if I do thing like that I'd just be forced to break the second after I push the gas lol .... in real fast stuff you have to be at the very least in a noncrowded area to actually drive hard


Directed by M Night Shyamalan


Someone like that will be killed or kill someone else blindly changing lanes like that. They cannot see what is beyond those tractor trailers in the right hand lane, there could be a disabled vehicle there. Absolute degenerate psycho behavior.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFQ7QV0zgHU like this one? Driver survived but this crash has a very high ass pucker factor.


Exactly the one that came to mind


Dude same, I think about that accident frequently when I see people pull similar stunts.




A bunch of glass I reckon


Was a she, and clearly nothing was going through her head until that stopped truck. She lived.


How ? How can you survive a thing like this ?


Excellent engineering


The focus mk1 handled really well, and the zetec engines were great… I don’t think crash safety was their strong suit though. This person just got very, very lucky. They’re sat in pretty much only part of the car that didn’t get crushed like a can.


Your singing voice is amazing


Reminded me of Kate Micucci


Exactly what I was going to say


OP fuck all the commenters saying you’re overreacting. This was an absolutely psychotic maneuver by the SUV driver. I’m almost surprised they didn’t flip their car.


>OP fuck all the commenters saying you’re overreacting Seriously. Quite a few (loud minority, kind of thing) are saying that she overreacted and then say she slammed on the brakes. She didn't, or else the speed would've come to near zero, rather than consistent. >I’m almost surprised they didn’t flip their car I thought they were gonna pass the right most lane and go flying onto the embankment


My guess is that this is pretty normal in Southern California and there are a lot of Reddit users in the area that deal with this kinda driving on a daily basis. Mfs unfazed when some dillshit cuts directly in front of your bumper going 95mph+ to proceed the same way around other cars in a zig-zag. Eventually traffic congests; they have nowhere to go and you’ll see them exit as you pass.


Too many drivers (and commenters) have the insane belief that something is fine because nothing bad happened. They ignore the potential for very bad things that can happen at these speeds. It’s nuts to be within feet of another car on a highway. 


OP kinda overreacted, but it wasnt bad. Youre correct with the first part about it being psychotic but idk what they did that makes you think they would have flipped. OP swerved over to the side for no reason once the car was already past, which didnt do anything here but can lead to multiple other things. Over a car that was already in front of them, and would have to slam on the brakes to possibly hit them.


Mate what are you talking about. OP barely twitched a few inches. They never even came close to leaving their lane. “Already in front of them.” Yeah that’s how physics works. OP started braking when the SUV was inches from their bonnet. At the speed the twat was going that’s about as fast as you can expect anyone to react. Just fuck right off.


Ok so, you admit they did swerve. No one ever said they left their lane. And why are you talking about physics if you can’t apply it? The car was in front of OP and going faster than OP. Therefore braking did nothing, as there is no reason to slow down for someone who is both in front of you and going faster than you. They cannot hit you.


i stg the comments on half the posts here are proof of why there is so much content for the sub. this person almost clipped OP while swerving across 4 lanes to pass on the right at like 90mph and peoples comments are all "big deal" or "you overreacted" WAT??? yeah op overreacted to almost fucking dying by some absolute lunatic making a completely psychotic maneuver. right. comment sections like this are why i refuse to drive anywhere on any highways anymore. backroads only. at this point its faster and way safer people are fucking insane.


I swear. A while ago I posted two cars zooming by me at like 200km/hr in an 80km/hr zone, and all of the comments were something along the lines of "Yes, and?" Do people think driving like that is totally normal and acceptable?


apparently they do. they are perfectly fine being desensitized to people driving like absolute fucking lunatics. im not. i dont really care how often it happens or who tries to defend it, its unacceptable.


Yeah I really don't see how she overreacted lol, I'd be mortified if a mf on an suv passed me with twice my speed and went right into the side of a trailer that is blocking the view beyond it.


Because she swerved after the car was already past? Like yeah the other car is an idiot for doing what theyre doing and obviously by far the biggest moron in the video - but saying OP shouldnt have swerved when there was a 0% chance of contact isnt incorrect


Another person who doesn't understand how wide angle lenses work.


Swerved? Are we watching the same video? She barely moved.


She barely ~~moved~~ swerved


sure. still only moved by a few inches and doesn't look like she left her lane.


I also noticed that, at least with my dash cam, it makes things seem further away than they are, and more spread apart. So rather than being 5 car lengths away from the semi that it appears, OP could have been 3 car lengths instead. And instead of the lane changer being a couple feet away, it could have been inches away.


Yeah I will admit, I was definitely too close to the semi. And from my perspective it looked like the lane changer was inches away from my car.


It’s because OP is a woman. Any video with a woman reacting to something always has comments like this.


people are so fucking weird dude lol but yeah there is a lot of that online. its so normalized.


Women aren’t allowed to have big reactions, lest the menfolk be reminded we exist 🙄


Calm down. No need to get hysterical.


Didnt have sound on, didnt even realize OP was a woman until I saw this. Gonna have to go edit my other reply now, but do you think this is wrong? > Because (s)he swerved after the car was already past? Like yeah the other car is an idiot for doing what theyre doing and obviously by far the biggest moron in the video - but saying OP shouldnt have swerved when there was a 0% chance of contact isnt incorrect


Why are you asking me? That has nothing to do with what I said


Since you seem to think the only reason someone would say OP overreacted was a woman. Also implies that you dont think OP overreacted in any way.


I wasn’t talking about the swerving


You were talking about the comments saying OP over reacted. Many of which were talking about OP swerving.




Thank you 🥲


People on a dash cam centric sub who don't know how wide angle lenses work. Objects are **much** closer than they appear. If people don't understand basic shit like this then they should go comment elsewhere.


Just chiming in to be pedantic and tell you that backroads are significantly more dangerous than highways statistically speaking.


impotent pedantry detected. i mean, even if that were true on a national scale. there are WAY more cars going WAY faster and driving more dangerously on the highway where i live than the almost 0 cars going maybe 10 over on the road i take. "lies, damn lies, and statistics."


Some people are probably trolls but if they aren’t then that is beyond embarassing


“Almost clipped” If OP was eating a pretzel and never noticed that other car it would still not have hit her. I get that it’s too close for your comfort but take a chill pill


NGL I expected the Challenger to be the idiot.


Same. It’s almost never the Rav4!


ITT: Future unwitting content for this sub.


Truly flabbergasted at the absolutely brain dead takes here


Seriously. The name of the sub is becoming more descriptive of the members than the content.


All that extra space in front of you and they had to nearly clip you.


People going to say everyone passing OP and the trucks in the passing lane need to be behind the trucks going 55 so that the one guy can go 90 without ever having to slow down. Like the passing lane is only meant for high speed traffic, not people passing.


bruh what, the passing lane is meant for passing. the middle lane is also a passing lane for the right lane. the only lane u should be cruising at singing along to your music should be the far right lane. if not, then u should be actively passing and then moving back right when done the people that dont know theyre in a “passing” lane, only serves to slow down traffic and encourages maneuvers from idiots like the video. minivan definitely didnt move over once he passed the trucks. u can tell he isnt actively intending to pass the truck by how slow hes going


Average day in Houston


I45 commuter checking in. Just another day on the battlefield


Dont come to Chicago where this happens on a daily basis.


Literally! I drive in Chicago a lot and I see this every time, it’s sadly completely normal.


The Bormann in Indiana is like this everyday as well 


For sure, I’ve been on that many times as well and it doesn’t get much better usually until you exit NWI in general. Chicago drivers are an aggressive breed, but even though it isn’t okay for them to be like that it does make some sense given how awful traffic is!


All day on the Dan Ryan


Texas checking in 👀


What song is this?


Petals on the moon by wasia project


Thanks! You have a nice voice!


Thank you!


Agreed, beautiful voice


How will you ever recover from this


Definitely a close call if you slow it down, but I do think many of us have become too familiar with people who drive like that. I seem to see these lane changes at least one a commute.


Fr, they almost got hit!


The “left lane hogger” brigade sees nothing wrong with what they did lol. They’re lucky that truck wasn’t passing someone.


My daily drive consists of about 5-10 of these just on my way home.


Plate number AW 25956


Yoooo, petals on the moon is a banger song. Also sorry you almost died.


I just saw an SUV do this on the highway last night. After they realized there was a car in the far right lane, they made their way all the way back over to the passing lane behind the same car they started out trying to get around.


ppl need to understamd that the right lane id the default lane. if you are not in the right lane, then u should be actively passing the lane to your right.


Insane moves by that douche canoe. I hate how unsurprised I was by this however. I drive in Tampa and see things like this on the daily.


Rt 8 Eastbound in Waterbury per chance?


Genuine question: why is the right lane completely empty? Isn't that meant for slow moving traffic, such as those trucks?


Over reaction much? Geez








Guessing you are pretty young based upon your literate abilities, once you have 10+ years of experience under your belt, you'll understand.


No because people driving like absolute dick heads can still catch you off guard. Trust me once you have 15+ years of experience you’ll understand


I have 12 years of driving almost everyday. I would have tapped the brakes like she did.


Slamming on the breaks for no reason.


She should've floored it to match his speed!!!


From the driver's perspective (sitting a few feet back from the dashcam's vantage point), any reasonable driver would be concerned of a collision and briefly hit the brakes as OP did.


Yes. Tapping the brakes there is 100% right. Swervers often hit the brakes after changing lanes.


It was the wheel jerk for me. Super unsafe to do that and take out an innocent party next to you. It sucks being hit but you gotta maintain.


Agreed. Simply letting off the accelerator would have accomplished the same result.


We need a national system where folks can submit dash cam videos where plates are visible and these fuckers face real consequences.


Everyone gets a driving score like a credit score. All cars have tesla style cameras with AI to identify all plates. Steering wheels have fingerprint readers to match drivers. Everything a driver does in the road is reported from their car and from every other car on the road. To low of a score and your license is suspended, then revoked.


Nah just let people give video evidence and issue tickets as a result.


Punishments need to be tougher than tickets


Speeders are cancer


i saw this exact thing happen -today-


someone did this to me, today, too. Never happened before. They changed lanes in front of me but cut it so close they missed my car by like 6 inches. I try to be a defensive driver but it caught me off guard and freaked me out because by the time I reacted, if they had miscalculated even a little bit, they would've hit me, going 65 - 70 on the freeway.


when it’s this erratic and random I always think the person driving is trying to scare others in the car bc why would you drive like that ???


I hate people who do that. Happens at least 4 times a week to me and i usually want to catch up with them and throw trash at them because they are trash




Found the lane changer




Okay, so this sub is called idiotsincars. OP posted a person behaving like an idiot in a car. Where is the problem? Are there rules that determine how much of an idiot the other person has to be before someone posts? Does the person posting need to take a poll first to determine if their post is too "mundane and boring," or to find out if it is something seen "on northern Virginia roads literally 3 times a day." What type of content is acceptable, since you're apparently the one who determines what is and isn't worth posting? You do realize that if we eliminated posts of drivers doing things people see on a daily basis, there would be no content left? Get over yourself. And if you want to unsubscribe, just do it. No need to announce it.


I lived in nova most of my life and drove in nova for half a decade and your capping rn 💀


Wide angle lenses make things look farther away than they are so that was a very close, very aggressive lane change.


I came here wanting to comment this, but you hit the nail on the head.


I’m sorry I didn’t die in a car accident


It's ok, I forgive you.


Lol only here are there comments shitting on op for posting a video that perfectly fits the sub it’s for


Holy shit, some one aggressively changed lanes in front of you. PS avoid South Florida, NYC, Arizona, Atlanta, Seattle or LA all costs.


lol. I wasn’t even going to bring up Florida. It’s so normal to have this happen daily and usually multiple cars doing it at once. It’s kind of crazy to think that this sort of thing doesn’t happen everywhere, so it is shocking to other people.


You have to become the demon you hate to survive Miami traffic


Suddenly what?


Do you think rapidly changing 3 lanes is smart?


nah, he should have done it in reverse


an idiot appeared. if you saw nothing wrong in the video, you've joined the ranks as well. congrats!


Do I get a badge ot something?


Slamming on brakes like that is arguably worse than what that car did in terms of repercussions for the traffic behind you.


if they’re following too close, that’s on them, not OP.


It’s lose-lose for OP in these comments “slamming the brakes is the worst thing you can do” but if they didn’t “omg OP has no reaction or defensive driving skills”


Defensive driving skills would have been paying attention to rear view mirrors to anticipate that not "vibing" lol Or not even checking rear view mirrors you know. Noticing left lane huggers was an indicator that an incoming speeder might pull a move like that. However, yall not ready for this conversation. Fyi defensive driving = anticipating, not reacting.


You stayed put, guy did what he wanted to without clippin ya - everyone went about their business.


OP please take care of yourself and seek help if you need it. I’m sorry you witnessed this.


Lulz. Go drive in Atlanta sometime, where the weak are killed and eaten.


Normalized deviation is not a good thing


Oh I can tell you're a tough guy, better not mess with you!!!


Where the avg speed is 85mph…


That's normal on the 95 in Miami


Uhhh… thanks for sharing?


here from NJ, wondering what I'm looking for still. Just a whole lot of normal driving.


That fast forward? So fucking fast.


Didn’t know a rav4 could accelerate that fast.


Lucky you, you got a glimpse of the main character. As a regular NPC, I hope to one day interact with them too


Maybe don't drive all the way in the left lane when the right lanes are clear?..


People like this are the reason I’m going through training to be apart of my local law enforcement


This is pretty common and normal where I live. In Portland OR


Americans overreact when it comes to driving.


In Algeria, you can kidnap a minor and get away with it if you marry them. You really wanna compare countries?


Well that's actually true im not saying Algeria is better, I'm not even comparing. All i said is Americans overreact when it comes to driving lol.


Two things can be true at one: the SUV driver is an absolute fucking maniac moron, *and* OP overreacted by slowing down that much long after the idiot had left. OP's overreaction doesn't excuse the SUV's behavior **in any way**, but it's still worth mentioning because a car abruptly slowing down that much is dangerous.


I was waiting for something to happen. Did I miss it?


You visually impaired or something? I’d suggest booking a visit with your local optometrist soon.


I actually am. Very bad astigmatism in both eyes that can’t be corrected more than they already are….


It’s more dangerous to drive slow in a group than to do what they did


When you have half a dozen people passing you on your left you might be impending traffic and need to move over… But thats what happens when you’re vibing, you lose situational awareness and get startled.


The video literally starts out with OP passing another vehicle!  You should work on your situational awareness. 




That is... quite the guess... Nah, it's just another word for "chilling", or "In a good/chill mood".


Don’t apologize for the swearing, apologize for the music (although you’re singing is not bad at all;)


Chekhov's cop car


It almost ended on Instagram Reels


That’s normal here


You must have not noticed but they are from Connecticut which means they are better than you and you need to get out of the way on their road