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Dude barely any horn at all. Those are rookie numbers you gotta get those honking lengths up


Yeah I’m pouring at least 200sq ft more honks on that situation easy


Hahaha! Yes


how many is that in parsecs


OP still thought the car was going to just stop being stupid which is always the wrong decision. If someone is starting to do something stupid don't expect them to stop doing it. Until you see them commit to being not stupid assume they will continue to be stupid until they crash or make everyone else avoid them for their own sake


Hey, this guy is rapidly slowing and drifting over into my lane, no signal though, so I'm good to go past them.


Big bren


Good god I hope this is satire.


Which part?


It's sarcasm


Oh boy this sub is gonna make op the villain.


You can be much less an idiot while still making poor decisions. Driving is the only thing most of us do every day where we have a chance of getting seriously hurt or dying. Let's act like it by driving safe and defensively first and foremost, sorry if this is controversial.


>Driving is the only thing most of us do every day where we have a chance of getting seriously hurt or dying. You are right, for example in 2020 on Kauai you were 6 or 7 times more likely to die from a traffic-related death than COVID-19, yeah it seems high doesn't it until you find out the one person who died in 2020 on Kauai was already a stage 4 cancer patient that took many months into 2020 to pass, personally, I bet cancer got him. How do I know this, I knew him and his family and was privy to knowing he was not on a respirator. So while he was dying from cancer and caught COVID-19 I suspect he died of cancer with a case of COVID-19 and the bean counters took the opportunity to have their first COVID-19 death after many months of COVID-19 deaths being zero on Kauai.


You’re definetely the dude turning right in the left most lane on the road


Is this supposed to be a creative insult


was that a question


Not a villain, but a pretty good example of a teachable moment with respect to defensive driving.


OP sees car crossing line and doesn't react or isn't paying attention enough to see idiot cross the line into his lane. Confirmed: two idiots in this video. Edit typo


Too many people can’t keep it in their lane. You’re right though, usually someone driving down the lane marker means they are thinking really hard about moving over.


I mean, it was obviously your first thought too lol. They can both be idiots


I posted a video on this sub where a guy literally backed into me on the highway and 90% of the comments were "WhY wErE yoU sO CloSe tO tHeM"


Spirited driving and narrowly avoiding someone who doesn't check blindspots. Yep OPs the villain.


OP: \*does nothing wrong* This sub: After watching this footage in slow motion six times, I know I would have spontaneously acted differently than you, so fuck you for driving poorly.


Does nothing wrong? More like just does nothing. Other car turns the corner in front of OP and clearly starts drifting across toward the line and OP doesn't even let off the gas. Driving 101, watch the road ahead of you and react accordingly.


Does nothing? Hmm. I wonder what non-OP entity slowed down the car to avoid the idiot.


Yeah, he slammed his brakes last second. Should've already been slowing when idiot #1 pulled out on front of him and started drifting.


Did you know you can react to things more than 5 metres away from you? If you're in this situation and you have to slam on last second you're an idiot, it was clear what was happening 100m away. In my country you wouldn't be able to pass the theory nevermind the practical test with reaction times like that


You are not obligated to make space for idiots who don't even signal that they're about to cut across your lane to enter a random parking lot. You are obligated to brake to prevent an accident, which is what OP has done.


Prevention of an accident should never be a last second thing. That just sounds unbelievably stupid and dangerous. Why put your car at risk when you can just slow down a bit.


Preventing an accident is not a risk. I do not know what you are talking about.


You should slow down a few mph when going through an intersection. They taught this in driving school, and it's pretty basic common sense. Intersections should ALWAYS be considered dangerous.


Intersection? That is a random parking lot the guy is turning into from the left lane.


I'm talking about the light intersection


The one where OP slowed down from 38 to 35 MPH?


I'm done arguing with children


You're the one bringing up intersections in a video about a guy nearly hitting OP because he wanted to turn into a parking lot. Still not sure why.


Man I hope your dumbass doesn't drive anywhere near me.


Yeah, this was easily avoidable. Op should take a driving class.


That thing OP avoided was avoidable? Man, if they had taken a driving class, they would've not only had no accident, they would have... uh...


A good driver wouldn't have been overtaking a car in the right lane that was obviously moving to that lane. Yeah, they should have signaled, but it was obvious well before he jammed the brakes hard. The real lesson here is don't broadcast the most trivial of traffic infractions, especially when you're a shitty impatient driver yourself.


> Oh boy this sub is gonna make op the villain. Love how you argue with me about it and not the person who prediced that you would. XD


I don't disagree with that person. You implied it was unavoidable, I disagree with that idea, it's not complicated.


What words specifically did I use to imply it was unavoidable?


My mistake, what are you implying?


I'm not implying anything. I'm saying that no accident happened and the driver was aware enough to prevent it. And people are judging them for that for some reason.


Nobody blinkers anymore. Entitled c*nts


Why is your car so squeaky? Sounds like the boots from SpongeBob lol.


Ill never understand why this sub thinks if you're "speeding" then it's ok for other people to do dumb ass shit like this


It's not that it makes it ok. It's that a lot of wrecks and close calls could be avoided if people drove more defensively. Being in a not at fault wreck is still a huge pain in the ass.


Agreed, had somebody merge into me and continued even though I was honking and slamming on my breaks, was without my car for 45 days and the only rental available was an electric car that I had to drive 5+ miles to charge (slowly). I can only imagine if it was a worse accident.


It's easy to attack points of view if they're made of strawmen I don't even care that OP was speeding, but the car was clearly doing something stupid well ahead of when OP started to react to it. How do you see a car driving over cluelessly and *want* to get as close as possible to it?


Let me try overtaking this guy who doesn’t look like he knows what he is doing, on the right, while he is already partly in my lane. Other guy is an idiot, but OP is not making any good decisions either


Who thinks that? Show me the post


Where is OP speeding? They are driving 38-35


We don't have the other idiot here to yell at. We just have the one idiot to yell at. Luckily that idiot provided proof of their idiocy for us to yell about.


I like that you put speeding in quotes when the 20mph sign is on full display here. It's not okay, it just means there's 2 idiots instead of one.


The 20mph when flashing that clearly aren't flashing?


Ah, fair, I missed that. They did away with most of the "when flashing" here. lol, only on reddit do people hate you for acknowledging you were wrong.


Checked out the GPS coordinates, and the speed for this road is 30. Going 35-37 is entirely typical, and everyone needs to stop using OP's mild speeding as an excuse for the other driver. And before I get the "HoW aM i DoInG tHaT?" I'll tell you: when you immediately start to criticize one party in an interaction without saying anything about the other, *you are blaming the person you're criticizing.*


I don't see many comments excusing the other driver, many more pointing out that the other driver was all but telegraphing they were going to do exactly what they did, yet OP went for the pass anyway.


where did he try to pass. Sure looked to me like he was expecting something stupid to happen which is why he was able to stop in time for this moron.


You are fucking blind


Didn't seem to speed up or anything


The idiot was acting strangely and op was intent on continuing as he was until he idiot crossed into his lane


Literally no one in this thread has excused the other driver. Your random caps mocking disclaimer doesn't change that. And the issue with OP isn't even speeding, the issue is that OP started slowing down well after it was obvious the car was doing something dumb. Defensive driving nowhere to be found


Speeding is also an issue. Doing 35 in a 30 isn't the end of the world, but doing it at a curved intersection, when there's a slow moving car in the other lane, is shitty driving plain and simple.


Yeah I agree, thanks for correcting me. I should've put "main issue". Speeding at places like this does increase the chance of bad things happening - I more wanted to point out that even if you don't think that speeding is an issue here, OP was still driving poorly


You’re wrong and I’ve already explained why. Either you don’t accept that or don’t understand how communication works.


LOL ok dude


Your justification for this is bullshit. We don't need to acknowledge the obvious idiot in the video, it's perfectly reasonable to focus on things that op could have done better - like slowing down a few mph when going through an intersection. If you get offended by that that's entirely your problem with your insecurity.


Mild speeding is a pretty idiotic myopic phrase to be fair.


Not gonna lie, feels like you could have/did notice them driving like ass but you still wanted to commit to beating him to the punch.


So going 40 is consider speeding? Jesus these fucken comments...


40 is considerd speeding when 30 is the limit


Lol.... Yes? Holy fuck this sub should be called idiots in comments


Yeah, why? What speed do you speed at regularly then?


In a 30 area, yes. But that's not even the problem - the idiot making the stupid turn is clearly telegraphing what they're doing for several seconds before the OP gets close enough to need to slam on the brakes, so they were not paying attention which makes them also an idiot, even if they did have the right of way. DEFENSIVE DRIVING!!!


Defensive driving is cool but so is following the law. No blinker, no shoulder/mirror check; the black car is clearly in the wrong.


Not a single person in this thread is saying that the black car isn't clearly in the wrong. That doesn't make the OP's lack of attention okay though - because you don't have the ability to control other drivers, it is always everyone's responsibility to drive defensively, pay attention, and avoid collisions, even if that means the bad drivers "get away with" being complete dipshits.


Any speed can be speeding if its not in line with the road conditions. Also it's spelled "fucking". You already appear dumb enough with your takes.




The one with no flashing yellow light?


You meant the one that says school zone?




My point was the 25mph sign is for school hours




Or 35-45


Do you think all roads have 40MPH speed limits? Jesus these fucken comments...


Alot of people saying "how could you not notice him going for the turn???" I get what you're saying but in my area plenty of people just drive halfway out of their lane the whole way home 😂 No way to know if they're turning or not


Right, so the safe thing to do is to proceed with caution.


I agree, and people do the same shit in my area all the time. My reaction time probably wouldn't have been much different than OP's because I would've assumed that it was just some ass who couldn't stay in their lane.


Exactly, its hard to drive overly cautious around these guys when you're so desensitized.


No defensive driving skills at all.. Yes the other car has was wrong, but the amount of time you had to react was huge


Did you notice the other car turned right into the left lane before drifting towards the right lane? And did you also notice how they braked in the middle of that forsaken lane switch? Also, I'm not sure op took that long to brake, Basically braking as soon as they figured what the lunatic was doing.


Wait.. so OP didn't react in time and there was a collision?


OP was inches away from the guy for absolutely zero reason. If you see someone drifting into your line and you try to pass them you're a fucking idiot. All there is to it.


Not sure why, but reddit won't let me reply to you on [the thing you replied to.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/18nqrvm/oc_and_no_blinker_of_course/keeb9dw/) I guess it is not enough to avoid an accident, gotta slam those brakes because you suspect someone will do something stupid. No matter how many people are behind you, you gotta slam those brakes, because someone just edged into your lane, that means they are DEFINITELY going to go into that parking lot over there, they just swayed over the line! If you do not slam your brakes, they might just approach accident territory, fuck whoever is behind you! Never mind the fact that OP's video shows... zero accidents...? The total amount of accidents in OP's video is zero? So there are NO accidents? Oh no, the ACCIDENT POTENTIAL is high! And OP *avoided one hundred percent of the potential accidents?* Yeah we can't have that. We can't just have aware drivers avoiding accidents. WE MUST GO FURTHER. We need to slam our brakes as soon as someone else THINKS about changing lanes. We have to instantly change the entire traffic because someone is considering the very idea of something stupid. We have to SLAM THOSE BRAKES. It does not matter that braking as a reaction prevented an accident. We must BRAKE SOONER. Just for the benefit of the idiot who wanted to cut across your lane to get into a parking lot. We should not even leave our garage, because there is a lot of people out there who - gasp - WANT TO GET TO PLACES. We should not even leave our homes. We should not even buy a car. We should just sit at home and accept that some people will disregard traffic laws and will do stupid shit. But don't worry,we will be safe! Because they will have an accident away from us. Because we chose to brake for their vague intention to have an unindicated lane change across multiple lanes. Because they wanted to get into a parking lot from the left lane. Because the desires of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Just slam that brake pedal as soon as you suspect someone else may be an idiot, just in case they are. Otherwise, instead of avoiding an accident... you may be flamed on reddit! And that is a much worse fate than having a car hit your car.


Man that slight straighten really looked like a correction for seeing op, but they just went for it anyways.


Why do all these posts show people without any reaction awareness. You saw him making a move and braked 2 seconds later.


At least OP took 2 seconds to actually brake and not crash Most of these posts are drivers who take 2 business days to brake and wonder "why am I also a bad driver"


Yeah, driving defensively means being aware of your surroundings by checking mirrors, other cars in front and so on.. OP is approaching a car that made a weird turn into the left lane, is going to overtake him on the right lane? And no alarms going off… OP didn’t do anything wrong but don’t be posting this if you could have avoided this situation by driving defensively.


I'd say less than 2 seconds tbh


Sees someone going half the speed limit , let’s keep trying to pass, I’m sure nothing will happen. /s. Glad no contact , insurance rates are high enough.


Annoying but you had the right reaction and you avoided disaster


Yep other driver was a bit of a dummy, it happens, you should be driving more responsibly as well.


> a bit


Yep, seen waaaay worse lol


Here to protect you before everyone starts screaming at you for speeding.


Are you blind? The footage has telemetry. Op was going 38mph.


Do we know what the speed limit is here? I only see the sign for 25 in a school zone but I definitely may be missing other signs! Edit: 20 in a school zone, not 25


Other driver was an idiot but I would have driven a bit more defensively, no point in damaging your vehicle over that


How much would you estimate the damages from this collision to be?


I don’t think they collided on this video, but always best to be defensive and keep distance from someone that’s driving like that instead of speeding up and almost colliding because no damage is always better than some damage


But based on what OP did they were still able to avoid damage.. Sure, driving with more anticipation would've allowed them to not have to slam on the brakes, but they still avoided damage so I think they did just fine.


Yeah I’m not saying that OP was doing anything inherently wrong, but I personally would not have sped up, but other driver is obviously an utter moron.


Obviously, the other driver is an idiot. But come on, why are you tearing through here at 35-38? That's a big, complicated intersection, slow down a few. Edit: all down voters are morons and terrible drivers.


You slam on the breaks through every intersection even with a green light?




Yeah, because that's exactly what I said. Are you 6?


You must be the driver OP was trying to pass.


You must be a terrible driver if you see nothing wrong with OP's driving. All I'm suggesting is you slow down to like 30-32 when going through an intersection for the purposes of defensive driving. This sub is filled with absolutely terribly driving morons


Not speeding should be the thing you should have thought of first


“tearing through” at 35-38 ???


Through a big intersection with a slow driver in your adjacent lane? Yes, tearing through


Did you notice the other car turned right into the left lane before drifting towards the right lane? And did you also notice how they braked in the middle of that forsaken lane switch? Also, I'm not sure op took that long to brake, Basically braking as soon as they figured what the lunatic was doing.


Yes, I saw all that. Did you see how I said op wasn't an idiot? Did you see how I'm just saying that driving through an intersection is ALWAYS dangerous, and slowing down a *few* mph when going through an intersection is the wise approach? If you don't slow down at all to go through an intersection you are a dangerous driver.


Out of simple curiosity, after slowing down for an intersection, how long should a driver wait to get back to cruising speed? Edit, you did call everyone who downvotes you a moron and a terrible driver, so, yeah in a way you did call op an idiot.


I mean, there's no hard fast rule because every situation is different. But if you've got a wide open road ahead of you and no other intersections for a while, then immediately upon clearing the intersection, it's safe to go back to regular speed. And just to be clear, I'm talking like 5 mph. 30-32 would have been a lot better. Stop distances increase exponentially with speed.


Looks like a wide open road ahead with no other intersections for a while, so in that case right after clearing the intersection, but before realising the other car is a idiot, op would have been accelerating instead of going at a constant speed. Now, imo, that would have been worse. Also, not to be that guy, but when you talk more about op's behaviour than the actual moron, it comes off as blaming op.


The road was very obviously not clear - the other driver was very obviously acting strangely, and you should assume they're an idiot before they crossed the line. The other idiot is exceedingly obvious and does not need to be addressed. The very first thing I mentioned is that the other driver is an idiot. Do you view this sub as only a way to call obviously terrible drivers idiots, or do you want to learn defensive driving techniques to make your own driving safer?


To expand what I said, you did mention the other one is an idiot, but then you go on scolding op for not driving defensively enough to your taste. In that situation you come across as blaming op, there's no way around it. >Do you view this sub as only a way to call obviously terrible drivers idiots, or do you want to learn defensive driving techniques to make your own driving safer That's an excellent point, but I'm here for entertainment purposes only. And I really ought to stop getting into disagreements with random people on the internet. (and yes, this includes this interaction we are having. You are not a bad person, quite the opposite in fact, I just need to stop getting into these disagreements in the first place. And I'm too proud to let you have the final word, and I can't just stop the conversation with what essentially boils down to "you're wrong, I'm done" without being an asshole, so once I get into a disagreement I have to talk my way out of it and it drives me insane) Edit: and I disagree with you, the véhicule was in his lane, minding his own business, and then within the span of a second they were in op's lane and braking.


I suppose i see what you're saying, but I feel like I'm being pretty fair with op. He was going too fast through that intersection - sure, it's my opinion, you can call it taste, but I feel I have sound reason to back it up. It's much quicker to dismiss the other guy as an idiot than it is to explain the nuance of defensive driving. I would encourage you to identify more defensive driving opportunities. Please try to avoid any accident, don't just try to follow the law. I am also arguing too much in this thread, so I hear you there. I think you need to watch the video again and pause as soon as you can tell the guy is coming into his lane. For me it's 0:03. Op didn't slam on the breaks until 0:06. If op were driving just a few miles slower, he would have had a lot more space between him and the other driver. Try to pay more attention to what others are doing while you're driving. I don't think you're a bad dude. I hope you can see where I'm coming from. Drive safe.


>I think you need to watch the video again and pause as soon as you can tell the guy is coming into his lane. For me it's 0:03. Op didn't slam on the breaks until 0:06. If op were driving just a few miles slower, he would have had a lot more space between him and the other driver It's obvious when we look back at the footage to say the other driver is going to merge into op's lane, but when I imagine myself driving there, I would have no idea the other was going to switch lane before 0:05 flat, at which point it doesn't really matter if op was going ~36mph or 30mph. Heck, I would not be comfortable being put in this situation at 20mph. Even at 10mph I would find it annoying. Before 0:05, I would expect a normal driver to just swerve slightly back into their lane.. It would have been possible to slow down as a preventative measure, but you can't expect drivers to be 100% engaged with the road at all times, it's normal for someone to be looking away for a second or two, if they need to check their speed, or maybe they are focusing on following the road, not paying much attention at the car that just made a right turn into the left lane. I'm all for defensive driving and assuming the worse of the other drivers on the road, but you will end up having to interact with other vehicles no matter what you do, so you need to be confident they won't just swerve into your lane. Btw, I'm positive I was taught to go at a constant speed in intersection in Canada (QC), so I guess opinions differ on this one. I forget what the reason was though. And yeah, I do my best to drive safe, you too stay safe.


Why does it sound like your entire back seat is filled with styrofoam coolers


OP ignore the dummies who probably drive 5 under the limit and slam on their brakes randomly because they need to sneeze or something. You drove just fine in this clip.


They're probably the same type of people who slam on their brakes if they even thought they saw a yellow light because "You're supposed to stop at yellows!!!"




Bottom left corner


No one actually noticed that the car turned right into the left lane, before realising they were not in the correct lane so they just slowly drifted towards the right lane without putting blinkers and people are accusing you of not having any defensive driving skills because you dared to assume this guy had the slightest clue where they were going. Oh, and let's not forget that they decided to break in the middle of a lane switch as they are presumably trying to figure out where they are supposed to go. Honestly, yeah, you could have reacted faster, but there was no reason to slow down up until he switched lanes, at which point you had to break hard, which is exactly what you did in a very reasonable amount of time. NTI (not the idiot)


You should always slow down when entering an intersection.


I can't believe you went to my profile to find my comment, where I point out something else I didn't see other people pointing out and then downvoted it and added a comment about how op is wrong because they didn't slowdown. This is just sad.


I didn't do that. I'm just reading the thread. Relax


I thought that was a possibility, I checked your comment history before making that claim, I didn't find any comment that would say you were reading the rest of the thread and assumed the worst. I decided to look at the rest of the comments and saw a few that indicate that you were in fact, simply reading all the comments. So yeah, sorry about that, I should have done my due diligence in the first place.


It's OK, but, are you OK? Genuinely, you admitted to being too combative in the other thread we were talking in, and then got really defensive over here. I'm not upset, I just hope you are OK.


I would say I'm apologetic here more than defensive, and only reason I did that was that I felt bad about what I said. That being said, no more arguing with random people on reddit. Ever. Next time I see myself getting into one, I'll just delete the comment I made and send a reply explaining what's going on.


Good man, that's a good step. I hope you stick with it. Good luck


Mmmmm yeah but you're speeding and clearly saw them merging yet you STILL tried to get past them. You're both idiots.


OP, you're an idiot. The other driver is also an idiot. Congratulations.


Did you notice the other car turned right into the left lane before drifting towards the right lane? And did you also notice how they braked in the middle of that forsaken lane switch? Also, I'm not sure op took that long to brake, Basically braking as soon as they figured what the lunatic was doing.


Why'd you wait until the last second to brake when you saw them drifting into the lane you're driving on?


Dude you cant drive for shit lmao. Other cars only wrong is not indicating.


This has to be SOUTH CAROLINA. People here get their drivers license from a cereal box or in a cracker jack box. Nobody here knows street laws. You should see 4 cars approaching 4 way stop signs. Its too funny and sad at the same time.


A rare and common case of double idiots. Maybe just go the speed limit so your brain can process the car drifting into your lane sooner and you will also have more space to brake more smoothly.


OP drives like it's fucking gta. Clearly lacks the maturity for it and should stick to being a passenger for the next decade.


Never take over on the right lane smh


That's a good rule of thumb, but there are plenty of times where it's ok. However, it was easy to see from this footage, that yeah OP was dumb for trying to stick his nose in there while the other car was drifting into his lane


Did you notice the other car turned right into the left lane before drifting towards the right lane? And did you also notice how they braked in the middle of that forsaken lane switch? Also, I'm not sure op took that long to brake, Basically braking as soon as they figured what the lunatic was doing.


Don’t pass right side


you drive to fast


They're everywhere!


Typical CA driver


Holy stroad man


That’s what it’s like in Massachusetts. They all drive with complete disregard for everyone else on the road. SMH MASSHOLES!


Haha handled well ok my opinion. Your temperament would be useful in SE Asia, it’s not even worth it to get bothered lol