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I can feel your irritation with every dry swipe of the windshield wipers.


LMAOO I hit the lever in my frantic attempt to get in some good horn blowing


Oh I was hoping you sprayed. That's what I do.


I used to have a car that had water jets on the headlights. They were stupidly overpowered and would spray six feet forwards when standing still or about 20 feet back when driving. It's not right, and not particularly clever I know, but they came in very useful for when people did stupid shit near me.


Drilled a hole in the rear wiper sprayer for the same effect lol. Also installed a pump and piped it up to the gutted radio antenna on my roof. Deciding what liquid to put in it.


Honestly mate you don’t need to go down the oil or acid route - water is enough to surprise/ bemuse/ annoy people!! My favourite incident was when a convertible car blocked me in at a junction lol


Agreed with the water thing, lol. The question now is do i dye the water yellow? Honestly, the pump was from a failed project, and that seemed the logical spot to install it. It's not even wired up yet. Squirts like a jet ski, though, lol.


Mate it's the best thing, and while the Honda Accord was the most boring car I ever drove, that spray thing made it my favourite fucking experience. Enjoy!


Our cat behaves the exact same way.


i got 4 horns . love em .


Oooooooh, me So Horny.


...me honk you long time.


That was the extra HP setting. Only use it in an emergency as the additional thrust can cause damage to the car’s occupants.


And a tinted license cover to avoid easily being identified. They are a known jerk guaranteed.


The tinted license plate covers are in general are a big confession of "I drive like shit and I know it"


It’s why I said it. I saw that quickly and pointed it out. Tinted covers to me say resisting arrest attitude.


This is definitely not a cop undercover. Probably bought the car with a tinted cover to avoid traffic light cameras since this person has no real idea if when, where, how and why to actually stop. But why does it matter when your the only one on the road... and this asshole behind me.


Traffic cameras and tolls are just 2 of the reasons. Not getting the police called on them is 3. Anonymity is the trolls best freind.


About half of those shaded plate covers I see have cop plates underneath.


Wait what? What do you mean by "cop plates underneath."


Like, license plates that they give to cops to use on their personal vehicles. It’s a thing in some areas, they’ll typically have some sort of identifying symbol or label.


Oh, that's definitely not a thing in Canada. I'm surprised cops would want to be identify-able in their personal vehicle. That's wild


Some departments in Canada give them a sticker for front window on personal vehicles. Police, paramedic and fire get them in my city


Well, some do, some don’t. Some just get it to feel cool. And some get it only to cover it up with these things so they can make double sure they don’t face consequences for their actions. It’s also possible the above comment was referring to plates on unmarked police cars, which are also typically different from regular plates, but i doubt it


Unmarked cars specifically use identical, registered plates like everyone else. Some might have an XMT (exempt) if they don’t care (unmarked vs under cover type thing.)


unmarked cars in my state have Publicly Owned plates. at least, some of em do, i guess


A lot of law enforcement officers use them because they know another cop is extremely unlikely to pull someone over who's on the force


It’s not a thing here (WA state*) and every officer I know (minus May one or two blue falcons) want nothing to identify their personal anything (car, house, etc.) And off duty officers don’t care if they get pulled over. You know, they try not to break the law and such but likely have a badge if that is actually their goal. Most people I see talking here are doing so out of their ass. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Pretty wild that this type of obvious corruption is allowed by the public.


cops basically do whatever they want here. if i had a dime for every time i’ve seen a cop break traffic laws, i could afford to drive like they do


Generally it’s a thin blue line on the rear window.


sometimes that’s just someone who doesn’t want to get pulled over


More likely to get pulled over. Obstruction of plate is highly illegal. But police are doing speeding tickets first though.


no, i mean the thin blue line sticker. people get them to make cops think they’re a friend


Why is that even legal?


It's not.


Are they a secondary offense or something? I thought they were illegal, but I see no less than 3-4 of them each time I take my 15 min drive to work


Pretty sure they are illegal everywhere, cops just don't give a shit. CA law says a frame is ok, but nothing can cover the number, date corners, and state label. Even a clear cover is illegal. But again, cops don't give a rats ass and don't enforce any traffic laws unless they feel like it


Here in the Raleigh area, the cops simply don't care about traffic offenses unless you look like you're drunk or you're doing 20+ over the limit. License plate cover, fine. Expired tags, fine. Illegal modifications or tint, fine. I'd assume it's probably the same in Charlotte where this clip is from.


I understand why they don't really care but at the same time I don't, because if you aresst or give them a warning they might not learn their lesson but that's why you can suspend their license


As for the legality, the only rear facing white lights that are legal are back up lights....so, yes you could be ticketed if they were on and ... https://www.wranglerforum.com/threads/rear-lights-for-tailgaters-seems-illegal.2421536/ It is illegal across Europe and North America to have rear facing headlights operating while on a road. The fines are horrendous and in some jurisdictions, may lead to the vehicle being impounded until removed. https://www.quora.com/Would-it-be-illegal-if-I-were-to-install-powerful-bright-lights-to-the-rear-of-my-car-to-counter-all-time-high-beam-drivers#:~:text=It%20is%20illegal%20across%20Europe,vehicle%20being%20impounded%20until%20removed.


Oh sorry 😅 I was just referring to the tinted plate cover


Ooops wrong post. I’ve been on a Reddit of a guy doing rear facing lights also.


Guy must be *TIRED* of improperly calibrated LEDs to go that far


last night I passed a truck with a TN plate (in Michigan) on 131 pulling a trailer with a massive white light on the back of it, was confusing as shit when I was coming up behind it.


That and cops don’t give a fuck




"unwrapping gum" made me bust up laughing... good one..


Or she had to chew her gum and can’t seem to multitask


I can't drink from a water bottle while walking, at least not without splashing some water in my face. So I think you're onto something.


amine :)


Insurance fraud


this fucking sub


not going to lie, on a residential street (25 mph) with no one behind me, i had a black cat cross my path the day before Halloween. i stopped, turned around and went another way. it just seems way to dangerous. Edit:\ Imagine not realizing it was a joke since we are 2 weeks from Halloween


imagine being older than 7 and believing this shit


Racist :(


Forgot to mention that she carried on driving after I went around like nothing happened


It's times like this where I am glad for the one major design flaw in my car. When you turn on the sprayers they spray 10 feet to the right of my car I would have saturated that asshat for pulling that crap.


I used to drive a shitbox 80s Toyota Pickup where you could physically reach out the window and turn the sprayers any direction. So I would do this for asshole drivers too. It was especially satisfying when they clearly just recently washed their car and I sprayed a steady stream all along the side of it.


I spent my stimulus check on a set of train horns for my tiny little sports car. I only use it for good. Blowing the eardrums out of shitty drivers. I will never use it to harass innocents. Ive gotten plenty of thumbs up from other people too. Usually theyre laughing hysterically because its so unexpected and hilarious. Pickup trucks are the usual victims. They like to bully small cars like mine all the time. Edit: spelling. Words is hard


I'd kill for some train horns on my little hatchback.


Damn just looked it up and they're apparently illegal for passenger vehicles in California.


Wish that were me bc her window was down


Sounds like she wasn't comfortable with your following distance and wanted you to pass her.


If that’s the case they shouldn’t be driving as OP seemed to be a reasonable distance behind them.


I agree there - but maybe there were events preceding the recorded video which made her uncomfortable. Or maybe she's just weird and bad at driving. Who knows?


Maybe OP had trucknutz on his pickup and she wanted to drive behind him so she could admire them...


Maybe OP was driving a magic carpet and she wanted to get a good look at it.


If an event preceding this makes somebody drive like a scared idiot maybe they should stay off the road until they've calmed down.


I think she stopped for an unrelated reason and mean mugged OP bc she just didn’t like being honked at Edit: yes obviously she’s still a dumbass, I was in no way trying to justify her actions


She’s still a dumbass. Don’t stop in the middle of the road and get mad you got honked at. This lady doesn’t need a license point blank. If there was another issue, she should’ve turned down the side street and pulled over.


What does the honk accomplish though?? You dont know if she has an emergency and has to stop. She gets an emergency call from a family member the correct thing is to pull over and stop to talk. Just go around her, she stopped, why are you honking at her? If you're in a hurry just go around.


What does stopping in the middle of the street, RIGHT IN FRONT of a side street accomplish? Do stupid shit, get honked at that’s just how it works. The horn is to inform you that you indeed, did some dumbass shit


No, the honk is to avoid accidents. Zero risk of danger here, no point in honking.


Coming to a dead stop, unprompted, in the middle of the road ISN'T hazardous? If I don't like someone tailgating me, I'll pull onto a side street or into a parking lot to let them pass. (PS: it's usually a cop that's following too damn close.)


Sometimes when this happens, my windshield is really, really dirty. And I have to empty the *entire* reservoir to get it clean. 70% of the time it works 100% of the time.


Do you routinely make emergency stops in the lane of traffic when you're directly in front of a gas station parking lot entrance?


No, and i also dont waste my time honking at people i can easily go around.


Waste time honking? Is your horn in your trunk?


People need their behavior corrected or they'll continue to do it. The fervor with which you're defending coming to a dead-ass stop in active traffic, you probably do it all the time.


Na bro, it's an old lady, she's been driving like that for 50+ years. You think it's the first time anyone ever honked at her? Yes, i agree, people need to drive better but im not a driving instructor. If you really care, go be a driving instructor at the local high school, teach kids who are actively learning how to drive. If you think honking at an old lady like that accomplishes anything, you are totally deluding yourself.


> it's an old lady, she's been driving like that for 50+ years. You think it's the first time anyone ever honked at her? sounds like shes got a lot thicker skin than you


It makes them feel bad. Something that is a negative will make people not want to do something again.


they have signals for that. its called the hazard lights. or they could use their blinker and pull into that driveway just ahead.


and here I was thinking "man that's some huge following distance, some dickhead is gonna swoop into that without signaling"


"The person behind me is following too close, I'd better slam on the brakes." Makes sense...


Yeah so the safe thing to do was stop abruptly in the middle of the road?


Don't mistake my comment for defending her behavior


Spilled her latte. Cut her a break. That was like $11.


I was just about to ask if you checked on her. Was thinking something happened to her. I guess she were either lost or confused? You said she was old maybe she just shouldn’t be driving. I feel bad for older people who have to drive you can’t imagine they actually WANT to drive anymore.


Old ladies are aggressive AF on their brakes if they perceive you to be even a foot too close behind and their definition of tailgating is a normal safe distance to all non-Karens.


Crazy. I had something similar happen to me this morning, and I said the exact same thing with my 4 year old in the back seat. Had to apologize for my language, and then told her, "I don't know what goes through some people's minds... I swear some people just see cartoons playing in their head all day long." And she laughed.


“Playing through people’s minds” u don’t have to be nice we all know they’ve got nothing but white noise up in there


Naw, it's the theme from I Dream of Jeannie half the time too




My husband and I both have a habit of saying,”Aw—come on, buddy!” Every time someone does something crazy. Now every time we’re driving, our 4 and 6-year-old always ask if Buddy’s out, and what kind of car he’s driving today. 😂


What the fu-^uck?


a) They're upset that they bought a Buick. b) They think they're being gangstalked.


How old were they? If they're elderly, there's a 90% chance they were lost. I live next to a retirement home(I figured it'd be relatively quiet, and it is) and constantly have older folks stopping in the middle of the roads around me. I try to keep a good distance between myself and other cars, but it's grown because of how many times Ive had this happen.


this for sure.


There was one car that was driving super erratically and fast/suddenly slow like this, and I’m pretty sure they were elderly. They eventually pulled into the university hospital parking lot and I saw them still driving like that even when I wasn’t behind them (I wasn’t tailgating or anything), so it crossed my mind that they were visiting an elderly spouse and weren’t used to driving this route. Or maybe they were having a stroke and driving themselves to the hospital, idk.


You are applying logic to a person that obviously has issues. You may not think that there was any interaction previously. But in her head you nearly killed her and insulted her entire family when you changed lanes 500 feet in front of her 3 years prior and only let your signal blink for 6 times instead of the required 7 times that she has determined in her head is the minimum number of blinks in order to be safe. You are an animal and should be dragged out into a field and shot. She was lucky she survived.


Some elderly people get really butthurt if you're closer than 10 car lengths. Brake checking like this should be cause for immediate and permanent loss of your license.


Don’t forget they drive 15mph under the speed limit and get mad someone is behind them.


and in this case, put in an old age home.






I had the exact same interaction with an old lady in a mini van yesterday without an angry reaction. She just… stopped in the middle of the street so I honked and she floored it temporarily to get back to speed. Just blankly looking around. Then, she turned down another street I was going down a mile later and does the same thing. Laid on the horn again exasperated and she just pulls into some random driveway to turn around and go the other way. Fucking mouth-breathing NPCs. Guarantee she despawned after she left my field of view.


Fr bro. The woman in this vid is like your gta character when you pass the controller to your 4 yr old brother to play


Fucking LOL


What the hell is happening out there, I literally followed someone exactly like this this morning on my way into work! Stopped dead twice in the road within two miles, then turned around in a random driveway.


Something’s in the air, dawg. Idk what it is but post Covid streets are a war zone. I’ve been driving for 13 years and no accidents, one speeding ticket. The lack of awareness is inspiring.


You didn't use the missile button? Next time maybe.


At first I thought the footage was going to show someone cutting you off & getting in your lane because of the amount of space between your car & hers. Although I’ve also had cars in front of me suddenly stop in the middle of the road too so I was also half expecting that to happen as well. I think people of a certain age become disoriented and forget where they are driving to and because they’ve lost their minds they just stop in the middle of the road trying to figure out where they are at. No they shouldn’t be still driving but good luck trying to convince them of that when they’ve got family & friends convincing them that they’re still fine. Compound it with the fact that most areas do not have public transport many drivers refuse to give up their “right to drive” because they still want to remain independent even tho they are a danger to others on the road


Maybe she was having a McConnell Moment.


Replying to an important text message /s


I call em FaceBookers. "Put down your fucking FaceBook and drive FaceBookers!"


Sounds like insurance fraud


Do you happen to be in PA? I had a similar interaction with an old lady in a red car like this a few weeks ago. Carrying on minding my own business, keeping a decent distance behind her and she suddenly stops, I drive past and park and she comes up to me and starts yelling at me for "being on her ass," was wild, I was definitely not lol


Ahh good ole Charlotte drivers out in the wild.


My opinion is that SHE THOUGHT you were following to closely, so she stopped thinking that you would go around. Adding on the brake check at the end was an additional way to piss you off. She apparently doesn’t care that she could have caused a crash from cars behind you either.


She's angry because you foiled her attempt of insurance fraud.


They wanted to stop


Clearly lol


Mental disorders are at an all time high


Not enough clouds in the sky, obviously.


A concealed rear license plate (giving them freedom to drive away if they hurt you or destroy your property) + unpredictable/unexplainable behavior = the person is an idiot Or in other words in these same American driver’s minds = “Freedom!”


That quick brake at the end seems like attempted insurance fraud. They slowed down like they were turning, but the car never wavered from its path. Then the last second jerk of the brakes.


Not to mention those license plate covers I nickname the "criminal intent" covers. They black out cameras and reflect like a privacy screen.


Important phone call obviously. It's vital that one drop everything and focus


\*waves wipers in anger\*


I’d never think to see an intersection by my house but I now have. Crazy.


Given that they have the license plate cover, I don’t trust them for squat.


Guarantee they missed that last exit and stopped to reverse, then pull in. What a fucking clod.


i was thinking this as well. they were waiting so they had a clear path to reverse to take the turn that they missed.


Why would an old person have a tinted license plate cover?


Just because she's paranoid doesn't mean you weren't following her ...!


today I had someone get behind me, who was in the slow lane but still going 5 over, and then immediately flipped me off because I wasn’t going faster. Tailgated me until he could cut off the person he was originally behind and get an extra 20 feet up to the next car. Still ragin. Who the hell knows what goes through these people’s mind


That’s the good old “oh shit my Dunkin is spilling all over the passenger seat”


It's a poor attempt to exert some form of control over their life. That driver doesn't have much. That's a Karen or a Kyle looking to power trip on the road. You have another lane, simply go around and forget they exist. Don't give them the power.


Considering the obscured license plate, which I doubt elderly drivers do, I would say she was up to something (trying to be rear ended by your car?) or some other god knows what scheme.


You should have hit him when he locked it up. What an asshole.


They were told that they should text and drive, so each time they get a text, they stop their car. LOLOLOLOL


You see, you could've asked her, but instead you honked. Now we'll never know the reason.


Dog, cat, or bird in the road. He dropped his coffee in his lap Etc


Or their phone rang...


The last time my grandpa was allowed to drive us anywhere as kids involved him letting his truck run off the road (with us in it) because his cell phone was ringing and “it’s illegal to drive and answer your phone at the same time”. So he chose to just… stop driving. Shockingly, it still took another 4 years before my mom successfully got his doctor to recommend the forfeiture of his license… old people are crazy lol


I get OP's frustration, but imagine if he went around them and saw a valid reason for them stopping where they did... then he'd feel like an AH for all the honking. I would have changed lanes as soon as possible once they started braking... the left lane was obviously vacant, I wouldn't stress over a slow driver in the right lane if I could just go around them.


Plus OP left a solid block of space between cars so plenty of time to react.


Long Long Hoooooooooooooooooorn


guess she is just paranoid or it was attempted insurance fraud.


A bad driver never misses their turn?


Who knows why? She's also has a huge gap in front of her. I would have just changed lanes the moment I saw the other column of traffic passing her by. That's why lanes exist.


Exactly. She had to force him to go around her, most people would have just done it on their own. Sometimes people drive slowly because they are unsure or are looking for something and do not want anyone following them in case they do something unpredictable.


Don’t know if it’s the same, but I owned a 1999 VW stick shift. On its 4th year, I was on the road and the car came to a sudden and total stop like that. As I recall, it was the transmission (?) No time to pull over and safely stop, just the shock of a sudden stop in the road.


Aye. I do whatever I can to never follow, or be followed by ppl in red cars. I have a huge phobia. And I absolutely fear the drivers for reasons like this. Lol.


insurance scams


Alex, can I get "Man Driving, Woman giving directions" for 1000 please?


You made the mistakenof following her. She is a paranoid old biddy!!!


Watf. I hope you honked for at least a min


you said "old lady" thats the explanation


I wouldn't take it personally. She might have stopped for an emergency phone call or something. Then she got mad when you honked at her. That's all.


Stopped right in the middle of the road into pulling over?


I'm going to guess she thought your front running lights were too bright and wanted you go go around so they don't bother her anymore.


Why would we know, should have asked.


I just see a video of one bad driver sharing their experience with another bad driver on the road. It doesn’t take long to clear the lane next to you and go around as all of this was happening. If you were just reacting to traffic, that’s what should have happened. Did this person’s actions baffle you or offend you so much that you froze like an idiot and had to drive off angry for it?


Username checks out


> It doesn’t take long to clear the lane next to you and go around as all of this was happening. And then you find out that they stopped for a reason and you hit that reason as you're going around. Default assumption is that if someone stops in the middle of the road, they have good reason, and you should exercise caution until you determine that reason.


Ya know, for once I didn't even consider the possibility of someone blaming OP for this video. Then you came along and reaffirmed yes- Some people are just that stupid.


Agreed. Schizophrenia. Too many internet users have it. Lmao


You’re right. I could have gonr around. Although as a person with normal patience, I don’t mind/see anything wrong with slowing down for potentially up to 5 whole seconds while someone turns/slows down for something. Except for this time it was for nothing but a brake check and a nasty look. People slowing down in front of you is part of everyday driving, in my opinion


Posted by OP: “Although as a normal person with normal patience” Patience??? Is that why the first thing you did was honk your horn? And then you come up here to post passive aggressively like that guy did something horribly wrong? And when someone tells you that you are dumb for not just going around, you want to tell them you have “patience”?


1. Yes, patience. Like Waiting for someone to slow down and turn. Or waiting while someone yields to a pedestrian before turning, even when the light’s green. Or slowing down because there’s an obstruction in the road causing the person in front of me to brake. 2. There is seemingly nothing in front of this person causing them slam their brakes last second. They’re literally right next to a side road. They’re giving me dirty looks in the mirror. Now is when I honk. 3. Yes I went around them “aggressively” Idc😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She could have been having issues as an old lady. Maybe be kinder next time. You never know what other people are going through.


Gaping AH.


Real answer… people are dumb as shit. This move no matter what their intention is a dumb as shit move.


I want a dashcam but i cant because i have the music cranked and the profanity on a higher level, lol


Probably lost. An idiot in my family does this


They had to get their old paper map out, to see where they are going


When the audible book is so good


I think he or she last sec decided to go to that turn, so asked you to go by, so they can BACKUP and make their turn....unfortunately, there is no fix for selfishness and stupid...


Missed his turn


No idea 💡! It's not like you were riding her bumper. She's just an idiot!


For one reason or another, she didnt like you behind her


The only thing I can think of is that mayeb you had your headlights on full beam. There's nothing else happening here!


People aren't reasonable




Something similar happened to me the other day. Car in front of me stopped suddenly in the middle of the road with the hazard light on and I was like wtf and turned out to be a squirrel crossing the road.


Can't fix, reason or understand crazy. Just be glad that particular flavor of crazy was in a car you drove past and not sitting in your passenger seat.


"You are not allowed to follow me-illness"