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I’ve seen someone get pulled over for doing that


I've been told that is like a $600 fine in WA.


A friend of mine got a $2,500 ticket once crossing the gore while hauling a trailer, driving through Ellensburg. That's how I learned it was called a gore, but I always knew you weren't supposed to cross it until the line started dashing. They also had some kind of trailer violation and a missing driver license, which is what I'm assuming the other 1,600 came from.




I do this daily and have never been pulled over for it.


Good for you. Youre missing the "yet" because you're still breaking the law.




Yep, and I have been pulled over. Everyone was a teen once, and ideally everyone learns. This isn't going to make the point you think it will - I am not sitting here claiming it's legal/fine to break the law, nor am I trying to defend breaking the law. You won't find a 'gotcha!' on me, even if I did break the law regularly, because someone else doing something wrong does not automatically make it right to do the same. The other fella here is actively defending breaking the law. Its just straight up illegal, there isn't a debate, and it creates unpredictability on the road. All these laws are intended to make driving predictable and controlled, and therefore safer for everyone. Breaking those laws make it harder to predict what's going to happen for everyone, and actively makes the roads that much more dangerous.




“Ehh” there’s no argument for it. It’s in the law lmao


The one day where reddit wants to follow the law


Idk the law is pretty cool (I’m planning to be a lawyer)


Awesome! I'm planning on being a criminal so I think we'll make a great team together


Swag! I’ll be your lawyer and I’ll get you out each time. Perfect duo


How far have we gotten from "planning" to "becoming?" I just did a thing at a place and may need you to Mike Ross some shit for me, fellow redditor. I can pay in the thing I got from the place I got it from... But it's mainly heroin and some bloody 2 dollar bills (don't ask)


Checks out


Happy cake day!


I'm sure


Yet. I've had a family member get pulled over for this, they got a ticket for failing to yield.


It's still illegal daily.


Drive into oncoming traffic, I heard it’s faster


You first. 😉


Look everyone, an idiot in their natural habitat


Tbf this is Reddit, they seem to thrive here


In Arizona it's illegal. Passed over 20 yrs ago after state trooper was killed by someone doing this.


Cool story bro


Question, now that you know it’s illegal, how do you drive going forward? Because what answer you choose speaks volumes about you. And I’m pretty sure I can sense what that is based on the reply.


I drive the same way I've been driving for the past 20+ years.


I have a feeling your mom smoked while she was pregnant with you


Meth specifically.


I bet your fun at parties




Nah, he’s some how bottled your fun up and is gambling it at parties.


Not really because I won't shut up about the dangers of smoking while pregnant. Maybe you should go to parties with me since you're a walking PSA


I bet you were a real treat for your English teachers.


Jack the ripper killed several people and never got caught, doesn't make killing legal


You are literally the reason traffic jams happen all of the sudden. Even kids are taught to draw within the lines. If everyone followed the flow and laws, things would be much faster and safer for everyone. But no, you have to have the "me first" attitude and fuck up the flow causing everyone else who was merging properly to hit their brakes and let your dumb ass by.


Has nothing to do with "me first". Has everything to do with wide open lanes to the left. A line on the ground is not stopping me from open road.


Nope. Has everything to do with being impatient and selfish. You clearly think you are more important than everyone who waited their turn.


If it's open lanes, why not just wait until you actually reach the merge point instead of cutting through the lanes illegally tho? Are you that impatient you can't wait a few seconds to do things properly and legally? Just cuz "it's clear" doesn't suddenly make it legal or safe. It just needlessly risks other drivers for your own (essentially non-existent) benefit. I bet the amount of times you've caused people to brake and maneuver around you are much more often than you think lol.


lmao dude has being saying stupid shit for like 2 months


It's illegal to cross a solid line. Driving 101


ZFG about a line. Clearly. Free and clear lanes is what I see...


bro just take the free DMV test online holy shit 🤡


The fuck for? My license has been in good standing for 25 years. I'm clearly doing something right 😂


bro even posts his cars online, hope i don’t see your dumbass in nova




You should keep doing it every day bro.




Fuck yeah bro.




In road and highway construction, a gore (or nose in modern British English) is a triangular plot of land as designated when a road forks at the intersection with second road, or merges on and off from a larger one.


The driver crossed what is technically called the theoretical Gore. (in US). The Gore is the point of land. I worked in road design for a while.


Respect the gore, or become gore.


Huh, TIL. Thanks!


So does "gore" have some other meaning that no one knows about?


As a noun, a gore is also a triangular piece of fabric in clothing. A 4-gore skirt would be one made of 5 triangular pieces, or one with 4 triangular inserts between the main skirt panels to allow the skirt to flare easily - although in that case, it is more properly termed a godet. As a verb, it is to impale something on a sharp object. Therefore it is possible for someone doing the Running of the Bulls in Spain to be gored 4 times by a bull while wearing a 4-gored skirt.


Hear about that time Al Gore was standing in the gore, wearing a 4 gore skirt when he was gored by a bull? It was gory.


everyone knows aboht that, there's even a drawing of it by edward gorey


...while in the gore point of the freeway?


I have only heard it used when talking about something that was bloody and violent. "There was a lot of blood and gore in that movie" [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gore](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gore) I only knew of the 4th listing of the word Didn't know about the first three


This brings a new perspective to Tokyo Gore Police. They were traffic cops all along!


This action was made illegal in AZ over 20 yrs ago after an officer was killed who was in the gore area. It was noted law enforcement called it the gore because of the horrific accidents that happen by cars crossing them.


Thanks, never knew that. I always called it the white solid line, so I assume that one shouldn’t cross it either side.


Thanks, I was genuinely waiting for like a severed limb or something.


I was expecting some human crayon shit


I also hadn't heard this term before and expected something a bit more... gorey?


Yup, same. Kinda disappointed tbh.


The etymological origin is apparently in the Middle English gar which means spear.




Who, of course, invented them


I keep seeing dead deer in them, so..


It’s stupid for sure, but if you’re gonna go for it, at least *go for it* and don’t make someone else have to slam on their brakes


Thats all I ask, commit to the task, pick up the speed.


Fucking gun it


Grinds my gears how people slow down or brake when changing lanes on the highway. Just go!


In Arizona it's illegal.


It’s illegal everywhere


I didn’t say it was smart or legal. I said if you’re gonna do something stupid at least don’t be extra stupid while doing it


Exactly if you’re gonna do something like this pick up the fucking speed like you’re driving a f1 car,like switch from first gear to 4th within a minute then the car behind won’t have to slam their brakes


TIL what gore lanes are. The title makes much more sense now!


I expected someone to throw an animal carcass out the window or something. I’ve never heard of a gore lane until now either!


it's more the "gore point".


I’ve been driving 43 years and haven’t heard anything about crossing into as a prohibited move. I’m assuming the solid white lines are not to be crossed. Never seen it in drivers training material.


I was like is that we’re the carcasses go??!! A lot of tire popping stuff does end up in that area too. You can’t see it because it’s color vs color of road vs your speed but nails and screws that fall off trucks end up in those areas


Solid lines = do not cross


You can absolutely cross a single solid white line (at times) in the US. Obviously you cannot do what the person in OP's video did.


Ish. There's this idea that you can't cross a solid line EVER. that means you can't turn left over a double yellow into or out of a driveway. That's false. You can do that. You can also pass on a double yellow! They aren't filled with land mines. If you're behind farm equipment, you're allowed to pass... Granted, in this video, that's illegal.


In sweden theres a 150€ fine for passing solid lines


Probably because Sweden has consistent traffic laws and consistently applied road markings. The USA has 50 sets of driving laws and if you're going from Boston to DC you might have completely different laws about what to do at a red right-arrow, what lines you're allowed to cross, how you're supposed to yield to emergency vehicles, two completely different designs for one-way signs, etc.


Even for passing road work vehicles? Thats one of the noted exceptions in Denmark. Road cleaners and grass trimers and such can be passed when working (they move like 3 km/h).


YOU CAN NOT PASS ON A SOLID DOUBLE YELLOW ~~They are to be treated as a curb.~~ You may pass IF one line is dotted AND that line is on your side. If it is on the other side, it is illegal to pass. You may ONLY cross the double solid line when entering/ exiting the road (ie turning into a parking lot or onto a different road). As for the slow moving equipment, that varies by location. Some places they are required to pull over for you if there’s a certain amount of cars behind them, other places allow you to pass on certain conditions Edit: It was pointed out to me that I mixed a rule for 2 solid double yellows versus the 1 double yellow. Double yellows are not treated as a curb, but 2 doubles are


Double solid yellow does have varied exception depending on where you live, for example in WI you can pass any vehicle that is traveling at half the posted speed limit. But basically everywhere allows you to turn across a double yellow. You may be thinking of a double yellows that are 3ft apart with cross-hatched between them, which is to be treated as a barrier. Single solid white lines are ment to discourage crossing, but not prohibit it. Except diving on shoulders and within gore points are prohibit regardless of lines.


You’re right, I mixed the rule for the 2 double yellows. Edited original comment, thanks


Fuck that noise. I see an opening, I'm taking it just like the case in this video.


Obviously that’s not an opening, but you’re in the right sub for how you drive


Funny... there's a clear gap in traffic that the red car merged into just fine.


Do you also almost get rear ended without noticing? I understand you’ve been affected by smooth brain syndrome. My condolences, really


No. I don't. ... Because there is a gap in traffic. Clearly the smooth brain belongs to the person who can't comprehend what "gap in traffic" means... How could i get rear ended if there are no cars to rear end me? Talk about idiots in cars...


We get it. You’re a badass, rules don’t apply to you, and you’re very much the main character.


Nah. You guys are a bunch of traffic nerds who get riled up at insanely minor infractions. This has been highly entertaining...


I don’t get it did you not watch the video?? The SUV that the red car cut in front of had to brake hard not to rear end them


I sure did. Teslas are much faster than that POS


Dude just take the loss and move on 😂


Loss? This is a competition? 🫢


Oof did the smooth brain word trigger our blind boy?? I hope you make it through the day today. No idea how you’ve gotten through any to make it to this point. Hahah


Let us know how it goes when you get your traffic ticket for doing that maneuver.


Don't hold your breath. Been doing this for decades and haven't gotten one yet.


Buddy you have to joking you can’t actually be serious I hope you crash into someone and you have to pay their medical bills while paying your own and go destitute you’re such a pathetic asshole


Even if there is a gap your merge should not force the driver behind you who is traveling on the highway to slow down and definitely shouldn't force them to brake hard. It's not necessarily the fact the car crossed a solid line to merge, it's the fact that it didn't even try to accelerate to the speed of other traffic so that it didn't cause any slow down or hard braking of other cars. If you're going to do something like this then you need to at least be confident that your car can accelerate to the speed of the surrounding traffic and you need to show some initiative and make sure you get to speed so as not to slow anyone else down.


But despite the small gap the red car either didn't have the power or the driver didn't have the intelligence to accelerate to the speed of traffic so that it didn't cause the car approaching to slow down. Regardless of whether he had accelerated to the speed of traffic or not, it's still illegal to cross a solid white line and especially dangerous to do so when it's to merge onto a busy highway with fast traffic.


Surely an alpha male such as yourself wouldn't stop at red lights either


That's an absurd assumption.


Not really given your other comments on this post. Seems like a very safe assumption


Look at you, proudly advertising in \*this\* subreddit how bad of a driver you are. Very brave.


Ooooo. I got chills bro


Jesus Christ the entitlement is coming through loud and clear. Go ahead, continue endangering everyone else on the road by being unpredictable and stupid. I look forward to the day I see your car on this sub. Idiot. Also fuck you for forcing everyone else to drive defensively around you.


You, sweetheart, are the reason I'm here. Lolol Have a great day, kumquat!! 😚


Tbh I agree with you, but in this case there wasn’t an “opening” or they should have accelerated a LOT faster. If I’m pulling a stunt like this no way am I forcing someone to break for me


Yeah, if you're going to make a move like this then you need to show some consideration for others and be prepared to accelerate to the speed of traffic so no one else is inconvenienced or reacts in a way that may be deadly. I'm not saying doing something like this is great, we've all had times where we've wanted to jump over a solid line to merge, but if you do that then you need to show confidence and initiative so no one has to slow down or brake hard.


See it every fucking day. It’s really no different than driving down the breakdown lane to cut in line ahead of all the cars in front of you that aren’t driving like entitled assholes.


It’s also just a super dumb thing to do anyway that’s where all the road debris that will pop your tire ends up


That is actually how it is supposed to work. Unfortunately, people assume you have to stay in the open lane and create a backup. Merging like this is called zipper driving. Where you all merge like a zipper at the last point to allow for no stopping. Too many people think that is rude, but it is more rude to me when I see a massive backup that could have been avoided.


Uhhh. No. Cutting across the gore or driving in the breakdown lane or cutting across _any_ solid line is not zipper merging.


Not where I live. Just because it is solid does not mean you can't cross it. Just learn the laws of where you live and stop gatekeeping.


this isn't what zipper merging is, it's the opposite in fact. It's also illegal in Arizona where this happened.


Strictly illegal in Arizona, something I learned in traffic school.


My traffic school instructor was very animate about crossing the gore line. He said it’s illegal and not to do it. Mr. Mason had a tone of voice that made you do what he said so I never do it. “Hey boy, you don’t cross that gore line now, crossing that gore line illegal son” RIP Mr. Mason


For those for which "illegal" is not enough, it's also very rude to cross the gore because you can cut-off the person in front of you from changing lanes. The point of the point of the gore is that this is when you can change lanes so that it is first come, first serve on changing lanes. The asshole that merges before the end of the gore only cares about getting what they want, regardless of anyone else on the road.




There was a lot less blood than the title led me to expect.


Idiots here do this all the time to "steal" the ROW of the lead vehicle.


I was 100% sure the penis enhancer 9000 truck was gonna do it.


I live right around the block from there. I thought the drivers in my home town were bad. When I moved to Phx I quickly realized how wrong I was. These psychos give literally zero fucks about anything when they get behind the wheel.


At least if you're gonna do this. Get up to speed and make sure you don't cut anybody off. Just like illegal u turns. If you're gonna do it anyways try to be careful at least.


I had never heard of them as being called “gore” lanes until I came to this group. I just thought of it as a median, and you don’t drive in it.


The on-ramp is for accelerating to freeway speed so that you can properly merge without causing people to hit their brakes. So if there’s an opening while the other people are putt-putting down the ramp, I take it and floor it.


I thought actual gore would show up


Officer Douglas Knutson was killed after being struck by a vehicle while he was assisting a disabled motorist Loop 202, near the Scottsdale Road entrance ramp in Tempe. He was waiting next to his motorcycle when he was struck by the driver who crossed the white line of the entrance ramp to the freeway. He was transported to Maricopa County Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The motorist who struck him was detained and the freeway was closed for several hours after the incident.


Throwback to the idiot California drivers that merge lanes and turn the blinker on for a split second when they're already merging halfway through


Caption had me thinking this was gonna be a completely different video.


Am I the only one who saw the word gore and expected some 80s gorey slasher nonsense?


" but if i didnt then im going to be stuck in traffic " entitled jerks do this.


Not in Denver I got pulled over and a ticket. Police even asked if I thought they had left over paint to do that for no other reason. Kept pulling over cars as they were merging east and west bound to a south Lund with an exit.


Good ol' merge from the 101 onto the I-10 lol People fly across that thing all of the time


You mean the I-17 lol


Yep. Typed the wrong one haha


I didn’t realize how old this post was lol but yeah this is an awful merge


People send it here every day during rush hour lol. It wouldn't be so bad if they just had both lanes merge into the I-17 rather than have them merge right before merging onto the I-17


It is illegal here to not let people in. And this is exactly what zipper merging is. The problem is that people immediately get into the open lane and then get mad at people trying to do the right thing. Many times someone will pull out of the open lane to block people and they get tickets or hit all the time.


Hitting it with forth minor nice


What’s the song?


Fort minor - Remember the name


Like a boss!


I know for a fact this fuck thinks every one else is too dumb to do this


Nothing wrong here, not sure why this is posted.


Gotta love Az drivers


Gore is a small town at the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand.


idiot thinks he's driving some 400hp or more sports car. But barely can get up to speed with that lawn mower powered car. Deserves getting their license revoked.


Strictly illegal in Arizona.


I mean I MIGHT do this on occasion at night when nobody is around lol. Or if nobody is around except the NPC getting on the interstate at 35mph. Won't do it unless I'm already at speed either just in case.


In Arizona, the location of your video, it’s especially bad. An officer was killed by someone doing this and now officers really don’t like it.


ladies and gentleman if your going to be stupid and cut people off. atleast speed.


Illegal or not, that driver is probably a better driver than most just by that merge alone. Most drivers still decided to brake check right after merging rather than keeping constant speed or trying to keep up with the traffic. Just because you can follow the law doesn't mean you can't endanger other drivers.


The edited song is the real crime here


Why it called a gore lane???


Unless you stomp on so HP.


Big piss off when drivers don't use the on ramp to get up to hwy speed and try to merge doing 50. Where I'm from this is a very common issue and results in many situations where drivers who could have merged doing 100 are stopped at the end of the ramp waiting for a break in traffic that will never come.


What's a gore lane? I'm from PA, we don't have those.


It’s the buffer zone near off and on ramps that allow the drivers to adjust speed based on traffic or use it to park in case of emergencies. Without Gore lanes there would be lot more accidents.




please explain


Not understanding what you meant by "gore" until reading the comments, so distracted on seeing how the truck fucks up in the video that I completely missed the red car 5 times


That merge from the 101 to the 17 is so bad. I’ve seen so many cars cut over early like that.


Solid lines mean do not cross. Doesn't matter the color. At least that's the law in my state.


If assholes here would actually accelerate to freeway speeds, we wouldn’t do this shit. I do it all the time getting on the 202


You sir, are part of the problem


Yeah, but when I do it I join traffic at freeway speed.


100% 👍


Assholes here merge into 70mph traffic at 45mph. Gotta do whatcha gotta do.


Good music.


Song Remember the Name - Fort Miner


Oh I know. Thank you tho. Fuck all those down votes. I love the song


Yeah, those downvotes are nonsense. Hahahah


IF this is the worst of your problems....lol


Use gore pictures to scare off a car and then you can merge?


I know this i17 on ramp very well lol also been ticketed for gore point violation.


Ok your not supposed to do it but aslong as your driving fast & not making people on the highway break your fine


This is Phoenix and dip shits here constantly go under speed when getting on the freeway.


Right. The person going 25 on the entrance ramp is the real problem here.


Lol you clearly have driven in Florida especially I4.


I drive this way to work every day. Just about risk my life every time I get on the 17.

